Prophecy and Knowledge of the Quran: A Chat with Amed Hashimi

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foreign [Music] .com you know I've been telling you I've been trying to do this video for a long time and you know that everything has gotten in the way I don't know if it's artificial intelligence eggs or me just being purely lazy but I finally got around to getting with Ahmed hashini he's right here from London he's going to be joining us and he's already sent me a plethora of materials from ancient Arabic beliefs through the Quran the lens of the Quran and we're going to get into that today there's some Phoenix crossover just uh basically reset data but we're going to start with some of the really interesting things we're going to start with prophecy we're going to start with some things that that were very interesting end time beliefs from the Quran and ahmed's going to break some of this down for us and uh like I said I'm really happy happy he's here and I just want to welcome to the archaics family man thank you all man for joining me thank you Jason what a joy and honor to be here really really honored thank you for having me on hey uh I've been looking forward to this oh I'll just give you a little background um you already know 40 years as a Southern Baptist Christian and you know I'm during that period though uh I'd come into contact with so much information and in prison I had read the Quran and as in fact I had received a a very expensive I believe it was gold or silver it was either one of them gold or silver trimmed Quran leather had a lock on it it was really nice and I had to have a special approved to get it in into the prison um but it wasn't a book that has value to me outside of the information itself I don't mean the Quran is not valuable what I mean is that all my life I have been studying all these books and all these texts and I have never really held value to the material book until recently as I started collecting old books it's always been the data that I could extract and how I could compare it with other belief systems and all that so uh the Quran I I had I was really I was really shocked for my judeo-christian background to read in the Quran all about the tree of zakoum and lost races of the ad and the mood and the devastations the Blast From Heaven that occurred and I'm seeing all these stories like wow these same stories that I found in the academian cuneiform as as related through the Babylonian Amorite uh uh syllabares I was very shocked in the commonalities between but it is the same part of the world just different time periods so uh there was uh in my studies on on like Idris and Iblis the the Satan and Enoch of the Old Testament I found I found some parallels and I also found it very unique in throughout the Quran when it talks about destructions or historical events it's coming from a non-human perspective the Quran is being told like another race that that that that that values humans but considers itself not human and we can call them gin we can call them we can call them angels we could we can use whatever frames reference is I'm just sticking with the core data which is a communication from an entities that don't regard themselves as human and yet value humans when they're conveying these historical details this is what I got from the Quran well when I when I remove all the cultural dressing and I stick with what I'm with with the material so it's very interesting you say that because um having read the Quran you know several times and and you know because a little bit about me as well I grew up as a as a Shia Muslim um that's how I was raised originally from well this Avatar anyway it's originally from Iraq and I was born in Iran during the Iraq War and I was raised in an Islamic household quite fundamentalist uh in their views they they the Shiite believe in the 12 imams a bit different than Sunni which is the mainstream one which is the large majority of Muslims uh Shia is the is the second largest denomination of Islam so it's a bit like Catholic and Protestant it's very similar to that but um yeah I haven't grown up I've had the privilege of growing up in the west since I was four years old I grew up in Norway and then here in the UK since I was nine so I've had a crossover between Christianity because I've grew up in the in the Western World so I've had the privilege of of seeing what the Western Christian Traditions are and culture is and I've had because of the bilingual my bilingual ability I was able to see both sides and and you know until my Awakening so to speak I'd like to use that word that often but you know since 2008 since I started questioning my reality and everything and and you know I left Islam for a long time and and didn't want to go there but upon coming across your material it it reignited this this this spark in me to go okay I need to go go have a look again on the Quran this was over a year ago when I came across your material um and your videos and um yeah and going back to what you're saying about um the gin or the Angels because for a monotheistic religion when you read the Quran you have the reference of Allah referring to himself as we and I and and then some other verses you you'll refer to himself as a first person so I found that really strange for for uh for a text that uh that Muslims claim to be Flawless and and um you know like you said I believe it's a corpus of many different Traditions as well but yeah the the reference of we happens a lot within the verses of the Quran it's also in the Old Testament multiple times in the Book of Genesis oh wow yes in the book of yes in the Book of Genesis God seems to be having conversations with himself uh one of them is behold uh of the man has become as one of us understanding good and evil this is a creation account later this happens again during the Tower of Babel story where God is Elohim looks down you know God you know Elohim being a plurality of of something that is supposed to be singular but they begin having a conversation with themselves about Mankind building the tower and what they're trying to do and how they're becoming a threat because anything man man imagines they will they will they will be able to accomplish so the the Tower of Babel reset was caused but those are those are just two examples there's like three or four more in the Exodus in the book of Deuteronomy where God is having a conversation with himself it seems to be God has multiple mouths so it's very interesting so the you're right about the the Quran oh the prophet Muhammad did not just wake up one morning and write the Holy Quran like many other Trail Blazers this man had access to cultural records and texts that far anti-dated Islam itself many Muslim Scholars have also identified uh older elements whole fragments of the Quran that are actually older than Islam itself so uh I am aware that there is a tradition in the Arabic world of the Antiquity and wisdom of the sabians and I'm aware also that the serbians uh I guess I don't know if you've seen it yet but yesterday I did I did it I released a YouTube video on a very obscure occultic poem by somebody who was very well read and yes I watched that yes a lot of his influence comes from Kurdistan in the faith the faith of the ancient Kurds and these were these people referred to themselves as the people of the book and uh the courage and this is what's interesting is it's not talking about the Quran the serbians also in ancient times referred themselves as the people of the book and in the Quran they are called the people of the book I believe the sabians are mentioned in the Quran at least twice so they are yes I have notes on that and uh this is where this is where like like Christianity in the Book of Revelation you know the Book of Revelation is profound you know they invented a story that John on the Isle of Patmos did this but in doing so they ignored the historical record were surrendous a student of the gnosis had put together all the prophecies he could find of the Roman Empire and much of it was from the books of the sybils and he put all this together and it was a collection of very ancient writings that ended up being our Book of Revelation Book of Revelation just got better and better and better as it passed through each cultural sieve so the same thing with with Quran with Quran we don't with the Quran I don't it's not it's my opinion that