Q & A- Change of Plans! Let the Inquisition Begin

From Archaix Wiki

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[Laughter] [Music] so hello my friends let's get an audio check real quick hey louis louis i left you a message but i i guess you went didn't go back and see it or didn't get a notification about being a moderator trying to make sure it wasn't going to step on j dreamers choppy you say my my audio is choppy everybody else says it's good all right hello crystal shaman you look good with that blue ranch i got some mods in here there's christine i got some guys for mods but i guess they're just too cool for that i already know who that is that's jake that's j-hope j-hart sent me some t-shirts and books some good books too well he was ready i was uh well i have the zoom patch and i'm looking at google and i noticed that google google has a shows that there is this there is something in zoom where you can go into the advanced settings and there's a youtube uh link where you can take a live session uh uh a meeting and zoom and just post it to youtube well well i thought it was gonna be easy yeah they don't make it easy yeah it took forever for me to figure out just how to get gary gary on with me live so we could talk about how to get on youtube so yeah i got frustrated like i told gary it's 2022. technology should be user friendly anything that's not user friendly by now is all they need to delete that come up with something else hell they have apps now that you can download that you don't even have to write code anymore you can design software all you have to do is describe to the app what you're trying to do there is absolutely no sound in my studio i don't know what you're talking there's no ac running there's nothing it's not it's not raining here everybody says my audio is good but one person so yeah i'm uh i got to download some type of other software i thought zoom was enough but apparently it's not if i want to bring people live on on youtube i would prefer to do it live you guys know i'd rather go live the center and try to prepare stuff and do uploads and all that but i will all right we have 256 people on you know i'm not really big on intros 256 people and 340 likes how'd that happen appreciate it if there's any more if there's any more phantoms out there liking it go ahead and smash that like button some more let's see how we get that above the people that are actually watching that's an anomaly scott sampson restarted his youtube and it sounds fine now good good i got some pretty good reception tonight that's some good reception oh i got my first question it might not be the first but the first one i've seen brock fam chan are the dragon kings from the time before the pole shift when the polls start was drew oh when the pole star was was draconis man i like the way i like it when people hit me with questions showing me that they've been paying attention to the material yes the chinese the chinese dragon kings uh the chinese are basically telling us the exact same story that we found on a sumerian prism that we have translated today as the sumerian king list now you guys already know those of you been watching my channel you already know the 400 and the lie excuse me the 241 200 shares or sky turnings of the sumerian prism is only 670 years because under the draconian system the dru which which basically draconian calendar was alpha draconis was the eye of the dragon and the whole dragon turned a 360 degree circle covering one third of the circumpolar stars the tail of the dragon the tail of the dragon was like an ancient clock before the flood when we had the vapor canopy and they would watch because the eye of the dragon never moved it was the pole star the and alpha draconis was the eye of the dragon and it stayed still while the tail of the dragon moved around and one turning of the tail of the dragon was how the ancients kept time and it's how all the ancient calendars were were created from the sanskrit the vedic the cliche the olmec the maya later and later on uh the hindu these were all not i mean the hindu kind of messed things up they got some really profound material but when it comes to the ages the the this they've i don't want to get into what they uh one that's crazy 432 million there it's crazy they got out of control with adding zeros to all the all those time periods but the same thing the egyptians did they added one zero to all them or maybe the egyptians didn't do that maybe it was maybe it was herodotus maybe it was salon maybe it was plato you know maybe or diode or siculus uh it might not have been the egyptians who have been the greeks in you know when they were trench systems had added to zero somebody added a zero but uh to all those uh that many times but the dragon kings was 646 years this is in chinese traditions there was a 646 year period before the collapse of the dragon king's dynasty and the only reason they called them dragons is because china has a motif that is very unique to its people and that was was that a advanced race had ruled over them and they were bearded and this is why chinese traditional dragons are always shown with hair coming from their chin which is very unusual because dragons are reptiles and the chinese people are not known for facial hair now over the period over the passage of millennia there's been some intermarrying with mongols or with cons with the uh