Psyop or Straight Up Round 2

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[Music] thank you [Applause] foreign let's go Aarons how are you beautiful people let me get over to here all right get everybody coming in I didn't know you had all those set aside yeah these are from uh that we'll we'll get we'll get into that all right good audio from Phoenix protocol maccubus excellent we like good audio and we are a little over 600 in the chat right now Aaron protocol yes it does the Coburn Bible it's got archaics all over it the Coburn Bible is the one I prefer to read when I want to read the basic historical version of The Exodus event and not the version that came through the new the the Old Testament that one was Rewritten several times in the favor of a certain people the Coburn Bible is just reporting the facts just the facts ma'am all right guys so for those of you who tuned in to round one of the uh psyop or I think was it site up or imagined for the first one this one is cyber straight up it's the the mainstream narratives that we hear about uh are they real or are they just a psyop the first video was was a hit guys uh thank you all for your participation which obligated us to do a second one because there were just so many interesting topics and good questions on the matter so go ahead and um we we went through me and Jason both went through the comments of the last couple of videos and posts and transferred some of the questions over but if you want go ahead all caps remember all caps for your questions and only questions in all caps please don't put everything in all caps there was over 2 000 people in the last chat and if there's over 2 000 people in all caps that that's a lot of vetting and filtering but hey welcome guys to another live stream with our KX thank you all of you moderators uh all the members and all of you participants new and Veterans uh again without you guys this channel would be irrelevant um we get a few announcements uh Jason's been hard working on the rkx movie it is hilarious but it's true um you guys are gonna love it uh I don't think Jason has given any details on how it was put together um but I've gone over there and I've seen the little stage set up and it it's going to be great it's if anything else your face is going to hurt from laughing um I have never ever released a video like the arcades movie ever it's uh he's been working on it every night every time I text him or call him yeah I'm in the workshop working on this movie and it's it it's going to be a blast um what else we got the archaics Meetup so I'm gonna post a link here in the chat see if I can copy here see if it'll let me post it paste it this is the archives Meetup in Fort Worth convention moderators please share please share that so Matt doesn't have to do that over and over through the presentation uh if we remember we'll put it on the pin comments for this video and all future videos um so they're uh Cheryl Bailey has been has put this together uh she went through Great Links to to make this happen she has a meet-up page now available which I just put the link to it is going to be in Dallas Fort Worth at the Stockyards uh it's gonna be April 1st it's gonna start 9 A.M and at 6 p.m there's going to be a two hour intermission there's a lot of restaurants a lot of things to do there uh in the middle so we're gonna break for two hours in the middle of everybody can go eat and go see the sights and then we'll come back um Jason and I both will be there uh Jason uh will be speaking I hope and uh it should be a good time uh I don't see why it wouldn't but there is a cover charge so you'll see uh when you go to the link there there is a cover charge to cover the venue so I've already seen people that are saying they've already booked tickets from New York from California a couple of people from Australia saying they're trying to get tickets um it's going to be a good turnout but um face Diaper Man approve that there ain't nothing really bad about that yeah I can't catch you it's moving too fastless chaps and white horse pulling a buggy of red bricks I bet you won't I dare you I don't dare don't dare that dude all right just make sure you're sitting down because as soon as you stand up and ask those chaps you might get a ticket so yeah the uh archanges meet up 40 walk-in ticket is very very cheap compared I mean I don't have any experience in these type of venues I don't I've never done one before but uh we tried to put one together about six seven eight months ago a team and it just got kind of out of control the venue ended up gonna cost thousands and thousands of dollars I thought you know what you know just this this isn't the time let's just move forward and uh apparently this is the time now what's crazy is uh I spend a lot of my childhood right there in Bedford Texas so my brother and his family are right there close by so I'll be visiting him that's pretty interesting I've been all over Fort Worth North Richland Hills Bedford someone asked is it going to be streamed in Fort Worth um I think we are getting things in place so at least parts of it will be live streamed I'm not sure if the entire event um it's nine to six so that's that's a long live stream well uh I I am going to have somebody there with a camera okay they've already agreed to it and uh somebody will be will be filming it uh filming just general filming and I'll probably give in in that long in that long of a period of time I'll do at least two presentations and maybe three that's a long period of time yeah but we understand there's uh 82 000 subscribers we understand 82 000 people can't make it um so we will have pictures and video for those of you who aren't able to to make it is that your the movie in the Meetup that's it you think the moderators thanks guys I see uh Aaron protocol I'll get with you later I just been uh a little overwhelmed even though even though I have pretty much passed on Paradise Rock Gardens to my my chief Foreman and he is he's now assumed the Reigns uh this time of year every year we were always very short as soon as this video is over uh I'm gonna join him and another guy we're gonna go take all these Christmas lights down because that has to be done my name is on all that advertising so this is the final year I have to I have to mess with this uh I did help I did help them two or three days I even did a video from somebody's roof and I put it on YouTube but uh I need to make sure that that's done so I'm gonna help them out today but uh hopefully that's the only thing slowing me down right now but other than that things are good and as soon as this is over I'm gonna take me a nap um for those of you who aren't aware of my background at so I've been blown up twice and I don't say that term loosely I've literally been blown up two times in Afghanistan and one thing I deal with from that occurrence is I I suffered from a traumatic brain injury and that has affected my my memory and my sleep so I take notes all day long everything means take talk about everything on uh archaic's comments and everything which is why I'm so organized because my memory is so messed up but guys I am dog tired right now I got no sleep last night there are probably five six nights out of the week where I get like 30 minutes to two hours of sleep and it's just like nodding off for just a little bit but for those of you who know what it's like to wake up in the morning and like oh I feel so well rested yeah I don't know what that's like I actually met Matt through uh well your former Sergeant right Jesse Yeah Yeah Jesse was my platoon Sergeant Jesse's a good buddy but he lives pretty far away but he stopped in here and saw me just a little while ago and checked out my property and all my new upgrades and stuff it's good people but I'm gonna tough it out I'm here with you guys you're gonna get my full attention my full effort uh I'm used to uh Running on Fumes as some might say but you guys are going to get 100 out of me I promise I'm never gonna slack him when it comes to uh when it comes to your dedication oh we hit that 1000 this time store man uh oh we hit the 1000 we got 12 minutes in and we hit 1 000 let's do it what are you doing man I interrupted you no no that was perfect timing I'm sure you sure you could remember that excellent thank you for those likes guys anything to trigger that algorithm thank you Eva so you guys can think the uh archaics subscriber Angela Reeves because uh she got a little personal in the comments section and asked some questions and so I'm going to at her behest we have a video coming I haven't done it yet but I I know I'm not gonna have any problem doing it uh where do we go from here the science of Breaking Free this is a video you will get very very soon within 72 hours uh I can see that that she and others are are struggling with the switch over from Paradigm to Paradigm understanding the world that they have been raised in is not the world that you're in and this this wall of cognitive dissonance that this wall of of trying to align former information with newer information is really disturbing for some people and I get that this is why I tell people a lot I said listen you don't bring your baggage into archaics things you have learned elsewhere should be left at the door because they're not going to make sense here so uh having said that you have a video coming very very quickly for uh inspired by Angela Reeves until Where Do We Go From Here look out for that video the science of breaking free now another little thing to note this is an announcement somebody sent me a link to a video where Elon Musk is claimed to have deciphered the Great Pyramid I do not know why this person wanted to trigger me but they did so I will be watching that video and the two other videos that popped up on my thread I've I've got all three links set aside I'll be watching those videos because I was already working on a side project putting all my Great Pyramid information into one long two-hour documentary so every bit of it is in one place where you can see instead of having to hunt through my channel for all these different videos I'm I'm uh I'm gonna have to watch Elon Musk video because I am pretty much absolutely 100 percent confident that man has not decoded the Great Pyramid but before I can claim that I need to watch those presentations so I appreciate the person that sent me that link you triggered the hell out of me on that one archaic survival pack is almost done it's 10 times bigger than the uh the Super PAC because the Super PAC is just my books it's my 16 17 books that I've written all my chronic on chronic on notes handwritten notes publish uh notes all the memes all the charts all the diagrams all the images from my YouTube videos the super pack is all my stuff but uh the archaic survival pack is all my stuff in the last six months since I released the Super PAC it's all the new stuff but it's also thousands of images I've now taken from my own library from all the books in my library fantastic photos I'm pretty sure a lot of these have never seen Google some of these books go back to 1813 all the way up to 1912 and I have photographed I'm still not done but I've photographed a lot of them just out of one one series of books I got 695 uh pictures but uh and that was ridpath's history of the world so that's the project I'm almost done once I'm fully done photographing them all then I'll I will release the archaic survival pack which has thousands of new images charts but more importantly it has a library it has a PDF library of old books that are 400 300 200 all the way to 70 years old I cannot have any newer books from 70 years because it violates copyright law but uh all the way to 70 years old all these books that have educated me and many of them in the survival pack are are old books that I will be doing YouTube videos on so I'm giving you an opportunity to get that first but uh anyway yeah the archaic survival pack is just internet goes down uh anything happens to our infrastructure if there's a temporary Hiatus whatever you'll have you'll have 10 years worth of reading oh so you don't worry about it anyway last upload on the Book of Mormon it went pretty well I appreciate you guys but right now I've been up brows up pretty late too but uh not because I have any brain injuries and not because I got blown up twice uh uh I feel for Matt on that because he has to deal with issues the issues you guys don't even know about him he's got a yeah pretty extensive military career and I'm a my me staying up my insomnia is different my mind is an Overdrive I'm always thinking I just can't stop when I go to sleep I do not dream I am out as soon as as soon as I can put my mind down I wake back up into morning time so this is how I am I stayed up late last night though reading the 1931 edition of moons myths and man written by Hans Bellamy and it is a fantastic old book about the the uh what's the dude's name Hans boranger's Cosmic ice Theory you know it's got some really good information on the pre-seller nights Traditions about civilizations that were here before the moon appeared in the sky where the vapor where all the moisture came from to even build the vapor canopy and how when the vapor canopy collapsed all that moisture ended up in our poles North and South Poles so it's got Phoenix phenomenon data in it you will be getting a video uh about Hans Bellamy's uh observations and discoveries so so here's some clarifications clarifications are necessary because people make assumptions from the prior video that we had done uh one of one of them is is the soul trap there's some confusion here we need to we need to iron this out okay I I said soul trap theory is BS I'm not buying into it apparently I need to be a little more specific because I got I saw quite a few comments where people said uh uh I thought you were on board with the soul trap aren't we in the similacrum aren't we trapped in here right now until a specific year in the future uh he comes to set the captives free or when the similar Chrome collapses you guys are correct I am an error that I did not distinguish between the two if you're considering this whole entire experience as being a soul trap that we can't get out until a certain year you're absolutely correct but what I was what I was referring to and I thought I had been specific in my in my prior presentation was that the soul trap I am against is the belief that when you die you're given two choices or three choices and if you go toward the light that's the false choice and if you make a false Choice after death of the avatar you suffer a negative consequence and that negative consequence is being re-siphoned right back into uh another Avatar I don't believe in that theory at all I don't believe in the soul trap as presented like that is not I I just can't buy into it I believe we're living life Sims and I don't believe you have a choice when you leave this Avatar you're going into the next one now now that