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foreign the new studio we have the new we just downloaded all the OBS software for YouTube and we couldn't figure out even how to how to turn a video on we tried to do it live with the new OBS system that synced with a that sync with our new microphones and nothing worked so I just ran over here to my studio Matt lives super close to me now sorry about that guys hopefully hopefully we're gonna we're gonna have to we're probably just gonna have to take a crash course in it trying to figure out that OBS system it's the one everybody uses so we're gonna have to we're gonna have to figure it out all right wait for way for more people to catch up see some new names in here and of course definitely see all the ogs hey Jay Tampa Florida yeah Joey you might need to exit the app and come back in for the rest of you how's my audio that's good yeah that's that's kind of disheartening had the whole studio set up we're ready to go got the new software got the new we got all the new all the new hardware for the microphones to make them work right everything we hope we opened up the live video in the OBS system took over our YouTube controls with a whole new a whole new operating system that we were both absolutely unfamiliar with have no idea how even to how even to start the live stream inside the OBS system that's some I'm pretty sure there's other content creators that can educate me on that and so that's that's that's gonna have to be Matt's going to figure that one out because we were both bewildered so we deleted the OBS system completely from my laptop so we could get back into the live and it wouldn't even let us access YouTube anymore it's like wow so I grabbed all my things and ran right around the corner well it's more than that out of his door all the way down down a a back road and then all the way behind my property there's a long fence and then I have a side gate which fortuitously was just put there I don't know why we I don't know why J.R and I built that side gate there but now it's very useful that Matt moved into a house directly behind me so hey over 400 people in the chat that's pretty good that's that's pretty good lately we've been had we've been we've been uh enjoying eighteen hundred two thousand people in the chat by the time though by the time the show's over that's pretty good I was really looking forward to using that new studio but hey it's good to have more than one Studio isn't it guys awesome yeah I was really uh we started at 10 o'clock 10 o'clock this morning while you guys were watching many of you were watching The Inspired presentation we were already in the studio putting putting all this together getting all the sound checks and we had it so perfect I can whisper leaning back in my chair in the audio picks up so beautifully we were using those mics wrong we had the wrong cables wrong hdmis we had the wrong stands everything we corrected all that and then downloaded that OBS software and we just didn't understand it it's just it's not something that you can readily understand instantly and nor can you get a feel for how you how to how to do it unless you actually use it so it's gonna have to come with somebody who knows what they're talking about because I can't use the OBS and go live unless I'm going live using the OBS so it's like a catch 22. I'd have to I'd have to start a bunch of live videos trying to figure out how to use it and then and then delete them all instantly that's crazy thank you Shiva maybe you can educate us on that because we were both lost Matt's over there in the other studio right now trying to figure out what went wrong because everything all the tests went right until we actually tried to go live on YouTube and then nothing made sense I saw somebody mention that uh earlier in the year I was at 17 000 subs and I'm almost at 70 000. I have to I have to correct you on that in January there are videos that I released in January where people were congratulating me in the comments section for reaching uh 4 000 Subs you know excuse me I'm sorry I'm sorry 3 000 Subs that's January of 2022. I had like 3 100 Subs so it wasn't until March 19th when I had 4 200 subscribers to the archaics channel March 19th was when I did the podcast with Santos Bonacci but it was mainly Logan of decode your reality who was interviewing me that is when I started increasing and uh even Santos in that video mentioned on March 19th that I had around 5 000 Subs but he was incorrect because when that video was being recorded I had 4 200 Subs so by that by the end of that evening I was like it at all almost 5 000. but yeah that's all it's a it's an awesome increase it is it's an awesome increase now as you can see like the channel inspired they got half a million Subs so I don't know and if you look at his content go back and look at all the people the gene has talked to and especially the subject matter they're talking about some deep stuff naming names going into all kinds of I don't really go into the particulars and archaics I don't go out there uh demon chasing as far as naming people in the political world and exposing them for their conspiracies and all that no I my my material is very general so I'm very I'm often surprised when I see in the comment section that people are that people get triggered like how the hell can you even be on YouTube you must be you must be controlled opposition why haven't they deleted your channel yet deleted it for what have you seen all these other channels with half a million to a million subs and what they're talking about Dr Steve Turley just got one million subs and he's exposing the Deep State socialist democrats for almost every single thing they do and he reports that stuff in real time he puts out multiple videos or shorts a day Dr Steve Turley exposed everything that would just happen with the elections he made the man goes deep exposing these narratives that are false while the mainstream media is packaging these things so you'll lower your vibration and giving you all this information there are people like Dr Steve Turner that are putting out the truth and showing you where that information could be found yeah especially this election where it was just a massive wins in the Republican side but none of it's reported by the media man go to the Congressional websites go you need to follow Dr Steve Turley and he'll show you exactly what was going on all the legislative battles that were just won is amazing that's where the war is being fought it's the 10th Amendment War I kind of mentioned it in passing in the uh uh in my other video but yeah it's it's uh I told you guys 18 19 months ago in my predictions videos were out when the Socialists were at the height of their power when this uh fake media was at the height of their power when when the controllers of social media were at the height of their power I told you guys that there's going to be a huge shift conservatives will will take over I said there's gonna be a huge shift in the media the media is going to lose their subscribers they're going to lose their followers they're going to lose their funding so I'm a mainstream media look at all the pundits look at all the the talk show hosts look at all the news anchors who have lost their jobs in the last 90 days oh my God and there's more to come all the cuts in Facebook and CNN oh I'm talking about massive layoffs coming in all these departments across the I mean they're not they're not on top anymore yeah their narratives are all falling apart the the we are in the pendulum swing right now yeah there was never going to be a time when there was going to be a complete takeover and switch it's gradual but with these midterm elections it was more than gradual there's been it's amazing even even a lot I know a lot of people dislike Trump and yes he's a deep Stater just like all the elite are but I'm going to tell you now the man the man backed and endorsed 237 candidates 219 of those candidates won that tells you something now the media the mainstream media is not reporting that it's crazy things are going things are going on you're going to see a lot of Revelations about about this that was all predicted 18 months ago that that narrative was going to fall apart and be exposed I said you're going to see a matter a lot before the end of the year we got a lot of events that will unfold more and more the problem is is these things happen gradually so you are desensitized from the reveals as they go on days they stretch just like just like the Arizona election stretched out for five or six days yeah they stretched that all the way out to lower your vibration you get fed up you get tired by the time somebody wins you don't even care anymore so yeah it's a it's crazy it's crazy how they do all that but this is a q a this is not me this is not me ranting this is not not any of that this is straight q a a real I wish it was supposed to be with Matt sitting next to me reading the questions and uh but you know I see that's that just didn't happen and that's okay cool beans many writing that's cool beans let's see yeah t Harman you're gonna be surprised Dr Steve Harley yeah you can tell them archaic sent you I've been listening to him for a while and I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna be the first one to admit I didn't like him I didn't like his personality I don't like I don't like what I perceived about him when I was listening to his voice I'm judgmental just like other people I'm human and when you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna send something about the man too when you listen to his voice and the way in his Annunciation and how he carries himself but that's okay it's his information that is that is it's genuine it's awesome it's not I can divorce I can divorce a person from their platform from what the information that they're conveying I can do that I mean it's just maturity and I have to do that with Dr Steve Turley I'm not sure that in the person in the personal that out here and I would really get along or but I I'm impressed with this information so Dr Steve Turner That's Where It's At tell him more cakes sent you all right hey Matt Coopers Pamela Swan Phoenix protocol Mish Gleason I appreciate you moderator hey Michael got my Shiva shampoo the cleanest the cleanest of The Vedic of The Vedic genre Shiva shampoo Wendy Flores thank you guys for being here I don't know how many of you saw the video with inspired I wanted to do a question and answer based off that video for people oh that was wanting to um you know we're curious about any of the things that we discussed uh Atlantis Rising podcast man that's okay he said my bad that's okay it's just well I just want when you said that earlier about the 17 000 I saw the comments I read the comments daily I'm in the comment sections all the time but uh when I saw that comment kind of made me wonder because I remember differently and I went back and looked I pulled up those videos from January and I looked in the comment section I remember okay here it is so yeah I think I hit 17 000 somewhere around see March April May sometime around May Fifth Element typing ten thousand date words a day yeah I have a team guys that are working on Chronicle and it's a very extensive project what took me like 20 years of collating data putting it together doing the mathematical calculations for each individual section aligning all these different calendars uh showing these constructs throughout our history what took me a lifetime almost or a significant portion of my lifetime this team is doing in just months uh they're all they're yeah they're it's it's we have a we have a Discord where we all talk together and they ask me questions and things we can Rectify correct things we can we can accentuate that's uh they're they're doing a very good job it's very interesting the the project is getting finished way faster than I thought I'll be adding a lot of of new data to it which they have access to it's but I just I I have to be the one that puts it where it goes Works relevant so yeah this studio here I'm sorry about the the poor quality of the audio it's the other Studio where it really matters where we're having these problems with that obs Gerald Livingston do you do your thing man if you want to narrate the dark scriptures go ahead it's easy to do if you look in the links you will find that we have a Tran we have a transcripts website where the transcripts are individual videos have already been published you can find the dark scriptures transcripts there to make it much easier for you to narrate and do your thing a lot of channels a lot of channels have picked up picked up on different aspects of the archaic's material and run with it and I encourage that Nick T is reading Chronicle and he's like on he he's I don't know where he's at he's at last I sold was 77 78 or 79 the 79th episode of chronicon each one six seven eight minutes long but he's reading chronicon and he's doing a fantastic job a lot of people like to listen to it Nick T is doing that as a matter of fact it's the only Channel featured in my uh and on my home page feature which I need to feature some others I know uh there's some other channels that are using my material too I need to feature them too it's just Nick T was in my face that day and that's the day I was I was upgrading my my uh my YouTube page oh concerning that I have two more YouTube channels two more YouTube channels have been have been designed now one of them is called uh uh archaics reserved I haven't put anything on that channel the other one I've already started uploading but you can't see it because I haven't made them public