Laughing at the Dark: The Sh*t Show Must Go On

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foreign let's do that audio check and turn this phone off for people all right audio was good thank you Chloe that'll work thank you guys for joining me before we get into the meat and potatoes you know you know I'm gonna delay a little bit to let more people catch on I've been doing a lot of our lives on on the weekdays today is a little change of pace Fearless Vic haven't seen you in a while yes the picture is Forrest Gump the face is mine kind of makes you wonder just how easy it is to show the public exactly what you want to show them pretty easy guys let's see here that's a lot of that's a lot of cups of coffee Pamela please smash that like button so I was messing around in my shop listening to anybody who was doing a live presentation that just popped up on my feed I went ahead and listened to him for a while yesterday I stayed on dark journalists for about an hour I engaged in the chat pretty good stuff he and I are very different come from very different perspectives and and we would and we naturally just disagree on things but that's okay it was still a good video he did I'm looking at I'm just looking over at the chat then somebody sent me an email said that Russell Brand started one of his videos out with uh saying the word samalakra and somalacrum you guys know him country boy version Central East Texas it's going to be similacrum to the day I die but he mentioned that in the first opening statement of his video I will admit to you guys I didn't know anything about Russell Brand I've never listened to him I listened to that whole presentation him and another guy mainly him though cracked me up yeah he he I'll be checking him out more often I just uh I listen to YouTube videos as background in uh noise as I'm doing things with my hands so yeah yeah I like his take cynical sarcastic smart ass that's my that's my thing I like it I'm not wearing that shirt today I think I wore that in my last video and somebody asked me what the what what was my CIA meaning to that shirt so man get off of it hey YouTube education has really ruined a lot of people we're gonna get into that in this video we're going to separate fact from fiction because a lot of this crap that's passing off as fact is totally absolutely laughable and it just takes a little deductive reasoning no special intelligence on my part I don't have it nor nor am I formally educated by the process of elimination you know we could we can go we can play Watson to uh to a Sherlock Holmes and we can basically ascertain what's real from the imagined in the news pretty easy to do actually we'll get to that in this video just checking out I slowed the chat down because it's been getting faster and faster with the more participants so I slowed it to 60 seconds no one's no one's blocking any of you it's just the chat speed it's been lowered to 60 Seconds you can make a comment every 60 seconds and still it's going pretty fast so I don't know post a little bit on Facebook my very first post back on Facebook was uh I'm talking about my original account my very first Facebook account for some reason it was unlocked the same day that I was talking stupid about Facebook in a video two days ago I was talking bad about Facebook and in a uh in a presentation just two days ago on the same day I got an email for Facebook man I clicked on to it my my account was unlocked go figure that one out my very first comment was oh Zuck is gonna regret this I'll give a damn about Facebook I really don't yeah we got some new members to the family news we got some new Subs I appreciate you guys I've been looking in the comment section I know some of you have been helping them out they come straight into archanges and they think they're fixing to dive into something and they hit that wall you all been walking them through that wall trying to find a portal it's a lot of information it's a lot to take in go down No Doubt yeah Nino and I are going to do a part two I I'm I'm I I have no doubt I I just have no doubt that he's probably received several emails from people that are very alarmed because uh well you guys will understand by the end of this video there should be some people in the truther community that should be offended by the video that I did with Nina Nino basically because of what I said but I stand behind everything that I say I'm not taking no retractions I'm not taking anything back just like I don't take my videos now so now it's some things need to be said now whether whether people that are offended are a part of the guilty party that remains to be seen but we have we have a lot of problems we have a lot of problems with I have problems you guys might not but I have problems with with people that appear in social media not just YouTube but you're going to you're going to claim that you have special connection you have special intel from uh I can say it no other way your Handler so you have you have somebody in I mean there's a whole bunch of them that do this that they uh they have I mean these might be great guys and I told you know I believe that there are Patriots and their hearts are in the right place but but it's bigger than that I mean I know I've watched Michael Jacob videos I've watched Charlie Ward videos Simon parks videos Mel K videos these are people that claim to have special information they've got information coming from a higher source that's giving them and they're giving us these these these Intel drops you know I quit listening to all of them a long time ago but uh and they're they're and then there's a second tier that belongs to this to this this uh information infrastructure this conduit that's coming from higher up where it's coming from I don't know but then again I do we'll get to that in this video so we have we have this situation where we have Patriots people that by the people that love other humans there's I'm not taking that from them I'm not taking the fact that they love their countries they love their Nation they know they love other people they love their families they would not willingly deceive anybody that is not my issue that's not what I'm trying to convey I believe these people are genuine Patriots no oh but that doesn't that doesn't take away from the fact that they're also passing off as as fact many things that have now been proven to be fiction or shown to be shown to be fictions so I understand I'll come up under attack probably by a lot of people in the truth or Community but I've never given a damn I've been a fighter all my life and will continue to do so till the day I die whether it's next Tuesday or 40 years from now I'm always going to speak my mind and I'm going to tell the truth as I perceived it this is what I've always done in all my videos but we have the situation of people who claim to have inside sources and that's okay I believe they do I don't believe any of them are making this stuff up I mean off the top of their head not at all I believe they're Patriots I believe their hearts are in the right place and I believe that an intelligence apparatus needs that requires that in order to put out the information that they put out they got to have it people people are basically intelligent they're not going to fall for some BS therefore if you have something that you want people to believe in it must be presented intelligently there's all there's all kinds of different figures and methods by which to accomplish such a thing and one of them is these Intel drops but people are not going to readily accept information that's that's given to them without a lot of scrutiny without disbelief without some some type of verification in the intelligence apparatuses they use these these modes of communication they know this as well and this is why multiple different individuals all have handlers that are giving them various pieces of data they are not told how these pieces of information fit together they're not even told that what they're given is a piece of information and not all the whole construct they're just given what they're given because higher up the chain of intelligence the whole picture is known that's wanting to be foisted upon the people but it's got to be it's got to be disassembled and filtered down to the very individuals who claim in social media to have this inside information they receive this inside information they have it neatly packaged and they give it away they get interviewed by genuine people who have no inside information genuine people who just interview them and many other people trying to put all put together all these pieces of what's going on that's where the real deceit begins but it's not the fault of the people that are interviewing them they're the victims too these people who are acting as conduits putting out all this information from their inside uh sources they get verified by pieces of Intel that are dropped by other people in the intelligence agency agencies know they they understand the framework of the human mind you cannot put together an entire framework an intellectual property and put it together and hand it to somebody and have them believe it people are naturally uh suspicious of everything they hear therefore you let them constructed themselves you put out the pieces let them build the picture this is a very old method and it still works today absolutely it's an absolutely perfect way to pass information to the people and make the people uh have an emotional investment in it because it was their Discovery they weren't told this they got this piece and this piece and this piece and put and put this picture together and then two weeks later this event happened in the news this event happened in the news and this event happened in the news and it comports with the pieces that were put together therefore we conclude the Intel is correct but on the obverse high up in the intelligence chain those news events unfolded because they too are a part of the intelligence apparatus do you see what I'm building here nothing in our world is actually real almost all the events on the world stage are just that staged are they really happening do people die man are there invasions of course is it all pre-planned absolutely listen let's go ahead and keep this narrative going let's go ahead and make sure that the media keeps it Hollywood in the media keeps this giant rocks flying through space narrative going movies uh the occasional article in nature magazine the one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed scientific periodicals in the world discover magazine let's keep this every once in a while two or three times a year let's push this real hard game back off back off Don't Force It on the people subliminal implantation yeah people know people know there's rocks in space yeah what a rocks in space do oh they become meteorites when they enter the atmosphere what do meteorites do if they're the right size well they destroy stuff let's keep this narrative going because you never know there may be two or three cities we need to take out real quick keep that narrative going oh Things become a problem with the truth or with the truth or Community or the things can become a problem with our inability to move fast enough to change the internet well let's keep that solar flare solar flare and X flare narrative going every once in a while let's publish something let's put another movie out let's do a 21 series documentary uh television documentary and mixed facts with fiction let's just keep it on the public mind they know they know if the internet ever goes down we can always blame the solar flare we can always keep that narrative in place you never know when we're going to need it oh let's go ahead and fund Hollywood and throw our intelligence apparatus and make sure that at least once a year somewhere in the world somebody's making an alien invasion uh deal but let's put just enough elements of religiosity in each one of these presentations just in case the religious right doesn't want to believe it we can switch over to invasion of demons you know we can do both at the same time because you know those Christians will believe that so these these are just narratives that are put out there they are they are all they are all just vehicles of this massive apparatus that controls the Human Condition this is what's been going on for a while now I've been asked a lot of things about a lot of different things about different topics in The Patriot the truth truth of her movement to him but I've avoided those with the plague it's not it's not something I really my message is about the Phoenix my message is about we're living in two different realities and no matter how bad the world gets your own personal existence around you can be modified and controlled and can be really good no matter how dark the world is your life can still be full of joy can still be full full of pleasure can still be full of good Bountiful things you are not a victim of the world you are a victim of your own projections so if you uh if you assume as true all the projections the world puts out for you to receive and you reflect those back into the the neutral field of the similacrum then I assure you the similacrum has more than enough power source to reflect those back as conditions of your life you do it to yourself so I'm not a participant in that this is why the Phoenix phenomenon in the upcoming apocalypse is not harrowing to me at all at all but it is to the elite it is because they have the historical records that I have been able to piece together only some and yet still provide you a mathematical contract that shows perfectly that in mid-may of the Year 2040 the Phoenix phenomenon is going to be here but are the Elite going to wait till 2040 hell no hell no by 2036 they will be hermetically sealed in their Subterranean luxury Cavern uh uh deep Earth biosphere facilities you can bet that by until 2036 we're playing their game until they're ready that's what all of this is about everything every news even every news item everything in the world is about the preparation of the Phoenix phenomenon but it's not it's not for the masses