No Restraint, No Restrictions: LIVE with Jason

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2046 is a hell of a year to start with questions kind of vague i wish you would narrow it down there's a lot going to occur in 2046. hell some ancient culture before the flood during the vapor canyon canopy invented an entire calendrical system based off 1 million 872 000 turnings of the stars until the next time a similar event would occur the event in question was an impact event that occurred in 31 3113 bc we know this as the mayan long count but mayan scholars and central ameri indian scholars know that the mayan the maya inherited this time keeping system it involved 13 epics that spanned 144 000 days for turnings of the stars each these were called backtons and under the original vapor canopy year of 360 days a year it was exactly 400 years four centuries was abactin because 400 times 360 turnings of the stars or a day under the stellar system when all the circumpolar stars revolved around the eye of the dragon alpha draconis the ancient pole star that was a single day and they measured time in days under the vapor canopy because years had absolutely no meaning the reason years didn't have any meaning is because there were no seasons under a vapor canopy you have almost no wind no soul the sun does not penetrate uh the entire sky is an ambient violet the light is diffused through such a thick watery atmosphere that there's nowhere on the surface of the world that you can look up and pinpoint where the location of the sun there's no sun to be seen a thick vapor canopy separates this the uh basically visibility on the ground from being able to see the sun no matter how far the sun is if it's a very local small object or if it's truly 93 million miles away it doesn't matter either way it's all simulated it's all programming what we have a problem with is identifying the particulars of a pro of the program and being able to agree on the specifics like flat earthers are very convinced that the sun is very local and the moon is local i too am very convinced of that and they're much smaller than purported to be however i'm not a flat earther i'm a simulationist i believe that all the conclusions of flat earth if somebody was to stop trying to prove that the world was flat and start realizing that the entire history of the world makes sense once we once we adopt flat earth theory they will then reach the necessary conclusions that will take them further than flat earth can go which is the next step will be will be a program delusion where we're at there is no way that a civilization under the vapor canopy in the 31st and 32nd century bc could have computed the next time there was going to be an impact event in north america in 1 million 872 000 days which is the length of the mayan long count which is divisible by 52 which is divisible by 108 which is divisible by 72 processional number which is divisible by 144 golden proportion golden mean the major number in the sequence of the fibonacci sequence it is divisible by 13 which is exactly 144 000 turnings of the stars times 13. it's 1 million 872 000. this is the long count of the maya inherited from the old mecca the old mecca inherited it from the ancient east it so it's it's very interesting but it never ended in 2012 it ends in 2046 and in 2011 i i had a book published by book tree press where i was telling pretty much the whole world who would listen who would order my book said hey man you guys are wrong there may be 212 books out today that are all all postulating that some doomsday event was going to occur in 2012. and interestingly many of those authors continued that [\h__\h] after 2012. no one paid attention to my book just like they don't pay attention to my books now i can't get my books peer reviewed nobody takes me seriously and that's fine i don't need them what i need is for those few who do listen to me to realize that the arithmetic that i provide is verifiable anybody can use a calculator and confirm anything i have said in any of my videos because there's nothing esoteric about them there's nothing secretive there's nothing hyper scientific to where only the scientists can understand it my videos are pretty clear-cut take the measurements of the great pyramid scientifically done by sir flinders petrie and apply them to the events in world history uh in a calendar and i provide those events in chronicon and i show in chronic on the exact sources from which i derive those dates two independent sources of data all i did was coalesce them into a single a single piece of information and provide provider for you and i call it archaics 2046 2046 is going to be harrowing unlike 2040. 2040 is only going to make is basically going to affect asia uh really bad 2046 even nostradamus is very very specific about the second cataclysm so is so is ursula south hill you know her as mother shipton she said the second cataclysm was going to follow the first very quickly and be worse nostradamus is even more specific he says the entire western world will die this is the message too of the of the mayan long count which ends in 2046 and never ended in 2012 but those authors that published those books in 2012 oh my god you should read this this is the books they put out in 2013 and in 2014 oh my god the excuses they provided really clever oh the great the great change in 2012 was dimensional it was esoteric it was mystic all the things they had predicted in the geophysical world because nothing happened they now published books in 2013 and 2014 saying that the huge shift in 2012 indeed happened you just didn't see it because it was in the spiritual world i'm sorry my name's jason i'm not buying that [\h__\h] their arithmetic was wrong in 1952 they miscalculated and i published a book about it nobody paid attention maybe some of y'all are paying attention now but the my lawn count ends in november of 2046. the maya themselves said that time will collapse that doesn't mean the holosphere is going to collapse for the somilichrom it means time time is measured by the movement of the stellosphere there is no other way to measure time it doesn't matter if it's stellar lunar or solar doesn't matter what time keeping systems if it's natural processional or uh mechanistic like a clock digital it doesn't matter all time is measured not by the movement of our world that's the illusion this is that the submilligram tries to to uh promulgate to get you to believe that you're in a real universe when you're not all all time is measured by the movement of the sky the stellosphere that's how we measure when when that sun crosses all crosses crosses crosses the sky we call it daytime when it's on when it's dark we call it night time we measure we measure time like this have we moved at all there's no evidence of it there's no parallax more that's that's not the subject of this question 2046 is the 1 million well november 2046 is the two 1872 today it is the final is the final end is the thirteenth back then it is the return of the seven i think it's called yakti but seven gods are returning according to the ancient maya sounds like the book of revelation all over again doesn't it wormwood comes uh wormwood is 20 46 it is it is in the judgments because remember 2040 in the month of may is the sixth seal i show this over and over and over how the phoenix event in may 2040 is the sixth seal i can't give you all the evidence for that in this video that's what a whole 31 series video series was about uh my phoenix my phoenix playlist you can't you can't refute it there's just there's just no refuting it if it's 100 percent the sixth seal sky darkening moon turning red the earthquakes men the men not just not just not just people but the rulers and the kings and the priests of the earth hiding in terror in mountains and caves and underground that's what the book of revelation says why because the phoenix takes out the elite every time it can anyway um the mayan lawn count is about 2046. david davidson an engineer in 1920 in 1921 put together a 500 page book called the great pyramid our divine inheritance david davidson was an engineer and he studied the great pyramid in depth one thing he concluded was whoever built the great pyramid had geometrically encoded within it all different time keeping systems but he said the great pyramid itself was a calendar and that calendar shows its own end date being in 2045. 2045 and 2046 are pretty close together but i found upon further research that the reason he concluded 2045 was because the great pyramids begin date according to his geometrical timeline that he discovered in the base diagonal measurements of the great pyramid of giza started in 4040 bc and he admits in the text that it's just rounded off it's in that area generally 40 40 bc david davidson does not know because he's been long dead when i continue conducting my research but in my research i show the annunaki nerd chronology and in the year 4039 bc was the capture flood it's when luna appeared in our skies and it was trapped in our orbit it was the first time humans had ever seen the moon according to david davidson that event started the pir anno pyramid and old pyramid is the year of the the year of the pyramids chronology so a major event a cataclysm the appearance of our moon a division in time among human cultures that began separating themselves between the selenites and the pre-selenite pre-selenite culture where those who admitted that they were on this world before the moon ever appeared they're called pre-selenites emmanuel velikovsky mentions them but but hans bellamy wrote whole books about them he got some of his material and from the guy in 1890s to 1902 named uh corb hans horberger a holy a wholly different whole totally different guy but uh my video last night or the night before last night where i or i itemized different books the books of power yeah i mentioned hans bellamy in four of his books absolutely fascinating very difficult to obtain today some of them are lost you can't even get them to warm but but uh hans bellamy's just fantastic they were already old when emmanuel velikovsky published his thesis in 1950. excuse me for a second gotta love starbucks triple shots i might be talking 100 miles an hour here in a minute so anyway 2046 is the third trumpet judgment it follows the phoenix episode in in the divine chronology in the pyramid anal pyramid chronology in the apocalyptic timeline at 6.5 years after the phoenix destroys much of the ancient east from china indonesia uh india and maybe maybe maybe all the way to babylon to iraq iran but that's where that's where the that's the center of destruction for may 2040. um the western world are is pretty much gonna gonna be unscathed except for some coastal cities two cities that are focused upon in prophetic material that are going to be taken out by the phoenix very interestingly are new york city and london and those are captured operations anyway yes agents of the military have been in control of those two cities for a very long time what's interesting is that there is a third city that matches new york and london but it's already gone before phoenix something's going to happen in the next 18 years where vatican city is going to be nuked it's going to be completely obliterated it too is in the prophecies of nostradamus so 2046 is pretty harrowing but it follows and don't think that the whole western world will die as far as people everybody dying because nostradamus is very specific about what trans what transpires between the the may 2040 event and the 2046 event he foresaw and put it in his quad trains mass migrations of people whole whole cultures and races of people leaving the west after the first cataclysm the phoenix event and going back to the lands of their ancestors nativity which is the middle east he even mentions whole mass migrations of people just passing across europe it's almost as if fleets left north america and landed in europe in different areas of the mediterranean and they just kept going east to repopulate we're talking about a repetition of history what i am describing in 2046 already happened in 3439 bc and started the entire historical record for which we know of as the hyper-inflated story of the anunnaki which is the story of the anunna the founding of sumer elam egypt harappa wa wasset errata dravidia this was it's a repetition of history what happened during the vapor canopy world is going to happen all over again exactly mass this mass migration i'm talking about is very well known to scholarship it is not known outside of scholarship i have not seen albert t clay over 100 years ago wrote several books about this it is mentioned by layered is it is henry layered sumerology it is mentioned by samuel noah kramer the original summarize george smith was was very aware we have after the great flood in 2239 bc a second wave of westerners the first one was 3439 bc introduction of the anunna and inky the second one was after the flood in 2239 bc north america was obliterated and totally destroyed in an impact event montana who you know of as the badlands was hit by something the survivors got in got in ships and fleets and there were there was probably half a million of them but they came from all over north america and and the uk british isles area maybe greenland and they left because north america was obliterated it was left uninhabitable they got in their ships and they entered the mediterranean and this was during the fourth dynasty of babylon after the amreph fell was sitting on the throne formerly named amar udack of sumer later when he ruled akid the same man when he ruled akid he was called merodak but when akid collapsed in 1899 bc during the tower of babel episode this man was still alive he lived he lived over well over 100 years this man this man was still alive and in babylon they didn't call him merodak they called him marduk well the ancient jews called him nimrod this is all the exact same person he was on the throne he was he was on the throne his his his name one of his dynastic names was am raphael he is mentioned several times in the book of genesis in genesis chapter 14. he was ruling uh babylon when sodom and gomorrah rebelled in keto larimore of elam put together a huge confederation and they invaded this is the background story to genesis when lot was was abducted with his family from sodom and abraham had to go to go rescue him with 318 servants now the english translations of the text make it look like the abraham was some type of superhero because his own household his own household servants his own household maybe maybe workers or or some soldiers and 318 men of of uh oh amorites that's all it says joined him but the rip but the original hebrew text go into much more detail these aren't just amorites they're gibram these were giants these were westerners they had technology they had they had science they were they were there was nothing ordinary about these men they had just invaded the near east and they were without opposition they began what's called the fifth dynasty of babylon you know this in the history books they gloss over it but the main ruler the amorites put on the throne was the guy who was already ruling they just changed his name he's no longer a maruta act merodak nimrod he's not they come and they name him ammurabi and ammurabi was the king of the fifth dynasty of babylon he's the same guy the amorites came in the amorites were green eyed and blue-eyed blonde hair and red-haired caucasians from north america and when they came in they came in they came in in numbers whole occupation forces they carved out a city and called it mari a kingdom called matani and from there they sent out armies to to arashu they to lake van to the black sea to egypt they set up the hixos dynasty the egyptians hated them but they were always called westerners the this was a massive invasion of caucasians from america who had just had the north america totally obliterated in an impact now this was the second impact event that had happened in north america the first was in 3439 bc and began the annunaki histories with the arrival of inky in a fleet of ships now some accounts like thor hired all gives a lot of details about the fleets and where they came from by way of the island of dillman around the ancient nation of megan well this is way before egypt was even settled your original question about 2046 is that whoever the civilization was that designed the mayan long count did it with a computer because you could have never done it otherwise to calculate the next impact event and know that it was going to be excuse me 1 million 872 000 turnings of the sky divided by 13 is is 13 bactens each one being the ancient calendrical cycle the yuga they were called yugas during the pre-flood pre-flood world ancient the dravidians and the hindus and ancient sanskrit writings they preserved this element but all the yugas were divisible by one hundred and forty four thousand some of them were two hundred and sixteen thousand some were four hundred and thirty two thousand some of them were eight hundred and sixty four thousand turnings of the sky it was only over a thousand years later that that hindu scholars and people that were trying to translate a lot of these older sumerian and academia records mistranslated these gigantic numbers which were called shars these these sharks zechariah sitchin was guilty of this as well because he