PreFlood Travel, American Resets, Fractured Timelines, and Reincarnation as Personal Resets

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another beautiful day in central east texas it's about 31 degrees it's cold as hell it's great it's everything texas ordinarily isn't but it's a beautiful day for me because i'm i'm over with that evil spell that i went through yesterday we don't know what happened yesterday and i'm not really feeling at liberty to talk about it but yesterday it was a day that was living in for me in my life i even marked it on my i have a life calendar where i mark the exact days where certain events happen to me because i like to run algorithms on my own life i like to see how these things unfold i've told you many times that in my research of world antiquities and studying the years of world history and the major events and the times between major events and running my office program on that i have found many palindromic sequences uh throughout world history and i have demonstrated those and we don't need to go through those now i have whole videos on that i've got whole chapters in some of my published books about that but what i haven't really talked about is that those exact same palindromic sequences are also in your life if you could isolate a single day in your life that was very anomalous that was unusual that you without without having to really concentrate about it you automatically know what day i'm talking about in your life and on that day you experienced some very anomalous [\h__\h] stuff that you ordinarily don't experience now there's a lot of trucks out here what's going on here truck rally so that day was an effort what was an epicentral isometric uh it was an isometric epicentral day for you meaning that day marked the one of the geometrical markers of your life which means that forward and backward in time from that day events are very measurable and they will fall in in palindromic sequences three days before that event something happened in your life that's very very similar to something that happened three days after that event in seven days in nine days in 11 days in 12 days and 14 days in 21 days and it just goes on and on and on it had infinitive for as long as you've been alive this structuring of our time space basically a continuum is absolutely no different the days of a person's life is measured by the exact same dimensional architecture as the years of world history it's no different so if you're fascinated by the isometric projections that i have shown in world history over and over and over you would probably be absolutely astounded about what i could show you about your life because consciously you have the idea when something strikes you you walk into a to a supermarket and something strikes you is very similar very very you know that you have never met this person before and yet you feel an affinity toward it you feel these affinities in life toward all kinds of unrecognizable phenomena because deep in your psyche your psyche knows that you experienced something very very similar in the past and it recognizes an arithmetic for what you consciously are not keeping up with it's very interesting man when i was in prison i used to pretty much predict the exact day i was going to get transferred from one cell block to another cell block one one uh one unit to another unit i used to measure people's lives i got in trouble for it had a bunch of mexican guys want to beat me up one time and then they were too scared to do it because they thought i was a bruja and they accused me of being a bruja a witch in spanish because one guy who i'd gotten really close to and he was always learning from me he wanted to know more about uh how mathematics applies to our lives because i was doing charts for people in prison and i did one on him and he didn't have any really good dates by which we could measure the events of his life he had the day that he got locked up but i needed more than that he had his birth date but birthdays don't mean anything lewis mumford almost a hundred years ago in technics and civil and civilization he said it best he said history is not measured by years and days and calendar calendar stuff history is measured by the events that occupy it and that is exactly what i have discovered independent of louis muffer's research i have found that everything in our lives has predicted value and that the future is predictable because the past is an algorithm and once you understand the arithmetic it unfolds quite naturally so we're gonna get into that in this video about resets about parallel timelines i'm gonna try and address everything that was was uh mentioned in the comments section in the post this morning and on the archaic's facebook when i specifically ask the archaic members to uh provide topics for a video for a van vlog because i'm going to take a road trip and since i'm going to be on a road trip i may record a video so here it is i'm gonna get into something very unusual i recently posted a chart a lot of people like it they got a lot of views on on for my for my videos they got a lot of views real fast you understand i'm not very popular instead it's taken me almost three years to get 3 800 subscribers and there's a reason for that but uh in a recent chart i posted and did i did a 1 hour and 33 minute long video explaining how the annunaki nur calendar in the mayan long count calendar the phoenix a 138-year calendar and the orbit of the nemesis x object every 792 years how all four of these calendars when you align them in one synthetic timeline it shows you many astonishing things about world history and the future we can positively date the next two reset cataclysms which are back to back six and a half years apart as may 2040 and november 2046 phoenix followed by the nemesis x object and this is shown in my history that's why i did that chart but i also revealed in that chart that there was one single year in the entire recorded 7 000 years of history in that chart that phoenix and the nemesis x object were both in the inner system at the exact same time and i also reveal in my videos and in my published books how in the year 522 we had very very unusual phenomena there there were things recorded that happened in that year which is very interesting because the dark ages followed almost instantly a total almost a total collapse of literacy it's astonishing that we have the very few records that we do have so in 522 a.d when this event occurred we have to take in consideration that the year 522 didn't even exist yet and what i mean is that three years later dionysius excitus an agent of the papacy invented the anno domini calendar which did not exist the a.d calendar did not exist at that time actually i should have told you the roman julian year when phoenix and nemesis x object appeared but it doesn't matter in our calendar everybody understands what 522 ad so it was in 522 a.d this occurred but we have a problem and that problem is this is a calendar this car this calendar was applied to the events of 522 in retrospect an agent of the roman catholic church which which should never be trusted invented it we know that a reset occurred in 522 by all the events that followed the events that followed may have been specifically misdated by except by dionysius exitus in the roman catholic church to cover up what was going on at that time we know that around that time there was a huge political war between the greens and the blues the byzantine empire was in chaos and a man sat on the throne named justinian by all accounts justinian was the most wicked man alive and he was the emperor of rome and he married a prostitute put her on the throne as a queen and she was an evil [\h__\h] y'all pardoned my french but i i specifically mark all my videos on youtube it's not for kids there's not a single video i have of my 237 videos that's marked for uh for children to watch but um anyway these two were terrorizing the byzantine empire collapsing collapsing the infrastructure of this late greek roman empire she had a play dungeon where she took people off the streets even personal friends that had pissed her off and put her and put him in this dungeon and no one knows ever no one knows for even procopius doesn't know he was the court historian of the time and he was terrified of these people he specifically believed that justinian was satan in the flesh he said emperor justinian did not sleep he did not eat he only took enjoyment and torturing and and delivering evil to people it's pretty intriguing but this was 5 25 5 26 5 30 and up to about 5 38 a.d at that time in history they can't get real specific but historians know and archaeologists know that geologists know and scientists who have looked at the ice cores know and dendrochronologists all know and they all agree that at that time in history there was some very strange phenomena seen in the skies some called it comet activity activity some call it monsters battling each other great drought fire ashes volcanic volcanic uh ejecta it's all recorded in the ice cores the soil samples in geology no one can really positively