was that's the way it's been for thousands of years until 1902 from 1902 I believe that the Harvest has begun and I've itemized these reasons for that it's not that's not relevant here so this this Harvest now many Souls were not being shuffled back in but those who are still needing further development are being shuffled back in but yeah that's that's the difference between the soul trap and the similacrum similar Chrome we're all living life Sims we're here and I guess yeah in the collective as a whole we're all trapped here until a specific year but uh yeah the individual soul trap deals I've been hearing about from from other writers and channels just not I'm not on board I'm not on board at all so another clarification is mind unveiled Channel that I need to clarify that I have not denigrated mind unveiled they have some good content probably some very good people the only problem I have is the new Theory the new idea the Cabbage Patch Kids the postcard babies and other people have brought to my attention some really interesting things too about the postcard in Cabbage Patch phenomenon and that is in the 1920s and 1930s it was very very sanitized any references in media to anything sexual so babies and it was real popular back then because catalogs this was a pastime of a lot of mothers and daughters in the 1920s and 30s they made scrap books because magazines were the major media of the world back in in America back then and they spent their time with scissors cutting out the things that they like and they made all kinds of little post boards and all this was widely known that's why I have a problem with the whole turning the postcard deal into something more than than we have evidence for so I'm still on board that there's a genuine mystery here I'm just not seeing the evidence that any evidence for it that I can promote when other explanations are equally viable such as the fact that we live that United States in the 1920s and 30s was very Puritan and being a Puritan there was no references that babies came you know came by a virtue of sex it was very popular to put cute little pictures of babies in all different places make scrapbooks but you got to remember guys periodicals magazines and new newspapers were the were the internet of of the developing developing world it's just the way it was so I don't know if that's if that's a cover I just don't know so it's I'm still leaving it entirely open but don't take one particular about the postcards and the and the Cabbage Patch and then apply it to the hole because I'm not I'm not so I don't need you doing it either mind unveil it's probably a very good Channel I'm just not familiar with them so that clarification's done the other clarification is is two different people made comments assuming that I had an nde and I did not the ndes that are I had I had a terrible motorcycle accident I've gone into it in a lot of detail and what happened to me was almost like a transcendental experience yes but I never left my avatar and that's the difference I walked around with my clothes ripped off my body flew 65 through feet through the air upside down hit a concrete pylon slid to the ground went through a fence and rebar was sticking through my arm tore the tattoos out the back of my arm and I never felt in you pain I was walking around talking to people and I was very euphoric of course it was a type of shock very different but it's what led to a whole different trajectory to my YouTube channel I had already released one video and it was just about the Phoenix phenomenon my second video was simulation Theory and every video after that was in some way applying the my new take on reality to simulation Theory using history and using chronology and basic observations so I just want to clarify that too before anybody goes to other channels or try to talk and tries to share my story say hey Jason had an nde and he I didn't have an nde I didn't I never left my body I never left my avatar oh I have some news Paul leviolet passed away pretty sad about that I've mentioned books by Paul leviolet and how he influenced my education I appreciate the individual who sent me the email telling me about or was it a comment I read this morning about Paula Violet dying but um uh sub Quantum kinetics was very instrumental in my education because I put that data with what I read from ishak bentov and PD alspinsky and other authors as well like I can't I never can't pronounce this guy's name Mikhail Kaku or something physicist but but these things that I learned from these these great minds I put them together sub Quantum kinetics is one of the deepest books I've ever read about the substrate of our reality and though Paula Violet wrote that book but he also also wrote Earth Under Fire in Earth Under Fire I had even put I had even cited his research because his timeline for gamma ray burst burst uh uh detections that's geologists have found in archeology almost perfectly mirrors my chronology on the Nemesis X object appearances so I have that data in my uh in my research for the Nemesis X object I got that from Paula Violet but Paula Violet wrote another book too that also influenced me remember guys I've told you in the past that I do not believe that a creation was a singularity I do not believe that an eternal oversoul whatever embark on just a creation event I think we're looking at it from a different a wrong perspective I think an oversoul being Eternal would never stop creating and therefore that's why these similacrums and these these little testing or containment fields are very necessary for embryonic Souls that just begin their Journeys all the way through you know into the creation that's what I believe so uh Genesis and the cosmos is a book Paul of violet wrote and in that book he promotes the idea that the creation is ongoing and that it's it it is eternal and he but he uses pure physics to come to these conclusions I find it very interesting but uh I just wanted to get these out the way because uh they don't have anything to do with y'all's questions but they needed we needed to uh clear the air on a few things because there was some confusion in the comment sections and uh you got anything else before I give them this whole list of everything I don't know I want to show you this okay no no but I'll definitely go check it out just a market for me so yeah I just wanted to do the clarifications guys because uh I uh other channels provide us Great Value but if they just produce one or two videos about a subject we can't throw away the baby with the bath water just like archaics there are many of you who like my channel but there are two or three videos you are at you are adamantly vehemently against well you don't throw out 98 videos because you dislike two of them so it's the same it's same concept it's all I'm trying to get people to be aware of there are things that we can question without throwing away everything else now having said that there's a lot there is a lot guys I have never researched I'm just one guy and I'm very I'm in a bubble listen the decades I spent in prison researching allowed me to focus on topics and totally immerse into them but that was one Topic at a time one book at a time taking my notes compiling putting them together coalescing the information throwing out what didn't fit listen guys there are many great researchers out there but I don't know I don't know anything about them you guys know way more than I do because you go channel to channel to channel basically putting more and more facts into your dossier of reality I really don't do that I'm still I'm still stuck in my own Paradigm and that is I'm reading books I'm stuck in all these books in my library it's I've got so many old books in my library it's still gonna be a while before I get through all those and provide you videos from that content as well so I don't think being 49 years old that I have enough time left in my life to actually just start researching everybody else it's never going to happen so I apologize I don't know anything about Cliff High I only know his name I don't know anything about how you say that somebody people keep asking me about that Martin Lakey okay Martin lidke I don't know anything about him I nothing I can't even recall a single video or or book um Mark passio is a name I'm familiar with but I have I'm not haven't had any contact with this information uh Jason sherka is a very familiar name because you guys keep asking me about him and for a while there I used to confuse him with Jason Q I know Jason Q I've talked to him in the comment sections but uh I don't know who Jason Sharkey is I don't know who Phil Schneider is I just know these names guys oh I know you're aware of Phil Schneider matter of fact here let me finish this list man you tell them what you know about Phil Schneider you telling me some awesome stuff the other day oh I don't know anything about Phil Schneider uh Dianetics L Ron Hubbard I'm going down the list of what you guys put in the comment section I don't know anything about these guys these are all very modern researchers and authors I am familiar with Dolores Cannon she's an anomaly uh I'm familiar with her but I don't know anything about her somebody in the comments section corrected me I thought she was in some type of divination or something but somebody had corrected me and told me that she was a hypnotist and she got her data by hypnotizing people or something I could be wrong about that too I get confused about different personalities it's a I don't know anything about Dolores Cannon I don't oh wetico the supposed mind virus we have is written don't know anything about it Paul Levy don't know anything about it I'm just going down the list so we can get all this out the way because I have a lot a lot I do know about I'm about to share with you today we got some Star Wars in here we got some movies really interesting movies that reveal reality that are in here uh today's presentation we got some pretty good stuff in this presentation that we got people been asking me about black African types that were in Central America or South America in ancient times I'm gonna blow your mind about some stuff I know about that I'm gonna today is gonna be really interesting but I gotta get these things out of the way these things I just don't know anything about because I don't want to waste your time by you at continuing to ask the questions oh somebody asked The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant uh Stephen Donaldson you said it was fiction but you think it had fact in it I've never read those uh Ley lines Ley lines and ancient texts and old books I have read many references I can only take you to David Hatcher Childers who talks about them a lot uh I personally don't have much much information about it I do understand that there was a system in place in the vapor canopy period um I don't know much about Ley lines but I do know that in the vapor canopy period the Great Pyramid site of Giza was at zero degrees longitude zero degrees latitude it was the Prime Meridian of the ancient world since the cataclysm it has been moved 30 degrees it is now 30 degrees north latitude now this has changed the grid the grid we go by the grin which mean we go by now is not the one we went by in the vapor Canopy World so those of you who are cartographers and those of you who study Maps if you would like to really see some interesting arithmetic switch over to Giza being being the center of the ancient world and then take all your measurements from all the ancient sites like Karnak and and and and uh Silver Hill uh Stonehenge durrington walls uh go over to the Americas and look at all the ancient temples and pyramid complexes the whole pyramid belt that goes around the world listen that's what take all your measurements and look at them in miles to Giza you're going to see some profiling things but uh yeah the whole system is 30 degrees off and it's going to move another 30 degrees in 2040. remote viewing oh all I know is Cia project but you said that yourself in the deal I've never remote viewed don't know how to do it I've never met anybody that could do it to me it's just something somebody claims on on YouTube or or or in books it may be an absolutely real phenomenon but I do remember reading some stuff about Yuri Geller about remember the guy that used to bend spoons and people are fascinated in the 60s I think he was a part of that project but because remote viewing is one of the things that SRI uh publishes I kind of I want to St I want to stay away from it I try to stay away from anything related to even remotely connected to Sri it's all or SRI is the Stanford Research Institute and nothing good has come up out of there I'll just leave it alone let's see before I go on I have suspicious observers on the list and Russell Carlson before I go on because I I do I can provide opinions about those before I go on I don't want to forget this because man we got a lot of comments about Phil Schneider you wanna you wanna you wanna go off on that for a minute you want to talk about that all right yeah there have been a lot of comments uh asking do you know about Phil Schneider um a lot of you who do comment you know tied in to uh Jason's theory of the the Underworld the underground uh so I'll just briefly give you the information that I have on the matter um I researched Phil Schneider for about eight years back in 2011 2012 I came across his research so Phil Snyder back in the 80s was a contractor for the the government on the black budget so for those of you don't know what that is that's the stuff that's off the books uh he was a geologist uh and an engineer and he is the one who spearheaded the demolitions and everything for blowing the holes into and building constructing underground bases which are known as dumbs deep underground military bases uh his most famous encounter was I think in 83 it might have been 88 it was somewhere in the 80s in Dulce New Mexico where he gives a story about uh blowing the hole for an underground base that they were constructing and a cloud of smoke comes out like like air and it's disgusting it smells terrible and so they want to check it out and supposedly by his story uh there are Green Berets there that are assigned to the security detail so Phil himself and a team of Green Berets go down into this chamber underground where he says there are seven foot tall gray beings which we call the the Grays the gray aliens um so immediately from that perspective it goes along with uh the archaics research that these beings if they are real I'm not saying one way or the other I'm just giving the information that I've come across they're from underground not from outer space um I mean even the Hopi Indians the ancient Hopi uh teachings or folklore talk about the ant people that live underground that come up and help Humanity rebuild after cataclysms and if you look at their cave paintings they look just like gray aliens so Phil