followed the research of barossas but there were critics in the alexandrian library and scholars who were telling people that this isn't true this isn't thirty-two thousand day or years and unaccu did not live forty six thousand years each it's crazy but the scholars in the third and second century bc were totally ignored modern authors like graham hancock and robert bauble and andy collins now they go with the mistranslations this sensationalism is very popular but it's not true the shars from ancient records were shown over a hundred years ago by sumerian scholars who were alexander heidel was one of them samuel noah cramer these guys were original george smith they knew that char was simply a unit of measurement it never meant year zechariah sitchin claims it means years and just stretched his chronology out to an impossible length of time like the sumerian long like the sumerian king list the sumerian king list has been very misunderstood it is actually a patriarchal document gloating over the fact that they had overcome the matriarch there were what we have today is not the original copies there's like 11 or 12 different copies of the sumerian king list it's not the original the original involved a matriarch she was the eighth she they took her out in the later copies in academia especially the amorites the westerners when they rewrote these materials the originals though we have found many fragments that shadow what the originals were talking about but all of them say the same basically the same thing that the eight kings before the flood only seven of them are are ever named but there's but there's a hint that there was an eighth ruler and it's always always female now same thing is found in the book of revelation in the book of revelation the seven kings emerge and they start the beast kingdom and they support the antichrist and the false prophet but revelation record is very clear that there's an eighth but no details are given about the eighth it just mentions that there's an eighth king in the sumerian king list we find that seven kings ruled 241 thousand two hundred shars zechariah sachin wants you to believe that's 241 thousand two hundred years making each king live for like ninety thousand years that's ridiculous it's always been ridiculous because char was unit of measurement and it is only 241 200 turnings of the stars because only days were counted back then which means under the 360-day vapor canopy draconian year we're only talking about seven kings ruling for 670 years and that matches the dragon king chronology of ancient china it's precise so 2046 to derive that number like like david davidson when he when he's when he when he measured the base diagonals of the great pyramid and put together the anno anno pyramid chronology and determined that it was going to end in 2045 he's absolutely correct the only reason he said 2045 is because he started his entire chronology in fort 40 40 bc in the year 4040 bc but he was off by a year it was 40 39 bc that little insignificant alteration that one year changes his output from the base diagonal measurements from 2045 to 2046 the same as the maya long counts 13 vactins mario reading put out a phenomenal book a phenomenal book showing that mikhail de nostradam you know as nostradamus actually codified his prophecies in a date index mario readings book is fascinating but mario reading committed a cardinal sin he wanted certain things to be true and he's in and he went against his own date index to make predictions for the year 2007 2008 2009 2010 when nostradamus wasn't talking about those years at all and nor could mario reading show that nostradamus was even isolating those years using the same date index that he discovered but he did it in his book lost credibility but if you follow not mario readings date index the lost prophecies of nostradamus fascinating if you follow his date index for after 2020 it's awesome how accurate it is same thing mother shipton said great skydragon will come one century after a world war well one century after a world war is 2040 or you could be could be translated as 2045. but it's hers was more general nostradamus is what is it i provide that in my book nostradamus in the planets of apocalypse and i show you how nostradamus has like 18 quatrains that are dedicated just to the year 2046 and how we derive those dates anybody can see how how nostradamus codified it because i actually cite and show the material in mario readings books i also show caesar cesar ramadi's research nostradamus wrote several letters to king henry and his own son and the things that he said in those letters helps you understand how to how to translate the quatrains of nostradamus when it comes to nostradamus i don't claim to be an expert but my bibliography does cite 14 different translations of the quatrains of nostradamus i was that fascinated and thorough in my research i don't in my own book on nostradamus i cite all of them and i even show where some of them deviate in their interpretations on some of the quatrains because those deviations in some instances are substantial one word you know when somebody's translating an uh on a latin or in french text into german it doesn't always come out the same as when you read a french transliteration into english so i provide multiple different perspectives but in the end we still have the exact dates 2046. man i've been i went a long time on 2046 didn't i i'm sorry guys i don't even know who asked that but we have thousands of comments here oh that was hidden sonata hidden sonata you really need i got like three different videos in my nuna files list i have an entire book it is available in booktree 1-800-700 tree i have an entire book dedicated to showing you that the year 2046 is the wormwood event of the book of revelation and all the different methods by which we can arrive to 2046. remember using using nothing but hebrew gematria which i don't follow but using anything using nothing but hebrew gematria studying a passage in the bible applying gematria douglas voigt also predicts great cataclysm in 2046. his method was totally different than mine all right you want any more information about 2046 my book is annunaki home world androneke homeworld breaks it down i even listen i have never done a video to show you guys how to interpret crop circles but i should i should i have two chapters in my book indonecki homeworld for 2011 showing you that crop circle geometry are calendars in two dimensions and we can easily interpret the the begin and end dates of those of those crop circles i'm not just making anything up anybody can follow the math i provide every formula the formula never changes no matter what the crop circle looks like many crop circles that appeared in 1996 97 98 99 all encoded the date 2046. many of those crop circles have little sigils in them that look just like comet impacts yeah you ought to check out my book i should do a video on i should do a video on and just go go back to all that reason guys i literally told you all 10 12 videos ago that i still have 500 videos in me at least and i do and i'm and i assure you i'm not talking about live videos i'm talking about uploads yeah i probably have thousands of live videos i can do but uh let me turn this phone off oh no i supposed to have somebody come help me install my fence i'm halfway done installing a fence around my property let me tell him real quick uh no tomorrow i'm doing live video i'm sorry guys sorry for the interruption i gotta tell them not to come over no tomorrow i'm doing a live video i'm doing live video now cool okay i hope i didn't bore some of y'all with the 2046 hitting sonata it's on you you did that okay now there's a bunch about 2046 i haven't even mentioned and you guys have to forgive me there's just no way i can compress a massive amount of data into a live video which is impossible i can only scratch the surface of each topic fascinating videos fort worth texas how can we best optimize the inevitable occurrences i don't really know how to answer that question vv how you can optimize it i do know this i know that no matter what is planned to occur whatever is scripted in our holography i know that it won't affect me if i don't want it to i know that i have great latitude to be where i want to be and to suffer what i think i need to suffer or be immune from any damage i just don't i do not believe that i have survived too much in this world i should not be alive today so it tells me that there is there is a there is a fundamental interaction between the soul and psyche in between the soul and the silicrum and it's interactive it listen it might be negative default programming and it might be the ai system that operates this what we call the dimmer urge but i also know it works for you because it works for me and i have done impossible things and i have survived impossible circumstances so i can't really answer this question and try to give you some type of formula by which i mean you see i'm just like nike i just do it and reality commiserates it's a i can't plan for the future because in planning for the future isn't it is an admission that that i don't know that that i'm not sufficient to survive it on my own by will alone i'm uh to i know there's a lot of preppers that listen to me and i and i get that but often the people that do that are doing it for the benefit of others what i mean is like i'll give an example i told you guys before in a video that one of the most fascinating series of books i ever read was by william johnstone he wrote a series of books called out of the ashes in chapter one of the very first book seventy percent of the world is nuked it's a nuclear icbm exchange 24 books he general ben reigns who is not in the army anymore he retired but during the whole 24 books is how humans come back and begin surviving but they go through some [\h__\h] because of all the new post-apocalyptic cult cults and the starvation and people people it's a it's a dystopian society people are pulling out world war ii vintage tanks jeeps mache pcs machines because all that machinery can be fixed and be used and and all that but nothing as far as as electronic technology was good anymore so william johnstone's book out of the ashes man paints a really good picture but the ones who who did the prepping the ones who uh who who stockpiled all this stuff or in most circumstances even in that series of books they're not the ones that survived they were the first ones taken out if they did survive by locals who had nothing so yeah it's pretty harrowing it's very disturbing series of books it paints a very good picture of what is going to happen after an after and all out mad mutually assured destruction nuclear icbm exchange it's it's a very entertaining book but it's got some harrowing [\h__\h] in it too he kept it very realistic william johnstone he's not alive today but that series of books out of the ashes is one of the best series of books i've ever read but i will say it's not for everybody it's got some disturbing content because it's very realistic the man the man spent a lot of his life studying military hardware he got the details right but anyway it's it's hard i really can't it's hard to answer that question because we're all so diverse we're also different and we all view and in interact with with reality itself in fundamentally different ways so and it's just whatever i mean i can't say it better than this what you resist persists if you don't if you haven't mastered the art of letting go then you probably have a lot of problems in your life and that goes for anybody i'm not talking to anybody in particular letting go letting go of things not letting them own your emotional energy is the best way to be immune from them see larry bird just started watching your videos fascinating stuff salute from fort worth texas i love caltown it's been spent a few years there i spent five years of my youth in bedford texas back when bedford was a country town you had to drive a little ways to get the hurst and euless but now it's called heb okay hidden sonata will our bodies change immediately once the vapor canopy happens or does it take place slowly over time i don't know i don't want to sit here and invent things for you just because i introduced this concept from the ancient world about the vapor canopy i do know this i do know that in 1902 vapor canopy conditions were replicated when the phoenix phenomenon occurred and induced a volcanic explosion in the caribbean at martinique where 30 000 occupants of the city of martinique on st pierre were incinerated when a mountain blew up a volcano but the energy released from that volcano was ambient radiation ambient radiation soon had real odd things going on in martinique animals and plants were growing to astonishing sizes scientists went and studied the phenomenon studied everything that was going on after the volcano in 1902. in the year 19 from 1902 to 1903 two scientists documented that they grew two inches taller one man was in his 50s the other was in his 60s just can't make this stuff up that was that was a vape that was vapor canopy conditions under the vapor canopy volcanism is real but the ambient radiation is being trapped under the vapor canopy and it's diffusing and it's causing plants and animals to grow to astonishing sizes and it's coupled with the fact that the oxygen content is much richer under a vapor canopy plus ambient radiation is being filtered in through the canopy itself the uv the harmful uv radiation does not affect anything it doesn't even make it through the canopy it only takes a few feet of water to completely to completely filter out and reflect away ray a harmful radiation but when you have a mesosphere like the vapor canopy that is a miles thick no no harmful radiation from above can filter below so under in vapor canopy conditions trees grew to the size of high-rise buildings today animals were gigantic people grew to to great sizes open cuts healed in minutes deep wounds healed in hours people knew which plants to staunch wounds they knew how to make immediate medicines they knew how to do all this stuff under the vapor canopy world under the vapor canopy world dying was a big deal because it wasn't easy to do murder like the story of cain and abel murder had even more significance attached to it because in order to kill somebody in the vapor canopy it wasn't a crime of passion it was deliberately premeditated with malice and animus because to kill somebody you really had to go through the motions really had to go through the motions today humans are fragile and it's really easy to end somebody's life quickly you can get away with crime of passion or emotional or psychological instability not but not in those days in those days cain was cursed and his family was cursed he was given a deliberate mark that this man is a murderer yeah but this is inaudible story may not be true at all it's but it's a it's a great antidote of the times of the traditions of the times it's probably attached to a real event we don't really don't know but when phoenix does what it's going to do that's why we understand the return of the vapor canopy remember as in the days of noah as in the days of noah all noah ever knew was a vapor canopy according to the scriptural narrative for the first 600 years of his life do i believe he was 600 years old no i believe that the ancient achaean version where they called him nerus is more closer to the truth they called him ruiz because he was either born or he died at one of those great ancient near eastern epics called the nur which was the anunnaki nerd chronology which i've written and posted a lot about the 600 year great epics of flavius josephus vapor canopy conditions are is not a good thing for for for the majority of humanity and the reason being is because when the judgments of god happen during the apocalypse it's not easy to kill people anymore at all because of the vapor canopy conditions phoenix appears in may 14th may 15th may 16th depending upon where you are in the in the month of 2014. the vapor canopy may begin forming a year or two before that or or it's fully formed within a year after that doesn't take long it could be formed but because phoenix brings an impact event and a significant impact any in any one of the world's oceans would put enough moisture in the atmosphere to begin the vapor canopy then events following that would like vault like like intense volcanism all over the world would would speed up the process it's not like we're going to wake up one day and have blue skies and sun and the next day is going to be a viper canopy but then again it might because the vapor canopy collapsed in one day the day the sky fell the birth the birth of the first sun the water sun of the ancient americas through the collapse of the vapor canopy we all know that event twenty the month of may 2239 bc the great flood now that wasn't the gion flood it wasn't the capture of lunar flood either the capture flooded it sure wasn't the oh gaijin deluge was in 1687 bc there are four great floods in history but the flood of noah was 2239 bc the 16th the 16th 56th year of the pre-flood world now you want to understand vapor canopy conditions read the books of first and second esdras they were removed from the old testament canon for a reason very harrowing prophecies about what humans are going to go through in the last days again i'm speaking of people in the