I don't believe that we have the beginning of a belief system I I believe that we have the end result of about 2 000 years of cultural information that was finally all put together in a single book and it was done through the sieve of Muhammad and that's why it has this Islamic flavor but it it's it's absolutely packed full of very old references especially the prophetic material is it's all pre-islamic it all comes from the Arabic world you know that's why I hold values of the Quran and like the Zenda Vista and I'm pretty sure that there are elements of the Quran that were influenced by by this in the Vista but uh also the 7th Century BC we had the nabatian culture I don't know if you're familiar with them the neighbors yes yes well it's a mystery why they would abandon the most secure living area in the entire world we still don't know I've gone through some of the Muslim scholarship their their writings on Petra in Jordan it's still a Miss it's still not known why they would do that but for thousands of years this underground city complex has been right there in Jordan with a single entrance it's very hard to get into you can't invade it the Romans actually cut into the Cliff face and like attempt put a temple structure around the entry and all that but by that time that place was already 2 000 years old it's even mentioned in Genesis chapter 14 as the Cave of the serum it's uh like of Mount Seer uh before it was called Petru it was called malcir and it was it was a dwelling of the troglodytes called the whorums and the horrors were defeated by the serum and the serum were a more advanced pre-arabic people uh they're actually descendants they're actually ancestors of the uh Semitic Semitic and Arabian peoples but at that time period they were called the serum because it was considered Mount Seer and I believe that's s-e-i-r only later in history was it called by its Greek name of rock which is Petra but uh but it's very it's very interesting it's a very old place it's underground city it's a it's a it's very secure it even has all Wells they have water sources in there and this was the home of the nebatian culture for which it's uh there were a sedentary race meaning they were so secure they had all this underground area that they could just relax in don't have to worry about Invasion it's very easy to defend so these people acquired libraries and because they're on a major trade route they would they had access to all these writings and traditions and this is another source uh I believe it's another source for the richness of the and diversity of material that we find in the Quran it's a uh we have to look at these things as as uh oh it's it's there's never a point in history when when we just have all the knowledge in one place it's always moving it's always in transit libraries libraries get built up some of them by earthquake get trapped off and nobody hears from them for two thousand years when we call it the nag hamadi library in in Egypt another one another one pops up in 1947 and we call it the essene library of the Dead Sea Scrolls and earthquakes are all the time-bearing libraries for which we discover later like like in the summer the reason we have so many hundreds of thousands of Sumerian academian and Babylonian text is because of earthquakes completely obliterating the substructures of ancient cities and they just fill it in with rubble put a new foundation on it and keep building up that's why we have all these layers to these ancient cities but in those layers or our libraries so the Quran is the result of it's not the beginning of anything it's the actual actual it's the end the aqua the end of acquisition period of all the skull scholarship put into one giant book and are told from four different perspectives and this is I remember reading in the Quran it was four it's like it's the same story told from four different perspectives over and over you see it's uh it's very interesting yep but yep I'm talking too much I want to get it yeah I need to get into uh oh I mean oh the the Arabic some this is a video I've been wanting to do and this is not going to be our only video we have too much to discuss so uh I mean I I understand as I was explaining to somebody in the Discord group last night I was on Discord for three hours last night just answering questions Talking chatting uh just being friendly and somebody had asked me about about Islam or Arabia and I'll I'll address that now it's a how is it best to say that sometimes I talk too much I lose my train of thought was it a question a specific question on Discord yeah I can't remember what it was now it was a Oh and I remember now yeah I was explaining that oh a lot of people in the west they have no idea or they would be offended if you tell them the debt the West owes the Muslim world for the preservation of the West's own knowledge then what I mean is is most of the people in the west don't don't we don't we don't really know our history because it's not accurately taught the ab the absolute collapse of literacy to less than one percent of all of Europe being able to read and write for over 600 years is something that's not no one wants to talk about it this is why it's called the Dark Ages it's not so much the Dark Ages because nothing was happening it's called the Dark Ages because there was no literacy to convey what was going on the only books we have on the Western World from that time time were pinned about 90 percent of them were pinned by clergy of the Roman Roman Catholic church now the other the other 10 percent are those court scribes that were pinning the annals the Frankish animals the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles the Irish animals uh preserving different things uh very very very very very few texts survived Europe at that time period but where they did survive many of the writings that were secreted out of Alexander Andrea and the pergamum library out of Rome when Rome fell and all the provincial libraries those books ended up in the hands of Muslim Scholars a lot of times a lot of times they were conveyed by basically you understand you're familiar with the the image of the wandering jew that comes back that goes back to a very long period of time to the exilarky of ancient Persia when the when the Jews had no country they had no Nation so they had a center of government called the exilarky that operated out of Iran this was Persia and uh they had there was always Jews on the road everywhere all over the old Roman Empires all over the Middle East and that this is why the Jews became so International today it is why they that the Jew Jewish culture speaks every language in the world they're the only ones that do it they're the only ones that do it and it's because back then there was there were they were for the movers and shakers they were always on the road they were always trading and they dealt in books and this is why the histories of our world have been tainted and Rewritten through Jewish lenses over and over and over this is why all our fraternal secret to societies are masons and Elks and Moose Lodge all all are all all are uh um all our basically the foundation of Western knowledge itself there is Jewish flavor through it all it's because they they rewrote these books they translated them but where they got them from was Arabic Scholars and Arabic caliphs especially of the libraries of Baghdad and this is this is because the Muslim Scholars for about 900 years were hungry for knowledge and with the collapse of Western civilizations it left all these libraries available and people just to feed themselves would sell Scrolls and they would sell books and the books back then were with vellum pages and parchment pages and and then you know what a rolled scroll is so these were sold and Muslims had a lot of money and they were the ones buying this and they were and this is why so many so many Western texts that started as old Greek text Homer and hesiad and theognus the old phonation San kunaya then the writings of Mauritania many of the things from the car carthaginian libraries they ended up being translated into Aramaic and Arabic and and these writings were preserved almost unchanged I had so many Arabic scholar scholarly uh PDFs that talk about the Great Pyramid and all the studies that were done the Western World doesn't even know about these all these pyramid researchers that I'm always arguing