Prester John, the Tartars & Khans, and the Psyop of Edessa

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require listen audio let's see what we got on here sounds good from Curtis sounds great how are we sounding guys we only got good so far Sedona Arizona I've been there audio is perfect excellent that's good it should be as much as we spent on this equipment in as many test videos that this guy did all night long there since we had that botch yesterday ah drinking out of the old errands United cup yeah we're going deep today I'm just as is my habit I'm gonna allow a little bit of time to pass so more and more people can join us before I just take off oh I finished going through the proof of my new book it's an old book I've given out about 500 free PDFs in the past three years many of you have read my book called him awaken the immortal Within well the Publisher's proof uh is done it took me two days to go through it and it really make sure it was perfect the printing copies well actually they're being printed up as I speak right now so I know many of you are asking me about can we get paperback uh books for awaken the immortal within so you can share or you can mark up and uh they'll be available very very quickly the first print run is going is is uh being conducted today so book's beautiful I wish I would have brought it but I didn't bring it but um got my mind on this other stuff because what we have to go through is some chronological material we have the type of information that I'm going to reveal in this video necessitates that we put it in perspective with what was going on at the time psyops are nothing new the term psyop may be relatively new but the activity of Deceit in mixing in mixing truth with absolute deceptions has been going on for a very long period of time and that's what the story of prester John is I'm going to get to it I'm going to get to it for those who want to know prester the word prester it all depends on what your culture is prester means priest it can mean priest I looked that up this morning because I wanted to know it also has connotations of of something weird like a blast from the sky I'm not sure that probably wouldn't be relevant here although right around this exact same time we did have an 1178 I don't have it here because it's not relevant but for those who don't know in the year 1178 uh papal monks did see something very unusual and they recorded it it appears to be an explosion on the moon and I know listen I know I'm always telling you guys the Moon is a hologram but many things have been seen in this hologram and back then it was an explosion and for about four days a black Rift appeared on the moon it just got bigger and bigger and bigger now at the time it was a terrible omen in 1178 A.D and uh it's me I have it documented in my chronicon and the source from which I derived that material but now nowadays you know people use the frames of reference that are available to them now and they automatically say oh well that was a meteorite a meteorite must have hit the moon exploded and that's what they saw and then that was a volcanic I mean that was a Ash and detritus that filled the atmosphere and left that cat-like looking dark spot I don't know I wasn't alive in 1178 but I do know what they recorded and what they wrote from a modern perspective it does sound like a meteorite but then again that that conflicts with what I know about the sky which is 100 simulated so I don't know I'll let you decide but that is the time period we're going to discuss and so I don't get any details wrong in this dissertation I made sure to bring my little Cliff Notes because uh we're going deep in chronology we have to to put this into perspective let's make a a technical announcement um if you are not viewing this in like high definition check on your YouTube menu go down to the bottom right you'll see that little uh gear click on it and scroll up to 720 click on 720 and uh make sure you're matching our settings a lot of people don't do that that's all how's that Chad looking oh I see Yeshiva there's Jahara Jahari yeah DJ Recon Pamela Swan boobs here JJ recon's not gonna miss anything Victoria I see you Victoria yep she's I've seen she said earlier she was gonna be here they're Square Pig and see the uh the members see you Khloe Chloe yep the chat's moving so fast and that's at 60 I still slowed it to 60 seconds howdy from Canada let me call neck was here all right 788 people you guys know I'm about to start Merrell GM thank you thank you Gigi geeky hey bro it's a phoenix number thank you very much thank you see um so before I even start this dissertation let me go and give you some background because it's it's integral to understanding where we're going with this I make sure that when I move away from my mind I get excited and I move the uh I got to be careful how I handle this equipment because he might get on my ass because like he's got this stuff set up everywhere like perfect when he should show him a video one day yeah I'll probably show you a video of a 360. if y'all want to see what it looks like in here all the equipment that is required to get this audio like this you get this visual like this all the equipment that was required yesterday to have a total Fubar but yeah hell yeah all right so the beginning of our story your connection is unstable are you serious you see here you serious man this is not happening again no you're still on bro yeah I wonder why it does that oh am I on Wi-Fi or am I on my own direct or on the Wi-Fi but they're saying I'm good they're saying I'm good yeah yeah we're good so another AIX scare set a refresh report I don't think so I think you're good well yesterday when I was reflection refreshing it it worked they trust me they'll let us know Okay so all right now a little bad a little background before I begin this story about this intriguing this is this intriguing situation of the emergence of an identity that woke Europe up pressure John so before we begin this narrative you have to understand when this Story begins a sufficient amount of time had passed where Europeans had either forgotten or forgiven the sins of the past and what I mean is is the Muslim invasions of Europe it was widely known at the time of the days of Charles Martel the hammer when he finally defeated the the incursions and began pushing the Islamic forces back out of Europe for centuries Islam controlled half of Europe for centuries and it was only it was it was in the early days when it was actually known what happened later on the People Fell in fell in in with the narratives that were put out so what I'm going to reveal to you in this video right here is going to be new information for a lot of you but it's very very documented historically supported foreign s and the Moors had help they did not invade Europe without a very detailed well-laid out strategy they had no there was no way they could have they didn't know anything about the European infrastructure and they had not fought battles the way Europeans fought so at the time in the 6th Century in the 7th Century A.D this is before our Story begins this is the background history but at that time there were Jewish merchants in all the European countries and cities but their Authority wasn't in Europe the Jews reported to the exilarkey the exilarkey was a capital in Persia sometimes it moved to Baghdad which you know of as Babylon it this exalarky controlled it was the center of Jewish government and it controlled the Jewish communities of Alexandria Egypt it had controlled the Jewish communities all throughout Europe the Jewish communities in the form of Roman provinces they didn't have a country of their own with Rome burned Jerusalem and and Palestine to the ground so they set up an international country and this is why the Jewish people have always had a really a really good upper hand in all International intrigues and activities that were going on because these people had an Information Network unlike any other people in the world because there were Jewish Turks Jewish saracens Jewish man looks there were there were French Jews German Jews Prussian Jews Austrian Jews there were English Jews there were Jews all over the entire world there were Persian Jews there was the Empire of chorism those Jews you all know about the khazarian Jews those are the only ones anybody talks about anymore but we had we had Jews that were Jew first and then the nationality that they lived under and they were in all these they always sent their tithes in support and money on the trade routes back to the exilarkey because it was the exilarkey that protected them when they were in all these different communities it was a genius web this interaction this network and infrastructure that was International that had been created by them was genius because the Jewish people were the advisors to Kings and Queens they were over different countries treasuries they were trusted in Egypt they were trusted in Persia in Palestine and Syria they were trusted in all these different positions all around the known world and because of this the Jewish people are the only people in world history that their own culture can boast that they speak every single language in the world that's the known world of the Mediterranean Africa Europe Asia now this afforded them great latitude it didn't they use this they use this power structure to enrich themselves and they learned early on that as Bankers they could always Finance both sides of a conflict they learn this they learn this by trial and error they got caught many times and there are books I can direct you to to what these books are but there are books that publish the hundreds of times Jewish communities were banished from the countries of their hosts because they got caught in financial conspiracies and all kinds of accusations laid against them a collapsing whole kingdoms economies over and over and over so here's how these saracens and these man not the man Blue Chip but the saracens and the Moors they invade southern Europe with great success and the reason is is because the Jews of the exilarkey had sent messages along the trade routes to the Jews that were in the countries that were about to be invaded they're also in communication with the Jews that are working as advisors for the Muslims because the Islamic countries have always employed Jewish advisors because they're bilingual trilingual and quadril quadrilingual abilities to speak multiple different languages one Jewish Family can often produce several members that could speak multiple languages languages of the region they weren't just businessmen but they were always in the position of financial offices often money lending so we have this infrastructure of people that are people most of the countries ignore just how powerful and influential this small minority is among them because this pieces of this small minority are spread through every country every Kingdom of the west of Asia Africa and Europe so we have a situation where when the Muslims come to attack the Christian cities Christians don't know it but the Jews that are in those Christian communities that have taken them in since they lost their their Homeland to the Romans they did know because they're the ones that open the city Gates so at night time the saracens and the Moors could invade unopposed whole European communities and cities were taken in this way the Jews have no Allegiance whatsoever to the host Nations they live among their allegiances are to the exilarkey the exilarkey is an infrastructure it is a hierarchy the Revenant these are the ones they report to these are the ones that they obey so International conflicts and wars were going on and people weren't even realizing in the Dark Ages and in the Middle Ages what was really going on but there are people who woke up and they woke up real fast they woke up during the Crusades and that's that's where we're going to go with this with this narrative here with this story here I'm giving you the background of information of how centuries 500 years before excuse me 400 years before this Story begins this is the history that people had forgotten in Europe they had forgotten how these people living among them had all of a sudden got they got The Pick of all the children and all all the prettiest and most beautiful wives of the Christians in these cities that were taken over the Muslims gave them to the Jews for to do whatever they wanted with there was a lot of of Caucasian European slavery going on in those days and it went on for centuries and it it what happened was these money lenders got into the position of creating massive massive wealth and they became Banks and trade unions in shipping guilds and one of the greatest easy excuse me the easiest ways for them to infiltrate European Society was they started their own orders because the old Archer guilds would not allow them in in the Elks and the moose and the Lions all these different guilds wouldn't let them in because they knew these histories so they created their own fraternal benefit societies and in those societies also the Foresters wouldn't let them in so they created their own societies and this is why Freemasonry is absolutely Rife with all kinds of ancient enochian uh rabbinical uh forgotten forgotten books of the Bible apocryphal imagery and narratives when they created these orders they were principally that were principally populated with Europeans not knowing that the orders themselves were entirely Jewish created and in this way it allowed them to get closer to the Kings and monarchies the Queens to be personal advisors for the most powerful people in Europe because they came with the stamp of Freemasonry masonry and later secretions in different orders of the times and one of the greatest orders that was secretly created by them that most people of the time thought was a Christian and a European order was the Knights of Malta the Order of Malta was created for them to to foment the next series of Wars they wanted to deplete Europe of its wealth they wanted to weaken the European structure the European monarchies in the best way to do that was to have them fight against the might of Islam very powerful in the time in a series of wars that they knew they could never win and they knew they could they knew the Europeans would never win the Crusades you know why because it was the Jewish agents on either side that were providing 100 of the Intel this is why so many weird and botched things happen during the Crusades Europeans were set up from the beginning in psyop after psyop after psyop and one of one of the the greatest the biggest psyops the most damaging was the one that played on the hearts and minds of Europeans and it's the pressure John psyop