Knight Errant: My Peace is Not for Barter

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[Applause] all right [Music] Mastery is being still when the masses hurl themselves toward a new deceit courage is a rare currency the errant is a pillar of Silence amidst the chorus of screaming Souls all seeking in another the security that is found only Within to the dark all things are shadow but the immortal knows that hell is is what has happened not a place the wicked go the pit is what we've climbed out of not a future torment the dead sleeping Crips called chapels their prayers the groans of zombies seeking Treasures of reward though their works are of trash that have stained their congregations the errant is an anomaly watched by the eyes of the sky that ever wonder it's so unpredictable a sliver of divinity a cavalier the armor of life not suffering the dead to pass though all the world shall rage against you they shall not but crash upon the barrier this divide of the soul that even archons cannot preach be the pillar of divinity amidst the hordes of the Dreamscape the masses pretending they matter by the multitudes of their voices wailing banshees whose names are not found in the book night errant every minute of every day is valuable borrowed a currency that cannot be exchanged nor brought back guard against the undead who carry with them and energy that seems to sap the very life out of us psychic vampires we have all allowed these husks to Rob us of time of resources in life the armies of the Dead are distracting ghosts without substance psychic vampires are personalities vibrating at such dissonance from ourselves that we feel their negativity it's palpable and if endured too long they can disarm even the mighty of soul these are souls that are toxic full of baggage spiritual Venom that lures Us in with the desire to save to be altruistic or even run away our reality is already a negative default mode and those in resonance with this saturated spiritual Darkness far outnumber those wrapped in positive armor but we do we do not owe these Souls our attention you are not obligated to drink another's poison the night errant knows the effort to save others often steals our peace a distraction from the good that can be achieved elsewhere the errant enchantress knows a friend or stranger having a bad day is not a psychic vampire they are a soul in need of encouragement Compassion or company this world is a cesspool of negativity of Darkness suffering a Purgatory Labyrinth where the Lost ever search for escapes they can never find for the rest of us in this struggle searching for the Divine in the dungeon hold of hate this Poverty of Truth we must be on guard against those who will buy their conduct injure our peace with their Discord this life is about our inner Journey our growth as an immortal torch passing through a cavern of corruption no relationship is worth the infection and there is no cure outside the infected that cannot be found within you are not appointed to save them from themselves in our Immortal walks some are ahead of others and there is no forcing of quantum leaps and those afraid to jump psychic vampires powerfully lure us into the material world away from the spiritual Universe from which we draw our power the errant needs no steak garlic salt or sunlight to slay these vacuous vampires these are the weapons of the world in the spiritual realm what you resist persists Let It Go sever the contagion in the malady is vanquished if someone's not ready to be saved you do them injury in the attempt here in archaics I do not suck with vampires if your energy is obvious the chaos of your being strumming the cords within my own I will move on or I will move you my peace is not for barter if it isn't pleasantries we're exchanging then expect an exorcism this is the inheritance of all who've passed across the sticks to come back one more time to this infernal swamp and pull one more soul to the shore if I start with all right all right all right all right all right foreign