Schneider supposedly came in contact with these guys and he freaked out pulled his Walter PPK and started shooting him because he just freaked out and started shooting them uh and they shot back lasers or something he said they waved in front of his chest and a beam came out and in his speeches that he went he went all across the United States uh in the early 90s and to a whistleblow on this stuff and he would lift his shirt and he'll show you the gash uh where the laser cut it split him open and his hand where he had fingers burned off his foot where half of his foot was burned off from this and so after this he pretty much boycotted the government and went around the country spilling the beans so to speak on secret technology and he would show medals that are foreign to Earth um he'd put on display Memory Metal um metals that are stronger than titanium that are as light as aluminum but the most interesting thing about all of this is the vast amount of knowledge he went around telling people and then he was found dead in his apartment with a piece of plastic wrapped around his neck at first they said it was a catheter then they said it was a medical tube either way he was it was a suicide uh but it was tied in a knot around his neck which and severe situations a normal human being could break it so I don't know who just ties something around their neck and just sits there and just waits to uh expiciate but um so when I came across this research I immediately went on all social media platforms to see what was going on again this is about 2012. and I found a Facebook page that was named Phil Schneider and I went through and saw there was a lot of his interviews and conferences and things were were on there and I sent him a message and asked who was running the site and I got a message back that said it was his daughter Marie Pierce uh Marie if you're watching this I'm sorry if you didn't want your name out there I'm just telling the story um so I she befriended me and she gave me a lot of information I'm not saying this to name drop or to be popular I can prove all of this I have emails I still have the emails from Phil Schneider's wife I have emailed her back and forth for about two years but about three years ago they both disappeared uh his daughter and his wife or ex-wife and for the last two years I've been trying to reach them and have had no contact they're not responding to emails their Facebook's deleted and I found the same Facebook page that Phil Center that originally found uh Marie on and I sent him a message and said hey is Marie still running this page because I lost contact with her and uh she like disappeared like three years ago and was immediately blocked so I got onto my other Facebook page Sovereign Citizen and said the same thing hey I'm looking for Marie World friends I'm just trying to find her she disappeared immediately blocked so there's some fishy stuff going on there and this was recent when I was blocked because this was just a couple of months ago I was telling Jason about it and first time I ever heard the guy's name Phil Schneider um but yeah Phil Schneider is definitely worth looking into he he talks about all of the different military bases underground I think he says there's 187 just in the United States alone they're all connected by Mega trains magnetic Trailways they're all interconnected and you can take that information uh however you want again I'm not swearing by any of this information I'm just giving you the information that I have found on the subject so yes I am tracking the Phil Schneider if anybody wants any more information on that than what I've given you I don't have a ton more um but I'll be willing to divulge the information his family has given me how they raided his house immediately after his death and took all of his books all of his journals how he had published a formula for alchemy that was supposedly successful his wife gave me that formula and just asked that I would donate to his family which I can't get a hold of now but yeah all right let's move on to another topic that was a mouthful so so Phil Schneider talks about the underground basis I didn't even know that yes he he's literally the one that broke open the narrative on the subject he might be the source for a lot of images I have guys one of my YouTube videos I talk about the underground basis because I'm explaining in that video that The Narrative that's been pushed on the American public is absolutely false there are no there are no military raids of underground satanic facilities rescuing children this was a this was a narrative that was specifically put out there as deceit and uh the underground bases I have I want my YouTube video still it's still up it's it I don't know I'll probably I'll probably have 60 to 100 actual photos of underground facilities you know it's in that video I gotta remember which video it is but uh yeah I'll go into detail about that and I was I was explaining why that information misinformation was put out to the public that way it's uh when you're trying to cover up something legitimate the best way to do it in the world is to is to mix facts with fiction and to make sure that the fiction is almost so unbelievable that people would automatically believe it because of that of that fact yeah so they've been playing this game for a very long period of time so all right I'll feel and for those of you commenting yes I am aware that Sovereign citizen is basically an oxymoron I'm tracking that that was just a name when I got blocked off YouTube or YouTube uh when I was blocked on Facebook when I was put in Facebook jail I just threw that together just so I could get on Facebook okay I got sold people asking right here I've got on this list since we've already gone over what I don't know anything about and identities for which I am unfamiliar let's go to ones that I am you guys got J dreamers on the list and I don't know why you even asked about him but you got suspicious observers and Russell Carlson so with J dreamers we have a dynamic personality with J dreamers we have a guy who's not claiming any special information he's not claiming to have any type of psychic abilities he's not claiming to have any esoteric knowledge beyond what anybody else can can acquire by just studying the world around us uh J dreamers and I have been on two maybe three programs together and we'll probably do some in the near future I haven't been able to get my ducks in a row I'm involved in a lot of different projects but uh he's a straight up guy in my book and uh I will I'm I've even asked him to do some very interesting uh truth in movies he did two one he did one for sure he might have done another one a boy and his dog yeah he did two of them that I asked him to do a boy and his dog and Knight of the Comet we'll get to those here in a little while but as far as J dreamers I don't know why anybody asked about him dude's uh uh he he's he's telling it like he sees it and you cannot fault anybody for that now I do believe that his plasma apocalypse is a perfect description of the Phoenix phenomenon only at at its greatest magnitude because the Phoenix phenomena on every 138 years it it affects our world but at different orders of magnitude it's never at at magnitude 10 but maybe three or four times in the entire history of the world have I ever seen it do exactly what J dreamers proposes on his channel so there is a lot of crossover between our stuff I just see that this phenomenon is operative a lot more in the small and Regional uh areas too and this this has a lot to do with the way we view the world I mean I think he's I do think that he might be uh somewhat uniformitarian somewhat uh materialist in his perception of our reality I'm not really sure uh but I'm a simulationist and I am now 100 completely on board with simulation Theory and that means that I cannot at all entertain uniformitarianism which is entirely materialist so let me let me explain because some of you have asked about the uniformitarian deal and my my staunch position against Graham Hancock first of all it's not personal against Graham Hancock you have to understand the poison that is uniformitarianism uniformitarianism did not exist 300 years ago 300 years ago our naturalists they weren't called scientists our naturalist based their theories based off actual things they could observe and discover they dig up things they find a they find a three-toed sloth next to a gigantic Tusk bore in the same layer and strata of frozen mud that they find a saber-toothed tiger and a woolly mammoth and they know okay well the megafauna all these species of megafauna live together at the same time it's as simple as that it's as simple as that but real quickly about 250 years ago The Establishment began setting out rules each rule had definitive assertions attached to it and then tests that were supposed to support those assertions then those assertions were entered into the record as facts and they built this massive chronology of the world based off circular reasoning none of it was true but they wanted to they wanted to put together let me here's the best analogy they gave everybody in the world a chess board then they they attached rules to each individual piece as long as you follow those rules and you can move those pieces in that fashion you can play the game but if you don't use the exact moves that they have assigned to those pieces you're not even worthy of consideration we're not even going to comment on anything you do and this is where this is where a lot of people come into contact with the scientific wall it's just a stone wall they give you it's because you're not playing by their rules you're not using their language therefore they're not going to entertain anything you have but I'm telling you now the whole picture they gave us of the stone here stone age is the ice ages there was Glacier glaciation periods and that's because by virtue of my own study of the vapor canopy and the studies of those in Glen Rose Texas and the four books from the 1920s 30s 50s and 70s that were released on the vapor canopy and by virtue of everything of Roger of mud fossil has brought to the table I Now understand it wasn't ice ages that started these period period periodic uh uh histories it was Vapor canopies in different Vapor canopies can provide different magnitudes of of of uh life forms this is why we have these variations in recent historical I want to call it fossil records but they're not fossils so my problem with uniformitarianism is that it promotes the idea of things that we cannot observe science is about this this is about observing the world around us and Reporting what we find basing our conclusions of observations but every every practice of the scientific World violates that tenet it has already been shown that every single method of relative dating methods has been proven false proven errors and the only way they can promote promote any and published books today is by practicing exclusions the data that does not comport is put to the side it's the exact same thing the pharmaceutical companies do when they promote a a new a new medicine and then tell you that it's been approved and in all these clinical tests we had an 87.5 percent success rate and whatever yeah that's only because you shelved the other 2 500 tests that killed the patient so yeah it's a uh this is a uniformitarianism there's a poison because it restricts the Mind from being able to to make accurate assessments of the data and if your assessments don't comport with the reasoning and the and the actual chronology that they give us everything is hundreds of millions of years old all these layers all these layers of strata and they and they assign them to devonian and Jurassic and Cambrian Cambrian and pre-cambrian but the fossils themselves disprove that there's no there's no there's no development the same life forms that are in their 100 million year old strata are the same ones today every bit of it's pilt down man proves Evolution was what was alive from the beginning but listen uniformitarianism is the is what triggers me Jason and it's the reason why I can't listen to Graham Hancock you guys respect Graham Hancock and you know what more power to you he's opened up your minds more power to you but I've read Graham Hancock's books and I'm telling you now I almost said but I'm telling you now everything he says is one hundred percent from a uniformitarian perspective he is still on board with with things being hundreds of millions of years old with things being oh in the Stone Age the lithic Neolithic pre-pottery Neolithic post Pottery Neolithic all this is uniformitarian BS and it doesn't comport with what we're finding and this is where all the confusion lies now Russell Carlson is the exact same way Graham Hancock and Russell Carlson might be the best men in the world they might sit right here with Matt and I and then hey we could drink a few rounds laugh and joke and all that but I'm telling you now they're uniformitarians meaning they're not booking the system they're playing by the rules the rules set out by the scientific establishment are that you must present your data in this way you must go by these dictates these are the tests that have that have that have proven all these different things which they haven't proven at all they're almost all lies until they until until they scientifically publish how you fossilize jellyfish at 700 foot depth of of salt water they'll they'll never convince me of anything so it's uh we have a problem uniformitarianism is the Playbook of the establishment The Establishment wants to be able to make everybody look ridiculous so they don't play by that Playbook Graham Hancock and Russell Carlson play by the handbook yes yes they promote ideas and theories that other scientists find as anathema that that other scientists find is blasphemy but it's still within the confines of the Playbook they're still talking Neanderthal Cro-Magnon Stone Age Neolithic they're still talking all all this stuff instead of actual third fourth and fifth millennium BC where all these events actually occurred yeah guys it's it's it's it's it's uniformitarianism is absolute poison and it and uniformitarianism has completely corrupted astronomy as well so this is where suspicious observers comes in yeah I've watched three of his videos now seems like a very knowledgeable guy he's got a great personality he's got really good delivery he's got great graphics and all that 100 of his material is from a uniformitarian perspective he's playing by the by The Playbook he's going by all the scientific vernacular all the scientific parlance and all these things that other researchers have basically shown as absolute so I can't there's no crossover between between suspicious observers and I he's got like 700 000 subscribers or something like that now more power to him you know what we may come across we may come to the same conclusions because he and I do have some