against and tell them you really don't know what you're talking about the the is Islamic Muslim Arabic Scholars they preserve these texts I'll be doing videos about those really soon now that I've introduced Islam into the into the archaics material but there's a lot of crossover and it's fascinating but before before we get lost on those tangents let's get into this end times in the Quran you know okay let's get this um this is what I'm really interested in are we talking about these signs of the hour about them what I wanted to do is there's so much material here yeah well I noticed a phrase here in uh it's it's in the Quran it's the cave chapter 18 94. I believe that would be Surah 18. yep okay suda 18 and 94. it's just a uh it's a term I'm familiar I'm familiar with Gog and Magog but I but I'm reading it here zul karname yes well I'm gonna tell you now before you tell me anything that sounds a lot like uh al-qarnam that's in the Old Testament called lord of the two horns this is in the ocean it means the same thing in Arabic also it means on the same thing in Arabic okay okay same thing as the Old Testament then all right okay yeah the lord of the this is a uh there was a goddess goddess worshiping Society um the worst of asteroth and and and they had a sub deity that was like in the background called called A Balaam called uh excuse me bail it was bail only later after the fall of goddess worship became prominent but at first he was just he was just a little deity that served the goddess too and uh uh when Baal overturned over he basically did away with the goddess which was the patriarchal takeover of all the matriarchal societies this happened in this in the uh second millennium BC he received the title of Lord of the two horns and the Dual city in in Northern Syria was was a change the name the city was called astroth carneum in the Old Testament but I saw that I saw that was very interesting when I seen that name because it's very similar to the Hebrew is that similar to the uh the bull worshiping uh civilization uh at that time as well Jason is is that what you're referring to because yeah well you refers to the bull yeah and see this is the that's a that's a fundamental tenet of two places that uh but I have done basic videos on one of them is cattle huyuk cattle hulik is nowhere near as old as is is archaeologists are trying to tell people they're trying to they're trying to they're trying to push it back further and they have reasons for doing that but all the sigils all the artwork all all the uh the belief you can tell what their beliefs are based off their iconography off the idols the things that they we have found in their in their uh uh Crips and tombs and they there there's perfect Crossover with nasos the minoan civilization and you remember what they're famous for the bull fights and it was girls girls would get in there and bull fights and they would do acrobats over the over the Bulls and then like a matador would come in a guy and he would actually slay the bull or or get killed by one or the other but but uh females would would flirt with death by doing acrobats over over the Bulls and all that well yeah this is it's the same exact culture it was also in North Northern Syria in the Lebanon area you know all through Canaan it's the exact same time period this is all 22nd 21st and and 20th Century BC all these cultures were connected and uh yeah it's that also tie into the Malaysians as well and the iberians you know my Spanish culture yes my my leadership from Ionia was already a third millennium BC settlement but it didn't get extremely it didn't get uh turned into the Metropolis that we know of from the historical records exporting Fleet after Fleet after Fleet colonizing the Mediterranean Northern Africa and the coast of Europe it didn't become that until about the 14th century BC you know that had to do with a massive Exodus of many different cultures from Egypt because of a cataclysm and this is another problem the Coburn Bible tells the story way better than the book of Exodus this does but the Exodus event was real there was a cataclysm Thera detonated completely destroyed nasus in the minoan culture which gave rise to the Mycenaean Maritime Empire which then gave rise to the seven against thieves which then led to the great Mediterranean trade War for the Black Sea trade which we call the Trojan War in the fall of of of of Prim I mean all these events in history that are famous they're actually dominoes they're actually interrelated every single one of them uh was basically the effect of a prior cause the prior cause was the was the other major event right before I document all this in chronicle and I show the flow of events is magnificent and it all started with this great disaster that we know of as The Exodus event the ten plagues on a on Egypt are the same thing as the as the 10 disasters that were recorded in China this was not something local to Egypt it was worldwide it just happened to be one volcano in the Mediterranean but on the other side in the Americas there was total ruin and Devastation in in Asia as well in China all the way to India it was massive but uh this started migrations to all all other areas everybody tried to get the hell away from Egypt because Egypt took the worst but uh yeah that's Coburn Bible is fascinating so I there's something I isolated here I want to ask you about I'm going to read this to you this is a Suitor 18 uh number 99 it says on that day we shall leave them to Surge like waves on one another the trumpet will be blown and we shall collect them all together and we shall present hell that day for unbelievers to see all spread out now before I ask for your opinion on this I have I have in my chronic on for the years after 2070. I have Nostradamus quatrains and I have some passages from the Zinda Vesta that basically say that once the redeemed once the elect and holy are removed from the garden which is the earth once we are taken away then the scales will drop from all the unbelievers eyes and they're going to see the world for what it truly is what they accepted as their home is this something similar to what this is saying here uh can you repeat the verse again trumpet will be blown that's the key for the timing and we shall collect them all together that's talking about the Holy ones now it switches over and we shall it sounds like like it is Jason from what I can I didn't have interpretation and I believe I'm going to include it with the other ones now it's worth including it's well spotted as well um because that definitely ties in um yeah I mean again it's it's um to me it sounds like it so it it will start over with your research there in the narrative here because I don't like the things that take things out of context but you have it in these in Chrono you have these in chronological order as they're presented in the Quran right here and and it says it says right here those For Whom the good record from us has gone before will be removed uh far they're from this this is exactly what I've been telling people that my belief is is that is that in the middle of the Apocalypse because this is all apocalyptic it's talking about the invasion of Gog it's called a Gaga Magog it's talking about the trumpets being born uh being blown here oh which gives us the timing for the trumpets in the Book of Revelation it says right here in Suter 21 101 I think it says the prophets Al what is that ambaya on Baya means the prophets it's a plural meaning I've been saying that halfway through the apocalypse the the elect the chosen the redeemed they're not going to have to go through the worst of it or not they're going to enter the apocalyptic period but they're not hanging around there's going to be an event where they're whisked away and I saw that in here and in the Quran it's described as a gentle wind that blows and all and when it blows all the elect to disappear and that way that's crazy this is crazy I don't know where it is in your in these PDFs but I read that uh it's uh is it did you say it was 21. it was definitely included in there because I thought it was related to your um to your research that's why I included those guys this is 21 verse 101 those For Whom the good record from us has gone before yeah we'll be removed for they're from though for those who don't understand this is spoken this is speaking from the the perspective of the gin or the