Pyramids of Argolis: Born of Egypt Part 1- Israelite Fleets Begin Colonizing Mediterranean

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[Music] one year ago i released a trilogy of videos about moses about the exodus story about the jewish fictions that were introduced in the biblical narrative now i've got a lot of flack over those videos but that's okay because anybody who's revealing the truth about issues that are very well entrenched in our culture and society is going to be attacked and i'm cool with that now i used over 100 scriptures to show that yahweh the burning bush deity from the desert was a demon and all he did was give the give moses all kinds of dictates on how to kill israelites and anybody who reads those texts will see quite clearly the israelites rebelled and wanted nothing to do with yahweh they wanted to worship the gods that they had brought out of egypt they had absorbed among the canaanite pantheons they wanted to continue their worship in the groves this new deity had them executed impaled beheaded threatened that they would eat their children and many many times moses had to get the basically the sympathetic element of his uh newfound government and go execute the leaders or execute the followers of the dissidents and anybody who reads excellence leviticus numbers in deuteronomy will see that this bloodthirsty tyrant god was basically murdering anybody who opposed anything moses said so what is not commonly known is by reading first and second chronicles and first and second and uh samuel you will see that the first four wars fought by the people of the jew of people of judah to the south was against their northern neighbors the bible calls them israelites the problem is that by the time of christianity the jews had rewritten so much of the narratives that most of the people who came in contact with those books actually believed that israelites and jews are the same people and that jews are israelites and they are not they have always been enemies today they are enemies and today every single person on this planet falls within the categories of either fulfilling and enjoying the promises given by the godhead to those immortal beings stuck in this simulated holography through the abrahamic covenant brahma abram the ancient vedic god sarah swati became sarah in the biblical narrative i have videos on that i'm not going to get into those details this is part one of born in egypt this is about the true israelite histories their migrations away from the murderous god i'm quoting scripture i'm showing biblical passages and when whole fleets of israelites left about 17 times in the old testament they were recorded to have just left israel for different reasons and uh when they did they reappeared in the secular historical records and they colonized areas and there's a definitive reason why paul in the new testament wrote that his letters were to the seven churches in asia minor and in europe the seven churches of the lost hou lost the lost sheep of the house of israel this is a very profound series it goes deep and there are and there are many reasons why i have kept this series at this time although i could have released it a year and a half ago when i started releasing videos now this series is going to have us come into contact with very spiritually harrowing information it's going to open your eyes as to who you are and the covenants of the god of abraham by the end of this series you will be convinced that the book of genesis may have been divinely inspired but we have to take into consideration that the book of generation the book of generations that we call genesis is actually an amalgamation of texts that come from many many different sources and that too might have been divinely inspired because the promises that god gave abraham to his descendants is phenomenal it applies to you it applies to every single person listening to this video to this series now unless one of the agents of the enemy is also a member of my channel they're not listening they're not they don't they're not hearing this but they already know this history they run the media they are among the elite these people know everything that's in this video their historical records are far superior to ours they have kept us in the dark it is why so many people waking up across the youtube google facebook reddit spectrum are being censored too much information is being released too fast before the elite can prepare for what's coming there is a resistance it's a spiritual resistance and we do have allies in that realm we're not alone in this fight but in order to show a clear line of scrimmage on a battlefield you have to know who is it that feels that you are an enemy enjoy the series it's going to get it's going to get deep the first two videos of this series are released this weekend the ancient israelites were a people distinctly separate racially unconnected and with an entirely separate religion than their southern neighbors who would centuries later be called jews now the confusion and belief that israelites and jews are the same people just different tribes is a complete fiction invented by jewish scribes who rewrote the older israelite scrolls and changed the names to jewish ones when putting together their own version of the scriptures when the assyrians deported the israelites in 745 and again in 721 bc the israelites were several branches of the huryan family popularly called umuru by the babylonians and assyrians who wrote of them an industrious people who lived in ugarit bible syria bashan or lebanon kadesh kanan phoenicia omuru simply means westerner the umuru were highly regarded cultured and considered very educated later called