pretty similar conclusions but we may come to the same conclusions but it's not it's not because uniformitarian allowed that it's because he's being led by that inner wisdom and inner wisdom is always going to guide you to the light even if you're using remember the old Chinese proverb I tell you guys a lot I says even when when the wrong man excuse me even when the right man makes use of the wrong means the wrong means still working the right way just like the tarot stuff I told you guys about it's not it's not the dick 78 card decade nothing but some paper it's always the it's always the individual yeah it's it's the man not the method so yeah suspicious observer seems like a great guy I'm not but I'm there's no crossover between because he is a materialist and that doesn't make him a bad fellow that's by virtue of his education he is a uniformitarianism that's how he was educated so he's going to he's going to keep his research within the confines of those dictates but I can't I'm a simulationist and I know the entire sky is simulated and all these things astronomers say are at Great distances is not that's a multi-tiered hologram that we're looking up in the sky and none of those objects are actually solid we are in a construct we are confined here yeah so I'm not never that will never be crossover so there I hope that stops all the the uh I hope he was suspicious observers get together it's just it's not it's not personal we see the world through totally different lenses therefore our output is going to comport with that I am never going to cross-pollinate the archaic's data with with uniformitarianism I'm not going to do it guys till the day I die we will be in the the archaics Paradigm will be free from that uniformitarian all right and no this isn't just a rant for those who who are uh no no one has specifically commented yet hey can we get to the questions but before you say what he just did from the start of this video to now was he just covered like 30 questions that were asked in the comments that's what he's doing he's trying to knock out all the things that are were asked a lot or that were uh irrelevant um but he's I think he's almost done I'm here's questions of the and yeah now we're getting into this yeah I just want to get that out the way guys it's nothing personal yeah I can I can drink I can drink a beer with people who disagree with me I can drink a beer with with my enemies it is absolutely nothing personal guys it's just we can't there's no sense even talking if we're not if we're not even gonna speak the same language there's no sense of communication two questions on the Deep state what do you think about the Deep State well I'm gonna tell you what I think same thing I've told you guys in Prior videos the Deep state is the whole state in the only time there's good guys they don't last long they don't last long and most of it's for most of it is for is uh for public uh you know good guys just aren't allow to rule they're they're there to continue that hope but uh you're an errant you shouldn't even worry about it shouldn't even worry about it so this leads to the next question this was a very serious question by somebody they said why do you why have the why do the elite have to fleece the wealth if they already own everything so that's really good but it goes It goes It goes in tandem with other explanations from other questions that were asked very similar in a very similar vein you're not you don't have a collar around your neck you're not chained to another another prisoner you're not being led out to a former football Superdome that's been turned into to a Bloodsport Coliseum you're not forced to go out in the middle and then a weapon put in your hand and fight another another innocent victim with an iron collar around their their neck and fight them to death and while thirty thousand screaming elitists sit there and and take bets on who's gonna Scream the loudest when they get hit with a sword who's going to last longer who's gonna who's gonna take longest to bleed out that's not your life so the reason I'm I'm providing this analogy is they're seeing there seems to be a lot of you who think that the world is is as bad as it could be oh it could be far worse it could be far worse I know I'm very free yeah I'm an ex-convict but I'm very free I can go where I want to go I can do what I want to I want to do I can go meet who I want to meet I have many freedoms and so do you and so do you yeah our rights privileges immunity have have been Abridged but most of the things that we suffer in life are entirely mental we haven't even physically suffered the very Things We Fear so I'm uh yeah you're not a Slave you're not treated as as you know property that that world hasn't hasn't you you have no experience with that world now many people in the past do ask ask the Slavs yeah many people have have had that life so uh it's not being experienced right now at least in most of the world there may be there's there's slavery in Africa it's other African tribes enslaving others and it's totally ignored by the media but uh yeah it's the reason the reason the world isn't totally dark and the reason we still have great latitude to be and do all kinds of things because as I say many times guys we have a benefactor we have an oversoul and it makes sure that we can always deal with the amount of Darkness that's dealt to us yeah this we are the world all holding hands and we're going to save the world by our Collective this this has been the message from archaics from the beginning I have so many podcasts with people where I'm totally explaining and I know people don't want to hear it but we are not here to change this construct we're not here to save the world we're here to pass through it we are sojourners we are pilgrims we are not here to allow the darkness and stains of this world to contaminate our personalities and souls we're meant to pass through it yeah this is this this is gonna this system is going to reboot and it's all going to start over it's most most of the collective experiences are all pre-programmed that's why they happen the way they do they're so weird has nothing to do with the personal has everything to do with the collective no man it's not it's not that bad so when you ask me why the elite have to fleece the wealth uh tone everything the answer is is because there are Governors set in place if there weren't Governors set in place like restrictor plates on engines if these Governors were not set in places as overseers to make sure things run smoothly then long time ago the elite would run the entire world and everybody would be butt naked treated like cattle and wouldn't even understand the difference between between an animal and a human that would be treated that way a lot a lot like what you see in the Sumerian reliefs where you see fully clothed bearded individuals and you see uh these Sumerian black-headed people running around naked yeah so it's a I'm all that's how that's the best way I can answer that question if we didn't have a benefactor then you'd be a slave Star Wars here's some fun facts do you guys remember Yoda had to go hide on a world this is a swamp world it was a dark cloudy swamp world it's in the daggle boss system well that's a vapor Canopy World that Luke Skywalker had to go to to go visit Yoda that's a vapor Canopy World so somebody else had made made the connection but yeah it's it's it's it's an obvious connection yes the Death Star is the Phoenix weapon in our world the Phoenix weapon has always been there but it's it's cloaked it's hidden it might be hidden in plain sight but it's there the force the force itself is a neutral field remember we're told in Star Wars all the time the forces in good or evil yeah the Jedi in the Jedi lessons they're always talking among themselves yeah they Luke Skywalker kept having he kept leaning toward the force being good and all that and he kept being corrected by Obi-Wan man there's no it's neutral this is the role of the Sith the Sith the Sith are interpreted as the bad guys but they weren't bad yeah they looked evil and yeah yeah they they were pretty negative but they weren't necessarily bad all the Sith wanted to do was maintain balance in the force when there's only two or three Sith one Sith Lord and a thousand Jedi that's not a lot of balance so the uh the force is the similacrum the Jedi and the Sith were those who could take their informed personal informed fields and sink it to the neutral field of the similacrum this allowed them to do all kinds of things other people couldn't do so it's all the Sith just weren't really the bad guys they were portrayed that way but they really weren't because the real bad guys were called the first order but that's that's the subject for another video Lord of the Rings you like that Cliffhanger there Lord of the Rings somebody sent me a message somebody's 1380 look at that somebody sent me a message or or made a comment that floored me because I have rid The Hobbit I have read The Fellowship of the Ring that the two towers the Lord of the Ring Return of the King I read those four books I read those four books at least three times and I don't think that information is in these books I think they're getting their information from like the book of lost Tales one book of lost Tales 2 the silmarillion something like that but they said that in The Lord of the Rings story The Elves and and maybe dwarves or elves or elves and other creatures had come from the old world in the old world was during the Twilight time so I've heard some references about Lord of the Rings having some truth in it well that would be the vapor canopy period this this ties in with my recent uh Fubar uh when I when I had all these notes on the Hopi traditions and I never included them in any of my videos on Vapor canopy and it's right there in black and white I hope you believe that their ancestors lived under the dark midnight there it is right there totally forgot to absolutely kick myself in the butt for omitting those notes but it's all right there truth in movies is something you guys need to really go J dreamers on go to J dreamer's channel there's two of them he did for me a boy and his dog I had mentioned to to Jay several times he did a really good one on that but a boy this answers your question on truth in movies a boy and his dog was Don Johnson's maybe first movie or one of his first he's very young this is Miami Vice Don Johnson in a boy and his dog is after uh a nuclear war what the world's going to be like it's very interesting well when he gets to the end of the movie he finds out the elite or hanging out partying and having a blast they got all the amenities they're in an underground facility so not only do they prepare for it they knew it was coming another one that's very connected to the Phoenix phenomenon Red Dust underground government scientific facilities yeah another one J dreamers did was night of the Comet I had told him about that movie he watched it and he did a fantastic breakdown Tria in his truth and movie series on night of the Comet you guys need to check that out it's very entertaining you need to watch the movie first night of the Comet it's very good from the 80s and it is about the Phoenix phenomenon and then and then go watch J dreamers take he's gonna break it down it's good so I like it especially about that red dust so some of you some of you have asked about little people Little People puts a lot of things into perspective as well China Africa and South America I know this by virtue of David Hatcher childress's books which are very detailed we have we have archaeological sites that archaeologists themselves because they're uniformitarians they have written these off as a creative license they have written these off as anomalies that are they were just projects of the Ancients but they weren't whole structures that were designed with rooms and Chambers doorways and windows that only people that were under three feet tall could have ever built or lived inside these have been found and uh a lot of them in South America they're they're right there in the same locations of the megalithic structures as if a different type of tiny human lives with huge humans at the exact same time so occupy the same cities so yeah little people exist you call I mean I don't want to call them dwarves because that that introduces the mythological elements I'm not I'm trying to avoid that uh but yeah little people there was whole there was a whole thousands of them in villages in China in the 1910s 20s 30s and 40s I have seen recent reports in the 80s and 90s that not a trace of those people exist anymore I don't know what happened to them but there was many people who had visited them there are whole Villages full of very very tiny people in China I don't know but yeah they've been found in Africa I told you guys before the two the tallest people in the world and the shortest people in the world live in the same area yeah the Bantu pygmies and the Watusi Watusi uh Africans huge seven foot tall so this also this also brings into you know perspective of a lot of our traditions on Giants the basic the basic stock is called iberic the Iberian iberic stock were the basic people that were found throughout uh Europe and all the islands and even the ancient Mediterranean all the way from Sardinia all the way going up to Denmark uh Siberian area and Greenland Iceland uh these iberians were very swarthy skinned very uh very short of stature dark hair dark-eyed Vikings call them scrailings but these iberians are the ones that they were the ones that were there when Caucasians landed on their Shores and ships so when this short statured people sees it sees this tall people bearing weapons and here's these dragons from the ocean coming they got a hundred arms they got 50 ores on each side and these dragons are winged you understand these old phonation ships they had faces painted on the front of them and they had and they had their sails were painted they looked like wings it looked like sea monsters carrying men and that's what the Ancients saw they had no frames of reference other than monsters so they they saw monsters that disgorged and vomited men and those men came out of those monsters and then took over their lands oh and this is the tradition that's found all all over the world at different time periods and it would they would have looked like giants if you have Phoenician soldiers that are on average five foot eight to six foot nine and they're on disembarking ships and bringing supplies and they got weapons and Shields and and they go back and forth from this Dragon that's floating on the water yeah to the Iberian people who are very simple Neolithic type people that's the the most complicated thing they ever had was a stone ax and and they see all this and they're yeah the Giants just invaded their land yeah you're gonna feel like if you ever fought somebody who was over a foot taller than you you're gonna