Phoenix Freestyle

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this is Jason with our cakes calm listen major announcement in this video you're gonna want to hear it those of you who have been really curious and interested about the Phoenix this is the video for you processes discovery how unique these discoveries are it's all in this video hope you enjoyed this presentation this is a freestyle no notes no no no no it's needed no imagery it's just me and you so I hope you like it this is Jason you know special thanks from Matthew Devereaux from Steven walls worth from Jonathan Harrison and myself and those are the our cakes family really appreciate you guys we appreciate your feedback hey you get us to thinking many years ago I was reading the Hagia dog and I come across some commentary it's ancient rabbinical commentary considering and concerning a Jewish legend that every 138 years the Angel of Death visits and pretty much causes destruction somewhere in the world this story concerned the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah I you know just isolating that one incident of 138 years didn't really it's just something I put in my notes but anything that I document and put in my notes a store in my memory I don't have an eidetic memory but I pretty much memorize anything that interests me I can go back to it if you needed and I'd come across the five 583 BC Sun darkening episode that was predicted by theories of my leaders it was an Ionian of Phoenician descent and I found it very interesting that he had predicted this in an in a period where no one was predicting eclipses in fact it's very difficult to predict eclipses even today and we use computers and sometimes the predicted eclipses still don't occur so in my studies that came across more references to the Sun darkening and the Sun turning red boy in red mud falling from the sky and I asked I read these references of the today Dana invading ancient Ireland and the furball was who are defending the Isles from the these fleets of invaders were shocked when the Sun darkened they thought it was by the power of witchcraft wizards the these invading people called the Danan who sailed right out of the pages of Homer's Odyssey in Iliad right into the pages of the most ancient texts I believe it's the Irish book of four masters of Ireland you know and we had the it's the FIR it's the First and Second Battle of matura the field of towers that this occurred and I continue my research is not find out in 721 BC the same thing happened there was a cataclysm the Sun darkened and it just I saw the parallels because these ancient authors like Marcus Varro and they're being very specific that it's not the moon darkening the Sun so in my research is uh I find reference after reference after reference to the Sun darkening in the moon turning red as blood and drops of red blood falling from the sky and mud in rocks hurling from from the sky destroying communities and cities and and this incident was recorded in the pages of our Bible as the great flood but in other text it was just a cataclysm like any other it was just particularly bad yeah I see these references and then in ancient Egypt i read the text i read a commentary i believe it was from 1881 by gerald massey where he signs a text from ancient egypt this specifically says that they had a flood tradition that was 1650 six days long that's crazy in the book of Genesis the pre-flood world lasted 1650 six years until the flood and when I I began to put these pieces together and I found out that every reference for 45 BC the whole Egyptian records great dragon in the sky is to 71 BC 331 BC and I'm seeing these these parallels and I don't understand at the time because I'm working on a book called chronicon it's a history of the world corn graphically it's it's all the any ticks that I could find from antiquity that gave us any type of frontal markers if it referenced itself by any date whatsoever from any ancient calendar system and I recorded it in chronicon so I have I'm isolating this timeline of these weird unusual events this mud falling from the sky sometimes a clear blue sky the Sun going dark something from three hours to three days and then I read about the old guy Jian flood which is 552 years after the great flood and it was terrible the mediterranean civilizations had to start over it was the date of the Avellino event where Mount Vesuvius blew up for the first time that we have in recorded history in buried whole communities alive which it did again when Mount Vesuvius blew up in 79 AD and totally buried alive thousands of people in the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum so I find these references over and over 26:47 BC 3895 be seen is great this great little sphere displacement of polar shift and I see these numbers and I see all these different dates are divisible by 138 and particularly bad ones happen 552 years apart the Great Flood was five hundred and fifty two years before the old guy Jim flood of 1687 BC which essentially begins Greek history five hundred and fifty two years later was 1135 BC when Pharaoh's signagi the final thing he ever wrote was about the Phoenix Cataclysm and then he ceases from the historical record in the same here or ominous ii takes the throne in his writings are all about a cataclysm in tidal waves and all and so we have the transition of a dynasty of transition of rulership in egypt in the middle of a cataclysm 1135 bc a phoenix transit five hundred and fifty two years later we have five eighty three bc fail ease of my leaders becomes famous throughout the entire Greek world for predicting the Sun darkening and then in 1902 scientists analyzed a device that's found in the year 1900 by sponge divers off Crete they found it under water from a shipwreck it it's a it's a magical it's a it's an apparatus that doesn't belong it's an anachronism it doesn't belong in the time period that we have to assign it to 50 BC it doesn't belong there but it is a differential geared computer it's an astrolabe and it's all flat and it's got 60 something gears it is fantastic but the technology required