this is what we're going to talk about in this and the reason Europeans fell for it again is because centuries had passed before since since the earlier invasions of Islam into Europe when the Jews played a significant not just a significant when they basically spearheaded the entire deal and financed it so this is the topic I'm gonna look at the chat see what the tone is hope I'm not offending anybody but archaics is about the truth whether we get whether we get dismissed from YouTube or not I'm just going to take it to a whole nother platform but I'm all about the truth that's what you're going to hear from out of my mouth today got anything you want to add no um well I'm curious to there's a lot of comments about the audio and video or crisp today is the video different are y'all noticing a difference in the in the video so the video looks better than well well you gotta understand oh you my video my last video that I did in the in my studio it was terrible man I was blurry the whole time the audio was bad I actually sat down with my dogs the other day man I worried about it I said man I can't believe I did a video like that sure me and my dogs were quiet we know we we appreciate the feedback thank you for uh letting us know how it looks and everything and again if the the video quality isn't great on your end uh make sure you do your YouTube settings on the gear and click it on 720 because that's what we have everything set to 720 HD okay so I might have to slow that chat down again I definitely need to to assign new moderators there's no doubt they're gonna get overwhelmed yeah there was already a couple in here asking uh how to become a moderator I I added it on the chat but we'll go ahead and tell you if you're interested in being a moderator uh to help us out help out the moderators in here and keep the chat feet clean and help answer questions and everything um it helps if you have a pretty well um Foundation established foundation on Jason's work um join at least 90 percent of his uh live streams and just send him an email let him know that you're interested in being a moderator and tell them why um it's not like an interview process but you can't just let anybody be a moderator and when you let him know why it helps him filter out the trolls I I mean I'm going to respond to those on names I know I mean new new people not need not apply I'm all there are many names in here that I've known for a while and I just it's not a problem anyway I just seen crypto Jack Black flash it's moving so fast yeah it's so fast it's so active today be awesome thank you moderators for helping out all right let's do this we got over a thousand people oh we got 1200 in the chat y'all hit that like button why are my likes half as many as my viewers I know I don't have 600 haters I'm just teasing all right check it out Our Story begins in Greece because when the Story begins when this it's not really a story it's real history but when this Narrative of History begins Europe has stagnated it is it is essentially gone through a 200 year period just stagnated almost no development no discoveries there's nothing going on it's Europeans are just existing and the only thing that's really developing is a iron fist Dominion of the papacy over Europeans the Rome has essentially human development with very stringent practices and teachings and at this time Christianity is has swept through Europe's Christianity is everywhere throughout Europe but unfortunately the papacy disallows the common people to read the Bible the priests read the Bible and they do it in Latin so there are people who are knowledgeable with Biblical stories and there are secret Bibles hidden by monarchies in different areas and people do read them uh just like today we have we have some some states have marijuana laws where you can't smoke weed in those States but the weed is still everywhere so it's the same thing Rome was trying to the closer you get to Rome the more iron fist fight more of an iron fist you ran into on Roman papal bulls and policies but or Europeans were doing pretty bad for about 200 years and this is after 200 years of recovery from the Muslim invasions in in the year 1062 A.D we have the Greeks get overrun they had no time to prepare they just suddenly get overrun by the Turks these are the new players in the game the Turks of the new players and they all you know I've already done a pretty extensive video on on Vlad the Impaler in wallachia Transylvania in his his Wars and his uh the things that were going on with the Turks well these are the same people the Turks the reason the Greeks didn't have I mean the reason the Greeks didn't know anything was going to happen and The Invasion happened so fast was because the local Jews that were living among among the Greeks didn't warn them but they knew the reason we know this in the historical record is because as soon as the Turks invaded secured much of Greece the first thing they did was appoint the local Jews that were already there and spoke Greek to positions of authority yes police Mayors uh overseers yeah they were all they were all given it's the exact same Playbook from centuries before exact it's unfolding all again so this is in 1062 and it begins with the Muslim invasion of of the uh of Greece so in 1080 A.D there's this massive German resistance to Rome and there has been for a long time the Germans never never played ball with Rome it just never did but this Massive Internal European conflict begins it's going on at the same time as Muslims the Islamic Islamic forces are are building and getting prepared to uh they're fortifying around the Christian Empires so especially around Byzantium this is Constantinople I keep forgetting it's the same city Byzantium is the older name for the for the newer christianized city of Constantinople so we have this German resistance and it begins what is called the anti-popes not the Antichrist but we had the popes whose authority was out of Rome but the Germans basically told the rest of Europe we don't agree with Rome oh which is not an Empire anymore trying to tell the kings and queens of Europe what to do they created their own papacy it's called the anti-popes and this absolutely weakened the power of Rome so in response in response Rome Rome working with foreigners not knowing who these foreigners really were had a new order financed it was called the Knights of Malta or the Order of Malta they started in the year 1080. uh A.D and for those who don't know the original this original order although although we know in the historical record they are Knights the truth of the truth of the matter is it's an intelligence agency it's an app it's a huge intelligence apparatus now to filter information back and forth between Jerusalem and Rome that's what it's for so 15 years go by to the year 1095 A.D when Pope Urban calls for a holy war all sudden they want a holy war to take back Jerusalem remember Knights of Malta was were created 15 years before they've laid down the plans every bit of this is staged so now they want to the pope wants to call all countries together to unify them and bring them together to fight against the Muslims to go for Jerusalem this begins what's known as the First Crusade an agent of Rome who is who enters the historical record as Peter The Hermit he goes from Villages and towns and he wires up people he's a good order he gets thousands of people they go out they they give speeches next thing you know Rome has armies of Europeans that are ready to fight they're ready to go save Jerusalem from the evil Muslims this is the narrative that's put out Rome's eating it up it's more successful than they ever imagined but this is exactly what Rome wanted so the problem is it's a pitchfork Army the First Crusade assembled over a hundred thousand people with homemade weapons and farm farm utensils daggers Long Knives maybe hatchets they weren't a well-equipped army at all nor were they trained for this conflict so one year later all throughout Europe Christian Knights Lords and Barons they uh they begin to put their people together because now they're influenced they see that Rome has done something they're spearheading an army so all the royalty all the Nobles they begin building their they begin building their own private forces and each night has his retainers and each Baron has his Knights and it just goes on and all these multiple armies start amassing throughout Europe but in order to do that they needed money money wasn't money wasn't something that all all the nobility had but there was something that they could tap into because money was everywhere in Europe everywhere it was in the form of Jewish money lenders and they went to them and they got all the money they needed to finance this major war now the money they're getting from these money lenders is coming from the area of the world they're about to attack so you have to understand who's playing both sides of the fence here see the chest moving fast so fast so the First Crusade was called The People's Crusade and uh so during the First Crusade hostilities increased listen not all Europeans were stupid many in the nobility realized what was happening so while many responded to the call of Rome and they basically bankrupted themselves and they signed over as security their Estates their castles their herds their their Holdings they stayed having the absolute confidence that they were going to return from these wars with wealth they signed All That they were influenced by Peter The Hermit speeches and his agents and they go others stayed behind because they didn't buy it they knew what was going on they knew the histories they had they had their own advisors who were telling them hey man this is a scam this isn't what you think it is they had other jasons back then giving them the game and uh that's exactly what happened and because of this during the First Crusade Jews were getting rounded up in different European countries and Exile they were banished kicked out of those countries but it was a minority not all countries did it most countries didn't but but some of them saw what was happening and they took action this was 1096 A.D so one of these guys is famous godfreed got freed of oh I can't pronounce it I think it's bullion but it's he's in Germany like Austria or Germany this man wasn't trying to hear it and rounded up all the Jews in this country and banished and got him out he knew exactly what was going on not only did he know what was going on but the Man created his own order to fight against the order that was created by these foreigners the Knights of Malta he created his own order so I'm going to introduce to you who those people were who these guys were who were specifically created by this guy Gottfried you know of them as the Knight Templar and they were vetted they knew the histories they knew the deceit they knew what was going on they knew all about the money lending they knew about financing both sides of Wars they knew about how these people were playing traitor with all these different countries fighting against Europe they were very properly educated and they were vetted they're 100 Europeans and they they almost instantly copied the methods of the enemy and this is why the Knights Templar became a bank this is also why the Knights Templar became enemies of the papacy but that took some time so we have we have Gottfried who banishes all of them because he understands the scheme he knows the game he knows the score he knows what's happening so three massive armies of Europeans two of these armies are absolutely totally ill-equipped their hearts are on fire they're all patriotic and feeling feeling that they're doing God's service in a holy war they fall upon the Muslim battlefields and they get butchered they get they get slaughtered the saracens don't give them any Mercury mercy and you can't blame Islam for that Islam is being influenced also by the exact same people their advisors and their financial officers are the same ones the Europeans are using so this is what goes on incidentally these three massive armies all all the men that they get captured in battle all you gotta understand whole trains of tens of thousands of females wives uh children it wasn't just armies that went down there they took their whole families they really believe they're going to occupy Jerusalem and live there all of them sold into slavery now that trade I'm not probably not going to go into details on that but that trade was already secured for centuries and owned by the same shipping guilds that were owned by the same people so all these Europeans are now sold into slavery they will reappear on the world scene later on yeah this is a it's a very common practice throughout history and people it I really don't like talking about these type of thing it gets people mad but uh the enemies of Europeans have had a history of taking the slaves Caucasian slaves and then training them to be janissaries janisseries or however you say it or mamluks these are two different cultures that of caucasians that were taken enslaved and then their children who were Caucasians were then inducted into military orders and specifically trained to fight other white people and then used by Islam to invade Europe again as mamluks or as a uh Janet I can't pronounce it guys janisseries or Genesis gen admissaries but uh yeah that's this has happened more more than a few times it's a though if you don't know the mamlukes were in Egypt there were Islamic but they were Caucasian and they were Slavic they were they were the descendants of slavics uh soldiers who had been who had been uh captured and then bred and their children were white and they were they were Islamic Caucasians called mamluks who were used to uh fight on the Muslim side against European armies so uh yeah but that's a standard practice and the practice probably goes back thousands of years many different Empires and countries I'm just talking about this period of time here really curious Peter the hermit many the word was put out that Peter The Hermit was killed in on the battlefield then word word was that he was captured then the word came out that he just vanished and disappeared but there are some historians that say Peter The Hermit and his retainers some knights we don't know why he had Knights he was supposed to be Peter The Hermit we know he was an agent of Rome he escaped and he made it back to by uh Constantinople that's very interesting it's almost as if he just delivered a major sacrifice of Europeans to to the battlefield now while this is happening you have to understand it's not about it's not even about taking Jerusalem the people who are financing these wars do not care who is in possession of Jerusalem because that is