to figure this out and they basically assuage their their pangs of guilt by the very fact that they've already revealed everything about the Phoenix phenomenon in hundreds of presentations and movies and books and they've done all that and I'm pretty sure that some of them look down and say hey man there's nothing more we can do for them we can't save everybody because I am also of the opinion that not all the elite or evil people ask me about Donald Trump I'm very I'm very recalcitrant to talk about it I am a patriot I'm a Texan I'm American I love the Conservative Republican party I love what they stand for that makes me an anomaly because I was surrounded by democrats and liberals almost my entire life at a prison cell but that's who I am I I love the ideals I love the Constitution of the United States of America I love the pledge of the Pledge of Allegiance but I will tell you this I do not love our politicians but that's by Design so when people ask me hey man what do you feel about Donald Trump I'm very recalcitrant about answering that I'm very I don't I'm standoffish because it you're going to misconstrue what I'm saying but I'm going to go and say it in this video because I'm past the point of no return I don't care anymore it's a like I said in my last video I don't give a damn YouTube cancels my channel I will migrate to another platform and I will speak things as they need to be spoken to the day I die so whatever happens whatever happens happens I don't care when it comes to Donald Trump I think he's a good guy however like so many people in positions of power he's caught up in a bad way let me explain imagine you're sitting in Trump Tower one day and three guys wearing black suits in a Tash AK or in a briefcase come in and they're introduced by a receptionist as being some some government government agency that you just barely even have any recognition of existing and have no idea why they're there You Usher them in they tell you straight out hey man we have a rendezvous we need we need you to be at this location at this time right here man we can't talk about anything in this office this is not a secure location so he meets them later on and whatever and he is shown a video presentation in that video presentation is about 40 minutes but it's an abbreviated presentation that shows exactly what what the elite are are expecting to happen and he's offered hey man we've got we've got plans in place we've been working on things for a long time we are all on board all around the world everyone every government in the world is on board and we're all we're all picking and choosing our lists if you want to be a part of that list we we need you to play ball listen 99.9 of every world leader politician actor and actress social media social media Guru uh whatever when they get confronted by these guys and they're shown that evidence and then they're shown what's being done then they're taking the underground facilities and shown the luxury palaces and in pancake cities facilities that will hold hundreds of thousands of people spread all over the world when they're shown this there's no going back now they're a part of the system and they have to play ball and they're handed a script that script determines what they're going to be doing in the public eye multiple scripts being played out by so many different people or why the world seems so strange why in the last three years everything has gone gone basically to [\h__\h] no one knows what the hell's happening there's way too many timelines too many narratives and this is exactly what an intelligence apparatus would do it's precisely what would be done if you wanted to keep a mass of individuals preoccupied there are so many narratives there's no one knows what to believe and because we have a natural biological tendency to compartmentalize the information that we receive it is easy to choose paradigms and then filter out everything else that doesn't comport with what we decided that we believe listen guys the elite know us way better than we know ourselves they've been doing this for a very long time I told you guys and the evidence is getting even more and more overwhelming that the elite made a mistake in nineteen well in 1891 to 1899 to 1901 they made a mistake they knew the Phoenix year was 1902 they knew the phenomenon was going to happen they understood this perfectly they got the timeline down pat we've seen the evidence of this but somewhere in history they've miscalculated and they thought it was going to be a big one and it wasn't I've documented most of the phenomena that I found but you guys have sent me a lot more in emails especially some of these a fantastic old posters that were floating around you guys send me some really good stuff I'm gonna end up put I'm gonna put them on I'm gonna I can't put them on YouTube some of them I can't because of what they address but uh uh yeah this is a thank you for that 1080. well you guys killed me 1380 1080 2178 I got all kinds of donations of magic numbers Phoenix numbers yeah man uh so anyway thank you guys for those donations of course they help there's no doubt you guys know they do um I think Trump is a great guy I think he's a guy who wants to protect his family he's a patriot he loves the United States of America can't stand liberal ideals cancer so he was perfect to approach but of course when he has shown his options what do you think he's gonna do that doesn't make him a bad guy because he wants to save his own life he wants to save the life of his friends and maybe he was even allowed to put some some of his I mean his family but maybe he was even allowed to put some of his closer friends on the list as well and they were given roles and that's why they suddenly appeared in politics when they were just formally nothing but but friends of trump listen guys it's that way all the way this this guy this guy over here that's that's a that's a former actor that's I don't even I don't want to mention that what's going on the other side other side of the pond but you guys get it every there until the world's a stage they're all playing roles even even the Democrats socialists that have been doing stupid [\h__\h] passing all these laws they're playing by a script I'm gonna get into that too in this video that script is very definitive and it's going in in a certain direction now do I believe that my videos are very closely monitored and watched yes because I believe there's factions within the elite and they're very curious too because I know that my isometric analysis and my update sequence Predictive Analytics they've been proven right over and over and over and over and over and over and I have shown in my predictions list and you guys are sending me emails and making comments in the comment section all the time of which predictions are coming true and now everybody's seeing that these predictions that they were laughing at me about 18 months ago when I made them are coming to pass inverted rapidly when the Socialists and the Democrats were at the height of power January 11th 12th and 13th last year when Trump was removed right after Trump was removed from office they were at the height of their power and yet here I am releasing videos explaining to you that you guys don't understand they're about to get taken down and fast well the takedown has begun it's all we're in it right now and it's going to build over and over because it's by Design every bit of this is a part of the script remember I've told you many times guys that events in the collective are a part of the holography they're already scripted events in the personal are not and this is where the elite have no power it is the events in the collective of an errant somebody who is going against the system ungoverable intelligences that's who we are we are anomalies and don't you think for a second that we're not studied because we can't be predicted just like me I've got no absolutely no inkling Within Me of self-preservation if I did I wouldn't be making these videos I don't this is an avatar and when it's gone I'm gonna move on to a better place as simple as that there's there's no there's no way around that there's absolutely no fear of dying when I know that dying only refers to to a programming Avatar that doesn't even belong to the real me anyway so having said all that we're going to get deep in this video we're going to get deep in this video already kind of got deep in 27 minutes but we're gonna go a little further I'm going to look at some of these comments before we carry on 588 likes out of 1250 people do I really have over 500 haters in the chat really I know my haters are listening to me they can't get views without hating on me and that's a compliment thank you guys I see about 105 50 of you just hit that like button quick thank you let me look at these give me some water I didn't mean to me to get so dramatic early in this video because some of the things we're talking about in this video are going to be very comical they are Life Is Life is a comedy I'll be going on again I haven't even got back with him and if they're listening I apologize I I put I put their email in a special file uh Dr Barry and uh alphabetic I'll be I'll be going on back with him they invited me back and yeah I'll go talk to them again I like those guys just been real busy but but uh I have them on my to-do list also the UK predictions I have to do why because I was paid to do it you know I need to do that anyway because I'm really curious now now with this prime minister uh the second prime minister of the Year being removed like that yeah it's time for me to go ahead and do some UK predictions because I need to see if the UK predictions are going to filter over over onto anything that's happening in Asia right now and especially in North America I'd be very curious because I'm still seeing that like I like I predicted I predicted like 15 months ago that you guys in Canada are going to see some amazing things it's going to be a rapid fire series of events so yeah it's gonna be a takedown thank you let's see oh I just seen Canada in the chat oh there's Square Pig one of my moderators there's Pamela I haven't seen yeshiva's name yet but I haven't really been looking at the chat either I don't like to really like to uh in the in the big Studio Matt's Matt's uh installing like track lights and stuff you know the track lighting on the ceiling where you can move the lights in directional lighting I told us we got a real professional studio uh put it together Matt's almost done I ordered a bunch of uh sound proofing panels in the furniture and bookshelves already got a bunch of books in there 1300 people in the chat that's good I don't know if this is a good time for everybody I think I think in Australia and New Zealand this is like night time isn't it I know they're way across the drink on the other on the back side yeah the show with Nina was great uh Nino was very genuine at the very end after he turned the camera off I've returned the whole recording off and all that I mean he paid me he paid me a compliment I don't want to say exactly what he said because it because I don't want to offend those who who he's already uh he's done some good shows with before in the past but he paid me a really a hell of a compliment invited me back for several more shows we're scheduled November 1st but he's going to throw that video on his channel today or tomorrow the week he told me the weekend but if you don't want to wait you're impatient shoot just go to it's on bit shoot if you can't see it on bit shoot everybody can see it on uh before it's it's there oh I'm just looking 10 p.m in the Netherlands huh okay exiled one I would not go by the ancient Hebrew calendar I would totally ignore that garbage totally ignore that garbage in my chronicon I cite the source but rabbis after the Barca Rebellion they specifically changed the Hebrew calendar dating because they did not want the Christians to use the the mathematical prophecies that are outlined in the Book of Daniel to show that Jesus may have been the Messiah so they changed they changed the Hebrew calendar about 134 years and this rebellion was 134 B uh A.D channel to many but this this has been documented it's nothing I'm making up and the the anytime somebody cites this is the Jewish year such and such or this is the Hebrew chronology year such and such it's all Bs and do the actual rabbin it know that it's BS of course they do how do we know because we have people like Emmanuel the uh velikovski and we have uh the professor teal who wrote mysterious numbers of the Hebrew Kings and several others like Moses Miami 90s and Rashi we have these these men have published the exact dates that are absolutely correct for like the birth of Abraham and the date of the flood and the date of The Exodus 1447 BC Abraham uh 1947 BC and the great flood 2239 BC and there's no way they could have done that using the publicized Hebrew calendar so yeah I show all this in my chronic con there are levels of Deceit you can't believe almost anything in modern publishing levels of Deceit so yeah I cover my news items uh Nino videos on Before It's News uh yeah dark journalist and I man we I appreciate his material I listened to it I was in the chat for over an hour but uh we we're gonna have a real problem a real fundamental chronological issue but as far as as far as his message goes oh yeah he's great dark journalist is great as far as chronology goes super super big problem with anything dated at 10 800 BC even all the falsified information Academia is putting out about God Blakey TP yeah it's not that old so there's a lot there's a lot there's a lot of misinformation being put out there but it's cool I understand a lot of people don't go into the chronological depth that I do when I'm doing my historical analysis and that's cool it's cool there's a lot there's a lot of Scholars that know the truth and they're silenced but but the ones that took the party line are the ones that get published is the ones you guys read about so yeah there's one there's a bunch of them total crap research but gets published all the time oh other announcement was uh I'm sorry for