to build that astrolabe is far more sophisticated than the astrolabe itself it's differential geared technology the gears of precision of precise zecharia sitchin studied the device and determined that he found that the only date marker on the device that indicated what its function might be was to him 584 BC but he's wrong he wants to associate that device to the fall of Jerusalem but that's not what happened that device is an astrolabe it records something else something very significant that happened in 583 BC ancient Greek writers often often have been quoted as referring to these devices many people have theorized that this device the Antikythera computer pretty much studied in 1902 was once in the possession of a lease of Miletus which is very interesting because 1902 was a Phoenix hundreds of billions of tons of red mud fell from the sky and was studying it was studied by scientists they found biological materials in the mud gave a stunning study under a microscope it was determined to be 35% organic it's almost as if the outer the outer layers of a passing planet ripped free from a glacial sphere that was you know maybe flash-frozen and and our own planet pulled that material in and rained it on our world now this is this is what the evidence makes us believe but it's not what happened because we don't live in a world like that we live in a containment field and I know many of you have a problem believing that I know many of you go out at night look up at the stars and you think you see an accurate depiction of the universe and not a multi-tier hologram that's makes you that makes you believe that you are a free creature in a limitless in expanse of infinity but you're not our world has confined our military has proven it over and over we are rats in a maze but I digress in my research as I kept coming across this and 138 year period all these all these periods of time and I find these references all these ancient writers feared a 1242 year period Nostradamus mentioned the same 1242 year period and I find out it's divisible by 138 and in this 1656 period the time of the pre-flood world which is really interesting the pre-flood world lasts in 1656 years until the flood and then 1656 years later dailies of Miletus predicts the sun darkening not the moon though he never said it was the moment in fact Herodotus wrote of many eclipses but he too also recorded some darkening of the Sun that had nothing to do with the 583 BC event the war between the Medes the Lydians was raging was stopped that five-year-long bad pretty much war that was last in five years what stopped it was early in the morning as the two armies were about to meet the Sun darkened I had the moon of dark in the Sun it wouldn't have stopped the battle eclipses had already been known Herodotus has already recorded plenty of eclipses Mithu sadat 'yes many ancient writers had mentioned eclipses they were not anything that were that would have alarmed anyone in antiquity not in the Greek world so the Greeks the Eclipse was a benign phenomenon to the people of the East in Persia in Elam in Babylonia now they would have stopped they have some really ancient Eclipse literature that goes back and they would have feared it and this fear is even mentioned in the writings of Herodotus when Xerces of Persia invaded the Greeks and it was a normal Eclipse excuse me so in my researches I come across these references and they're vast there are so many of them I find all the I find 20 something different references for the old guy Gian flood and what had happened in this picture this this Helio lithic Empire is all over there all around the world on Easter Island they're in the middle of erecting the 550 first statue of a giant head they never got it out the ground there in the middle of erecting it the MOA or whatever they were called all throughout the Pacific Islands there was activity as if those islands were much larger in the sea levels were a lot lower Tiahuanaco and Pumapunku were thriving South America was a thriving civilization luke ramada the pyramid city the pyramid city of to to an uncle everything was thriving when all of the sudden an earthquake thrust South American Peru 12,000 feet into the air several Peruvian cities are 12,000 feet higher than they were they were originally built to be and happened in 1687 BC pieces of ships wharfs irrigation systems in dock sir at 12,000 feet lake titicaca was created in a single day that's why it's a freshwater lake at 12,000 feet altitude and yet it has the descendants of sea life that were developed in a saline environment we have salt water works on the starfish and sharks and everything this is a freshwater lake but it has saltwater creatures that have adapted this happened in 1687 BC that whole Helio lithic Empire fracture from an affront from Anatolia Sumer Akkad Elam the Dravidian Aryan Empire Egypt ever everybody was sent back to year 1 in 1687 BC it was an intermediate period in Egypt in fact there was a 25-year darkness following this where every civilization pretty much starved but it wasn't the only one Phoenix came again in 1549 and destroyed the psyche ladies region of the Mediterranean and probably some other areas but we don't have any records if Phoenix came back again a hundred and thirty eight years later in 1411 BC it enters the biblical narrative of the ten plagues on Egypt but it wasn't just Egypt it was all around the Mediterranean world in 138 years later it comes back again and we have reference after reference after a reference oh this object it's always 138 years which is really really unusual because that's 1556 months just like 1556 years of the pre-flood world the Rabbinical scholar Rashi said that the world was destroyed every 1500 1656 years a 1656 it was divisible by 138 so many ancient writer mention this period of time so I put these into a cohesive timeline because I find all these dates from other sources I didn't have to date any of them more than I'm mentioning to you now and I find that in some of these references they are called Phoenix and in China always the thing dragon in in the Druids called the Fink the ancient