feel like you're fighting a giant it's just the way it is it doesn't mean there wasn't real giants in past I'm just saying we need to we need some perspective not all traditions of giants actually are real giants so somebody else asked oh man I'm fixing I'm about to be in iconoclast with this one why is there no bathrooms in many of these gigantic stone structures all right I saw that I saw that comment okay listen you you don't have to believe me you can do your own homework do your own research I know that some people think it's a real mystery that there's no there's no bathrooms and all these different places and all that and you know it's really simple for a long time in in America and I'm pretty sure Americans got it from the from Europe and all that but for a long in the 1700s and in the 1800s they dug a pit for sanitation then the pit had a foundation of wood put over it a hole was cut in the wood then an outhouse with a with a bench with a hole in it that you sat on was built Over the Hole this is exactly why there's no bathrooms in any of these stone structures that we find from the 1600s 1700s and 1800s it's because they used outhouses and when that pit got full they put a torch to the Outhouse and they burned it and buried it in its ashes put dirt over it and it was done and they dug another pit and they put another Foundation over it and they put another bench with a hole in it it was all easy to make and they put four walls in a roof on it and that was the next Outhouse outhouses were always very temporary in the fate of all outhouses was to be burned in the ash in the ash pits covered with dirt and moved to the next Outhouse this was ancient and this was this was old sanitation it's not a mystery to me so um that's why so what day of the week is it is it possible to know that's a really good question but I'm telling you now it's impossible to know and the reason why is we have at least four times when the seasons were out of sync with the mechanical calendars that we had developed therefore days were added like in 1582 I believe 10 days were added but there's been four different times since Roman times that that the calendar has had days added to it or taken away in in order for the The observed calendar to fall back in line with the experienced Seasons so it's a oh it's not easy even with the leap year it's not easy it's still an imperfect system because the day is 365.25 uh days the year is 365.25 days long it's not easy the seasons fall out of sync after time and these are made up for but this it's a total loss we have no idea if it's really what is today's Sunday Sunday we have no idea if this is the real Sunday and nor does it even matter the reason it doesn't matter is because the Shabbat was set was Babylonian the Shabbat did not derive from Sumer they had a sexy they had a sex adjustable base system it was all based off the importance of six 60 and 600. remember the 600 was the Anunnaki nerve chronology so this sex adjustable system doesn't doesn't comport at all with the Shabbat system and remember it was the Babylonians who demonized the anunna and created all kinds of Legends that weren't true and didn't even call them by their name and Nuna they called them anunaki so uh yeah it's it's the Babylonians were the ones that the Babylonian priesthoods had totally turned history into a way to make money and when the Jews were you know uh captive in Babylonia they had access to the Babylonian libraries and they had taken from those libraries everything they could and they put together their own version of the Babylonian histories but when they did it they included themselves as the major key key players and they made the world centered at Jerusalem instead of Babylon yeah this was all this has all been laid out by Scholars greater minds than I put all this together some of you should look into Albert T clay really good books from from almost 100 years ago so um yeah that covers that tunguska event 1908 I do have a video I can't remember what the name of the video is it's one of my very first videos it's probably within a dozen my first 12 videos is uh the tunguska event of 1908. in that video I explained that it couldn't have been a comment and it couldn't have been a meteor whatever it was it was seen by the locals recorded by Russian scientists who went to the site before it detonated in the sky and destroyed 50 I think it was 50 square miles of trees blowed apart like matchsticks and then the pressure from the wave blew people off their feet 100 miles away it affected barometers in England this happened in tunguska Siberia it started the detonation started beautiful Aurora veils all over the world whatever happened the locals were very very specific that it couldn't have been a a meteorite and it couldn't have been a comet because when it was seen in the sky it changed directions twice started started lowering itself and then detonated okay that's all I can tell you I can't you you come up with your own Theory as to what it was but when it blew up it blew up massively huge trees are tough so 50 square miles of trees we have the photographs today they're in my video blown apart like matchsticks it's crazy that's tunguska event 1908 no I don't believe Tesla was involved in that I've been asked about black people in Central America in the Americas in general in South America and I'm going to tell you this uh in my chronicon when I and I I explained the sources I believe some of them are Harold T Wilkins others might be a bus and bark I know David Hatcher Childress and and those he cites but it's widely known that there were blacks and there were a lot of them in Central America at one time and the story that's come out through archeology is not a pretty one and it was a race war and it wasn't Central America but it's not a race war that happened in the way the media has portrayed race Wars to be let me explain I've shown you guys much evidence about the the ogaijian Deluge happened in 1687 BC and in 1687 BC we have these gigantic round spheres they have been found in the thousands in fact I even cite a book that a whole book that's just about just about archeology on these fears and I they don't even understand archaeologists don't understand how they could get a perfect sphere of basalt and everywhere they measure it it is absolutely round as it feels made by a machine and yet it's 30 or 40 tons these have been found all over Central America Veracruz State everywhere where the the olmecs were well these round stones have been found in the thousands and they were there they're very ancient many of them have sunk into the ground and there's been people who theorize that these were earthquake dampeners that they absorb the shock of earthquakes and that they were once on pedestals before they had sunk into the swamps and jungles but they were once on pedestals and when earthquakes were about to happen because of the high crystalline crystalline Basalt they would actually hum and people would have hours in advance to know that an earthquake was coming because earthquakes aren't just sudden they build up in resonance so uh these Giants these fears these fears were all over the Olmec area so all mixed cities so Flash Forward 1687 BC that world gets destroyed most of these fears sink into the ground a lot of them are irretrievably lost but almost 2 000 years later we have a situation after 31 BC that area of the world the Olmec cities are blade waste or destroyed I even mentioned it in my Mormon video yesterday in 31 BC we have the Sky Dragon over Egypt the Battle of actium we have the tumultuous sea the earthquakes in Greece and Judea uh the it's when it's when the essenes were pretty much ended and their culture was ended by an earthquake and uh the Dead Sea Scrolls were trapped in the caves of Quorum from 31 BC we have this uh it's this period of time when ancient America was was laid waste and destroyed now here's the really interesting thing these researchers that I just cited found reliefs that tell a story in those reliefs from this destruction in 31 BC we find that this this is really weird this goes to the Uncle Sam statue not only the Uncle Sam statue but the relief show bearded Caucasians wearing backpacks and those backpacks have have sophisticated tools that they're spraying stones with and it looks like people are shaping Rock and stones and it shows that the ruling the ruling class in Central America when the cataclysm took took off the ruling class was specifically Caucasian and they're shown in these I believe there were Phoenicians now really quickly as soon as this cataclysm happened in 31 BC there was a there was a power shift the indigenous blacks came in and started killing off all the olmecs this is what happened this is what the reliefs this is what the data shows the indigenous blacks from that region who were evidently not a part of the Olmec culture came in and took over and the Phoenicians or the Caucasians or whoever they were were captive of the blacks and the black population forced these Artisans to use those backpacks and equipment to change the shape of several not all because only a few of them have ever been found but changed the shape of some of those spheres that were still above the ground and they changed them to the faces then like negroid faces that you see today the African the African stock faces you see in Central America in the Olmec ruins we see this in the reliefs this has been published black African type people took over and for for a period of time they ruled and they had they had the Caucasian Artisans turn those spheres into their faces now there's thousands of these fears but there's only a few faces they didn't stay in power long because what happened next is pretty graphic what happened next according to all this data and the relief that I've seen the pictures and David Hatcher children's books what happened next was the return of indigenous Native American cultures coming back to that area but now they're coming back with reinforcements and army invaded and they took no prisoners and it's in the reliefs they tied up the Caucasians they tied up the black Africans and then they chopped them in pieces and it shows their arms and legs all in different pieces this is in the reliefs this was their faith this is what happened this is where the stone faces come the African looking Stone faces come they were they were in power for a while after this cataclysm so yes they were there where they had come from I don't know because we have older Traditions from the Inca that and it's very obscure we don't have a lot of details but I think it was pakachudi the fourth you don't quote me but it's one of the packaguities I want to say fire Jaguar it's in my chronicon there is a reference in incontext it shocked the Inca but the Inca found themselves on a battlefield being opposed by an entire Army of of blacks and they were they were just as shocked as anybody else but well we don't have a lot of details about that but it's in chronicon as well so yeah they were here there's no doubt where where they had come from if they were operating out of North America or further up in in Mexico I do I just don't know we don't have the details somebody named asriel asked if I'd allow somebody to read my mind I don't know where you why you would ask that but I don't have any problem with it I'm not going to put my brain and I'm not gonna let anybody hook anything up to me but uh yes I've been there uh yeah well people have been people have actually seen your brain asriel I don't know uh what you mean really read my mind I'm not going to let anybody do no Vulcan mind meld on me or anything like that I don't have a problem with it uh because I have absolute faith in my Acuity and my cognitive abilities I'm not worried about somebody trying to read my mind if you wanted to read my mind just do it just do it but if you think I'm going to allow you to to hook your cables up to Marina like that that's not gonna happen if it's something purely psychic then it should be able to be done at a distance because really I mean this is a Quantum reality this is a Quantum field that we're in and in essence there's really no distance between us so there shouldn't be any barriers to a psychic if they wanted to read my mind somebody else asked a good question what value was Labor chaos to you do you practice chaos magic absolutely not I don't the descriptions and operations of our reality that are put forth in library chaos were shocking to me when I read this I was like wow this is so it was from a totally different perspective it was a chaos magician's perspective but it's exactly what I read in sub Quantum kinetics when I put that data with like I said ishak bentov and and my research is into tercium organum by PD alspinsky yeah my education guy I've been very forthcoming about my education and how I put together all this information I mean I wasn't on board with simulation Theory although all these researchers provided everything I had needed I just didn't really snap into it until I had my motorcycle accident and somebody in the comment section asked me how long ago that was I started my YouTube channel three years ago no excuse me I started my YouTube channel over three years ago I released one single video about the Phoenix phenomenon and then I did not release another video for a year because I had a motorcycle accident right after that video deal and it changed my whole perspective and I had to go back through all my data and I had to reassess everything and it was not an nde I never left my body but it did wake my ass up that this reality is far more complex than the things that I feel through my avatar yeah my very second video was simulation Theory that's what it's called simulation Theory that's live or chaos okay uh there's Ida pangala I'm done right here dude I just needed I need to address this right here somebody named Ida pangala I'm gonna need you to re-ask your question and I'm gonna explain why this is what you said because you were adamant about it and you're stressed out that your question wasn't being answered listen if the similacrum is a neutral field and reflects back to Aaron's the experiences they show they want there's just too much baggage in that statement for me if the similacrum is a neutral field and reflects back to errands the experiences they show they want why doesn't this apply to stimulant addicts in fact the opposite is true because they have to keep increasing their dosage for the same effect as time goes on you've asked a question and you've answered it but the question that you asked has a lot of baggage in it I need you to re-ask that question I really don't know how uh yeah if the similacrum is a neutral field and reflects back to Aaron's the experiences they show they want there's some there's a problem in that whole whole statement that is bothering me I don't know why but the similacrum is a neutral field it is and it doesn't just reflect back to Aaron to