collective because i do not believe that in the particular in the personal we have anything to worry about we are immortals i go through this is my subject matter of my last two live videos not going into that in this video those two videos covered enough enough for a while [Music] okay let's see all right have you noticed all the similarities between phoenix and janus okay israel you asked me about janice i know who you are senior deals i i'm not i'm not familiar with where you're going or what you're referring to the only genus that i'm from are familiar with is the is the roman roman deity real real obscure deity of faith two faces one one looking in the past one looking in the future i don't know i may need to i have a library behind me i can look up almost anything from the ancient past as far as belief systems and myth i have whole encyclopedias and mythology behind me i need to study janus i haven't i haven't had a chance to look look into it if there's a particular tradition you're referring to like janice meant some type of intruder world or intruder planet or or cataclysm protocol maybe that's what you're talking about i don't know i'm not familiar with it the only genus i'm familiar with is the two-headed god whose face looks in the past and face looks in the future and uh basically the reason the romans started the year in january although the rest of the ancient world all started the the new year at the vernal equinox around around march 21st was day one of the new year and this is why the great flood is always spoken of in all these ancient accounts is happening in the third month of the year because back then the first new year's day was the vernal equinox that put the phoenix event in the month of may as occurring in the third month of the year so oh yeah i've got some really detailed calendrics on on phoenix that i've never published before i just haven't got around to it i really i really wish i had a million a million bucks and i would stop doing everything and i would just sit here and type out chronic on because the notes i have oh my god you guys wouldn't believe look this is just a pre-flood world this right here is just the pre-flood world nothing else this is just the first 16 56 years of the human calendar man and i have the rest of this studio full of everything else but i really need to start chronicling i just haven't had a chance i need i need to i need to start chronic on and then just go ahead and do videos on every single section like 30-year segments of the pre-flood world do a whole video on what was going on in the world during this 30 years in this 30 years in this 30 years let me tell you i have data that's never been published all together in one in one place cold from civilizations all over the world showing the exact dates when these happen showing exactly how i derive the dates uh i've taken all of sitchin's material and showed cause zechariah ascension says so many things about this sumerian text right here says that in 100 and 140 318th a year of such and such but if you i can take every single one of those sumerian sumerian sums and just divide it by 360 and i have the actual year amount because shar never meant year it meant unit of measurement and we have proof of this from alexander heidel and samuel noah kramer sumar sumerologist a hundred years ago because cargo ships measured their wine in shars [\h__\h] means unit of measurement didn't mean year it's a day it's a turning of the again you guys have to you guys got to keep me on track you know i'm going to entertain tangents and then i'm going to get lost in my tangents then i'm going to trip over another fact that's going to lead me down through another tangent you got to check me about that don't know about janice all right london cherokee soul what is your take on the plasma apocalypse listen guys i do not want to detract or take away from any of this research of these other guys like i said i applaud out-of-the-box thinking my problem is is i have not had proper time to assess the data from these guys i'm familiar that several of you believe that the phoenix phenomenon as i presented is probably the same thing that j dreamers has been has been releasing videos about he just doesn't have the chronology or the historical details i have he has more of the mechanics and physics about what's going on we may be talking about the same thing now the fee many of the phoenix resets in history uh could be referred to by auto didactics material i understand this many of you sent me emails about this we may all be talking about the same thing and i'm the one providing the actual chronology showing the chronographical materials when these things happen i just didn't have all the data they had you follow me when it comes to plasma apocalypse i cannot denigrate any other author i can't say that he's not he's full of [\h__\h] he said i don't know we may be talking about the same thing we're talking about something that appears in the sky holographically i believe that hundreds of thousands of nodal apertures are in the sky and they are projectors and we have been told that they're called variable stars and they're not their holospheric projectors nodal apertures between dimensions that bathe our holography in energies that we interpret as physical optical phenomena this is what i believe i don't believe at all in the solar system i don't believe all those beliefs i used to have i've had to shelve them because the acquisition of more data shows me how falsified our reality is i can never go back i can only move forward because i cannot compartmentalize my beliefs i can't shelve anomalies to the side i have to incorporate everything into my paradigm this is this is how i make so many discoveries and back them up with arithmetic because they do make sense from a holographic perspective they do not make sense in the newtonian universe so these guys talking about this plasma apocalypse and all that may be talking about the exact same thing i am i'm just using the ancient monikers it was in ancient times called the fink the fenris the fing the north neph in phoenix all these civilizations had a name for it these guys are calling it something else and that's fine that's absolutely fine phoenix calls his resets over and over and over so we have some value in those guys that are documenting all these weird resets now in modern times there's been some stigma with this like the particular attachment to one single culture from antiquity called tartaria tartarius from tardar it means the far west i've done research on tartary i've done research on the ancestry of targary on on the huns and on on the eastern europeans and how they had come come by way of the black sea many of the migrations coming straight out the near east to me it's not very mysterious i understand how the bolsheviks rewrote history and burn thousands of books libraries and rewrote a lot of the histories of these people do i believe tartaria was the entire world hell no do i believe there was a tartaria that was significantly advanced and may have been technologically advanced and then reset maybe more than once hell yeah i do but i also believe that other civilizations have suffered the exact same fate so i can't i need time to be able to assess that data i just haven't been able to look at these guys channels and and to to see if we're all talking about the same thing we probably are just from multiple different vantage points i don't know i don't know that requires some some looking into have you looked into nick bostrom's theory on simulation theory i don't know who nick bostrom is so i couldn't tell you that who is that ultra gym fish and coral inc all right that's an interesting name so uh hello from communist new york city can we talk politips trump supporter here you know what i have got to put that that playlist together so many people are sending me emails i haven't even answered all those emails i have but i do have there's no there's no refuting it you can follow my my isometric projections you can see every element of trump's life led up to his presidency you can see all the way holographically how it happens i need to do some more some more i'm not like i said we have some surprises coming don't think that that april begins anything because i'm telling you now you got some real surprises coming about what's going to happen politically is trump coming back as a president i don't think so i don't even see it in the calendars but i did say what i saw his life in millennia mirrored john q john q when he left the presidency john quincy adams left the presidency and his wife was foreign too just like millennia but when he left the presidency his ass came right back to rule the united states from the house of representatives he was speaker of the house that man that man still had a political career for another six seven years after he believes he was cheated out the presidency yeah that's actual history about john quincy adams it totally mirrors trump trump and millennia even the accusations about russia that were levied against trump and millennia were the same accusations well over 150 years ago levied against john q adams and his foreign wife as well neither here nor there we have significant events patterned in the holography of our time space that mirror the events that occurred in 1974 that are about to erupt right here in america in many of the things i said i said in my trump videos in january february march and april of last year some of those videos were 14 and 15 months old that i said about trump they have come to pass in shocking perfection those isometric projections were not wrong i said specifically in those videos that many many people in mainstream media are going to begin falling like dominoes over the next year year and a half and we've seen we've seen that but because it happened so slowly we learned of this newscast we're taking man it's always some weird excuse they're retiring or they're leaving for some reason but i said all these leftist liberals these talking heads from talk shows they're all going to start disappearing when we see it when we'll be goldberg we see all kinds of things happening but it's it's only a it's only building a crescendo what i've predicted is a total takeover of conservatives and republicans a total about face a controlled collapse of the democratic and socialist socialist wing of america absolutely premeditated by people behind the scenes and uh it has it's for a reason but it's not for the reasons that have been given out in the q movement the q anon movement i believe that's a psyop i do not believe that the us military would ever give hints out to the general public in the form of codes for them to interpret that is some fantasy [\h__\h] now what we have going on is one arm of the deep state taking out another arm of the deep state for the greater good of being able to to continue with goals because the best way that the elitist globalists are able to do the things that they need to do like agenda 2030 is to make the people believe that events are going in their favor they will be more controllable so yeah i see i see it i see this whole thing is totally different trump played a role trump played a role 100 percent and uh i i fell into it you know a year a year a year and a half ago i really liked him uh i love his rhetoric i love his pro-american rhetoric and i will say this the man he was a man of the peace during the trump administration we didn't go to war we weren't seeing the military out to go kill people we weren't doing none of that stuff uh the economy the economy was really good here in the united states uh other nations really respected trump he went everywhere his speeches were okay uh is he eloquent hell no but but it doesn't matter results are all that matter and he was putting america first he was doing all kinds of great things for this country and that's why americans love trump but i recognize that behind the scenes there is no way in hell the trump family descended from germany are not a part of the globalist elite there's no way in hell they're not they are playing a role that doesn't mean that we're not going to get to see some of the things that we've been wanting to see because i promise you i promise you you're going to see the bidens go down you're going to see kamala harris go down you're going to you're going to see pelosi go down the isometrics do not lie there's going to be an american president removed from office and it's going to start a domino effect vice president president is not going to become president it's all kind all kinds of things about are going to happen american people are going to be given what they want which is a government that they want but it only makes them more controllable because the next phase the next phase of the elitist is about promoting a hedonistic peace society where everybody has stuff but you own nothing and you're happy about it a meta society we'll get we'll get all off into that later but i need to go ahead and put that playlist together and amass all those maybe i'll do that tonight maybe i might quit talking about it just do it tonight because many people are not really familiar with the fact that i have like 15 different predictions videos and i should do it tonight because i have predictions coming out on israel germany ukraine russia some smaller countries too i think slovakia or romania thailand i can't remember i have a whole list i have a whole i got i'm probably going to put them all in one big video because some of the things i have found are interrelated international events or interrelated and i've already done events things you can expect we're still expecting a nuclear incident in 2022 we're still expecting has not occurred and i've also revealed that this year israel will be at war i just wasn't doing an israeli video i was looking at other countries when i made that determination now uh now i will be releasing the isometric analysis for israel so we have that to do too i really need to do that playlist let's see what your take on the plasma apocalypse been there have you looked into nick bostrom i'm sorry i don't know who nick bostrom is ultra gym fish i don't know how long you've been a part of my channel but let me explain real quick in a nutshell my very first video was not about simulation theory it was just about the phoenix it's called weapon in the dome uh it was originally called flat earth apocalypse uh it's all about the phoenix the phoenix history what to that how the elite noah know it's coming and how they're preparing for it it's very detailed about a 45-minute video i had a really bad motorcycle accident within days of doing that video i did not release another video for a year when i came back to youtube a year later my entire perspective had changed i had re-analyzed all my data all my beliefs i had and now everything made sense because formerly i had put things i had shelved things under the table that i wasn't going to reveal to the public because there were anomalies and they actually they were counterproductive to my own theory and the main thing was was the fact that phoenix appears in mid-may it like clockwork every 138 years since the year 4309 bc that's impossible it's not possible even in a newtonian universe it's not possible for that type of astronomical precision but it's true especially not possible because we have evidence that the number of days in a in that period of time since 4309 bc has changed at least twice the year for over 2 000 years was 360 days the entire vapor canopy world all the calendars the vedic the sumerian the ancient egyptian the old the old nequishes zapate all of them were three were divisible by 360. even the mayan backing of 144 thousand days a mayan bacter is divisible by 360. 