in the bible amorites their ancient capital was matani in syria west of babylon for a while a large group relocated to egypt where they lived for centuries in lower egypt around the giza pyramid complex and maintained a dense population in goshen the paradise region of the delta that opened up to the mediterranean the umuru gained power in lower egypt but were hated by the egyptians of upper egypt thebes carnac wasset they were called the hixos were foreign rulers when the cataclysm destroyed egypt in the year 1447 bc the hexose of muru are departed returning to the lands of their nativity their power base syroc it's really syria canaan but a great many of other people of all nationalities from egypt fled with them knowing that only a slave's life would be left for them in egypt when this occurred the exodus tradition in moses epic had not even been written for over 900 years remember that in the year 1407 bc the northern kingdom was founded at the biblical israelites they still went by their collective name as amorites but were a confederation of ten distinct hurry and descended families this was over 370 years before their southern neighbors judah secured their capital city jerusalem later became jerusalem from the hittites jerusalem was never a city of any import to the israelites ever future posts will detail more on the false histories introduced into the narrative of the old testament and how the christian records set the matter straight through the letters of paul to the seven churches for which so much jewish hostility has been focused toward the christian world even today now in 1407 bc the ancient world begins to stir awake it has been four years since the phoenix cataclysm in 1411 bc that occurred while the israelites were spreading their territories carving out a kingdom by defeating foreign elements in canaan syria and argob and the famous 60 cities of bastion the cities of the giants for which we already have a video the israelites chased out and killed many of the anacom and rafael giants remembered on egyptian monuments as the tamahoo and in mycenaea as the anax whole cities were taken and resettled hill countries and valleys were empty but some giant strongholds remained in the valley of rafael and this territory was assigned to the amorite clans that went by the name of danu fishermen boatwright sailors the valley allotment did not suit them at all the day night the danu refused to make war with the last of the rafale giants despite efforts of assistance from other tribes it was land that they simply did not want this began the beginning of the fulfillment of the abrahamic covenant that the seed of abram brahma would fill the earth with nations that would be well established in the last days the people of dan became the first of the israelites to depart the pages of the old testament and reappear numerous times in the pages of the historical record many danites built ships and migrated into the aegean and and in mycenaea intermarried among the achaeans and the archives as others sailed to crete in mycenaean controlled greece dan became a popular seafaring race as scripture complains why does dan remain in ships the day knights would become the danan of the peloponnesus and the two after day daniel of ancient ireland who finally defeat the giants called the ver furbolgs other day nights took ships to the island of cyprus which they renamed idan isle of dan this reflects the passage in the book of psalms they call their name they call their lands after their own names in 1369 bc the danan as they were now properly called throughout the entire mediterranean or in the 38th year as a naval culture still maintaining close ties with the other israelite tribes in states and trades shipping and marriages in the year they took the phoenician city of laish that belonged to said on and occupied it because their lot in israel was too confined some believe this marked the beginning of the flight of dan from israel now this was 78 years after the collapse of egypt in 1447 bc in the 42nd year of israel 1365 bc the uh mighty empire of the north the hittites invaded and occupied babylonia sending shockwaves of panic throughout the region then the babylonian army under the full control of the new hittite dynasty of babylon invaded israel all umuru territories and set up occupation garrisons excuse me for eight years more and more more israelites more israelites just disappeared into the danian ships and relocated to safer homes in the aegean and mediterranean in the eighth year of occupation 1357 bc the hittite-controlled army of chushirisha them of babylon raised the amorite capital cities of the umuru in the kingdom of matanya removed amorite power throughout syria the surrounding israelites of the umuru were untouched this occurred in the 50th year of israel's occupation of canaan bashing in argob but the invasion prompted the flight of more israelites mainly those of dan and zebulun these people would sail to creek to aegean islands in asia minor into early greece hittite inscriptions reveal that as early as the 14th century bc the hellenic kings ruled pemphila and lesbos as will be shown scholars attest that the helladic kings came from palestine these people were called a cayennes and muru people this is none other than robert graves of the greek myths who said that in the 75th year of israel 1332 bc the 37th year since the danan occupied the phoenician city of lesh the daniel executed a major undertaking for half a century danian fleets have been moving their people to crete the peloponnesus and ikea in greece already having a growing population among the archives of ancient greece to dana now mount a major naval operation a massive