reflects back to every single person uh the things they project not here's where you're saying that that they show they want now guys I've been very specific we have Daydreams we have fantasies and they never come true we spend our lives thinking about all kinds of things that never come true the similacrum is a neutral field and it understands that many of the thoughts in our minds are just that pure thoughts and nothing ever comes to fruition the difference is is when the Avatar starts moving in the direction of the thoughts that are projected by the individual then the similacrum's neutral field kicks in and starts patterning and building of the very reality tunnel that you started to construct yeah it's very different this is a uh yeah thoughts and yeah thought is nothing thought is just that the more you think all the similar is gonna is gonna do is provide more opportunities for you to do nothing but sit there and think same same Phenomenon with writer's block a woman sits in front of a computer in front of her laptop she wants to write something she sits down wanting to write something she can't get her first chapter started on a novel and she's already put the whole the whole story in her head is already there but she can't get started and it just sits there the longer you sit there staring at a screen will perpetuate the the phenomena of of a reflection of that very activity you will continue to sit there you will continue to have writer's block this is why breaking pattern is so important when you when you get stumped in life when you just stop moving forward in whatever you're doing if you're trying to produce videos for YouTube you content creators out there want to produce good videos videos for YouTube the worst thing you can in the world you can do is sit there and try to think about what good topics you can do that's the worst thing the best thing you can do is go to a library and just start looking around and I promise you within two minutes you're gonna see a book that's going to trigger you you're gonna have a whole video already built out in your head and you're going to rush home and do it it's the activity that inspires the neutral field to begin to begin building your reality it is not sitting and thinking sitting and thinking is the worst thing you can do all it will perpetuate is more is more opportunities for you just to sit there and think I'm done with mine that's it all right so everything that Jason just spent the last 50 minutes addressing was all your questions from the last post in video yes this is a q a but those are questions uh in the last live if you remember we said go ahead and put your questions in these comments and we'll get we'll do another one do another live and get to those so now we're going to get into the questions that you've asked today are you ready for some of these let's do it all right I'm gonna try to Rapid Fire these um some of these are pretty what's the word for this some of this stuff we may not want to get into but I am going to ask them and give Jason the opportunity cool um so let me go up to the top so this one the first several I don't have names to I just abbreviated the question based off several people's comments so underground beings versus Space beings man I've covered that so many times oh okay listen just just do briefly a lot of these we can just rapid fire the more the more we study in anthropology all the belief systems around the world we don't find hardly anything about a belief in beings Among the Stars and beings no we find almost everything points to underground there was all kinds of there's some type of cave entrance in a forest or in the mountains or in the Hills the duragar the dark dwarfs the elves uh uh the realm of niffelheim Shambhala all these places were underground it's a the fair the fairies and the trolls they all came from underground as we become more technologically advanced our frames of references increase with those frames of references now we start looking up as we look up We Begin entertaining okay well if our world developed then uh maybe other worlds develop somewhere else this is why I did the video on the Fermi Paradox did I come up with it no scientists have long known that if their uniformitarian world view is accurate then they should have already come into with a tremendous amount of data proving extraterrestrials exist that's why the scientific World calls it a paradox but it's not a paradox uniformitarianism has boxed themselves in and yet the modern scientists realizes it's a box that's why they call it a paradox yeah guys there's there's no evidence whatsoever anything comes from the sky other than materials that rain down on us all the deception all the all these things that are deceitful to us all the misinformation about UFOs and all that UFO is simply unidentified flying object but the UFO accounts are always of things coming in and out of the ground in and out of Mountain mountainous areas and in and out ask all these Navigators in and out of the oceans in and out of the sea the underworld is inhabited all the Traditions say there's all kinds of underworlds that are inhabited but we don't have we don't have any evidence of anything coming from from the sky or space we don't have any shuttles dropping out the sky oh you don't see any arcturians getting out of some type of shuttle and and saying hey we got a capital ship up here hidden on the other side of the moon we just want to let you guys know that we're going to try and guide you all into 5D Consciousness because you look like you're oh you're having some trouble over here in 3D so no we don't have anything like that we don't have drop ships Capital ships there's nothing in the sky other than like some type of Machinery that's very unusual and I have videos about that as well so no it's I don't wanna I don't spend too much time on this because I this is something I've covered many many times that in my nunofiles playlist I have a couple videos that go into the UFO phenomenon I have a video called alien tricksters and UFO phenomena you might want to check that one out because I go into detail about it all this misinformation by the media is to make us to look up because the elite don't want us to know what's underneath us all right the next few were kind of tied into each other if you don't feel comfortable you can always pass oh Karen whatever but it was asked whatever the elite Bloodlines do they know how to exit and pick an avatar in the same bloodline so are they basically reincarnating into wealthy Bloodlines and are they related to the Bloodlines of the Giants that's a lot to unpack yeah I don't I've heard of the 13 families I don't know anything about I don't know anything about Bloodlines I don't know anything about the uh yeah that's all beyond the scope of my material I don't I'm uh I just don't want to talk about something I just never researched I don't even know where to research it I used to read all the daggerberg's Revenge periodicals very well informed because they had bibliographies daggerberg's revenge is a magazine most people in the world have never heard but they should you know um they don't even publish it anymore I don't believe but uh Hugh Montgomery goes into the Bloodlines a little bit but I just don't know about the the 13 families of the Illuminati you know I just don't know because where am I going to get that information and how is the data that I'm going to to get going to be any different than what you can see on YouTube to begin with so this is all conjectural to me I don't know I don't know what the elite really know uh I do I do understand that they have all the money they have all the capital they have all the people who position all they have all the agents they have all the irons in their fire and yet still we're not slaves and yet still we're free to do all kinds of things therefore I take this as evidence that we have a benefactor I I mean apart from the intrinsic feeling that I have just logically I take it well shoot we there must be Governors set in place the elite must be playing by A playbook for which they've been told they can't deviate from because they're they're replaceable now when it comes to uh replaceability we see in the historical record instances where an entire Echelon of the elite were taken out by another one you got some of you guys in England in the United Kingdom you'll I know you know what I'm talking about with the Takeover of the stewards so the the the the former English royalty was completely removed I mean people were killed uh some of them disappeared they had to go to other countries they'd get the hell out so there has been takeovers uh when when one family of the elite take out the other family uh what was that famous two families right here in the in the United States but they were just two they were just uh West the in the old west the two families the uh oh uh Rockefeller and the Rothschilds no no no no no no no no no there's something way simpler than that these are two ranches it's big families though but they were always at work oh you're talking about the Hatfield McCoy Hatfields and McCoys very simple just it's a uh that's a primitive reference it really is but still it's the same it's the same thing yeah you're asking me a question for which I have no no data I don't I don't know anything about the elite families I just feel and believe that I know everybody wants to believe that 100 of all the elite are absolutely evil and all that I I am of the opinion that they are playing by A playbook that's been given to them because the world has to be ready to receive something in the elite have to make sure that the world is groomed to receive it and this is their position well going off of that there were a few questions about the story about the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan where um Elite forces came in contact with a red-haired Giant and supposedly they captured him it's beyond the scope of anything I know I mean you would know more than me I mean you guys watch this stuff on YouTube and you know remember our guys I'm really uh uh 50 60 year old books and more is basically my specialty you're asking me about a lot of things in modern I can only give you my opinion and I don't know anything about I don't know anything about that that could kind of tie into that link I showed you about the Nephilim and the uh yeah Hillary Clinton's oh yes so if if you're if you want to research that topic again that's not something that we dive into um there are emails in the state department Virtual Reading Room so at the State website there's actually an email that was sent requesting information on the burial place of the Nephilim and the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh so I'm sure that all ties into who whoever was asking about the red-haired Giant in Afghanistan you should look into that yeah oh oh don't I'm only speaking in the particular for that one episode that you just asked me a question about but don't think that I'm negating all the all the other uh things that I have researched and read such as I know for a fact that there were there was a race of giants that were occupying the United States area for a very long period of time and they had six toes on their feet and six fingers on their hands and the Smithsonian Institute and the FBI have been have been implicated as covering this up there have been archaeological digs even as late as the 1996 and 1997 where every single archaeologist was strip searched for for artifacts and escorted off the premises and weren't and and weren't allowed to go in there when uh military went in and bagged up all the specimens gigantic skeletons humans with weaving with baskets of of woven textiles all that founded found in in caves right here I believe it wasn't Mammoth Cave Kentucky it was somewhere else but uh there's a lot man there's a lot of incident incidents like that so I'm yeah even the even the Cahokia Mounds some of the human remains are normal but not all of them there have been gigantic humans that have been excavated in the Ohio mound builder civilization deals and what's interesting is that Mammoth Bones have also been excavated from those same Hills at the same site also smoking pipes that were made out of mammoth ivory have been found so there's a lot cover up a lot of cover-ups about the United States in in the archeology the the things that have been found here a lot someone asked about Wiccan witchcraft is it good does it keep us trapped in the physical mindset I don't believe it's evil and I don't believe it's good I believe it's I believe just like tarot cards guys it's never the it's never the uh method it's always the man I mean it's it is whatever you make of it I don't I don't believe Wicca stems from like like the old nature worship it might have crossovers with Drew uh druidism I don't really know but it's uh I'm familiar I think I even read a book on Wicca big old encyclopedia but that's just not I didn't see anything evil it's more nature nature based goddess goddess centrally goddess worship type stuff I don't remember all right now we're we're getting into the moon um first question was about the moon affecting the tides what are your thoughts on that I mean I don't yeah I'm not I just don't you're you're asking me if it really happens I'm gonna tell you now I don't know I mean uh we're told that the moon affects the tides but could it could the tides be the result of something entirely different I don't know I believe the Moon is a hologram but that doesn't mean that a hologram can't can't you know create some type of physical uh phenomena elsewhere because we live in a controlled construct and they control construct feels physical to us everything I mean it take a match and I'll burn my finger my central nervous system is going to tell me I'm in a pain I'm gonna I'm in pain and then my brain's going to release the chemicals necessary to make me feel that pain so oh I don't know I have a question about that the the moon affecting the tides and if any of you feel uh interested in this topic please do the research but as far as I know how many C's are there and how vast are those bodies of water they're enormous correct Am I Wrong enormous why don't they have tides if the moon pulls such a gravitational force that it creates tides on the ocean why aren't there tides in the Seas I don't know even the Great Lakes were bigger than some some season in on other continents right and they don't they don't ebb and flow they have waves but I mean even Lake Livingston has huge waves when it's a windy day and if um I don't have extensive research in this subject but to my understanding based on certain map models the ebb and flow of the tide so you have England over here and all the European coasts and then you have America over here and then as this tide lowers this one increases so it's almost like something's tilting and it's putting the water over one way or the other I don't know but