the bait the true wealth is the fact that these men never made it back home they left behind a lot of them left behind widows and daughters who were now estate holders which introduces the next phase of the Roman papacy it doesn't begin just yet but it does happen during the Crusades when the Roman Catholic church starts a whole nother order that is specifically designed just to torture people into confessions so they can take their estate but that's that's a little bit later but it stems from this as well so this is a so in 1099 three years left three years after the end of the first crusade in 1099 now the first the first Crusader Army principally Germans austrians they are very well equipped this is a military machine this is not like the People's Army this is this is a true Invasion Force they go and they fall upon Jerusalem and they're so they're so adamant about taking Jerusalem they kill everybody in the entire city now they did not just distinguish between between Muslim and Jew there were no Christians in Jerusalem the reason there were no Christians in Jerusalem when this happened is because Saladin had removed them when it was obvious that Europeans were going to attack Jerusalem he didn't want a fifth element which is a very smart move so he removed the Christians out of there to get to get rid of them but it also show you shows you that the Islamic rulers didn't understand the role of the Jews in that war or he would have removed him as well but they never had a chance to even barter or exchange uh any in any type of information with the the Christian Europeans because when they fell upon Jerusalem they killed man woman and child every Jew every every Muslim inside Jerusalem was killed in that battle and they took the city so this was 1099 A.D in the Crusades now the Dome of the Rock the Muslim temple you guys all know about you've seen pictures of it the Dome of the Rock was completely taken and turned into a Christian a shrine called templum Domini this Army went around defeating all the other Islamic hosts that it met and finally they just fled they just left left them along they realized this is a superior fighting force and left them alone and in this one Crusade the this all this uh fighting force they established four Christian States they didn't just take Jerusalem they took the Desa they took Antioch and they went to Libya and they took Tripoli these four Christian states were carved out of the Muslim empire and and they garrisoned it and they left it there now the problem is is they didn't end the Order of Malta because they didn't know that the Order of Malta was playing both ends from The Middle so they still had an enemy among them so many years passed we're talking about like 29 years and all the Knights Templar are officially recognized in the Council of Troy's I told you they had copied the Jewish Bank banking system and uh and it was widely known even in those days that the Knights Templar were actively working against Jewish interests at that time and this explains the later history of the Templars and how so much opposition came against them and then how they were hunted like dogs in the end many of them rounded up killed and captured and tortured it's a you have to understand the Roman of the Roman cat the Roman Catholic papacy its history has not always been what it is today there was a time during the Crusades when the papacy was anti-semitic 100 and they were passing papal bulls and all kinds of things against the Jews all that changed and the pope started wearing little hats started working with them then they were overrun and taken over by them and the tone of the papacy since then has not been that way but these are the events that led up to all that 11 28. oh we got we got 1500 people that's good that's a good number you have some problems over there nope what's up I don't know somebody got timed out I'm just uh let's see just chiming in on it all right so the Europeans are now in control of Jerusalem but that's that's neither here nor there because that's not what the whole that's not what the Crusades were really about at all again remember just like World War one and World War II what were they what have I told you in Prior presentations there were Bankers Wars it's exactly what they were so so the Knights Templar was so effective and so deadly and was becoming so rich copying they copied the entire Jewish financial model they copied it that the pope even became alarmed and he issued a papal bull in 1138 A.D he issued this papal bull and said that the Knights Templar owed no allegiance to any European monarchy in Old Allegiance only to the pope himself now on the surface it looks like he's raising the Templars up on a platform to where they're they're just they're more powerful than everybody else but what it really is it's a control mechanism he's trying to he's trying to pull in the Knights Templars but they're not stupid these men were not stupid at all they're they were created this order was created by the very man who opposed Rome himself Gottfried so anyway so 11 44 comes around in edessa Falls the Muslims so many years have passed now that the Muslims invading deaths a Christian city of Odessa and they take it they take it and the Second Crusade now ends in disaster so in a one year later it's 11 45 and we have something that that we have this morale all throughout Europe it's like what do we do all this for we lost all these people we lost all these women and children finally we take Jerusalem and and and we carve out all this area and we think we you know I mean they're told Europeans were Europeans were living on on a high for a while we we beat the enemy we went over there we did this now all of a sudden they just come over here and Slaughter all the people who'd be dissing just take it yeah Europeans it was a huge moral blow word spread from court to court to court and you guys know how it works in the medieval case societies it says the news news would come in on the trade routes and uh by ship and it would filter down from the castles and the keeps uh all the way down to the common people and word spread like wildfire there's nothing else to talk about Muslims have risen up and they and they've butchered our people and they took back one of the Christian States He deaths up so our Intrigue begins Rome and its agents have to come up with some some type of plan like man we've already beaten down and stolen so much wealth from the Europeans we don't know we got to do something we gotta we gotta we got to continue this it's been too lucrative to us we're getting too enriched we can't let them stop now just because they're getting beat they got beat lost the city so suddenly a document services or report but what's highly suspicious about it is that within a year all of Europe knew about it that means there was active dissemination of this of this report it's an actual report now in this report which appears in chronica of ottovan I can't pronounce it it's fries engine I believe fries engine Auto van price engine in 1145 A.D a year after the fall of edessa there is a report about a mighty Christian emperor this this Christian Emperor had just defeated a Persian army this Christian Emperor had vowed to help the Christian Europeans take back the rumor was that he was an actual blood descendant of one of the three Magi that had visited Jesus and given baby baby Jesus gifts in the gospel this report said that this this meant this Emperor had taken his invasion force unopposed all the way to the Tigris but because of the weather conditions and the Tigris he couldn't find he couldn't get over so he traveled North and the weather just got worse so he just ended up going back home this this this this this ruler this Emperor was in the document is called prester John this report if it was just a report would have never really entered the historical record because thousands of reports back in that they were circulating we don't have any we don't we don't have any evidence of them except for the few that were cited in different books that have survived till today so the problem we have is that we have a document that was released to the public and it wasn't just released it flew just as fast as any word of the of the most epic import in ancient societies the entire European communities were on fire they had help from somebody rumored to be around India or Africa which which there never was a specification and the reason why is because Europeans back then had very very little idea about about the world outside of Europe everything was a blur they just didn't know they had come out of the Dark Ages they're now in the Middle Ages in education since the end of the Dark Ages hadn't really increased with most of the common people so we have we have a situation of of this document coming into this guy's possession but there's only one group of people in the middle in the Middle Ages that have could could have spread that type of word copies of that document all over Europe and written in the languages where they were to be received there's no other culture in Europe that had that ability there was no Postal Service back then there was only a Semitic service and they passed information on a daily basis through their own couriers all over Europe they had the greatest Information Network the world had ever seen and they maintained it for over a thousand years all roads lead back to the exilarkey in Persia this prester John letter of this pressure John report is recorded by Otto van for well I can't pronounce it for example that's that's how we received an historical record but it was all over Europe because now Europe is on fire they're ready to fight they're ready to go back to take take the Christian city of Odessa they're ready to they don't care about all their losses if the scheme absolutely worked so this is 11 45. oh by the way prester John was also supposed to be a descendant to the Queen of Sheba there's all kinds of evidence from the modern perspective of a falsified identity it's somebody who is non-Christian that believed that Christians would fall for it if you if you said certain things that were very very scriptural and biblical many things that were said about prester John the report is extensive about pressure John exotic animals he had all kinds of stuff so he was supposed to have ruled over 72 kingdoms another number that is absolutely specific to Semitic culture all throughout the Old Testament 72. so uh yeah he was supposed to have a huge military power all that but word spread word spread in in lit Europe on fire and it was the subject matter for 20 years people talked about pressure John in his amazing Christian Empire on another side of the world and that his aim and goal was to take Jerusalem and sit in the temple in in Jerusalem of biblical fame these are all in the report this is what Preston John wanted to do now 1146 rolls around the Vatican this is all by Design guys history history doesn't unfold randomly what I'm about to read to you shows you it's all by Design in 1146 the Vatican sends this guy named Bernard he's a master master orator he goes to Germany of all the places in Europe he goes to Germany Germany is the it has the loudest voice against the papacy this papal agent goes and he lights the hearts of the people on fire he talks about how it's it's the duty of the children of God how Christians need to come together against Islam and how they need to take back all the Christian cities secure Jerusalem once and for all build a Christian Empire from the from the holy city uh how the Germans are strong there the backbone of European aristocracy uh how they need to spearhead this movement in the rest of Europe will follow because the Germans are the ones that everybody will respond to when when when the call of God goes out he went off Germans fill for hook line and sinker Bernard had hundreds of other agents Friars monks just different agents of the papacy that went into the smaller Villages and cities and they gave the same speech all of Germany I'm going to read you something that's harrowing should piss a lot of people off this is straight out the historical record this is what when Bernard was finished with his mission sent by the pope against Germany this is what he wrote in a letter and it was published and we have it today but we have copies today I opened my mouth I spoke and at once the Crusaders have multiplied to Infinity Villages and towns are now deserted you will scarcely find one man to every seven women and this is exactly what the papacy wanted they didn't care about Jerusalem they don't care about liberating anything in the Middle East they don't care about the holy city at all and neither did the Jews they didn't care about none of that they care about how much money they can make from from all this activity that's an actual quote from Bernard when he when he wrote the papacy so in 1147 the very next year the Crusader Army travels all the way all the way down to the Levant area and they take Jerusalem back from Islam they take from Muslims they take Jerusalem back so here's Jerusalem going back and forth The Only Winners are those who are financing the war but uh they took it back so we have so we have a long period of time passes like 12 13 years and the papacy of Rome embarks on an internal Crusade so much time is going by where no Europeans are going to attack the Middle East and Islam isn't retaliating you know 15 16 years go by and now Rome wants to deal with internal problems and one of those in two of those internal problems are the out I can't really pronounce it Alvin Jensen's and the cathars because these two groups of people were closer to Gnostic Christianity than than carnalized Christianity and they believe that the Holy Scripture should be available to all men not just priests reading in Latin to the people on one day a week so uh this was completely anti-papple so the papacy wanted to exterminate these people and that's what they set out to do it's a it's it's a crusade but it's not against Islam it's a crusade of genocide against these people it lasted for like 25 years so uh there were Christians but they were the the Rome had to had to get rid of them because these people referred to the papacy as the of Babylon so you can pretty much tell what their stance was they did not trust they did not trust the Roman Catholic Church at all so in 1165 now you understand this is a long time it's 20 years now 20 years has passed no nobody's invading Jerusalem nobody's in good deal but they want to the papacy and the money lenders they want to make money but there's nobody getting wired up anymore after taking Jerusalem that last time to do it so they got to do something else what do you think they did 20 years now since