yet but it is my feylorn Saga I told you guys when I was in prison I also wrote an epic fantasy series about about 800 pages of book but it's seven books long and it's an Epic Fantasy it's a fairy apocalypse and how the fairies are dealing with an end of the world scenario that was prophesied in a world that is now being taken over by humans and it's different races of fairies and uh it's the world is called dagathar and I and I wrote this toward the end of all my research before I was released from prison and uh I I essentially take up my world view and my beliefs and I wrap it all into a fantasy Epic Fantasy narrative it's deep it's adult uh but I'm reading I'm reading the individual visual chapters as episodes and I'm numbering them and instead of splitting them up into books and all that I'm just going one through 500 however many chapters there are I've already started and I'm gonna wait till I get about 12 about a dozen chapters in and then I'll activate each individual one it's just me giving back to you guys for your support I'm not going to charge anything it's absolutely free but you will be able to listen to me narrate my epic fantasy book about the called The feylon Saga the feylorn are are lost they're a lost race of fairy kind they're they're they're ostracized and they're very different than the say and the normal fairies and all that's described in the story but it's the phalor and Saga and uh you'll be able to uh matter of fact The felorn Saga is the name of that is the name of my new YouTube channel so it's archaics reserved which I haven't put any videos on yet and The failorn Saga just two announcements as a matter of fact I have some announcement announcement card here also the book ancient healing I have it in here I'm gonna stick to my word I'm gonna I'm gonna give that book to the person who has the most likes uh on that post that's done that person's already it's already written who's who's getting that book however so many people are interested in the content of that book and a lot of people are are asking me to break the law and mini and I got too many haters that would hurry up and report me if I did anything like that so I'm not going to I'm not going to photocopy the book and then render it into PDF and distribute it it'll be a violation of copyright I could get sued for that I'm not going to do that but what I'm gonna do or what Matt's gonna do is he's going to video the book as a book report and we're he's going to give his opinion page for page on this book in that video will be posted on YouTube for you to do whatever you want screenshot each individual page so you can learn well what the book's about it doesn't matter but I'm gonna I'm gonna keep my word the person with the most likes on on that on that post is the one that will I will ask for their address and and I will mail them the book that's the best way I can do that yeah I actually have like three videos with Santos Bonacci two of them were very rapidly and then one was much later I need to do another one I needed I need to catch up with him I mean he and I are very are different in our World Views we're different in in the presentation of our information but I consider consider him a friend uh he's got his haters too but but I'm not one of them I will be doing another show with autodidactic I was thinking about wearing my auto didactic shirt today I have one oh I'm wearing I'm wearing my rise above shirt today got rise above guys y'all don't know about rise above I like their setup I like their energy I like uh the uh you know the main guy oh he's he's uh they entered they they really entertain a lot of stuff just basically who they who they talk to and all that a lot of modern stuff but but I see great potential in that first of all rise above is a great it's a great name their Studio setup is a little unique I liked that too I like the aerial view all the way down and different guys were doing different functions while uh also um he breaks off into his own personal music and he's got a pretty good thing going so uh rise above I was on their website I bought me a t-shirt I've seen him in my chat every once in a while so let's go in here and let's go in here and do exactly what I said I was gonna do which was q a and it looks like from the beginning from the beginning the uh probably lost a lot a lot of viewers from that switch over I don't know I really don't know by this time we should have had over a thousand but that's okay might be a bad time of day this is very early I normally don't do my my podcast this early I just don't Cindy Langston okay Jason what are your thoughts on The Souls of animals this is a question that I have entertained before but not very much probably only only gave an answer one time but I do remember giving the answer in one of my prior prior q and A's now we have to quantify what what you mean by animal because to me amphibians fish reptiles Marine creatures not marine mammals but Marine creatures are soulless they are they are programmed 100 visceral they are in a Predator versus prey mentality uh because it's pure programming I don't see any evidence of reptiles and and amphibians and fish having Souls I see them as the pure result of coding everything that they do everything is instinctual instincts are coding everything is visceral so I do not feel the same way about mammals mammals display many of the traits that humans display but to a lesser degree the difference seems to be in magnitude not in uh anything fundamental their mammals can be sad bored depressed happy elated full of joy they are and the same things bring them these same emotions such as uh eating or really eating really good food will make it make a dog's Tail Wag faster all right the physical Clues I mean the dogs are programmed to give you visual uh evidence of their emotions and feelings this is why the dogs while the dog's face doesn't change much the ears express everything how the ears move how the ears uh lay down flat how dogs can express so many different thoughts and emotions and react to you in so many different ways by the positioning of their ears and the movement of their tail so now dogs are you know dogs are completely domesticated they're not natural uh the dogs do not net were not naturally produced uh if you were to hold to a uniformitarian natural selection all it just it doesn't dogs are not descended from dingoes they are genetically different dogs and all their different breeds are not well we are told they are descended from wolves but that's not what we find there has been some very good research out that dogs were specifically bred from Wolf genes but there was manipulation involved and uh like Auto van Auto van Bender binder and some other some other researchers in the 50s and 60s they had come they had they had cited some really profound material showing that there was a the canine is unique and different breeds are ancient they go back but the evidence is is genetic they were genetic modifications of something not natural not produced by the environment now this goes in tandem with the archaics research and many other researchers like like uh Jonathan gray who show evidence that we were technologically advanced in the ancient past and it wasn't the other way around we did not start primitive we were introduced into the similacrum with all the Technologies and all the bells and whistles and all and all the advantages that we enjoyed on the outside of the construct we had it all in here awesome civilization a fantastic infrastructure and then it all ended in in history is the story of how we have survived until the present so I hope that answers your questions I I believe that they possess a soul I'm not I do not know as to what kind of Soul or of a animal Soul can be ever become human I don't know I don't know so I know that the oversoul has never stopped creating and the creation continues even as we speak and because of that because of that there is every every chance that initiates into the similacom programs must first enter in as as like uh I can't even pronounce it like familiars like animals they're not allowed you have to graduate uh before you can actually be introduced as a human Avatar so there's all kinds of scenarios that could be unfolding and it may be on the outside of the construct it would be so simple because there's many many many personalities on the outside of the construct who have never volunteered for a similacrum experience but or but volunteers are not allowed to come in as a mature human Avatar they must start at a certain degree and they get to choose what those degrees are maybe they've got to earn them maybe maybe they have to be both predator and prey in the in the million kingdoms before they're ever allowed to upgrade when they come back in as a human Avatar what I'm what I'm describing to you is only a logical presentation of material that I have theorized about but that's what it is it's entirely theoretical I have no proof for this none it just makes sense to me I agree animals are very special and endeared to us there is a connection there's a soul connection with animals but not with reptiles and not with amphibians and not with fish and insects those are pure programming um all right q a I promise to answer questions so I'm looking remember all caps if you want me to see it and distinguish your question from all the all the comments that you have with each other make sure it's in all caps because if it's in all caps my eyes will hit it fast I tend to ignore when you guys are just talking to each other should I invest in a big boat in California or more I think a better advice was whatever money you intended to invest on a very expensive boat you should just move that's what I think California is fine right now but it's I mean it all depends on what you're talking about what time frame we're talking about I don't see anything really bad happening to California until 2038 2039 2040. till then I think you're fine in California but you're not going to be fine any in almost anywhere west of the Rockies come 2040. east of the Appalachian Mountains I don't think you're going to be fine there at all either and basically where I'm at right now 30 degrees north latitude 30 I'm at 31 degrees north latitude right now I'm in trouble if I was to stay right here at this geographical location but then again I might not be in trouble because there could be there's all kinds of things that could happen but it's uh from the way from the way the world is going to move this time it's going to go south in my area of the world that's straight into the Gulf of Mexico thank you Shelly ass I've seen jahara's name somewhere Tori Victoria how you doing a lot of these names are very familiar to me looking for another question I can predict Jason has 70 000 Subs by the end of the day well that's a good prediction I like you already who is that Soul inspire you know what it's not even a mount I said this in a podcast about a couple months ago it is not um it's not the amount of Subs that you have on a channel it's the quality of the subs there are some channels that have 3 3.5 million subs and then when they release a video they got 9 000 views there's something wrong with that you can tell you can tell when people have lost interest people will always abandon Those Who Bore them they will always do that you know you can tell you can tell the channels that that didn't grow organically remember guys I spent two and a half years uploading videos man I couldn't even break a thousand Subs but then again I wasn't really trying because I never marketed myself outside of the archaic's Facebook group and the in the archaics Facebook group everything was contained because I have a personal philosophy I don't take the archaic's material to other groups because people would get triggered and offended all the time about three and a half years ago so I just quit I I had Matthew just stopped man you know what just quit posting in other groups in our case because these other guys man they get they get triggered and all that so we quit so for about two years nothing was posted about our cakes anywhere on Facebook but in the archaics group and then the arcades group started growing I noticed that instantly it started growing 16 000 people in the group now and that's another announcement I have uh 250 something posts were removed from the arcades Facebook group a lot of trolls were blocked from the Facebook group uh now I have 16 000 members it has been cleaned up now you can go into the arcades Facebook group and see all the original posts the newer post a lot of the things that I almost all the things that I wrote Graphics that you probably haven't seen before a lot of data was put into the archaics group but it was lost in the threads because I had made a promise to the arcades archaics members of the archaic's Facebook group that I'm never going to allow this group to become come like the other Facebook groups which which people were posting all kinds of stuff and if you find that if you find a post that's been on multiple Facebook groups you're not going to find it in archaics I wasn't gonna allow it but I have been too preoccupied I have been so busy doing other things I'm still running a company Paradise Rock Gardens still managing a crew making sure there are they get where they're supposed to go and they have everything that they need this YouTube is not my only income I'm still in command basically of a crew that is going around doing different jobs right now they're doing Christmas lights and I and for a couple of days that's why I've been silent for a couple of days I had to get out there on roofs and and help them keep up and