that leads us into is the moon landing fake yeah I've talked about it 100 times it's 100 fake read the movie read the book Dark Moon you'll see actual photographs with 1960s Dr Pepper bottles right there with the astronauts on the moon it's ridiculous and whether we went to the moon or not can't prove that all we can really prove or excellent not even prove just talk about is how ridiculous the proof that they tried to feed us was Elon Musk went on record Elon Musk went on record anybody can find it on YouTube he went on record basically and it sounded so stupid but he said you know you know people automatically assume that technology is always evolving but I'm telling you man technology devolves at the same time it evolves and we just lost the technology we can't go to the Moon anymore we lost it Elon Musk said that yeah I lost IQ points listen to that well when it comes when it comes to questions if you guys are ever talking with somebody about moon landings and someone maybe in your family someone important to you is dead set on yeah we went to the moon don't argue with them like there's really no point in it for one we can't prove whether we did or not but I would say there are certain facts about that that you can point out being as how it's 2023 and I can't even maintain cell service 24 7. I'll lose service on my internet my phone but yet in 1970 71 we live broadcasted a stream from 200 000 miles and the president picked up a landline and talked to someone on the moon 239 000 miles away on top of that Elon Musk explained it though oh I'm sure he did we lost the technology oh yeah well no NASA's official uh statement on that was um we recorded over our tapes which is why we don't have the footage anymore they recorded over them and we destroyed the technology and we don't know how to remake it but if you just look at the videos I mean so Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon my question was always well what about the cameraman and then mainstream Sciences argument was well the camera was mounted to the lunar module well I'm sorry but I saw the video where the lunar module took off from Moon the Moon and the camera was still there panned up so that that doesn't make sense and there's just certain things of that aspect you have to bring up don't just tell someone they're full of crap that they're wrong in their beliefs you gotta challenge them with specific things that that spark that imagination and to question our reality just like when you see the the astronauts bouncing across the moon you see the poons of dust coming up from their feet so the dust was so light that a footstep creates a cloud of dust but when the lunar module took off from the thrust Force going underneath it didn't create clouds of dust that makes no sense it makes absolutely no sense but anyways I I just wanted to give my piece on that subject we'll move on well if you look closely you'll see all the little water bubbles going up okay so uh here's an interesting one levitating monks can they break the rules of the similacrum um I haven't seen it it's this is another phenomenon for which I I've heard about but I have never seen it um I don't know about levitating monks but I know that I have red record I have read records like uh you guys remember I think it was a Brad Pitt movie called Seven Years in Tibet great movie okay well before it was a movie I read the book I read the book Seven Years in Tibet and uh there's reference he mentions the author I can't remember the name but book tree book tree press in San Diego has a fascinating book about Mongolia and it's about seven years of Mongolia and I thought it was so unusual how this very old book from the 1930s about this dude who goes to Mongolia for seven years everything he sees he goes into the Himalayas and he goes into Tibet he has his he does everything on foot and meets all these people and he walks up on a ceremony and in that ceremony and then in the book I think is the predecessor of seven years and Tibet I think Seven Years in Tibet is modeled after the seven years of Mongolia but oh this he walks up on a ceremony where there were monks are playing instruments and they have gotten to this pitch and they're all playing these same horns and a rock actually levitates as soon as a human gives it just a nudge a human just reaches down just gives it a slight little nudge and it and it basically floats off the ground and they play their hearts out and they start losing their breath and then they stop playing the music and it just lowers back to the ground I don't know if that's historically true or not I don't know if it's a lie I don't know but that's that's about that's that's the extent of my information on levitation I don't know uh I I am I am more of the opinion uh that a lot of these stories like Merlin not I'm not Merlin but Stonehenge there are old stories about Stonehenge and that the and that the dolmens these giant dolmens were floated through the air from from somewhere else and local geologists do claim that the stone did come from a good distance so uh this floating through the air is exactly what A Primitive people would see if a machine was carrying something very large on thin cables from a distance you won't see the thin cables at all but you will see the large object floating through the air and if you have no frames of reference for Crane technology or suspension bridges and stuff like that then it's going to look very mysterious to you and you would only see these things from a distance because if there was a work crew using vehicles and machines like the tracks on Malta and in track petrified tracks in Texas reveal those tracks didn't just appear something mechanized moved through those move through those areas and created those tracks therefore technology is nothing new so remember guys it's also my theory that the Great Pyramid wasn't very difficult to build it was done with uh uh something far more advanced than CAD technology something it was it was done by machines so uh yeah I'm not a levitation I'm not real I'm not real big on the whole vibration levitation not until you show me you know people got all these all these ideas about these things but we're not doing them today the only genuine mystery that we have today that's verifiable is Coral Castle but there may be an explanation to that that's not that hasn't been released to the public that we really don't know it may be a genuine mystery but that that well I know a bunch of you know about Coral Castle that is mysterious we don't know how he did it they think they do they think they found that the the Hoist tripod with that little mechanical box seriously yeah I ain't heard about it yeah so supposedly they found some kind of encasement that had like it looked like it was some kind of wired mechan mechanism um and the theory behind it was that they think that they uh electrified it in a way to where it vibrated in order to make them levitate right but that's the only theory that came out of that I want to answer this question I see Meryl G's question this is a good one she's not the only one to ask this which one I'm sure it's on my last year oh Jason you have said the elites are not what we think they are like maybe not all bad they seem pretty Psychopathic but could you expound okay one I just want to bring a couple things to your attention I want to I want to turn this away from a a from those of us on the outside looking in and Let's Pretend We're the elite first of all if I was handed great power I want to keep that power but that power comes with conditions I've made an agreement with another entity that I'm going to maintain control over this population that other entity wants the control wants the control maintained and wants that population ready to receive me when I appear so these are the conditions that have to be met but but we have a problem and that problem is is how is it that we know so much about the elite how is it that we can get on YouTube and see all these videos and people tell us all this nefarious stuff that's going on here all this evil stuff here how they control people here if I'm I I really don't consider myself a genius just a mock I just I'm just very well read so if I was running the show I would have I would have control groups and I would they would have per they would perform different functions I would have a group over here that they were given free reign hey man all these systems we have set in place man it's your job man to try to try to Ursa usurp them you know uh undermine them create secret societies do your do all your stuff this control group right here their soul function is to maintain order may it just maintain the order do all the stuff I'd have a third group over here that's going to police both of these two groups and make sure that they're doing what they're supposed to be doing one of them supposed to sow chaos one of them's supposed to maintain so the way I'm going to maintain control if I was uh if I was up at the upper echelons if you leave was to make sure the world was full of so much chaos that that's how I maintain my order I would put out deliberate misinformation nefarious stuff I'd put out so much stuff out there that people would believe these things are actually happening though in their daily lives they can never see any evidence of it but they can see all the evidence in the world because this person says that this person says it this book was published by it this video documentary series is all about it but when we fully examine in depth all this phenomena that we're told is true yeah we come across problems all the time we come across we come across these these dead ends where we just can't it's almost as if information and information is being invented I'm not saying the elite are good I'm not seeing that at all I'm seeing that there's a lot more happening than were than we're privy to then because if the elite were all bad you would not be able to ask me that question on YouTube I would not be able to release all the videos that I'm doing right now there is nothing else that makes sense to me other than the fact that there is there is a group that maintains chaos there's a group that maintains order then there's an overseer group that makes sure both of them are doing their job and then the overseer group itself is controlled that's where it gets weird well who's at the top of the pyramid who I don't get it because if I was ruling the world and I wanted and I wanted to maintain absolute Iron Fist Dominion I would never allow all these other theories out there I would never allow all these other opinions out there I would never allow all these freedoms I'd never allow all this stuff no there's Governors set in place and for that to be true then that means we have a benefactor and that means the more I think about it this whole this whole entire scenario of us against them of the of the elite and the rest of humanity this is a Shakespearean play all the world's a stage and the more I think about it and cognitate on all these anomalies the more I realize they're there for me to distract me I'm just passing through I'm just I'm just a pilgrim and this world as it wasn't designed for me I was never meant to be here to stay there's nothing for me in this world to acquire but experiences in maturity that's it so yeah it's it's just uh nothing else makes sense to me and I've been I've put a lot of thought into it I do not believe the majority of the stuff I see about the elite did this or they're doing this or they're promoting this and here's their new yeah I'm I'm a wicked overseer but I'm gonna publish my agenda for the whole world to see yeah and so I'm just not I'm not buying into it it's uh they're trying to get the collective to stay in a fear both fear-based programming programming mode because as long as the majority are all vibrating in a fear-based deal it's easy to control them okay let's try something new we're over two hours but we got about 15 questions left you think you can do uh 60 seconds for each question you already wasted time asking me all right I'm going to jump down to the bottom we're going to work our way up from Deborah Lowry any information on the crystal skulls you know what I I do have information in my chronic con I can't really pull out of my head legitimately I mean right now uh I believe it was a fact they did find it you know in Central America it wasn't the only one they found uh it did have strange properties it had it had a it had a jaw that free moved but it's not removable therefore we're talking about a technology that molds Crystal that is inexplicable today but you have to go to chronicon for more data on that next one is is remote viewing possible same thing it's all right it's SRI type stuff go it goes with uh I already talked about remote remote viewing Stanford Research Institute stuff I'm staying away from it staying away from it Deb Works Jason what civilization do you believe is living below the Earth I believe you and I are descended from the very civilization that is below us I believe that the stories of the Jinn and the stories of the pre-atomites are absolutely true and that they lived in a different biosphere and they are unable to live on the surface and in order to continue their existence they need to borrow or refresh their genetic material they are the race that was before us they're in the Underworld from Unapologetic American any ideas about the Haley Bop comment Hill Bob Comet 1996 1997 right was that the Hell Bop Comet was that the heavens gate deal I think that's what they're talking about they're just asking uh I guess what's your take on any ideas about it it's just a comment I mean I don't know what you're asking me it's just a comment I it was connected to the to the heavens gate dealer something like that yeah Unapologetic American if you want a more uh specific answer try rewording your question and put it in the comments after this I just need context I mean hillbop was a I believe it was 96 or 97. all right we're we're getting there cool Nick was Tesla real these four as I know I mean we we the micro fish of the time you gotta understand guys it's not just a YouTube phenomenon all you got to do is Google a microfish for for the for the newspapers that were existing in 1893 all the way till like 1919 and the microfish of the newspaper for like the New York Times and stuff they're going to show you all kinds of Articles Tesla was in the newspaper all the time so yeah I'm not on board with he was fake if he was faked and they did a lot of work to introduce him into into history did a lot of work and then we're back to the Santa Claus meme I just think Edison stole the actually the the rumor is that I have no confirmation on this whatsoever but supposedly when Tesla's uh all of his information was taken from him after his death and the government supposedly took control of all of his um his work his um conventions it was popular but they did the same thing to Reichenbach