uh uh tarters there's been all kinds of intermarriage so so facial hair is not is not uh an anomaly anymore but they still don't grow the the great beards of of caucasian people so uh the dragon kings were that they were they were just bearded foreigners that were ruling over them and the 646 years of that dynasty ended with a flood well the fall of the dragon in chinese it was the thing and uh so yeah it's just a retelling of the exact same story it's a pre-post shift narrative but the child the child well i mean i don't know if you guys have seen it i posted it on i posted a chart on facebook like a couple years ago in the archaic group the chart is phenomenal it was actually drawn over a hundred years ago i can't remember what book i got at but it should be still on facebook but it shows the original chinese pictographs from the third and second millennium bc next to the proto-sumerian next to the pro next to the the uh pre the the what is it i can't even remember it's before linear a before the egyptian hieroglyphs but it showed all of them and they're very similar to each other so it's not surprising to find that all these different cultures on continental art are telling the same stories when when we the the links is almost similar so why not the actual symbols that they use to convey information they're very similar to the further back we go in time so yeah it's there's a lot of evidence that there was uh if not contact between the ancient chinese people and the sumerians they were at one time the same people and that that's that's also a very common uh deal so anyway i just want to let y'all know that gary warmer dam and i are gonna get into it we got some things to reveal about 1890 i don't even know what gary i haven't asked him you guys know that that's not my mo i don't i don't really want to know oh i tell i tell people to interview me all the time that uh look man we're not gonna do a pre a pre-show i'm not no listen we're gonna shoot from the hip whatever questions you have i don't want to know in advance what they are simple as that it's a i have to be genuine in my responses and if you catch me flat-footed i'm gonna let you know i'm gonna let you know hey man you know what you're really asking something that's beyond the perimeters of my abilities to to answer but uh like with gary he surprised me last time told me some things about 1902 that i had not found i thought i was a pretty good researcher uh led me into some i i've followed through that research so i don't know what gary has for 1890 i don't know but i looked at 1890 i have notes from 1890 that that i know no one else has because well a lot of the material that i publish is not found on the internet so uh some of the notes that i have are pretty pretty interesting gleaned from different books uh events that really started in like 1877 from 1877 to 1890s for a pretty unusual period uh but the 12 years from 1890 to 1902 and you guys already know i'm not gonna beat you up in 1902 but i've already got five videos out on it and a lot of mentions so in other videos little other things that were discovered and thrown out there but that 12-year period from 1890 to 1902 is very telling and i promise you i am going to reveal something in that video with gary that you've never heard before is something i recently put together after assessing all the evidence but uh it's a very i i'm getting a much clearer picture of what happened in 1902 and why it happened the way it did as it's two separate groups at work and they're working against each other and that 12-year period was very very telling for what each group was doing and uh one was preparing and one was taking advantage of the fact that the other group was no longer around this is very telling well i'm gonna wait till gary and i tomorrow do that video i can't promise it's gonna be live i'm having some technical difficulties i don't i don't i thought i thought zoom was it was it was a simple i bought the zoom package thinking it was just simple to to go live it's not apparently i have to get obs or streamline or some some other i have to get some type of other other software installed on my computer in order to do zoom on youtube i don't know i got to research all this tonight so that's what i'll be doing tonight trying to figure all this out but uh anyway 368 people come on man 3423 likes does that mean there's a lot more people listening to me and youtube just hasn't put them on the live stream yet the the numbers don't show how many people are actually listening i don't know in my analytics i see all the time that youtube sends me notices that the analytics are not in real time i'm gonna have to give it a little while to for it to catch up but i don't know if y'all are seeing the same thing i am but i'm looking at 3465 likes but only 391 people on on board so that tells me the analytics for how many people are actually listening have not caught up or they're not tabulating this is a freestyle q a it was totally unintentionally unanticipated had no plans to do this because i'm supposed to be running my mouth with gary warmer damn but we're going to do that tomorrow so you guys have the floor right now i said let the inquisition begin and i meant that get those questions out i just answered one of them i got a whole video on the dragon kings i'll the person that asked that question i don't know if you know that or not but