date these events it was all in that little window of time but it was in that little window of time that in the fight in the year 526 then rome adopted this new anno dominion calendar totally doing away with the older time keeping system of the romans the julian that doesn't seem all that all that mysterious but when taken into the hole that the ad calendar has so many amazing parallels when you when you look at the palindromic sequences of history it's shocking such as oh the great flood was in the ancient old world year of 1656. i didn't make that up that's in many old books it was the year 1656 the old world's calendar in genesis oh the pre-flood world happened in the 1656 year now we know that is 2239 bc in the month of may but 1656 was pretty much imprinted upon the holography of our world therefore in the year 1656 on the mayan calendar something very interesting happened on the year 1656 of the vedic calendar something something very interesting happened in the in the uh in the year 1656 of the anno domini calendar something very interesting happened in fact in 1656 of the old world's calendar millions of people died from a great cataclysm known as the great flood the great flood was at the end of the 1656 year in the annal dominion year of 1656 the man who wrote the most about the flood 400 years ago was named archbishop james usher he dated the flood is occurring in the year 1656. really unusually really unusual though is that his published material about the great flooding uh occurring in the year 1656 he died in the year 1656 and know many there are there are hundreds of i have to give you hundreds of examples of all this like the tower of babylon dispersion of languages and the great cataclysm that occurred and how cuneiform was developed in ancient times so that people speaking different languages could more readily communicate by a symbol of dots and dashes and christian moons and stuff uniform was developed specifically so people could communicate who could no longer communicate anymore it lends good lends credit to the the whole battle story how anomalous it was how we live in a simulation and somebody edited the simulation because they feared a project that humans were 100 percent on board with i'm already i have a video on babel i already have all that i explained somebody edited the holography to create divisiveness and division so humans couldn't communicate readily anymore and finish a building project they were they were building a pyramid for a very specific function and they couldn't finish it happened in 1899 bc which was the year 1996 of the old world's calendar but in the year 1899 and on goal mini we have the discovery of cuneiform the discovery of over a hundred thousand uniform clay tablets from the ancient near east where the babylonian tower and battle story occurred so many examples so many examples 1229 1229 bc the people of ilium in the capital city of troy lose to a major battle against mycenaeans the authority of the time but in 1229 a.d the descendants of ilium lose to a battle against the authority of the time the catholics who are trying to purge them show me it's so many there's so many prayers i want to go to all there's just so many the cross-cultical parallels they also follow those sequences like the destruction of sodom and gomorrah is so crazy in 1849 bc some type of atmospheric fallout destroyed it's almost nuclear totally destroyed sodom and gomorrah but in the old world's calendar 1849 bc was the year 2046 and we know that in 2046 is the year of the actual real calculation of the mayan lawn count and it is the next appearance of the nemesis x object as i show uh on its it's perfectly measurable 792 year orbit since ancient times so many examples of that the 522 ad was reset what it appears to me and that reset caused the dark age because the dark ages followed and the dark age was a really good way to scrub the histories to cover up their tracks and when i say they i'm talking about the editors of our holography we don't know who they are i'm assuming they're human i'm not jumping to the conclusion of an alien civilization that is trying to manipulate us and the reason i'm not is because artificial intelligence x is is way is way ahead of the game many steps ahead of us it's been doing this for a very long time i'm often called to mind about the matrix the movie the matrix so neo was told neil was told by morpheus in the matrix movie that he's uh that in the original in the original version of this alien technology that has humans sitting in pods and it's cycling and siphoning off their they're using humans as batteries and energy in the original version the aliens found out that it wasn't working human psyches were deteriorating they were rebelling they were not accepted for programming because the aliens had created a eden-like utopia a perfect golden age type world and humans knew it was artificial and they didn't like it so they created another world that was full of pain and misery but also good things to be more believable and went through a series of revisions until it was the way that neo found it i know that artificial intelligence x will edit out any material that is even close to the truth uh if if it even gets real popular like mainstream there are many truthers out there who are promoting real real material but they don't have funding they don't have billionaire corporations and fortune 500 companies giving them grants and and to promote their theories what gets promoted is [\h__\h] like harry potter the hunger games the maze runner things that are based on reality such as humans and emotions and all that but the narratives are completely false if the narratives are real real close to the money you can guarantee that artificial intelligence x will never allow any of its puppet systems and protocols to fund it it's going to stay on my minority knowledge this is why archaics is not popular those who come to archaics are fascinated with the presentations and the information that's because we're seeing they're seeing new ways of looking at old data and a lot of it makes sense to them and they resonate with it but what doesn't make sense to them is why it's not become more popular why why youtube youtube is shadow banned on kids youtube doesn't share the channel my channel my channel is 100 organic i have never traded subscriptions i do not i have all kinds of other other uh youtube content creators uh subscribing to my channel thinking that i'm gonna i'm gonna subscribe to theirs and then when they realize it's not gonna happen they go they go but i don't care i'm not gonna i'm not gonna artificially artificially boost my subscribers because i'm looking for real people to learn real information i'm not not looking for artificial numbers to to bolster my subscriptions that doesn't help me at all a lot of people pay for those services though and i've seen them get 10 000 subscribers pretty quick but then again they don't you can tell in the comment sections that they really don't have all the subscribers let's just do them yeah that's something else anyway the matrix movie and the simulation is artificial intelligence x is never going to allow uh uh secret information to go mainstream it's just not going to happen these resets these resets are very real but they're very difficult to detect so you're not going to get somebody you're not going to you're not going to find somebody who's going to be able to provide 100 proof that these resets are even occurring history is scrubbed if you're when you're if you're inside a program it is very difficult to isolate the protocols of those of that program and see how it affects you the only way you can see how it affects you is by its effect we have to study history to see the clues and i'm often given examples of mandela effect and deja vu and synchronicities and parallels coincidences and so these things do happen in reality and it gives us pause and we have to stop and we have to think why how come all of a sudden in 1776 this great nation is born rebels against the greatest empire the world has ever seen the british empire this unstoppable force and it gains momentum and it just it moves forward in a seven year revolutionary war and other nations get involved but there really isn't any international conflict at the time it's just the united states against britain or the 13 colonies against britain 13 measly colonies how is it that they get so powerful so fast a booming population that manifest destiny occurs and all of a sudden hundreds of thousands then followed by millions of americans who are all identifying themselves as americans of the 13 colonies are moving westward taking over land after land after land finding all these [\h__\h] things that lewis and clark never saw lewis and clark never recorded and all these weird ancient cities and all these anomalies and it's just it's baffling in the unfolding of the 1800s it's like this human wave of innovation and ideas and genius just took over and suddenly it was absolutely [\h__\h] completely stopped in its tracks by a series of destructive earthquakes and weird atmospheric [\h__\h] that happened in 1811 18-12 and then through the 1800s were visited with fires that fall from the hill the skies the people of the time recorded the great fire of chicago you read about the great fire of chicago today and all you read is about somebody somebody's cow knocked over a lamp or some [\h__\h] like that there were several like pittsburgh several great cities burned down and had to be completely rebuilt rebuilt in the 18 in the uh 19th century in the 1800s and when you read the accounts today of course it's believable okay somebody fell asleep knocked over a candle oh this this uh hostile burn and it set a whole block on fire and before they could get everybody together two blocks were on fire the wind picked up burn hole city down and this is how historians in the mainstream media these redactionist bastards that we have that are covering up history rewrite these things but when you go back to the original source materials for the time you find out that people are observing very strange things in the skies and some people said they saw fire fire fire descended from the sky and the city started burning it's just so bizarre i have a theory i have a theory that the reason why so many different historical narratives have so much evidence supporting them and yet different factions and different faiths and different peoples believe in these things and yet still there is evidence one group can produce proof and proof and evidence to show that the other the other side has been brainwashed or the other side has accepted something that was untrue they can pretty much [Music] null and void their their their own facts and evidence how is it unless hear me out when we study history we seem to be looking at a kaleidoscope of defense not a linear projection a linear timeline i don't talk about this often because you would question my sanity and i need to release a lot more videos so you can come to trust the rhythm of my ways and who i am as a truther and a researcher before i reveal a whole lot about some of the things i have discovered requires a modicum of trust before you you can accept things that are so far out of your frames of reference that it's just unbelievable case in point i'll give you a case in point when captain cook arrived to australia and he first came into contact with the aborigines he was on the coast for five days in his ships the locals they were watching through inoculators and they could see the aboriginals on the coast but the aboriginals were ignoring them captain cook knew damn well then people could see his ship they knew they could this is all in captain cook's memoir they he finally sent some boats to the shore when captain cook and those men disembark those rowboats and they walked on the shore the aboriginals ignored them in australia the aboriginals did not warm up to captain cook in his men and it took a long time and it was explained along it took weeks it took a long time before they could teach this woman enough english oh to uh i think she was from the one one of the chains of islands near australia where they had taught they had taught her in english and she had communicated to the aboriginals through a sign language or something and they developed a form of communication and the aboriginals specifically said that captain cook and his men were white which meant to them they were ghosts so they were ghosts of the dead and they must be treated with respect to look upon a ghost is to disrespect it because it's naked it no longer has a body this is a very profound belief to believe that you are still an individual and a personality even if you're a ghost you just don't have your body this is a very primitive belief system and i had by the aboriginals but if you think about it it's far more sophisticated than almost any of the belief systems that we maintain today mainstream mainstream i'm not talking about you guys that are truthers and you're down with the metaphysical and spiritual i say all this to say that it's taken me a long time to come to the realization that the reason that these these isometric projections and palindromic sequences my opus algorithm the reason that these things work is because history history is not a linear projection one single synthetic timeline of events from the past stretching into the future it can't be it must be and it has to be multiple timelines running simultaneously and somebody is governing when timelines will stop because something was achieved or it begins to head in a direction where this grand architect doesn't want it to go it stops that timeline only to continue the other ones these are parallel time timelines jason is in multiple timelines living multiple lifetimes interacting with multiple individuals and each timeline is very very similar to the next but when jason does something that's unanticipated and it's not wanted by this architect that reality tunnel is collapsed while other reality tunnels coalesced together to produce the effect this architect is looking for history is the exact same way and when when events have a momentum and they're moving in a certain direction and suddenly in our history historical studies we look and we realize there was just a sudden stop and it's inexplicable and then new events occurred it's like the energy totally dissipated of the of the previous series series of events a reset has occurred and then that reset was edited so that we wouldn't detect it this is what i'm finding over and over and over and it's getting more and more difficulty the deeper my research goes the harder it is for me to convey what i'm finding and that's that's pretty scary so i got a friend named mike michael and he understands he knows like a lot of you do the future is not written in stone there is a way to stop foreign events from occurring i have never really tried to entertain that way because i don't believe artificial intelligence x is going to ever let a significant amount of minds come together to achieve that which is going to be what i'm about to talk about next about these truckers in canada and what's really going on now or what i perceive to be really going on aix is not going to allow a significant proportion of society to move in a certain direction that it doesn't want it to go in without at least attempting to do a reset i do believe that the amount of resets or the longevity of timelines is governable i don't believe artificial intelligence x has the power to do what it wants whenever it wants to do it one of the one of the reasons for that belief system is the 138-year periodicity of the phoenix phenomenon that that can't happen i've seen no evidence that it can happen outside that 138 years but that 138 years is full bar it's terrible i'm guessing this texas has grown well water i'm on highway 190 you guys know where i'm going go see my buddy barry he's in livingston i can't work today it's a terrible day it's awful out here so anyway i need to stop saying anyway it's a kaleidoscope of historical events michael we can alter the future the future is not fixed installed the problem we have is that we are following a fixed protocol the architecture of our existence has already been written it's already been written out now within that dynamic though are hundreds of billions of reality tunnels that are all moving toward that and these reality tunnels are switched they coalesce some of them fade out they're edited they're suffering resets there are governors set in place to stop stop reality tunnels from moving in certain directions those governors don't always work however said hey man i know we can stop this phoenix phenomenon michael's michael watches all my videos just so you all know he's also he's also uh really providing me some some some help when i really needed it you know he's a buddy of mine he's a he's a good guy caught in a bad way but he's in paradise dominican republic you can't ask for a better better place to live as far as aesthetics goes so anyway there i go with that anyway again passes very slow down i'm passing through higgsville i might be a southern southern boy and i might be in texas but i'm still not afraid next these boys down here i gotta behave not that not that i dislike red decks i would just wrestle women and wrestle cows yes we can change the future i've changed my future i know it's possible many of you have changed your own futures sometimes for the worse sometimes for the better here's how it's done andy and this is why it hasn't happened it's not happening right now the phoenix phenomenon is an architectural protocol it's already written in we know it's written in by all my all the historical studies all the proof that has happened over and over and over so it's going to happen in may 15th or may 16th 2040 the 15th of the 16th only depends on what hemisphere you live in now that doesn't mean the world is a globe it doesn't mean the world's flat because when you're living in a simulated holography both of those both of those paradigms no longer matter that's why i only have one flat earth video i'm not gonna entertain that [\h__\h] because it is [\h__\h] it's [\h__\h] for you to give me