360 was the ancient draconian year under the vapor canopy what our year today is 365 days 0.25 a quarter of a day this is where we get our leap year from this has complicated everything but if phoenix appears every 138 years over the past 5 800 years how is it possible that phoenix appeared in 1626 in the month of may and bombed the hell out of ancient china sending stones from the sky killing taoist priests and all kinds of stuff how is it possible that 138 years after that in the month of may half a million europeans looked up and saw the sky darkened as an object passed in front at the exact same time in the month of may that astronomer hoffman was looking at a telescope and watched something pass over the sun's surface that covered one fifth of the sun's surface whatever that object was it's so gigantic that when hoffman reported it to the royal society they said it wasn't true but they entered it they entered it in in the minutes but they said it's not possible because anything to have covered one-fifth of the sun's surface that was as far as venus was so truly it would have been a planet the size of jupiter it's not possible for something that size to have come into the inner system according to the newtonian physics models of the astronomical society in 1764. how is it possible that 138 years later in the month of may so much stuff happened to to the world in 1902 that i was able to produce three different videos here on my youtube channel all about the year 1902 and everything that happened so many things that happened that charles fort in 1930 wrote a book and he said 1902 the other dark age yeah man it's it's crazy it's impossible the year had changed there's no way therefore phoenix is a cataclysm protocol it's a part of our holography that cannot be altered something else is changing events changing calendars changing timelines and even introducing phenomena like micro apocalypses in different areas micro resets in different areas to throw us off the calendar phoenix is keeper of the calendar because every time a phoenix episode happens we now know exactly where we are in the 138-year holography phoenix now my new interpretation has accepted about a year ago is that phoenix is not a weapon against humanity it's a weapon against the living dead in the elite but phoenix has never harmed the holy and this is something i should have saw way before that it's another reason why i have adopted simulation theory because simulation theory accounts for the fact that different timelines can be using different types of years that have different measurements and yet they all coalesce on the exact same key dates only only in a hologram can disparate pieces of information coalesce without contact only in a hologram is that possible because we're we are we are everything is a matter of perspective it's like a kaleidoscope i can stand still and look at the look at the sky from one perspective and see a certain amount of phenomena but if i change my position and look things appear differently the same thing with events i'm a simulationist now my very first video i had not adopted any of this one year later after a motorcycle accident almost killed me i was a simulationist this is why my very second youtube video is called simulation theory and in that video i made promises to the public i made promises to my listeners i you can go back and read it's a short video simulation theory my very second video but i'm very very specific about what i'm going to bring to the table and i've had many people send me emails and messages telling me hey man i lived up to those promises because i have no one back then would have ever believed that i would release over 250 videos using historical timelines to show simulation theory wouldn't believe it i don't believe it but i'm still doing i hope that answered your question but as far as nick was his name nick bostrom's i just don't know who he is i have no idea do not know okay what do you think about the bhagavad-gita well i think the baha'i baha'i gita is a really interesting text i've read it probably twice i i see arjuna as another messianic type but uh the bhagavad gita comes very late it's a late text it's not it's it's after the mahabharata and the mahabharata is pretty late it's a hindu text it's not as old as the older sanskrit it's not like the atharva veda the rig vetta uh even the even the commentary is called the piranhas yeah guys i'm well read i have read all these texts and the piranhas i haven't read them all because they're they're thousands of pages there are hundreds of commentaries spread out no i don't even know how if anybody even knows how many purity texts there are there's a lot of it's like the talmud anybody who tells me they read the whole talmud i'm real skeptical man because that's that's like encyclopedic it's a lot of volumes and it's really hard to keep up with how many there are uh i don't know the bahava has had a lot of value oh it has fragments of ancient history from about 1899 bc to to the 17th century bc bhagavad gita covers that area in history right there right after the great war that's mentioned in the mahabharata called the battle of kuriksata which i need to do a video on one of the great wars between the east and the west where giants fought on both sides ceta previa previa we are trapped within a dream within a dream a bubble within a bubble reclaim the scapegoat oh okay you're kind of going off there aren't you skateboard remain lost or remain lost in fake yeah i believe love is not pretending all right matt imaginationary man stephen from india do you think there is a way to reflect the phoenix attacks back at the phoenix like i said man i'm not really convinced that the phoenix is is a really bad thing is it harrowing yes to the living dead to those who are not awakened yeah it's it is terrible but i will say this in the book of jasher one of the books man this academia tries to denigrate in the book four copies have been found from the ancient world the last in the 1800s was found in ganza of persia the book of jasher the chronology in the book of jasher is impeccable stephen jones broke it down and wrote a book called the stephen the secrets of time and he used the jasher uh chronographical material and he dates an event where it says that the sun darkened in a mighty earthquake shook all the cities of the sons of men and men grew terrified and they hid and they as jacob led his sons 12 sons of israel and their sons just their immediate families against against the canaanites this is not the conquest of canaan after the exodus event of moses this was before they ever went to egypt in the book of jasher and stephen jones is absolutely convinced from the chronographical material that this occurred in the year 1687 bc and he dates this because in the jasher text this is the exact same event that followed the rape of dinah when the canaanite men of shechem raped a daughter of israel named named dinah his the sons of jacob came together and they said man we're going to kill these guys and they did they went and killed the guy the men of shisham then the surrounding canaanites were pissed and they all assembled seven huge armies and the israelites well they were really was it wasn't any israelites it was just jacob and his 12 sons and a few of their sons so they're they they know they're outmatched and all of a sudden jacob prays to god in the book of jasher there is an incident where jacob looks up to the sky prays to god ask for deliverance all of a sudden the sun darkens now this is what happened this event did not really happen these few men did not overcome the canaanites in this way what this is is a rabbinical text taking an actual historical phoenix episode event or canaanites were destroyed from rocks falling from the sky and interpolated into the text was a jewish hero jacob and his sons who who made a prayer to god and this is what the entire bible of the old testament is all these historical cataclysm and resets events where rabbis introduced jewish characters in these events it didn't happen that way there was a phoenix episode in 1687 bc stephen jones is absolutely correct in the pornography however in the in the in the uh phoenix chronology 552 years a phoenix cycle of 138 times 4 is 1687 bc after the great flood which occurred in 2239 bc that can't make that up i have published the 138 year periodicity of the phoenix in many different areas on charts and published books and in my in my videos so stephen jones not knowing anything of the phoenix chronology accurately dated a phoenix episode and perfectly described it but the jasher account isn't really real it's a jewish narrative that was using real historical chronology and they were inserting all these jewish characters we don't know if atreus was real but he predicted a phoenix episode and the people chose atreyus to rule the throne of argos over his brother and his brother was next in line to be king but atreus has said in the ancient decaying traditions published by robert graves that atreyus was an astronomer and a mathematician and he calculated the exact date when the sun would darken there'd be earthquakes and all kinds of [\h__\h] and it happened thales of miletus is specifically said by herodotus of halicarnassus in the histories written 440 years bc to have been a phoenician by remote descent which was an israelite thales predicted the exact date of the darkening of the sun it is said by pliny that he predicted it within this the same day uh the prediction was made in 585 bc and herodotus says that the prediction was two years in the future and it came to pass and we have many historical records for the sun darkening in 583 bc and we have actual eclipse computation computer software that proves the event was not an eclipse of the moon it's on the phoenix timeline it also happens to be the exact date that the japanese and the greek delphic oracle changed their calendars they did it for good reason uh i don't know remember why i'm talking about this what somebody asked me that made me go off in this detail something about the phoenix no i don't believe we can change the fence i believe the phoenix is fixed nor do i believe that it's as bad as we think the sixth seal of the apocalypse remember seals remember what a seal is when somebody puts a seal on something in ancient times it is first of all it was a symbol of protection it protected that product because there's a seal of ownership on it the apocalypse is not the seven seals that's christian eschatology that's christian misinterpretation of the older zoroastrian and sibling oracle prophecies the book of revelations was never a christian document students of the gnosis were already familiar with the revelation record before christianity ever came about christians later made up the fiction that john on the isle of patmos in the year 96 a.d wrote wrote the book of revelation after seeing a new he may have only wrote the first seven chapters which are the letters to the seven churches but the main body of the prophetic text is far older than christianity the symbols that are used in the book of revelation cannot be found in ancient greek texts the symbols that are found all throughout the great bowls of wrath the seal and the seals the seven-headed hydra the seven-headed dragon the beast with seven faces the even even the mentioning of the seven kings and the eight who was of the seven these these are not symbols that were familiar to the hebrews they're not familiar to the israelites they were not familiar to the achaeans the greeks no the symbols used in the imagery used all throughout the prophecies of the book of revelation are only found in ancient records in two sources one are the sumerian texts the sumerian texts were very familiar with those but even more so and this is very difficult for many people to gather to grasp but the imagery the even even down to the frogs coming out of people's mouths all the locusts the men the human faces locust armor wormwood these are not in any known to any anything in the in the last 4 000 years we have to go back to 5 000 year period to the vapor canopy period to understand all these symbols in the book of revelation and even the sumerian references to these symbols are copies from ancient american traditions it is in the legends of the maya the legends of the cliche the ole mix the zapotec even the toltec and aztecs later who preserve many of these elements on the stone of the fifth sun it is the ancient american prophecies legends and traditions that give us an idea as the to the meaning of what the book of revelation is talking because the greeks didn't understand those symbols and the hebrews didn't have a clue what those symbols were they're not christian iconography either the book of revelation is truly a prophetic text that could have only been interpreted by a civilization that had grown so advanced that it was able to pull forth from the past all the pieces of information it needed to to put the ciphers together to interpret what's being said said another way the prophet daniel in the old testament was very accurate he said in the last days knowledge shall be increased christian prophecy says that the last days shall be as in the days of noah when all this information was known the book of revelation was truly meant to survive all these millennia to be mysterious and yet be interpreted by the very generation that was about to suffer the contents that's described hope that answers your question i need to do a video on that purple haze i don't know what you mean you talking gary baxter how ironic that they call it phoenix when it is a water is water delusion okay i'm not really sure what you're talking about phoenix did cause the great flood of noah it did not cause the cause the the flood that was occurring called the gihon flood in 3439 bc when inky arrived in a fleet of ships from north america and began the sumerian civilization oh that was that was the gihon flood it was it affected the mediterranean egypt the great flood was 2239 bc it was the end of the of the sumerian king list as soon as the reign of the eighth king king began he never got to finish his reign the flood cut him off this is why in the prophecies the eighth king will return in the last days he's also called the destroyer he is called abaddon he's caught he's coming back he ruled during the vapor canopy but phoenix cut off his rule as soon as he began ruling the phoenix weapon was activated the great flood occurred and the reign of the seven kings and the terrors that they started this great beast kingdom collapsed it was another good thing that the phoenix did so let's see is this a military soul farm uh i don't know i i don't think so i do believe that we are we are on a reincarnation transmigration souls program which go which totally antithetical to anything i was raised to believe as a southern baptist christian but i believe i believe that we are we are like i said i've been i've been many avatars you're an avatar right now you're going to be somebody else it doesn't matter if you die three years from now if you die three years from now you'll just be a seven what a 13 year old kid or 14 15 year old kid when the phoenix event occurs so it doesn't matter you'll be you'll be back you're not going to miss anything jason please talk about what you know about the titanic i hate the titanic i hate talking about that titanic the titanic the lusitania these gigantic steam ships like the hindenburg they're all built by the white star steam steamship company but it was all conspiracy the captain of the titanic was in on it they had to kill all the opposition of the world banks the rothschilds knew that there's no way they're ever going to take over the american economy and start printing the money for for america and there's no way that they're ever going to secure their hands on this great wealth that that the united states had unless they could take out waldo waldorf astoria and and and his close confidance uh in the united states so they gave they weren't even going to be on the titanic a lot of these great business tycoons that were opposing the world banks they were on the titanic but they were on the titanic by invitation and coercion because originally they weren't gonna be on that maiden voyage yeah yeah many of them were were given free rides they were sent for and and all this publicity was pumped up and yeah it was all an assassination for beginning with because the rothschilds don't give a damn how many thousands of people they had to kill they just needed to kill those three men that were on that uh deal i don't know why my computer just turned on i normally keep the shutter on my on my camera because i don't need anybody watching me but apparently some my computer just popped on my computer's behind my tablet why it popped on so all right let's move on titanic titanic was an inside job no i didn't hit an iceberg no iceberg was involved if it was then the titanic was deliberately rammed into the deal it was probably torpedo like the lusitania was torpedoed and like there's another white star steamship that was torpedo back then too i can't remember the name of it i did a video on the titanic but i should have waited when i had more data but the real the real behind the scene story story about the titanic was the murder of the astorias and all their all their business allies because they were directly opposing the rothschilds in basically stealing the mints from the united states yeah sue ironic purple haze what's cracking archaic's fam up yours 1973 up yours you're still playing that tank game i know you're still blowing stuff up man saw you at santos it's my first time here okay sylvania is it your name french lavier flavier sorry if i mispronounced it okay or rgg what countries in asia are not safe in 2040 and what countries in 2046 what are some of the countries that will be safe to move during these two events well i go i go into a lot of detail on this my in in my other videos but look you know really in a nutshell in a nutshell you have to understand you just can't i'm gonna i'm gonna answer your question but first but first you have to understand as an immortal individual there is nothing you need to fear unless unless you don't believe in your own divine inheritance and believe me the submilligram will then commiserate it will it will edit you into what's going to happen to the collective but in the individual individual level the very knowledge the very awareness that something is going to happen can knit for you the actual protections and immunities from that event but you got to be aware of it you got to be aware of your own your own isolation from the actual environment that you occupy because this is all simulated and it's very easy for the similar group to edit programming that makes you immune from the very things that are affecting everything around you this is the power we have great latitude to decide for ourselves who we're going to be through all these resets all these cataclysms all these rise and falls of civilizations all that this is one of the chief things