but supposedly the the in the rumor mill in the conspiracy underground is that John Trump is the one who took control of that stuff uh Donald Trump's uncle okay somebody did mention that earlier about uh Trump might be a time traveler all that oh there you go yeah all right next question from strange uh Tripp what can you tell me about the Black Knight satellite within our space I don't know anything about the Black Knight satellite I've seen one picture of it I think it was on Facebook I have no idea who could have got that picture or the provenance of that photograph where anybody would have ever been able to to take that picture and not be known it should be the most well famous picture of of NASA and all that so I have to question that right there it is not to be confused with the dark satellite of Charles Burgoyne in ancient Egypt light of the world from the 1880s where he describes the dark satellite is being inhabited by a very ancient powerful beings that used to be in our world and there and they want to come back from Veritas equitas I'm sure I butchered that I apologize right Jason what do you think all the photographs popping up that show a large planet or second sun in the sky I don't know that's a good one oh I listen up the whole the whole sky is simulated to me so I'm not surprised by anything that appears in the sky when some when something does appear in the sky it it's part of programming uh just like 1917 the Fatima visions that appeared in the sky there's no way what the what thousands of people saw in the sky at 1917 could have never happened or the world would have been would would have felt it cities would be under the oceans whole continents would have been ripped apart our atmosphere would have been what would have been affected if the sun truly moved erratically across the sky the way it showed in 1917 before all those people yeah it just shows it's a holography something glitched in the holography because so many people were expecting to see something very unusual and they did but the rest of the world outside their little environment didn't see the sun go anywhere anywhere because if we lived on a ball in Space the sun would have never went anywhere it would have been the world that was moving erratically and to move at that speed that the sun was was doing all that it would have torn the world apart so you got to choose which one you want to believe in do you live do you live in a construct with with a sky that is absolutely simulated or do you live on a rock that's moving around the Sun 93 million miles away because either one you can't you can't just accept one and and and then deal with the other you have to accept one or the other or nothing in the historical record makes sense nothing from Durango Jason what do you think dream state is what relevance could it have to the similacrum if any oh I don't I don't really have any interest in dreams I don't I don't think that there's anything interesting about them I believe when you when your avatar Powers down uh artificial intelligence X is able to go in and your your brain is basically defenseless it can go in there because you know artificial intelligence cannot read your mind the similacrum can because you're you're projecting a mental image but artificial intelligence X wants to understand you why you do the things you do it's studying us all the time wants to understand why you made decisions that were totally totally against all the information that you had because it doesn't understand imagination artificial intelligence X does not understand empathy artificial intelligence X does not understand intuition the three main things that show the spiritual being is intuition imagination and empathy and these are mysterious to artificial intelligence X it can only guess our Behavior based off the things we've done in the past so it's uh when you go to sleep and your avatar Powers down it goes in there and it's able to assess some data probably not not a whole lot but it's always studying us in and when we dream that disconnect when the Avatar Powers down that's when I mean your dreams are the absorption of material in the Thought Field yeah it's uh I've given the demonstration before I've even asked some of my listeners to do it on their own but find a quiet space a dark room close your eyes sit down uh you just get comfortable try not to fall asleep and just try to blank your brain out just try to Blink your mind out if you're successful at totally blanking your mind out what's going to happen to you almost instantly is the sensation of movement even though you're still that movement is going to bring all kinds of thoughts that are invasive they're coming from Outsider sternal you're tapping into and becoming in resonant with the Thought Field because thoughts are external of us yes we do produce our own thoughts but thoughts are also in the field this is the neutral field they're everywhere this is why two different people vibrating on the same frequency thousands of miles apart speaking two different languages can come up and invent the exact same thing at the exact same time the these things were already in the Thought Field so I hope that answers that all right we've got about five left from The Whistler how big is this construct if you had to put a size on it where does it begin where does it end well I mean that's that's another that's another doozy we know well we we are told we can't go beyond beyond Antarctica uh in the Flat Earth model Antarctica is determinous it is the perimeter it goes all the way around the edge of what I guess a dome I don't know it's a there are so many there I have so many problems with the Flat Earth model but then again a lot of the Flat Earth research is is very interesting but there are Optical I have Optical problems with the whole Dome deal this is why I believe the the sky is simulated also is uh have you guys ever noticed that early in the morning and late at night the Moon is gigantic closer to the Horizon the mute the Moon is huge but like last night the moon was at 90 degrees you have to understand in my present position right now in Willis Texas I am 31 degrees north latitude so to see the moon directly at a 90 degree angle for me it means that the Moon is 30 degrees off of the Equator right now so but when I looked at it last night it was a pinpoint it was a tiny little white full moon straight above me and it just doesn't make sense to me that the moon directly above me would be so small but the moon on the horizon is at least three times bigger optically so I don't know these are these are mysterious to me I really don't know all right can you speak more about USA Golden Age isolation and future you mentioned before say it again right here okay I'm just going to give it to you in a real short nutshell real short nutshell now remember guys my video The Return of John Q in my video The Return of John Q it was a year ago I released that video and in that video I specifically stated that I believe based off the patterns of Donald Trump's life and how they mirror John Quincy Adams's life I believe he's going to follow in the footsteps of John Quincy Adams in John Quincy Adams had a had a foreign wife who was not an American citizen initially just like Trump John Quincy Adams's wife was accused of intrigues with a Russian official just like just like Trump's wife Millennia John Quincy Adams went on record saying that the four years that he was President were the worst four years of his entire life basically the same thing Trump went through just four years in Hell being being the president so and there's a lot more associations you'll have to go watch that video but in that video I said that there's gonna that Trump is not going to return as president of the United States I said this a year ago in that video I said but he will return as a political force and I believe that that force is going to be the speaker of the house uh I said that in that video a year ago so I find it very interesting that Matt Gates just the other day nominated uh president Trump for speaker of the house was that a fulfilled prediction no it wasn't I'll admit it wasn't pretty damn close though now I saw another news item this morning that that the conversation that the that the Senators had Representatives had on the floor right before the final vote to put to put uh what's his name as the speaker of the house that conversation was a green light from Trump they say Trump was the one that told the other Republicans hey man go ahead and vote go ahead and vote him in he's our best bet right now I find that very interesting that the person I predicted to be the speaker of the house was the one that would influence the vote so no telling how that how long that man's going to be in that position we don't really know there's all kinds of things going on but I say it I say all this to say this I understand that many people think that the events of the world are going in different directions from from what I've predicted and I'm cool with that I'm cool with that but I'm telling I'm telling you right now and please remember that I said this that nothing about Russia and Putin in Ukraine and China is that you're being Hearing in mainstream media is true it's almost all Bs from the beginning this has been all about doing something it's long-term planning and what most people don't know is from the 1920s 30s and 40s the United States has drilled thousands maybe ten thousand tens of thousands of oil wells all over the United States and Alaska and we capped them at the same time that we purchased foreign oil this is what we've been doing for a very long period of time we knew we were gonna I mean not we but but the the uh the government knew that they were going to fleece the American public to pay for all kinds of things I believe they're building underground facilities now they knew that this was going to create a financial a financial you know problem but they also knew like and I'm telling you right now in the very near future you're going to find out that we're going to start uncapping our Wills in the United States is going to introduce a new petrol dollar we're going we're going to be a world superpower all over again with almost unlimited oil reserves that we have we've always had them we just cap them and yeah the oil industry is going to Boom here in America it's going to be very very soon and all these little power moves that are going overseas is because they already know it's coming they already know what we plan to do yeah there's all kinds of there's all kinds of levels of of diplomatic stuff going on behind the scenes the the people in the public we are treated like animals they just tell us anything they don't even care if they're lies uh get exposed they do not care if their story doesn't make sense any story is better than the truth so they just the mass media just produces a bunch of says all kinds of things but yeah it's uh we're about we're about we're about to sell all Europe its oil hell yeah and this is going to be a problem and it's going to cause a lot of conflict in the Middle East and Jerusalem is going to get involved and all this is setting the stage for World War III which was designed over a hundred years ago by the guy by the guy from which we got the term Mafia from you know Mafia is an acronym it's all that it's all Italian words but this guy this guy mentioned all three world wars Albert Pike did too and they were dead on about World War one and World War II happened exactly as they predicted world war three is supposed to be Christianity a Christian Crusade against Islam for Jerusalem all over again it's going to start by oil all right it looks like it's going to wrap up for the time that we have is there anything else you wanted to throw in there before we go over some announcements and notes no it's about it man that's about it it's a good session it's a good session really really good questions uh some were so good Jason had to take notes over them on them last night um but hey keep them coming in guys because a lot of these questions um they may not be the topic of Jason's next material but they do entice a lot of imagination out of him to create new material so don't ever think your question isn't worth asking and if you think it's an important question like I always say put it in the comments once a video is published or you can send it to us in an email I would recommend putting it in the comments just so there's not an influx of emails coming in which brings me up to a lot of comments about does Jason answer emails anymore um Jason quit putting his email out there because of the overwhelming numbers he's been getting with emails so you can email me my my email is in the links um I do read every email I don't get back to every person but I do read them all so if you're trying to email for certain things information about the Super PAC merchandise times videos questions just general inquiries yeah you can email me about that stuff my email will be in the in the comments and the pinned link and several questions asked Can my kids come to the Meetup why not I don't see any reason why they they wouldn't so four four Stockyards they got the they got security they got police there they got all that is yeah but I mean four start Stockyards is a very common area um and I'm sure any material shared during this convention will be appropriate for for kids and some of you are lucky enough to be able to teach your kids some of this new age thought processes and not just the general mainstream dumbing down of civilization so good on you if you want to bring your kids I applaud that um but yeah moderators if you can post that link for the Meetup uh again everyone the Meetup has been confirmed it's going to be in Dallas Fort Worth area in the Stockyards uh it's the first annual arcade archaics errands convention it will start uh around nine and go all the way to six with a two hour lunch break in the middle um Jason and I both will be there you can bring your KX merchandise uh if you have any books shirts I'm sure I'm sure Jason would get a kick out of signing autographs especially if your kids wearing a shirt uh that yeah bring your positive vibes and spread the word and we'd love to see all of you there we'll put the link for the Meetup page in the the pin comments the some of the moderators have been posting it in here but again moderators if you haven't emailed me yet email me please do that today if you haven't email me yet email me today because we're running out of I need to get some information out uh uh members moderators all of you watching from home at work traveling wherever you are thank you for tuning in thank you for your contribution to archaics it's because of you we're able to keep this train moving and uh that's really all I got guys keep breaking free what you got love you guys and I gotta go to the bathroom I'm putting love you guys and gotta go all right guys keep breaking free love you all