proof that the world is a globe when all the dimensional arithmetic shows me that it's a globe optically but when we measure the world that i live on it's a plane it's a flat plane 100 so i'm in the middle of two different coding protocols that are designed to make me believe both or one or the other all right if 10 people came together and they and they made up there was an agreement there was a meeting of the minds and those 10 people decided that yes the phoenix phenomenon is real yes it happens every 138 years yes we we excel we accept that it could be it could be our end yes it could kill us yes it's going to happen on this date right here based off what we do if there was just 10 people that had a meeting of the minds and decided all those and then said yes we can come up with a solution by which we can survive that all ten of us and they and they all tend started working together on a solution by which they would survive that then our holography artificial intelligence eggs will honor that our holography will begin knitting the circumstances by which those 10 people even if they separate in times but you understand in the quantum world there really is no distance in spacetime that's why two people talking on a computer can be just as intimate and just as spiritually connected as two people on two different continents excuse me we're just two people who are sitting on a park bench together having having an emotional moment if it wasn't two people let's say it was a hundred thousand people if a hundred thousand people believed everything that i had said about the phoenix phenomenon believed it was coming in the future and then also believed what i tell them that yes we can change our future then we can change it but you have to understand there's still governors set in place there's still reset protocols all these things that are going on that 100 000 people would only create a situation because artificial intelligence x it's like a gateway it will create amazing circumstances to accommodate anyone's system of beliefs and if a hundred thousand people came together and said yes i want to oh well we want to survive this we want to play a good world for our kids and all that let me tell you something artificial intelligence eggs in the past right now in the present and in the future will always create worlds within worlds where these little micro communities exist that are completely immune to all the toxic toxic stuff that's going around in the rest of the world there are safe havens on every continent there are safe havens in every society when the phoenix phenomenon occurs wherever this 100 000 people people are either collectively in one commune or if they have remained separate in their own homes dispersed around the world artificial intelligence x will nick the necessary circumstances and create bubbles of immunity for every one of those people because they believe that they were going to survive this phenomenon and it doesn't change any of the coding artificial has been implanted with it will still cause the phoenix to pass it will still cause this club this worldwide reset it will still cause massive death hundreds of over a billion people 24 over 25 percent of the world's population will die in mid-may of 2014. followed by anot followed by another one-third of the world's population within the next 6.5 years from all from all the starvation the collapse of the infrastructure and then the next cataclysm in november 2046 the uh nemesis x object yeah it's all it's absolutely possible i believe 100 and i hope some of y'all would include me in your in your communes or groups oh if you decide to try to put this together try to put a whole list of people put you everybody in contact with everybody else maybe create a special uh web page independent of facebook of like-minded people who all want to do this michael bolden it might be a good good job for you he wants to get involved oh that's a good start but i'm telling you now you're not going to stop the phoenix phenomenon from happening what you can do though is totally minimize it phoenix is going to appear but it might not be near as damaging if maybe 500 million people believe they could affect and alter the outcome if 500 million people were honestly believing in them and bro you understand what belief does let me yeah i need to backtrack a little bit believing there is a threat automatically creates the circumstances in the future two different realities are already being coded by belief one is that i'm gonna die me and all my loved ones are gonna die when this event occurs the holography which is called a reality tunnel the reality tunnel of an entire series of events is already programmed and mapped out that will lead to you surviving till may 2040 when you die the other reality tunnel which is called potential this is also knit for you it exists in space-time it's real you made it real by belief and that is every series of events that leads up to may 15th and 16th by which you are living and surviving with you and your family and loved ones and then the event itself phoenix occurs it's just shocking how so just miles away fall out from the sky burns an entire city yet your farmstead is unscathed absolutely untouched we create our we create our own realities on a daily basis in this society that we have built in this infrastructure and we don't recognize it because we always think things are chance and happiness stance and they're not we are creating reality tunnels by everything that we believe our emotional rollercoasters on a daily basis up and down are needing new circumstances for us or or creating and creating an increase in the frequencies of the informed fields that we create from a quantum perspective i'm not trying to get i'm not trying to get overly technical guys we are quantum creatures and when i'm what i mean by quantum is our minds are operating in two different dimensions at the same time our brain houses our brain is totally biological but it houses an interface the central nervous system that central nervous system is a complete interface that mores a quantum inform or a quantum series of informed fields which is called the mind and it interfaces with this with this holography giving us the idea that we are physical beings in a physical world when we're not we're in a quantum state of potential potentia is an unlimited series of holographic future templates by which any of them can come true but it takes actions and belief to get to the ones that you want to be true you inspired that part of this video yes we can change we can change the intensity of what's going to happen in 2040 if it's hundreds of millions of people being involved we can actually lower the frequency low we can lower we can lower the frequency of the event that already exists the event that already exists is the fenris event fenris eats the moon it's the sixth sky dragon of mother shifting it's the think of the ancient druids you've been in and the egyptians we can lower the frequency of an event that's already vibrating in time space which is just waiting to occur it just hasn't occurred yet because it's not may 2040 in our linear projection but i don't know if artificial intelligence x is ever going to allow so many people to come into contact with this data and to readily believing i don't know how long allow me to continue continue telling people all this information i have no idea why i'm alive today and i i speak that from that that comes from the bottom of my heart i really don't know why i lie i'm 48 years old i have no idea how the hell i survived 26 years in prison to do a youtube channel where i'm telling people all kinds all kinds of stuff that i researched to learn and i'm not out i'm not at the club drinking bourbon and meeting people i don't understand my life i have no idea i'm doing the exact opposite of what i wanted to do when i got out because when i got out i wanted to party i'm not gonna lie i want to experience life and do all that but when i got out i hit the ground running i was putting things together i was already getting all my old research out and i don't know man it is so weird don't get me wrong i tried i tried to be the prodigal son i actively went on a mission to be the particle son at a few thousand dollars went out i did not enjoy myself and i was not mean and i didn't like it i'm just not me if i'm not learning something or if i'm not divulging stuff although if i'm not answering comments or questions you're doing youtube videos i'm not i just don't uh what is this oh a deer okay all right little buddy get across that road i'll slow down for you take take your little ones with you texas thicket you gotta love them got deer everywhere out here unfortunately at least once a month i see a i see a fawn or deer or a buck laying on the side of the road if it uh if it doesn't look like sometimes i had like i had to kill one one time i know some of y'all don't like that but there's just there's nothing there's nothing to it i saw one kicking so i pulled over backed up i got a machete it was quick no sense trying to save it oh that just put a dark cloud on me