Ophis: Date Sequence Predictive Analytics for 2023

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[Music] thank you hey guys I still haven't got the pop filter I hope it's not a problem I did put a American postal stamp on the back of my deal maybe that helps you let me know in the comments so uh let's get straight to this video now virtually every channel on YouTube was pumping out fear porn predicting that the coveted lockdowns and mandates were the new normal you guys remember that that this was how the globalists were going to enslave the world but I was publishing videos right here on YouTube telling you the exact opposite throughout my presentations I have repeatedly stated that this power grab was not basically it wasn't going to happen the way they wanted it to it was going to implode and lead to the fall of the Democratic Socialist power structure over the West but I specifically asserted that the lifting of restrictions would begin in 2021 and increase to more freedoms throughout 2022 with a full all-out media reporting that the entire thing was a conspiracy we're there now so fact is increasingly revealing how fraudulent the entire Affair was I mean major reports are now coming out in the public sector that are exposing the entire thing you don't even it's not even hard to find them now so but my conclusions are merely interpretations of the output of a date sequence Predictive Analytics program I designed called Opus so while almost the entire world was believing in One Direction office output showed something entirely different that indeed came true and uh if still unfolding truer and truer with each passing day many of you many of my archaic veterans from the early days you recall how I used to release the office NFL game predictions on Facebook how office consistently maintained 87 to 93 game predictions accuracy beating the crap out of the 10 ESPN expert predictions up until sometimes the fifth but mostly the sixth and seventh week when all of a sudden Opus did the exact oppen it picked all the losers although I thought it was picking the winners so it took a long time for me to realize what was happening that this pattern break is necessary there is no Continuum of accuracy when you're looking at a construct because they morph into something else but that has nothing to do with this presentation this is something that we're developing you know as we go along we're still working on office working out Kinks messing with the software so two years ago while social media exploded with negativity Doom saying after January 6 when Trump was removed from office I used office on these events and I found the precise opposite of what all these channels were claiming the predictions across the board were dire almost everyone predicting that this ended the Republican party that the USA was now a captured operation that Trump was done for that the globalist Takeover of the USA was complete it's game over for the Patriots but this is not what office output showed on January 15th I posted a video asserting that Trump was not going to disappear he was not going to remain silent right off into the distance that he would remain in American politics and he did just that yeah no other president did what he did he went on Nationwide circuit a series of huge speeches and conventions yeah tens of millions in attendance all over the nation well office also revealed that Jewish conspiracies would would start making appearances in the news and some would even receive widespread attention this has happened with the Kanye deal in and he's not the only one he's just the most popular but things are coming out in social media people are waking up so further leftist liberal news agencies and Publications pundits they would start coming under attack and basically as the public begins learning of all the intrigues and political leftist media alliances with the Democratic Party and this has been happening 2021 a lot of people's eyes were open but through 2022 the media has become a circus every single day news items are being released out into the open about how corrupt this socialist Democratic regime is yeah it's not that they don't want to hide it it's that they can't so concerning covid The New Normal Trump and the media coming under heavy fire with conservative conservatives and uh on their asses pretty much in in all these investigations it's apparent that 99 of the YouTube and social media Talking Heads were wrong two years ago and Opus was right it has been exactly 730 days or two years precisely to the day since that first Trump video was released on YouTube that was January 15 2021. today is January 15 2023. when I posted a video on June 2nd 2021 stating that the U.S was going to embarrassingly pull out of a war it was office that got that right 89 days later when the U.S pulled out of Afghanistan and left behind over a billion dollars of military hardware and on January 21st 2022 it was the office output that led me to predict that a member of the royal family would either die or disappear before the year's end which happened with Queen Elizabeth's death predicted 231 days earlier by office in that same video office predicted a nuclear scary event that would happen in 2022 and multiple times this unfolded as the media reported over and over the events between Russia and Ukraine it was an international nuclear scary event many times so not only were the vast majority of doomsayers wrong about the direction of events seeing only the only their surfaces but office correctly revealed that the CIA and the FBI would come under investigation that Nancy Pelosi would be removed as Speaker of the House guys I said that I know a bunch of you haven't seen those predictions videos got it right about major Banks would be coming under investigation even a large Bank chain or a financial institution would collapse that Banks would be implicated in financial crimes that a significant portion of the viewership would quit watching liberal late night shows talk shows mainstream media would lose ratings and some would go under all this was in the office project predictions and it doesn't take it's not hard hell in New York alone you can see all the investigations of banks that are underway right now and all the investigations of financial institutions by the SEC right now I mean many of you are familiar with the FTX oh yeah that that's exposing the Democrats for all kinds of criminal activities yeah so and that was entirely Financial as well also the Chinese infrastructure