Memories and Mechanics of the Vapor Canopy World

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[Music] hey guys in response to many emails that i've received i've done this video presentation an upload on vapor canopy i need to dispel the idea that this is something new because it's not this is something that uh i have invented which i have not now i also want to make the announcement that i am basically very new i spent a lot of time uploading youtube videos but i never really took youtube seriously until recently i didn't understand the mechanics of people have been educating me a lot i did not know that youtube was spamming the hell out of my my videos when i monetized now i have been educated i'm able to go in there and i've spent half the day going in there and disabling their ability to put ads all through the middle of my video i don't mind at the beginning of my video or at the end but they're not going to be spamming the middle of my videos anymore i've disabled many of them i'm going to spend the rest of the evening and tomorrow going through all my videos and making sure that that's been disabled on each on each individual one i apologize for that so let's get let's get right off into this video first many of you are familiar with emmanuel velikovsky 70 years ago he published of ages and chaos worlds and collision one of my favorite books but he has an unpublished manuscript titled in the beginning the following is an expert it's it's an exact ex excerpt from emmanuel velikovsky's unpublished book i believe it's been published now by somebody else but originally it's been years and years being unpublished it's considered his unpublished manuscript but i believe you can get it now in different venues i don't know if it's legal or not but you can get it now but under the heading of a brighter moon we find many traditions persist that at some time in the past the moon was much brighter than it is now and larger in appearance than the sun in many rabbinical sources it is stated that the sun and the moon were equally bright at first the same statement was made to the to uh de saho de sahu gun i guess i can't pronounce that guys by the aborigines of the new world the sun and the moon had equal light in the past at the other end of the world the japanese asserted the exact same thing in nihon shoki the it's the chronicle of japan it says that in the past the radiance of the moon was next to that of the sun in splendor velikovsky demonstrates that traditions of many peoples maintain that the moon lost a large part of its light and became much dimmer than it had been in earlier ages well the archaic research has added to this wealth of data in posting videos the fact that for a period of 1656 years in antiquity the world was covered in a vapor canopy from 3895 to 2239 bc when the mesosphere collapsed causing the disaster recorded in history as the great deluge during the vapor canopy period the moon at night appeared much larger magnified by the marine canopy i did not invent this concept but merely found in old chronographical references the time period when the canopy filled the sky and when it collapsed the origin of this belief is ancient rabbis have long muted they've long mused over this passage in genesis and god said let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water so god made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it and it was so god god called the vault sky in genesis also makes mention that there was no rain that a mist watered the ground every evening and morning and when the great flood happened afterward the rainbow appeared in history but there are traditions far older than the jews in their book of generations that refer to this mysterious time period and velez velikovsky is by far not alone in modern research to publish findings on vapor canopy history and conditions enjoy this presentation the concept of a vapor canopy was introduced in 1912 by isaac vale in the book the canopy and longevity of life veil was also the first to appeal to the water canopy's greenhouse effect to advocate a universally warm earth the first to claim that this would result in no rain on the earth and the first to claim that the blocking of the sun's rays would lead to great longevity among humankind it would be 24 more years before the concept was seriously revisited harry rimmer embraced the canopy in his 1936 work the harmony of science and scripture stating the earth was surrounded by a protecting lens of ice that made the whole world an eden of tropical splendor in the same year kellogg published his research after an analysis of numerous mythological accounts of the ancient earth kellogg concluded that many many of these traditions tell of a visible watery watery heaven scintillating with light this is in the coming kingdom and the re-canopied earth 1936 on page 23. still it would be another 25 years before the concept would return and be widely received in 1961 the combined work of researchers and scientists whitcomb and morris in the book the genesis flood has presented the most persuasive and well-documented case for the vapor canopy so much so that the scientific community now began to defend itself against the concept because the uniformitarian model of science cannot allow for a historical vapor canopy in 1968 donald patton published an amazing book that theorized that a vapor canopy once enshrouded our world and this was the anti-deluvian period seven years after the book was published the genesis flood but in patton's work the biblical flood in the ice epic he added more details more research and a better scenario for explaining the historic anomalies the capture of long wave radiation resulted in a greenhouse effect diffusing light and warmth into the polar regions creating a uniform temperature all year long summer and winter were not dissimilar and years were counted by stellar revolutions diurnal motion observed at night around the pole star alpha draconis the earth once had a vapor canopy like venus has today is basically his theory and he went further and provided evidence for his belief that the vapor canopy collapsed and caused the great flood because of the proximity of an unknown planetary body and this intruder was as you have guessed the phoenix 21 years later joseph dillo in the waters above earth's pre-flood vapor canopy hit this book was published in 1982 dillo lists a number of traditional accounts that demonstrate a memory of the canopy the effects of the canopy is no longer theoretical creationist scientists in glen rose texas have built a hyperbaric biosphere a chamber where they replicated the canopy conditions and the result was much larger plant life forms inside this containment field the life span of fruit flies was tripled and similar organic organisms underwent changes they have used this biosphere to increase the size of fruit flies other insects and plants that grew to astonishing dimensions in inside this replicated vapor canopy condition an interesting aside in my own personal life in the 1980s when i was young when i was in a youth choir at first baptist bedford i visited glen rose state park twice in my youth or dinosaur national park as it's called today i laid down inside the gigantic tracks of some ancient monster petrified in the paluxy river basin i have seen these with my own eyes i have also seen the videos years later when scientists