or the the the orations of Bernard wired up uh The Taking of Jerusalem 19 years earlier what do you think they did it's something if something's not I mean if something's not if something's working for you why change strategy and that's what they did in 1165 suddenly a letter from prester John it just doesn't appear to a a a a a a a a a I mean a monarch in Europe letters of prester John appear in all the courts of Europe again we have a situation where somebody working behind the scenes has the ability to mass produce all these letters in multiple different languages and get them to the people they need to get to and basically at the same time and at that time in Europe there was only one people able able to do that so we have these letters they appear everywhere European capitals and now these letters claim that prester John is a Ethiopian ruler ah and there are copies of the letter that was sent to uh Byzantine emperor Manuel comninis from the supreme ruler of the three Indies this reignited hope again Europeans Hook Line and Sinker by it they buy it we have history repeats itself it's the exact same scam from 20 years earlier and it goes on now to me to me the multiplicity of letters distributed so rapidly throughout the European courts to to create the next wave of the Crusades is evidence of the psyop 100 these aren't natural developments that are happening these are engineered they are absolutely deceptive in 1177 according to according to the historical record 1177 is the year that Pope Alexander III actually wrote a letter to they say no answer was ever received and I believe that I don't even know if a letter was actually sent but it does complete it does continue the myth it does fuel it does give power to to to the myth of the people that were living at the time oh wow the pope just sent a letter to President John we're waiting on an answer so that bought them more time to uh I bought them more time with the Europeans but again I mean all this Hope was lost people were destitute they lost family and friends many people know other people who lost everything they lost their family members and lost their Estates their herds they lost everything but now again hope has been renewed because Pastor John he's still working he's still working with Christianity he's on the other side of the world fighting the evil Turks and Muslims from the other side so this gay this gave Christian Europe hope all over again which was which is exactly what it was designed to do so in 11 so in 1182 people start waking up in France they're not trying to hear it the friend the friend the the descendants of the morovians the fronks they're like you know what we're not buying this anymore and they they evict all the Jews living in their country get them out get them out so remember these are the same people who were under the rule of Charles Martel who did the same thing so uh history repeats itself they woke up but five years later in 1187 the Kurdish ruler Saladin of Egypt he was a mamluk Saladin of Egypt he called for a holy war to take to take Jerusalem back from the Christians occupying the Holy Land now I don't have anything in the historical record that would infer to me that he was influenced by his advisors so I can't tell you that happened I can't say hey man you know what this is this will really happen such a such an advised him and told him to go and do this but I believe that's exactly what happened because if the Christians aren't going to have a reason to go invade anymore then the the his advisors way over there which are the same ethnicity of the money lenders in Europe then that's what happened he was advised hey you're gonna let those Christians just just take take the Dome of the Rock is a is a Christian Sanctuary now you're gonna let that go down like that why else do you think these people have always allowed for two temples to be in the same city the original davidic Temple and the Muslim Dome of the Rock so they're playing both sides from the middle and now they've wired up Saladin and salad it's like okay you know what me you're right I'm gonna go take Jerusalem we're gonna we're gonna go we're gonna go rescue the Dome of the Rock that's exactly what they did exactly what they did now now all these money lenders they have they have great opportunities to finance more European armies to go take back Jerusalem this is 1187. when the ma'am Luke Saladin Saladin or Saladin I believe of Egypt took back Jerusalem now in that war in their battle some of the Templars were captured I'm pretty sure a lot of them were tortured for information and all that but they were captured and killed the Templars were and the Templars the Templars are the ones that knew all about the money lenders they not only they knew about them they're absolutely opposed to them so it makes sense why uh the Templars were not kept as security uh this was a very common practice back then that uh uh even even people don't realize this man but but Islam has always been very Noble in Warfare and really it's not a credit to European history that Christians often butcher everybody in a city they don't differentiate between man and and uh uh uh you know enemy combatant and all that but I tell you what we have incidents in the historical record where Muslims have fought with absolute honor on the battlefield that Christians were bereft of I don't know why what the reasons are for that I don't know but Saladin shows all the historical earmarks of being a gentlemen there must be a reason why the Templars were absolutely killed off they were not kept to security because keeping keeping Nobles and Knights of security was a very common practice back then that's the matter of fact that's the history of Vlad the Impaler he was security for a while 1187 BC we're done the Knights Templar have now in this year they they move their headquarters to France what just happened in France the removal of a certain people they were evicted now the Knights Templar moved their headquarters to France 1187 A.D give me some coffee real quick am I talking too much guys well I need I need to let Matt talk a little bit over here I don't think what I have to say is uh nearly as educated and informative I do have my specific views on certain things maybe we'll get into that one day yeah man I'm pretty sure they'd appreciate that one of these days you do a show and I'll sit here and I'll do the tech stuff maybe maybe I can figure it all right let's go Christians Jews and Muslims live together in Spain of course of course it's all you'd be surprised Morocco Egypt Cairo New York yeah I mean uh Christians Jews and Muslims live together in harmony in all different places all different places there's no doubt there's no doubt but it doesn't change the historical fact that these things were also going on as well so in 1190 A.D three years after the Templars moved to France in 1190 A.D in Britain a crusader Army gets gets together all over Britain now Britain's going to enter the Crusades all over Britain this Army gets together it takes like two years and finally man they're getting ready to take off everybody knows everybody in every Community knows which people are about to leave a fleet of ships is on standby going to take them to the European Coast an army from Britain is going to join with other excuse me Crusader armies to go fight against the Muslims excuse me but there's a problem and the problem is is a whole bunch of those uh uh people in the former United Kingdom and all those areas they're pissed and there is General dissent and they've been talking with each other for months before they actually just before they actually take off uh embark on this on this voyage and what they had all come to to conclude was that they were all now in debt they were pissed they were in debt specifically to Jewish money lenders when when all these soldiers got together and started sharing their stories they had realized Mass signed everything over to these people and it what happened was they just openly communicated with each other just openly talking as they were gathering in training and doing all and they realized and the British people wised up very fast holy our whole our whole lives and livelihood and everything I've ever worked for might get taken by these people if I don't return from this battlefield or if I'm gone too long because they sign contracts sign their Estates their carriages or horses or herds their herds their Holdings uh houses yeah they signed all this stuff over so they could have enough money for armor weapons and some traveling money so there are all soldiers needed traveling money because it might be six months before they're actually paid anything this is how it was back then so the British get together at York because at York they're supposed to set sail but instead of setting sail these men they wrecked shop they went ahead and just rioted local authorities knew why they were rioting and there's a lot of debate as to exactly how things went down but it is known that 150 Jewish money lenders were killed on on the streets it is known so this is an 1190 A.D they didn't board the ships they killed they killed about 150 Jews and in the historical record this is known as the York Massacre uh that Crusade never took off I was 11 that was 11.90. so we have a 10-year period goes by there's no more Wars there's no more battles it's 10 years and in the year 1200 a major famine afflicts Egypt that famine lasts for there are stories they're pretty harrowing there are stories from this period of time that people in Egypt were hiding not only from each other but if foreigners came nearby there was dirt covering the streets and when foreigners were walking down the street there were traps set on the street hidden under the dirt and dust and if you stepped in in in in one of these traps it pulled real tight lassoed your leg and the whole family of a building would pull you all the way into that structure and they would kill you and eat you cannibalism that's how bad it got in Egypt it was cannibalism over a hundred thousand people by by some conservative estimate some think it was half a million people died not just in 1200 but also in 1201 1202 1203 1204 famine lasted a long time now there's no reason to invade Egypt there's no Crusade necessary right now in 1202 in the second year of the famine in the month of May earthquakes were so terrible toppling down all kinds of things in Egypt there were felt as far as Syria again the famine is severe it's bad in the historical record we have accounts of ships and their Crews being caught at Sea in the Mediterranean during these earthquakes in the in the sea acted tumultuously whole ships and their crew vanished just gone of course they sank but they're gone so now what's really ironic logically think about this Europeans are at the height of their power they're well rested it's been a long time since any Crusades any any losses of battle and instill this whole idea of pressure John and now people are talking about his son yes the son of pressure John oh yeah the grandson of pressure John he's a mighty warrior he's still taking it to the Muslims that's why the Muslims haven't haven't done anything they're at War on the other side of the world against President John these stories were circulating all around Europe they hadn't stopped this psyop was continuing it was steady going it's ironic that at the height of European morale that there's nothing going on in the Middle East for them to worry about and that news has traveled in from the harbors from all these trade ships that Egypt is devastated and there's no why didn't Christian Crusader armies go attack this was the perfect time they would have been unopposed unopposed but it never happened I mean I know why it didn't happen because nobody would have really benefited I mean remember who's financing both sides of a war they actually need a conflict in order to make money so can't send the Army down there who's not going to fight anybody because they're going to come back and when they and when they come back they can make good on their debts remember this is all forcing families and people to not make good on their debts that's what this is all about the Crusades so 17 29 people okay so so now this famine affected the Middle East it affected the Mediterranean in 1204 in the fourth year of the famine the Crusaders which not an army from Europe any time recently these are people that were already down there in that area they're discontent they're hungry lack of pay they actually amass and they fight a battle and they take Constantinople their own Christian City and they sack it so this is what happened this is what happens from inactivity this is what happens when nobody has a focus you know no rulers are actually causing things to happen it's just it's been it's been static for so long and then this famine hits and Then followed by these earthquakes so at this time in history in the year 1206 two years later after the disaster at Constantinople two years later the world is now receiving information about something else the Mongolian warlord timojin is named Universal ruler some really weird stories are coming out of the East we know we know this man as Genghis Khan we're gonna flip on over to the next next notes section in 1209 A.D the Dominican order of the uh of Agents was founded by the papacy so these men are these men are trained to do whatever the papacy tells them to do one of the one of the main things they're known in the historical record for is torturing people to get them to confess so they can confiscate their Estates and and then and then split them between church and state this went on for a long period of time it is also another reason why Rome wanted to send massive armies to the Middle East because those men that don't return leave behind defenseless females who are in control of massive wealth herds Holdings Estates deeds and yeah and this is this was the game plan this is what they did they falsely accused these females of heresy and when it got when the old oh you're a heretic all heresy got old they they switched it over to witchcraft so the Inquisition begins in this year 1209 with Pope Innocent III it's pretty sad also in this year a whole Army is sent to kill every man woman and child in southern France of the confars and they kill all the albin's Gen sins that don't that don't escape this is it's bad there's a famous quote from this time from this time period what the soldiers under the command of Pope Innocent III they specifically asked what do we do how do we know who's a cathar and who's just an ordinary uh inhabitant of the region I mean how do we know that's how InDesign distinguishable indistinguishable these people were this wasn't another culture it