Egyptians called it nuff which is thin backwards and we can expect that from everything from ancient Egypt because they wrote from right to left whereas they borrowed materials from from other cultures that all wrote from left to right that's why we have the Egyptian goddess Neith but in the West her name was a theme it's the exact same word backwards just like not in Phoenix there are many Egyptian examples of this this priestcraft where they had inverted titles and names and epithets and monikers did you because were very good at concealing information this is why they dated things in days it was really easy to know that a certain amount that 138 years was 1650 six months so they used a lunar system where they dated things in the little R mode or sometimes they used a stellar system of 360 days so the Egyptians would throw out as visitors when when the Greeks visited them that would throw out a number oh well our history goes back 20 3742 years but it wasn't years you divide it by 12 because they use a lunar base system and when you divide it by 12 it fits perfectly into the historical narrative Egypt isn't that old at all it's just as old as Sumer Akkad Edom Harappa or r2 it's no longer it's no older Egypt started at the same time as almost every other known civilization started after a terrible Cataclysm that destroyed the old world which we know very little about aside from the techno lithic precision artifacts that were left behind like at puma punku or some of the unusual quarries in aquella that show that's someone was using some very very sophisticated sound vibration fracking to basica basically slow off entire areas of rock using high frequencies that's uh there are places in India that show Technic design the Great Pyramid of Egypt is an entirely techno lifting and nothing else in Egypt is except you'll see Rihanna do not confuse techno lithic with Helio lithic they're two different there are two different types of building techno lithic is antediluvian in his pre-flood is during the contact period when humans and contact was someone else proper hats human but there are far more advanced some people call them monona Anunnaki but when they fled in 2647 BC when they left wherever they went underground facilities under the ocean facilities whenever they wear whatever they went they left behind a lot of their technology thinking it was obsolete anyway because everything on the surface is going to be destroyed but it wasn't all destroyed the great flood was not into humanity there was a lot of survivors and those survivors went on to build a whole new nations and cultures but they remembered the event but there's practice molds all over South America that show that a people of inferior knowledge had come into contact with superior technology and they were trying to learn how to use it the practice molds show staircases they show architectural pour molds all kinds of experimentation was done on solid rock using a technology where we have little we know little about they were trying to learn how to use it maybe they did maybe they didn't we don't know well much of South America is very very sophisticated and there there is post techno lithic architecture which is not as precise as techno listing however it's using the same technology but inferior knowledge of of the use of the material and the use of the technology the tools of how to do it it's very interesting study but any more researchers on the Phoenix it was beyond coincidence that they're all divisible about 138 the distance in time between all these cataclysms was a hundred and thirty-eight years and this hundred and thirty-eight years was known to ancient rabbinical sources as a period of destruction and it was 1650 six months which was mentioned by the ancient Egyptians as a period of destruction of flooding which was the duration in years of the pre-flood world which was the duration between the pre-flood world - the exact date that they these of my leaders a historian actually predicted the darkening of the Sun so I look in the common era I leave the BC times alone I go to the Common Era and I find in the annals and the annals of Ulster and the annals of Kent in the Toltec in Mayan histories the Olmec histories I find references to the Black Sun the Phoenix the red mud falling from the sky terrible earthquakes I get even more detail the closer in time we get to now I get more details and I understand that this weapon is fantastic it's it's disguised as an intruder planet we are to believe it is a natural phenomenon it is not not only is it an earthquake but there's no escape the ground in the structures around people vibrate to such a high frequency they literally sink into the ground because your organic tissue cannot vibrate at the same frequency as hard solid stone and ground in water it just can happen it won't happen so we have a problem we have technology being used against humans the vibrating is a technological phenomenon people sink into the ground as structures collapse on top of them and then the structures sink into the ground the ground is liquefied into a mud as real mud is falling from the sky whole civilizations are buried in minutes the Phoenix the Phoenix cataclysms have happened like this over and over and over and over and we don't have more direct evidence because the libraries and the historians that would have recorded these things sank into the ground as well it's harrowing it's amazing that we have 22 different historical events verified from multiple sources that fulfill this 138 your timeline it's astounding that we have been able to put this data together because so much has been destroyed from the ancient world the Vatican has destroyed so much the Smithsonian has destroyed so much ignorance has destroyed so much the Muslims the Christians the Carthaginians the Romans the Huns they have all destroyed so many libraries and yet still in just a six-year period of time going through the most ancient records on this on this world I was able to put together this chronology and I have published it in wind the Sun darkens but I found way more and had to publish it in Nostradamus