the delay guys I had a delay because I had to buy a special piece of hardware for the new super Pacs because the super Pacs are on 32 gigabyte drives that can be put in your phone put in your tablet putting your laptop put in your computer or just save for the future in case anything ever happens to my channel but 50 5800 pages of data arcades data all my all my published books all my unpublished books all 350 something of my charts every bit of chronicorn all chronicon supplemental materials uh everything I can't even I can't even think of all the different images and all and it's 5 800 Pages total but it's a it fits on the little 32 gigabyte SD chips but I had to buy a special little device that that converted the data from my laptop straight on to the SD chips so those are kind of late I'm sorry some of y'all four or five days late in mailing those out but the whole stack was sent out it's gone excuse me heads and always sneeze twice I sneeze rarely but when I do it's always twice let's see here change change in the season pine needles are all over my property I'm burning them every night pollens in the air it's all over my vehicle terrible I gotta keep my bike covered but my bike cover gets buried in this resin that's coming off these trees not the pine trees the pine trees drop pine pollen and pine needles but I have some other type of trees and they they shrivel at the end of the year and as they're shriveling every night they just rain this sap this gummy stuff all over my van and my motorcycle it's I don't know it's what it's water soluble but if you until you wash it off it's gummy it's real thick I don't like it I don't like it probably gonna end up having to get a a vehicle cover because I don't need them I don't need them messing off my my vehicles oh Shiva I've seen Shiva and JJ Recon I got I got some more uh moderators here that's good let's get back to this video I'll put my email so I my chat YouTube just shot my chat up to see who that was somebody's asking me how to contact me I'll put my email in in the pinned comment it'll be the very first thing in the pin comedy I used to put my email in every single video and you can literally go to any old video my first 250 videos any of those videos my emails and every single one of those but I'm not gonna lie last 120 videos or something I haven't I don't think I've put my email in but a couple of them I just don't I just got overwhelmed which is why I brought Matt I brought Matt in full time okay so get back to this 13 we got 1 333 people in the chart in the chat 34 people 882 likes that's acceptable I do appreciate that guys one thing one thing you'll have to notice is that the progression of events that have happened in the past three years is not natural it's not like all the events that preceded them let me give you an example many of you are my age I'm 49. many of you are in your 50s and 60s and you remember the 70s 80s 90s you remember how events just naturally unfolded you just remember they had a trajectory to them like oh okay they reported this about Russia on this day and then it would take weeks or so before mainstream media come out and gave you a lot more information and then two or three days would pass and then you get a lot more information it's not like that now it's almost as if artificially we're being just just blitzkrieged and and with all kinds of information and so much of it is ambiguous that it's almost as if the design is for us to interpret it the way we want to interpret it so this is not natural there's nothing natural about this this suspension what I mean is is that although we have on the surface reports of all these different events these different event trajectories going in the news in all different directions we get the we have the feeling in the past three years that it's all just a vast long delay tactic every bit of it if we just filter through all of it and just remove all the particulars and just see what the effect of this is that's what it is exactly all these all this reporting going in different directions seems to be trying to stall for time so keeping that in mind there are many ridiculous things things that are so ridiculous that even the intelligent Observer is not fooled and you guys know what I'm talking about CGI replacing real people actors being being covered with CGI to mimic people that are no longer in the population where are they now you have you have something that we'll get into that in a minute there's a lot of people in the trigger community that believe that U.S military since these people over here to do something and I'm going to tell you it's [\h__\h] that is not happening that's a cover story for where those people are really going people have made deals and when they make deals when they play ball no matter how bad it looks for them in the public Arena no matter how they get scarred of no matter how evil the public perceives them to be no matter how bad the Court decisions and the and the criminal prosecution is against them they play ball therefore their contracts are honored when those contracts are honored they get to go where they agreed to go CGI actors matter so there's an explanation for all that but I'm often asked just over and over I'm asked even in the comment sections I'm asked all the time uh how come you sound like Q I don't understand why people even think that just because I'm an American Patriot you sound like cute you sound like I've never read a cute post don't even know where to find them but I don't care I've heard enough about it through all these people across the YouTube Escape that inside information from people delivering it to them so I I mean I'm I'm educated just as much as you are on that but the Q board the cue posts listen I want you to logically just step outside of yourself and when you step out of sight of yourself leave behind all that baggage that you call belief I know you think it's a part of who you are and who and you are leave it behind step outside yourself and try to be as objective as possible listen intelligence drops look just because something is predicted let's say it appears as a cue drop it's predicted in later Intel comes up that it was absolutely correct listen guys you were made to believe that that was that was a prediction there's no evidence that it was actually a prediction there's only evidence that you think it was a fulfilled prediction if I'm running an intelligence apparatus I'm going to make sure that when I drop information through my handlers knowing it's going to get to the guys that it needs to get to because they're going to be interviewed by the really innocent guys that are just trying to put all this together and that and that by deductive reasoning they're going to put a lot of this together but what they're putting together is exactly what I want them to construct here's the problem we have something can appear in an intelligence drop and then it manifests on the news that's not a prediction that's not a prediction at all that right there is two fingers from the same fist remember guys told you there are no intelligence agencies in the world that are not controlled by the military-industrial complex and there's no military industrial complex that's an enemy of another aspect of the military-industrial complex they're all in this together they're all in this together every bit of it all the upper echelons of of of the elite are all in this together so they control the world and they want to maintain that control and they have maintained that control through several resets but until now they have never been made to prepare for a reset that they know is gonna be a big one so this is they thought it was gonna be 1902 and I'm very curious as to why they they lost track of the chronology I'm curious I do think I do I've never said this on any of my videos but because of all the data that I recently divulged on what happened and was witnessed in the year 1763 that was a phoenix phenomenon related deck because the Phoenix date was 1764. but in 1763 massive amount of [\h__\h] went down and I revealed that in a recent video that one that one year disparity I'm wondering if the elite thought that maybe somewhere down through the centuries they'd lost a year so they thought 1901 was gonna be the big one not 1902 that makes a lot of sense to me based off what happened in 1901 and 1902. so anyway having said all that they now know that this is the big one they probably well I mean we've discovered so much too I mean since 19 the 1900s archaeologically there have been underground libraries that have been discovered all over the world and they're cuneiform their cuneiform libraries are you grant in red shamra uh I'm not talking about astrobanon pills that was discovered in the 1850s but now the the increase of information is phenomenal we still don't know what they found in in the in the Scrolls that haven't been published in the Dead Sea Scrolls and nor have we been told the total truth about everything that was found in the nag hamadi Library text so there I mean and there's and there's also the possibility of archaeological discoveries that have been made all around the world that have never been released to the public that we have no knowledge of so I don't know I don't know but it's a I don't know it's the whole cue deal is is it's foreign to me I have a note about it I'm gonna I mean somebody mentioned it here in in the chat but the true but truth be told there's no military apparatus in the entire world that's ever going to allow an intelligence agency to leak actionable Intel to the public that's ridiculous that anybody could sit there after thinking about that just for a few minutes and still agree that it's possible you're not you're not playing with a full dick there's something very wrong with your cognition you no one will ever allow genuine Intel to fall into the hands of the enemy if a person of average intelligence can decode the drops then so can the enemy the whole idea that insiders in the U.S military would employ such a method and and and not get caught instantly by an enemy basically employing counterintelligence uh uh reasoning it's just this requires a total suspension of belief it's the same allowance you give a movie theater when you go in and you decide to suspend your disbelief so you can enjoy the fantasy of the of the presentation it's the same thing there's no way an intelligence agency is going to release Intel drops so the public can know what this is our next move when this happens this is going to happen this has happened it's because of this when this happens right here it's because oh we're working behind the scenes doing this and this no all that is a script and at the and at the right times to foment the deception into continue the narrative to continue your belief in it they go ahead and have a news item drop that comports with with something that was said in a cue drop therefore it's fulfilled and even though 41 different items in the Q narrative never came to pass on in the time that they were supposed to all of a sudden this right here renews your faith in the entire construct this is an intelligence operation it's not it's not against an enemy it's against the people so gotta well gotta wise up guys gotta wise up I don't I do I I am not the only one to hold this position believe that and there's nothing else that makes sense to me I would love for it all to be true but there's no way in hell that the scientific and Military analysts of the United States military will ever release real Intel in a situation where an enemy could possibly get in possession of it you think the general public has decoders that are better than the cryptographers of foreign Nations then you're part then you're perfect for the cue psyop you're perfect for it does it make Trump a bad fellow absolutely not if you were put into his position and you were shown what what he and all the other other uh people that are playing playing their scripts were shown you would probably agree to it too so hell yeah I can take some of my friends I can take my whole family and me and at a pre at a at a predetermined time after you after you uh uh make it look like uh I fell prey to this or you had me locked up hell yeah I'm gone take me down there because it's luxury cities that have been prepared they're not they're not they didn't build holes in the ground they've been doing this for a while they got everything the surface world has jacuzzis and saunas and massage parlors they probably got casinos everything is down there believe that how do I know I don't but I do know in the isometric projections I have showed you guys that underground facilities the legislation was passed by Congress isometrically and I showed you hey look in the holography that runs our existence underground facilities would be funded by fleecing the American people with stimulus packages trillions of dollars of stimulus package which was which is needed to build the facilities now but on the opposite end of the spectrum I've showed you guys in my Predictive Analytics if you look at the if you look at the math here's the years way back in American history that perfectly holographically mirrored 2020 2021 in 2022 and these are the exact years when all this was planned in this Congressional legislation was passed over and over and over guys to show you the holography of our existence shows that every bit of this is scripted in the collective it is every bit of it so it's a the bad guys guys the bad the bad guys they're just not going to get Mo you can you can take that to the bank and nor has anyone in the truth or Community ever shown any evidence that prisoners are going to get Mo not even monkey Works has been able to show that all he's been able to show is Aviation and flight plans that can mean anything it doesn't mean uh that there is uh you know prisoners and the the the upticks in traffic to gitmo could be just regular you know Muslim and Pakistani terrorists that uh being prosecuted that are sent there he that he has never been able to show and even monkey Works would admit that never been able to show that actual people convicted of crimes in the United States of America