that the elite know that they keep from the people is the very fact that we are gods and that we are immortals trapped in the mire it's who we are now to answer your question in the collective indonesia is going to get it the worst from anybody this i have followed all the phoenix resets going going down like you see every time they happen even though even though even the temporal pole shifts and the great ones which are lithospheric displacements which have only happened twice but in 2040 the prophecies are very clear too one-fourth of the entire world's population will die this is the sixth seal of the apocalypse in the book of revelation it is the return of the phoenix it is also the return of the vapor canopy but the large majority of this 25 of the world's population that will be taken out are oriental they are in indonesia thailand vietnam laos cambodia both koreas most of china all the way up into japan mongolia important parts of russia all the way up to the far the far furthest eastern areas of siberia that is the greatest area of devastation some of that will stretch all the way into india all in that hemisphere on that side of the world the area that will be the least affected in the entire world is just south of that australia austr australia is not going going going to experience any of that just like australia has not experienced almost anything cataclysmic since men were able to write since the advent of literacy australia hasn't hasn't suffered really anything further evidence of this is the fact that australia has more more anatomically different we call it marsupials life forms than any other continent on this world preserve preserved from the fact that that area of the world that land mass has suffered the least resets the least volcanic resurfacing the reach the least amount of cataclysms because its life forms are preserved today whereas the marsupials that were around the all the other continents have basically been ex become extinct they have suffered because australia is not the only continent that had marsupials marsupials were on every cotton in this world but they've only survived in australia because australia in new zealand has been a safe haven for millennia since since the actually since the time of the vapor canopy marsupials thrive in a vapor canopy in a vapor canopy suit oh so uh ecosphere australia looks like it has good times coming when this apocalypse apocalyptic events occur and this is why i personally believe so many billionaires are buying up real estate all over australia today in new zealand but it's not that's another that's subject for another video if they're if they ever let me do it oh but to continue to continue your question i believe that many significant discoveries are going to be made before this and during the 18 years until the return of the vapor canopy in phoenix i believe that a significant amount of the human population are going to be aware that look as soon as this phoenix event occurs then people are going to wake up say okay you know what everything that we've been told maybe the archaic's research maybe i'll be gone i don't i don't know i just have this i don't even want to get into it but when the when the may when the mid-may phoenix event occurs people are going to go they're going to wake up and like you know what [\h__\h] everything came to pass as said because i've been publishing this stuff since 2003 about about may about may 2040 and november 2046. this isn't something and this isn't some novel research in the past two or three years no my research has been published and goes back way it goes back a long time i have never changed the dates because i can't it's in the holography the holography goes back thousands of years can't change that oh when this occurs people will wake up say you know what we gotta go we gotta go we have got to get the hell out of north america because every single thing this guy has said throughout the entire ancient past and documented we didn't take seriously now all of a sudden vapor canopy's back oh we just we're getting reports because there's no more satellites no more satellite communications or whether satellites exist or not there's no more telecommunications there's no more internet there's no more any of these things but there's whispers coming through people are still on cessnas and apaches and the little twin engine aircraft and there's and there's rumors filtering in three and four months after the phoenix episode occurs there's rumors coming in in north america and what's what we're hearing now in 2041 and in 2042 is that asia was obliterated the phoenix just devastated everything as this news spread i believe that my chronic on which is my life project which i don't give a damn if i'm if i'm dead the day after it's published and distributed to everywhere it needs to go my life passion is to get my chronic on out to get it totally written and distributed in steel boxes because when the when the vapor canopy returns and when phoenix returns in may 20 may 2040 then maybe people will wake up and realize okay well you need to be prepared for 2046 2046 better be prepared for 2052 better be better be prepared for 2061 better be prepared isa newton wrote about that well better be prepared for 2070 the beast kingdom the return of the 7 the uh the new society that is now openly admitting that they are siding with the demiurge and the return of the chief cornerstone man all this stuff man i believe that the mass migrations from north america are going to be done by people who are acting with intelligence because they now have accepted the paradigm and they say okay look phoenix happened it was predicted some some weird ball headed ex-con a long time ago predicted all this his books and his writings are all over we we've watched his videos people have done study groups uh we don't know anything about him but we know that he predicted all this and he said that 5.6 years afterward the western world will meet a far worse fate than the asia ever did because when the nemesis x object appears appears it's not going to be discriminating like phoenix was it's going to take out all of north america most of central america that's uh i believe that's what nostradamus is referring to because in the time between the two cataclysms that nostradamus is referring to in which he dated according to mario reading in the date index for 2040 and 2046 these are the exact dates of nostradamus in his codified date index that i've published and shown for anybody to see in between that nostradamus sees mass migrations of westerners going back to the old world which is a repetition of history of the umuru who left north america after an impact event and they arrived throughout the mediterranean ports in fleet and they estab and they established they established tear they established said on they established philistia they established established the ancient israelite states they estab established the hurrian states they established ararshu they built a capital city to rule the entire area of the near east and they called it mari these people were called the umuru the westerners they were like i've already described them to you they are found in the egyptian racial portraits on the egyptian temple of karnak perfectly show these people the westerners they established the itty dynasty of anatolia they stabbed they established the fifth the fifth dynasty of babylon and they they they basically empowered m raphael who was already ruling and changed his name to amurabi or amarapi whichever culture you want to emulate so um these westerners they took over they took over we know them these are like the americans of the ancient world they're westerners they're caucasians we know them in the biblical material as the amorites and the jews hated them but uh that's another story let's move around history repeats itself all this has happened before imaginary imaginationary man i have a problem saying you're saying your handle man what if the dome in the sky is a giant projection dome like a planetarium it also uses the dish to amplify the phoenix phenomena like the loud trumpet sound i don't know man i believe that the sim the simulated holography that we exist in is basically functions like a toroid uh if it looks like a toroid which allows us from the inside to believe we're in a physical world we're looking up at a multi-tiered hologram but it's actually the inside of dyson shell that dyson shell has nodal apertures that scientists call variable stars those variable stars aren't real luminaries at all they're red and they're blinking all the time and they they totally defy all the explanations of astrophysicists they just don't make sense so they just call them variable stars they change their magnitudes unlike other stars i believe they're holographic projectors that produce phenomena that we think is physical great skydragon comet appears asteroids rocks fall from the sky it's all projected but because we are jacked in through the central nervous system every bit of this to us is perceived as physical so that's i don't really know man i your theory is just as good as mine casey trumbull okay hello casey new name jason i have a question you say the vapor canopy is going to return in 2046 no i don't the vapor canopy is going to return in 2040. it is a byproduct of the phoenix phenomenon the phoenix phenomenon in the year 3895 bc in the month of may created the vapor canopy and the vapor canopy remained intact for 1 656 years up until the collapse of the vapor canopy again by the phoenix phenomenon both of them occurred in phoenix years the pre-flood world mentioned by over 41 ancient authors was 1 656 years long and we have an equal amount of sources scientific textual and traditional and chronographical that all date the great pyramid is 22-4 i mean excuse me not the great pyramid but the great flood event which was the collapse of the vapor canopy in the year 2240 or 2239 bc which was the phoenix year phoenix ended the vapor canopy and phoenix will bring it back that's 2040. 2046 is the return of the nemesis x object it has a totally different orbit it is 792 years the last time it was here was in twin was in 1314 a.d and in 1314 a.d it is an incident known in european records as the great black comet because six bright luminous comets had had appeared in several years before this the seven years of the seven comments but they were all bright luminous comments but not the seventh comment comet the seventh comet is just called a comet they don't know what it was but it passed over the sky and it darkened all the skies it was a great black they called it the great black op comet but william brambly and gods of eden talks about it a lot that was 13 14. yeah nemesis x object it goes to aphelion for 732 years but it's at perihelion for 60 years which means it's in the inner system for a 60-year period this same 60-year period is mentioned by many many cultures it's shown in article astronomy monuments uh in ancient sumerian records it says the anunnaki had access to earth for a 60-year period every bit of it makes sense and i have documented each 60-year period that nemesis x object was in the inner system in every single one of those periods major events in world history occurred one of them you know really really well is during a 60-year episode of nemesis x object was the rise and fall of alexander macedon who became alexander the great who basically conquered the the eastern world persia the west conquered the east so oh in the last 60-year period starts in 2046 because from 2046 to the final year of the return of the chief cornerstone is 2106. that's 60 years from 2046 to 2106. and i know these numbers really confuse a lot of you they don't really have meaning but if you looked at my charts you would see how incredible all this is how the great pyramid shows the year 2106 as the return of the very top cornerstone that's to descend upon it how the great pyramid is actually the monument of man and every single block represents a soul of man and the last 144 000 casing stones are the final 144 000 who die in the apocalypse when the monument is sealed and once the monument is sealed everybody else on earth is on the outside looking in because when the chief cornerstone comes to descend upon the monument of man the number of the elect is sealed and stopped everybody else on earth is a member of the beast kingdom and they will fight against the chief cornerstone they will follow the seven kings who are known as the archons but in other of but in other traditions they are known as the builders i hope that answered your question i mean i cover a lot of this in my noodle files videos i understand they're long some of the videos are long and you go go into them uh tim toddles what is your opinion on is it the code of the similar chrome well it very well could be because people who are very versed in gematria have shown me some very profound things and i can't argue against them they're absolutely correct the geometrical value of certain words and terms and phrases are what they are and how they and how they correlate now gematria like anything else can be abused you can start applying it to everything and making sense of everything when it's all entirely subjective however there are incidents where where we know that jamaica has absolute value such as in the biblical text of isaiah we have a passage in isaiah chapter 19 verses 18 and 19 where there is a very obscure passage that over 250 years ago many researchers claimed was referring to the great pyramid of egypt and it refers to an altar an altar in the land of egypt at the border thereof it was a sign in a testimony and a witness under mankind of the great works of god and it was put in the land of egypt but at the border well that description is of the great pyramid which is in the land of egypt but it's also at the border because if anybody looks at a map and looks at what the location of giza in the great pyramid it is at the is exactly 108 miles away from the mediterranean but it's at the border of the delta the delta is the ancient egyptian nine bose region it's called goshen goshen was an area of the nine bows great pyramid is at the border of that where true egypt is because on the other side of that is goshen going all the way to the mediterranean which used to be under water that's how that's how the egyptian delta was formed not by the nile the nile flows in the exact opposite direction of every other river in the entire world passing over over the equator that's because that entire area at one time was at a different elevation in the great pyramid for over 350 years was under water this is why because of the casing stones that protected the great pyramid and the other two pyramids they the white limestone casing blocks were removed by the muslims that's why the pyramids look the way they look today but in 820 a.d when the great pyramid was entered by alamo and explored and they discovered the king's chamber in the grand gallery and all that back then the pyramid was still looking like it was adorned in white glistening 144 000 came casing stones because it was still 500 years before the earthquakes during the the period of the seven comets over europe and the great black comet of 1314 it was during that period that massive earthquakes dislodged the casing stones on the great pyramid and i'm not making any of this up this is all the historical record there's many many muslim authors that were talking about those earthquakes during the period of the seven comets and it dislodged him and that's when the muslims realized man we got all this building material so they took all this building material and they sent hundreds maybe thousands of workers up the steps of the great pyramid and they started breaking apart all this white limestone that was protecting the great pyramid and they they hauled it all away and you know where that rock went it's called the city of cairo they built cairo out of the casing blocks they broke it all up into any pieces they could use and shaped and built built mosques and they built administration buildings and they use a lot of the rubble under their under the underground so they could build streets on top of it because it's a shifting desert now this is why the sphinx which never had casing stones looks like it's so weathered by water this is why it looks so terrible like it's been white that's been underwater for a long period of time because it was it was under the mediterranean for 340 years from the collapse of the vapor canopy in 2239 bc caused by the phoenix 340 years the sphinx was under the mediterranean all the way to the year 1899 bc when a great earthquake shoved northern egypt about 70 feet in the air where it is today this is why the oldest traditions about the kingdom of wasat in egypt egypt had a very specific very old name that name was not egypt and it wasn't chemic egypt was called the raised land again i'm not making up making this up professor waddell and many other many other minds greater than me all cite these horses why the hell am i talking about the great pyramid what did you ask me you see how i go on these tangents guys i know what it is it's this damn hot shot this is triple shot this thing got triple shot energy here i go running my mouth vapor canopy in 2046 that wasn't the what question did that jay hart how you doing casey trombone was that your question oh will megafauna return when the