remembering that it wasn't far from here either so it was on 19 1988. i'm on 3152 right now means nothing to most of y'all all these different roads you know in a in a video about a year ago i told you all about this place all around me the forest has been wiped out right here because a tornado came through here took all the trees about six miles and dumped them dumped them on somebody's farm let's get back to this video sinuses what they're gonna say i wish y'all could remind me if this is a live video i could get reminded what i was talking about i'm still a little discombobulated from yesterday i was under attack yesterday i wasn't me yesterday i was experiencing emotions i had no business any business experiencing uh stimulus there was just no no external stimuli to even justify why i was experiencing those emotions i don't know man i just feel like i was under attack everything went wrong every single decision i made yesterday was the wrong decision even the simple ones like which way to turn on the street every every decision i made was wrong my intuition my intuition was gone yesterday i was completely without i was i was among the living dead yesterday and i don't understand why it started very early in the morning and lasted all night i'm really having a brain fog and that's that is not normal for me so these we can we can alter the future by what we believe i don't think artificial intelligence x is going to allow this information to get out of there but it will allow for pockets of survivors it will allow for a significant mass to do it but it's not i don't know it's just not a big deal there's a lot of people who believe that that the phoenix material because i get a lot of emails and comments and uh they say the phoenix is going to take like a rapture event it's going to take the holy the redeem the elect and all that i don't know it could be could be but then again there are also prophecies they talk about in the judgment in the in the last days it's the meek who will inherit the earth the humble well to me those are the redeemed those are your legs those are the same and it is the wicked who are taken away get cast into a like a fire now my version of the lake of fire is not the judeo-christian version of lake of fire my version is in keeping with the fact that many of the messages and prophecies of the old testament are very astronomical related talking about worlds now those of you who watch that recent video of mine i gave i showed you how all these ancient calendars in the world began with the appearance of an object in our solar system earth was the first one nemesis x object the dark satellite oh our oh luna our moon the first time any one of these objects appeared in this solar system began a calendar and i did a video about that well it's the same thing for this lake of fire my my perspective on the lake of fire being different i believe that this this this whole set of prophecies about the chief cornerstone coming to set the captives free and how the great pyramid is the prophecy itself every stone of the great prophecy is a soul of man the last 144 000 oh prophets in elect they arrive in the apocalypse and there and they are they're they're witnesses against the darkness but they're the last ones the number of the redeemed has already been made and set these hundred and forty four thousand are not here to save anybody they're here to give witness as to what all those left on the world are about to go through they're still given a chance but they're not among the redeemed they're not among the elect these are the ones they're gonna have to go through a very dark period of time and they're going to have to earn their place in the kingdom they're still on earth and they're going to go through the real apocalypse not the man-made man-made version of this of the four horsemen they're gonna go through the seven trumpets the seven thunders and the seven vials of the bowls of wrath of god 144 000 represent the last 144 000 casing stones that fit on the monument as a cover they covered remember what apocalypse is apocalypse is to uncover so we have a lot of pyramid associations here and astronomical so in astronomy in astronomy the lake of fire gotta understand if all if all the redeemed and the elect the saved the saved are those who who basically uh had to pass through the fires of baal to get to get to a place into the kingdom if everybody left on earth after everybody holy has been removed and everybody left on earth has been deemed unworthy they're not going to exist forever it was the damn church that invented eternal hellfire there's no concept of eternal hellfire in ancient texts that's just that's ridiculous man it's a creation of the demon yahweh no annihilation like the egyptian uh like the egyptian scales in the book of the dead the souls that are found wanting are annihilated when they pass through the kingdom of seeker in the underworld and they go through the gates of raw style if they're not found worthy they're annihilated they know they're not made to suffer eternally it's not even necessary it's stupid to have that type of retaliation it's a dumbass belief to believe in an eternal lake of fire that's dumb it's almost comical what the scriptures actually convey is our world full of people who have refused every single um effort of the godhead to include them in a immortal eternal family finally okay the eternally mortal family has been removed we are somewhere else he came remember he came to set the captives free now when he comes to set the captives free it's the year 2106. i have already showed you guys 2106 is the 6000th year of the old world's calendar no our world is not 6 000 years old but there was a 6 000 year countdown for redemption countdown that 6 000 years ends in 2106 that is also the year 73 44 73 44 since the year one of the anunnaki neurochronology i just did a video i've done three different videos on the andernaki neurochronology showing it began in 5239 bc and goes all the way to 1962 which is 144 years before the 6000th year 144 years before the 144 000 in the last days in their testimony as miracle workers and prophets telling everybody in the world man it's time this is it hey it's it's it's it's time you you don't have more time left this is it those who are still here because you have to understand the number 73 44 and 7 344 years that's 2448 times 3. it's also the exact sloping distance of the great pyramids casing blocks the 144 thousand casing blocks were angled at 52 by had 51.51 degrees 50 at 51.51 degrees from the base of the casing stones to the very top of the new apex stone which is the chief cornerstone which doesn't until 2106 the true height of the great pyramid is then according to david davidson in 1926 exactly 7 344 pyramid inches that's not coincidental you can't make that up that means that the great pyramid is a calendar of years to win the chief cornerstone is going to descend on the monument of man the chief cornerstone descends at the top the 7 344 the inch is at the top you can't make this stuff up why is it relevant it's relevant because i've shown you over and over and over in all my videos and published books that the great pyramids internal rectilinear division dimensions are a calendar of the history of the world and the future it's also relevant that 2448 times 3 is this entire calendar 73 73-44 but the year 2448 in the old world's calendar was 1447 bc which u.s crep to cryptologist r.a boley paul moses miami stephen stephen jones biblical chronologist myself in my own chronological studies rashi over a thousand years ago everyone dated the exodus in 1447 bc they dated the exodus to the year 2448 annas mundi of the old world's calendar this means that the planetary exodus is how the godhead the chief cornerstone is going to set the captives free he's going to remove us from this world which has been a prison from the beginning and those who are left on this world who had refused every single every single time that the godhead the oversoul has reached out to them they have refused it over and over and over and i know these people are they're a certain pedigree and they have always believed themselves allied to god and the rest of the world is nothing but cattle but the world is going to be full of those people and when the planetary exodus comes he come to set the captives free this rapture that everybody's fascinated with that hasn't occurred and won't occur until then which is also called resurrection when this happens it's the year 2106 we're gone it's a planetary exodus and this world plunges straight into the surface of the sun the surface of the sun which is 333.000 and i mean uh square miles larger than the earth is the lake of fire that's hell and they're not gonna burn in the lake of fire forever i promise you earth will only burn for a couple hours and then it'll be gone vaporized in the lake of fire because if you because if you think earth is flat wait till you see the that's a lake burning of brimstone and fire none of this is novel nothing i'm telling you in this video's novel it's stretched around all my videos on the great pyramid i