have been sent to gitmo none it's a huge narrative in the truth of the truth or community but it's one that's kind of died out a lot you got to notice that with with those guys those guys don't they they seem to be on the same wavelength when to back off a narrative and when to empower another one they kind of work in tandem together I wonder why that is wonder why so like I said I believe all of them are genuine Patriots got a love for gotta love for people but they've got handlers if they claim they have Intel that is delivered to them by somebody else and they're revealing it to us then I'm telling you now those people have handlers and handlers get their information from someone else it's not theirs they deliver what they're told to deliver whatever dossier is provided to them to give to to pass on is given that's how it gets there guys sometimes I wonder if some of this isn't even thrown out for intelligent triers of fact to understand that yeah man listen it's all [\h__\h] it's all this is all [\h__\h] we don't want to tell you we're never going to come out and publicize this is all [\h__\h] but we've given you we've given you the material for you to ascertain that what we're presenting to you is absolute [\h__\h] which means there's something you need to figure out but you got to do it on your own yeah man you guys all think you've all you guys fall for another narrative I'm accusing many of you of falling for the narrative that all the elite are evil and terrible and all that and most of them might be but a lot of that also is narrative a lot of that is widely publicizing all these evil and nefarious things to get you to distrust them because that that layering that that buffer zone between the Common Man and the elite needs to be maintained because the elite have a secret they're going to catch out and they're going to leave us behind there can't be a lot of cross-contamination between between us this is why things are so compartmentalized this is why non-disclosure agreements are are are are done this is why plane crashes happened in certain individuals were eliminated and you know the and the ones who did it don't care about all the innocent people that were on board they needed to get rid of somebody who was given the opportunity to join them and refused it they can't live they can't have that information even if they signed a non-disclosure agreement they can't have that information they got to go so as long as people are people like me theorizing these things there's no threat whatsoever because me in 500 000 other me's could never change the fact that the Phoenix phenomenon will appear a little over 17 more years and by then 13 years from now the elite will be in her medically sealed bunkers away from all of this so it doesn't even matter open to I mean revealing all this stuff doesn't even matter anymore but the reason I say that I think that there are insiders who basically want us to know but they can't tell us look at Hollywood look at all the Hollywood presentations and television shows and comic books in actual fiction narratives and books that all reveal different aspects of the truth really really compelling materials a lot of guys have YouTube channels that are dedicated to something but putting this all together and I applaud them for that and they were allowed to do that that should tell you something then you have other truths in the truth or Community their entire Persona is a very definitive clue as to everything you're receiving is a part of the script and somebody a good guy somewhere wants you to figure it out I'm talking about in this instance Michael Jacko think about it for a minute an ex-cia operative has a YouTube channel boasting about being a CIA an xcia operative from everything I have read and understand and I could be wrong I've been wrong about other things before once you're once you're in the company you're in the company forever you're always an asset you're never not an asset to the Central Intelligence Agency once your CIA you're always CIA so who's Michael Jacko I believe he was CIA I believe he's a genuine Patriot which makes him the absolute perfect individual to to do soft disclosures by does that make you evil hell no he was probably approached by his own agency hey man you know what you you've retired which only means that you're not actively working but you're still on the you're still on on on on the list they can pull an asset back at any time but you know they probably approach it so hey check this out you're not really doing anything right now man we need a figurehead on social media that we need to be able to leak some pretty valuable Intel to without anybody really you know but somebody under the radar you know so so you know we need somebody like that oh hell yeah as long as it's not uh you know anti-American or anything I'm all down for it and you know I can understand I can see him doing that I could see him agreeing to that but I can also sing him setting himself up for the dissemination of misinformation that is mixed in with with the good Intel because that's what an intelligence apparatus would do you always establish a base of trust before you start adding in the lies so anyway have you said all I hope he doesn't get mad at me because I think he and Charlie Ward and Simon parks Mel K to an extent basically very good patriotic good my problem might have a problem with milking it's not to be discussed in this video I just feel that when you're talking bad about the elite you need to include them all and not and they not disclose and not and not ignore certain certain Elite because of their ethnicity I said no if you don't play ball you need to go through all three bases so I'm not a I'm just telling it like it is guys but I think they're Patriots and I think and these are I just named those I just named them because those are the ones off the top of my head that I know I'm not just singling them out from all the others I'm including all the others that have ever got on YouTube or any other social media and ever told you in a video that they've got inside information coming from an inside source they got their own man on the inside if that's their model you may have a Handler and if they have a Handler then that Handler is receiving the in the information basically from an intelligence apparatus that mixes facts with fiction this is what this is about so the social media is one of the best ways to do it now see I'm looking at some more 1600 people in the chat thank you guys over a thousand likes that's what it's about man share the love I got some things on my desktop on I don't want to omit but I mean there's some really interesting things too that you go back in the historical record and you've got traditions of Shambhala the underground Kingdom agartha in the in the occult traditions of modern times you know there might be some evidence from Antiquities and agartha but it's more of a modern occult deal but it's like Shambala which is very ancient in the East underground civilizations remember all the remember the Nordic Traditions man they all believe man they're underground civilizations full of dwarves the Celts believed in elves and and dryads and Sprites and all kinds of things that came from the underworld when children disappeared they disappeared into caves in the Underworld the when the Pied Piper came through and bewitched a bunch of children and this was not an isolated incident this happened all over Europe for a long period of time so it was turned into a single uh folk tale but no it's a it it was a phenomenon and when the music would appear in the forest and all the children would gather and somebody would look and see and they saw something that looked like looked like a human who was playing an instrument and all the children were following them and they go right into a solid wall and a hill and totally vanished yeah so I mean even the Children's Crusade the Children's Crusade was made up invented by the church just as an explanation that they could give to the people while hundreds of thousands of European children just vanished so they made up a story and said oh the Children's Crusade since it was during the Crusades they said oh to all the all the children said well you know what the adults can't win against the Muslims so they can't take Jerusalem back so maybe maybe the scripture means only the children of God can take it back so all the kids got together and and and the saracens the the Arabian uh the the Arabians of the time the Muslims not a shred of historical evidence that they were the historians of the time they were the ones preserving and writing all the books at that time during the Crusades not the Europeans so during the Crusades there's not a hint of evidence that any children showed up in in droves as an army and all that but they did vanish from Europe and the cover story was created as an explanation for the people it was in 1212 A.D which was a phoenix year now on 138-year timeline but yeah these these stories well we have so many I mean there's 60 cities now that have been excavated and that are being being explored and documented as I tell talk to you right now in Turkey the first one was discovered in 1962. I can't even pronounce it something like that anybody can Google that don't take my word for it anybody can Google underground cities of turkey and what you're going to see is going to blow your mind yeah so the the but these are ancient ones ancient ones no one could have built facilities like this and interconnected them all this was a project of the elite in ancient times just like Phoenix Hill in China was a project of the elite in ancient times to hide from something that was going to be seen in the sky no doubt guys I mean we have many many pieces of evidence from our stories and from traditions of being technologically advanced in the past in that technology only surviving in pieces While most of the infrastructure had collapsed Jules Varn was really good at that 30 000 leagues 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea Captain Nemo big old metallic some submarine that was built a long time ago man it's yeah that's a it's a that's another excellent example of somebody called IT antiqua Tech that's not my word but I heard it recently like a few months ago and I called somebody out on it I said hey man did you say antiquotec and he said yeah yeah I gotta remember that because uh it's almost like technolithic that's not my word either that was coined by James o'conn but it fits with many of the things I found in archeology the difference between technolithic archaeological uh relics and heliolithic and then post Helio lifting huge differences what yeah it's all there's all kinds of narratives we got to keep going they got to keep going I already told you the solar flare and I told you the UFO alien invasion which they could easily switch over to Demons to a swash any Christians that refuse to believe in it you know I mean they got they got so many different narratives that they can knock out the internet believe me they got they got their deal and I've told you I've told you guys how they manipulate narratives in the past with the trucker convoys because the whole the whole uh 2.5 million uh foreign immigrants that appeared on the Mexican border with Texas this this was a huge story and there was people filming all this it was massive amount of people but it wasn't but what wasn't being reported until until later was that a lot of those migrants were rounded up in buses that were that were taken away in military convoys this was never explained why is the U.S military uh shuttling these people away we were told that there would be they were taken to cities in America and let go this was done to anger us this was done to make us mad but to lower our vibration but it was also done to cover the truth and the truth was is that well it's obvious what the truth is because all over America companies have been going down because they can't find anybody to work in them yo yeah you better Google this I'm not making this up even in Texas in Texas every company is hiring and they just can't find anybody to go to work how is this possible unemployment rate is it's got we got 2.5 million new workers in the United States spread through all these cities and you can't find anybody to come work in your Construction Company your painting company your lumber mill what's going on it's because those people never made it to those cities I told you guys just like the trucker convoys trucker convoys one or two of them were patriotic events and they were highly publicized in in Trudeau or true dial whatever his name is in Canada uh he had that narrative going where he was opposing the trucker Convoy that was just them there was trucker convoys all over North America at the time because they needed to normalize trucker convoys when people are driving around they see all 200 trucks they needed to normalize seeing this because everybody would associate it with oh they're going to join a patriot cause or they're coming back from a patriot cause or those are the trucks that have been detained and been turned back uh by by such as Government anything it doesn't matter what you conclude all that matters was is you didn't know what they were really doing which was conveying a tremendous amount of goods that had disappeared from the shelves of America into underground facilities so trucker I've already explained all that about the trucker convoys also the the uh the the migrant workers why they didn't show up in the cities why there hasn't been a migrant problem All Over America why it's almost as if you know here's 2.5 Mill we know they were at the border and we know they were picked up but where'd they go they're not they weren't deposited in all these cities like we were told they are maybe a bunch of females and kids were all the men all the laborers which was which was 90 of everybody who came males I'll tell you where they are they're in the underground they were conscripted and they're working and they're laboring and a lot of those trucks are full of all the things they needed in their commissaries in order to keep them working