Angels the angels are telling Muhammad that those For Whom the good record or or the prophets are telling are telling us that these angels are speaking these angels are saying that that that they're turning in the records of those who are worthy yeah but those who are not worthy they're not turning their records in therefore they have to stay here you know that's that's yeah and it goes on to say they shall not hear this lightest sound of it while they abide in that which they own selves desire so yeah that's what I've been saying the people that have chosen this world are going to suffer those consequences in the world it's all remember in my in my view we're heading toward the beginning the closer we get to the end we're actually just getting closer to a whole new beginning it's a reset that takes us right back to Genesis but there's a lot of people that are not going to participate in that reset they're going to make their Exodus also to add Json because one thing about these um translations a lot gets lost in translations because I have a strong um Arabic uh you know I'm very strong with my Arabic I can read write uh fluently I'm talking classical Arabic not just modern Arabic because the uh the Arabic written in the Quran is classical as opposed to Modern what we get today is a different slight variation but you know in verse 102 it says um so it says they shall not hear the slightest sound of it while they abide in that which their own selves desire however when I read it in Arabic it says is um is eternal Khalid means Eternal okay um uh hell is referred to as is um is is eternal or immortality their selves are Immortal so it refers to those who do not hear the slightest sound of it which is the hell that is going to come on the day right they will be removed and those are the ones who they they and themselves are eternal so this refers to the immortal Soul concept that you talk about as well that is amazing because it almost it almost it can almost be interpreted if we take the Fantastic if we remove the fantastic it can almost be interpreted as exactly what I say about the informed field if you truly believe yourself protected from any future event then the future itself will make sure you're protected meaning you're still going through the event you're just not suffering the consequences it's a it's a it's like it's like a bunch of rocks falling falling from the sky in your neighborhood in your house and property are absolutely untouched but everybody else is devastated and we've seen we've seen examples of this in real life way before it hasn't even been an apocalypse and we know of many examples where tornadoes went right right down somebody's Street and ripped up everybody's houses and nobody can figure out why one house isn't even missing a shingle so we have exactly further proves that the power of the the the informed fields and how how we are the masters of our reality and the personal as you've always kept on drilling home to us on your channel yeah I mean even it goes on on 103 you know verse 103 so from from that same chapter the one 103 says the greatest Terror on the on the day of Resurrection will not grieve them and the angels will meet them this is your day which we were promised so again it's kind of referring to those who who won't be affected who will be taken away from from these events these cataclysmic events that will come so the very next verse is you know that one's going to interest me you know that one's gonna interest me verse 104 104 yeah and and the day when we shall roll up the heaven like a scroll rolled up for books as we began the first creation we shall repeat it a promise binding Upon Us truly we shall do it there it is that's the whole arcade's premise right there we're heading toward a reset and the Book of Revelation is basically the introduction to Genesis it's not the other way around Genesis is Generations it doesn't mean it's first it was just put in the beginning of the of the Old Testament because it describes what people used to believe was the creation but it's not it's a renovation in the story of our existence right here in the similacrum makes more sense if we switch the two and we read Revelation as preparing us for what is about to occur and Genesis is history because it is we were reset that was not a creation event it was a reset from when we were technologically advanced so this uh this is exactly what this is telling me right here it says uh oh we're gonna roll up heaven like a scroll which is gonna be a reset you already know that's that's that's this that's the Sixth Seal and it it even uses the phrase of the of The Sixth Seal uh the heavens rolled up like a scroll um but uh the Sun darkens the Moon Turns blood rocks fall from the sky people hide in the mountains they pray to God that's all the six seal but it says right here even as we produced the first creation so shall we produce a new one that's a reset there's no better way the Quran could have said reset yeah it is that's it right there so moving on to chapter 81 Surah 81 is that the Arabic title the overthrowing or did you put that uh Surah 81. you put titles on you put titles like the cave yeah so there's a translation for the titles each each one has a translation so in the corn there is a there is a there is a Surah Surah 81 it's titled the overthrowing and it's basically describing the Sixth Seal now remember I have I have done dissertations explaining the Sixth Seal is not the apocalypse it's it's the introduction to it because the six seals are basically telling all errants telling all people who are watching for the signs and all in all cultures all around the world look this is what's going to happen first and then the apocalypse is gonna unfold now here it is right here when the sun is overthrown and when the stars fall when the hills are moved and when the Seas rise and when the pages are laid open and when the sky is torn away every bit of this Surah 81 one through three uh verse 6 and 10 through 11. every bit of this is mentioned in the Sixth Seal of the Apocalypse The Book of Revelation I have dated this based off 58 centuries of Phoenix phenomenon uh uh occurrences to you already know May 16th depending upon what hemisphere you're in May 15th or May 16th of the Year 2040 is the next Phoenix phenomenon in the Phoenix phenomenon perfectly mirrors what's being described right here on its on its greater magnitudes other times it just passed by and was seen But on its really bad passages that's exactly what happens right here it's all I found that very interesting that's all oh yes powerful stuff isn't it how how it all crosses over again with with your research um and coming for a book that's about you know 1400 years old oh well there's no doubt we're we're reading the passages translated into English that are 1400 years old but yeah like I said this material comes from Far older Source materials Muhammad just didn't wake up and write all this he got yeah for sure he had a library he had access to just like Nostradamus excuse me Mikhail Del nostradam admitted and it came to in a letter to King Henry IV he admitted in that letter uh and to his son uh Cesar that uh he didn't come up with the quatrans he he actually codified all the prophecies that he had found in an entire library that was being hidden from the the Inquisition and he once he codified all the prophecies in his books called the centuries once he was finished he then burned all those books because if to get caught with any books that were on the papacy's forbidden list meant you burnt with the very book you got caught with so Nostradamus was was you know in addition to that he was also Jewish so the very fact a lot yeah a lot of people don't know that about Nostradamus Nostradamus in his writings he totally admits 100 uh uh he was Jewish uh converted uh he was converted to Catholicism only because it was necessary for him to be able to conduct his business but um yeah it's it's pretty it's pretty interesting so I want to read I want to read this right here to it's Surah 50. or actually this was sooner 50 and this one's okay this is I believe it suited a 30 verse 19 you have it at the bottom of one of the one oh right documents you sent me it shows the actual Arabic above it but I found this really listen to this the living leaves from the dead and the dead leaves from the living and the Earth will be brought back to life after