Old Books, Antiquated Knowledge and Antique Shops

From Archaix Wiki

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[Music] thank you hey guys this is Jason or kx.com I'm going to show you some old books today donated to me from all around the world I'm also going to show you old books and periodicals and pamphlets that I have purchased from money that is donated to archaics I go to antique stores I have different people in my local area in central East Texas that already know when old books come through their hands to put them by put them to the side because I'll make it worth their while I'll go get them so you're gonna see these in there I'm also going to show you what you can do in your own local community to preserve the Integrity of these records you're going to understand when you see these pamphlets there are things that were floating around in the 20s 20s through the 60s that you should keep everybody should keep in the event of an infrastructure collapse you're going to want this information and for those of you who keep pestering me about showing puppy pics I'm going to show you right now the only puppy I kept right here come on come on sassy go and say hi she's a little shy at first she's not shy about biting on toes and all that I'm gonna put her down right here and guys we're gonna get on this video like right now so Museum of antiquity you see here it's a huge book this is 944 pages beautiful book it's falling apart it's very old but this is a this is 1883. Museum of antiquity Illustrated and it literally has hundreds of illustrations it's it's a beautiful text it's all this is the gold mine employment amusement Customs habits the cities palaces monuments and tombs the literature in the Fine Arts of 3 000 years ago this is this is like a old antique ancient Museum in a book yeah they don't even publish books like this anymore guys the book itself is beautiful and it starts off with Pompeii and I'm reading things about Pompeii and here I haven't read in modern books things that they have discovered and I don't know if it's a censored it or they just didn't find it oh valuable but there's a whole chapter in Pompeii it's amazing the breakdown of Pompeii is literally about a hundred data points all about domestic life and domestic utensils employment or ancient Nineveh in Babylon the religional religion or mythology the Fine Arts literature employment of Troy tombs and catacombs and the truth found in the Bible and then it has Pages upon Pages upon pay WOW wow that's got to be well over a hundred illustrations yeah this book this book right here it's it's this right here's a gold mine this is music you guys will be beginning videos you will be getting videos out of this book in another very large vote from 1885 those of you who have been asking me about the Arctic and the Antarctic oh material that I've been telling you that I'm not qualified to talk about because there are no old books about archaics about all these older books pre-censorship period I got one here it is right here this this was given to me by Arcade by somebody who follows our cakes I don't know if they want to be named it too is over 900 pages and it's got photographs and it's got illustrations you guys will be getting the video out of this too it's a marvelous wonders of the Polar world another another great book I'm gonna put this aside right here be careful with that I want to move over here are the two books I have one is from 1902 one of them was from 1905 these are the century book of facts I'm not going to dwell on these these are like almanacs and dictionaries and encyclopedias all put into one these Century book of facts facts is famous these were on everybody's coffee tables in the 1800s this is where you went for your information Century book of facts with uh it has everything it's it's an overview but it goes into a lot of detail what I found profound is the chronological material you know you know you guys know I'm in the into my numbers huge chronologies are in the back of these books so this 1905 is in very good condition it's almost as if it's been untouched all these years on a bookshelf it is absolutely fantastic condition and of course I'll be doing videos out of these two my 1902 version is not in good condition it's been used but it's all some really profound material in those I'm flying through these guys because I got some things to show you I did I did a video two videos recently I interviewed Ahmed hashimi you guys liked him he was talking about he's an ex he's an ex-muslim and he lives in London and we're gonna do a third video and uh here he he's been following our cakes and he knows that a lot of my pyramid research I only use the the measurements that are published in Academia to promote and show the Phoenix timeline is recorded in the Great Pyramid and uh sir Flinders Petrie's measurements were also used by David Davidson in 1920s when he when he had put together his book this is a 1940 edition of David Davidson's Masterwork Masterwork book The Great Pyramid its Divine message this is David Davidson and H Alder Smith this book is fantastic and Ahmed Ahmed mailed this to me man I almost teared up I had a copy of this book when I was in prison that's where I got my information remember I showed you guys