will we ever see those people again hell no hell no couldn't Doug couldn't have done that with American citizens because it's too many people disappearing that have electronic signatures they have electronic lives everything is documented but but the perfect Workforce are illegal immigrants for which not a trace can be found anymore where'd they go they're gone easy easy to conscript them so uh and yeah I'm not claiming 100 accuracy in everything I'm just a thinker guys and I'm I'm trying to take all the different assorted pieces that I've seen without being led to think what I'm supposed to think by all the people that are putting this information out that's my advantage my advantage is to basically remove all the dressing and just address the facts what do we know as opposed to what we don't know so this is my method now I've explained that to you in multiple videos critical thinking requires you to remove the dross in order to be able to clearly see what's in the pot that's what you got to do so uh in the takedown this whole take down that's going on right now y'all know a lot of my archaics veterans you know 18 months ago my first predictions videos came out I just Rapid Fire released a bunch of them and way back then I was already already explaining all these things that are happening in the world right now so it's a it's really easy I'm seeing a lot of new channels real new channels and they're very convincing and like yesterday I was I was going through channels when I listened to when I was listening to uh uh dark journalist and now then I was listening to Russell Brand and uh in my shop I'll sit there and play them on my on my phone but my phone's attached to my speaker system so I'll listen to them and I'll make comments with my phone but at the same time my tablet right here is on a stand I do a lot of business with Paradise rock garden still on my tablet so I'll wait for incoming messages and and you know a big deal every year is that my company sends a crew out all over Central East Texas and we do Christmas lights because Christmas lights is fantastic fast money I'm no longer a part of that I don't have time to do that but my Foreman has put together his own crew and they're gonna go make that money and they're gonna do all that and that's good because it keeps Paradise Rock Gardens alive I don't want to throw it away I put too much into it so it's uh they're gonna do that but I'm still getting all kinds of requests I don't even advertise Christmas lights anymore because we did it for five years and we have so many class so so many customers we can't possibly get to everybody who wants them now so it's uh it's just good you know what we do the same ones every year and but what I'm saying is I'm looking at I'm in the shop and I'm listening and I'm looking at my tablet and I'm going through I'm going through YouTube and it's blowing my mind how many new people have just popped up doing predictions but you're late in the game where were you when when the whole world looked like it was going a totally different trajectory and this is what you get and I'm just ranting really but this is what you get YouTube is now packed with a whole bunch of new channels that just suddenly appeared now that they see the trajectory of the events they get on the bandwagon and then want to act like they predicted all this stuff so anyway if you guys want to know how real predictions go and not just watching other YouTube videos to get your data in order to ascertain the trajectory of events so you can say you've predicted things if you want to know the method of prediction watch my predictions playlist because I I reveal it to you I don't hide anything from my my listeners my arcades veterans know that when it comes to date sequence Predictive Analytics and isometric projections I show you what I'm doing to find the facts that I find so it's all it's just it's just really aggravating seeing all seeing all this on YouTube it's just so much disinformation it's absolutely fantasy so much of it is just so much fantasy but we need to we need to move forward I know I know you guys want to know this does we are moving in a direction in this video so we've got we've been doing this for over an hour now but I mean for those for those who don't really understand what's going on in the world right now I'm gonna sum it up for you quick right now we are experiencing a Changing of the Guard that's what's going on right now when I say Changing of the Guard I mean all these leaders that have been pissing us off all these judges all these leaders all these actors actresses all these pundits all the all these commentators all these leftist liberals that have been just out of control ruining people's lives uh commenting uh making stupid comments passing legislation and laws being participants and all all the activities for which uh it's been just angering Patriots and nationalists all around the world because this isn't just United States of America it's all around the world people are fed up but it's all by Design every single bit of it so many of them right now and in the past month as you've noticed they have found themselves in a peculiar situation they've been playing the script that was given them but they weren't told that their funding was going to be taken the media attention was going to start switching away from them public sentiment was now going to be Unleashed and they no longer had protection yeah even the courts turning against them they weren't told all that but they but it doesn't matter this is why when you see these Democrats and socialists getting hammered in Congress getting hammered on the on the news and all that you see their faces it's genuine shock like oh my God because they they didn't sign up for that but they signed that contract that contract allowed allowed the elite to do whatever they needed to do with that individual's life because killing them politically or actually according to what people believe only means the removal of them from the public theater and if necessary go ahead and send them down to one of the facilities because remember facilities that are built and then just left empty will not well they will not function and operate properly 17 years from now when they're needed so the best thing which you do is you build the facilities and you have a lot of people put in them to live in them and then right when you need to to take their places if that's necessary that it's easy you make deals with your own military hey man we need this we need these quadrants all cleaned out all these people here think they're fixing to ride the storm out they think they're fixing to go through it but they were just there taking care of the facilities doing the maintenance making sure all the lighting lighting worked all the plumbing worked uh all the amenities were were still intact yeah man the elite are genius at what they do and right before the time around 2036 they'll probably have military units go in certain areas and and apprehend people and and they'll never be seen again or they'll be sent right back to the surface you know and I believe that's happened a few times I mean I remember a time when Seven astronauts exploded in the space shuttle I was really shocked to find all seven of men had had name changes identity changes and were now and we're now all seven of them in North America doing just fine so where were they at between the time of that explosion when they supposedly died and when they assumed new lives and people started reporting that they're out here yeah kind of makes you wonder about almost every assassination it kind of makes you wonder about all kinds of things that have happened in world history yeah all this has been a script it's been it's all been scripted and we we have fallen for it hook line and sinker I'm guilty of that too my brothers 100. 100 percent so what you're seeing now is a takedown it's a Changing of the Guard I say Changing of the Guard because liberals and leftists are on the same they're just they're no different than conservatives and and and and uh Republicans on the right they're no different two fingers from the same fist no different so they believe they're different that's that's the key though that's how the elite pulled this off they believe they're different but both sides have signed that contract so yeah oh oh Mr Epp y'all know who I'm talking about he signed that contract his wife she signed that contract hell yeah the clintons they signed that contract the bushes they signed that contract every one of them it's crazy man bad guys we're just they're just not going to get Mo they perform their duties and they're rewarded by the Deep State these underground facilities I told you they they're packed with people that you think are dead packed and their families some of their friends Malaysian Airlines flight was at 370. yeah was it 280 people on board something like that my memory doesn't serve me right never found the plane it landed somewhere or it went straight up I don't know I don't know where it would go straight up though but deep State puppets they disappear they die news reports are they're thrown they're thrown off aircraft here's a good one here's a good one do you guys remember when Osama Bin Laden was thrown off an aircraft carrier in a cartoon coffin I know some of y'all have to remember that the only footage anybody ever saw was the international world news report that the U.S military shoved a cartoon coffin it was a cartoon it showed a cartoon of a deck of a ship it showed a cartoon of soldier guys carrying a coffin and then pushing the coffin over the city and it was almost a slap in the face from the elite to the common man we can tell you anything wow it was a cartoon Osama bin laid most hunted terrorists in the entire world a cartoon we saw that cartoon coffin never saw his body just a cartoon cough and hit the water in his sink that was world news imagine that Osama bin Laden is in an underground Valhalla right now on American tax dollars crazy people are just arrested and they just disappear from the system plane crashes are the planes really crash who was inside of them I mean these are genuine questions we would now have to go back and analyze almost the last 200 years everything has happened everything has happened it's just so crazy it is uh I'm not trying to overwhelm you guys because me to me they're it's crazy to me that I've never seen all this before until recently it's not crazy to me at all that it's happening at all it makes sense of every controversy in American history so yeah it's all to destabilize the public if you sit back and objectively absorb what is unfolding it is very clear the tactic of order out of chaos is what is being performed this is something I told Nino this is done by the Deep State using multiple assets to promote multiple narratives this gives the public several different lies from which to choose from none being the truth in this way the elite plans can unfold unhindered because it's perfect it's exactly what they do exactly what they do the elite preserve order by giving everybody else chaos order among chaos that's what it is and this it's not it's not a it's not a bad strategy the incessant abuses of the leftists the liberal socialist masquerading as Democrats it's all part of the agenda the anger is needed the elite want every one of all Nations to be sick of them yeah they want you to be angry at the leftists the Liberals the Socialists the Communists they want that they want that anger it's all part of the plan the elite want every one of all Nations to basically start their Witch Hunt it's all part of the plan the reason is is because they have every intention of replacing them with people that the masses will have faith in but but they too the new Heroes the new Echelon the new rulers every single one of them have also signed the contract you can believe that you can believe that yeah this is all needed guys because of where we're going it's not going to be immediate I often said in the past two years that we had some good times coming and we do we do there has to be a pattern break where they have run us through the mill fleeced us for our finances emotionally drained us but there's gonna come a Tipping Point when it begins to turn it's already turning but it will all end in a great relief will come and with that relief will come trusted rulers trusted uh Prime Ministers trusted a trusted world order a trusted new Quantum Financial system that the Patriots themselves uh may come to pass there's going to come trusted institutions every single leader of everything is already signed the but it's coming lives are going to get better debts are going to get canceled it's going to be a great time to live I've told you guys this is coming it's on the table but it's also part of the plan because it's necessary the pendulum was allowed to swing all the way to the leftist liberal to the to the far I mean all these crazy news articles are just for that reason just to to take it all the way as far as they could take it it's gone far enough and we already just just look at the news events unfolding now the pendulums coming back it's coming fast when it hits 90 degrees the Tipping Point the upswing begins it's going to get real good but traveling up goes slower it's going to get good and it's going to stay good for a few years then it's going to get kind of weird they're just going to get real weird and then real fast people are going to realize holy [\h__\h] we're in the middle of noahide laws in almost everything that we consider to be a personal freedom all of our rights privileges and immunities are now totally Abridged by fanatical Christian religious rulers who are now dictating every single element of our life the Christian Reich is is next there the next on the table they're going to take it to the extreme yeah you think the witch burning Days Are Over you got another thing coming you think Sports Arenas are going to have uh uh competition team sports in them no we're going the way of Rome exactly the way of Rome there's going to be something else going on in those Arenas and people will go because it will be free yeah we