its death and this was the way they will come out man there's another reset statement 100 that's a reset statement so yeah that is uh yeah I found that truly awesome I just wanted to touch on these things on on that one uh document end times Quran because this next one you're we're probably not going to have time to go all the way through this next one no Squad is quite a long uh it's quite I mean there's quite a lot of verses there from different civilizations yeah if you want just to just to cover those well I got some right here I got some right here prepared um oh this I I wanted to ask your permission can I provide these these in the uh oh I just I just started releasing the survival pack so I'm thinking about throwing these PDFs in there for people who want to see all the stuff out of the Quran all three of these people yes I just want I gotta ask for permission because these survival packs will be going all around the world so the whole concept behind uh I don't know uh my super pack is just my material and it's a lot I mean it's material I pulled from you know over a thousand sources and it's it's almost published books and unpublished books and hundreds of you know like almost 400 charts and my super pack is huge but it's just my material the survival pack is different the survival pack is a lot of the books on PDFs it's over 2 700 books in that in there and it's over 2000 2 300 Old images and photos that are straight out of all the old books you see in my library everything in my library hears from the 1800s everything every single book you see here is from the 1800s up to 1912. so amazing I took photographs out of every single book I have more on I can't fit them all but I took photographs at all it ended up being 2007 2300 and something old pictures and I know a lot of these have never hit the internet but the reason I did the survival pack is that's what it's for it's for in it's it's basically to re-educate the world here's what you need to re-educate the world this is what you need if the infrastructure collapses the internet goes down and censorship gets so out of control that we can't exchange for the information anymore you at least you and your community will be able to share because our technological devices will work for 10 20 30 years but the infrastructure that supports the Telecommunications may not the the internet and all that stuff yeah that's a very fragile system but uh I don't know so anyway that's the survival pack the survival pack is basically everything the world needs to know after 2040. so here's what you here's what we need to share because by 2040 I'm pretty sure almost all the libraries will be gone because as long as we keep continue to digitize all of our knowledge and nobody's taking care of old books then after the next reset after the next 20 when the 2040 Phoenix phenomenon occurs I promise you about 90 of the world's knowledge is going to be lost so it happens all the time so yeah well uh yeah that's what the importance of hard copies isn't it uh Jason yes it is I know oh I know a couple people who took the Super Pac and are now taking the survival pack and it costs a lot of money because it's thousands of pages but they're literally printing them all up they're printing everything up just to have the copies so this uh what what is bakari what is what is that is a historian who who who uh wrote down all the sayings of Muhammad okay um all the teachings of Muhammad at the time so it's a it's a well-known respected um you know accepted widely by both the Shia and was and the Sunni Muslims um of all the traditions of of Muhammad um and all the sayings so this is a historian who sat you know who sat down at the time and from probably I'm not sure whether he was living at that time but he he drew from those who witnessed Muhammad's sayings and the events that took place during his lifetime and so wrote down and that's known today as the Sunnah as one of the Sunnah um so you have the Quran as in one hand for the Muslims and then you have the Sunnah which is the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad and he's basically the way he acted the things he spoke about uh and the events that took place in his life so buhari is just one of those um you know you know one of the main ones you have sahihan Muslim the Muslim sahib Muslims I see I see his name on the list too yeah so yeah you have several several there that that um that reference these are references that go that go back um you know to well as much as as far as we can date back to to Muhammad's time how accurate that is we don't know but um Muslims take this as gospel so to speak well concerning this this uh bukhari and what I just stated uh I find it really synchronistic that all of a sudden I'm looking at this passage after I just told you about about 90 of knowledge being erased behind because of the Phoenix phenomena on reset and I see we're not going to get into it in this video uh but we're gonna get into the Phoenix phenomenon issues and historical disasters and all that the ad in the mud we'll do that on the next video and I I would like to do that like this week I don't like to if I'm doing a series I'd like to get them all out I don't want to I don't want to wait so if you got more time later this week man let's let's knock this out go with it brother I'm happy to do it yeah absolutely yeah we have a lot of a lot to cover uh for a second video this is basically an intro I wanted to introduce you to my audience and and and uh uh go over some of these things and because a lot of people like I said a lot of people in the west do not understand the richness of the materials that has been preserved by Arabic scholarship you know I I I am so impressed with Arabic scholarship just based off my Great Pyramid studies because I seem to be one of the only people on YouTube or publishing in the publishing World publishing books about the Great Pyramid from my perspective and my perspective is is man I mean I got a lot of my material from Arabic Scholars I'm citing all these books I'm reading uh right now I'm reading I'll I believe you pronounce his name alberuni the chronology or the antique the Antiquity of Nations the chronology of Nations there's different ways it's been titled in English but uh the history of the Nations but albaroni a thousand years ago an Arabic scholar was writing things there it's like wow this dude knew the world and he was writing things about the Great Pyramid for which uh modern day pyramid researchers have don't have a clue they didn't even know about like the uh the staining of the Mediterranean 200 feet high on the white on the white Limestone casing blocks that it was widely known that pilgrims for trees were walking by the Great Pyramid and that's one thing they would always point at and say and tell their children hey you see that right there do you see why the bottom of the Great Pyramid is darker than the top part it's because the dark the top part wasn't underwater halfway up the pyramid it was gleaming white but halfway down the pyramid it was stained and this is a part this is a part of my chronicon as well I show where there was there was uh there was an earthquake substance happened when the great flood occurred the day the sky fell the collapse of the vapor canopy there was also an earthquake in that earthquake totally answers for 100 of the data of the god the scientists that came out with the books about the Black Sea flood and when the Mediterranean was created in a day because the Strait of Gibraltar it's a these guys are absolutely dead on right they just got the year wrong but that actually happened the Mediterranean was a series of shallow Lakes maybe small Seas but there was hundreds of stone cities in those beautiful Lush valleys and then this and then the Strait of Gibraltar broke because of massive earthquakes in the North African Blake Strait of Gibraltar used to be connected there was there was no uh strip of water but between southern Spain and Northern Africa that was closed off and uh when there was a land bridge there yeah it was a it was a land bridge it used to be called the pillars of Hercules and when the pillars of Hercules fell broke this is like this is like uh connected to the Samsung Samsung destroying the pillars and all that and uh when the pillars broke then the water rushed in but because the Atlantic was so high in the in the Mediterranean valleys