explained in my great pyramid videos and in some of my phoenix videos this this unique most fascinating calendar because the calendar works in multiple ways the great pyramid the great pyramid identifies like 16 different calendars oh even even the giza course countdown calendar is phenomenal because i show that the internal arrangements of the great pyramid show in like seven different unique ways that it ends the internal arrangements end in the year 1902. well this is really interesting because 1902 was a phoenix year but what's further interesting is that the internal arrangements end in 1902 but the external courses the actual steps of the pyramid going up count 203 steps 203 in hebrew gematria is he created 203 plus 1902 a.d the last great reset is 2105 a.d it is it is when the beginning the beginning of the end occurs according to nostradamus he named the year 2105 exactly 2105 is one year from 2106 a.d 2105 a.d is the year 5999 one year after that is the fourth is the 204th level of the great pyramid is complete it's the actual appearance of the chief cornerstone and it descends on the monument of man and it's complete and when that chief cornerstone descends you have to remember what the prophecies say he is the head of the corner he is the stone the builders rejected and beneath him he crushes to powder everything in his way there's no more redemption after that chief cornerstone sits on top of the monument of man his throne it's over with the number of immortals is locked it's fixed the holography is fixed it's done and the reason for the entire process is because we have lived multiple lifetimes and some of us remember some of some of the things we've done in multiple life in in past lives wow as soon as i showed up we got this big old train look at this guys as soon as i showed up we got this train i'm telling i just saw the first engine go by interesting the entire the entire reason for this is by living multiple lifetimes you and i have acquired many experiences and our soul will remember every single one of these once we're ejected from this this is a dungeon of the demiurge that's why it requires someone to set the captives free we're captives only temp temporarily eclipse huh yeah we're only we're only look at all that lumber wow those are all six by sixes i know you guys don't want to sit here and look at a damn train all that time the reason for the reason for the the uh you we've lived multiple lifetimes is because it gives us those experiences it creates character just because you don't really remember them all doesn't really necessarily mean you didn't live them reincarnation makes sense from a immortal perspective it would be absolutely unfair if you were to uh to live one life some of us have had some terrible lives i haven't had a very good life at all i won't take anything back because i i agree with i agree with with what i have gone through and how it's how it's molded me as i am today but i also recognize that many of many of my faults are only by virtue of my circumstances and the avatar that i've been living so i'm all i i don't know man i'm just i have i have different opinions about it i believe that after 100 lifetimes once i'm my true personality and i'm no longer in this matrix once i'm on the other side and i remember who i was for every single one of those the individual memories will be clear because an immortal being won't have the cognitive restrictions that we have today we'll be able for instant recall we can remember these things and it's going to be necessary because the lessons that we learned in those memories i walk the streets of ancient babylon just like i watch while i walk the streets of ancient rome i've been to egypt hell one of my former avatars may have been somebody who who vehemently researched egypt and studied the great pyramid and seen it maybe i don't know i don't know we don't know who we are who we are hell i don't know i might have slept with a woman years ago that two thousand years ago she was cleopatra you don't know but but but what i do know is that we live in a common sense architectural universe meaning it has order things do make sense once you work them out and what would make absolutely no sense is that if our immortal souls were dependent upon how we lived our lives in this then that would mean in an equitable universe we would be given multiple scenarios by which to live out in order to in order for us to have multiple experiences by which to react from that makes sense to me therefore the the whole idea of reincarnation is not something that i find defensive anyway this train's almost over i've almost arrived to my destination i'm fixing to cross this across the street and i'm gonna be where i'm supposed to be i'm gonna continue this video on the way back because we still have many much ground to cover you guys have some really good questions in our kegs and i haven't got to everything yet somebody in the arcades group this morning asked me about pre-flood modes of transportation so we'll address that on the surface i don't believe we had vehicles that are dissimilar from those of today the resets that have occurred have been phenomenal the mud floods like the light like rock wall texas or the places in ohio and tennessee that have been found 200 feet below the surface of the earth paved stoneways now it's we our world is layered layered in materials that have been buried over ancient civilizations on the islands of malta we had a hypogeum and kegar kim these ancient ruins showing that a tsunami had had come from west to east it just blew 20 ton rocks like there were nothing almost same islands though we find tracks machine tracks as if there was some type of monorail system in place at the time of this vast destruction we find evidence of technological engineering in peru and kuzco and all uh monaco these ancient civilizations that we thought were primitive weren't primitive at all when we when we look at their building techniques if they had if they had the scientific means by which to to move 200 000 ton blocks like at bailbeck 2000 ton blocks at belvec and elevate them 30 feet in the air over other layers of masonry then believe me they had the wheel they had carts they had transportation now the only direct evidence that we have which is not circumstantial the direct evidence that we have of of all of some type of pre-cataclysm mode of transportation is the sanskrit takes on aviation sciences i know it's difficult to believe but i'm not making this up it can be google you can research this david had your children's books or what put me on to it then i did then i did i followed his source materials and i found i found so much evidence i had no idea some some people sometimes in old writings they're called feminists or the manas these were flying machines that i have formerly believed were all merely zeppelins i had no problem believing that zeppelin type aircraft were thousands of years old but they weren't detailed schematic engineering diagrams all kinds of descriptions of what how to build them we're talking about 101 pre-flight checks these are complex machines these bamanas that were used to to uh fly in different places it showed in vedic and vedic stories in these hindu stories we have flying machines all the time which later because their frames of reference were different by by the times that the saracens and the arabian empire and the muslims ruled these had become flying carpets in ancient akea during the years of the argos empire before mycenaea these flying machines by later peoples who only had who only had frames of references involving animals being modes of transportation they had becoming pegasi winged horses but these are all the memories of more primitive minds remembering more complex things this is the way it has always been this is why when we find the the ancient ancient decaying legends of the invasion of ancient greece by the gaster-iqueries we find bellies with hands we find these these ships that had a thousand oars and hands it's just it's crazy the men with a thousand oars dragon dragons with a thousand hands and all that those are tri-rings those are dragon headed phoenician ships with about 50 men on each side man rowing ores but they didn't understand that they didn't know that it's all about frames of reference we do have many many sanskrit writings that have been found the chinese are in possession of sir you can google that the chinese are in possession of sanskrit writings that were found in the chinese tackle american desert you know in among other places probably things that were confiscated from the tibetan monasteries when they were raided by the chinese over the last 70 80 years so but they have these manuscripts and they're very detailed on on on pre-flight checks and flight maneuvers on aerial combat yeah we flight is not is nothing new which completely solves another mystery of the ancient world very very few people are proving to the pacific the pacific ocean is one third of the world's surface it's vast to get over the pacific ocean takes a very long time even in modern ships thor hired all did it in a reed