and the planets of apocalypse I found even more in included in several chapters in shocking secrets of antiquity I would really like to write a full book on everything I know about Phoenix but I don't have the time one of these days I won't be I won't be working full time and I'll be doing this for right now I'm a little too young to retire I plant I had 20 more years until the next Phoenix where he said we have 20 more years that's more than enough time for me to get this done and I intend to but the real point of this video is to convey to you that it's beyond coincidence that we can put all this information together right here right before the time it's going to occur again despite the fact that something has been wanting to keep humanity from even learning about this I often wonder if their filter is even being placed against me I don't sell a lot of books very few people are interested in this phenomenon the problem is even though I published a book in 2011 through book tree I have received the contract in 2008 I had a book published that showed specifically that the Mayan Long Count was was calculated in 1952 the scholars didn't know what they were talking about their arithmetic is absolutely wrong nobody else checked it I published an entire book about this called Anunnaki homeworld three chapters were about the Mayan Long Count and in the end the calendar involved in an ancient calendar system showing how this that's not how they computation time there's no way the Mayan Long Count could have ended in 2012 if before 2012 my book was published but nobody paid attention to it no one listened to it I'm hoping that does not happen with the Phoenix now anybody can read Anunnaki home world and see what I published about about I don't have to make that up it's right there for anybody to see Mayan Long Count ends in 2046 it does not end in 2012 never did and I show exactly how the 1 million eight hundred and seventy two thousand euros that the day's the turnings and the 1313 back tons each one having 144,000 days how the mathematic works how it started how it's calculated where each backed and ended in world history and then how it ends in 2046 and what it means for us because the Maya had very particular ideas about what was going to occur at the 13th baktun and it's pretty scary anyway the Fenix history is absolutely fascinating I'm listening this video today because there's my intent to tell you to inform you that we have so much data on the Fenix that we will now be releasing posts and videos on each individual date maybe not videos too much but posts the post will be released on each individual date because we just have too much and and I have to warn you certain dates like the Great Flood and the old guy Gian flood we just have too much data it's going to be several posts just to cover the information you're going to review material about the great flood the old gaijin flood different disasters in world history that have been true that you vaguely you know some about things like the fall of Troy all all kinds of things are gonna they're going to amaze you what we have always uncovered we're going to be releasing this in posts because it's the only way we're going to be able to get the information to you get it to you freely and be able to collate the data so we can put it together in one book I'm sorry I can't even to you faster than that I just can't I work full-time these videos weren't even easy I gotta scribe I've squeezed it in time I got dogs gotta take care of but listen the Phoenix so the feed is chronology is real it cannot even be debated if there is a single soul out there that wants to do a debate on live video feed we will do it and you will be embarrassed we have more references than you will ever be able to follow it's real it's harrowing it's gonna happen again in 20 years my only intent is to educate you so you can figure out what you want to do because we do have we do have fantastic ability to create reality tunnels that allow us to be where we want to be and do what we want to do when we want to do it the Phoenix chronology is a part of the collective simulation it is a part of this whole aspheric reality matrix that is fixed but you're not on an individual personal personal level every single person has the power to create their own reality and although our environment may be going through things we can go another trajectory another direction people have always survived resets there has always been survivors of cataclysms by educating yourself you can know where you need to be you can know when you need to be there that's that's the point that's my own lesson my only mission in life is to educate you know I'm not a I'm not a vain individual I don't really care about wealth or anything like that I care about information it flows through my veins and I can't do anything but share it my name is Jason this is RK XCOM I hope you enjoyed this presentation I'm sorry feels a little long and winded and bored you I just want to let you know that we're going to be releasing all this Phoenix information in post be patient with us this is a lot of posts and some of them are going to be multiple posts them on certain years I have to there's too many critics there's too many naysayers there are so many theories out there that my theory is heard and within a minute people dismiss it instantly without seeing without even looking at the evidence well not even but I mean without even realizing that there isn't another theory out there not Nibiru not mud floods not whatever you believe in it's promoted on Facebook it has so much good little graphic reference material that supports it it's just not but I'm gonna provide it to you so like so like and share spread the news for the information that's there whatever you can do to help I mean I'm not in this alone several of you send me information little gold nuggets and fines and stuff some of them some of them pan out to be pretty interesting and yes I include them in the information some of them don't that's good we're all learning that's all we can do this is Jason or cakes com hit that subscribe button