i do have a video about the dragon kings and the relationship to the sumerian king list 2012 sky sounds do you think they're connected to the super structures i don't know i don't know i do i am familiar with sky quakes uh they very well could be because um i when i tell you guys that that our world is not what you think that is with the heavy implication that our sky isn't anything that you think it is i have read reports and i will find them my studio is packed full of notes listen i will find the report i believe it came out of our haunted planet by jacques valet i i think but i'll find it i have reports from the us military of a b-52 bomber that was that was that was basically it hit something in the sky but it never saw it the damage done to the to the b-52 that it it's as if it hit a force field and it just pancaked against it the wreckage they believable it had no yield to it as the great compartments of the sky are inaccessible because it looks like open air and clouds and it's not everybody on that b52 died that's not the only account yeah you're not going to read no and no modern books were talking about none of this because you gotta read ivar zap you gotta read jacques valet you gotta read some of the citations definitely some of the books by uh that that are cited by david hatcher children's you gotta go man they stopped really reporting all this by by the 1980s it's uh there are so many things about our sky are anomalous let me tell you another report that i read this also i think came from our hunted planet by jacques valley us military had a had a non-military mission it was dawn not during war time and they're flying over the pacific or indonesia i want to say the pacific or indonesia somewhere indian indian ocean or i can't remember but the aircraft sent out some may days military military may days and and the aircraft finally landed on on in an undesignated area like a chain of islands that it wasn't supposed to land on so they went to the wreckage you know and the plane was still pretty much preserved but everybody was dead they didn't die from the aircraft falling the outside of the plane had claw marks in the middle the inside of the plane it looked like something with sharp claws had scraped the interior of the plane as it was chopping people in pieces our world is not what you think that is not normal for it to be hidden was probably mandatory you can't report something like that on the news what are you going to tell people hey this is twa flight such as such we're leaving san diego uh uh heading out toward new zealand oh and uh uh this is a at this is at your own risk flight we have reports of a tasmanian devil at 14 000 feet come on you can't report that you cannot report anything like that it's gonna send shock waves through the entire industry and the world so these uh these are things i should do videos on these i need to pull those notes out and look at all that material it's all like i said i'm in the sky sky quakes i don't know what they are i don't have the answers for everything i just know that about 90 percent of all the natural phenomena for which we've been given scientific descriptions for is [\h__\h] it's all [\h__\h] it's our world our world is almost the opposite of what the establishment tells us over and over and over it's just not it's not true okay i mean in the morning or right now because i thought if morning it was perfect for australia i really need to get back with uh i need to get back with campbell he and i need to do another video pretty soon maybe we can find some more common ground because i'm on board i'm on board with with you know campbell doesn't have and i'm not saying that i do either he doesn't have all the answers and he doesn't have a lot of answers and i don't either but i like campbell because he's basically putting the right questions out there i mean there are inexplicable architecture all around that doesn't fit the historical narrative that we've been given i get that 100 it's a uh i just don't feel like i have a i have the time nor the responsibility to go to other channels and assess all their data and and and try to fit it into my paradigm and try to fit it into the phoenix chronology i don't feel a need to do that um but i'm pretty sure that it will there's no there's no uh yeah i'm pretty sure that it will so let me look at some of these i want to pass up some questions today you know your questions need to be in all capitals jason no you do not have an alexa alexa aigu i don't have an alexa i i tell you what i got i got a piece of crap i paid a thousand dollars for this for this galaxy fe it's called a fe f20e this is an android f20e oh they hyped it up at the t-mobile store they hyped it up told me all kinds of things let me tell you something this phone's so terrible i paid another thousand dollars for a tablet i can't stand this phone doesn't do anything that i want to do so anyway have you said all that let's see let me listen let me look at some uh you guys got i know you guys got some questions in there somebody said obs obs is good okay kimchi obs is good kimchi you and i have bounced emails back and forth i just can't remember your name or if i have only ever known you as kimchi don't remember tim baker jason if people reincarnate and return to this similar chrome then why does the world population keep soaring okay how do i know that your question doesn't