Nostradamus: Part II of The Archaix Prophecy

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welcome to this presentation it could have easily been called codex Apocalyptica because it's basically what it is if you have not seen the first part the rkx prophecy doomsday reset May 2014 after this video you may want to watch it it's 48 minutes disclosing a 5000 year history of the world in 138 year increments that lead to may 2048 d mother Shipton the Sibylline Oracle's The Book of Revelation and the hundreds of other sources all reveal that this 138 year chronology is fixed it defies at an astronomical periodicity there is no way an astronomical body could explain this reoccurrence so mathematically perfect it synthesizes world history into a clinical system by way by which we can date many historical events forward and backward in time so much better than we can from the establishment record records in part one it was mentioned that Nostradamus also contributes to his predictions on this year 2040 and in the month of May as well as this timeline being recorded in the chronometry of the Great Pyramid and no other pyramids in the world the pyramid chronometry the code of 138 year pattern throughout the Great Pyramid is the subject matter of the third part of the archaic prophecy thousands of books and articles have been published concerning the Prophet Nostradamus in his mysterious prophecies but only one of these books that I have ever found actually purports that the French seer dated his predictions in my bibliography from Nostradamus in the apocalypse and the planets of apocalypse published by book tree in San Diego I mentioned I probably I think I listed 11 books in my bibliography 11 different translations from scholars of the prophecies of the centuries and quatrains and of all these I've only found one that showed a date index Mario reading and Nostradamus the complete prophecies for the future demonstrates this data index in a neat chronological format easy to follow the research of this French translator provides us the exact day Nostradamus assigned to his quatrains the system is quite simple it is amazing that someone else before him and not already decide for this dating system Nostradamus recorded his prophesies in a book called the centuries not denoting actual 100-year periods but dividing his predictions in 200 quatrains sections mister reading believes that much of the content of the centuries refers to many historical events that unfolded prior to the 21st century but that the French seer had was essentially an end time prophet much much to the biblical proponents that Enoch when the very first prophet mentioned in the entire Bible very little is mentioned him and many correlations exist between Enoch and the Sumerian person Anke who was among the dissidents of the Anunnaki in the same vein we find that Nostradamus was actually an end time prophet much like Enochs material was for the end times pretty much exclusively Mario reading shows that the number of the century has no relevance whatsoever in chronologically dating the quatrains and nor does the number of the quatrain itself for all events preceding the 21st century beginning with the year 2000 but beginning with the 21st century the quatrains take on a certain pattern and actually identify the precise year of their fulfillment in the anno domini calendar thus century 1 quatrain 16 will refer specifically to 2016 ad or century 5 quatrain 23 would refer to 2023 ad these were made up examples but this is exactly how the system works the century itself has no chronological significance but the number of the quatrain is the year itself this is not an antenna theory Nostradamus claimed that he could have dated all of his prophecies but neglected to do this for reasons only known to him further the animal Domini dating system was the established calendar in his time and had been for a thousand years and if he dated the future event even in in a code it would have been using this system if this theory is true and can be demonstrated it raises an interesting point not mention mário reading the very old belief that prophecies are generally not to be understood until the epoch of their fulfillment prophecies of far-off events have no value and are easily forgotten but are meant to be understood by those generations that are about to suffer the situation's of their content if mister reading is correct then this implies that for one to understand the future it will be it will unfold in the 21st century then one must eliminate all those quatrains that have met fulfillment in the past so that what remains would be those referring to the 21st century which would be dated paralleling the number of quatrain in considering the predictions of the Prophet we must keep in mind that Nostradamus was also a chronologist he also acknowledged that his ability did not derive from him himself writing to his son Cesare he said the perfect knowledge of events cannot be acquired without divine inspiration since all prophetic inspiration receives its principal motivating force from God the Creator this was written almost 400 years before Oswald Spengler Spindler wrote the greatest mathematical thinkers the creative artists of the realm of numbers have been brought to their decisive mathematical discoveries of their several cultures by a deep religious intuition Mario readings work is not is not better known because he committed a fatal error to his research though he discovered the data index and published it widely in his wonderful book he also deviated away from his own discovery and applied some quatrains to current events they had nothing to do with the seers predictions