were so low then within at 750 miles per hour a 250 foot high wall of water overtook over 200 Stone cities this is the origin of the great flood myth this is why the people that survived on that mountain ranges of Greece and and the Peloponnesus and all through uh uh from Lesbos to kiosk all the way to the Italian peninsula in Sardinia this is why those people were so adamant that the whole world flooded because their world did Flood but uh it was completely flooded out and this is the origin of the Mediterranean and the Mediterraneans the Great Pyramid used to not even be near a body of water when it was originally made the Great Pyramid was hundreds of miles Inland now it's just 108 miles from the Mediterranean it wasn't like that and uh so uh all this is in the Arabic all the all these old Arabic texts are all are giving up the game I have I have several we'll go into some if you want to do another video just on the Great Pyramid in Islam and and all that I could do that would be amazing I could I could show you things from Arabic Scholars I've never even said on YouTube before things are amazing about this is why I know the pyramids were built before the flood I know I got the date for him yeah yeah I mean even the Quran the the the the the the Egypt the Egyptian region um is mentioned even in the Quran that it was drowned the people of pharaoh were drowned I think it was uh I think we'll go into another time but I think it was chapter eight verse 54 Where you know that they they they said it said like the the the behavior of the people the fair owners before them they deny the signs and so the Lord drowned them um from their guilt or something like that I can remember it correctly so you know people of the Pharaoh and every time you refer to the Pharaoh that's the region of Egypt where the pyramids are so you know and that that that also yeah for the whole flooding of the pyramid that'll be another good one but but back to the back to bukhari I had just mentioned to you about 90 of all knowledge will be erased when the digital world collapses that infrastructure is gone we no longer have access it's the exact same thing that happened with the Nuna anuna lost their infrastructure and that later humans started writing things on tablets because they didn't know how to make the actual tablets like these that the anuna had the anuna uses and the Sumerians called them tablets of Destinies because to them they did everything they could order food and they would appear they could make machines appear in the sky and drop crates full of stuff they could use these tablets and talk to each other over great distances and the local Sumerians were amazed that the anuna could do these things so they kept their tablets in these little bags so to the anuna it was it was all I mean to the to the Sumer Aryans that watch these activities they're like man the anuna are Gods these bearded foreigners that came among them they're Gods and and if if you have a me a me was a tablet the tablet of Destiny is calling me it's m e if you had a me you protected it in this little bag and this is why the bag you see on Sumerian academian Babylonian uh rash Shamrock reliefs you see that bag being carried only by gods the reason was is it was God's they were considered to be God if they were in possession of a tablet of Destiny so uh this is where all these this is cargo cult phenomenon it is it is the usage of primitive frames of reference after the collapse of an infrastructure by a people who didn't quite understand the technology they were observing so this is almost the entire story of the Annunaki and the anuna that's been conflated it's been totally blown out of proportion so we get back to bukhari and and he says here 1036 the hour in the last day that's in parentheses the hour will not be established until knowledge will be taken away earthquakes will be very frequent time will pass quickly afflictions will appear murders will increase money will overflow amongst you that's a hell of a series of prophecies though first I isolate the first one I want to isolate is that knowledge shall be taken away okay for knowledge to be taken away and it's not yet the the apocalypse and I'm gonna explain why these are before these are totally before the apocalypse what he's describing in my opinion is knowledge will be taken away okay you you do know that I am predicting a Carrington type type event I don't know what that entails it may not be as serious uh it may it may be just converting the entire world over to a new Communication System I don't know but the internet's going to go down in some form this year and it's going to be staged and it's going to be brought back up but it's going to have differences and it's probably going to be blamed for a natural phenomenon like the Carrington event if the Carrington event actually ever happened it's still it's because so many people believe that it did then that means an event can on unfold making more polite people believe that another one occurred so something doesn't have to be true in the historical record to induce people to believe that it will be true that that it can unfold again so so you think this will be a controlled event where they would obviously that the internet is such a huge threat to the elite that the you know the the knowledge that is out there for those who are seeking it of course you know the internet is a is a very you know expansive tool but but yeah I mean you think that that's what they're going to do is to is to limit the the knowledge that's there I think that's the whole point of the character I believe when I believe when they decided to to to commercialize the internet you know I mean it's been it's been around since the 60s and 70s there's always been a an arpanet there's always been something that the military and the university has been able to communicate and all that and it improved over time and once they commercialized it in like 1990 1991 is uh I believe their intention was to do exactly what it did and that is not only distract humankind but also completely pervert lower the ethics and morals make make all these things that were forbidden in different cultures normalized to where everybody's on the same page I mean everything's out there now where we've totally accept things today that if they would have appeared in the media in the 1960s people would have been shocked so things are only you can go on the internet now you don't have to have uh uh uh parental controls on devices anymore they'll go straight to uh everything you can imagine so we have we have a situation where where they did this intentionally but they probably didn't think that they that they weren't going to be able to control the Awakening that also came with it because uh because that might have been unforeseen there's nothing the elite do without without financing several think tanks at the exact same time yeah they're trying to control all outcomes there's no doubt but this uh the knowledge be taken away was one element He said earthquakes will become very frequent that's just like Jesus said in the New Testament that the frequency of earthquakes is not evidence of Apocalypse this is uh something Jesus said to in the last days they'll increase but the end is not yet he said that so uh here's the interesting one time will pass quickly well for time to pass quickly this is an inference that the that the measuring of time that we understand today and in bukhari's time which is the same nothing's changes time so this is indicative of something unusual and that's exactly what we have with the second and third Trumpet of the Book of Revelation which would happen after the Phoenix phenomenon in 2040. now I have isolated this event it's 2046 the return of the Nemesis X object which just so happens to be a totally different chronological factoring as the end of the Mayan long counts 13 bactins of of one million 872 000 days it also ends on 2046 and that has nothing to do with the chronology of uh of the um uh Nemesis X object it's totally different and it's also absolutely different from the geometrical calendrical relationships that were discovered in the Great Pyramid of Giza in 1924 by engineer David Davidson who shows he he even explains I he says I do not know why but we have we have an orbital history of our world and the Great Pyramid documents a 6084-year period that Earth has moved around the Sun