Post-Apocalyptic Survivors: ANUNNA Files Part 6

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hey guys this is jason of this is the sixth video of our noona file series we're going to return back just briefly in this one video back to the cro-magnon to add more elements to elements to the story now in the book of revelation we have a situation where we are told that it's going to get so bad that people are going to run to the hills into the caves and they're going to hide in there it actually says they're gonna hide from the face of god they're gonna try and cower down and hope they survive and what i'm telling you is that this has already happened while it will happen again in the future the reason why the future is known is because it already occurred in the past the cro-magnon people have already suffered the exact same fate it's why we found them in the caves it's why they expressed themselves the only way they had left after the collapse of their entire infrastructure what was left to do but hunt eat and paint the most elaborate mosaics and beautiful pieces of art in caves found all around the mediterranean world it's a sad situation the past is a predicate for the future we are stuck in a loop of reset the ancient cro-magnon people were not dissimilar from you and i they believed in an afterlife burying their dead with possessions the bones of the dead were specially treated with red ochre after the flesh was removed that cro-magnon man died out as the neanderthal is not the case as homo sapiens spread prolifically the cro-magnon elements were absorbed only a little cro-magnon blood entered the basque and iberian streams but by far the most is to be found in early native americans the cro-magnon we are familiar with were post cataclysm hunters of the megafauna and gatherers barely surviving in newer regions far away from the destroyed lands of their own nativity despite collapse of their civilization cro-magnon like the older neanderthal survived the year the phoenix weapon was used to depopulate the world induce volcanic resurfacing to push up more rare earth metals and oars to the surface for mining by the anunnaki or the inuna was the year 4309 bc 21 centuries before the very first pictographic writings emerged by the next wave of innuna creations with cro-magnon we have a caucasian race whose art remained unparalleled until the first millennium bc they were an advanced people who had lost everything even establishment archaeologists have been perplexed as to why mathematics astronomy and calendar systems only appear thousands of years after the last ice age the answer is a simple one in 4309 bc the phoenix weapon shattered every faith the people had in the heavens and its stability inducing a global freezing and series of disasters critically depopulating our world with earth's axis pointing at soul it slowly rolled around the sun for 270 years with one hemisphere frozen and dark while the other was bathing continual sunlight day and night being being filled with the brightness of the sun the our world literally rolled on a spit around the sun calendars became obsolete and the crow magdalene civilization collapsed as neanderthal again multiplied against them hunting them for food the existence of the cro-magnon culture is evidence of a totally unknown highly developed civilization on earth that had collapsed in unrecorded antiquity perhaps in the annunaki neural nodal dates of 5239 bc and bc in the very first historically recorded phoenix cataclysm these 600 year periods these notable aperture dates in the holosphere are the subject of more videos coming and it is a fascinating study in northern new england nova scotia and labrador in eastern canada survived an archaic culture called the red ochre people or the red paint people these people ceremoniously buried the dead and sprinkled mineral red ochre over the bodies of the deceased in their interred possessions the red paint people built megalithic chambers they used metals and were a seafaring race also called the maritime archaic culture some of their burials estimated to be five thousand to seven thousand years old the pole shift of 3895 bc totally rearranged the planetary topography traces of human occupation are found the world over dating to this exact period undeveloped paleolithic communities scattered about in hunter-gatherer bands the extent of human development is quite clear people were little more than tool using animals during the shift which would have lasted for days we're talking about lithospheric displacement a pole shift oh it could have lasted possibly a week vast tracks of the earth's surface slipped under the ocean a 30 degree displacement moving the lithosphere by at least 2 000 miles whole seas scouring dry land of its topsoil to leave deserts in their wake whole human populations vanished survivors relocated by following the fleeing herds neanderthal and cro-magnon more suited to the conditions of cataclysm than the softer humans the anunna deposited on the surface teetered on the edge of extinction neanderthal were hearty and vicious and archaeologists have discovered evidence that the last holdouts of the neanderthal race actually hunted homo sapiens human bones with butcher marks have been found charred in excavated neanderthal campsites though the cane and abel story was a jewish fiction it conveys a very real fear of this period cain feared that his banish from the human family would result in his death by the others neanderthals stalked the mountains and the hills as the descendants of the cro-magnon wanter wandered the valleys and the forests in croatia was discovered evidence that neanderthal neanderthal cro-magnon interbreeding did occur the new homo sapiens had much to fear in this world before the great flood the 1986 discoveries of the font brego cave in france have yielded evidence that cro-magnon man had also engaged in cannibalism humans were butchered processed raw meat stripped off the bones which were then broken to extract the marrow concerning our 38 95 bc phoenix cataclysm poll ship we have testimony from plato in the statesman in the fullness of time when the change was to take place and the earthborn race had all perished the pilot of the universe let the helm go reverse the motion of the world and the world turning round with a sudden shock being impelled in an opposite direction from the beginning to end was shaken by a murty mighty earthquake which wrought a new destruction of all manner of animals much of the greek concept of mankind's beginning was borrowed from egypt in the near east necessarily so as no caucasian aryan semitic people yet existed to plato who knew that gods in the heavens made all the races of mankind the older races of non-homo sapien pedigree were regarded as earth born in his time period the designations neanderthal cro-magnon homo inferior were unknown this pole shift catastrophe is a fact of geology paleo botany geography and other disciplines though it is hardly remembered in human memory many of our historical accounts prior to the 20th century bc were recorded retrospectively through transmission of oral testimony or as will be shown revealed to literate humans by non-human benefactors sometimes over a thousand years after the events occurred cro-magnon artifacts of france reveal a high culture of artistic sophistication lewis spence wrote that the race which produced it cannot be classified as savage in fluency and originality at least the orignation pre-magnitude art is indeed greatly superior to that of either of ancient egypt