many authors writing about future events fall prey to this procedure seeing in current world events a present reflection of some ancient predictions when in fact they had no correlation having wandered away from his own discovery he thought he found quatrains that maybe pertained to the years 2001 through 2012 yes Mario reading fell prey to the 2012 delusion those of you who had been following my research since 2003 and 2006 when our first books were published you know that my book in 2011 Annunaki homeworld which is absolutely packed with hundreds of source materials cried out to the world that 2012 is a hoax that the 1 million eight hundred and seventy two thousand days the Ewell's of the thirteen back tons 144,000 rules of peace could never mathematically ever from 31:13 bc end in 2012 they don't they end in 2046 and even that is questionable it could end in 2040 but the mathematics of apocalypse is quite clear an ancient method of counting the years in our holography was performed in the days of Enoch because Enoch was alive and well on 31:13 BC and during the period when the Giza complex was being laid out and planned right before the Great Pyramid was built Memorial reading fell prey to the 2012 delusion and you know like so many so many others did my book was totally ignored still ignored today but it's okay anybody who wants to see Anunnaki homeworld you'll see all the chapters and all the facts about the Mayan Long Count not being able to end in 2012 though the author committed this error it does not negate the validity of his good of his discovery the date index is real in fact with the year 2040 ad his interpretations of future events based off the corresponding quatrains and his date index are perfect and remarkably the future loriel reading season the predictions of Nostradamus from 2040 on through 2046 more exactly with this author has published in winds of Sun darkens and Anunnaki homeworld these books are based on extensive astronomical chronologies measuring the orbit of long period celestial bodies spanning thousands of years of recorded history that Mario reading does not so much even even hit that he is aware of and I must quantify that right now that at the time of writing those books I honestly believed that that that the Phoenix wasn't it was an astronomical body I'm no longer hold to this theory i 100% believe that everyone heard 38 years old weapon in the sky is unleashed on humanity but it is no longer a bolide a comet an asteroid or a disintegrating planet it is something else it is in disguise anyway these are fixed timelines that revealed that our world is going to suffer back-to-back global catastrophes in 2040 and 2046 and they are all encoded in the Great Pyramid they are there specifically mentioned my mother Shipton and in the sibling Orville's that later became the book of Revelation at the sixth seal apocalypse and the third trumpet judgment wormwood they're all they're also mentioned in the stone in the fifth Sun the ancient American prophecies many many early civilizations knew that these two back-to-back cataclysms what happened they are also mentioned in the Ragnar World prophecies when the Fenris wolf devours the Sun and and the Great Serpent in circles the world and crushes it mister reading made a legitimate discovery there is no doubt that data index is real as we will show now for a little clarity for those of you who are not aware of the six seals judgment has mentioned in the Book of Revelations which was copied from the older sibling Oracle's which the church later destroyed to cover up their tracks and the as the subject matter for their apocalypse record this is what it reads it reads and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and Island were moved out of their places we must understand this imagery this syntax that is used right there is also borrowed heavily by the by the prophet Nostradamus he refers to these events in code as we will see it is quite astonishing the sixth seal judgment prophecy involves very specific descriptions of a pole shift little sphere displacement our whole world moved from its place when the outer lithosphere smoothly glides over the mantle and displaces entire continents causing oceans to invade coastal lands extreme seismic disturbances and volcanism and this has happened multiple times on the 138 year timeline as shown in in part 1 the rkx prophecy also has seen it is believed that Nostradamus named the Phoenix and associated with the year 1903 and 1902 was the last time Phoenix had visited although many strange phenomena occurred in 1903 as well it is also known that the coat of arms for the family of Nostradamus was a shield with two solar symbols in the head of the Phoenix the Nostradamus was no doubt heavily influenced by his judeo-christian Catholic background these are not enough to explain his prophetic precision he was a self-proclaimed descendant of the Israelite tribe of issue car and interestingly if this was true or not the biblical record states that the men official car or keepers of the times and now strictly employing the date index of Mario reading his discovery we will review the quatrains concerning only the year 2040 ad and what we find that the prophet Nostradamus actually said before we get into these Nostradamus quatrains I must apologize for all the background noise we're under the Cova 19 quarantine and yet I live on a farm to market road way out in the country I live almost an hour's drive from Houston Texas I cannot believe the amount of traffic outside my window right now it's unreal anyway Laurel law real reading knew nothing about the Phoenix research the civilization reset in date 2048 it is not into