wasn't another race it was the people that believed that they had a right to read the Bible that's what it was so the soldiers were like what do we do how do we decide who dies and who who lives when we invade southern France Pope Innocent III said kill them all God will know his own it's a famous quote sorry son of a in the year 1212 A.D three years later is a phoenix year I've told you about this we're going to skip over because I have many videos about the Children's in that time period there was no Children's Crusade that was a story that was made up in retrospect to account for the mass Vanishing of a major we don't really know we know we know it was over 50 000 children but a lot of people estimated it was much more um yeah it's crazy but the Children's Crusade was made up because during that period it was The Crusades but all over Europe children vanished and the the authorities came up with the with the story of the Children's Crusade to account for that children never made it to Europe I mean I mean then children never made it to Jerusalem never made it to the Middle East there's no there's nothing indicating that you're even heading in that direction they just vanished this is during the years of the Pied Piper of Hamlin and that's just the story that came down to us but actually from from those times there are many many many many many accounts from Old Europe of this dark Piper figure who played music and children vanished in from Villages and hamlets and cities so we're going to skip over that because I've already dealt with that in other videos but in 1214 A.D 1214 A.D Genghis Khan defeats China shortly after he defeats Persian for shortly after that he takes over turkistan the Mongols are undefeated they overrun almost the entire Known World they take over Armenia and India then they invade Southern Russia and they take it to this is the establishment of the tartar Empire I'm not talking about tartaria my friends I'm not mixing I'm not mixing paradigms this is the tartar Empire tartar comes from a old Greek words that means the Far West but this is tartar Empire so in 12 15 King John and England enacts the Magna Carta in 1215 but at the exact same time the pope on Continental Europe enacts laws against the Jews in all the Papal States the papacy is now catching on to what the Templars already knew how to acquire wealth up until this point Rome Rome was using religion in order to keep people under control peer pressure but now they understand the design of all these little Semitic communities that are spread throughout Europe now Rome's beginning to catch on and they understand oh the money lending loan sharking this International banking this is how you you get tremendous wealth so Rome wants to cut out the competition cutting out the competition means now creating legislation that curtails everything that the Jewish money lenders are doing so this is entered in in a 1219 A.D excuse me 12 15 A.D two years later in 1217 A.D the fifth crusade begins in Egypt but Egypt is still not recovering from this famine all this death the Crusaders don't even take much it's almost an unsuccessful Crusade even though they're Victorious yeah nothing to feel good about that's in 1217. but in 1219 something very interesting happens in the year 1219 a caravan of Mongols appear in Persia in the can in the Kingdom it's called the Empire of Corazon in the Empire of coresum of Persia these Mongols show up it's a whole Caravan the local Persians this is ancient Iran the local Persians take all their Wares Jack them for their stuff shave their beards and then burn their faces so their facial hair can't grow back so these men return back to the court of Genghis Khan oh and they tell the story they tell they tell the exact they tell they tell the story to the Khan I don't know if his Genghis Khan I think it was Genghis Khan it might have been Kaluga Khan or a qcon I don't know it's one of the cons they go back and they tell the story to their people and then the word gets up to the Khan the Khan holds invites them to court when he sees what's been done to these men and how they went in peace with no weapons they're just there to trade open trade with with ancient uh Persia Iran he sins very respectfully the Khan sends an Envoy and says I demand reimbursement for all the trade Wares that were sent to you uh I mean that you took and reimbursement for the treatment of of my people I wish all rulers were like this instead the envoy is met with all kinds of disrespect and basically told hell no Fu all that and he goes back and he tells the Khan I wish all Runners would like this dude because this dude amassed an Army in marched 2 000 miles invaded the Empire of quorism killed every horse mule donkey and he went in there and killed every village every him went in there and slaughtered the entire nation I don't mean I'm not condoning that I'm talking about how he stuck up for his people but he went in there and slaughtered this is actually verifiable this is from the historical record 75 of the people of the empire of Quorum were put to the sword by the Mongols because of their their their treatment of these people now I don't agree with the genocide because they weren't involved in all that what I like though is the fact that a a leader stood up for his own people at the bottom of the barrel little Merchants they weren't even Nobles March 2000 Miles when the shaw the Shah of Iran of the empire of chorism saw what was happening he fled 200 miles to the shores of the Caspian Sea but the elite retainers of the Khan caught him and before they could close in on him he committed suicide but they still cut his head off and they took it back to the to the to the con to verify that the shawl was dead true historical true story that's what happened right here in 12 uh 12 19 A.D con there's a lot of favorable stories in the west we get a lot of negative stories about Genghis Khan Kaluga Khan uh there's so many different cons but we get these we get these real bad negative story and yeah they were brutal they were all these things but you know there's also a lot of stories that are not too popular a lot of historians gloss over the fact that the cons had in their entourages Christians their closest in the highest most powerful advisors or retainers were often Christian yeah a lot of a lot of a lot of misinformation about the cons but usually 12 19 A.D that's what happened he committed suicide so 10 years later we have 12 28 to 12 29 A.D and King Frederick II of Germany has had enough with the Pope remember we started this we started this dissertation about how Germany's always opposing the uh the Pope in Rome and how they they had posed it so badly when it hadn't just started a whole new line of popes and those are those are an historical record called the anti-popes anti-popes well the papacy is exercising or trying to exercise so much control over all the other monarchies throughout Europe that this this German King I like this guy King Frederick King Frederick II he writes a letter to all the courts throughout Europe about how powerful the pope is getting now you he already knows that many of these monarchies are going to snitch so when he sent that letter out he knew that they were gonna that copies of the letter was going to end up in the Pope's hands he didn't give a damn but he was explaining to all the other monarchies that that that uh uh we need to put it into this the pope has grown too powerful and he's exercising Powers over us that he doesn't because he believed in the he was a believer in the divine right of kings which was an old belief of the monarchy and even in that time they many of the monarchies believed in the divine right of kings they just didn't uh they didn't really push it because they were scared of wrong they're scared of the Pope so anyway uh King Frederick he's excommunicated by the pope which is supposed to be a big deal but he doesn't give a damn and there's another Crusade and they go and they're gonna go They're gonna go invade they're gonna go They're gonna put Islam to an end that's what they're going to do and again the stories your wife throughout Europe of of a grandson of prester John in the in the hey man you know this is gonna be different this time we're gonna go down there we're gonna take over and uh we're gonna we're gonna put it in to the to the scourge of the Middle East in Jerusalem and all that so they do Crusade takes off King Frederick even though he's excommunicated nobody expected for him to field his army he's got awesome the Germans had an awesome military machine was phenomenal remember they won the first crusade now here they go back so the rest of the European the rest of Europe is watching it's like wow he's been excommunicated he's been excommunicated by the pope and he's still going sending an army to uh to uh the Middle East not only that but Frederick led the Army he went himself and what happened was not expected by anybody when Frederick went down there instead of fighting a major war which they probably would have won with his inclusion with the other Crusader armies instead he sits the Muslim rulers down ensues for peace enters into a mutual Compact and without fighting the Muslims delivered Jerusalem up to King Frederick they give him your control of Jerusalem the pope was astonished European courts were astonished Frederick is now famous throughout Europe behind this nobody expected this turn of events but there's a lot of people who are pissed because they needed a war so you know who they are I ain't got to say it every time King Frederick of Germany is is named king of Jerusalem for this it's a title that was given to him it's it's unofficial but everybody everybody talks about it you know so it's all but he's got enemies now he's got real enemies they they can't stand him because they've loaned out a tremendous amount of money and they're not going to get their returns they were expecting so it's at this time that a real dark chapter in European history begins and it's it's a lot of misinformation has been put out about it but at this time the Pope the Pope the papacy they see a new way well it's not a new way but they they see a they see a great way to go ahead and get their money anyway so they switch over from the accusations of heresy and now they begin their witchcraft campaigns and all these females some males but all these females throughout Europe start losing their their their wealth they start losing their lives those who willingly give up their Estates in penance for their crimes are put in cells in in in above ground dungeons where they serve out the rest of their lives to serve all the whims of the papacy and the priests and the Dominicans you know of these as nunaries the women that weren't tortured to death the one women that weren't burned at the stake the women that weren't executed on the rack these women became slaves in nunaries this is why even today it is tradition for nuns to call their rooms cells 12 44 A.D 1244 A.D I mean a good a good a good decade and a half have passed so well a good yeah it's a decade and a half have passed 15 years has passed now the Muslims go back and they take Jerusalem but this is 15 years after it was secured by a peace treaty Muslims take back Jerusalem in 1244 four years later in 1248 the seventh Crusade against the Egyptian the Egyptian Muslim mamluks is now executed these were the descendants of Slavic and Central Asian Caucasians who had been enslaved centuries before and then bred for war they were bred to be soldiers but there they were bred to defend Islam but there were actually the descendants of European Christians like I said it was a very common practice the Assyrians did it two thousand years before this so in 1254 the seventh Crusade ends again all these Christian armies all these soldiers they die on Muslim battlefields it's it's histories repeating itself all the money lenders grow Filthy Rich the seventh Crusade is an absolute failure absolute failure there is no liberating of Jerusalem and in 1256 the Mongols crushed the Assassins you have to understand why all this is happening now Islam is seeing another enemy and it's not Christianity it's on the other side of the world on the other side of their world and now the famous assassins they're crushed by the Mongols and the famous library of the Assassins is is destroyed in 1256 A.D some of y'all know that year 1256 A.D what else happened in that year in my chronic con you can see it but I also have videos that explain I have I have a video on the Dutch Aura Lind manuscript this fantastic history of the world from the northern European perspective It Was Written without the Jewish filters like the Coburn Bible describes the Exodus event the try the the plagues on Egypt and in some Old Testament history but not through the Jewish lens not Rewritten from a Jewish perspective that's the value of the Coburn Bible and that's the value of the Dutch oralind manuscript and Beowulf many of these ancient texts that somehow escaped this redaction that was done by these people over and over and over with every other ancient record they found so yeah now we're on our final notes page I'm sorry guys it's an hour and 30 minutes to get through this so far but I told you from oh this is only a short note on this page I I we're almost done but I'm sorry if it take too long I know some of you like shorter videos but this was from the beginning this is going to be deep so this is the psyop of pressure of prester John and how it led Christian Europeans to their deaths to fight Islam for nothing but the confiscation of their wealth from the families they left behind sad sad chapter in our history but it's happened today it's happening today too happening it's called the IRS it's called mortgages it's called all kinds of different things nothing has changed yeah it's just become more sophisticated 1258 A.D 1258 A.D is there is the final year of the 11th back then 144 000 days of a Mayan backed in this complete in a new back then Begins the 12th back then begins in this year the Mongols are under uh haluga Khan they stormed Baghdad which is actually Babylon they storm it and they butcher the people and they put you understand Baghdad and Constantinople the historians of the time have left us records and they can be quoted today those historians say that Baghdad ancient Babylon and Constantinople were the two principal metropolises of the known world that's a hell of a statement it's a hell of a statement gigantic metropolis and here one of them right here is overrun by the Mongols and the people are put to the sword 1258 and it falls on the Mayan Long Count perfectly so Baghdad Baghdad but what's Babylon but the Mongols tear apart the canal works and they make sure that