Oera Linde Manuscript: The Forbidden Record

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an old manuscript surfaced in the mid-19th century mentioning a phoenix-like cataclysm and describing catastrophic ruined earth changes including volcanic eruptions strange weather and rapid sea level changes it dates the great flood event at 2193 before common era a dating only 46 years off from the well-established date of 2239 bc for the great flood now remember remind you the great flood was not something that killed everybody in the world but it did it did reset every civilization on this planet or in this world this book refers to the earliest europeans a race a race war against a black headed people by a fair fake featured people the frisians matriarchal society and has much criticism against priests the book goes into a lot of detail on ordinances and laws and has been judged authentic by many scholars however other academics isolating particulars to dismiss the whole have largely condemned the text as they have so many others that have surfaced from antiquity the establishment academics routinely discredit ancient manuscripts that add to or do not confirm conform to previously published theories of history the hebraic book of jasher is a rabbinical work yet it contains many fragments from great antiquity the book of enoch as well beowulf was rewritten by a christian scribe but his prior composition is obvious and is very old the prophecies of mother shifting are equally authentic despite copyist interpolations that are easily recognized even the biblical books are rewritten and have added materials scholars use these in interpol interpolations to outright dismiss the entire manuscripts rather than identify their correlates with verifiable cross-references from other ancient writings let's look into this amazing text to see why the establishment will want to keep us from discovering what it contains the following fragment in the oral end text is very similar to sumerian writings about the anunnaki enslaving mankind to dig oars in the olden times the slavonic race knew nothing of liberty they were brought under the yoke like oxen they were driven into the bowels of the earth to dig metals frisian description of the great flood reads before the bad time came our country was the most beautiful in the world the sun rose higher and there was seldom frost the trees and shrubs produced various fruits which are now lost in the fields we had not only barley oats and rye but wheat wheat which shone like gold in which could be baked in the sun's rays the years were not counted for one was happy as any other remember the years were not counted over and over in the archaic research we cite ancient manuscripts that tell this same story all the calendars of the old world were date count systems not year count systems in the orleans manuscript we read how the bad time came this is dated in the manuscript as 2193 bc or 46 years from the actual flood date of 2239 bc established by over 40 different ancient sources which we reveal throughout many of our videos during the whole summer the sun had been hid behind the clouds as if unwilling to look upon the earth there was perpetual calm in the damp mist hung like a wet sail over the houses and marshes the air was heavy and oppressive and in men's hearts was neither joy nor cheerfulness in the midst of this stillness the earth began to tremble as if she was dying the mountains opened to vomit forth fire and flames some sinking to the bottom of the earth and in other places mountains rose right out of the plain all the land called by the seafaring people at land disappeared and the wild waves rose so high over hill and dale that everything was buried in the sea many people were swallowed by the earth itself and others who had escaped the fire perished in the water it was not only in in vindas land that the earth vomited fire but also in twist land which we believe is germany whole forests were burned one after the other and when the wind blew from that quarter our land was covered with ashes rivers changed their courses and at their mouths new islands were formed of sand and drift during three years this continued but at length it ceased and force became visible many countries were submerged and in other places land rose above the sea and the wood was destroyed throughout the half of twist land troops offended people came and settled in the empty places our dispersed people were exterminated or made slaves this last latter part was the year 305 bc remember this is a this is an estimate by the writer eartha mother earth shook her forest and her mountains rivers flowed over the land the sea raged mountains spouted fire to the clouds and what they vomited forth the clouds flung upon the earth at the beginning of the arnomaned the harvest month the earth bowed towards the north a pole shift and sank down lower and lower the lowlands of freya's land were buried under the sea the forests of lindorden were almost all gone wherein ludegard used to be it became sea the waves swept over the fortifications the houses lay heat over each other the same thing had happened to other citadels as to ours in the upper lands they had been destroyed by the earth in the lower lands they had been destroyed by water all the land to the north was sunk under the sea and has never been recovered at the mouth of the flymere as we were told 30 salt swamps were found consisting of the forest and the ground that had been swept away at west flyland there were 50. the seafaring people and other travelers who were at home had saved themselves their goods and their relations upon their ships but the blackheaded people at littlesburg and alchemin had done the same and as they went south they saved many girls and as no one came to claim them they took them for their wives the people who came back all live within the lines of the citadel as outside there was nothing but mud and marsh the old houses were all smashed together and this occurred 1888 years after the submersion of atlanta which to in the frisian manuscript is referred to as the great flood the frisian manuscript dates the deluge disaster at 2193 bc and this next disaster was 1888 years later or 305 bc which is very close to the phoenix year of 307 on the 138-year timeline of the phoenix reset now continuing the frisian manuscript we find that for 282 years we had not had an earth mother and now when everything seemed lost they set about choosing one ten years after that the seafarers came from furana and littlesburg they wish to drive the blackheaded people with their wives and children out of the country this would be 15 to 13 bc cities of blackheaded people in ancient northern europe seem to have been the most the more indigenous like the iberic stock and the frisians of fair features came but the scholars dismissed this text this book this book is long and it can be found many google pdf downloads are easily obtained the oral end manuscript is fascinating but so far we have here a description of two major world cataclysms and they fit the phoenix the phoenix timeline almost perfectly in description we can forgive them for being a couple years off the frigid prophecy of the last days is equally interesting it reads one bad time has passed by but there's still another coming urtha has not given birth and where alda has not decreed it it comes from the east out of the bosom of the priests it will breed so much mischief that aretha will not be able to drink the blood of her slain children it will spread darkness over the minds of men like storm clouds over the sunlight everywhere craft and deception shall contend with freedom and justice freedom and justice shall be overcome and we with them but this success will work out its own laws our descendants shall teach their people and their slaves the meaning of all three words they are universal love freedom and justice at first they shall shine then struggle with darkness until every man's head and heart has become bright and clear then shall oppression be driven from the earth like the thundered clouds by the storm when and all deceit will cease to have any more power over the earth so in the end we have from the frisians ancient visions a manuscript that describes two global cataclysms that mirror the phoenix episodes promises a third cataclysm in the last day that will be followed by actually a redemption of the earth a message of hope very unlike many other prophetic prophetic texts that are doomsday this uh this text here is not a christian document but it promotes a very post cataclysmic christian golden age millennial kingdom type uh prophecy it's very interesting this is the oral end manuscript and our value this manuscript brings value to the archaic research because it provides us two more two more pieces of evidence in the phoenix phenomenon and that is we have more information from an ancient manuscript about the cataclysm later called the great flood and we have our first our first piece of information that the phoenix transit in the year 307 bc may have been recorded by these people you