humanity it is into life as we know it our infrastructure will collapse this is what he said 4 century 2 quatrain 40/20/40 ad Nostradamus wrote a short while after a previous occurrence a further fierce storm will arise over land and sea the Seabourn cost of this one will be even larger fire animals it will be even greater outrage Mario reading specifically published it he believes this is a super storm for it to even be mentioned to be mentioned apart from other storms by Nostradamus indicates that it's a storm of unusual magnitude so we now go we continue the passage but in Erika chiefdoms translation as published in the final prophecies of nostradamus the great star will burn for seven days and the cloud will make the Sun appear double the large Mastiff will howl all night when the great pontiff changes his abode that is absolutely fascinating because the seven day references found everywhere in flood traditions around the world that an object was seen in the sky I register a red sky dragon that was seen battling the Sun for seven days until the Sun darkened before the great flood in twenty to thirty nine BC this is covered in my other videos further the great pontiff referred to by Nostradamus which is a cover to get you to believe he's talking about the Pope he's not he's talking about the Sun the great punter for the sky for it to change its place means that Nostradamus is referring that this storm is relative to a pole shift and remember the sixth seal judgment was about pole shift the islands the mountains the land masses the oceans everything is moved the date index introduces the narrative Nostradamus was prophesying about but Nostradamus did not leave so earth-shattering an event within only a couple quatrains he was much more thorough than that several times the Prophet encoded the same event or events that occur in one year but spread them throughout throughout three or more quatrains it is the subject matter that links them together century two quatrain 43 continues to 2040 narrative in the date index during the appearance of the bearded star the three great princes will be made enemies the treeless peace on earth will be struck from the skies the Po the winding Tiber a serpent on the and century five quatrain 59 this imagery continues the English chief stays too long at nîmes towards Spain Anna barb to the rescue many will die through war started on that day when a bearded star falls in our toy in century six quatrain six we read the same in imagery he will appear towards the north not far from the bearded star in cancer suits us in mushiya Eritrea and the great man of Rome will die the night dispersed again the imagery continues in century two o'clock reign 15 a short while before a king is murdered castor and pollux in the ship a bearded star public treasure plundered on land and sea Pisa Asti Tara and Turan are forbidden territories the bearded star is a phrase the French seer borrowed from Aristotle's meteorology referring to a celestial body with the tail that stretches in one direction in fact the word comet derives from limbs meeting hairy star these four quatrains in all of Nostradamus writings are the only references to a bearded star thus linking them all to the same event in the first one is linked to the 2014 era t'v other comets are mentioned in his centuries but they are not described in this fashion we play we pay very close attention to century 66 which reads that the great man of Rome will die which is the code the great men of Rome in his days before and ever after were the pontiff's the papacy of Rome ruled the European courts with an iron fist the pontiff of Rome has seen in century 241 earlier which was also a continuation of the 2014 era t'v is a symbol for the Sun which changed its abode this is confirmed in century 66 which continues stating after the death of the great man of Rome the night dispersed as night is the opposite of day this describes a pole shift caused by the bearded star which takes play takes the piece from the earth and is the reason the public treasures the stores and Depot's are looted these bearded star references are connected by symbols to century 241 which as we have seen it is a continuation of the narrative 2040 in 240 which in Mari no readings date index is 2040 the reference to castor and pollux identifies the time of May June in the region of Gemini in the sky at the end of May the Sun is in the house of twins according to Robert Graves the scholar of Grecian antiquities these former bearded star clock rings directly refer to the Phoenix object and its effect upon the earth and we have as our proof of this the mathematical code the Prophet left to those who would search for it he cleverly hid the 138 Year orbit of Phoenix or whatever the Phoenix objects is within the clock range themselves century 243 is 45 century 559 64 century six six is twelve century two fifteen is 17 these four numbers added together 4564 12 and 17 equal 138 the 138 year timeline is the subject in several of my videos and three of them are published books it is the Phoenix chronology because these are the only four passages and all of the prophecies mentioning a bearded star then we cannot attribute it attribute this to an accident we find more evidence of Nostradamus chronological genius he encoded this 138 years and only four quatrains in 138 times four is 552 years which is a Phoenix cycle also the subject of an entire chapter in my book when the Sun darkens one could accuse this of being too arbitrary or coincidental so take this into consideration Nostradamus dictated his centuries to his secretary who wrote them all down for publication in 1553 ad Mario reading is convinced that