maintain while they were a man short I'm gonna do that because I invested a significant amount of energy in my life to building that company and getting a reputation in this environment and I'm not going to I'm not willingly I'm not gonna I'm not gonna let that go that will always be an income I can rely on in case something else happens or if I need to purchase something extremely large or uh or very expensive so right now I'm letting those guys basically make all the money because they're doing all the work but if I need to I can get right back into the work field and uh and I can get my cut too I just don't need to right now our cakes YouTube uh pretty much pays all the bills and so does my gum Road sales and Podium sales I get Amazon royalties and book tree royalties so I have multiple income streams I'm not rich but I'm taken care of so I can do the things that I want to do which is produce data for arcades so having said all that amor I'm not boasting at all I'm just I keep I'm not going to close doors that I've opened and and maintained I'm just not going to close doors so sometimes I need to get out there and I need to go help those boys when they're when they're short-handed I'm going to continue to do that looking for a question my son liked your lights video ah he's doing it Hometown Vegas I've been to Vegas twice and both times I was too young to really do anything I was teenager thank you for that prediction on the 70 000 though you're probably right I'll probably have it before midnight tonight looking for a question well it would have been easy having Matt here what's your thoughts on the on the Euphrates River drying up really don't have many thoughts with how the Euphrates and the Tigers have changed because of earthquakes because of subsidence because of of older irrigation and Canal Works collapsing and then filling up backfilling with mud and sand the Euphrates and the Tigers have changed courses many times so every time that they dry up and go into another direction and change course archaeologists are going to find older ruins there's there's older substrate from prior civilizations they're going to be there now do I believe a lot of the things I'm seeing on YouTube and the thumbnails about demons being found under the Euphrates and ancient Crypts and all that now when I when I when I see it in trusted sources I will I don't believe I I'm I'm real hesitant about anything I see in a YouTube thumbnail because most of them are most of them you guys already know but they're they're just sensationalist BS I want you to come home watch the video and by the time you're done watching the video you realize every single thing you just heard was entirely theoretical it was all conjectural and it was just designed to to ignite your curiosity but it but it was filled with absolutely no substance so yeah I don't know I I'm gonna have to look into the Euphrates deal more but even if it does dry up so what what was that what does that mean to us way over here like I'm in America if the Mississippi dried up it would mean a lot because there is a lot of cargo barges that go up and down the Mississippi delivering all kinds of things but uh I don't know oh rise above rise and shine I don't know I don't know if it's if that's connected to a prophecy is there a prophecy that says the Euphrates will dry up I don't know I believe there's a prophecy that says that a vast Army is going to cross the Euphrates which the past of being a predicate for the future that's already happened because we know we know Alexander of Macedon did it and I believe Julian did it too so uh in his Wars against Persia Julian might have been one I think he did the same thing Alexander did Julian I believe he burned his ships too Ten Thousand Words a day Fifth Element you're a beast thank you Pamela yeah smash that like button let that algorithm know you're here okay I already saw you Gerald Livingston yeah go ahead you're free you're free to narrate the dark scriptures man create you a whole YouTube channel and do it if you want send me the link so I can send people there you see uh where are some questions I am Kairos you asked this question at 12 21 it's now 12 53 that's how far behind I am are any of the historical photos AIX generated to support false narratives listen I believe a lot of the photos you see about all kinds of different things on YouTube and Facebook are false indeed there's one that I fell for for a couple of hours um I I wrote I sent like I sent messages to several people saying I need so I need to understand the provenance of this image before I I use it and one of them uh I use it for archanges logo now now that I know it's fake but it shows almost a black and white old picture of the side of a cliff and yet etched into the cliff is a square high-rise build looking looking building and I it's always fascinating me looking at that but I checked into the Providence I run it through a Google image search it all comes back as BS this is absolutely photoshopped image and there's a bunch of them a lot of images on tartaria a lot of images across across YouTube or bogus they're complete BS now you can pretty much separate fact from fiction but by who is presenting them there are people who are very careful about what they show as opposed to some some of those that they're not trying to hear they're showing everything and they're not separating fact and fiction so I'm telling y'all John Levy's pretty careful about that autodidactic is careful about that the obvious fakes are filtered out so they're not the only ones there's others that do it I don't want to exclude anybody I'm just saying you got to be careful with what you accept this is why I many many times I've told you guys in my own presentations I will never take a photograph as evidence of anything and I stick by that even today photo that's why people send me pictures of UFOs people send me all kinds of photographic evidence that I don't know what filters that image is passed through for it to be in your possession then to get to my possession an image an image can show anything I will never accept an image's proof of anything I will accept boots on the ground research when authors are publishing books about phenomena and they and they've been on the ground and they're researching it and they write about it and they cite their sources and they do scientific analysis of it that's when I can accept an image such as some of the agroglyphs not all of the aggreglyphs but some of those crop circles we have we've got books published about them especially the Julia set the Julius set is a mathematical geometrical Marvel and unless you have a computer you can't even replicate it the angles you can't get a stick in a rope and do a Julia set there's no way it's almost like a fractal of a mandelbrot set it is that complex the Julia set in the triple Julia set crop circles were never made by men and there are men who have published books that show this they have boots on the ground they have gone out there with their devices they have they have done chemical analysis on the stocks and they show there's no no stocks are snapped and they're not even laid over like the theory of boards going to make a circle they're not they are woven together and then laid down without snapping these brisk stocks have not splintered like they know normally would they laid down so these people have done research and they and they and they study the bins and the stocks and they see that they've been chemically altered by something to allow them to soften and then lay down and weave so then there's there's locals who say that these orbs these yellow orbs of Light have been seen blinking and pulsating in fields at night in the morning in the morning the crop circles are there these are things I could accept because they come with so much ancillary data when an image comes with that much ancillary data I can accept it okay well that's pretty interesting because so far no humans have ever come forth and demonstrated how they can use boards and ropes or even scientific equipment and replicated Julia said I don't care about those other crop circles if there are no humans today that with all the funding in the world and all the equipment in the world can't go into a wheat field right now in on film show the rest of us how you do a Julia set or a triple Julia said in a in a field then they are mysterious I don't care about all the people coming forth talking about they've been uh the crop circles are faked and all that stuff of course a bunch of them are faked but not the good ones not the ones I showed in that video last week those are an anomaly and they're attached to books that have been published by people with boots on the ground who showed who show exactly why they are anomaly so yeah excuse me maybe I'm drinking out the wrong side of this cup that was The Chew them up and spit out the bone side anyway you guys know I love my coffee and I'll I am eternally grateful to you guys that have sent me boxes of of coffee beans ever since Lord Matthew prerogative tax assessor sent me my coffee grinder I have used it every single day he's the one also that sent me my archaics stamp of approval yes he did so anyway let me find some more yeah I can't take an image as evidence of anything unless it comes with a lot a lot of backing okay there's a book from 1877. my buddy Barry was going to give me a Christmas present and uh he was so excited to tell me when I visited him the other day and I did my van vlog then you went ahead and showed it to me he said man I got you a gift coming man I just here I want to show it to you so Barry lives so far out in the sticks takes me an hour and 10 minutes to get there and I live in the sticks I live in Willis Texas I'm way out there closest thing to me is gas there's a truck stop way way over by the interstate listen he showed it to me my jaw dropped I said I said Somebody's selling that book he said yeah it's on eBay books on eBay right here man I could not believe is it is a book that is cited by all these people in the 1910s 20s 30s 40s 50s and 60s Emmanuel velikovski this book is is like it's the Masterpiece of the 1800s it is the secret of lost races published in 1877. I could not believe I saw this book and it was in excellent condition and somebody had put it on YouTube I mean on on eBay for almost nothing and Barry was gonna wait because he had bid on the book and his his bid was the was the winning bid thus far I panicked as soon as they showed it to me I said listen man I really appreciate the sentiment I really do but as soon as the right person sees that book it's going to be lost to us I am willing I am willing to throw money at it right now just to secure that he said is that important to you I says dude you have no idea the history of this book I cannot believe one's been found dude this is amazing he says is that important let me contact the guy man so I said listen up your bid and tell him to lock it in tell them it's a 24 I just tell him he's got 24 hours to respond just up the bid and if he responds we'll pay him this much money so the man responded locked it in it's already in the mail it's going to bury when Barry tells me he's got it I'm doing a van Vlog all the way there driving all the way there doing a van vlog and on video at the in that van vlog I'm gonna show you this book we're going to flip through it and I promise you for several videos will come out of this book so I'm sorry I'm really excited you guys can tell I'm really excited about this book but uh yeah I'm just I'm beside myself I'm like a kid in the candy store okay I'm gonna catch up with some some questions since I'm done running my mouth about it 1200 1257 people in the chat I thank you guys 640 likes hey you know what that's a pretty good ratio two to one but yes I do believe I am Kairos that artificial intelligence X has generated many many images and photographs to to justify false or to support false narratives yes I believe that yep well you're welcome Karen Shorkey our world is not what you think absolutely looking for a question we got Logan in here I seen somebody said Logan have decode your reality Logan's buddy we just did a video like last week I think looking for thanking me rocks Jeff six I've been watching Turley for two years now yeah I like turtle I like his information looking for wow okay here's some here's oh that's Benny Riley using all caps there's no question in it though Sherlock Holmes Jason what do you know about the Fabian Society I don't I don't I'm I just pulled up an absolute loss for Fabian I I am familiar with the word fabian's I mean the term Fabian Society but I can't remember anything that they're about or what time period it was something I might I may need to look into or you can send me an email and educate me all right looking for a question I'm Kairos I already answered that one so it tells me I'm way behind in the chat I'm back up here and look at it again okay I've seen a bunch of questions now I was just behind dynamos anastasis have you had any ideas on the purpose of the mechanism inside the inside the pyramid well it's still a difficult one we know that there was um an immense explosion inside the king's chamber we know this it seems like something that would control magnitude or pressure was in a locking system in the empty chamber the anti-chamber is fed into by a small square you got a crawl through from this immense gigantic Grand gallery that goes down at 26 degrees 153 feet so we're looking at we're looking at a mechanism that used those tracks now if you look at modern day photographs you're going to see that the the Egyptian government has covered a lot of those tracks