have a false premise i don't know that the world population is soaring i don't i know that i'm told that there's over a billion people in china i'm told that there's over a billion people in india and yes there's a lot of people there but i live in texas and there's a lot of people here too but i also know from the archaeological record that what we're told in the historical narratives doesn't match what we find in the archaeological record in the archaeological record we have civilizations pancaked on top of civilizations buried in red earth and red mud pancakes underneath newer civilizations that didn't have a clue that the prior civilizations had met such a catastrophe we have that all over north america if you're living in one of the 48 states of continental united states today you are living 60 to 200 feet above an ancient infrastructure that was absolutely buried in a cataclysm thousands of cities all here when pompeii and herculaneum met their end in 79 a.d when mount vesuvius blew up that explosion sent hundreds of trillions of tons of pumice and ash into the atmosphere in the air much of the heavier materials rained down within an hour of the explosion burying alive two cities herculaneum herculaneum and pompeii the famous pliny the elder who is the author of natural history and one of my personal heroes and somebody who has even mentioned the phoenix phenomenon without ever saying phoenix pliny the elder receive received information from some mariners that hey such and such that that woman you like she's of noble blood says such and such uh uh of pompeii is uh our herculaneum is in dire dire distress and she's at the wharf and she needs some help and all that and uh didn't think anything about it pliny the elder took him in his household and they got in the ship and then when she he went to go find his friend we've never seen him since in the historical records it ends with mount vesuvius other roman riders of the time said that pliny met his end in the in the destruction of the volcano because it lasted for days the reason i'm telling you about that is because when the etruscans built settlements on vesuvius that were later overrun and through through uh uh basically intermarrying by the the the latins which you know of as the romans they had no idea by the time that herculaneum and pompeii were thriving metropolises they had no idea that just below their feet were thriving metropolises that had been buried alive in the avalino eruption which was in 1687 bc and it's very well scientifically documented it's nothing i'm making up this happens all over the world all throughout i don't know if it's satellites or if it's halo drones but we have high altitude imagery of what the the jungles in the forest in the tropical forest look like in mexico in veracruz alaxia all throughout central america and in the northern parts of south america do you know what we find we find cities going in multiple hundreds of thousands of square miles everywhere with canals and roadworks you can't see any of this from the ground but you can see it in the photography you they know about it through the subsurface interface radar aerial archaeology they can see the shadows and they develop the photo negatives this is we have civilizations pancaked on top of civilizations we can go back 17 centuries to the days of arnobius and we can read the writings of arnobius as arnobius was alive and we will read a catalog of all the civilizations and all the resets and all this was 17 centuries ago this man had already concluded in his own writings that the world is nothing but a place where earthquakes and cataclysms bury civilizations on top of civilizations so when you tell me about the world being overpopulated i don't see it i drive through texas for hours and never see another car i just i know that there is so much empty land all over the united states yes there's a lot of people here there may be 350 million people here but the geographical land masses are so vast that it's not popular overpopulated anywhere except where people highly concentrate themselves in the cities but i also know that the properties of our existence basically mirror a reflective hollow hologram and if and because i i have accepted this to be true that means that the information that i'm given may not be true i am a single i am just a single point of awareness of singularity and i cannot view 360 degrees around me all up and down and and basically and basically absorb all the true information that's out there my central nervous system will never allow me it's a filter so when you say that i'm not denigrating you but when you say that that's a hell of a premise that there's more people alive today than there was in ancient times i don't know i do know that in world war one and world war ii massive depopulations happened because of what didn't just happen on the battlefield if you know your history you know that the united states of america in the uk performed one of the most godless inhumane acts of war crimes the world has ever known and they did it against the german people at dresden if you don't know what happened to the people of dresden initiated by the united states and in the uk you really don't know your history you're you're probably stuck in the in the collective version the version that was written for you about world war ii but yes what happened to those people the firestorm that