at 6008 and 84 and 84 times but according to the geometry of the Great Pyramid measured by the four base diagonals he produces a chart and I've shown that shortened several of my videos and he says the final year that Earth will maintain this orbit is the year 2045. he says I don't know why he says but in 2046 the world will assume a different movement and this is exactly he doesn't even cite the Mayan stuff this is 1924. this is exactly what Mayan prophecy says it says that the 13 bactins measured time as a Continuum and in the end of the 13th back then two things will happen there will be an invasion of demons and there will also this would the Maya say I can't even pronounce it it's t-z-o-l something the the Mayan the name of the Mayan demons is long but oh it's exactly poker I think is the name I can't remember but it's the one of the smoking mirror yeah I've read some some stuff about smoking mirror yeah but uh it's an invasion of demons and time will collapse now for time to collapse is not is not is not that bad Revelation describes exactly what's happening and it makes sure that we interpret it correctly and what I mean is is in the seven trumpets and remember this quranic stuff is introducing the the beginning of the the trumpets right here it keeps mentioning your trumpets so in the trumpet period of the Book of Revelation this is 2046 and afterwards like 2052. in this period it specifically states that God will reduce by a third the day the night the the Sun the stars and the Moon it was very specific it didn't just say day and night it also mentions Stars the sun and the moon so you would understand if everything is reduced by a third then our 365 day year becomes 243 days if you take a third out of every day our 24-hour day becomes 16 hours so the final apocalypse which is supposed to be from 2046 to 2106 a 60-year period has a third removed from it making it a 40-year period instead of 60 years so 40 is also the number of trial and testing all throughout the Old Testament I don't know what 40 signifies in in in in the Arabic numerology but in the old judaic hebraic rabbinical 40 is the number of trial and testing so I found it interesting that even in the Quran we have a reference to the a future time when time itself is going to be abbreviated and in the book that's not in the Quran you're right that's bukori Yeah Yeah from the sayings of Muhammad the sayings of Muhammad that's right yeah it's the the prophecies uh yep I mean even uh even there's one where it says the last hour would not come unless you fight with people whose faces are like hammered Shields what does that mean I did see that I did see that yeah I mean it's quite interesting one can take it as well as armor people like but but it's hammered so it's different but again you've got right now these these uh you know super soldier programs that's going on where they're developing you know robotic uh soldiers you know fighting for Wars you know the whole whole tournament it puts a whole new spin on the Terminator yes it does so what do you think of this now we see afflictions will appear murders will increase no no this is all just signs of the last days what bukhari 1036 States also as a sign of the last days that money will overflow amongst you that statement has never been truer the Arabic the Arabic world has enjoyed more wealth in the last 50 years and the West has been draining their treasuries buying oil from from the Arabic from the Arabic Nations and there are whole Arabic cities that are absolutely far more sophisticated than Western cities now uh Qatar Qatar and Kuwait and these people don't even people in the west don't even know the level of sophistication that these people live by these are the golf uh Arabs that you're referring to you because the goal there's a differentiation those in Iraq Syria and Lebanon have a different Heritage to the to the uh golf Arabs the gulf Arabs are um originally from uh there are Bedouin tribes right so the ones that are ruling for the elite there at the moment but yeah the money is overflowing like this Saudi Arabia too Saudi Arabia 2 is also enjoying great wealth uh Jordan I mean in the in the Arabic world the only ones really really suffering are the Palestinians I mean as far as as far as uh economy goes but yeah I think and we have to take this into context too uh when he said when bukhari says the Muhammad foresaw that in the last days money will overflow amongst you I mean we have to take that into context Muhammad was living in a day where money was rare you know so so to see a future time like everybody's got money we can do something right now you and I could just go to go to go get a new cell phone we can go shopping get some new clothes I mean for people in Muhammad's time it was a big deal to be able to afford new Raymond to be able to go to and when you did when you showed back up at home with a new robe and new sandals people knew said oh wow you upgraded you know it was a big deal so I mean even even in Old Europe especially during the dark and Middle Ages all the way up to the Renaissance period I mean close clothes were taken so were taken care of to the point where Sons I mean I mean fathers would save their clothes and their sons would wear their father's clothes I mean it was it was bad for a while it was bad for a while so but yeah the hammered Shield is interesting but what's the next one I've been massage yeah yeah when the Shepherds compete in constructing tall buildings that is one of the signs of the last hour man look that started in 1902 my brother 1902 the world received the very first skyscraper and it was in New York City it's a it's a year 1902 again but yeah the very first skyscraper was erected now some people like to argue and say oh no the Eiffel Tower was taller than that and all that but the Eiffel Tower is a frame it is not a it is not a commercial construction it is not a building it's just a frame the Eiffel Tower is taller but it but it's not it's not a it's not multiple floors where people in offices can can work and all that technically if you if you Google it you'll find out the sky first skyscrapers 1902 in New York but uh wow well yeah is true in the last days to start start building Castles in the Sky there's no doubt about it no doubt about it so have you are you familiar with uh are you familiar with IBN fadlin they've been well fad it's f-a-d-l-a-n okay no no I'm not no okay no well I'm about to educate you my brother [Laughter] so a some Muslims were traveling a little far A little too far north in Europe just exploring maybe a trade route I can't remember the exact background story and uh some hostilities broke out they had I believe they had a I believe they had an African with them a dark black-skinned African and they came across some Giants when I say Giants this is from the this is from the Arabic perspective because when they came across these six foot five seven foot tall Norse vikings they didn't know what to think these men were huge they were fully armored uh Warren they wore iron Helms they they used steel weapons oh they had gold and silver guilt they they look like something out of ancient myths and because we had two different cultures here we had a a metal Masterwork warrior class of people who were very big on exploration and hunting and all that and in Warfare but there were Master metallurgists the the Vikings there's Norseman they came across they came across these Arabs and there there was an incident something involving a falcon a special a special Middle Eastern type sword and uh I can't remember what the incident but it ended up being a massacre a bloodbath well IBN fadlin was a little Arabic scholar who basically survived this and joined the Vikings and traveled with them and wrote for two years of everything he saw and he was shocked it was the it was Islam's first contact with the Norse the West wow well not so much the West not the west but with the north but with the north this is north of the Rhine River whole different cultures up there that were there were in Europe they were the most wild and unruly during the entire Muslim occupations of Spain and France yeah the the Islam Islam never made it that far north nor would they have ever Islam would have never been able to cross the Rhine just like the Romans in the tuttenberg forest the Romans the Romans took Legion after Legion after Legion into the North and still