I've showed you guys many things out of this book on the Great Pyramid how it's actually eight-sided it's an optical illusion uh it's all in this book it's not new those aren't new discoveries and many of the pyramids books that are out today are all citing research from which they got from David Davidson it's a you got to go back to the The Source materials a lot of modern books are just borrowing material from older books but they're not citing the sources this book is this is the man that measured the base diagonals of the Great Pyramids four cornerstones and came up came up with a theory that the that the geometry of the Great Pyramid was a record of world history and that it began at a definitive date and then it ends in a definitive day and starts an entirely new way of measuring time he says that final year is 2045. the value of reading old books and old research guys that's what archaics is about that's why so much of this information is novel to people it's so unknown to people it's because the reason the people that were doing research in the 16th 17th and 18th centuries and even 19th centuries are phenomenal these people didn't have access to the internet they had to think that these people had to put things together and they did their books were phenomenal phenomenal our national calamity this right here is a record of the greatest natural disasters that have ever affected North America in recorded history from like 16th century since there was a North America a western a western presence in North America you know this yeah it starts in like 1600s but this book here fantastic it's fantastic and I don't remember which book it was now now I'm kind of upset one of these books I wanted to show y'all something and now I don't remember where it was I don't think it would be in this book you know you know what it's not in this book it's in the polar book for those of you who researched that tartari and all that right here in this polar book get this back I found I found a pretty interesting reference I'm gonna go back to that guys if you forgive me I can't move these too fast there we go I found a very interesting reference concerning the tartars and how they left us a record a long time ago they they surveyed the polar regions don't see that in history books sure don't hmm see here so we have all these the North Sea Kings the Christopher Columbus sir Martin frobisher we have all these people who have did who did Arctic Expeditions that the historical record doesn't really talk much about never even heard of fro-bisher the fro bisher is talking about here that when he went to the Arctic regions he was surprised to find that a population of people lived there who looked identical he says they'd be like the they'd be like to tarters with long black hair broad faces flat noses and Tawny in color wearing seal skins and so do the women not differing in the fashion but the women are marked in the face with blue streaks down the cheeks and round about the eyes so I'm going to be going into this book figure out what they're talking about why why the population of tartari looks identical to to the population of of people that were found in the dwelling in the Arctic Isles I find that's really intriguing so those books are out the way we'll be getting videos on all these books guys we will I don't know if I'll do a video on this I'm gonna have to go into deep I'm have to go in deep because I have to under I have to find out if Carlisle is providing any new information that I don't already know about the French Revolution and what was really behind it the fall of the monarchy so here's the French Revolution volume one volume two very old books uh Carlisle is cited by many people so I don't know if this is going to be any different than the standard version I may find some gems in here I don't know you guys will be the first to hear about it this book is a treasure it is not something I normally collect I found this in an antique shop so is fiction but is it it's about two giants in ancient France it's called Gargantua pentagram Gargantua means gigantic it's father he had a son named Penta gruel as I was flipping through the pages of this and I realized it was classical French literature and it was written in the 1550s and this PL in this particular version is from the this Edition is from the 1930s so when I was going through this book and I was looking I was like wow this man totally Blended the actual real historical events with it it's called creative non-fiction so if you have to understand and take these books into context you don't pass up on books like this this is five books about The Life and Times of gargantuan Pantry girl now in the historical record we do have gigantic men that stood nine and ten feet tall that are in European records for that period of time so what what's what we have to understand is that because because of the Vatican and the Agents of the Vatican and because of the different ego maniacal monarchs throughout Europe you had to be very careful about what you wrote if you were a scribe and if you were a Storyteller so it became very common Lord bacon did this call him Lord verulam by us by a pseudonym or Shakespeare listen these men they knew even abremlin even even the the sacred writings of