those people endured specifically created calculated scientific the way they dropped those bombs in the way they employed physics to do it to create the largest fiery tornado the world has ever seen babies toddlers youth old and old women old men that wasn't against a military target it was against civilians and it was intended now before i get all dark on you about talking about the civil war one of my passions and one of the things i probably should never do a video on it's uh let's move on but uh yeah i just don't i just know that every time there's a catastrophe every time there's uh like i said in world war ii there was a lot of people being exterminated and it wasn't on the battlefield it was other things going on china do you have china exterminated or cambodia yeah genocide was going there going off everywhere hardly ever reported the world the the red cross was worried about going to detention facilities and hyping up charges against the german people instead of going to the death camps in cambodia or going and going going into the mur uh the the murder cities of china yeah that's crazy you seen that movie the purge if you think that hasn't already happened you don't know history that's all yeah it's crazy oh wow i wasn't even paying attention i don't mean to leave you all out i did not even pay attention to the top thank you for your donations guys i'm uh really appreciate that i think those are stickers i'm still trying to catch up on all these things i activated a lot of stuff and i'm still i'm still deactivating youtube's ability to put ads in the middle of my videos i won't allow that i've already done over 200 videos i've deactivated that but i still got to go in my settings to over 100 videos my earliest videos and deactivate that i don't mind them putting some ads in the beginning and i don't mind them putting them at the end but not in the middle of my videos people don't people don't come to get educated archaics to get spammed with all kinds of crap they don't want to buy see obs is good okay yeah well the uh baby booms baby booms after all these after all these genocides and all these wars and all these natural catastrophes that kill a lot of people first thing that happens is a baby bone it's almost as if the souls are being recycled right back in and the false premise that i'm talking about is that we're told there's over 700 there's 7 billion people in the world but you don't know that you don't know that and you can't convince me of that there's no way you you can provide any data set you can't google or go to wikipedia and tell me anything at all and like i said i'm not talking to you personally everybody knows has been on my channel long enough you know that i will not take google as a source of information i can't i can't that doesn't mean that all the books and all the reports that i've read are true no it doesn't mean that it but but it does mean that uh i filter my data i yeah yeah what's up the internet was not i was i had no access to the internet when i was in prison when i was developing all all my all my my data points and data sets i had no i didn't have access to the internet the internet developed while i was in prison i didn't get out until 2016. by 2016 the internet the internet was basically exactly as it is today it's fully developed but yeah when i when i started doing all these when i started doing all my research yeah the internet didn't have these these thousands and tens of thousands of old books from the 16th 17th 18th 19th century nobody started uploading those pdfs until they realized they can start making money doing that putting them in on different deals and some people did it for uh um basically humanitarian uh efforts but that didn't start to like 2003 2004 2005 and then they're still uploading books but yeah in 2016 i used to google i used to google things when i got out of prison get on my dad's computer i was happy about being free but i didn't want to go anywhere i want to learn stuff so i i got on google and i wanted to google all these i did google all these old authors books for which i could not find in prison but i found in the bibliographies of the books i did find so i'm hunting them down and looking for them i couldn't find anything now here it is 2022 and people are sending me emails on a daily basis showing me pdfs of books that have been uploaded to the internet that for which i spent a half a lifetime searching for they weren't on the internet through four years ago but somebody's out there doing some good they're uploading hundreds maybe thousands of these old books and pd uh pdfs which is absolutely if you don't know this it's absolutely illegal there are people who have copyrights on these books and i will tell you now every one of my books has been found on some of these pirate websites my publishers sent me a list of websites that have uh matter of fact that was like three years ago he sent me that list i'm pretty sure my books can be found on other ones now but there are many pirate websites out there that give you free pdfs of people's books and you know what maybe that's humanitarian i don't know but uh yeah you can get all you can probably get all my books for free you search you search long enough you'll find somebody who put a pdf of it up somewhere all right let's get some more questions in here okay this is ridiculous is it ridiculous have you guys ever seen