couldn't take it they had battles that they won but what did they do they were treated right after those battles because they knew they knew all the Norse the burgundians in the in the haruli and the Angles and the Saxons juts they're all they're going to do is just go tell more villages to come join and then more and more people it's just an endless amount of gigantic people so even the Romans were small Mediterranean peoples have never been big and the Mediterranean peoples around the Mediterranean have always been very short of stature the Romans the shortest out of all of them yeah that the actual Roman soldier was five foot three yeah that's fine full grown male the actual Roman Centurion the actual Soldier was five foot three men that were five foot six five foot seven and five foot eight were specifically selected for the praetorian guard this is the military of the city of Rome itself Because the actual military the generals could never bring their army across across the uh uh the Rubicon the Rubicon River no no Roman general was allowed to bring his troops across the Rubicon and this is why Caesar that's why Caesar when he when he passed the Rubicon that's where it became that's why it became a famous term are you gonna uh are you gonna cross the Rubicon because that that means it's the point of no return once you pass the Rubicon with an army it's the point of no return because now the Senate will have you killed so when Caesar when Caesar did it it became a a a famous saying in the west to pass the Rubicon but uh wow anyway yeah yeah that's so that that actually reminds me of fedlan that actually I don't know if you ever watched the film 13th Warrior it might be based off that text it might be based off his life because uh I remember I mean it's got it's got to be a few Fantastical elements into it fictional elements but uh it reminds me of that story he's like the only scholar he's like the only Arab scholar to ever watched that he was from Baghdad or and he made it home he made it home in his writing with his writings and then published it in yeah but uh IBN fadlin or and what's crazy is that in the west there were no writings about these people there were none I mean they I mean they're they themselves wrote in in the food Arc the runes but but to them writing was done very very very conservatively they would write on runestones which were basically just messages on monuments that we passed this point at such and such date you know what I mean because they were great explorers I mean they even made it all the way to North America and left us the Kensington runestone you know yeah a lot of people don't know about people I mean the Vikings are a fascinating culture Kensington runestone was left there in 1362. it was dated 1362 left in North America and only because of a storm upturned an old tree The Roots the Roots were exposed and inside the roots was this giant slab of Rock with futhark on it with all this room uh uh Norse and Gothic runes but yeah I was just gonna yeah oh yes sorry I was digressing from the there's another book um uh called the the Crusades through through an Arab size which you would find uh fascinating yeah it's a very um it's a very unbiased uh version of events of the Crusades because it's written by various uh you know Islamic scholars but also mentions a few Western ones as well but uh it's a great book and uh yeah I thought that um you might be interested in reading something like that because it has its references so many old um old books in there as well right and uh from the out from the Islamic period so so it'll be um it'd be fascinating to see what you think of that as well yeah check this out we are we're gonna have to save the rest for the next video because what we're gonna do in the next video are those 10 major signs I can't pronounce this sahih Muslim Muslim yep muslim okay yep we're gonna go through the 10 major signs about the end of the world because I'm really curious about some of these words we're not familiar with uh like al-jafari yep your fairy acid al-jaferi oh yep you know but we got 10 signs to go through the Phoenix phenomenon to go through and we have 26 individual muhammadan prophecies that are found in various Islamic traditions we have them all itemized the exact suit or a book where they can be found we do not have time to go through this is a wealth of material of prophetic stuff we're gonna see how much Islam lines up with the archaics version of the future and even when it deviates we're going to make notice of that too see if it lines up with the Book of Revelation or zoroastrian prophecies but this is a wealth of information provided provided by Ahmed right here we cannot get to it in this video you guys leave comments down on the bottom and tell me how much you enjoyed this presentation and you want to see Ahmed back you know even if you don't want to see him back he's coming back so but uh but hey let us let us know how we did on this you guys know this is essentially one of my very very first podcasts I don't have a lot of guests so matter of fact I never have guests on so uh I like I like what I like what I'm seeing here it's just too rich there's no way we're going to be able to get in this material right now there's way too much and and we still got to go into the Phoenix Phoenix phenomenon ancient history and cataclysm we got too much to go through man so let's go ahead there's a lot of material I appreciate you have being on the show I don't want to I don't want to do on a jelly Jason thank you don't want this video to go on too long and uh so you're just a freelance researcher you're just searching for the truth and you really don't have uh you don't have a YouTube channel or a platform I do I do have a YouTube channel yeah yeah it's cool planetary intelligence I mean I've only just started it about uh sort of last year but I haven't been putting much material on there I've kind of like started some audio I've started an audio book reading of certain books but um I definitely want to do more materials to do with our cakes on there so this year I'll be focusing well I mean are you in that as well other people contact me you want to you want to take sound bites man you're welcome to go through all my videos take whatever Clips you want out and then and then do Islamic Studies around them or whatever I mean you could fill your whole Channel up with just Arabic and Islamic uh takes on archaic's data oh oh definitely they don't have you don't have to promote archaic output but you can definitely use the material to see what lines up and what doesn't I mean I have no problem with that but uh uh I will you know I love your research Jason I love I mean this is why I've been wanting to connect with you with this information and contribute to the archaics research because I feel it's so important the truth we're all in in that in that Pursuit Of Truth and and right you know and the the truth syncretizes no matter which angle you look at it it will still you'll still have the same result and that's the same thing when I looked at your research and also some of your you know your spiritual values as well I think it really lines up with me as well personally um you know I do believe we are Immortal Souls in in these husks and we're here we're here for a reason and and that is to that that is to make up the immortal Soul within so I agree uh it's a it's going to be guys like you and I and others that are bringing to the fold it's the isolation it's it's the acknowledgment of the commonalities or they're going to show us what's right and what's wrong in all of our belief systems I don't know what that is sorry yeah that was that was a video playing on its own it happens yeah I'm going to close this video send me a link oh oh send me a link I think I might have the link in your email don't I to a planet that's always at the bottom of the the email yeah man I'll go in I'll go and put the link in the description box because you never know two or three months from now all of a sudden you just get wild and start putting a bunch of content on there and your link will always be on this video much appreciate it and that'll work I'm gonna close out I hope you guys enjoyed this presentation and I promise you within four or five days you will see the next video with um Ahmed and it's going to be Phoenix prophecy doomsday all that dark stuff let's see see y'all later