up but those tracks are in all the original photographs and all the original diagrams put together by Sir Flinders Petrie and David Davidson the 1920s he was an engineer he did fantastic illustrations of the Precision of the Interior Arrangements of the Great Pyramid and you can see those on many of my videos shows those black and white holographic illustrations that shows the tracks something went up and down that now I don't know if it was something large and heavy and needed those tracks to adjust pressure or to adjust the the space that something else moved in I don't know I don't know I have never been to the Great Pyramid to actually get a feel and understand what it is that we're dealing with because I I do know that it was technolithic meaning not only did machines build the Great Pyramid but the Great Pyramid internal arrangements are a vast they have an engineering purpose so I don't know it's I would really like to go me going on a trip internationally like that would require some other variables to be right in my life I've already been offered full paid trips two different individuals have offered to pay full full trip to Egypt back just to go pyramid back I have had to decline both of them I'm not comfortable with that right now [Music] have you heard the Earth is a ship Theory and we're attached to a screen operating Avatar well my own theory is that and I know this sounds really ridiculous to a lot of people I get that but I'm not afraid to say it based off all my historical analysis the only thing that makes sense to me is that the similacrum is a contained field inside something else I believe that because of the nature of the data that we find in the backfield of information that we call history it all focuses on a cataclysm of a double star system in one star dying and then what happens to a multiplicity of Worlds when that explosion occurs and the trajectories of those worlds when exactly they appear in the soul system because it was a nearby I mean it was a it was a binary meaning these two stars were the same system and each one had had their own worlds and then when one of them blew up certain of those worlds were known to go in this direction no one knows what happens to the other ones although we do have Legends of like Elektra how it was destroyed but it's never entered our system so I don't know we could be on a capital ship right now running Sims trying to figure out the best way to survive when the Nemesis cataclysm occurs because it's my position that all the histories that we have in the backfield of our experience they haven't happened yet they're actually the future meaning meaning these were simulations trying to get ready for an event that is on the horizon that we're in the middle of traveling now remember it is a fundamental tenet of many ancient belief systems that we are pilgrims sojourners we are Travelers Between Worlds we we have left one and we are on the way to another and these ideas have filtered into our faiths yeah different religions believe the exact same thing but they lost the original ideas meaning yeah I believe I believe it's exactly the scenario we're in I have to believe that nothing else makes sense about the origin of all these time keeping systems and calendars because they're all focused on when different air different worlds appeared in our system and this Moody system is when earth started right here in the solar system Phoenix 4309 BC Phoenix appears here first and then every 138 years is perfectly situated to be right there between the Sun and Earth in the month of May mid-may every time now remember this is a computer simulation it's not a real solar system that's why we have this mathematical Perfection that would otherwise never exist it can couldn't exist in a real in a real natural like Newtonian universe but it can the historical record is mathematically precise only because it's coding because if it was real it wouldn't have been able to do this so there are many many reasons why I have developed the theory that I have even the idea that the Phoenix's Keeper of the calendar which is actually called an old text but we understand this concept because all the calendars of the ancient world change we know they changed in the 8th Century BC we have the records we have the historical citations from all over the world where calendars were modified and everybody had to add five days and it was always unlucky days Dark Days evil days the five unwanted days and they added them to the end of their calendars this was done because the the year was 360 days and we have an entirely different series of data sets from all over the world that show all the ancient calendar systems were all divisible by 360. 365.25 is not divisible in any ancient cylindrical system none so we have uh we have this new calendar imposed on our world which is now 365.25 days something happened but whatever happened it didn't affect the 138-year perfect periodicity of the Phoenix phenomenon Phoenix's Keeper of the calendar everything is simulated because outside the context of a simulated holography what I'm telling you now cannot be true just couldn't it's impossible for the year to change from 360 days which we can verify to 365.25 which which is what we have now it is easily verifiable there's no way that could have happened and yet one of the major phenomena from the ancient world all the way up till 1902 is a 138-year periodicity of a phenomenon that is very well documented it can't happen because after a thousand years it wouldn't have been every 138 years it would have been off the addition of five days to every year would have totally changed the math but it didn't Phoenix still keeps the calendar only as coding protocols could too completely separate mathematical constructs be aligned perfectly it's the only way it could so these are these are just things these are I mean it all sounds very Star Wars it all sounds very star tricky but it's not it's just logical it's just taking each cognitive leap to the next logical uh conclusion based off all the data sets that we have put together because who history was falsified but we didn't falsify it something else did but in that falsity are gems and kernels of evidences and truth that we can put together in one opens the Phoenix phenomenon you never heard about the Phoenix phenomenon until I brought it to your attention that means it was hidden but every bit of it was there to be discovered it's not the only one Nemesis X the 792 year periodicity of the Nemesis Nemesis X object uh the Mayan long Count's original bactins of 144 000 days on the 360 Day Count system that was available at the time was 400 years 400 years was a great epic called a bactum in the Mayan Long Count 144 000 days divided by 360. it's 400 years but after the year changed to 365.25 it knocked it down to 395.4 years now a bactin to get 144 000 days which is the bactin remember the bactin wasn't 400 years it was 144 000 days it's a day count system therefore how many years was Irrelevant this is why the Mayan calendar totally changed in 713 BC it was no longer 400 years which was the Old Fort 144 000 days it's now 395.4 years because the years changed to 365.25 days so to make that 144 000 days of a back then there's no way 2012 could have been the end of the Mayan long count and the scholars in the 1950s that reconstructed the Mayan mathematics should have taken this into consideration but they didn't I published a book called Anunnaki Homeworld in 2011 based off research done in 2006 and in 2007 but publisher released that book in the nick of time hundreds of books were talking about 2012 being the end of the world my book which was largely ignored at the time but my sales are really good now but my book was telling everybody it's [\h__\h] all these authors are wrong they haven't done their homework all they had to do was pull out a calculator and do the math themselves but instead just like modern authors today like Graham Hancock he's he's one of the worst but just like modern authors today they automatically assume is true what they find in older books especially authoritarian books so as soon as somebody is considered an authority like John Anthony Hopkins as soon as somebody says oh okay with everything this guy says about the mesoamericans man must be true he's an authority Academia pushes in mainstream media loves him so here we have John Anthony West excuse me I said hop Hopkins my apologies John Anthony West so we have John Anthony West he has now been put on a pedestal as an authority so other authors don't come behind John Anthony West and look at his arithmetic or look at his findings instead they write their books like the Earth Chronicles or or grand Hancock series of books or Andy Collins they look at they look at what John Anthony West put out and then they build from that and then 10 years later a new author comes comes forward and he sees what Andrew Collins put together so he builds from that knowing he can rely on Andrew Collins said it so it must be true because Andrew Collins is citing John Anthony West you see do you see what I'm what I'm inferring here almost almost a hundred percent of everything published in the pseudoscientific uh literature that is so popular on History right now the the Anthony the the what is it the uh the uh John Bobble or what his name is I don't know Graham Hancock in all his click all those same type of authors this is what they've done yes there's value in some of their writings yes they've gotten really close to the truth in some areas but you can go chapter by chapter by chapter and just pull that [\h__\h] apart and I might do it I might get I might get I might just get fed up one day with everybody mentioning uh uh uh Graham Hancock and his new little Netflix series I might just go through each episode man and just show you guys the truth because it's available we have access to it I'm not picking on the guy I don't really I don't know him personally but it comes to the point where if I believe you've read the same text I am but you're coming up with totally different scenarios and Publishing those publishizing those scenarios and you've got hundreds of millions of people who believe this stuff because mainstream mainstream pseudo science has now picked it up the truther Community is running with it on then I mean yeah I'm offended I'm offended because you're ignoring you're doing the one thing that Charles Ford said that the guilty always do you're practicing exclusions and who wouldn't be a prize Marksman if only their hits were recorded yeah man Charles Charles Ford was a man before his time so hey I need I need to change topics because I just went on a rant I lost myself in a rant I'm sorry about that the Earth is a ship Earth might be a construct but we might be in a ship hey we get a lot of pro uh I should date Avalon we get a lot of I have it in my chronicon I go into a lot of detail about the origin of the Huns and the origin of the burgundians and the haruli and the the Utes and the Angles and the Saxons and like like a lot a lot of a lot of misinformation in in people people think that the European pedigrees are real vastly separated and they're not when you go back 2 000 years you find the same groups they just later Splinter and went to different geographical areas even the animosity of the Germans and the French you would think they're totally different races of people but they're different cultures and culture has everything to do with what you've been through where you live and who you've come in contact with but the the original French people were francs the Francs were a German Clan they were ruled by the morovians the Moravian Dynasty going all the way back before Charles Martel and the Germans and the prussians and the burgundians and the haruni and the Angles and the jutes and the sacks all these people and many more that I'm not mentioning all all around Europe they're from the same ancient family they just arrived in Europe at different times the Celts and the gulls were from the same ancient family so what you what we have here is before this this pedigree of that you call them white people you call them Caucasians whatever whatever your preference is I'm not going to get into the Jewish endorsed uh uh what is it I I can't say narrative but the Jewish endorsed endorsed sensitivity uh I'm not into that political [\h__\h] I'm not I'm a call spade a spade I don't care what you call white people Caucasians or you have different reasons why you can't call them Caucasians because that just means Caucasus Mountains or it's it's we're communicating here so we're trying to find the lowest common denominators but by which we can all understand something and remove the political BS so I'm talking about white people when they entered into Europe they found an indigenous culture here the Vikings the nordics called them scrailings now these people are the of the original Iberian stock according to Academia they were very short of stature they were not like caucus Asians but they were like dark caucasoid just like the earlier Australians were and the dravidians were a dark-skinned race of people that did have Caucasian blood now these people were all over the Mediterranean they were all over Europe uh they were might have been in ancient Iceland as well but these Iberian stock people had a rich history of traditions and they were basically living in in shanties and they weren't even civilized enough to have Villages they just lived as Fisher folk and uh they mainly stayed on the in the Hills or on the on the coast they weren't husband men uh they weren't into husbandry um very Neolithic in in their lifestyle then these waves of