vapor can't be returned listen humans are going to go through physiological changes there's no doubt there's no doubt we don't know exactly what the vapor canopy's going to do but vapor canopy conditions were the difference between the titans and the giants i have a video where i described the titans and giants why in the historical record the mythological and traditional records in ancient textual records there were definitive references to humans that were called titans in humans that were called giants and humans that were just humans there's a reason for that and it's because of vapor canopy ecology it's a it's a totally different biosphere we know geneticists tell us all the time that we have junk dna but it's not junk dna it's only inactivated it's an inactivated genome because we're living in a biosphere that's very restrictive today and those those gene sequences have been turned off but under a different environment with a different atmospheric pressure there are genes that will be activated and i don't believe that it takes the next generation you know conception and somebody being born i believe those gene sequences get activated almost immediately the reason i believe this is the incident in 1902 history is for instruction like i've told you i'll tell you guys all the time history is all codified it's all simulated things these things are there for us i think my com my tablet just restarted you guys still hear me i still got this huge thread to go through oh my god i'm never going to get to all y'all tonight not this many comments i really appreciate y'all's participation there is no way i'm going to be able to answer this many comments i'm gonna go for a while though i'm gonna go for a while okay good hey gardner thank you i just look i saw you said yes i'm still on yes but uh this is vapor canopy i believe because what happened in 1902 with those two scientists that were at martinique studying st pierre when the volcano had erupted and they were there studying the phenomena of the island just being there studying that in the presence of of a volcanic explosion that it incinerated 30 000 people where only one man convicted to die lived did y'all know that in 1902 saint martinique uh pierre exploded the volcano exploded and killed every single person in the city everyone there are protestants who claim that god did this on purpose because a week before the the volcanic explosion catholics appeared by ship on the island and they induced the local population to burn their bibles because the papacy has always been of the opinion that the that the bible should never be in the hands of the of the layman only the laity should have should have a bible the clergy bibles were for the priests not for the public this has always been the catholic the catholic belief in 1902 catholics appeared and said man if y'all want to bring your your uh and this was this actually happened because there were people who were reporting people who survived way out in the bay on the ships and reported that there was a controversy going on in the city of of uh martinique or saint pierre and uh the country the controversy was about burning protestant bibles they had they hold a book burning and the catholics got together a week later 100 percent of the entire 30 000 member community was incinerated in seconds when the volcano erupted the only survivor one man survived out of the entire city and he was condemned to die and the only reason he survived is because they had put him in an underground dungeon and he was far below the blast radius but he still had burns now i don't know from the uh i know there's many accounts of the of of uh this event i don't know if he was later killed uh because he was sentenced to die i don't know what happened to that man i don't even know if he survived weeks later because he was badly burned i don't know i don't know i just know that one man survived that entire entire episode even the ships way out in the bay had been incidentally blasted apart so other ship captains wrote it in their logs when they seen what happened but but i believe that yes the human genome is fantastic and it has everything to do with what whatever the biosphere is that's what we adapt to we adapt to it within weeks within weeks it also depends on how healthy you are don't quote me but i have a suspicion that there has been an agenda for the past two years to go ahead and put something in the human genome that's going to keep those changes from happening to those who have succumbed to it you can interpret that any way you want to let's see but i do know that they're already planning for the return of the vapor canopy how do i know this because they're pushing solar bad they're pushing solar really bad they're also pushing electric really they want our infrastructures not to operate on on fossil fuels they want our infrastructures to operate on solar wind and electricity why because when the vapor canopy returns none of those will be available those are a thing of the past whole cities whole civilizations shut down on the surface they don't have power plants electricity is not working they don't have they don't have fossil fuel industries to support the the the electrical the electrical grids they don't have under a vapor canopy conditions there's no wind it's not even necessary rain storms are a thing of the past remember in the even the book of genesis which covers the vapor canopy period in the book of genesis it says in the ancients knew not rain for every morning a mist covered the ground and every evening a mist cover a dew covered the ground and watered all in and watered all the holes and all the plants and all that that's humidity but during the daytime that same humidity would rise back up to the sky it would be a purple haze people would peek the whole sky this is not ancient you understand ancient american traditions are are the most specific about the vapor canopy not the other way around not the egyptian not the not the sumerian the egyptians to the egyptians and the sumerians it was all about the the appearance of a new god after the flood remember in the sumerian record this the flood survivor at first is called zuzu sudra but after the flood tradition is over he's called a napascan but a napa stem is prefixed with the word utu and utu was a very was a very obscure god in the sumerian pantheon who only appeared very late in sumerian history and he was the god who was represented as the son and in babylon they changed his name to shamash or shamash he was the son but his original sumerian name was utu this all the appearance of utu was because the vapor canopy the vapor canopy collapse and all of a sudden the sumerians had to create a new god because now they got this bright thing in the sky flat this is the origin of the rainbow because during the vapor canopy world there were no rain barrels there's no way a prismatic effect effect could have occurred the sun was never visible they never had a bright sky during the vapor canopy during the vapor canopy world ambient radiation is what made plants and animals grow to astonishing sizes but that radiation came from two sources one of them was the sky the other was from volcanism because volcanoes were always going off under the under the and do your homework and you'll find out from geology that there are there are there are things called ambient radiation i didn't make that up ambient radiation does make things grow to astonishing sizes ambient radiation does heal wounds it does all kinds of it's a rare form of radiation it's not it's not the harmful kind oh i don't know anything about the ice wall guys i've never been to antarctica never been i don't i have not even researched i have haven't had time to it's a research bar uh uh bird birds egg you know i have a bird's expedition to see what it is i don't know i just don't know yeah vivi you're absolutely correct the old encyclopedias do map out of tartaria if it was the bolsheviks that totally erased their history yeah it was all it was all in the gym all it was all an agenda but tartaria was only that area of the world it wasn't the rest rest of the world wasn't at all it's all about rewriting history they do it all the time i have i don't know i don't know if i'm ever going to release this material but i have i have a folder here full of every citation i've ever been able to find from ancient records starting with the greeks then the romans talking about this certain race of people and how they have how they have completely manipulated the economies of every country they have ever come in contact with the romans couldn't stand and burn their city to the ground twice kick them all out europeans open their gates europeans opened their gates to these people because they were convinced they were the children of god because they had rewritten the ancient israelite text and created the jewish bible so europeans knowing that the romans had kicked them out opened their gates and what did they get for it in return read the histories of charles martell you'll find out what they got in return christians went to sleep at night while these people woke up at two in the morning and opened all the city gates all across europe to let the muslim moors and saracens and and the muslims of the middle east to come completely take over their cities uh uh sell all their their children as slaves you know turn them into indentured serpents servants yeah most people don't know that caucasian europe were slaves to muslims for over 400 years yeah most people don't know that because caucasians caucasians are very prideful people just like hispanics for prideful people just like chinese or private prideful people and we don't want to admit that these things happened in the past but they did half of europe were slaves to to to islamic caliphates and it's all because a whole another group of people pretending to be the children of god had opened up the city gates and uh turned treachery to the very host that had taken them in and let them have homes among them yeah that's i only want to get in those details i have i literally have a thousand pages of notes on that entire history i don't know what venue i could ever publish that on they're going to shut me down they're going to shut me up these people these people have billions of dollars at their disposal and they can shut down anyone yeah and if they can't just kill you so i don't know if i'm ever going to publish that if i do it it's going to be in secret it's going to because somebody funds it but i can't waste time right now in putting all that together when i need to put chronic on i need i need to put all my chronic on those that's priority one this other one i wish i could reveal it to all people are not going to believe why the world is the way it is today until they see this material i'm talking about i have direct quotes from benjamin franklin about these people george washington thomas jefferson thomas paine actual quotes actual quotes from the congressional records congressional animals about these people things that that that jf kennedy said in privates and people man you're not going to believe these people have been doing this to us for millennia yeah it's it's crazy yeah and then when they rewrote the histories they demonized the romans and the imperials yeah the romans were bad romans did this they they [\h__\h] over these people they did yeah well the histories that you're reading went through the publishers that were owned by these people now there's no doubt i really wish i could get through this whole thread oh my god there's hundreds of comments in this thread this is ridiculous man this is exact hey crystal mm-hmm i'm not worried about this video being two hours if you guys got the stamina i got the stamina i'll keep going i need to find another good question though jason do you have a plan to fight the elites because of waking uh besides awakening more people a a plan to counter agenda 2030. i'm sorry i don't the only plan that i can see is that i created an informed field all right i spent years of research putting all this together knowing that i was going a certain direction that certain direction completely changed when i had a motorcycle accident it actually enriched my research and gave it context and now i understand because i was never going to reveal anything about some milochromis simulation theory and all this it took a motorcycle accident for me to recalibrate everything i had ever learned and assumed because it took the motorcycle accident for me to realize that all this data that i had shelved and compartmentalized and put away needed to be brought back out and put into the whole of my archives because i was doing the same thing that scientists do and that's wrong if you're you can't you cannot shelve data and cherry pick what you want to reveal to to to others and then say that you have discovered anything at all i couldn't do the motorcycle accident brought me clarity it brought me clarity it also brought me an awareness that that i'm just an avatar nothing was real to me during the motorcycle accident not only was i in slow motion but i had predicted exactly how i was going to land upside down on this concrete pylon i had predicted that i was going to live i was absolutely calm and i was flying through the air i was upside down i was watching my motorcycle do somersaults i remember hitting something and spinning but when it happened i didn't feel anything i now know in retrospect my rebar went through my whole arm and spun my whole body around i i crashed into a construction project so i'm all i i remember there was just no fear it was so surreal to me and it was in slow motion i remember i remember all of a sudden an impact on my back but i was upside down and when i hit i landed on the back of my neck and then my knees hit the ground in front i saw my knees come down i landed in like fetal position and uh because when i hit the concrete pile i just slid down but i remember unfolding and standing up and there was an intersection and people were were leaving their car doors open they were running to my location and i remember looking at and i was so interested in these people i just remember looking i was at peace and i did not know that all my clothes were on bar were on a barbed wire fence i didn't know i didn't know that uh i had i didn't know that i had how much my body had went through to get to the to the point where i hit that pylon and just just fell down but uh it's just so weird because i remember that i'm absolutely aware of my entire environment but i am not in any way connected to my avatar my avatar was doing what i what what i was go the motions i was going through which was standing up and looking around but i was so detached from my avatar that i didn't feel any pain i didn't feel any fear didn't feel anything i wasn't even in shock i just remember looking around and it was only by other people's reactions to what the way i looked you know standing there almost naked uh blood all over my whole body i can imagine what they saw because i'm covered with tattoos all the way to my feet and i remember and now i'm covered with blood and i don't even realize i got this piece of bent like an l-shaped bent rebar in my arm and uh other people were handing me shirts mexican guy handed me a t-shirt he took it off his body t-shirt and gave it to him and the lady took it and started wrapping my head and i thought it was really odd i was like i was like come on man this is not even that serious and they made me sit down it was only when i sat down and saw the rebar in my arm that things started coming back to me like damn i'm supposed to be in pain that's not normal and uh that's when things started rushing back and i woke up in an ambulance and when i woke up in an ambulance i looked up at this female this female's face and the first thing i asked her what time it was and she kind of looked at me shocked and but she looked she looked and she told me what time it was and all i told her was oh i'm i'm missing 17 minutes i just remember she looked really shocked and i passed back out again and i woke up in the er and they were doing surgery on me and uh the [\h__\h] reported to the doctor that we had had that exchange it's just really weird but the whole thing was so surreal but it was during my healing because that day wasn't bad the surgery wasn't bad the next day wasn't bad three days later i could not move begin it's because of the impact upside down all my internal organs had sloshed inside my body even my lungs had just ripped out from my my rib cage just tore everything up even breathing was so hard and it took me a long time to uh i was i had a cool landlord back then and she and i just told her straight up i can't move can't dress can't feed myself can't do anything she cut my clothes my hospital clothes off and i just took care of me and but it was during that healing period that that i was uh i was reassessing everything i was like man i had only released one youtube video now i'm re now i'm reassessing everything you know what i've been moving in the wrong direction everything i've said about the phoenix is correct nemesis eggs object everything that i've published all everything in my chronic everything's correct my perspective has been wrong now all these independent phenomena that i had left alone such as the alteration of the calendars the change that how many days have changed all all that made