the terminal period of the French prophets messages concerned the Year 2105 ad which is exactly 550 two years after 1553 when when the prophecies were narrated interestingly the chronological tables and when the Sun darkens demonstrate that a 6,000 year countdown began in 3895 BC and 3895 BC is a date definitively Martin in the chronometry of the Great Pyramid as shown in a chart in this video in this 6,000 times your timeline ends in 2106 ad exactly 552 years after 15:54 ad when all of Europe was afire with the predictions of mekele Nostradamus a KA Nostradamus again this is more evidence for simulation theory than it is Phoenix but it is interesting the Prophet concealed much more information spread throughout his work concerning 2040 century 240 dated the events in the following page following passage in 241 supplemented it the bearded star passages in code the identity of Phoenix and are filled with subject matter that links them to other obscure quatrains that could only be descriptive of 2048 disasters before we explore these amazing passages our attention is turned to one clever date passage hidden by Nostradamus in century 9 quatrain 31 we read the trembling of the earth that marked era the ten island of st. george's half sunk drowsy with peace war will arise at Easter in the temple of this is opened erica Cheatham is an Oxford scholar who has studied and written books about Nostradamus and his prophecies she relates that marked R is one thousand miles away from Britain the Isle of st. George so this must describe a massive earthquake it is probable that half of England that is sunken is sunk into the Atlantic Ocean will be the southern half with London disappearing beneath the waters as readers of when the Sun Sun darkens no will remember this is also the fate of New York City in the year 2040 which also lies upon the Atlantic seaboard it must also be mentioned here that the English and a war are elements found in the bearded star passage of century 5:59 this prophecy in century 931 concerns destruction caused by the sea it is also interested interesting that nine and thirty one equal forty the bearded start references in century two forty three and two fifteen refer to rivers the seashore the sea the regions of Pisa a Skeeter era in Turin becoming forbidden territories they are forbidden because they are flooded and they mention castor and pollux the patron gods of the sea and sailors our study began with century two forty which describes ruination by water but the code of nostradamus dating century nine thirty one is so simple it was almost missed century nine added to quadrant thirty one like I said is forty this is twenty forty ad in this satisfies Mari no readings dating data index identifying twenty forty as the date when half of England one of the British Isles will sink beneath the ocean as does New York City the pole shift in global Cataclysm in current events at that time are found in chronological order in quatrains numbered 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 and 88 however these quatrains are not in the same century they are spread throughout the predictions of the Prophet but we can easily see the pattern numerically and linked in to 2040 80 disaster by their content which is exactly what than what Nostradamus wanted the interpreter to do century 8 quatrain 81 reads the new Empire in desolation will be changed from the northern pole from Sicily will come such trouble that it will bother the enterprise tributary to Phillip the new Empire is a prophetic reference to the United States of America which did not exist in 1554 when Nostradamus wrote down the centuries when referring to nations and empires the Prophet clearly identifies them through cultural symbols geographical descriptions by their leaders identities or through clearly understood metaphors in when the Sun darkens we find not only New York destroyed in 2040 but the North American continent is shoved southward away from from the northern hemisphere to occupy regions what's known as Mexico and Central America which are also shelled southward to become the new South America but are heavily destroyed as they pass over the equatorial bulge South America becomes the new aunt article while the reverse occurs in the far east and everything is pushing northwards in the place of Canada and the United States are the fragmented and broken lands of ice and rock formerly of the Arctic Erica Cheatham having never reviewed any data on Phoenix or this authors research who doesn't even know that this researcher exists exists believes that this passage refers to a civilization that moves southward century 1/4 882 reads when even the trees shake mightily in the south wind seems covered in blood so many will try to escape them Vienna and all Austria will shake with their passing the Prophet borrows imagery from the book of Revelation in fact from the passage concerning Phoenix the sixth seal when he wrote tree shake mightily with the biblical text reading fig tree shaking of a mighty wind the association on the prophet's part was deliberate linking the sun darkening episode and moon turning to a blood color with this prediction about the south wind seemed covered in blood this would indeed be an accurate description as planet Phoenix for whatever the Phoenix object is will bathe the world in cosmic dust that would blanket the earth as it did in 1902 when shocked when Charles Ford described 1902 as being a red Dark Age the word Phoenix as translated by Robert Graves means blood red as found on page 650 of his celebrated work the Greek myths this is Mario readings translation of the quatrain he assigned this to 2082 adhering to his date index he