caucasians white people came in to the area so we have we have a merging of different cultures there was intermarriage there was full full merging of racial racial emerging to where they became one people resulting in what we have today spread throughout Europe these people now this is why there's such diversity all throughout Europe now the Huns were very very uh at one time the Huns were very very Caucasian looking they were just like the burgundians and the other other families that had migrated from the from the Russian steps and from Central Asia into greater Europe now the stories we have of the invasions of Giants and the 12th and they dated the stories many of the ancient Traditions that we have from Europe they weren't from they're not the traditions of the Invaders they're the traditions of the invaded they are the Traditions they are from the perspective of a very short swarthy skinned people and they were remembered they remembered these great massive Giants that got off these ships and then built these castles and fortresses and dolmens in rings stone rings and and they were in fascination of these people and after hundreds of years these Traditions were preserved after thousands of years the stories and traditions and myths are carried over even though the pedigree of the people that told them is gone it is completely assimilated into the Invaders now the Invaders are carrying stories that are more ancient than they are and this is the story around the world this is what this is what why the archaic's data is so different than everybody else's that you come into contact with I have gone back into those original narratives in separated in fact from fiction and showed over and over and over in chronicon the the differences between original Laura conditions that were that were known by indigenous peoples and then how those same Legends and lore and traditions and histories were transferred through time but by the very people that did the invading yes this is this has everything to do with why the whole Annunaki story never happened in Sumer it was by the time by the time the Sumerian cities were built the anodos were gone the great cataclysm had already happened and the The Descendants the survivors created the Anunnaki narrative which isn't anything like the original annuna so we had this over and over and over even in the Americas we find this with varicococca and votan and bokika we find it with Quinta quarrel we find this great massive Caucasian white people on on ships this great Maritime Empire technologically advanced and they show up in these ancient American areas and when they and when they do they they come as benefactors there's no negative there's no there's no negative traditions and negative memories about the most ancient appearances of these people they came bringing like like alms and gifts and and and the the they taught people how to farm and build pyramid cities and do all this it was only later in history that when they came back that it was it was it was a different ball game now they came back as Invaders long after their their original civilizations had collapsed into ruin be it from cataclysms from Phoenix phenomenon or from their departure and the infrastructure just collapsed after they left so yeah it's I don't even remember what the original question was I just went off you guys know I'm famous for my tangents and YouTube's not letting me go any higher so that means I'm pretty far down oh that was about the Huns the Huns yes the Huns are a part of the Caucasian Human family a lot of them do look a little bit different because they had a greater they they assimilated more of the people of Iberian stock excuse me the scrailings a more ancient people that were already in Europe way before the arrival of the modern day white person modern day Caucasian yeah this is a my noodle files has triggered a lot of people but I I take nothing from it the oldest traditions in the world are very very clear and they are all from the perspective of non-caucasian people and they all tell the same story and I've documented this so much in neonophiles the story is very clear the ancient world knew of no white people and then suddenly when white people white people showed up that's when we have all these historical calendars all this infrastructure that's when we have all these all this amazing appearances of the Gods no they weren't gods they were humans but they were Godlike because of the Technologies they brought this is the story found in the Dead Sea Scrolls it's actually the story of Genesis Genesis Genesis has just been watered down a whole lot you got to find the clues and when it comes to the scythians man you're talking about people that that was like what 31 different subcultures of the scythians the scythians were never one people it's almost like a geographical region for a bunch of different types of a bunch of different white people but uh called by all different names low rider they claim they found a chariot wheel in the Red Sea when the Red Sea was parted listen I've read that book I've read every single thing that Ron Wyatt published all right I believe I have he's even got pamphlets that I've read that were not that were not books they're just stapled together I used to write Ron Ronald Wyatt I used to write when he was alive in fact his family sent me a letter when he had passed away now do I believe he found the Ark of the Covenant beneath Golgotha absolutely not I have reasons for believing that do I believe he think he may have found a chamber that had artifacts in it in in the Israeli government basically escorting him out of the country and they took over the archaeological site absolutely I believe that I don't believe the man would have lied willingly but I believe he jumped to conclusions Golgotha is not found anywhere in the original Christian text Golgotha seems to be 100 percent invented to add to the gospel narrative there was no Golgotha Place known anywhere in the ancient world so it's not mentioned anywhere it's exclusive to the church so uh I don't know I'm not I'm not uh buying it not buying it there has not been an unbroken tourist industry in Jerusalem and Israel the Crusades Muslim occupations the occupations of the Moors and the saracens the Arabs there's there's been times when Jerusalem was absolutely empty of Jews empty of Christians and there's no way that any of those sites or the original places and there's many scholars today that are in agreement with that these are places that were picked in the last four and 500 years and assigned those names we're going to call this this we think this is Golgotha and we think this right here might have been Temple Mount we think this right here might have been the old Temple this could have been bathsheba's will right here they don't know they have no idea because we don't even know if many of those stories were actually historical yeah it's I'm not buying it about about the wrong way now when it comes to the chariot wheels in the Red Sea my the military will there might have been chariots in the Red Sea the Red Sea disappearing and then coming back is not something that is novel to The Exodus story in my chronicon I show two other incidents where the Mediterranean had moved which connected to the Red Sea it had moved because the North African plate goes up and down in 22 in 2239 BC it went down when it did the Mediterranean flooded in when it went back up 340 years later and brought the pyramids out of the water and the Sphinx was now heavily damaged because it wasn't it wasn't protected by the white Limestone casing blocks that the pyramids had now the two temples attended the valley temple in the temple of the Sphinx they're completely buried and nobody even knew about them for thousands of years they're buried there because the Mediterranean came back up totally in tune those temples they weren't even discovered until the 1920s 1930s so these temples are excavated now here's the problem well Napoleon matter of fact Napoleon discovered them they weren't fully excavated till the 20s so when the Mediterranean comes the North African plate is it goes through an earthquake upheaval brings it back up now we have the creation of the Egyptian Nile in ancient times it was the nine bows it was called the gaussian reason region this is where the old the old amuru colonies were that were ruling in Lower Egypt the Bible calls him Israelite nowhere in the historical record can you find Israelites because they were never called Israelites in history they were called by other names and those names have been found in the historical record one of them is bit Omri which means the house of hombre in other other cultures like the Assyrians couldn't pronounce it they called them big kumri or bat kumri the house of Armory so these these are the people that became uh oh your summary your Samaria I'm not talking about Sumerians it's spelled different I'm talking about c-i-m-m-e-r these are scythian branches people but yeah it's a lot of research by Rainbow by uh uh Raymond capped Frederick Haberman Tracing Our Ancestors is one of the greatest books to read on on this and I'm sure there's others that I'm not aware of uh there's a guy named dankenbring who puts all these histories together and shows you all the migration patterns and all that too but yeah this the event itself of an army being being swallowed could have definitely entered the historical way record if an earthquake would have happened while a military was passing over that area yeah I agree it could have definitely happened it could have definitely happened at The Exodus when the Israelites were fleeing although they were called umuru at the time and they're also called the temu Egyptian monuments called them the Tema who and it shows them as like two heads taller than everybody else and very pale white skin called the tamahu but uh and uh TAMU is based off taumai talomass found in the Bible in the Old Testament um talmai was uh one of the sons of anak anak was the son of Noah or son of Arab Arab was the son of Noah but he was the son of Noah after the cataclysm remember Noah was your Uranus the Titan the Titans were the ray were humans that were born under the vapor canopy they didn't consider themselves as gigantic they had Sons and Daughters after the cataclysm when the vapor canopy had collapsed their sons and daughters were the Giants nowhere near as big as the Titans were so now the Titans realize how big they are when they see their sons and daughters of the Giants but the Giants themselves only gave birth to regular-sized humans So within one within two generations while they're all living at the same time right after the great cataclysm of 2239 BC caused by the Phoenix phenomenon we have the collapse of the vapor canopy introducing a generation that knew Titans Giants in normal sized humans all living on the earth at the same time and this is the background story to the to the birth of Gilgamesh well anciently called pilgrimesh you know you know of him as Nimrod of the of Genesis Nimrod of the Bible see here and on the on the Euphrates drying up I don't know what the what I don't know if that was induced I don't know if somebody somebody in the elite uh Engineers got together and did something to divert the water to make make the Christian World Panic about oh this is the end times remember guys I told you that before the Phoenix phenomenon can occur we have to expect an artificial apocalypse a fake version of the Apocalypse is going to happen before the Phoenix phenomenon occurs this is the story of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse every one of the all these events have nothing to do with the oversoul they have nothing to do with angels they have nothing to do with Supernatural events the first four seals the first Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are all human developments humans cause all this stuff it's a false apocalypse before the real one starts yeah so so the drawing of the Euphrates could be could be manufactured just to give it give the Christian world the idea that that's exactly what's happening an apocalypse is about to happen it's it's the times you know no doubt do you follow Michael Salah and his research on the Galactic Federation that's all you had to say was Galactic Federation I'm already I'm already not on board I'm not I'm not on board with channeled materials I'm not on board with anything I can't verify I'm not on board with uh we have hundreds of species spaceships uh outside our orbit of the The Pleiadians are our our star brothers and sisters and they're here to rescue us and all that's to me it's all psyop it's a to me I mean as long as the enemy the elite can make you believe that you have help coming you'll never help yourself as long as they can make you believe that in the collective there is a war that you can have some type of control over the outcome than they've won because you're living in two different realities and one is the personal and that's where you're a God that's where you are a goddess that is where you have absolute control of where you are and how the collective will affect you and the other one is the collective and the collective has all kinds of weird belief systems that have absolutely no evidence to substantiate them you know no I'm not I'm not on board with the Galactic Federation none of that all the channeled materials can't no I'm not I'm not on board with them at all people ask me about Dolores Cannon you know what Dolores Cannon can do a thousand videos and say a thousand different things and do whatever she wants because she's claiming these are channeled materials or whatever there's nothing