have we have some really weird times coming but before that we got some good times coming I we got a good economy this the way the pendulum goes they're going they're going to basically free us from all the drama that they put in our lives in the past you know 15 20 years that's what they're going to do and they're going to switch over everything the entire it's not just gonna be pieces of the world the entire world almost except for certain areas of the Middle East because they have a plan for them it's the next Crusade but the rest of the world they're gonna they're gonna move they're gonna move quick into a peaceful uh a good economy everything is going to work for a while people aren't going to be stressed out anymore and they're going to get trust back in their leaders and that's what the elite want that's what the elite need and that's exactly what their Elite are going to do because they're experts at what they do they've been playing this game for a very long time so and like I said 500 000 people who know this would never change the dynamic five million people couldn't change the dynamic that's how much in control they are but just one person you can absolutely change your Dynamic and you can still have a fantastic life amidst all this chaos it doesn't nothing nothing external to your informed field can ever change the fundaments of your life only you can so I just want to say that real quick because I don't need all these people thinking I'm a doomsayer I'm really not that's cool oh let me look at some of these notes I don't miss anything but if you don't know about it if you don't know what what a no hide laws look like I mean you gotta understand man we're talking about the the absolute the oppression of free speech because Free Speech then will be you can't talk bad about God and if the official party line is that Jesus was a physical man who did all those things you better tow the party line as well I said yeah you don't want to be on the outside of that no hide laws or or Hey listen just like leftist liberals believe that they can decide whatever the public needs and they can justify that in any way and the public is stupid the same thing that those who believe that they're Allied to God they can justify anything they do to you remember guys nuns weren't there nuns were not there in all those fortifications and castles in cathedrals that were walled because they wanted to be there remember their rooms were called cells guys you gotta understand no high laws something serious something serious so yeah you can in all the days of webcaming yeah you two million girls out there that are making a good living doing the webcam thing yeah that would be over with better find another way to make money all porn on on the Internet is over with you're dancing you're doing you know noahide laws bring all that yeah over with but you know what the big tech companies would do that are owned and controlled by the elite they would they would Finance the church and state to oppress the people so bad and at the same time make it free to have the new badass meta Oculus interactive VR system interact with your friends interact with your family do all the things you're not allowed to do just put it in your home 3D interactive holography something multiple people can do there's no reason to ever leave your home don't think that six years from now this entire infrastructure can't be set up to where 80 percent of the world's population is living in a virtual reality and they're totally divorced from the actual physical world other than the small breaks they take from the VR period just to bathe and shower and maybe clean up a little bit uh the having pants all this to be over with over with this is Noah Hyde laws but this is Noah High law steampunk version this is the apocalypse version of noahide laws in public you can't do anything it's blood Sports and it's people people being executed and by by officials who actually believe they're doing God's service yeah you can't defend yourself from anybody who thinks that they're empowered by the Holy Spirit to execute you because of what you say do or believe yeah there's nothing you can do about there's no defense no defense whatsoever so anyway in short by the year 2036 the elite will be gone I don't know what kind of mess they're gonna leave behind I don't think they care because they're going to be hermetically sealed very in deep in deep Earth facilities deep Earth biospheres facilities above them will be completely militarized be insulated just in case people on the surface find some way to Tunnel 9 10 11 12 miles down I don't know so oh I don't want to get into too much conjecture but they're going to stay down there for at least 10 to 12 years they're going to ride out the Phoenix event and the the the coming of the vapor canopy and they're going to ride out the return of Nemesis X object yeah that's what they're gonna do and I believe that they're going to ride out all the way to about 20 20 52. when the dark satellite returns because I believe that the elite signed the contract but the contract was never theirs the contract belongs to someone else and they and they are the occupants of the dark satellite and when the dark satellite returns we have on unleashing in the Book of Revelations a whole new kingdom a new reign of the seven kings that were here before the flood the last time the vapor canopy was here we have come full circle because the great flood the day the sky fell the birth of all the sudden calendars the collapse of the vapor canopy the great Deluge of Noah these ended the reign of the seven Kings just as an eighth King had just taken the throne the eighth King had never been allowed to to finish his reign in Book of Revelation it's exactly what we find I am quoting the Sumerian king list but now I'm telling you what the Book of Revelation talks about the return of the seven Kings and the eighth which is of the seven that's what Revelation specifically says 2040 brings the vapor canopy back all the conditions for the ancient pre-flood world are fulfilled in the return of the seven Kings and the emergence of the elite back from the underworld into a world that has basically collapsed into primitive communities that are just surviving just surviving like the Neolithic the pastors were predicted for the future what happened in the pre-flood world is going to happen all over again which basically fulfills something Jesus said as in the days of Noah he was talking about the last days and the coming of the son of man so I'm not a Christian guys in the conventional sense in the sense that you interpret a Christian to be I am a I am a Christian in this sense of the gnosis before absolutely before the Roman Catholic Church carnalized the Christ figure into the physical person of Jesus so anyway see if there's anything I miss because I'm answering questions that people have asked me I just wanted to do it all in one presentation and I haven't done an audio check in a long time so let me scroll down here to the bottom do this one audio check real quick let me know real quick if I got any problems with my audio is good thank you Phoenix protocol of course he did yes Trump would have had to sign the contract yes that's why it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if Trump gets arrested he'll still be fine and so will his family and they're going to go in the under underground they've done exactly what what was needed yeah exactly it doesn't make him bad it doesn't make him bad at all if me I mean what would you do in his place what would anybody do in this place if you were shown the actual scientific proof of what was coming I mean were you gonna stay on the surface and you're gonna give up everything y'all man you're going to want to you're going to want to preserve the Integrity of your family so yeah he's going to choose that well in doing that he was given a script remember I love Trump I do I'm gonna lie he says really ridiculous things sometimes but you know what so you know so so I hear that on Seinfeld a lot too you know and for those who don't know I can't stand Jerry Seinfeld can't stand him uh I don't find him funny at all but the supporting cast for Seinfeld made that show an active genius every single supporting actor and actress on that show is hilarious Seinfeld is not but Trump I mean look at him of course absolutely of course he I think he's a good guy but he was also and you have to understand too he may not have the whole picture either he may not but given the alternate all the the alternative to to uh uh ride out the storm and maybe you'll you'll live or not I think he would always choose to go ahead and go underground with the rest of the infrastructure why because staying here means a total loss of wealth total loss of wealth especially they're going to take the whole infrastructure down there remember in 1902 guys it is unusual how much wealth was introduced into the world instantly all the corporations organizations companies and I thought my list was impressive then Gary warmerdam found a lot of stuff then after Gary warmer down you guys just emailed me a tremendous amount of stuff that I didn't even know about 1902 1903 and 1904. so I'm even more convinced now that hell yeah the elite the elite mistook 1901 or 1902 as being the big one and when they came back up they came back up with the Vengeance they knew they had 138 more years and they took advantage of that they hurry up and secure their control over the over the masses that were already here they had to they had to because no major reset had happened therefore it was going to be a lot more difficult to main to to re-initiate their total control matter of fact it was so difficult they had to orchestrate an entire world war to do it and there were still countries that were not on the table there were still countries that were booking so they had to do a World War II then with the Nuremberg trials in 1946 finally the elite had total control of everything yeah it took them 44 years to do it from 1902 to 1946. yeah they don't want to do that again hell no they don't want to do that again they want to make sure this next time it's going to be a cakewalk so they're prepared for that so yeah guys I mean I understand that my perspective and my critical analysis of what's going will subject me to attacks I'm cool with that I don't care I don't care but I do want it to be known that even though I believe this is exactly what's happening in the truth or Community especially with these people that claim to have inside information from people I also want it to be known that I believe that they're all genuine and have a good heart and their their heart's in the right place and they would never knowingly do this at all no man there's very few very few people are like that no I don't get that from those when I listen to those videos they're genuine they're hard they're trying to figure things out too but but that inside information that's a poison chalice it's a poison chalice because they just don't know how much disinformation they've actually actually uh provided the public in aided in in this whole this whole grand scheme so yeah it's a we're in the middle of the takedown guys but the takedown is totally by design it is absolutely scripted conservatives and nationalists all around the world will take back their governments and their leaders are are already on board they've already signed the contract guys so it's all by deception it's to move the world into the new Noah hide because they're going to use the Noah height the Noah hide the template to start the third phase of Albert Pike's prophetic Narrative of how the new world order will finalize the deal the third phase is the world war Crusade against Islam that's what's next on the table yeah even the US Military somebody asked me do you think U.S military is evil hell no hell no guys you get again is it a bad entity I don't think so I believe many of it or many of our are are the majority 99.9 of everybody in the US military is a patriot American oh their heart's in the right place yeah but the upper echelons the very elitist in the military they absolutely know they've signed the contract they know and just because somebody signed the doesn't mean they're bad it means they want to live it means that they want to preserve their families and some of their friends it means that they want to secure for them a future which they believe is only obtainable if they go into the underground this is materialist thinking I'm not going to go because I'm absolutely convinced that I'm an informed field and that I choose my own destiny and that the similacrum is so incredibly responsive to an informed field that it will reflect back in my personal life the very peace and Harmony that I dictate for myself and project no matter what kind of tribulation apocalypse is unfolding around me there have always been survivors to every reset there have always been entire communities that have survived cataclysms and resets and I'm going to be a part of one I might be a leader of a community I'm going to be a part of that there's no I have no doubt in my mind that I'm gonna be okay I'm gonna be okay what I need is for other people not to think that all this is doomsang it's it's just I'm just I'm just enumerating the facts as I see them as I perceive them because nothing else makes sense so it's uh yeah see if there's anything you know that's a good point though that nothing else makes sense all this chaos for the last five years I mean if you put it into perspective you can only conclude that chaos is the reason the supposed white hats and the black hats the actors the media uh the politicians They're all playing roles because they have agreed to preserve themselves and their families there's just no other explanation it's uh all these people that we have been perceived to be bad yeah they made bad decisions but they were playing a role every one of them are playing a role that Obama is somewhere in the background he's the evil he's the evil dude I used to fall I fell for that but he signed the contract he signed the contract so did the bushes so did the clintons so did so did