anything like this i have 11 779 likes but only 741 people watching is this the notification of this live video went out to all my subscribers and they just go ahead and like it real quick but they're not really watching it until later hmm i'm going to the bottom of the thread to see if anybody can answer that then i'll go back up and answer some more questions buddha girl you said yes stellar shriner there's a whole bunch of them all you have to do is google that all you have to do is google that well i did i'm going to tell you guys it might not be wrong let me explain i got a notification i got a notification from youtube this morning when i looked in my youtube studio it said congratulations your channel has received 2 million views underneath that notification it said because of viewer oh viewer retention because people are watching my videos for a lot longer periods then what's av what's what's normal for for uh i guess other channels they said that uh the notification i got from youtube is what their sh that youtube is now suggesting my channel to to a lot a wider demographic a lot a lot more people i got that notification this morning i didn't even think about it i've been so busy all day i didn't think about it but i did screenshot that it did say i did screenshot it it did say congratulations you're uh oh i also got a notification from godaddy my website archaics.com i got a notification that says uh um it was congratulations to i'm a screenshot it i'll show it to y'all if y'all want to see it but it said i'm in the top one percent of all the websites on godaddy and it showed me the analytics it's like oh that's crazy forty eight thousand forty eight thousand views on my website and like of some amount of days or something i can't remember i gotta i don't really pay attention all that type of stuff but i need to i need i need to do that so that's done that's done i'm not a braggart guys you guys know that i just those are things that popped up this morning i thought it was pretty good jay hart i like your little cartoon thank you thank you jay jay's been a staunch supporter besides she sent me an awesome tampa baseball t-shirt it's like my favorite motorcycle shirt now it's so comfortable i don't have i got a lot of black shirts and i got a few white ones but i don't like wearing them outside because they get real sweaty and text is so hot you see all my tattoos when i'm on motorcycle one sweating if i wear a white t-shirt you can see all my tattoos all over my my back in my front like you know what i'm not trying to go i'm not trying to flag going around flagging all over texas in the daytime i'm not trying to do all that this but the gray shirts oh yeah the gray the black shirts uh when it's hot outside it doesn't do that and she sent me a real nice thick uh gray tampa baseball shirt that's like i like to wear that when i'm on my bike let's see okay darkness 1984 give all the people in the world one cubic meter and they and they fit all in two provinces in the netherlands yeah i've heard some similar i've heard some similar uh deals like yeah the world is a big place it's a big place it's a big place yeah you guys know what i'm some of y'all know what i'm talking about with dresden we don't we don't need to talk about it no more we got some real good books that already revealed all that stuff but you can chronicle one of them you guys some of these things that i talk about that i want to go into detail with on youtube they're in chronicon yeah and and if you want to go into real detail i i hate saying these things on live not because i'm worried about the censorship because i never want to come across as that guy trying to sell you stuff you understand i do have a publisher and he probably gets a little frustrated with me because i don't i don't really push things but my published books i've made them as cheap as possible and my publisher and i we've had some odds and i released four books without him i'd release them myself on on amazon and now he and i are really getting along and he's about to start publishing a lot of my material i'm about to release a lot of my material and very easily digestible 50 and 55 page paperback booklets that's what i'm about to do so people can absorb this information one one book is one sit down here's a whole bunch of data points that form one data set here's a book here's something you could loan to have your son read here's something that that that you can loan uh to a friend instead of overwhelming people with some of these big books that i've written or chronic con's huge but you guys don't even realize how big chronicon is some of you do because there's been several of you who ordered my thumb drive on the super pac only the people that ordered the super pac know what i'm talking about so much unpublished notes chronic on is big but there's even more in the super pac the super pac has more data than chronic on does that's why that's why i told you guys when i'm finished chronicling is going to be three volumes each one about a thousand pages each the final edited version is going to be this big it's huge it's going to be a steel case leather bound weather fire resistant and it's not really for us it's for those who those who are still here after 2040 that's what it's for and but the super pac thumb drive it has all this stuff that i'm talking about i go into great detail on what what these