Our History is a Holographic Construct

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[Music] in the year 1229 bc the power of ilium was broken when the city of troy fell to the mycenaean invasion to quakes and strange lightning blasts this dating is confirmed 476 years later the descendants of troy founded the city of rome in 753 bc among the latins and the sabines rome would rise from monarchy to republic to empire and ultimately fall 1229 years later in 476 and on domini but this is impossible synchronicity but we can confirm these dates with from historical references what's also impossible is what i'm going to show you in this presentation these dates can't be real but they are they're verified welcome my friends to the massimilocrom guys i have never before published this data and it is astonishing it was published last night for the first time in textual form and archaics but you and i are living in a controlled biogram a simulation in this presentation is proof many of you are not going to like what you hear and for the others that will grow a spark within you that will burn with an exciting intensity when you begin to realize the ramifications that this data has for you and for all of us in the collective to detect the cracks in the holosphere one must view the whole of world history to isolate particulars and build historical narratives is all that has thus far been done the publishing of a disjointed series of facts only compartmentalizes segments of history as if part is not synthetic to its whole this is all that's ever been done we cannot possibly recount here all the chronological points made and references given in my published books and my articles all my charts my 170 plus videos chronicon and all these sources have been given to you in the files of archaics and to post in these youtube videos for purposes of this study though here is a small reminder of what you need to know in 4039 bc was the first appearance of the moon it was the capture flood marking a milestone in the 600 year innuna neura chronology now 3895 bc was the phoenix destroyer it initiated a catastrophic reset so complete that later records claimed it was a new heavens and new earth but it was a pole shift this began a six thousand year countdown to the next time there's a pole shift causing a new heavens and a new earth in 2106 a day now in 2909 bc before the flood is the first year of the 670 years of the sumerian king list or the 241 200 turnings that started the anunna dynasty now 2239 bc the phoenix revisited 1656 years after the first time and it totally caused the great flood in 1899 bc this was the 340th year after the great flood a disaster recalled as the babel dispersion when humanity was attacked because they had threatened the gods 1229 bc was the tenth and final year of the trojan war when illium lost to mycenaea here are three facts that need to be remembered when i retell this story fact phoenix periodicity is every 138 years 138 times 3 is 4 14. steven jones in his book the secrets of time published a booklet study allowing so many historical events in history showing that they're all 414 years apart he claims 414 years is a cursed earth period mr jones knows nothing about the phoenix research fact in my own book when the sun darkens i demonstrate in two full chapters many famous historical events and how they were all 414 years apart these were ones that were unknown to jones fact what we call physics constants are actually coding protocols that allow the submilligram to operate in multiple dimensions simultaneously while convincing us that a linear progression is always what we experience for example that events are sequential but it's an illusion of causality meaning historical events are non-local phenomena imported on into our collective conscious but i have to say this another way none of these events ever occurred and the evidence that they are contrived is found in their mathematical symmetry and by scrutinizing them under the limbs of physics constants keep up with me i'm going to show you now so let's take a much closer look at these dates that i cited in 4039 bc the capture flood occurred the appearance of the moon this was 61 45 years before the year 6000 anus mundi or 2106 a.d 6 000 years since the phoenix reset pole shift to 3895 bc that caused the new heavens a new earth from lithospheric displacement the 6145 years is 12 29 times five years from the arrival of the egy enemies of the anuta who control our societies from deep earth biospheres the egy are the observers watchers enemies of the subterrestrial anunna the conflict will endure 6145 years or 5 times 1229 this is interesting 4039 bc capture flood luna appears 1229 years later is 2810 bc when the great pyramid is 5 years old and it is sealed then passes another 12 29 years to the year 1581 bc then 12 29 years to the year 352. bc we don't know what happened on those dates then another 12 29 years to the year 877 bc and then the final 12 29 years to the final and 6 000th year 2106 a.d the giggy are destroyed by the chief cornerstone now the stone the builders rejected will in 2106.80 become the head of the corner he will take the authority excuse me from the high ones that are on high or the egy our date here of 2106 a.d as the end is the is only the end of the world as we know it if we take these 6145 years and analyze them by