abremlin the Mage many things were cloaked in fiction so these books are valuable excellent stories something to be read if there's an if there's a collapse of the infrastructure you're not reading modern day fiction you're reading something of very high quality English translated from an apparent language which would have been French this was originally written in French this is something you would want survivors to have access to this it's art but it's also knowledge so this is a this is being added to my collection which is unusual because I don't really collect fiction but I'm starting now for that reason so we have here uh Ruskin Sesame and Lilies again eclectic English Classics very old small book but again it's fiction it's fiction another one the type of stories that grow that moms and grandmas read to their children before they went to sleep Dottie dimple at her grandmother's very old book it's fiction some of these books I have here are from the 1800s some go up to the 1930s 40s another classic I can get a modern version that was published in the 70s 80s 90s and all that but why not get one published in the 20s the Swiss Family Robinson this is another very old classical book this is the type of books you want in your library guys these are the type of books you want your kids or your neighbors kids to be reading if there's no internet Jack lorimer's holidays again this is fiction I'm only showing a few fiction books I'm gonna get back to my normal rep tour but here again you don't pass up on these all these fiction ones every single fiction book you see here I I got these from an antique store I got some of these non-fiction books too this book I'm about to show you right now is something you absolutely must have in your library this is something that every household should have in the event we're left to fend for ourselves for a while yeah if there's an infrastructure collapse in the future no laugh the Girl Scout Handbook you can also get the Boy Scout Handbook the book's pretty big it's not a small book at all this one's old this is from the 50s so I'm uh yeah this is all 19-4 I'm sorry 1940. so everything you need to know how to take care of yourself how to make stuff how to do things from scratch recipes what plants to eat what plants to avoid insects to eat insects that have certain nutritional values oh how does how to skin Fox ever it covers all that survival in these books so this is something you would want now the reason I'm showing you these is because you guys can come up with your own and it's not a lot because these antique stores don't understand that these old books and pamphlets are very valuable but they don't see it that way and the reason is is elderly people are coming into antique bookstores in antique antique shops All Over America I live in Willis Texas and right here in Willis we have a couple antique shops in Conroe we got five or six and I can go closer to Houston there's more but why I can go to all these rural areas there's antique shops there's thousands of them all over Texas that's what I'm doing with your donation money guys I'm going around and I'm traveling further and further I'm widening my net further and further finding more and more of the stuff I will be I will be rendering I'm about to hire hire another employee but I'll be rendering everything my entire Library behind me which has images that have never even seen the internet all these pamphlets these these that I'm about to show you now they're all going to be rendered in PDF and in micro fish I'm preserving all this for the future this all yeah yeah for 20 years they've been they've been uploading all these books and everything that they you know to the internet to the cloud yeah we're being set up for failure so nobody values all these things anymore at all yeah I even have an atlas of Texas every inch of Texas mapped out all the roads a bunch of the back roads all that I keep that Atlas that's all yeah Google Maps ain't guaranteed to stay up the Calvert party encyclopedia this is a window in the culture this is a window in the culture right here how to make almost every type of famous mixed drink in hors d'oeuvres and all that stuff that was it throughout America this is this this is awesome this one's from the 50s but it's got recipes you don't want to lose which is why I've got a lot of these other little pamphlets I bought cookbooks from the 40s and 50s for five dollars each guys I'm not talking about things that cost a lot of money you can go to all these antique shops and find gold mines I'm finding books from the 1800s they're selling me for twenty dollars it's crazy it's crazy 1949 agricultural handbook you need this got the 1950 one right here all these people they they need money so they they take them to these antique shops that buy them for pennies on the dollar and then they sell them for far less their actual value antique shops do not value books they do not value uh all these old you know they're they're considered curios but I'm telling you they're going to be the only source of knowledge in the future I'm telling you need these almanacs you got to have all the almanacs are packed full of information that we need if we're going back to living an agrarian society yeah The Gourmet Foods Cookbook