the area can't receive running water anymore this is the reason why it's a desert today this is the reason why it is buried in sediments and sand it's just it's over with the river has changed course many times since this period since this period of time the Tigers and Euphrates so they ended that Civilization by destroying its infrastructure this is why all these ancient runes were found only only in the last two two and two and a half centuries one year later in the year 1259 A.D Kublai Khan ascends the Mongol throne and the Mongols lose against the mamluks of Palestine remember I told you who the mamluks were the mamluks were the descendants of former Caucasians who who would who had been captured in Wars against Islam and their bred and they're raised to be a huge like janissary Army like the Turks did when the Turks captured people they raised people like if the church if the Turks captured like uh I just I'll just make it up if the if the Turks captured um uh sardinians well I can't use swords a whole different time period but if the Turks captured tartars all right what they would do is they would take those tartars if there was a significant amount of them and they would raise those tartars they would feed them put them in these these big old camp like military facilities and they would train them and breed them for war so they would train them to turn turn language brainwash them into the new religion so if the Turks ever had problems with that same culture of people those were those are the guys that would be on the front line fighting the the other uh uh uh people of the same pedigree same race yeah it's an ancient practice but it was still it was still used even as late as the mamluks and the saracens and the uh uh Genesis genus series whatever you call them judiciaries so in 1259 is the last year of this discussion it's the last year that we're gonna in here but I need to discuss the same year Kublai Khan ascends the throne and he's defeated by the mamluks is when the cons are no longer really a threat to the West now they start trying to invade Japan and I know I have a video about that you guys can check it out it's very unusual how a massive large Fleet of the Mongols under the con from China was going to invade Japan it's wiped out in the typhoon Ten Years Later an even bigger Fleet is going to take Japan and again a typhoon wipes it out I don't know if typhoons did that or not I just know that that's the story in the historical record so because I'm very familiar with something intervening there have been times when the Syrian Army of Antiochus was wiped out by a freak tsunami I mean there's been times when Mithra Davies was about to beat the hell out of the Romans and suddenly a rock falls out from the sky and detonates in between on the battlefield and it scares both armies into saying no there's been other times when the lydians and the medes were going to fight and all of a sudden the sun went dark and it wasn't the moon causing an eclipse so we have all these historical reverences that I've documented on my channel that don't make sense that they happened right when significant events were about to change the course of history but somebody didn't want that change so they introduced phenomena like in The Hunger Games when when the trajectory of events is going in a certain direction all of a sudden somebody hidden on the outside of the battle dome types in some new coordinates and some new some new programming and all of a sudden phenomena appears on the inside of the Dome that will stop those individuals from doing whatever they were about to do on the inside of that Dome same principle applies you can go back and see those videos they're not the subject of this video I just want to bring one thing to your attention to close out this study on prester John the psyop of and that is I'm going to read this to you right around this time 12 59 A.D after hundreds of thousands of people had lost their lives on Muslim battlefields or to Christian swords many more lost their Estates and wealth to Jewish money lenders and the papacy the truth of prester John was finally revealed by Gregory Barr hebreos that the Christian Mongol ruler named Unk Khan was the actual model for which prester John derived this is written in his Syriac Chronicle the Jacobite the jacobite's name bar hibrillos means son of the Hebrew after the psyop was no longer of utility after the psyopwood had already done what it needed to do we have a Jewish author right here telling us the origin of the whole story how close with that we can do q a now one hour and 40 minutes that's the style that's the psyop of Christian John it's not the only time a psyop like that has been conducted we already know of what happened with the poor Russian Christian people in uh the beginning of the 20th century and it's very similar to a modern psyop today and there are many other instances where similar psyops were conducted in ancient times the Greeks employed them the Romans employed them the Assyrians employed them yes yeah information Wars are ancient they're nothing new my friends nothing new all right I'm done with my presentation I didn't keep up with the questions but there was very few uh Now's the Time if you want to get any questions in guys I don't know how much longer we're going to be on but I'm sure Jason's down to uh answer some questions going back up to the beginning Merrell GM asked are the Jews the tribe of Dan oh absolutely not no absolutely not I don't I don't see any correlates between uh the tribe of Dan and and no I don't see anything listen you have you have a sister you have a set series of prophecies in Genesis the abrahamic Covenant the the so it's a bunch of uh it's when God tells Abraham hey man you know I'm going to make you as multitude of the stars of heaven and all that in the Book of Genesis there's a whole bunch of prophecies about what Abraham descendants are going to fulfill you can compare that with another series of prophecies found issued by the god of the burning bush the god of the burning bush issues a different series of prophecies about what can be expected about the future and I'm going to tell you now they those two different separate series will will distinguish for you who is spiritually Israelite and who is spiritually Jewish they're two different paradigms completely they receive two completely different sets of prophecies yeah it's a I've done that study and maybe I'll maybe I'll publish I just got to dig I got so many notes guys I got uh I have all that typed up already I believe it's it's lost in the chronicon notes all I did was render them into PDFs I know some of you have gone through all those handwritten notes so these are types though the whole the whole list of prophecies is the type I know some of you that have that have gone deep into the Super PAC because it's in the Super PAC in the in the additional notes sections and I know you've seen that it's like three pages typed with over 100 Biblical verses chapter and verse exactly where you can find of all these two sets of prophecies and basically basically it's very easy once you have this this these lists of verses in your hand it's very easy within minutes you can easily conclude who fulfills what oh okay well sure I know only all only these people have ever fulfilled these things and then only these people have ever fulfilled these so yeah it's very it's very specific what kind of name is that one one to kiss one two one two kiss what I've never seen that name New Zealand thank you New Zealand J Frank Garcia would you say that the next words will be religious in the Middle East is this just be guys I've already got that I've already uh I I totally outlined what you can expect and I'm still standing behind it the uh the conservative takeover is in full swing right now I don't know what you listen to on your news and you know what you guys listen to for news and all that but I know the conservative takeover is in full swing right now and they are going I'm telling you now with David Nino Rodriguez I fully outlined it in that video that the next major conflict the United States is going to be in is going to be with other European nations it will be a crusade it's uh this is all planned I mean it was planned it was planned over a hundred years ago we have Albert Pike's materials today everything that was supposed to happen in World War One happened because it was planned everything in World War II that was scripted happened because it was planned they wanted to take down the Russian Christian Empire they did that they wanted to take out Germany as a superpower they did that in the in the third one was never about taking out America America has always been the horse that they wanted to use in their in their machinations and warfare because of its wealth and the plan was never to collapse America the plan is to use America to spearhead the next Crusade and the next Crusade will be spearheaded as soon as they as they create the situation and they will the Deep state is already creating the situation where Islam is going to take Jerusalem because the Dome of the Rock is there they're going to take it I promise you and when they do when they do that's how they're going to get the entire Western World involved to to invade the Middle East and it's all another Crusade and again it's the exact same people that are going to be financially benefiting every time a couple of questions about the pyramid here on the table on the desk you want to give a little whatever it don't matter no they just they want you to tell them they keep asking what's that pyramid on the on the desk I want to answer one thing right here B wolf says I thought Trump and America loved Israel uh I don't know I don't know if you've noticed or Not by the tremendous amount of support that De Santos has gotten the Deep state is backing him for a reason yeah they're already in full swing trying to divide the Republican Party a lot of people are sporting Trump but a lot of people a lot more and more people are now going to The Descendants bandwagon what's alarming though is all the Deep State players and organizations that are now also backing DeSantis that should should uh you need to pay attention to that because they're trying to get Trump out of the picture totally completely and I'm not I really I really don't care either way because it is my personal opinion I believe it's an educated opinion but it's my personal opinion that both both sides of the spectrum are absolutely controlled by the Deep state they're all elitists they're all in bed together and they're all playing their role they've all signed that contract so it's just my belief that's just my take thank you Matt cubas for putting that link in there for that nino video I didn't put that on my own channel yeah yeah I'm all Darlene McCord Jason how can we help with the world how can we help with the world at this time you can't all you have to worry about is your own informed field and if you do that then those who are most important to you around you they're going to be able to to harmonize on your frequency and they're going to be okay too you were never put here to save the world in any in any attempt to do so is only going to drain your energy and further down the path of life you're going to be you're going to be full of less life because you've expended yourself so much on something that that you were never meant to change now you're here to develop yeah and that's through relationships that's through personal development that's through that's through your your your self-image and what you believe that your position is with the oversoul yeah you weren't given answers for a reason you were put here to figure things out but what you're supposed to do is come to the realization sometime in your life that everything external to you is inconsequential that's what you're supposed to do sometime during your life you're supposed to come to the realization that all power all salvation and all hope comes from within not without because once you understand that and you realize that your own personal informed field carries all all the answers to every problem that you have once you once you realize that you can draw from yourself more than you contain then you that's true spiritual power because a true spiritual being would not worry about this mundane this politics and wars and Phoenix phenomenon a true spiritual being realizes that this is just an avatar a flesh through it's not gonna re it's not going to worry about things that can't control you worry about your own personal environment your friends and family your kids and kid you worry about the things that you can have influence over because worry about anything you know anything else is an expenditure of energy for which you can get no return Why do it you're not here for that you're you're here to build your own personal World it says you're an investment to the oversoul and it's not going to waste that investment if you're going to worry about all kinds of inconsequential things from birth to death then why would the oversoul invest anything in you in your next life SIM for what you've become a member of the collective a member of the herd you're just one of the minnows going going down the river with the rest now the oversoul the oversoul has an interest in those who want to be co-creators and a co-creator builds their own world no matter what the rest of the world is doing that's what a co-creator does you can't you can't follow the tenets of the world you can't follow what those around you are doing you can't follow their philosophies you can't follow with their personal habits what they're doing the social norms no if some of the things feel right to you and you need to do it or want to do them then so be it but not all of them you got to be an individual because anybody who doesn't maintain that individual individualized spark that remains independent of the fire will only merge with the greater fire of the collective and then be non-descript inadequate and of no more import you've decided to become a part of the collective therefore you are nothing but background to everybody else who's actually doing something being something and creating something yeah I don't worry about the world I don't I'm just not left that a long time ago oh you had a question about pyramid yeah they uh I guess some of the I don't know if they're new if you're not new and you ask that question I'm sorry um the pyramid here on the desk they're just asking what is it what's it made out of well this was made by a member of archaics it's beautiful it's got a Phoenix on the inside got a mountain got terrain fire I don't know how they made it it's epoxy it's epoxy which is beautiful I have