phi another dimension or 1.618 the golden mean represented numerically by the fibonacci series this 6145 divided by 5 becomes 37 97 years any takers here nostradamus specifically wrote that the final year of his prophecies was the year 37 97 a.d anybody can google this in a whole field of graduated degrees of phi we find that 61 45 years and 37 uh 97 years are the exact same time period but this only gets more profound where did we see 1229 before in the 10th year of the trojan war 1229 bc unusual blast of electricity from the sky melted whole cities anatolia hittite culture collapsed across the united kingdom vitrified ruins had been found in these regions supporting the historical accounts electricity from the sky the strange series of attacks from the sky was 670 years after a similar assault against humanity in 1899 bc the babble event was a single government and culture fractured into 70 nations speaking 70 different languages in an instant the story claiming that the gods admitted that that what had to be done because mankind was becoming capable of anything the traditions describe a lightning bolt from heaven destroying the tower of babel and storms drove all the people apart 670 years where did we see that already in 2909 bc the seven kings of the anunna ruled in a series of five dynasties for 670 years to the phoenix cataclysm of 2239 bc or the great flood the year 1656 andes mundi or 414 times 4. so 670 years bears a closer scrutiny and we are not disappointed for 670 divided by 5 which is 1.618 is 414.0 it's a cursed earth period as if this as if this was just not enough nostradamus again blows our mind because in 1994 members of the italian national library in rome discovered buried in their archives of formerly unknown and unpublished manuscript fully illustrated with paintings and texts personally done by the prophet nostradamus after studying this work the roman researcher and nostradamus expert otovia cesar ramadi published in his book nostradamus the lost manuscript the following passage written by mikhail de nostradam many will die before the phoenix dies until 670 his dwelling shall endure this dwelling is the similar it will endure until it collapses nostradamus was a child in 1508 he was alive which was 670 years before the year 2178 this being 138 years after the 2040 cataclysm caused by phoenix the sixth seal the return of the vapor canopy and 2178ad is the collapse of the similacrum when the captives are set free for those of you who have watched my short video the archaic paradox you know the significance of 2178 in our holography our world is not what you think perhaps i should have been slower in this video but we're going to have a moment of silence and you can look over the charts that i'm now going to show you because these charts show that what we've discovered in history is verifiable but it can't be real i would like to be able to tell you that what you're looking at is just ordinary historical events that happen randomly which is exactly what you would expect if historical events were happening randomly but that's not what's happening it is not what we're seeing here it boggles the mind that the seven kings began in 2909 bc and 670 years later of the sumerian kings list the great flood wipes out that entire pre-flood civilization again humanity comes together after 340 years of the flood in 1899 they build a monument now i've showed you another video that that wasn't an actual tower it was a pyramid humanity knew the secret of the pyramid they were trying to replicate it the gods were offended the iggy who observed from their lunar stations in holography which is hidden by a hologram called the moon and they watched this and they scattered humanity 670 years after that babel scattering scattering look at this chart was the fall of troy one of the most famous stories from the ancient world 1229 bc and yet this entire historical holography from the arrival of the gigi in the in the first appearance of our moon in 4039 bc is 1229 times five all the way to the year six thousand the six thousandth year since the last time it was a new heavens and new earth the synchronicity is prof it's just it's just amazing then nostradamus mentions that phoenix will endure 670 years but it was a code for the year for 414 the phoenix chrono chronology and then 670 is divided perfectly by 5 1.618 to produce 414.0414 multiple dimensions this isn't real i hope you guys enjoyed this presentation i'm sorry if it gets a little meticulous uh the arithmetic i mean it's it's what i do study history through the lens of physics now uh for those of you who that really appreciate my channel i'm probably gonna release another video here in a minute about about that but i found something that i want really bad i can't afford it but you can make that happen you're with your donations i will never monetize my channel i'm not gonna prostitute it and try to add all these commercials and disrupt my content but if you're willing to help you can if not if not i understand some people are just not able now i'm trying to buy a youtube studio a full a full building i'm about to do the whole works i'm probably going to release a video about that but uh anyway uh this is jasonvarkkegs.com we live in this military my friends it's not necessarily a bad thing but don't believe a thing about because it was entirely contrived