or babylonia and to achieve a standard of such surpassing excellence it must have persisted elsewhere than in the area where it arrived at fruition for many thousands of years it had to have had a long history in some other region before it was brought to europe this is an amazing testimony from a researcher over 120 years ago spence wrote we have an art fully developed and obviously having behind it many centuries of evolution suddenly appearing in a locality in which there are no signs of earlier phases concerning the orignation art this is a this is a type of cro-magnon spence wrote its beginnings cannot be traced anywhere in the known world the walls of the caverns they occupied are in many cases covered with drawings of animals and men which for accuracy of design and modeling have never been surpassed cro-magnon art sometimes even used the natural protuberances to enhance the artwork and give it a three-dimensional effect mcallister wrote that the origin of the european cro-magnon was not from europe upon their arrival they had already developed over a period of time elsewhere spence wrote that the cro-magnon man was cut off from his home by a cataclysm marooned upon the shores of the atlantic coast of europe and africa to spread into the mediterranean before it was a sea before the mediterranean was a sea for those of you following my great pyramid research videos you will know that i have shown ample evidence that the mediterranean was once a series of lakes and that's what we find here and it was in very recent history when the mediterranean became the mediterranean and fleets of caucasians entered in entered into this new newly developed sea coming from a post-cataclysmic north america in 2239 bc we have history repeating itself this is precisely what happened to ancient cro-magnon man the mediterranean sea we know today was was back then a series of valleys and fresh water lakes this is not me saying this this is the scientific reports of time the orignation culture did not spread into central or eastern europe but they populated the lands and coasts of north africa sicily spain france and italy as a culture of fishermen at a time when the mediterranean basin was not a sea but a system of fertile valleys with large lakes and vast force teeming with game the study of cro-magnon civilization is impeded by our assumption that the present geography and condition of our world is the same now as it was then and as we have seen this is not the case the sudden appearance of the mediterranean is also the reason why ancient civilizations during their literate period when they were developing writing systems have absolutely no written records about the the building and the creation of the great pyramid because when literacy was exploding throughout the ancient old bronze age the great pyramid pyramid complex in giza and all the north african plate was still underneath the mediterranean and this is why the ancient egyptian civilization is not on the north coast where it should be in the mediterranean where their trade alliances would have been formed in their trade ports and their most chief cities should have been developed instead the most ancient egypt that we know of today the commission egypt kemet is 500 miles to the south and has no pyramids they buried their dead in the valley of the kings not in giant monuments spence wrote that the origination race was was physiologically far superior to any human type presently existing if cranial capacity is a measure of intellect then cro-magnon had greater intellectual potential than modern homo sapiens as a highly developed race both physically and mentally we must conclude that our current discoveries of cro-magnon man are of his post-cataclysmic degenerative state while later or nation further blossom into the magdalenian cro-magnon culture this development was not a fundamental change but rather a difference in degree what is being said here is that the picture that answered anthropologists have painted of is as of a primitive person that was basically evolving into the homo sapiens sapiens of today but we now know that the genetic markers between cro-magnon and humans only show some context but there wasn't a development from cro-magnon culture they basically died out further our what we find cro-magnon huddled in caves and with beautiful paintings we are looking at a people who had lost everything we are looking at the last survivors of a great thriving civilization that the phoenix weapon had completely ended in 2239 bc the land bridge at the strait of gibraltar called the pillars of hercules in antiquity broke from earthquakes allowing the atlantic ocean to flood the basin burying the majority of cro-magnon sights and artifacts cro-magnon people migrated into the mediterranean region prior to this catastrophe there is no sign that cro-magnons ever migrated into central africa they suddenly appeared along the atlantic coast to spain and france in the regions of biscayne pyrenean and dordon at the end of a glacial period and the end of the last true ice age this was not approximately eleven thousand bc as the aku dummies report but sometime between 5239 and 4039 bc as we will show conclusively in forthcoming videos about to be released cro-magnon man is not a type of homo inferior in fact today's homo sapien species is a slightly diluted sabotage genetically impeded form of cro-magnon cro-magnon are considered homo sapiens and it was a further genetic modification of cro-magnon man that resulted in modern homo sapien sapiens humans today are dna designer products of homo inuna who used cro-magnon coding with newer modifications to develop homo sapiens sapiens and fashioned distinct races of negroid mongolian and high oriental amerindic and dark cockazoid the white caucasians did not yet exist in fact the first appearance of white-skinned blue-eyed infants among the anti-diluvians is one of the major themes from the traditions of the pre-flood world even the pre-flood sumerians prided themselves as being the black-headed people and all their depictions in statuary and release show themselves as a smooth skin beardless people the establishment of black yellow red and brown races on earth from the older cro-magnon stock was a deliberate act of divisiveness by homo innuna induced arrested development a managerial act to prevent humanity from succeeding at whatever feat of accomplishment cro-magnon had obviously attained in prehistory and to them had become a threat the mounting body of worldwide evidence derived from the hundreds of reports of astonishing technolithic archaeological sites is that the cro-magnon were descended survivors of a race who had terraformed this planet and the evidence of their terraforming is everywhere and this this massive terraforming project that went all around the world was later basically buried in mud floods and some of it later resurfacing and people finding these plateaus in these cities and building their own ruins and cities on top of these of these substructures whoever cro-magnon were they had basically basically taken over the entire physicality of the holy sphere by which we are all imprisoned in cro-magnon had become a threat and the rest of the existence of all races on this planet is because it had to be diluted dna is fantastically an old and cannot be erased it had to be changed this is jason of this is episode six of our anunna files series and uh you pay attention you might want to go ahead and push those bell notifications because we're about to release a lot more some tonight