I can verify now can you find Value in all these presentations no I mean I don't know it's not anything that I'm you're asking me I'm not trying to transpose my belief system onto you you're asking me what I value and I'm telling you I value none of those things I don't because even with my last video on the tarot I don't value tarot do I see that value can be derived from it yeah you can get some value out of it it all depends on what your faith in the individual is because I don't believe in the system I don't believe in any system it's always the man never the method this is why there's so many different systems of a code philosophy there's so many different methods of divining I look dowsing rods I don't believe the dowsing Rod has any power on itself it is an antenna that is of great faculty to someone who believes in it and they can use it that way the occult Works in that in that means everything is a conduit but you have to be the creator of that system or have a faith invested in your ability to produce the desired effects in that system so I'm not I'm not a believer in any of these things I believe it's the individual and I can have faith in individuals if they show me a track record but yeah it's uh no Galactic Federation is an excellent way to get people in the truth or Community to believe that that there is a space up there that can be explored because Galactic and federal Federation infers that we have been to the Moon because we claim to have been to the Moon therefore it's possible to get to the moon Galactic Federation implies we can travel to space that we can go out there and do it now I've lost friends behind this yeah for I've lost admins I've lost moderators to groups I have lost personal friends over some over some of my beliefs but I still stand behind them I personally think that there's something wrong with you if you believe that the technology we had in 1969 ever put humans on the moon there's something wrong with you the Russians never tried because they knew they burned up their dogs they burned up their monkeys they knew nothing biological can pass through the Van Allen belt they knew that so they didn't even try the deception but NASA did NASA put all that information out there then Nixon got on the phone talked to one of the astronauts on the moon come on man the the every bit of it was staged none of that crap they show at Nasa could have ever done the things that they say it done those rockets and propulsion even the manifests on NASA didn't have camera equipment they've published every single thing that was on board those those capsules and those Landers Rockets they published them all and one thing they never took was lighting equipment so they can't justify how there's double there's double shadows and the negatives on a lot of those photographs if the Sun is the only source of Illumination why do you have two Shadows listen is there so many enough it doesn't even matter all that's all that's Optics anyway it's all what matters is that all the important people that spoke out about it were silenced that should tell you something so yeah it's William Cooper talked about it it killed him Stanley Kubrick talked about it a whole bunch of people have yeah it's just no I'm not I'm not on board Confederation it's again again it boils down to okay do you believe in the man at 7-Eleven and do you believe that that man is going to charge you for whatever you take off those shills before you walk out that door in 7-Eleven okay terrible analogy where you can follow my reasoning I believe in that man in 7-Eleven because I've been to 7-Eleven and I know if I take something off the shelves he's watching me on camera he's going to make sure he asked me to pay for that before I walk out that door I believe in that I have faith that I'm going to end up paying for something if I go to that 7-Eleven these this is objectivity I've experienced it I know about it I can talk about it when you talk about the Galactic Federation you are relying on a source as being truthful because there isn't anybody listening to my voice right now has ever seen any of these Pleiadians in person has ever had a conversation with them in person everything is channeled therefore by virtue of imagination yeah I'm not buying none of that Dolores Cannon crap I'm not buying none of that the Galactic Federation stuff I'm gonna I'm gonna hit you with the truth as I objectively have discovered it with a calculator or in my research or writings or or cognitive leaps that I can demonstrate for you and you can follow and jump from lily pad to Lily Pad with me will be Little Frogs discovering this world together but you're not going to have me entertain some BS about some aliens that are that have our best interest and they keep giving news reports all over YouTube the Galactic Federation has now said that you the guys y'all need to hold on we got big things happening or you won't be able to catch your breath when the next big event happens well that's pretty that's that's pretty vague because I'm pretty sure a lot of people can't catch their breath when the next big event happens that's it's a big event so yeah it's it's no I'm not buying none of it no one has seen no one listening to my voice has ever seen a capital ship shuttle come from space and land in their backyard and people get out and say hey check this out huh uh I'm such a such from the world such as on play audiences this guy here's our he's our arcturian and all that oh uh we just want to let you know what makes you so important that a Galactic Federation has had to come down here and send the ship to talk to you do they give you permission to put that material on YouTube it because the more you think about it and the more you chase these ideas it becomes ridiculous Galactic Federation if it truly existed would only be in communication with those that it needed to be in communication with to do whatever it did and if these ships were all seen why haven't they be seen be been seen by it by everybody the entire idea of Galactic Federation implies the very deception that NASA perpetuates that we are not in a containment field and that there's a vast Cosmos that we can explore but we cannot so no I'm not I'm not buying it sorry uh I hope I haven't offended you that's child play all the stuff across YouTube I'm CNN that's that's adult that's adults pretending to be they're trying to go back to their childish Roots again I want to talk about Pleiadians I want to talk about archerys and all these different extraterrestrial species you want to talk about yeah it's just it's not it's it's nuts is what it is it's it's time to grow up uh if I lose Subs over that so be it but you're never ever going to be able to call me on my phone say hey Jason check this out I know you have strong feelings about this but this Pleiadians over here right now I invited her over for dinner and uh here uh I'm not even gonna send you a picture you just need to come over here man and introduce yourself man and she'll tell you all about the Galactic Federation and all that yeah okay you might have some knockout blowing six foot tall over there with steel gray eyes sitting in your living room ready to ready to feed me a bunch of [\h__\h] but she's not pleiadian I'm not trying to hear that yeah okay let me move on starting to sound more like a rant so the Chariot wheel and the Red Sea deal could very well be true now are we going to attach that to The Exodus story we can and it might be true I don't have a problem with following your reasoning on why you asked me that question could it be the result that part of the X's story is absolutely true I'm gonna say yes why am I going to say yes not because of anything that was found in the Bible because that was for Jewish filters I'm going to say yes because the same story is found in a book that Academia is trying to bury the same story is found in a text from the old world that is very very specific but it's completely devoid of the supernatural I'm going to agree with you because I have read the account of the Colburn Bible and I was really floored by how similar this whole story was of The Exodus but it's not presented through a Jewish filter that was shocking to me when I read the Coburn Bible I even have a video about it because in the Coburn Bible the Phoenix is called the Doom shape and that makes sense oh thank you Zara 138 sooner or later I was going to see that 138 somewhere listen that's that's uh yes I can agree that did happen and I agree that the Israelites fled but they weren't cold Israelites at the time because the historical record called them hicksos which was derogatory this is what the Egyptians called and they never called themselves the hixels hicksos has been sanitized to be Shepherd Kings but it's also to the Egyptians it was foreign Kings and it was derogatory derogatory to the point that if they have called them hixels to their face they might have been arrested but uh oh I almost have a package being delivered somebody told me to send me some books my dogs do not let anything happen I can't look at my cameras because it'll mess up my YouTube settings ordinary ordinarily I have a square right here on the left of my my my computer it shows where it shows all six cameras all over my property I can see everything but it won't but only when I'm on YouTube I can't see anything I can't I tried that once before and I completely cut my my upload off I'm I'm Tech disadvantaged Guys so yeah low rider I can agree that a chariot wheel was found in the old test in India I saw those pictures in Ron Wyatt's book they were convincing not just chariot wheels it showed chariots laying on their side that had been buried in Coral proving that they were there for a very long period of time so yeah I'm on board with that I don't okay Michael seller and his research on the Galactic Federation you know I'm like now when it comes to Galactic Federation I do want I want to point something out guys 90 of everything considered satanic ninety percent of everything considered mystical or the occult today cannot be traced to anything prior to the Golden Dawn Society some of you know what I'm talking about prior to the 1860s 1870s 1880s and 1890s when we consider the occult mystical today didn't exist now this Galactic Federation and all how far does it go back what historical documents can we can we pull up that ever admit to anything about a I'm not buying it not buying it but if you're a member of the Galactic Federation and you're listening to my YouTube Channel right now you're listening to me run my mouth Listen by all means prove me wrong Viva Las veggies that is such a great name Viva loss veggies you don't need to read you don't need to read the Bible but I advise everybody to read the New Testament at least once in their life I know a lot of people don't have time to read the whole Bible it's huge but you should read the New Testament at least once in your life some of the things Jesus said are absolutely profound any opinion of the George Washington prophecy it's authenticity and relevance operation end times please send me an email and educate me of what you're I have read the Congressional Globes the Congressional annals and the Congressional records I have read Dr John Coleman's books that reveal the contents of all these extraordinary documents these compilations of letters from Thomas Paine and Jefferson in both both Adams uh Washington uh uh or even Benjamin Franklin the writings of the founding fathers were very prophetic they knew who the enemy was and they published this over and over in those writings they wanted to warn future Americans who you need to watch out for on the international scene and later the very people they warned us about have taken over the entertainment industry that took over the banking industry they took over the media yeah everything the founding fathers said has come to pass so I'm saying that because you you're mentioning if I have an opinion on the George Washington prophecy and I'm going to admit to you right now that you have me at a loss I don't know of a George Washington prophecy so please educate me on that send me an email you know I would like to I would definitely like to know more science saying that dog seeing black and white is a Croc I can't believe that they probably see color too maybe not at night maybe not the full spectrum we see but I have a problem with colors yeah I have a huge problem with colors even today I can't I can't really identify yeah it's it's all it's old didn't even know I was colorblind until I think fifth grade or sixth grade they uh they showed me a pie chart in school and what happened was there was a I already man I already told you guys this in another video but there was a show in the 80s I can't remember but it but it was no Wham there's no whammys no whammys and you take a big old hammer and you hit this wood chuck or this this this animal coming out of this hole and you had to hit it fast enough and it was and the main thing you're always saying was no whammys no way well answers and things in the game show were color-coded and I kept saying I kept saying things that were off and my mother caught it and she's like man she had me tested we went to school and they showed me a a a a pie chart and I kind of felt insulted but I was proud that I knew that's red that's yellow that's blue that's green you've got it perfect no problem here so I did notice though that there was blurring but I thought that's the way it was supposed to be there was blurring between the yellow green blue and red I see the primaries just fine that's not what colorblindness is you know colorblind people don't see them black and white I