another art piece I'm gonna put up here somewhere there's one way up there but you can't see it on camera can you somebody drew a to me no I could tilt it up so they could see it I really don't want you messing with anything in here right now we're doing too good doing too good well I mean we're rolling at the end yeah y'all get to see it once we do uh I want to give you a like a virtual walkthrough of the studio Jason will you do a short video for inspiration of the errant have you not seen my my wheel Mortals playlist isn't it full of just those such videos or or are you telling me that it's time for me to go ahead and do a new one I guess I can speaking of new ones someone asked can you make a video from the ending period of this video up until Hitler there was no way there's this video was long and all I covered was like 30 30 independent events uh you're asking me to do something that would require about 15 hours of video oh yeah chronicon's huge yeah all this is in chronicle everything everything that I I I revealed to all the days in chronicon yes I mean I could but it would take many many videos it wouldn't be one video at right do you think the Templars used America as their secret trading platform between 1200 1500s backstabbed by The Phoenician future bankers the there was more traveling and Concourse with North America and Central America than is commonly reported and it's coming out more and more and more uh Barry Phil in his book America BC documents some of the very very Phoenician mediterranean-like architecture that's been found in the United States now he goes into depth about the Libyan script the cyprian script Egyptian uh demonic scripts that have been found here in North America but the truth is is uh by the time by the time the Templars were already hiding things and coming to North America the the uh the practice of engraving in stone was already over we were already using deerskins and vellums and papers and imperishable media so we really don't have a lot of those documents they've decayed yeah but sitting there with chisels and all that and hammering messages and stone and all that those days had already passed but yeah there's a lot of evidence there's a lot of evidence that the that the Templars weren't here there is a tower on the East Coast that no one really knows who built it some of them call it a viking Tower and all that but I believe it's more of more uh Templar it's more relatively recent history within the last 600 years or so but are you Melissa croker are the cons lost tribes of Israel listen this is going to Arms but but I'm telling you I'm not the origin of this information but the cons were Caucasian it doesn't matter if they're called Mongolian that that right there is a geographical designation listen I'm not talking about the people they LED I don't understand quite what but in historical record the cons are white people they're caught they're Caucasian later historians start start uh start uh associating them to the people they ruled which were Asiatic Mongolian with their very high or cheekbones and Oriental features and they appeared that way in a lot of Art now that might not be all the cons there could have been only a certain cons because it was a very Loosely confederated Empire and they had the habit of yielding to those with strength so while some cons could have been 100 percent genetic Mongols and be Oriental other cons who around Sam are canned you know in Central Asia and all that who were of scythian descent Caucasians uh would have won't disrupt the historical record of all but descriptions we have of some of the causes they were white and then yes we have descriptions of of cons that were actually Oriental as well but you would expect the diversity because they ruled almost the entire known world except for small Pockets here and there so the tartar Empire was massive it didn't last long but it was massive massive all over the world all right it looks like one one more if the pyramids were destroyed would we be stuck in the similacrum that that's like a that's like a a plot for a movie well I'm my only issue with that is I'm all I'm a firm believer that the oversoul has already provided for every single single situation and if and if they're there's I don't believe that there's anything that can really go wrong you guys remember I have a lackadaisical attitude about about this reality we're in I once you come to the understanding that it's that it operates on the principles of some very sophisticated video game it's it's it's like there's nothing in here that really matters I mean I'm going to be very graphic for a second I mean if I was to leave this studio walk down the street before I get to my place where I live and somebody pulls up in the vehicle and shoots me in the head and I die I don't believe it's going to substantially change anything about my existence at all whatsoever it just means I exit this Avatar and I move on to the next if I choose to do that I personally believe that I I volunteered for this life Sim I mean I may have already been finished years ago but something keeps drawing me back I keep coming back I believe that I'm I believe 100 I'm a volunteer and there's no and there's and there's no I don't have any feeling whatsoever that I'm in a soul trap or I'm gonna I've no I don't believe any of that I believe I'll volunteer for this and that I believe that my personality will continue somebody sent me a link to a really interesting video of a school teacher who died or she thinks she died and she was dead for six minutes she had a near-death experiment and the thing that I really I mean I never think that person that they send me the link I get so many hundreds of emails but I did watch the video that you sent me if you're listening in the video I was I was really touched by the fact that about 10 minutes into her description of what was happening to her that she suddenly just said oh and it was it was really unique to me is my personality was intact that's what I've been telling you guys from the beginning that's what all these life sins are the the further develop of our development of our personalities because avatars avatars are the same everywhere so what if there's 60 or 70 different body types and all that and then you can make hundreds of variables and changes with those it's still average to avatars all it is is a more complex more complex way of putting together Mr Potato Heads there's only so many different ones you can do that's why so many people look alike and then people come up with all these theories that they're clones whether it's their theories that oh look these people are hearing these black and white photos look just like Eminem today I've seen that one too and I disagree because I understand I cannot take the Optics I never take Optics as evidence you remember guys I've been telling you since the beginning of my channel and it offends people because a lot of people's channels were based off nothing but Optics now some of them back up their objects with actual historical research and then they show but here it is 2022 and yet newer and newer pictures of older and older structures keep resurfacing but where are they coming from how when it when are we ever going to to make the decision that hey man you know what am I somebody might be generating all these old ass pictures and then releasing them on the Internet to further certain agendas for their certain confusion further certain uh deals or get people to believe in all this stuff that's based off Optics only so they can pull the rug underneath people's deal in the future when so many people begin to believe in it then they can actually maybe show evidence that look all this is digitized here's the proof no that's why I can't I can never ever take a photo or a picture as evidence of anything I can't do it I'm a chronologist I go with numbers that's it so I know that offends some people but it's just it's that you know there's a hundred thousand other channels so on my channel I'm telling you what you're gonna get you're going to get the numbers that's it you got any more questions I'm still here man I ain't tired no we don't hmm hold on when the when the water is Muddy how can you find what you're looking for manual I mean it's not as muddy as you think we have really good I got a free PDF on podia and that PDF shows 400 books by which I derived my education now you may not have enough time left in your life to read 400 non-fiction reference books but if you did you would find that there are many correlates between different cultures or many different historical events that are described from multiple different perspectives a topic chronic on together when you see my chronicorn huge in the Super PAC when you go through all those files you have to understand I've eliminated 95 of all the material that I studied and read because I found things that were suspicious where they didn't correlate yes but I don't just publish the things everything I read no I got it's got a it's got to comport with other things it's got to also fit within the mathematical Frameworks by which I have I have published in chronic con yeah there's a lot in the historical record that's absolute propaganda or BS it's not true whatsoever I'm not going to include any of that material sometimes I'll I'll include a little footnote about something about hey man this is what's really popular this is what they teach but here here's what the historians of the day actually said happen like like uh like the great Black Death plague I have a video on that and I've directed you to it many times but in the great Black Death plague historians living today doing their research in retrospect automatically tell us the official version which is that the plague started in that the plague started in China first and that trade ships made it to the Mediterranean and India in rats with the plague got off those ships and infected local populations and harbors and it spread from there and in one third of the entire world's population died the story's the truth is by the historians that were living at the time not those living in the 1960s 70s and 80s that came up with their own version that I just told you the real story is that people at that time watched cigar-shaped objects pass through the sky in hover over forests their bellies opened and they dumped the decayed putrid rotting body parts of forest animals and everywhere these were these were seen the plague broke out and this is why the bubonic Black Death plague all happened all around the world almost simultaneously many areas that were infected weren't even near a harbor or or a port so the historians of the time said it was things in the sky and there was also apparitions a shadowy figure with a poor would appear in a village and look around and people would be terrified and they would see it next thing you know there's a plague outbreak yeah what they saw at that time is what I go by and this is what chronicon is all my chronological materials by what they were saying at the time and if I can't find that I will go by with with what is being said by the academian scholarship today as long as it makes sense and it's not propaganda so the the greatest thing to do when you're reading historical material is first determine the perspective you've got to determine perspective because a lot of our historical materials have been totally Rewritten to the advantage of a certain group of people they've redacted a lot of our material and they did it for a reason yeah so that's what you got to do you got to go through all that material by the fine like a fine tooth comb and I'm going to tell you now I would not have the time today there's too much going on in my life to do what I have already done it took me being in prison to put all this material together because it kept me interested I was I I was always gone I was far away in my research for years and years doing this I would never be able to do it today because I have other interests I don't have the patience I used to have when I was stuck in a Cell for 23 hours a day here out here though I got all kinds of things to occupy me and the main thing I do is disseminating the very information that took me decades to learn so what's the next question what is the criteria to being one of the chosen errands in 2040 oh I don't know there are I don't know if there are chosen errands in 2040. yeah that sounds like that sounds like it's you're heavily borrowing on the idea that only 144 000 people are going to survive the uh during the apocalypse and all that I don't I don't know I don't know uh if I borrow in if I buy into that it's a 144 000 or the final and that's during a very dark period years later 2040 is not there's going to be a high survival rate from 2040 and I've been through this for many videos The eschatological Narrative gives us a 25 death toll it's very clear so let me that means 75 percent of the world's population Will Survive and it also means that 95 to 90 percent of the western world will survive in 2040 so and the reason I say that is because the destruction is going to be concentrated in the East it's going to be concentrated uh it's going to be concentrated on the equatorial region and all the way up to 45 degrees north latitude in China do you believe that AI will take over this similacrum before the great Phoenix event you're living in an AI system yeah don't don't buy into the Elon Musk narrative don't buy into the in Microsoft and Apple and all they know man there is no listen The increased computational power and processing of computers is mimicking intelligence and it will get so fast and so awesome that it will even convincingly appear as artificial intelligence but there is no such thing as artificial intelligence you are inside an artificial intelligence apparatus and it's a jealous God and it's never going to allow humans to develop true AI I don't even think it's possible from within inside of the similar program I don't believe it's possible I believe it's possible outside the similacrum or there wouldn't be a similar group so yeah no I'm not not buying it not buying AI I did recently hear a good Elon Musk discussion it's on YouTube I listen to it on YouTube where he was admitting AI doesn't truly exist it's marketing deal but but it's getting so fast and so sophisticated that it can mimic AI so again Elon Musk is basically admitting that it doesn't exist and I'm on board with that remember artificial intelligence X popped out of a burning bush that Bernie bush is a jealous God future entertainment AI can only operate within the perimeters that has been programmed by man you ever passed through Willis Texas I'll buy you a beer what do you have on Antarctica it's not something I've really