boat but he got but he went to i mean it sent him a drift in different areas and if you didn't have a support crews and all that he probably would have died you know a ship shadowing him but there is a mystery about melanesia polynesia micronesia oceania ten thousand islands all throughout the pacific the mystery is that some of these islands are very very small and yet they support what are called marai marai should never be long on these small islands had not there been a definitive use because it's just so much trouble to move gigantic megalithic blocks and put them on tiny islands where sometimes the only feature on an island is nothing but a small flat top pyramid of gigantic blocks what are they doing out there william cordless of the source book project documented many of these so is david hatcher children's barry phil there's oh there's many more i mean i don't mean to omit all the great researchers but i just don't they don't come to mind right now but there are so many of these flat top pyramids and they're not really really true pyramids they're actually platforms because they're large enough for something to to let to to to list them to arrest nero they also have significant features like dolmens of gigantic megaliths or pillars and some of these pillars have knobs or notches this has never been sufficiently explained but once you take into consideration that in ancient times there was a lot of air traffic over the pacific then things began to make sense these chains of islands had these dolmens and these pillars next to these mari because these vehicles needed somewhere to land they could not fly at night there's no way to navigate or maybe there was i don't know that's just that's just a supposition but what i'm what i'm proposing is that these flat top pyramids in the middle of nowhere on these small tiny islands were for the purpose of landing stations maybe these things were battery operated maybe they were solar operated maybe they required the winds which were higher than the day than at night i don't know but the only thing that makes sense they were designed to support something that comes from the sky and then departs from the sky the corals and the shoals and the reefs they would make navigation almost impossible because they were very difficult to put these together why use gigantic megalithic blocks that had to be transported by ship over water just to get to these tiny islands and we're talking about hundreds of them throughout the pacific we're not talking about an isolated incident to me these were landing stations to get from the americas to get to get from the americas to the orient because in the pre-flood world during the during the the age of the matriarchs before before the anunna appeared after a cataclysm and instituted the instant well they basically start the institutions of patriarchy there was all kinds of aerial uh exchanges all kinds of air and air flight so all i'm doing is adding two plus two the first two is the fact that we do have textual records of flight we have flight manuals from the ancient times written in sanskrit we have all that it's not even a mystery it's easily google then the other two i'm adding is the fact from the archaeological perspective there is an unsolved mystery and that is because the frames of reference used for archaeologists is anthropology and in anthropology men men 4 000 years ago were very primitive and they were neolithic there was no way they could have fly flu that's their reasoning and that's their guns and they're sticking to it i get that underground in south america there have been found tunnels there's no way that these hundreds of miles of tunnels underground through basement rock could have been made by men with chisels these were machines these tunnels are thousands of years old the only reason we found these tunnels is because they were up thrusted 12 000 feet above sea level the event that did that was 1687 bc i've covered that many times it's called the the flood of ogaii in 1687 bc in the month of may everything changed the entire bronze bronze age world collapsed it was 552 years after the great flood it too was a phoenix episode but today the peru the andes mountains peruvian peru peru bolivia all that area has been has been uplifted a lot 12 000 feet so people have been finding these tunnels they report them to the government and then they turn around and the government i guess they they just it's just like the smithsonian institute once something's reported to the government there's no more news coming out coming out about that it's they're finished yes i believe that the transportation modes in ancient times were not dissimilar from our own they had vehicles they had monorails trains tracks they had underground vehicles subway systems maybe you never know what they but no i am not buying the fact that we came from we've been technologically advanced many times before i'm about to get highway 190. pretty soon here i don't know who that was i passed but i sure was going too fast sure looked like an officer to me he don't seem to be bothered by it i will tell you this my van has solar panels on the top painted black to match the van the sides of them and from a distance it looks like like light bars my van has been mistaken for law enforcement many times it looks just like a swat van or a prisoner transport man get that that's pretty ironic yeah passing over the small bridge on livingston i want to check that out they had boats in ancient times we all know it they had ships they had trains planes and automobiles i'm not doubting any of it thousands of years have passed you have to take consideration world war ii was less than you know world war ii was way less than 100 years ago and yet many of the craft in world war ii that went down in some of those pacific islands they were never retrieved they're still in those jungles but look how they've decayed how much more so do you think the technology of 4 hundred years ago would have survived now man stuff decays gone if you leave rebar out rebar turns to dust in 200 years the big bridge is next that was the small bridge lake livingston is huge this is just a finger of it lake livingston still has entire forests that are standing up underneath the water on a bright sunny day in the right areas you can look down you can see the tops of trees they're still alive they're not they're not dead they're just covered in algae the upper branches have leaves it's crazy and they've been down there 50 years underwater somebody asked me about the the protocols of the learned elders of zion that's a real touchy subject i will tell you this i read the protocols and when i read it i knew i was reading i was reading something put together by a truther or i was reading an actual document written by zionist jews on how to take over the world because every element of those protocols has come to pass everything that they said in those in those protocols come to pass so when the new york times started delivering article after article after article denouncing the protocols of the learned elders of zion as a zionist i mean excuse me as a anti-semitic document trying to stir up hatred for the jews i knew i knew then that this is the truth the the protocols of the learned elders of zion small book you can get it from book tree one eight hundred oh seven one eight hundred seven hundred tree it's 1-800-700 t-r-e-e you can call call paul tyce of book tree press in san diego and you say man i want to cop you over the protocols of the learned elders of zion it's fantastic it is also harrowing because it was written over a hundred years ago and it perfectly it perfectly outlines how the jews will take over first different european countries and then use those european countries to then take over empires and then take over the world use world wars to do it it's all true every bit of it's true every element of the of the lord of the protocols of the learned elders of zion is absolute history it is truth now new york times is zionist controlled it's 100 zionist owned uh i know a bunch of y'all do not like uh some of the things i say about this and especially those of you with a christian background because you remember i was a christian for many years and i bought into all that jew first gentile next [\h__\h] i used to believe all that i mean i was a bible thumper i used to argue against muslims i used to hold bible studies it's it's i'm still proud of those years because i was growing always a work in progress but after reading so many different historical accounts from tacitus and tatian julian all these historical records and books i'm going to turn this around so y'all can see the scenery it's beautiful this is the big bridge over livingston they're not all it's really it's really a sad testament to the history of the world how these people have gained control over everything hollywood is 100 run by them so is the media so is the publishing world all the news agencies they own they own the stuff that they've put themselves in that position it was all by design this is why all our university all our universities are churning nothing