broke the shale across across other areas and vast tracks of the piloxi river to show scientists that these prehistoric tracks continued unabated it's crazy as glen rose dinosaur park is in north america it is north america where we have preserved very old traditional memories of the vapor canopy according to the aztec traditions inscribed upon the stone of the fist sun exhibited at the yale peabody museum these people believed that earth was flooded in antiquity they knew that an evil race of giants will press their ancestors in the annals of koititlan is revealed that the rain sun age drowned these giants amazingly they also held that during the final flood of the ancient time the sky itself fell to the earth does this not sound like a vapor canopy collapse that caused the great flood a common theme in native american traditions is that in the beginning time only the sun was known there was no moon however in the flood traditions of these same cultures the moon is called the mother of the sun this mystery is answered by the memory of the vapor canopy the vapor canopy appeared just after the appearance of luna i have shown this in my chronocon as 4039 bc but the great flood event was actually the collapse of the vapor canopy in 2239 bc during the vapor canopy period the sun was unknown never seen and the moon was the great mother when the sky fell the sun was suddenly born again an old winnebago legend tells of a time when the sun was captured at that time in the old days people were not the chiefs and did not hunt animals animals were the chiefs and hunted people the cherokees said that in the beginning there was only darkness and people kept bumping into each other an intriguing piece of data comes from the zuni myth coyote and eagle steal the sun and moon wherein it is said that back when it was always dark it was always summer now that is curious indeed no sun in the sky the daytime was dark and yet the climate was summer-like this strange phenomenon is it is again confirmed in this zuni tradition coyote was a poor hunter because of the dark they came to the kachinas a powerful people the kachinas had the sun and a moon in a box coyote opened the box and the sun and moon escaped him flew up into the sky this gave light to the land but it also took away much of the heat thus we now have winter in the legend of raven and the sun of the shemeshon people we find once the sky had no day when the sky was clear there was some light from the stars but when it was but but when it was cloudy it was very dark the ancient american stories tell of a world that did not have a daytime like we understand it was dark and yet under the shadowy canopy it was hot like a summer climate the appearance of the sun actually caused the world to cool these facts are derived from star lore of native america assembled by the researcher brad snowder and these elements are further confirmed in this amazing american tradition the pacific northwest tribes of the shimshin culture of north america remember their hero raven the giant the beginning of this tradition is at one time there was always darkness in never daylight excuse me raven the giant lived in the sky and there was light up there but below the sky it was very dark the air is described as a mist that sometimes cleared the tradition reads when the sky in this world of darkness was clear a little light came from the stars but when it was cloudy there was only the blackest knight raven the giant was a hero because he devised a way to bring the light above the light above down to the ground where people and animals lived the legend states that raven the giant found a water source in the sky hidden near a hole raven the giant stole something from the people of the sky called a ma and he took it back down to earth and broke it suddenly the dark world was filled with daylight and many frogs that had a heart that had harassed him formally were frozen solid in the cold that the light brought with it the final element of interest here is the name of the hero raven the giant it's a memory of the megafauna the gigantic ravens and birds of the vapor canopy world i have published two petroglyphs that show giant birds carrying humans in their beaks it is a theme in native american traditions that in the old world the hunters were animals not people and i have shown much evidence that the ancient settlements of the world were giant they had gigantic walls and roof fortresses because people were defending their communities from large predatory animals like cattle hoyuk goblecki tipi and jericho before the flood it was a lunar-based civilization with stellar time keeping systems under a vapor canopy once the vapor canopy collapsed then according to ancient american traditions the sun was born leading sumerologist samuel noah cramer observes that the original sumerian gods like ann and lille enki and ia were all before the flood but later in history a new god of sumer appeared after the flood swept over the land this newly appeared deity was utu later in babylon called shamash the sun god this mystery as to why the more prominent object in the sky was only introduced to the pantheon so late and after the cataclysm has never been explained but we know in archaics the sun was hidden during the vapor canopy and when the canopy collapsed in 2239 bc in the month of may sumerian civilization was already old and in decline u2 appeared only later in sumerian tradition because the sun appeared only after the collapse of the canopy it was for this reason that the deluge hero was named uttunape the sumerian noah who is mentioned in the epic of gilgamesh the later babylonians acknowledged a former watery sky in the babylonian creation epic enema elish the sky is made from the body of tiamat a skydragon the goddess of watery chaos the victorious god marduk splits splits her like a shellfish into two parts half of her he set up into and sealed her into the sky in genesis 1 1 we find the linguistic equivalent of tiamat in the hebrew word tihom the deep when the firmament above was established the biblical psalmist also left us a record praise ye him sun and moon praise him all ye stars of light praise him ye heaven of heavens and ye waters that be above the heavens psalm 143 3-4 the ancient vedic tradition also knew of this vapor canopy in itarea upanishad 1-2 we read water is up there beyond the sky the sky supports it so the collapsed call caused colder temperatures even though the sun was now visible northern and southern extremities froze and this scenario explains yet another series of intriguing mysteries proof this ice pack has not been there but for a few thousand years is found in that charles hapgood and others have found and published old maps from four to six hundred years ago that show the geographical features of the of the regions thought today to be packed with ice and snow this means that the cartographic projections of hapgood's maps of the ancient sea kings that depict an ice-free antarctica and polar regions are actually copies of older vapor canopy era maps a world wherein everything was larger a world of darkness and continual heat with no seasons an ecosphere where animals and people healed faster and lived longer a world that will return in the month of may in the year 2040. in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need 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