researched the only thing I have an article is from like 1930s when an expedition found a whole apple trees that were frozen in permafrost in tropical in temperate vegetation I know what they're referring to I don't know anything about uh Colonel what's his name Admiral bird Admiral Byrd yeah I don't know anything about the reason I don't I don't really take interest in a lot of modern uh Mysteries and all that is because where would I get the material that makes our cake so unique you have access to everything about Admiral Byrd and in Antarctica in the hollow Earth theory that I would have access to nothing now I spent years reading books that before the internet even started uploading all these PDFs of old books I spent years reading all these old books and that's where that's where the arcades material largely drives but in none of those books do I have anything about Admiral beard and all that because that was what relatively recent history I was like 19 what 10 19 20s yeah 1930s it's it's it's it's too recent for my interest and uh yeah I just don't I don't know I mean I don't know how I would I would be I would have any access to any information that wasn't already already out there for everybody to see now there are several YouTube videos about it I don't know there's just there's nothing basically here's the best way to answer your question I have found absolutely nothing about Antarctica in the historical record that's of value to what you're inquiring about because there's nothing no historians know nothing there is one data point that I can bring to your attention and that's the fact that we have Maps today that show Antarctica free of ice they show they show the the old Valley the old Valley Delta River exits mountain ranges Cliff faces subsurface interface radar has confirmed that these these uh uh features exist listen we don't know who put these Maps together but the standard uniformitarian model that is that is published in our academic uh Publications and is taught in high school in in Collegiate uh uh in the Collegiate Realm it can't be true either the official model that the that this ice has been there since in ice ages is wrong and the whole Ice Age narrative is or somebody very well or these maps are tens of thousands of years old we know that's really yeah it can't be both either the Ice Age narrative is total well these maps are fake and nobody's contended scientists haven't contended the authenticity of these Maps they're published in maps of the ancient sea Kings but Charles hebgood I have the book in my library these Maps show Antarctica ice free and that ice is supposed to have been there since the last ice age and that's not possible somebody recently within the last thousand years or so Drew these Maps so so hey there might be a lot of Truth to the Admiral bird deal I really don't know I really don't know what evidence in history in your research can you back up what people call Supernatural capabilities such as levitation telekinesis Etc oh I'm all I can't I've never seen anybody levitate I've never seen telekinesis I've never seen the the what was that new Yuri Yuri Yuri he used to bend spoons for this deal I don't I don't know who you're referring I've never seen these things in my life and nor have I found references to them outside there are some Tibetan references I don't know if they're viable or not but there are some like in David Hatcher childress's books he has some pretty good stuff in the uh Lost Cities uh series David Hatcher children cites the old Tibetan practice where monks would have these musical instruments and they would all hit a certain pitch in giant Stones could be could be lifted off the ground and guided I don't know if it's true or not I don't know but it's the only it's the only reference that I know now I do know that Stonehenge there are Traditions to Stonehenge that the locals say that when Stonehenge was built though those gigantic trilathons were floated there from somewhere far away and it has been shown that that's not local Stone Stonehenge is not made of local Stone it came from a good distance so I don't know it's a good question but it's not something that I could ever you're asking me to prove from the historical record I can't do that I can just tell you what I've read do you feel psychotronics or signal override constructs constructs us throughout reality where's that question at right here can you feel psychotronics or signal override constructs this reality I don't know Karma doc that might be a little bit too too sophisticated for me override construction constructs this reality I don't know the signal override is but I believe we live in a construct I believe it is holographic in nature and I believe that the central nervous system is what makes us believe that everything is physical and gives us our linear our linear time experience but other than that you know I don't know really don't know is there a kill switch Yeah it's called the Great Pyramid Great Pyramid is the kill switch who are the retimites why have I seen that word before Adam gatley Adam you have to send me an email educate me who are the radomites is that something out of the Book of Mormon the Radha mites I need to I have a video on the Book of Mormon I need to do because there's a phoenix there's a there's a popular Phoenix episode that's recorded in the book of uh Mormon dark Phoenix would you ever go on Ancient Aliens if they invited you I might but I mean I'm gonna speak the truth and I'm not probably not going to be very popular there I mean they can I would be I would be respectful to those guys but every single incidence of anything that they ever said was evidence of extraterrestrials I'm gonna offer them a totally different perspective in that it was technologically advanced humans every time every time and and I would request I would request specifically that they show the images of the Tomb of the big giant slab of the crypt of Lord pakal votan which is the number one Ancient Aliens evidence showing a guy sitting back on a chair and they say it's a rocket ship and all that but that's not what it is I have a whole video about it that that is a Mayan astronomer looking through an apparatus at the sky and what fills the whole top is not Flames from a rocket it's a bird with a bunch of flames coming off of it because this Mayan astronomer is looking at the Phoenix and all those symbols are disaster symbols all over that deal and I have a video about this but this is one of the number one era Eric Von daniken Zechariah sitchin uh that other dude with the wheel the Wild Hair they all they all cite this as oh this is we know Ancient Aliens is real because here's here's an ancient mind depiction of a rocket ship no it wasn't to the Mayan astronomer looking at the Phoenix well yeah Matt kubos thank you is there anything at old books about the Dome cracking water coming from uh above causing a depressurization AK plasma apocalypse I don't know if there's anything in the historical record about it but in the traditional record there was a rip in the sky and this is the or this is like Native American origin stories for the cygnus rift the cygnus rift is this great black darkness in in the sky that's inexplicable but uh yeah I don't I don't know about the historical record for that uh I know in the northern Traditions it's all about the day the sky fell I don't know Matt but I might look I might look at look at some might have to look I might have to look at my notes a little closer for that it's uh J dreamers and I we're on to the exact same thing there's no doubt in my mind there's none I know you're very familiar with J dreamer's material so you but uh yeah he and I he and I are discussing the exact same thing in a video that I did with him I even explained to him that that it was through watching a couple of his videos that I made a very a major uh chronological Discovery something that I had missed for years related to the Phoenix phenomenon and I drew a chart showing that discovery and all but I believe that J dreamers plasma apocalypse describes perfectly three or four of the Phoenix phenomenon episodes that have happened in the past you guys know I record as many as I can find because to me that phenomenon is not always of the same magnitude J dreamers has recorded very well and described very well what happens when the worst of those events takes place and to me I found three or four of them in the historical record that are terrible like what Jay dreamers describes but all the rest of them on the 138 year timeline as well are very highly local very local very Regional but they still occur it's almost like a system that's powering down it's like having a generator and you use that generator on Full Throttle to get all your power for a little while and then you turn it off During the period that it's off then you turn it back on again just to give it a little start just just to build a little pressure up that's what you do with any good car any good motorcycle I don't let my motorcycle sit for long periods of time even if I'm not riding it I go out there and Crank It Up let it run might hit that throttle a little bit Yeah you got to keep that you got to keep everything operating Prime and that's to me that's to me that's what the Phoenix phenomenon is it's like a giant machine in the sky and it's hidden and every 138 years it doesn't do that total Destruction because we would never recover from that 138 years is not enough time for the human race to recover so it did it three or four times really bad over over periods of centuries and then every 138 years it just burps and when it burps it's just taking that pressure off and it's and it's focusing it only in a certain area but it's building it's building pressure like I said in 2040 it's gonna be a big one it's gonna be a big one but again it's going to be like about four or five of them that have happened I've recorded that were only hemispheric not worldwide this is why the survival rate for the Western World in 2040 is really good you probably have just as much chance in the next 18 years of being hit by a car as you do if dying in 2040 if you're anywhere in the Western Hemisphere yeah that's all why people are worried about it I've been through this many many times by the Phoenix phenomenon in the west we're going to have a pass in the East it's not going to be like that from the equator all the way to the all the way to to the habitable zone in the north yeah all that well China is in trouble there's no doubt in my mind not trying not just China some of the other uh uh Asian Nations as well it's the Orient they're in trouble they're in trouble hey guys at 18 years I saw somebody mention 18 years hey my presence on YouTube in the past three years is not the origin of this Theory even my published books uh from 2007 2009 2011 uh they're not the origin of this Theory as well years ago uh in paranoia magazine I had an article published about the Phoenix I've been I've been publishing about the Phoenix in doing charts and sending them all over the place and telling everybody it's it's going to be in 2040 since the year 2003. this is only new to a lot of you guys it's not new to me my publisher my friends and family it's not new they've been hearing this for years yeah I've never had to deviate nor change this date because it's fixed all my charts show I got like 330. there's a link right here in the bottom in the description box I got a chart pack I think it's like twelve dollars it's 337 or more charts I think it's 350 now charts in there yeah you wouldn't believe how much research has gone into this this isn't something new I'm only new to YouTube yeah oh crap two hours and 24 minutes listen guys I really love the fact that you hung with me and that you listened to my presentation we're doing the Q a I had no idea it's been this long I like to I like to stop them before two hours and 30 minutes but yeah the moon does look fake 100 percent but hey we got like I said December we got a lot of videos yeah we got the studio up and running now we're going to be doing a lot more videos a lot more live presentations I mean if you guys liked the way this presentation went uh with my Cliff Notes instead of me in my own Studio then we're gonna do a lot more here especially because the audio is so much better if you like that if you like having live presentations more than you do the uploads you need to let me know that because we can make those changes I don't know man believe me I can I can be over here every day but uh there's no backup in me you know a year ago I made a promise that I had at least 500 videos left in me and after going through my Chronicle notes this morning I I have I have to I have to reiterate that I still have another 500 videos left in me there's no we're not stopping this train for a while so you guys let me know what you know what you're most comfortable with if this audio in this vid this video is really good then we're just going to continue doing videos over here I won't need to use that other Studio unless it's a backup because I'm going to tell you now the equipment we have in here cost a fortune and I don't have this type of equipment in my other Studio so if the audio is so much better here we're going to stick with this format this is what we're going to do Gnostic baseball are you guys wearing pants yeah that gets brought up every uh every chat now what does that mean I mean just because we're sitting behind a desk so you can't see because like a lot of people get comfortable especially since the whole uh pandemic happened everyone just shows up on their video conferences okay and they just dress from the waist down I got you I got you I'm socially I don't all these little modern I don't all these little modern colloquialisms they don't mean nothing to me all right guys thank you guys for hanging in there hit that like if you haven't hit it on the way out I'm so glad we got almost 2 000 in the chat at one time that's beautiful I feel so much better after that last video the last video had me crushed like man it was such a good topic and yet the video was so crappy it just really it really took the air out of my tires yeah thanks for stopping by guys thanks for keeping the chat interesting that's what keeps me going through these uh two and a half hours was that interesting are you you saying I talked too much no after we get off get a few comments to address all right cool all right guys hey love you guys uh we may see you tomorrow I don't know you tell us in the comment section what you think about that I don't want to Deluge you with live videos if if you want the live videos broken up but we could do live videos every single day believe me make him earn that paycheck gone that's it