sense now these are coding protocols mandela effect deja vu synchronous synchronicity coincidence all these things could now be incorporated and i can make sense of them now these insect storms that happened in 1867 1868 1870 and 1871 uh these this weird holographic images that appeared in the sky in fatima now all these anomalies that i had documented that i had never really made since these giant cigar shaped objects that appear before plagues and start dumping body parts of decaying animals out which which which causes plagues and putrid and stuff like the great black death plague of 1347 it says all this now makes sense in 1902 these giant cigar shaped objects were seen by by giant shipliners in in the atlantic coming out of the ocean and going into the sky and then the bannock burn gigantic ship barge the bannock burn was leaving the great lakes heading toward europe with the hundreds of thousands of bales of food and stuff and it vanished in full site of a ship captain and the crew of another ship and they had documented so the bannock burn couldn't have disappeared though it disappeared right there in the great lakes but the great lakes aren't deep enough for a ship to be lost but they combed the great lakes in 1902 1903 1904 and even today the bannock burn has never been found and it's too big of a ship to have been lost but strange lights were seen in the clouds at night other ships reported weird sightings of things moving in the sky and then the bannock burn vanished in full sight of other ship so many things happened in 1902 like that but all these things now made sense to me everything all my discoveries and ancient calendar systems the anomalies that never made sense before how everything was just absolutely so perfect one of the key denominators of my studies on calendrics is the fact that every single calendar known to man was all created in retrospect x post facto meaning the start date of the began years after the events that it depicts i'll give you an example the mayan lawn count 31 30 31 13 bc the mayan long count we have no evidence of the existence of the mayan long count at all until about the second century bc we have no evidence no references from monuments nothing however the monuments that were show that the begin date for the calendar system that was being used in the ancient americas began 3113 bc the hindu records the jewish calendar the anus mundi calendar and old pyramid of david davidson the roman julie encounter all these calendar the anno domini calendar is perfectly part it is a great one to start with the annual dominion calendar was supposed to start with 180 did it no started 522 a.d and they covered it up and tried to make it look like it's it was invented in 526 but started in 532 they did all this the roman catholic church the papacy did all this to cover up the phoenix event because a major phoenix event occurred in 522 and then resulted with the nemesis x object which also appeared it is the only year in all of recorded human history that both phoenix and the nemesis x object were in the system at the exact same time it's called the justinian plague it's the justinian apocalypse all the weird stuff the earthquakes and comets and fall out from the sky the great plague that killed like a fourth of the world's population all that happened right there and the papacy tried to cover it up i have a video about it it's profound couldn't believe couldn't believe when i put it together but calendars have to have that in common they're always in invented in retrospect that means something is editing our our reality once it gets to a certain point it decides to go ahead and reset everything but in the reset we now have as historical proofs monuments traditions and documents that all these things happen when they didn't uh let me move on i need to move on okay john adams you have any idea if anyone will be taken out of here before this terrible time comes upon us okay you say terrible time comes upon us i don't think you guys are getting my getting my you i guess my understanding of the apocalypse apocalypse is a double-edged sword all right the apocalypse actually means to unveil to uncover to the awakened to the enlightened to the redeemed to the elect to the immortal to the person that knows their divine inheritance the apocalypse is an unveiling it's a peeling back of reality to show what's really happening here's what's going on we know these are judgments from god but they're not affecting us there are always fringe communities that are surviving on the edges of civilization when civilizations are going through resets or cataclysms i don't see the future coming phoenix and nemesis x object events as evil to me in the particular because i know i'm insulated whoever i'm going to be i know but they're terrible and horrific to the living dead to those who don't prepare to those who don't believe in their own divine inheritance i tell you over and over that our holography in in the collective is fixed events will happen in the collective unconscious all this we are the world everybody holding hands trying to mentally change into all the star seed theology that we can we can by by immense numbers come together and alter reality no you can alter the reality of the cul of the of the group that that's participating in that that always happens there are always survivors of every reset there are always survivors of every cataclysm you will never stop the actual similacum protocols they were written in by something far more powerful than we are while we're here we don't we're not really enjoying our full inheritance we're stuck in here we're trapped in here this is why the chief cornerstone is attached to the prophet he came to set the captives free this means we're captives and we require somebody to come set us free now i don't believe that's going to happen in the future i believe it already happened in the past and this is what the great pyramid is but that's that's subject for all my my pyramid videos 2040 cherokee soul 2040 is the return of the vapor canopy it's already been here before it will come back 2046 is the return of the nemesis x object there's only one time in history that the nemesis x object in phoenix were in the system at a six year period differential period and that was in 20 26 53 bc and 2647 bc right before the great flood the next time they were in the system together they were in the system together on the exact same year that was 5 22. i have the full chronologies of the nemesis x object and and the phoenix you can see every single 138-year uh phoenix episode you can see every single 792-year nemesis x object episode in all especially in my color chart i have a doomsday charts uh our cakes 2.0 doomsday charts and doomsday timeline they're in my gumroad uh sales uh i like i said everything i i sell in gumroad is super cheap i want everybody to be able to afford them they're like three dollars four dollars five dollars six dollars uh some people some people to donate will put twenty dollars in there uh gumroad let you pay whatever you want to pay but they're in there in the uh in the gun in the links below and all my all my websites refer to them if you're really interested to see these chronologies in these charts i have them i don't just provide the charts the charts come with extensive chronologies that show you what happened each year and also for those of you who are waiting on your on your drives they're all mailed out they're uh most of you in the united states you should have received them today or tomorrow now international i don't know i just sent a bunch of them to uh stephen wallsworth because stephen wallsworth is rewriting them to everybody in the uk i sent a lot of them to naomi river because naomi reiber is making sure that everybody in australia gets there gets their thumb drives those are the two the two great areas canada you're getting yours independently mailed by me with with the rest of them in north america the united states so your phoenix thumb drives let me tell you you don't have to go to the youtube channel to go search for phoenix material you don't have to go to facebook to search for the phoenix material if you have if you have this little drive right here you have now 42 phoenix videos uh 28 phoenix articles and posts 214 phoenix charts chronological charts timeline illustrations all kinds of imagery all all attached to the phoenix you have two different chronological timelines that are very extensive one of them is the 138-year phoenix deal and those of you getting this drive y'all have you all have that coming the 138 year phoenix timeline every single thing that happened each one that we know of them recorded history it doesn't mean all of that happened because there could be a whole lot of phoenix episodes we don't have any documents for so those uh also i threw in a uh also i threw in two things i threw in the entire book tree catalog there was it's a pdf that's on there because many of you have been asking about it so i went ahead and threw it in as a freebie it's it's uh it's over it's over 1200 to 1300 books uh largely 350 to 300 350 of those books i've read and researched booktree is a reprint catalog it reprints all these old books and uh it's a lot a lot a lot of my source materials come from my publisher's catalog which is booktree so you have that entire catalog on that flash drive you also have also through in the archaic timeline of the ancient world a year by year chronology starting way before the vapor canopy pre-flood world starts in 5239 bc with the beginning of the annunaki neurochronology and it goes year by year all the way to 1 bc so you have you also have a timeline in there it'll keep you busy it's all from 5239 to 1bc it covers over 52 centuries of the ancient world packed its pack so that one drive you guys y'all already have them in the mail it's the international i don't know how long it's going to take you to get them might be next week might be the week after i don't know but you got them coming guaranteed here in the united states i'm pretty sure that all of you either got them today or you will get them tomorrow so and if anybody anybody else is interested in getting the phoenix flash drives how much they cost and all that it's all blowing in and you know i did a whole video about it but this is only the first i can't these flash drives will not i can't find a single flasher not even a 128 gigabyte flash drive can contain all my data not 252 videos now many of my videos are an hour hour and a half two hours it's just not going to happen uh not only that but i have so much charts and details chronologies pdfs attack in each one so 100 of all my data that i've released in facebook and on youtube is on three drives now this is just the first the so if you're interested just email me my emails are below every video so do you think we can make it through the upcoming events alive and get through the whack-a-doo [\h__\h] yes you can yes you can remember many things have happened many cataclysms have happened made world world events and we survived just fine just survives just fine hell if you lived in bangladesh you're you you go through a cataclysm every single year and survive typhoons wipe out a quarter of a million people every every decade ten thousand every year love transcends well i appreciate that i know who you are you're shandy yes i recommend jason's books answers a lot of questions all right remember phoenix and x-men cartoon no certainly bird i've never watched the x-men i didn't know they had a character named hello feta square peg crystal shaman pamela swann oh i recognize pamela swan yeah pamela pamela pamela's pamela pamela's been going through some [\h__\h] because she just got turned into the tuned into the archaics channel and it's uh she's been going through a ride she's been going through a ride i get it too i get it too because i went through that same ride putting all this material together so believe me you're not you're not alone you're not alone but yes email uh yeah crystal who can you other guys email me i answer my emails sometimes i'll sit down break out one of these bad boys and i go through 20 30 emails at a time looking for another question two hours and 24 minutes i'm not intimidated oh i see a lot of y'all talking with each other that's cool let's see john adams they just cannot tell us anything but 100 lies you'll be surprised how much truth is in the deceptions that the media the media puts out it's just like the bible from the very beginning the book of genesis was a book of good and evil from the very beginning of the narrative adam and eve were in contact with two different trees one was the tree of life one was the tree of knowledge of good and evil from the last time i looked for thousands of years knowledge was always conveyed on wood this uh all that all it's all symbols so there wasn't an atom and there wasn't eve it's all symbol adam comes from adamu the old babylonian name for the for the human race eve comes from the ancient hindu or probably sanskrit hiva who is the consort consort of adeem yeah believe me it's not jewish jewish history they just took it from older sources and the older sources even admit that most of it is metaphor like allegory and symbol cgi wow there's a lot of comments in here yes do see the phoenix playlist there's 3132 videos just on the phoenix and like i said there is absolutely no way i can compress the amount of data that's in those 32 first of all the feed the phoenix drive 42 videos it's over 20 hours of data 20 hours of data me showing charts diagrams chronologies reading from ancient texts what they said yeah it's amazing it's really embarrassing the scholarship that it took an ex-con to put all this together they've had they've had better access to all these ancient records than me and so it's to me to me let's just cover up there's no way in hell they should have they should have put it together or they they just didn't because they already got it put together all right jason what is the true reason we are having this done to us i vow your opinion holly well i appreciate that many think angry catfish hunter is crazy i don't know who that is i do not believe that for one minute i don't i've never heard of angry catfish hunter guys i do not guys i don't i i don't i'm really i'm really isolationist in my in my absorption of data i just don't have it's not that i it's not it's not that i'm looking down on anybody i just don't have the time in my life to sit there and just watch people's youtube videos or or or or even search the internet i just don't i don't have time i don't have the time i don't have the liberty in my life to find out who all these people are and what they're putting out has anyone birthed the phoenix i don't know what that means has anyone birthed the theme megan douglas i will tell you the gnostic pro uh trimorphic proteinolatex names the phoenix and it says the phoenix was created to keep the archons in check the archons are the ones that the elite worship and follow the archons may be in physically manifested bodies with avatars just like us who knows george soros might be one of them wendy flores would you mind talking about in lille who was he in our history i really don't know because my own research begins with inky appearing in 3439 bc leading a fleet of ships from ancient america to appear in the old world and begin the sumerian civilization i don't really know anything about so i really don't know anything about in lille other than he was he was a kin to inky i have always always tried to keep away from that whole sumerian sumerian pronoun deal trying to get caught up in who's related to who and in the genealogies and i try to stay my ass as far away from zechariah such a material as possible i just don't know i do know this from memory in lille means lord wind other than that i really don't just can't i really don't know wrong child suck yeah they do yeah my god there's a lot a lot here there's a lot of comments here guys dennis simmons all right here's something different crystal shaman archaic jason autodidactic campbell is in the chat again why it's good i'm sorry there's hundreds of there's hundreds of comments here i can't really find them if you're listening to my voice campbell use please send me a email or find some way for me to get your email because we need to do a collaboration or something we have a lot of people wanting to hear us talk in the 1800s would be a great place to start yeah i don't i don't know what your email is i've been on your channel i didn't see any contact information somebody just asked me something really good oh okay jason being that 2178 is 138 years after 2040. could it be that 2178 is the last reset very good thinking this is dennis simmons i personally believe that 2178 anno domini is the collapse of the similar crime itself it is the freedom he came to set the captives free he arrives in 2106 to finish the great pyramid motif he's done the great war of armageddon and all that but after the great war of armageddon there is 138 year period in the holography this matches the the uh 1656 years of the pre-flood period the reason it matches that is because 138 years is 1656 months that's another thing i need to do a video on how many how many events in the ancient world were measured in illuminations in months and the numbers that that show up between these events is astonishing 2106 is the year 6000 since 3895 