Lost Manuscript Found & Tour of Archaix Studio

From Archaix Wiki

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hey guys this is Jason I've been asked a few times now to give a tour of my studio so I'm going to do that and provide a very important announcement well a couple announcements so my Studio's small I'm proud of it because it was built from scratch but uh it's small it serves its purpose although I have plans now to go ahead and build a bigger one because it's pretty much become necessary got some I got some really interesting books I'll be revealing to you guys we're going to go through these topics I'm not going to keep anything from you remember even in books that are antithetical to anything that we hold to be true we're still going to find gemstones that's how I found so much really good relevant materials always looking at books that were basically they weren't about what I was searching for so I found found I found out things in a roundabout kind of way the books in my library are very old not all of them you can see some relatively new books in here but some of my new books are only about ancient things you gotta chew it all of them spit out the bones there is a painting that our archaic subscriber said to me I think it's beautiful I'll put it in my studio some other donations I've received we'll put that back a little bit I got too many lights on in here oh I got some naughties up here I don't drink a lot two or three times a month a month I'll sip on some bourbon got a lot of research up here just some little things put keep in the studio a lot of stuff I haven't even published a lot of material is just research notes my motorcycle bag that's a sling bag it goes over my my body like a bandolier yeah this is a there's oh there's a new flash drives somebody has done me a really good favor and they took the Super Pac and they redesigned it and reformatted it and redid the PDFs and removed all the word files they introduced me to these 3.1 3.1 USBS so that's what that's all that's what I'm using now and I'm really appreciative of that so all the super packs going now have the exact same things as the other super Pacs but it's much better organized into files where you can go and find exactly what you're looking for but here's my uh USB Bank where I can record many different USBS at the same time that's where all the magic happens here today and tomorrow I'm spending a lot of time on Facebook before you think this is a real pistol it's not this is a Pneumatic weapon you can see the bottom this is a Pneumatic weapon and these are pneumatic rifles pneumatic pneumatic weapons a lot of us in the country have these they're not real rifles although you you don't want to get hit by one especially this one this one is super powerful and has a silencer on it and it's really quiet but it's a Pneumatic pneumatic weapons they shoot these pellets they're not combustible they're not like real bullets believe me you don't want to go to the hospital for getting hit with one we have them out here in the country because we got all this game I have a garden we have a we have game out here we gotta we gotta we gotta chase off sometimes Hawks try to kill chickens and rabbits things get in their Gardens so listen to the small office this whole wall I had to install new shelves these uh homemade custom shelves here a buddy of mine did he burned the wood and it's really pretty patterns but in order to do that I had to take all these panels off the wall I'm gonna I'm gonna reinstall these panels now the subject matter of this video today and tomorrow I'm I'm paying a lot of attention to Facebook clean house and Facebook and you know add a lot of stuff but I want to show you my discovery something profound going through all my litigation from prison I overlooked a manila envelope that I thought was just another part of a piece of a lawsuit boy was I wrong because here is an unpublished book that I had totally forgotten I had written had I had this who'd have been on gumroad I've been selling this already for three or four dollars you know everything I have on gumrobes very cheap Earth end from the beginning book one the intro is the Ancient Future the first chapter is counterfeit apocalypse second chapter the beginning of Sorrows the third chapter's Judgment of America the Eagles end fourth chapter Babylon ruined in the fate of Islam fifth chapter Antichrist unveiled now you guys know that I believe this entire series of events will happen within the next 18 years but you also know it's going to be very different than what we have we have been taught that it's going to be this this shocked me when I seen it I was like wow I remember I remember putting it together I don't remember losing it but uh here it is I immediately went back to the back because you guys know I had to make sure yes and there it is it too came with a very impeccable bibliography books I had forgotten that I had researched this is the bibliography each chapter is packed look at that chapter one alone is 54 bibliographic references look at this each individual section has its own yeah so that's what I'm gonna have to do I'm going to put it on gumroad I'm gonna do that but I also have a list of every single person that's ordered my Super Pac and I'm going to be fair about that because I promise that when you order my Super PAC you're ordering 100 of all my materials well this right here makes me out to be a liar oh wow this is just amazing it's a lot of sources I'd forgotten I've written some of these books read some of these books all right cool so this manuscript's gonna be uploaded I'm gonna scan it and uh that's what I'm gonna do guys and for those of you who have already ordered the Super Pac and they're on my list I promise you I will send you the PDF for free just email email me in a couple days because it'll take me a couple days to scan it in and go ahead and format it but uh this is my studio guys Earth's end from the beginning is a book that I will give all those for free who would order the Super PAC because it should have been included in that but I will include it but a copy will go and all super Pacs forth with from here on out all the ones going out I got several going out Monday when they go out that book's gonna be in it because I'm gonna spend time doing that tomorrow scanning it all in a formatting it I'm also going to put one on I'm gonna put it on gumroad for those who want to pay three or four dollars you know help the arcades cause out a little bit and pay five or six dollars but this is my studio guys I gave it to you wait a minute one maybe one little corner gate scene I got Studio lighting up here just I haven't turned it on it's up in the corner but uh yeah that's it guys and I will uh I'm going to Facebook for the rest of the day and I just smeared My Lens so it's time to shut off this video