the trumps they all signed the contract go back far enough there's a whole bunch of politicians and stuff that never signed the contract who wasn't needed it's too far back only now has it been needed because those facilities have been built and some of them are still being built but only now is it needed while they're sending people down there in the past it really wasn't needed so I mean there's so many different ways to fleece the public for money you know you go you guys know my personal opinion I've never been quiet about it that both NASA and CERN are not doing a thing that they're saying they're doing or not even SpaceX these are attacks these are taxes this is a way to fund black like black budget type things real easy way to fund it so it's just great it's crazy man and I don't understand why so but I got I got some I got some hateful emails by some guys who got triggered but I mean can you provide a better explanation for me it's a joke the New World Order One Financial system that the entire world has fought against has ridiculed as the Beast system and refused to allow it to be implemented there's been so much resistance against a one world uh monetary system so much resistance against it but as soon as soon as it was packaged as a patriot idea as a patriot concept and it was pushed in the truther community and it was in the name of it was changed to Quantum Financial system as soon as all that was done the very same system that we have been opposing for a century not only have we opened our arms to it but now we're the ones advocating it absolute genius that's the elite think tanks come up with all this stuff guys it's crazy absolutely crazy 1815 people in the chat and 1 359 likes you guys I love you thank you thank you one hour and 43 43 minutes in that's good man yeah that's good I appreciate it I do I really do that's awesome give me a drink real quick kill this water so I'm uh I am definitely I am definitely open to other possibilities but scouring all the material that I've been scouring I haven't found them I haven't seen anybody put all this material together like I have oh I would have definitely been on their page plugging them saying hey man you guys need listen to this guy you need to listen to this guy here because he's offering us something that no one else is offering they're full we may need to look into it because if if I have 20 different YouTube channels that are all telling me the same thing but from different perspectives and Vantage points I'm always going to be suspicious especially if more than half of them claim to have special information or if the other half are basically copying each other that's what YouTubers become there's a lot of YouTube channels and when you watch them you can see the evidence of it it's like oh my God man where's the originality did you watch 12 YouTube videos about this news event and then take notes from each one of them and then put your spin on it and then release it release it as new Intel because that's all I'm seeing on YouTube that is all I'm seeing on YouTube it's I'm talking about those who have who claim to have information secret information and all that oh Monica Federal how you doing hello everyone from Louisiana are you saying that from your tractor girl you better not be on that tractor right now trying to listen to my videos she's been with me for a long time in the archanges family she used to listen to me or her old tractor on her Farm just just moving around I listen to you every day on my tractor I remember Monica I don't know my memory is really good for people holistic media I appreciate I appreciate you sharing these videos I clicked on and saw who was sharing them your name popped up quite a few times Albert Alfred North Whitehead I might have to look into him if if you're saying that I'm pretty close to what he said well hell I need to drink one with him I mean I've had these things on my mind for a long time I only started recently putting them in videos my predictions videos were all done a long time ago but putting all this together man is has just been nagging at me and then I had no intention of just recently these recent videos I've done about like if I were the devil in this video here my video with Neato I didn't have any intention doing all these videos I'm moving in another Direction but Nino Nino's people uh Nino's people contacted me and that that got me I went back and listened to his latest videos I and all this stuff just came up I was like man you know what I just gotta address this I have to address it I can't be quiet about it I I have I have that much respect for David Reno Nino Rodriguez not just because I listened to him two years ago quite a bit I listened to about 40 of his interviews but I've got that much respect for him man because you can tell he has struggled in several in several interviews to process a lot of the information that that he's receiving which tells me and I know I know a lot of y'all seen this do which tells me that he's genuinely trying to fit pieces together and understands that some of the pieces he's been given is are [\h__\h] and he knows this but he can't see around it so when he and I had our video he started having light bulbs light bulbs were I didn't want to interrupt him I just I just slid back and and kept doing my presentation but he was having light bulbs go off and he he even stopped the video pretty I think it was premature I do long videos but uh he stopped the videos and man you know we just got to go into all this other stuff uh later but when he turned the video off he paid me uh he paid me a very very good compliment so uh uh and that's for him that's for him to tell y'all not me but uh we're gonna do another one on November 1st man he might contact me before then we just go go ahead and record it uh before then but uh November 1st is when we're scheduled to do our our round two so uh we kind of went off track and maybe we'll stay off track I don't know but I like I like him because he's never he's never pretended to no secret things all these all he's doing is try to put together ever everything from everybody who claims to have inside information I mean I know I know he's real big on 107. I mean I know I don't know who one old saving is have absolutely no idea but wano saving is a source of secret information so I guarantee you I'm gonna be wary so I'm not saying he's he's not a patriot and I'm not saying he's not uh he doesn't have his heart in the right place he might be he might believe that 100 of the information that others give him is absolutely correct and it's his duty to pass that information on all I'm saying is that all these individuals that I've named in this video and the others I haven't named I'm just telling you now that this is how a very successful intelligence program would be run this is how assets are are are are are utilized even if they're not on the payroll this is how they're utilized through handlers who themselves get information from higher up and these constructs that they are are divulging it's like each individual one is given two or three Lincoln Logs and those Lincoln Logs are studied and analyzed and then somebody might make something out of them and pass them off to the people others just have Lincoln Logs but those go with this over here and these over here and then some genius or what people perceive to be a genius steps forward and say oh I used I used to be CIA I recognize that right there this goes here this goes here look at this picture here see guys this is what's really going on in every single bit of this was by Design specifically put out in pieces for the people to construct so having said all that guys you have to understand I am a I'm a I got an eighth grade education guys you take that to the bank I went to Harwood Junior High my first week of ninth grade I ran away from home and I've never been back since took a backpack and I hitchhiked to Tulsa Oklahoma sure dude sure did work several jobs did Roofing carpentry I didn't I even did some Plumbing I did some tile work I learned how to do finish work and basically my two years on the Run I was a I was a laborer wasn't a criminal wasn't doing anything criminal I just wanted to stay away from home I was 15 16 and when I was 17 I ran in I ran into Joey his real name is John on the court paperworks but everybody in the neighborhood called him Joey you know things went South real quick after that anyway I'm just looking at the chat I run my mouth as far as all the things I wanted to address things that have been on my mind if you were to now watch news events with all the information that I've released in this video it should give you a new perspective of what's going on everything my friends is about the Phoenix everything is about what's coming yeah the elite are absolutely convinced that it's going to be bad Book of Revelation says there will be 75 survival rate meaning 25 of the world's population will die this is billions of people that will die however that's the Sixth Seal of the Apocalypse yeah the Sun going black is sackcloth of hair the Stars falling from the sky the whole Sky being rolled up as if it was a scroll that's a pole shift and the Moon turning red as blood all of these are Phoenix phenomenon events yeah and this is a big one this Returns the vapor canopy therefore we can expect some wide scale destruction on par with what happened when the vapor canopy collapsed 2239 BC for those who don't know independent of biblical chronologist Stephen Jones chronological material independent of of of the 30 or 40 different historical texts and authors that I have shown you the how we date the great flood at 2239 BC independent of all that I'll tell you something interesting in the year 1998 a whole Convention of anthropologists geologists archaeologists and other scientists got together and they assessed all they brought all their data to the table about the old Bronze Age and they determined that at about 20 some of them said 2200 BC some of them said 2240 BC that's a very specific approximate 2240 is one year away from all the chronological discoveries that I made 2239 BC but these published their material I'm not making anything up Frank Joseph has published this and some of other authors Bruce Massey several other people have published this data that was reported from North America by a scientific convention in 1998 that the entire world's infrastructures collapsed a massive reset happened at that day what they don't know is what it was some theorize earthquakes some theorize comet impact some theorize it was a with some different different uh geological upheaval and displacement but it was a pole shift and and was a lithospheric displacement at the same time the vapor cannot be collapsed so it's been scientifically verified you can't get more precise than one year off in scientific dating you can't everything else in scientific dating is plus or minus 100 years well that's a 200 year window plus 100 or minus 100 Years of the date you provide in science allows you a disparity of 200 years this is how science dates almost everything not Jason in my Chronicle and I give you the exact date and show you mathematically why so anyway I don't want to beat you up with that oh and by the way that steak was delicious I love ribeye it was delicious I think I mentioned yeah my last live video I need to go get a steak just need to decompress just get on my bike pop that clutch hit that throttle take off yeah I do speed guys I don't go speed limit I should hey Jay Hart just saw you thank you for those books two of them a real gym underground manufacturing districts all the all the all the uh all the Sweet Water all the best Waters deep underground unlimited access to underground Rivers especially North America North America is riddled with underground Rivers through all the Limestone ever it's everywhere there's water water the water table the water table in Texas alone is fantastic whole it's like a Subterranean system of of lakes all underneath Texas there's water everywhere Underground yes truth Warrior 137 does show up all over the place even in nature 137 is attached to the Fine structure constant and and when you line a whole bunch of 137 sevens together linearly in order to not have them run completely together to maintain their identity as 137 you got to put a pattern break in between each one therefore you got 138s IBM and punch card system Hermann Hollerith tabulating machine uh you say 1911 but I've read otherwise I've read 1901 1902 or 1890 for the uh punch card machine yeah I got some data on the punch card machine going back to the 1800s it might have been patented in 1911 or a newer or or an IBM version in 1911 but I think the original was 1901 or 1891. because I have I have that data on the punch card it's considered to be the first computer although it's not the anti-keyetheria computer found in 1901 by Sponge divers off of Cypress or Crete they pulled up they pulled up Treasures from a shipwreck that had been Shipwrecked in like 80 81 uh 81 81 BC 82 BC something like that Jacqueline hessling I read Albert Pike's material is published in morals and Dogma it's a huge book The version I read was like one of the original the original printings like 1886 1887 something like that morals and Dogma Albert Pike huge book anyone who calls their listeners fans you should question their motive I don't know anything about that I don't know I don't know anybody who calls them fans but you must be talking about somebody in particular oh I'm looking I agree U.S military vets they're not evil people at all they joined to help the country they're Heroes absolutely it's only it's it's yeah they got nothing to do man they're following orders they're following orders but every single person you see good or bad white hat or black hat that's in the media They're all playing a role they have all all sign that contract you can believe we we live in a day in an era where technology has become so sophisticated that if there's somebody that was in the upper echelons in the media and in the elite that wasn't playing ball they could easily be eliminated and no one would be none the wiser yeah yeah