found out real quick that I have a problem because my eyes don't see the Spectrum I don't see I see I saw the blur in between yellow green blue and red it was blurry between each one I didn't know that there was 12 colors on that chart I thought there were four so that's when I found out like fourth or fifth grade when they had my eyes tested let's see looking for another question yeah operation end times I'm pretty interested in that you got you got my curiosity peaked Mary orceski the very fact that the Emerald Tablets promotes in Atlantis at 35 000 years ago tells me the entire document is falsified it's of modern provenance and there are no ancient copies so I'm gonna have I'm gonna have to say that the Emerald Tablets is also BS just like a lot of these a lot of the modern modern mystical documents that have been surfacing oh no there's nothing 35 000 years ago is way too long but my arcades veterans already know you already know the date count systems correct everything Atlantis was the 14th century BC it couldn't have been 35 000 BC because there was no Greek to fight they're in a war with Greece there were no Egyptians around to record these events the Egyptians existed at that time too so according to The Narrative of Plato So Atlantis has to be fit into a historical context where it would be existing at the time that the Greeks or the proto-greeks existed and we do have a time period the ancestors of the Greeks were the Mycenaeans in the in the people of Argos and Ikea and Atlantis did exist at that time but it was the 14th century BC not 35 000 BC hmm Christine C on the UK video I did the isometric projections were all was was all I really did because there's not a yeah it's the events of 1974 as they pass over in 1973 was the only thing I looked at for the UK predictions as they are filtered through the pivot year which is 1998. so it's it's like a Triad what happened in 1998 compared with night with the very end of 70. I mean with the very beginning of 74 in the end of 1973. that period right there is how that UK predictions deal was put out and when it comes to these predictions a lot of the times the the phenomena is General although I then the prediction I provide something very specific such as the fact that these predict that the uh the controversy is over coal mining okay well this is actually mining for a natural resource I said coal mining because in the isometric projections this is what the controversy was in 73 and 74. but the isometric parallel unfolding at the end of 2022 and toward the beginning of 2023 would basically mean it would translate as some type of natural resource controversy it wouldn't necessarily have to be cold so it's reflected but it's sometimes the particulars are aren't the same but the phenomena is so yeah it's a just wait and see that's all wait and see I don't know what you mean Deb works are you trying to solve the pyramid puzzle I've got 50 videos in my uh lost secrets of Giza where I think I pretty much put together a whole bunch of it if you haven't seen those videos uh I have I have material in my Giza playlist that you won't find in any other pyramid yeah you won't find any of this data yeah it's it's it's Unique it's Unique don't don't take my word for it read the comments in those videos in that playlist yeah that's the the Great Pyramid is fantastic but I'm not finding anybody publishing the truth about it what's really been found now there are people who have who have definitely published a lot of truth about what they have found although they don't go into the history of it but Christopher Dunn yeah looking at it from an engineering and scientific perspective he is I isolated many truths about the Great Pyramid and how it was machined and how it is a machine I like Christopher Dunn no doubt but my favorite engineer overall who has studied the Great Pyramid was from the 1920s Davidson you know I've read his books and and uh cited him many times live government feeds can be false via green rooms yes they can 100 percent yes they can Cosmic rhythms did this event HV oh did this you agree okay acronym did this event have any significance with Phoenix on 10 April 1815 Tambora produced the largest eruption known uh known on the planet during the past ten thousand years I don't believe that I don't believe that first of all it had nothing to do with the Phoenix phenomenon many events that have happened that are not on the the Phoenix phenomenon deal but when it comes to Mount Tambora first of all we haven't been recording events like this but in the last 200 years there's no way that scientists could ever assert that the Mount Tambora was the largest eruption known in the last 10 000 years other scientists will tell you differently that were in Italy researching the avelino eruption they made the same claims they said no this is the biggest eruption in the history of man ever so yeah it's uh now I believe that in 1815 that the volcano erupted but many volcanoes in history have erupted one erupted in 522 that sent the whole world to a blanket of Darkness for a long time and that was a phoenix year Phoenix does cause a lot of volcanism but volcanoes have been going on like Vesuvius that have nothing to do with the Phoenix phenomenon at all oh best adult dating site they're in the thank you Mr Mitch Gleason getting rid of them Charles Winters tipster when do you think World War III will start well what's going on with Russia and Ukraine right now my friends is not world war three all right world war three is scripted just like World War II was just like World War one was the script may have been written way back in history we that we don't know about but it first came to the public attention in the 1880s when that script was published so yeah I go into detail in other videos about that that's all it was in a masonic document how the three world wars would go down you know it's actually the dude that wrote it was is the I can't remember but his his name is the origin for the word that we have today of Mafia yeah I have that all in the video it's pretty interesting history but world war three is going to be over Jerusalem world war three is going to be Western Christian nations fighting against Islam that's a World War World War Three is but the events that are going on in the United States and other Western countries right now are setting the stage for that we just haven't got there yet there's still some more manipulations to do but nationalists and conservatives are going to be taking back their countries they already are right now and uh it's going to set the stage for world war three there's going to be there's going to be a a lot of of controversy promoted by by The Establishment it's all going to be false Flags in between Islam and Christianity and it's going to build up toward toward a crescendo when Islamic Nations go and take Jerusalem this is what this is the script this is what we're waiting on now these events shouldn't be unfolding pretty pretty rapidly in the next two to three years you're gonna see it yes when a pole shift occurs the Great Pyramid in Egypt is the epicenter safest place in the world uh Conor mcdory isn't he the guy that writes a lot of really fascinating old Irish books showing how the uh Irish roots to civilization going I mean I can't I can't contend that because Ireland does boast of Newgrange Ireland boasts of uh several places is that silvery Hill or is that in England Ireland has a lot of evidence of an infrastructure that goes back to 31 and the 31st and 32nd BC that's before the great pyramids were built so uh I can't contend that at all I need to read his books though I do need to read his books hey face diaper I see you keeping the PG today Jeremy x what are the origins of so-called black people well I will tell you this there is evidence that they've been on all the continents in the ancient times and there's a lot of evidence that before white people ever introduced into this world in the historical record there was black people everywhere already now we also have animals such as like uh the Incan King Taco taku [\h__\h] I can't remember his name I got him I got him in chronicon takupaki IV it's like Tupac Taki Tupac before something like that it spilled just like Tupac but it's it's Tupac Tupac gautier's Tupac cootie the fourth and Inca King in his annals he fought a war against a massive Army of invading blacks and this was in South America in the fifth or 6th Century A.D that's amazing where'd they come from the whole army they were they were even astonished it's it's in the it's an Inca of Records I believe it was recorded by montesinos whatever his name is yes and then we have then we have uh amazing amazing reliefs and statuary and traditions from Central America Alexia Veracruz State uh the old Olmec uh sites and stuff of where Caucasians and african-looking blacks are tied together and executed together after the end of a war when the Caucasians in the blacks were in the same Army and they were fighting against locals in central Mexico in the Native Americans of central Mexico overcame the Caucasians and blacks and we have reliefs of of white people and black people chopped up all together body parts everywhere yeah these are in the books of David Hatcher Childers nothing I made up no it's ancient times a lot of blacks here in the Americas so I can't answer Jeremy X I can't answer your question you're asking me what are the origins of so-called black people couldn't tell you bro just couldn't tell you I do know that uh we see them in the historical record in places that you wouldn't imagine it's just like how the hell I've never heard that before but here it is so it's been a while since I spent time with the tree but then again it all depends on my whole property is covered in trees I'm always leaning against them but I but but I know what you're referring to you're referring to my video on the trees I haven't done that in a Greg Berry I don't know anything about star forts uh before I realized that there was some tartarian controversy connection to the idea of Star Force I thought those were Phoenician or carthaginian fortresses and I thought that they were built in that way because it makes it very difficult for an Invader to storm the castle when you don't have a flat wall it's easy to assault a flat wall it's very difficult to assault a sharply pointed wall because that makes your enemy come in closer if men from the walls can can can basically just aim down and you'll always hit somebody you don't have to really aim you just drop your rocks drop your weapons drop your iron bars shoot your arrows shoot your slings whatever into those niches because the enemy has to force themselves into those those spear points so I thought that they were built for defendable they were built by a sophisticated people like phonations or carthaginians or libyans which were the sailors of the ancient world so I thought that's what it was that these were badass impregnable fortresses fortresses built from European countries when they came to the Americas so they could have a place of protection against the millions of people that were in the Americas but like I said I could be wrong I mean shoot I've been wrong before but I'm always going to I'm always going to choose the lesser of uh uh like Occam's razor if there's a lot of wild theories I can entertain but there's a simple solution I'm going to go with a simple solution until a wild Theory overturns it every time have you considered having a small study group for people in your area hmm I haven't considered it no I mean I could I could definitely do it then again when I have time I'm always I'm always moving I don't know it might be a good idea but it would be one that I would have to you know to maximize on the experience and on the time I would probably film it so we could we could put those study groups on YouTube that's pretty smart idea I like that idea that was Leslie Thompson what time period does this scripture reference in Matthew refer to unless those days had been cut short no life would have been saved but for the sake of the elect those days have been cut short okay the second Trump trumpet judgment this is truly the apocalypse this is not the Seven Seals listen this question is very interesting the date is post 2046. that that prophecy is because it's in 2046 Return of the Nemesis 6 object 2046 Prime date of uh uh it is the end of the Mayan long count and the Maya Mayan prophecy says that at the end of the 13th baxton time will collapse beneath the 13th Heaven There was 13 Heavens so time collapsing meaning time is going to change remember this was attached to an ancient calendar which started with a cataclysm when time changed so 2046 is the date we know this by many many different other parallels which I've given you guys which is the whole chronology of the Nemesis X object which which identifies 2046 also on the ancient world's calendar Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God from the sky the angel of death in the sky in 2046 Annis Mundi which was our calendar 1849 BC so 2046 and you guys all know Die Hard the die hold Foundation uh Douglas Voit he also promotes 2046 for different reasons as a post shift date and a post shift would necessarily change time if it added or deleted days but in the second trumpet Judgment of the Book of Revelation it's very clear the result of this judgment is that one-third of the day one third of the night one-third of the Stars one third of the Sun in one third of the Moon would be reduced by a third if you take out 33 percent of the year you're left with 243 days if you take out 33 of the day you're left with 16 hours so what we have here in 2046 