fleet of israelites mainly danan crossed over to crete and then onto thousands of islands of the peloponnesus where they landed on the greek mainland and occupied the city of thebes resistance by archives was put down in the city of argos was also taken this was the famous city of seven gates the thebes of greece not the older egyptian city of thieves from where it got its name israel phoenicia and cyprus aidan emerged together at this time as a unified people iden being the island gateway to the aegean the danan fleet sailed up the coast of asia minor and founded mercantile bases at such places that would be called by the locals by the names of the gods they worshipped io the ionians ephesus militias the older residents quickly learn that these strangers the danan worshiped a god called yah a goddess named danu a cow goddess that was depicted as dragon sphinx a memory of the egyptian half-four from the centuries the umura occupied egypt the danu had lived in goshen in egypt for 210 years virtually at the feet of the sphinx sphinx at giza below the great pyramid this merging of yah and the feminine element in asia minor became io the cow goddess pronounced yo and the israelites were called ionians by other peoples by by way of identification the great ancient city of the ionians are the same that paul wrote of his new testament letters to when he addressed him as the lost sheep of the house of smearing authoritaria ephesus or several or seven of them on the eastern side of the aegean the ionians the danan were associated with the sphinx but on the western side where greece and mycenaea lied the newcomers were associated with their sid joel which was the great pyramid they destroyed argos seat of the ancient archives the danan built a small scale replica of the great pyramid in argos long ago the greek traveler posnes palsano excuse me wrote about this small pyramid built of large blocks five feet long scholars had dismissed this account until in 1936 and 1937 the pyramids of argolas had been discovered and excavated a second pyramid at the foot of the foot of raqqa news mountains a mile and a half away with base sides at about 44 feet and a height of 33 feet we see the intent to copy the proportions of the great pyramid five foot blocks as well the proof they are replicas of the giza monuments is found in that the pyramids of argolas have no apex stones just like the great pyramid historians make it clear that the our guys began vanishing at this time assimilated into the israelite danan this is the beginning period of israelite prisons in europe a heritage shown in that the earliest chroniclers in history claimed that europe was named after a phoenician princess who had been abducted this is exactly what happened the israelites assimilated with the phoenicians early on taking their cities and ports and using them in their exodus from palestine into the european world throughout history the signature of israel would fill the western world they have built nations and empires assimilation their chief strike they carry with them the symbols of their heritage the great pyramid the sphinx the serpent staff the legacies of egypt their histories are our histories and their enemies why the world in these last days has become so decadent and corrupt the israelites all who they assimilated and who joined them the empire of adoption with gates open to all races and peoples have literally fulfilled almost every single prophecy listed in the abrahamic covenant and we will show this in the coming posts and but the enemy made their own scheme the covenant of death they rewrote the israelite scriptures invented moses accepted the lordship of a demonic bloodthirsty entity and then fought their first four battles against the israelites themselves it's all in the bible they have rewritten history bankrupted whole empires funded both sides of wars for profit and finance international organizations that operate as policing and prosecution units to silence all those who attempt to publicize their misdeeds very dark histories we're going to be reviewing their signature through history is that they have been run out of every single country in the mediterranean and europe for their malpractices and have actively conspired against christians while always painting themselves as the victims the understanding of the present world is only unveiled in learning its histories the last days the coming apocalypse our present media inspired racial conflicts the prod and pool of politics all come into focus when you understand the difference between abrahamic covenant carried by israel to the people and the covenant of death that is the source of so much melancholy and corruption and confusion and the people today who finance it every living room in the world with the radio or television has been visited by this ancient wickedness these people who regard the rest of the human family as slaves this is jason of this is going to be a very deep series subscribe to my channel share it do whatever if you're able uh you can even donate i have new thing i have new things i'm providing not just the phoenix chart and chart packs but my next video was about something i'm providing that i wasn't planning on doing it but i'm but i am trying to catch up on my bills from from the covenant from not working ever since texas i iced over i'm still on oxygen i'm supposed to be on it now but i'm not doing it but i have something very special in the next video that like i said i wasn't intending on releasing but i went ahead and i uploaded it and it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome so y'all have a good evening and i'm probably gonna release three or four videos this weekend