was unaware that Nostradamus used some quatrains to establish a date and then connected other quatrains solely through the imagery contained within them any association tool to elaborate on certain important years century 9 quatrain 83 reads a great earthquake will totally destroy the pact theatre air sky and earth will be murky and unsettled so that even in Fidel's will call on God and the Saints to steer them this is Mario readings translation of course the quake the ruin the ruin of architecture and the air being murky are all caused by Phoenix occulting the the Sun in transit the language employed here to steer them links us back with castor and pollux guiding the ship or earth in a pole shift direction changes and the former terrestrial geographical markers indicating the cardinal directions no longer point out north east south and west we are unsure how long the planet will wobble before it stabilizes before we go on to the next passage we need to revive Erica chieftains interpretation of the same century nine quatrain eighty-three text the Sun in 20 degrees of Taurus there will be a great earthquake the great theatre fool will be ruined darkness in trouble in air sky in land when they call upon the faithless God and His Saints quite a difference though the general message remains the same what is useful to us is the Oxford scholars commentary that this passage retains precise astronomical data revealing that the quake and darkness occurred in May again it cannot be overstated Erica Cheetham knows nothing of Planet Phoenix nor its passing through the inner system every 138 years in the month of May she does not read any of my books in century 1 quatrain 84 we find the moon eclipsing great gloom his brother becomes the color of blood the great one hidden for a long time in the shadows who will hold a blade in the bloody wound here in Nostradamus still describes the Phoenix transit the brother of this darkened moon is the Sun which is perfectly in accord with the ancient view that the moon was feminine in the Sun masculine the great one is again a reference to the Sun linking his quatrain two-century to 41 where the great pontiff changes his abode pole shift this great one is the great man of Rome in century 66 when the night is dispersed he is hidden for a long time in the shadows the reference to a blade peril the Genesis description of the fiery flaming sword that appeared in 3895 BC and deterred mankind from travelling back eastward toward their homeworld homeland Eden which was the Phoenix these quatrains reviewed number 81 82 83 84 spread throughout different centuries because of their direct relevance to our thesis we will now review quatrain number 87 and 88 quatrain one of century one quatrain 87 reads earth shaking and fire from the center of the earth will cause tremors around the new city too great immovable powers will war for a long time then Arethusa will read in a new river nostril Nostradamus he wrote he fails his subject matter cleverly an astronomical garb the too great a moveable powers are the Sun and Moon in the image of them at war described strange sights that will be seen from the surface of the earth as people gaze into the heavens witnessing these events it is the Phoenix blood-red that wars against the Sun by darkening it and against the moon like turning it the color of blood and reduces mentioned here a name pulled out of ancient Greek mythology and obscure does an obscure person a daughter of the sea god Poseidon because she was turned into a perpetual spring we see here that Nostradamus is indirectly refined to a flooding the new River the Prophet spoke of by his author's own paloma but you know by my own personal interpretation is the Hudson River in North America it does not say Hudson anywhere in Nostradamus writings just a new city ordinarily Nostradamus is very specific with place names nationalities and geography but remember the North American civilization the infrastructure had not even and what would didn't exist in Nostradamus day his reference to the new empire in century 881 was a was as vague as this as this above reference of new city because these are found with him passages all revealing the events of the year 2040 then we are left to believe that the Prophet was seeing an empire not known in his day in a major city not known in his day but ones that would be worldwide by the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy these are no doubt the United States in the city of New York both of which are going to be ruined in 2040 we will review another quatrain involving this new city before the end of this presentation century six quatrain 88 reads a great Kingdom will remain desolate near the embro they will be gathered in assemblies the perience will consult him then in May there will be earth tremors Nostradamus wrote that the new Empire in desolation in century 881 will be changed from the northern pole here he write a great Kingdom will remain desolate the two are one proving this is improving this is found in that the tributary of Philip was the country of Spain century 881 but here we find a reference to the Ebro a river in Spain this is the second reference Nostradamus makes to the month of May both linked to earthquakes the desolate Empire kingdom of Spain ever associations connect this passage to those of the bearded star in fact so insistent upon the timing of this 2048 a series of disasters was the French seer that he mentions the month of May a third time century 10 quatrain 67 reads a very great troubling in the month of May Saturn in Capricorn Jupiter and Mercury and Taurus Venus also in cancer Mars and Virgo then hail will fall greater than an egg with