there's no They're all playing ball it's all scripted there is no good guys and bad guys there's no white hats and black hats every bit of that is for your convenience it's for you to be able to make sense of everything that's going on yeah the true agenda is is using the resources and money of the people without the people knowing where what their what their money is paying for and then and then employing an exit strategy by which we can go without being detected I haven't read Tom Campbell's resource but I'm familiar with my big toe I'm familiar with I think I watched part of a video I don't know I don't know guys 1500 likes 1700 in the chat I thank you guys I think I lost some people in the chat because they realized video might be closing I'm at two hours but I got some I got some more energy y'all want to go there's always hope hope is not to be found in the collective the hope is not to be found external hope hope is it is totally spiritual it is internal you got two you got I'm Excuse me you got three spiritual qualities that will govern the perimeters of your existence in this construct intuition empathy and Imagination those are the only three you need and with those three you can build a fantastic life for yourself right here amidst all the chaos history is is Rife with examples of communities and people going their own way and artificial intelligence acts unable to govern them so it quits trying yeah you got to be there there's a real popular there's a popular phrase I've heard a few times in the in the community uh you got to be the change you want or the the you got to be the change you want to see yeah oh one of the greatest one of the saddest things I see is a minute J dreamers and I have the same topic today I don't I didn't know that he and I have been on par a few times but that doesn't surprise me because I told you guys information is in the field and people that are vibrating on the same frequency are going to come into contact with phenomena in their lives that is on par with everybody else who is on the same frequency so for for myself or others in the community that are putting out the same ideas or concepts at the same time it's not surprising to me at all at all I like Jay dreamers no I will not Stewart and guy is at Queensland qld period Jason will you be looking to find shelter underground in 2040 armored absolutely not I'm gonna find me a I'm gonna find me a big hill I'm gonna pop me a tent and I'm gonna watch the show from the best vantage point that I can find now I'm gonna have I'm gonna have a few weeks for with the food camping supplies and gears I'll be 67 years old I'm gonna watch the show I promise you that I'm gonna watch this guy I would record it if I believe that anything that that's that we have in our infrastructure would actually support battery operated stuff after that or I mean a lot of things just not gonna not gonna work we don't even we don't even know the full extent of the changes in our technology that are going to have to happen due to the return of the vapor canopy we're gonna have to return to Vapor canopy Technologies which we know are different the reason we know they're different is because we still can't replicate some of the gigantic monuments that we have found dispersed around the world yeah they didn't build those attractors they didn't build them but there's some of those some of those are impossible to put together the way they were put together no bite diagnosis do you think the queen is still alive underground now people still die by Stu people still die from old age yeah there's no doubt Avatar gives up yeah she's done moved on should have moved on Obama is a clone of a Kennedy wow I don't know about all that guys love and light United Jason could have asked your birthday and do you know the time you were born I was just told recently that it was like right right after noon it was like 1201 1202 I started being birthed at noon born at noon my birth is my birth was unusual uh only in that in 1973 it was June 9th in 1973 my mom was 16 years old and she's really petite which is very strange because I'm I'm I'm not a small guy but uh she's really petite and she was 16 years old and she was horrified I was her first my my baby sister was was next a few years later no no she was terrified and there was a Hispanic doctor in Houston Texas that was willing to do an experimental uh in 1973 is experimental but it was a it was a submersion birth she was sedated and put into a warm bathtub and she was basically put to sleep and she woke up and I was born and I was I was born in the Water by the by uh I can't remember his name you could probably Google him he's long dead my mom told me she he passed away that's my biological mother I'm not talking about my my adopted mother my adopted mother is the one the reason I ran away from home at 15. I just couldn't I couldn't stand the the church administrator the house was run like it was a church in a church she's a church administrator she ran it like she ran the heart the house like that you know I didn't I had to go I had to go I've got videos about all that yeah June 9th 1973 about 12 01 1202 in the afternoon I don't know anything about astrology so I have no idea what you're about to find I have seen a lot of people that free booked though that uh 1893 a lot of people asked me for it and I did send it to them influence of the influence of the human mind or influence of the zodiac on the human life 1893. DJs I couldn't agree with you more regarding your your seinfold state Seinfeld statement I say almost the exact same words you just yeah I get it man I get it Jason is a Gemini that's right booster yeah that's right Jacqueline hessling it is strange that SpaceX is a kind of separate NASA it's not really strange at all NASA has lost so much political trust NASA has lost so much clout that it was it was required that the government would subcontract now with and with a corporate entity that would perpetuate the same fiction NASA did so NASA wasn't the only one now that was doing that so they even put their poster child extreme deep state or Elon Musk to the Forefront and you know they've groomed him Elon Musk to be so trustful so trustworthy and uh now who could talk he gets full he goes forward and and he uh pushes the SpaceX narrative and all that yeah it's come on stop it nothing up there the highest thing we have up there are are Halo balloons giant balloons with relay with relay packages on them to relay signals there's no satellites up there those are those were Halo balloons and I mean you could argue with me to the nail I don't even care you can disagree and you can say now man we've been to the moon no we got satellites in space no man the SpaceX did send a rocket up into space Oh we actually have people on the International Space Station you can even try to convince me that there's really an International Space Station up there you can try to convince me that the Hubble is really in orbit so you can try to convince me of all those things but the problem is is that all you're doing is conveying me your faith that you believe these things because there isn't a single one of you that have ever seen these things with your own eyes what you're doing is conveying a belief that's why I'm just not worried about I'm not even worried about arguing about it don't care yeah I love you country boy yeah never gonna take that from me oh report from Iron Mountain good read oh yeah since 1962 NORAD and all all those facilities that were that were built deep underground Cheyenne Mountain listen guys we have had the technology to build Subterranean cities for a while for a while work has never ceased in 1962 Cheyenne Mountain was nowhere near the beginning of when we started building these facilities not going to tell you I'm not going to tell you anything wrong willingly I'm not they didn't kill William Cooper be the author of behold the Pale Horse for nothing oh my chat there it is free that chat I saw a few episodes of X-Files somebody asked me about X-Files here before my chat just shot up I was in prison during almost the entire X-Files deal and then after X-Files there's a show called Millennium the uh protagonist was Frank Black I watched several episodes of Millennium that was pretty cool that was pretty good stuff I don't think you're meant to rise and shine I don't believe you're meant to to remember past lives until until you get your permanent Avatar the Avatar you have right now is temporary and there's no reason why any memory should attach to it once you get a uh once you get your permanent Avatar for which you're you're Immortal personality is now developing right now or once you return to your actual Avatar see that's that's a point too that's a point of contention you we may not be on the on the journey to receive a new Avatar we may be going through this entire experience to upgrade the Avatar that we already possess the more we return to it in this holography collapses then all the memories will of our informed field there won't be a shielding from it remember the central nervous system in this Avatar stops us from filtering all kinds of information so we can perceive reality as physical because if we see everything in the electromagnetic spectrum we're going to realize that nothing is really real because we're seeing everything at the same time so the filters of the of the central nervous system act the same way that this Avatar actually keeps us from all the other data in the informed field it's necessary while we're in this Avatar but once we once this field collapses all those memories are still a part of the informed field and they will and you will have that instant recall you'll be able to remember all those past lives all that will be a part of your Eternal testimony remember this might not be our first rodeo guys we may have been through many many many other similar crumbs because uh because we are byproducts of an eternal being and if it's Eternal that means he had no beginning and if his Creations are also Eternal and there is no creation event and the creation is actually a continuum then that necessarily implies that we may be a part of that eternalness as well and that we have been through many similar groups and each ride is for our further development we just can't know that from inside the field The Field's got to collapse for us for us to be able to ascertain anything outside of it I don't know I know I don't have any fear about it I know I'm very very comfortable with the fact that this is just a flesh suit and then in that if it's gone I'm all cool with that I might come back and live out some of the some of the Apocalypse period I don't know I might come back and die as a 14 year old right before the Phoenix appears I don't know but I'm comfortable with whatever happens to me I just don't really care anymore because I know when it's all over it's gonna be all right because there is no way that the oversoul would not would have ever put so you gotta understand my reasoning I believe that I was created by a being of I believe that as long as I'm in here the only real dangers I'm subjected to are temporary and they're all a result of something that I've projected so I also believe that those projections could have stemmed from a prior life and I'm going to suffer them now which could it could carry over but I also believe that there's no way the oversoul would have ever put me in a situation for which I would really be in danger because that's not love that's totally opposite that's totally different that's the god of the Old Testament god of the Old Testament that doesn't require me to love him at all it requires me to fear Him and that's a different that's a very different phenomenon I'm not cool with that that's not the oversoul that's artificial intelligence X that's an avatar of a false deity not a real one yeah just like this world this world is a copy over of a real real world now it's not the actual one this one's been modified it's been changed and the changes are are huge this Predator versus prey prey ecosphere where creatures maintain their sustenance by ripping into the Flesh of other creatures no man it's not natural this was contrived in here but we've been made to believe it's natural yeah just like in ancient times everything that bad ever happened to us from the sky the first thing we want to do is find a victim in our own Community because somewhere down the line we found out that if we kill somebody it might it might stop the earthquake it might stop the sky fall out our crops might grow better if we just off somebody in the community and just give their Spirit back to the gods yeah you know a good good thinking good meaning people over a long period of time develop that into a cult and that cult ended up being the carnalization of a benefactor protocol a belief system in a concept of the perfect man and that we should strive to be like him then all of a sudden they carnalize that and they employed the human sacrifice element next thing you know you got Jesus dying on crucified on a cross and that's not the original story but that's the story we have now yeah there's no doubt Jason I think you need to start a single site for archanges fans oh man that was right there get me in so much trouble I don't know but I don't like going too long it's two hours and 18 minutes guys two hours and 18 minutes I do appreciate your participation and I really appreciate those 1580 likes they almost match how many people are in the chat right now 1 675 74. Hey listen guys love you I just wanted to get this out I hope you share this video I know I'm going to take some Flack for it I do not care I do not care so like I said I'm not demonizing anybody I'm just I'm just explaining that while people's intentions may be good the intelligence apparatus that's running this [\h__\h] show was far more sophisticated than most people are willing to give it credit for at all doesn't mean that everybody in the game is a bad person it just means they're making the right choices for them because that's what it's come down to everything in the world occurring right now is about what's coming yeah 100 guys love you peace out