would take a hit from the collapse of dams and and uh they would impose a media blackout about it all this is in the office predictions and every bit of it happened the big Tech would be attacked got Twitter files anybody yeah oh major conspiracies of the presidency and the liberal globalist front would be exposed this is happening on a daily basis now we're we're becoming desensitized from it now if any of the things that are being published about the Biden Administration would have happened during the Trump Administration there would have been impeachment in all kinds of things going on so anyway office also predicted that there would be a a publicized new evidence about the Kennedy assassination a major demographic demographic shift in America as lifelong Democrats yeah switch over to the Republican party this has been happening all of 2022. so uh office also predicted that Australia was during Australia's driest period in quite a while Opus predicted that Australia would have would would soon suffer its wettest season in a century yeah don't go don't take my word for it any Aussie will tell you what what happened to Australia what's happening yeah guys it's a it's deep it's really deep so anyway office also predicted that in 2022 a major report would circulate about climate change being a hoax yep it's in circulation right now that UFOs would become would become cited and reported more than usual and yep the U.S intelligence agencies have reported an upsurge in UFO sightings activity so the uh also that the that in 2022 the media would begin increasing or basically vamping up its Alien Invasion scenarios in its reporting yeah dropping little hints there and there it's it's crazy it's crazy it's all so transparent too but a lot of these predictions are two years or a year and a half old so with such a track record and one with major themes that went in the opposite direction of the rest of the world we should pay very close attention to what else office has predicted about our time one of those is that the very next vice president that is appointed will be a member a secretly he will be a member of the deep state but because of his identity most people will find this absolutely unbelievable this man will assume the office of the vice presidency this is going to be very soon now the next item is that the Chinese nationalists will cause a great change in China now this was predicted two years ago but it may be it may be happening right now there's a lot of misinformation coming out of China China is known for media media blackouts we don't really know what's going on uh you can get on YouTube and find different videos there's different theories but they've got a media blackout there's been some violence uh they're they're still I mean the Chinese Communist Party according to Opus it's days are short in the last and final thing for this little period right now is President Joe Biden will be removed from office it was my buddy I can hear his bike President Joe Biden will be removed from office his removal was predicted two years ago in my videos and followed up as soon as he was put in office I was already releasing videos showing the office output said he would never finish his term these are three events I'm waiting on now and as I've stated in Prior videos guys the second and third should have happened before March 1st which is actually the first month of a new year which is why September October November and December the 9th 10th 11th and 12th months months are actually named in Latin 7 8 9 and 10 because January and February are technically the 11th and 12th months but I'll explain that in Prior videos in 2023 I have many other predictions but for now these are what we're expecting nothing has changed from my original position as revealed in my video Trump Empire and the controlled collapse of the Democratic Party what is important to take away here is that office stands alone in his predictive analysis people making predictions today mostly do so by studying the trajectory of events seeing the flow of narratives and basically extrapolating some are good at that and they're really good at ascertaining what will happen based off what is happening but Opus was used you got to understand guys Opus was used in the predictions from its use were posted when our world was flowing in a totally different direction I'm expecting when Biden is removed that there will be hundreds of YouTubers and others all releasing videos saying I told you so so you have to ask yourself when did they first tell you that soon we'll be bringing office back online to the Forefront there's a major coding issue we have to solve uh it has nothing to do with with the accuracy of the output it has everything to do with simplifying it so it doesn't take so long to do interpretations of the data but um it just takes great greater minds than I it it'll get done office has always been a project on the back burner because because archaics is my passion but like with it like with anything else sometimes bad interpretations happen because there's there's just so much to look over or I'm not even interested in the subject matter or I fa and it causes me to fail to see something the office program has so much success because it was designed in recognition that there are fixed holographies that possess identifiable mathematical constructs that operate forward and backward in time these repellent drones guys between events that are very similar in nature so I'm thinking that 2023 just might be the year we really get started on perfecting the office algorithm but before that I just wanted to release this video to remind people just because I keep releasing these archaic videos and I keep moving forward on on ancient history and all these things that all my live videos and things I present I'm not ignoring the predictions I've made in the past I just play the long game I'm never in a hurry to just keep reminding you that hey man I said this I said this I said this yeah I don't need to because I don't take those videos down all my predictions videos are still there so anyway this wraps up the presentation I want to release a good video today I got about four emails all asking me about office all within a week so I figured it was time to do a video like this and the fact that I just feel that the the uh Biden Administration is about to take a hit I went I wanted to go ahead and put this reminder out there so you guys be good and I got to get back to these puppies they are stressing me out [Applause]