bc when phoenix created a devastation so total that the survivors considered it year one of an entirely new world they called it a new heavens in a new earth and they called it year one this was year one of the 1656 years of the pre-flood vapor canopy world it was caused by phoenix the the civilization that was on this rock before that was 930 years old and it was an anunna civilization and it was completely gone this is the true meaning behind the whole eden the whole the whole genesis the whole uh first and second chapter of genesis the creation event the creation event was in six stages in the seventh day god entered a rest but it was just a jewish copy of the older babylonian enema ellis text which shows that the creation event was from the great appearance of a sky dragon called tiamat tiamat with seven heads and that the seven stages of creation were seven different tablets with the jews con they had condensed all this material into two chapters into into the creation of the event being seven days instead of seven stages but uh yeah they just borrowed it from the babylon and changed it like they do everything definitely not originals of anything with a really good copyists as long as they're changing it to to to their advantage any thoughts on 911 no no thoughts on 911 touchy subject australia's leaders signed up for it by agreeing in the event of a pandemic they would not leave and spread the disease yeah well let me tell you something else australia is later signed up for australia's australia australia's leaders at the very top they know that australia is very soon to be very very prime real estate they know that australia has absolutely nothing to fear of china because as it stands right now if china was to ever make a move in the direction of australia militarily then china is going to meet with the full force of the western world because i have a pretty good idea where most of north america is going to be heading real soon yes we have some major mass migrations on the horizon in our lifetime and it's all for for a purpose some of you guys need to go back and listen to my nostradamus videos james f thank you there are 167 people watching live please hit that like button it helps for the algorithms hey man i appreciate that jason you got any idea on what this seven through nine bodied system is doing right around us now except giving us uav see you talk about things i'm not familiar with when you say seven to nine bodied system are you talking about this newtonian this newtonian fiction we're told planet mercury planet venus planet planet mars saturn jupiter reptilian what are you is that what you're referring to i don't know chris h chris h you said 75 000 jews returned home from ukraine on january 24th this event was prophesied many thousands of years ago i would have to contend that my my friend i would have to contend that i don't know if that i don't know where your sources are that this was prophesied thousands of years ago i don't believe that there were any i don't believe that ukraine had any even the geographical region of ukraine had any bearing whatsoever thousands of years ago i do know that the area had converted to judaism uh under the when when the when the when the when the area was called khazaria they had converted they had converted to judaism because they had a problem they had christians on one front and they had muslims on the other self-hypnosis jason is your email listed yes every every video every single one of my videos you can see jasonbrusher7 my emails on every video it's in the description box and in the pinned comment you can click on any one of my videos and you'll see at least any of the last hundred videos i don't think i put it in my my my first 150 videos but my last hundred videos or so it's in every one of them you know what my books are some of my books are available on amazon some of them because amazon's real tricky but my publisher doesn't like amazon either uh i don't like amazon i have taken some of my books off of amazon because amazon charges too much and i just went ahead and uh they're on gumroad now surreal i make them available real cheap you can go to anyone the links below i have links below uh that take you to gumroad you go see the selections got all kinds of books but yeah i do have some still on amazon uh barnes and noble my one of my best-selling books the law scriptures of giza is available not on not on amazon it's available on barnes noble larry bird nemesis x sounds cool as it be i got you listen larry we're still talking about nibiru in the archaic facebook group man i have two posts where i just where i explain long because there's the sitchin has critics i'm one of them but one thing i can't critique is the fact that sitchin did not invent nibiru i show in a book from 1903 1904 called uh called uh magicians and secrets of the ancient near east or something like that i show the actual book cover and photographs of what the book looks like on inside and i quote the source the the book itself in that book it explains that scholars in the 1880s and 1890s were already arguing about what nibiru was some were saying it was jupiter and others were saying it can't be jupiter because jupiter is this right here in this right here and it says right here that that when jupiter is in the sky the nibiru is called shamshigar so oh they were already trump but there but there's prophecies about nibiru and some of them are harrowing others are really weird as if nibiru is going to bring a golden age uh i call it nemesis x object because everything that i have found is that earth nibiru the moon there's another phoenix and the dark satellite these five objects which includes also our world are not native to soul because we violate this principle tenet of the taisha's bode law the the mathematical distribution of the planets is disrupted by earth being here but if you remove earth from the the equation the mathematical distribution of the planets from mercury venus mars asteroid belt which used to be electra asteroid belt and further out to jupiter saturn uranus and neptune and it's perfect nemesis had luna which is the moon it had nemesis x object nibiru it had earth and phoenix orbiting around it so intimate yeah i call it nemesis x because that's what it is it's an unknown world that used to orbit the dark star which is called nemesis checking the french riviera craigslist for roommates wanted haha that's good stuff yeah we ain't got that bad yet we ain't got that bad yet oh my god this chat thread is is huge yeah i'm 48 guys my eyesight's not what he used to i have to wear glasses now so i probably missed some of y'all that i wasn't trying to miss because if it looks like some of you were talking with each other i just probably bypassed that i'm not going to get your business campbell you still you're still in the thread man let's find some somebody send me your email i was even going through my notes on the 1800s that i haven't included in chronocon yet because some very strange things not it's not just phoenix that i've documented and this is for everybody not just auto didactic but this is uh documented the 138-year protocol of phoenix seems to have gone through a great deal of editing as far as the holography the similar crime itself being intelligent and trying to conceal it by creating all these micro apocalypses all these little miniature resets that pop up at different times that that that are almost just like phoenix episodes but phoenix is always systemic it's going to happen to a large region sometimes a whole continent sometimes an entire hemisphere only twice as it ever affected the entire but this in the 1800s we have almost as if the similar chrome was trying to create confusion and trying to befuddle chronologists from being able to to provide or to discover the actual true year like the true year right now is not 2022 our true year is not 2022. we have an unbroken chronology that goes back 5916 years from today 59 16 is the real year for today this is the old alexandrian uh calendar uh timeline chronology those put together 300 years bc based off far more ancient records this timeline i have shown in chronic on year by year is unbroken it is the backbone for all other calendar systems year one of this timeline for which today is 5916 ns mundi was the year when phoenix destroyed a cataclysm destroyed the world into cataclysm so total that the entire world was reset and considered the very next year as year one of the pre-flood world like in genesis says it was a new heavens and a new earth just as genesis chapter 1 also infers the beginning was not a beginning at all because the very first thing that god commanded humans to do was to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth the original hebrew is replenished and in any language replenish means to fill again the very the very first creation event of the bible is actually a reset story oh my god this is long i better finish this video with this right here according to my analytics right here i am nowhere i'm not even halfway down the thread so i'm going to do another live for all these questions i don't have time to do i'm going to have to i'm going to do it live look you made you say 20 square per square peg 26 years in prison and body wrecking accident shortly after both of which essentially to you able to learn all this and disseminate to the world amazing brother yeah listen i don't i mean you know i have a problem with people even acknowledging that i was in prison 26 years let me explain why i didn't go to prison for 26 years i never did anything didn't hurt anybody i never did anything to deserve 26 years in prison you mean i don't want to convey the fact that i'm some evil bank robbing do i i hurt people i didn't do none of that no i was going to stay in prison for seven years until i was 24 years old i was only 17 when i went to prison it was already decided by the prosecutions by the prosecutor mark vinson judge norman lamford it was already agreed that i was going to stay in prison seven years under the quarter law in texas back then they would give you a hyper-inflated sentence because what was going on at the time in the year 1990 was called the revolving door the revolving door was pissing off the public the revolving door meant that people were going to prison and getting out within one or two years on 20 and 30 year long sentences i went to prison at that time period in my in my life in the year 1990 when the public was getting pissed i got a sentence that required me to do seven years before i could ever get that seven years done i went through so much [\h__\h] in prison i ended up having to stay a lot longer i got major cases i spent time in maximum security i went to medium custody for medium custody i went to close custody by the time i was 22 years old i was a hardened criminal i'm gonna tell you now i'm not innocent at all ten years later i realized they were never going to release me from parole so i went to i was already researching and collecting data because that's how i passed my time and because i was also interested in it but by the time i hit my mid-30s i'm going to tell you now i wasn't the man that you're listening to right now i was bitter i was angry and i didn't have a problem letting other prisoners know it either i would not be [\h__\h] with i would not be messed with some of the guys that were in prison with me are listening to my voice right now i had a zero tolerance policy in prison i would not tolerate any absolutely any interference with anything i was trying to accomplish because in person i took my man education seriously i went to college also also went to uh the library religiously man if i was in a day room reading a book i gave i gave people warning man don't interrupt me but if they continued or or you know i went to new cell blocks and guys kind of get out of control i did not give a damn about an ass weapon because i know that by the time i'm done putting my hands on that man he would never want to fight me again not because i'm reading a book and minding my business so i took the fall many many times to build the reputation that i wasn't going to be messed with and let me tell you it paid off because i was able to spend years doing what i want when i got transferred to another facility i was already well known you in texas there are no secrets you get transferred from prison to prison to prison people get to know you they get to know your reputation and then it it works in your favor because then prison guards prison administrators and other prisoners that know what i'm about start bringing me the things that i need to further my education i got books from all kinds of sources you would not even believe i can't even mention the names of some of the people that brought me some fascinating books because they would lose their jobs today oh yeah prison i believe i was not an enemy of the administration by no stretch of the imagination at all i got along with the prison guards prison staff prison administrators wardens i knew wardens in prisons back when they were ceos or sergeants that were running the cell blocks when i first entered prison and they knew me as a knucklehead they knew me when i was younger and i was right because i was a 17 year old kid thrown into an adult environment what do you think i'm going to do if i'm going to go shower with 500 men i'm going to go do it with a knife it's as simple as that it was an entirely different world and i wasn't go and i wasn't going going to not survive it so i'm one of the reason i'm conveying this is because i didn't enter into the prison as a badass at all i was scared shitless 17 year old kid but things happened in prison that were beyond my control that ended up basically creating the circumstances where i got major disciplinary after major dismal hell within my first three years in prison i got 13 major cases each all it takes is one major case to mess off your parole that's all it takes yeah once i started getting them i couldn't stop getting them then i didn't give a damn no more then i was very comfortable on maximum security on close custody i didn't want to be anywhere yeah so yeah it's just one thing led to another then when i was close to getting out one time but i really didn't care because i really didn't believe it i got caught with the cell phone and they gave me seven years for having a cell phone yes the state of texas did that karnes county maximum security uh you know the prison as it's a famous prison called uh uh connolly unit because it's where the texas seven escaped i know some of you all remember that but uh texas seven escape and they had a shootout with automatic weapons with with officers in colorado when they got caught and all that long story short uh i would take none of it back because the man i am today is a direct result of everything that i've ever gone into i've already told you guys before that we carry with us an auric field that contains all the data that we have ever accepted is true it's in our field people respond to it it gives us the ability to be eloquent when we need to be eloquent it gives us the ability for instant recall for the recollection of data for which we wouldn't ordinarily remember this is this auric field interacts it doesn't matter that i'm talking to a tablet screen it doesn't matter that you are sitting at home right now listening to my voice because in the holosphere we are all connected time space this space between us it doesn't matter you feel the force of my personality in my presence because i carry that like armor just like you do once you are aware that every single thing you have ever learned or come in contact with is a part of your auric field and that your auric field extends beyond the perimeters of time space you too will communicate to other people in the way that i communicate to you it's as simple as that there is no great secret esoteric power that i possess over other people it's not it's the same thing that you possess you just have to have an awareness of it you don't have to be educated you don't have to have knowledge you have to be aware the awareness of power creates power that's the dynamic of the similar chrome you know well i saw that's a subject for another video guys i can't get into that it's already been two hours and 50 minutes on this video yeah i really need to uh i really need to i'm gonna read these comments as this is uploading but yeah i can't i can't this is this this kind of this comment thread is going i can't even get to the bottom of it i'm still flipping it over so i'm going to close this video my emails below if you have questions if some of you want to want the phoenix flash drive it's good uh you want to see the published materials that i have i told you i made them as cheap as possible in the gumroad links below i have written books that i will never publish but they're still good books nonetheless uh because my chief aim is chronicling it's what i have to do nothing's going to get in the way of that i will continue to release uploads and live videos and i'll start doing more and more collaborations with people man that i like but as far as writing books nothing's on my list of chronic on right now you guys have a good night i'm really sorry i couldn't redress everything there's just too much here but i'm gonna go ahead and turn my music back on go give me some more coffee and peace out let y'all look at my map real quick