with the return of the Nemesis X object is a vast destruction on an apocalyptic level which will ruin many of the cities that are deemed by God to be destroyed or whoever the oversoul is it but what the effect of this cataclysm in 2046 is that our sky is going to be moving faster so that a day is no longer 24 hours and 16 hours eight hours are removed one-third now Additionally the year will not be 365.25 days anymore it will be reduced to 243. or 242.5 something like that so it's reduced to a third so if the day itself the say well let's just say we're on a globe if the day itself is now 16 hours and and the year is now 243 time is abbreviated unless those days be shortened no flesh would be saved remember 2040 brings back the vapor canopy in all unique conditions that we read about in second estrus and in the prophetic literature of of the Bible it's very interesting as in the days of Noah in the days of Noah is a vapor canopy the great flood was caused by what the collapse of the vapor canopy 2040 2040 Begins the new Vapor canopy now all these changes come on the Human family things are very different in the six years six and a half years leading up to 2046. then the event in 2046 it happens the Nemesis X object crashes from the sky and lands and hits North America when this occurs in 2046 in November 1st 2046 or November 2nd depending upon where you are in the world when this happens it's going to accelerate time the quickening begins now we have an increased change in in in in the human uh uh however our environment affects us on a genetic level whatever cruel whatever whatever latent DNA sequences that are dormant may be activated when the vapor canopy is here but even more may be activated or perverted when the vapor canopy is here and the increase increased spin rate of our world whether it's a flat disc or it's a globe it doesn't matter the stellosphere will be moving faster and this is going to change things on a biological level it's going to change animal behavior it's going to change weather patterns it's going to change everything so may increase volcanism and ambient radiation Omega we the the apocalypse is about a great changes now this is the time you ask me that all your question is is when when is the prophecy going to be filled as far as chronologically that's the time 2046 is when the quickening happens time is abbreviated in 2046 we have 60 more years until a return of the Chief Cornerstone in the year six thousand six thousand since the new heavens and new earth of 38.95 BC 60 years though isn't the true length of the Apocalypse because with one-third removed from the day in one third removed from the year that means 24 years are taken off the timeline and even a third of that 20. meaning the apocalypse is a very short period of time or everybody would die so this is a very it's very interesting a very interesting question but this uh my chronicon project is undergoing right now and I stopped Chronicle on the public version ends in 2012. where I explained that the Mayan Long Count does not end in 2012. that was my last entry I finished chronic one in 2012. so but chronic chronicon goes all the way up to 2106. I have documented it all and I have also compared the isometric projections with the past events leading up to those years I have also cross-referenced all that material with the quatrains of Nostradamus as filtered through only the date index that was discovered by Mario reading which has been infallible it's been awesome so my chronicon team is going to be writing all that new material that I have not shown you guys into the the final version of chronicon they'll be getting to that pretty soon so Casey Jones what do you think about there being 573 Mercury orbits during a phoenix period of 138 years and how Naboo 573 Hebrew Gematria Naboo the Babylonian equivalent to Mercury I think that's very interesting as a matter of fact I had never considered I had never considered now you got me wondering if I need to go look at this but I had never considered that the periodicities of the other wandering Stars would be used as a unit of measurement to identify the 138-year period yeah that you do that that I'm about to get on top of that thank you wow wow so 138 years I need to find out how many Revolutions of each wandering star occurred in a 138 year period I need to start with Mercury I need to go to Venus I need to go to Mars I'm going to do that that's my next study I got to see you you don't put me onto something I got I got to see because this could very well open up the meaning to a lot of numerical texts in the cuneiform tablets that is that is so far never been uh understood that's a really unique way of looking at something we know in the ancient world they called it the appen this is why in astronomy the zodiac is called the move the moolapin but the append was something separate from the mulappin the append was a an anomaly that appeared every once in a while and brought all kinds of phenomena it's it's the Phoenix happiness Phoenix same thing we find in ancient Egypt as the pindiity same thing we find that the Greeks remembered as the Phoenix the Pian is always there like Typhon typhoon uh finrir it's all from it's all all has its origin my connection is unstable I've been doing this for two hours if I blot out I got a notice that my connection is unstable so anyway thank you for putting me on game there because I will definitely have a look at that I'll definitely have a look at that thank you guys for uh smashing that like button I appreciate that is gonna have to be I I have mentioned retro causality before in remote viewing but we need to I should go deeper than that that's from all Roto Rotom Electric Percival 29 710 do you think there is such thing as a demonic realm please see my video the origin of demons John Fowler that's a really good question how come the BC dates of the Phoenix events are odd and the 80 dates are even did I miss something in the Phoenix playlist uh yes I do show in one of those those playlists how the BC ad over uh overlap because it was never leaner it was a mistake made a long time ago but the Ennis Mundi timeline the am dating is absolutely unbroken and it corrects that easily you all calculations I do forward and backward in time are using the am dating because it's an unbroken timeline AC and BC were fit together with the assumption that uh one would back one that no one considered it considered it as an integer where there would be a year zero Patrol in chronicon there's a perfect explanation and a demonstration showing you different calendars and how how they go over the BC ad how Scholars were aware of this problem that uh the church messed up when they designed the bcad system but the mistake had basically stayed there but yeah it's it's easy it's easy it's easy to see it's uh all you have to do all you have to do in chronicon is look up one BC if you look up one BC or one A.D one of them it explains shows you a chart and explains exactly how it works yeah it's very easy IRS Media have you guys considered putting some book money together buy the books with your money oh we're doing pretty good man I'm doing all right if I see books I buy them Johnny Quinn what do you guys think of Graham Hancock do you work for Graham Hancock I'm not impressed not impressed Sheila Bells yeah I'm firmed in 1974 is the holographic year for 2022 but it's not the only one not the only one it should be regarded through the filter of 1998. you can find others I didn't go real deep but you can you could play with 19 uh uh 62 too and look at it and look at 1962 isometrically and see what years line up with uh 1974 and 2022. you can play with the year 1902 as well and do the same thing I just don't have time to do all that analysis but yeah I'm still I'm still on board with nothing changed about that in my predictions playlist I've got a whole isometric charts you can follow about World War II and Civil War forward and backward in time uh Trump's life anybody who would have been following Trump's life isometrically would have been able to easily predict that he was going to be president in 2016. and I showed that chart looks like a pyramid forward and backward in time each event uh-oh more data entries for chronic God yep I Told You Fifth Element I told you on Discord I've got all that stuff after 20 2012. Chronicle is huge Sonya Rhodes Jason I have volume 10 of messages and papers from the desk of the president in 1787-18 well I'm pretty sure it's got some awesome quotes in there I know Dr John Coleman has quoted extensively from a lot of those early presidential letters and uh some of the things that you read in the Congressional Globes animals and Records would shock You by today's standards because you can't say many of the things that they said back then yeah it's crazy not without having some type of uh defamation organization on your ass who Charles mazek what are you talking about Jason the copyright is expired why not reproduce it and download it as a p oh you're talking about that 1877 book I will look into that because I will surely do that if uh yes 100 I'm I'm still excited about getting that book so you're talking about the secret of lost races from 1877. yes I will most certainly do that I will research the car I will contact the Library of Congress and I will make sure that the that no one else has has uh because under United States copyright law the copyright can be renewed to after 99 years right for 70 years by a uh by a living family member so I need to I need you I just need to make sure but I agree this is a wealth of information that is coming into my hands uh from this book because this book cites books from the 1500 1600 1700 and this book cites boots on the ground research of the people who are at these sites things that were discovered that are not being published today so yeah 100 I'm on board with that if I find out I'm cleared by the copyrights I'm going to mass produce that I'm going to make a copy of it anyway for a PDF and put it put it away to the side because you know the closer we get to 2040 I'm not going to give a damn I'm going to release everything all these PDFs that I've gathered and uh yeah I'm you know when the when the world's about to go through something like 2040 copyrights don't mean anything anymore infrastructure infrastructure doesn't govern us anymore yeah but you're right I'll definitely do that Charles thank you JJ Recon I don't know anything about Stargate but I'm more open to the possibility that there's a gate somewhere located in this world that allows us to go from similar Chrome to similacrum I'm on board with that idea we see we see evidence of that in in older belief systems I'm not on board with the fact that we can just get in a rocket ship and go go into space I'm not on board with that old comical 1905 of Science Fiction because that's where it came from the whole idea of rockets and rocket ships and all this idea that NASA got and put together in the whole Nazi rocket program all that came from science fiction that was really popular in like 1905 1906 1907. so yeah hell even in 1902 a movie a silent movie debuted called a trip to the moon yeah that was a 1902 movie a trip to the moon anybody could Google that it was also the very first movie they used special effects in check it out check it out Thomas J Hudson asked who is your favorite author all right I have different favorite authors because they don't write about the same things many of you know I'm ishak bentoff is one of my favorite authors stalking the wild pendulum and a brief tour of higher Consciousness but I cannot weigh him against my other favorite author Harold T Wilkins yeah most of you have never heard of Harold T Wilkins Harold T Wilkins wrote All About The Phoenix phenomenon and all the stuff but he never called it the Phoenix phenomenon but he wrote All About the ogaijian Deluge all about the great flood and he cites Traditions that I have not found anywhere else he wrote in the 1940s and 50s his name is Harold T Wilkins his books are fascinating but he writes I mean he was he was quoting so many altars for which we don't have any of the books today but until Harold T Wilkins is awesome and he was writing about the red Fallout and how the Sun darkens these earthquakes and all these civilizations in ancient times that were totally destroyed and his cites dozens of Native American traditions that were perfectly perfect memories of Phoenix phenomenon at different times Harold T Wilkins is my favorite author when it comes to uh history and all that then I have uh I mean I have other ones I can't remember his first name uh busenbark he wrote uh sex symbols of the Stars another fantastic book on things that you just can't find written about today yeah I have them but uh that's two hour and 11 minutes I haven't had an internet break I've answered a bunch of questions but you know what our next live q a I'll answer a lot more but I think my video was over for the day I need to go back to my other studio and sit with Matt and try to figure out uh how to use this OBS system before our next live but before next live I got another interesting video coming your way thank you guys thank you moderators hey Bama Bash Christine Moes I really appreciate your support appreciate your help I appreciate the smash of Smashing the like button I'm glad we had uh 1600 people 1700 people in the chat and I thank you guys for following me over here even though the original studio video collapsed it's all good oh I see all that love in the chat and always guys you know I'm gonna always thank my haters because you're making me great Break Free or Die Trying my friends that's what it's all about