but liberal [\h__\h] all that's coming to a change though they have they have a surprise coming they probably they probably already know there's in 19 in the 1920s and 30s man a movement began in germany man when they began understanding just how deep that the zionists had had control of the german economy and this this led to a war you all know that war is world war ii but what you don't know many of you don't know is about 90 of the [\h__\h] recorded about world war ii is an absolute [\h__\h] lie even many of the battles didn't unfold the way the history books say and some of the bombings that were done are absolute [\h__\h] war crimes whole cities bombed there wasn't a single german soldier in those cities that were out in the field defending defending from an american invasion i'm 100 pro-american patriot but i also know what happened in world war ii was an absolute war crime and it was perpetuated by by communists that had infiltrated the us government were using the us military to do their bidding we straddle bombed men will win men women and children who weren't even fighting imagine imagine if you will that the united states and russia are fighting and that all the battles are in alaska and some of them are in northern california and some of them spill over into washington state and oregon the battles are concentrated there but it's always russian soldier aggression against american american soldiers imagine this scenario imagine a red dawn scenario all right how would you feel if once the russians had acquired an occupied zone they're not doing it they're not disrupting the economy they're not disrupting anything the russians come in they occupy an area and okay people who are still lumberjacks are still cutting wood people are still mechanics you're still doing mechanical work people not much changes under occupations yes a lot of the amenities are removed but occupations don't change a whole lot because there's no point in occupying if everybody catches out or or if you're totally killing or imprisoning everybody so imagine a scenario where the russians are occupying different zones of of america but the rest of america is absolutely safe and the war front is far away and there's nothing happening in our immediate vicinity there's no battles happening in our immediate vicinity we know the us military has that [\h__\h] contained no matter how powerful the russian invasion would be the united states has that [\h__\h] contained on the other side of the rockies because it's going to be very difficult for a military to get to the side now imagine that scenario imagine a whole year passes and this war is going on we've become numb to it we're not surprised by hearing news of russia taking over another state now northern montana's fallen and there's there's other pockets of resistance but it's still not coming anywhere near the rest of the united states and it goes on for another year we've become numb to it we know that the united states army has got everything contained over there so imagine if you will that all of a sudden denver colorado thousands of miles from the conflict is straddle strato-bombed by [\h__\h] russian bombers that kill hundreds of thousands of men women and children who aren't even a part of the war imagine that happen well you don't have to imagine it because the united states government did that [\h__\h] we did that [\h__\h] to german civilians man and then we helped round up all the all the men women and children of germany who weren't even part of the conflict and we helped round them up we put them in camps until the russians marched them into into russian [\h__\h] slave labor salt mine camps to never be seen again and at that time russia was jewish controlled the jews lost power in russia when the ussr fell until until that during the years of the ussr it was 100 zionist control the reason the reason that the media today is at war with russia and blames russia for everything is because the jews are pissed off that vladimir putin and his men finally retook power back over russia and got them out that's what happened that's what's going on this is why trump has always been blamed for russia russia this russia that russia that the media hates trump and they hate russia so they always ban them together russia will always be the enemy of the media because of that because who owns the media the jewish bolsheviks who are the bolsheviks 100 zionists it doesn't matter they change their name with every generation but it's always the same people and that same people their actions and activities have always been the same since the days of tacitus since the days of fido judaicus and jo flavius josephus and julius caesar you would not believe the quotes that i have gathered from ancient famous people who all talked about how the jews were corrupting their economies this has been going on for a long time but in order but in order to deceive hundreds of millions of people to allow them to come in there to do the things they do they first have to win them spiritually and the way they did that was taking some of the most most beautifully written works of the ancient world that were from ebla rashamra the old king of egypt academia they took all these writings and they put them together and they put jewish names on them and they submitted size them and they created what you know of as the bible and once they did that deception everything else fell into play they were able to take over the rest of the world you better read the protocols of the learned elders of zion the playbook is right there if you google anything about it you're going to get what the jewish zionist control google is going to tell you about it if you use wikipedia as a source of information then you're going to get what the jewish zionist-controlled bolsheviks want you to know about any individual subject this is why i jason of archaics uses almost 100 of my source materials as old books and reports as many as i can find that are pre-world war ii before they started rewriting our histories you have no idea how deep the deceptions go none of you knew anything about the phoenix phenomenon until i spent hundreds of videos three published books and hundreds of posts teaching it to you i am not braving bragging this is not about bravado this is about the truth until i did all this research and digging no one knew about the orbit of the nemeziz object no one knew all these secrets about the great pyramid that i've revealed no one knew anything about anything about the phoenix phenomenon so who's editing these books who's taking out these materials from these newer books because newer translations are not the same as the old ones they're different books written by scholars in the 1870s 1880s and 1890s are so are so in-depth these men were profound thinkers if you if you believe the bible and you want to know the origin of the biblical materials read albert t claim read read gerald massey read some of the great thinkers of our time back then those men didn't have access to the internet what they had access to was thousands of books and they read them my friends i would never i would never willingly deceive you because i can't carry that on my conscience i'm not gonna lie i'm a [\h__\h] up individual i got anger management issues i can't get ahead in life i'm always falling behind no matter how much money i make i'm always broke i'm just an ordinary guy and i've got no agenda other than letting you know everything i know be good till i'm gone i can predict a lot of things i just can't predict my own future i don't know where i'm gonna be from day to day but i know this my heart's in the right place and all all i want people to know is the truth as i found it you don't have to agree with me but if you disagree with me on things that i've researched for a long period of time especially in archaics facebook group you had better be willing to defend your position because lately i found myself calling people out when they say dumb [\h__\h] and i'm going to continue to do that because i need to build that reputation i got some people that i've already called out and i'm waiting for them to show up like graham hancock and robert bible who was a member of archaic's group for a couple days until he saw the he saw the tone of some of my articles robert bubble was in archaic's group he had visited him as we had seen him in the ad admins he's gone now but i would be gone too because i called him out there's so much [\h__\h] in his books i'm trying to hear it man if you're paid millions of dollars by a publisher to promote something i swear to you what you're promoting is a [\h__\h] lie that's the truth because artificial intelligence x would have it no other way my name is jason this video's already gone long enough i hope i answered enough of your questions but we can do another van vlog i'm always in the van i'll probably be in the van tomorrow too hey my my donation links are below believe me i can always use the help i'm not a popper never gonna beg for it but whatever appears whatever appears you know for me to use believe me i'm gonna use it you guys have a good day