this quatrain we better understand what it conveyed in century 66 concerning the bearded star it reads he will appear towards the north not far from the bearded star in cancer this passage mirrors the other the other concerning cancer is an astronomical description of the approach of Phoenix from the north above the Sun on its north to sat South passing over the ecliptic where it can be seen all these planetary conjunctions mentioned by Nostradamus remember it was the European astronomer Hoffmann in 1764 who observed the Phoenix object pass over the ecliptic passing over the sun's surface coming out of the north of space traveling over the ecliptic to vanish again on in the southern heavens this object does not move on the plane of the ecliptic with the other objects in our solar system our final 2040 ad passage refers again to New York City the new city and Erica Cheetham also believes if this is a reference to New York City in century 6 quatrain 97 we read the sky will burn at 45 degrees fire approaches the great new city immediately a huge scattered flame leaps up when they want to have proof of the Normans for reasons independent of the study when the sun darkens provides data on why this author believes the new york city is the subject matter for the 2040 destruction and much of the East Coast will be completely destroyed in the same pole shift to find these references in the prophecies of Nostradamus merely confirms this belief connected to the reference to the new city in century 187 this passage is then linked to those all descriptive of 2040 it's all the same thing the catastrophe of 2048 D is not the beginning of the apocalypse and this is why we should be worried it is the sixth seal it is the same as the sixth sky dragon of mother Shipton as the sixth seal pole shift in transit of Phoenix will occur in the year 2040 in the month of May a fixed time then this means that all the other prophetic events of the book of Revelation and the Sibylline Oracle's that occur before the Sun darkens in the moon turns blood happened before 2040 ad the events of the other seals would occur before this disaster international Wars global plagues epidemic and famine just like there are other earthquakes and natural disasters in between the 138 Year episodes as if whoever this enemy of mankind is from program this and bear in mind the subject matter of the next video is all the evidence that I have that this is a program and that the Great Pyramid of Egypt contains the entire Phoenix chronology it's easy to see my next video will be released within days but this protocol was designed by an enemy of mankind a Technol is this Phoenix will virtually end our technological civilization of comforts like it's done so many times in the past ready-made foods and sanitation will also also altering the geographical boundaries of our world as entire nations vanish and others were born out of this chaos the mud flood researchers are onto something but they're only seeing past episodes where Phoenix completely reset civilizations but didn't in humanity to the point we had to start over we just rebuilt our cities as half of them or something below mud we can't build an upward changing the architecture this is happening over and over and over this chart you see right now documents 21 episodes although I've now have 22 and there'll be more more research wall that will uncover more more historical episodes but Nostradamus is researching prophecies are absolutely independent of Ursula Southfield mother Shipton the northern provinces they are also absolutely independent of the chronometry of the Great Pyramid that shows these 138 year units they're not it existed thousands of years before Nostradamus came into be it also independent of the hundreds of source materials that I had to amass I did not date a single Phoenix episode these all these dates all came from my bibliographies anyone wants to know more about the Phoenix in the history of the Phoenix what it's done and the resets that were involved can read micronic on it is free to the public it is 510 pages and it is published on rkx com it's free check it all out I published I have 750 pages of new notes I'm supplementing now I add them to the website check it out there's nothing you have to buy the Phoenix chronology is absolutely real and we should be worried because it's not an in-game it's a civilization reset but it's a reset after a six to nine year period of absolute chaos humanity will be going through some terrible times preceding 2040 those terrible times in my own researching calculations begin in 2031 it's going to get really bad right now what we're going through as a civilization on a global scale is prepping the world to enter a Sodom and Gomorrah type hedonism lifestyle they're prepping us to have an awesome economy to have to have everything available to us what's going on with this virus this virus BS and all that is basically a reset that is done by humans we're going to enter a semi Golden Age and then they're gonna take it from us because they already know and have been knowing for years that the Phoenix episode is coming you need to watch my rkx my rkx videos and you will see that these secret elite organizations like the masons of the 33rd degree Mason they've been knowing about this 138 year period they know what's coming they've been preparing for it so you do you need to prepare for it too on a timeline they know the timeline and as long as they're the only ones to know it then they're the only ones they're in control of stuff my name is Jason host of archives calm I hope you enjoyed this presentation and watch out either tonight or tomorrow I'll be releasing my next video