from the 1960s you gotta have this gotta have this it's it only takes one generation to go from technologically advanced to going back to Neolithic if you don't take your knowledge with you through a reset then you start from scratch all over again and if everybody who actually knew how to do older things and stuff died during that reset then everybody left behind is going back to living Neolithic you're gonna chase your dinner yeah this is the way it is yeah Gardens don't magically appear you got to know how to do that stuff here it is here's modern cooking from the 1950s yeah guys you gotta have this stuff everybody should have this [\h__\h] here's the last two Pampas 1965 in 1968 you gotta have these Greer's almanacs all the little things you need to know all these little things you need to know these are packed They are packed and you can even there's a window into the past they're packed full full of all the ads things that people sell it would give a surviving population all kinds of ideas of what they can do yeah everything's in here all these little ads and stuff would give would inspire people like oh wow that's what they were doing back then I can do that too and people would start doing it yeah the worst part of a post cataclysm reset Society is the lack of of imagination yeah when everything is gone and you only hear stories of the world before but no applications it makes it very very rough to survive that very rough so 1902 you guys have a video where the entire video is nothing but data from this book this is from the volcanoes not just one the volcanoes of 1902 and what happened this book is from the year 1902. with this book I will be showing you an actual newspaper that's been preserved in plastic and it has a front page article about one of these disasters from 1902 a newspaper that was published in 1902. I have that too and of course I know many of you are waiting on this I know many of you are waiting this huge 900 and some page book I'm halfway done with it guys but I know many of you are waiting for me to do that video on this and you got that coming you got that coming prehistoric World vanished races they just don't make books this beautiful remember this is packed full illustrations too yeah guys it's I really didn't need this listen it's uh it's Paramount that we preserve our literature it's periods Paramount that we Preserve enough material to go into the future and the best way to do it is some type of laminated uh text they don't have to be in book form that's just the way we preserve material today but thumb drives SD chips these are ways to to transfer knowledge how I can get it from archaics to you but you got to do something more than that you got to print that up You Gotta Have It laminated Pages you can print it up in micro print because magnifiers are easy you can you can even find some Crystal that magnifies or glass or whatever but you got to preserve knowledge we don't know the future dude we don't know what's going to happen Beyond 2040 but I'm convinced way before 2040 there are there are things that are going to unfold that prevent those who are already unprepared for preparing yeah just because we know from 58 centuries of data that a certain event is going to occur in 17 more years does not mean you have 17 years to prepare yeah there's going to be events that are staged before that it's going to really make it hard for people to do what we can so easily do right now hope you guys enjoyed this presentation I wanted to show you what I do with donation money I wanted to show you what how I'm how I'm putting all this material together and give you an idea of future videos that will be coming out not the only videos just just an idea of some of these videos now remember you got videos coming from all these books too and a lot of my videos have already covered several books but this is a that's what that's what I'm doing and uh you want to donate books to our cakes that's fine you want to donate money you know where it's going it's uh this is this is what I'm doing and I'm even going to bring a lot to the first archaics Meetup in Fort Worth I'll be bringing a lot of very curious old books and things for people to look at have a table on display look at it and uh because I know a lot of people haven't had contact with this teach some of you it doesn't mean anything but some of you have never even held a book from 1813 in your hands or eight or the Civil War era book war between the states you've never done that or sometimes some of you may want to see some of these books up close and personal so you can see that they actually say the things I'm telling you they say so anyway that that's my presentation I wanted to get something out hearing about an hour and 20 minutes I'm going on with Discord and uh we're gonna be talking about things you just can't talk about on YouTube and that's what we do we're going to do that on Discord somebody's gonna record it I'll edit it down and what is permissible for YouTube I'll upload it on the channel but there's going to be a lot it's a three-hour discussion we may go longer than that I'm pretty sure only about an hour of it's going to be able I'm gonna be able to put on YouTube so uh until then guys you gotta Break Free or Die Trying foreign