people the big bewitchery all throughout the last 2500 years every civilization that's had things to say about them what they've done what they're guilty of and what they've actually boasted about what they have actually said in public because they no longer fear retribution yeah it's all i got all that in there moment of silence for dresden jason i sent you purple light sky footage on facebook please check your facebook messenger okay i'm back on facebook again but i only showed up for one night i got a new email new facebook deal i'm still ticked off that i i spent a lot of time putting my facebook profile together a lot of personal pictures from my life all that's on my original facebook uh i'm not doing that no more i set up one single little profile picture i'm going back on facebook i'm back in to do some admin i have to shake up that archaic group a little bit because uh i i need to i need to un unleash a bunch of new material in that group i just got to slow down and it's going to happen i've been telling you guys over and over that i need to catch up i need to do this i'm about to get heavy back into predictions i'm about to get heavy back into posting on facebook again i'm gonna get a routine two different hours of the day where i'll be doing lives not on the same day but but i want to i want to maximize the ability for people all around to to be able to to participate so i'll uh one on one day you will all know that this is the exact time i'll be live on the next day it will be live but it'll be a totally different time we got different hemispheres to deal to to deal with so we need to uh i need to take that into consideration but the reason i know that i'm about to have a lot more free time to do anything is because today i hired somebody is basically the first archaic employee and and uh i took them to to the mail to the post office today showed them exactly because it's been taking a lot of my time dealing with packages uploading thumb drives getting getting the the address labels back but but nothing is more exhausting than dealing with customs and uh uh deal so now i have somebody to do that for me and i just pay them and that that frees up a lot of my time to do the things i need to do so let's get back to some questions jason do you think we get to choose our avatars i'm sorry just me you're asking me a question i you are asking me what i think okay i get that i don't know i don't know i i don't know if we get to choose our avatars i do believe that we that we volunteered for this experiment experience but i don't know if we knew the full perimeters of what we were volunteering for i don't know that i don't know that i believe that we volunteered for a certain scenario and that there was a bait-and-switch involved but i'm i'm i'm kind of of the opinion that the bait-and-switch was part of the plan because it adds an element of urgency believability because the one thing that anybody running a simulation wouldn't want the subjects to realize is that they're in a simulation once they make that realization in the collective it's over with all the output is corrupted you have to basically reset it purple light sky somebody's asking me to talk about the rap well i'm not at all really iffy because it seems to me that one point at one point religious scribes were of the opinion that those who were taken were taken to a very terrible place those who were left behind were the ones that were blessed the meek shall inherit the earth all that uh two women will be grinding at the mill one shall be taken in the other left two men will be out chopping wood one shall be taken in the other left is there any indication in those prophecies that the woman the woman that was taken was evil or the man that was in the forest had done something bad is there is there is there any explanation as to the difference between the two women no there's not so it's almost it's almost as if something just has discretionary power to take those it wants to take in in the connotation is negative now over the passage of 15 centuries interpretations change the rapture seems to with how lindsay prior to how lindsay i don't see a strong rapture cult in in the united states i don't remember i remember reading all the commentaries of finnish jennings dead and spirals at heidi's i've read i read all the commentaries from uh the iv bible post 1902 the old yeah there's so many different bible commentaries oh one of the one of the the most informative pieces of of uh encyclopedic information you could ever read about biblical history is called cruden's concordance not strong's concordance cruden's concordance is far deeper and uh i read that i read that to cover and multiple times they used to publish cruden's concordance in in very old bibles in the back then then it became a book all by itself and that's what i had when i was in prison i had a copy of cruden's concordance uh also another very very good source of information for biblical material that's very in-depth it's called smith's bible dictionary and uh it it too goes back to the 1890s early 19th century so yeah there's so many good good sources about but rapture is not a source in the old it's not it's not a very old source it seems to be a reinterpretation of something that was initially described as bad that has been turned into something else now because some of the passages involving rapture seem to be referring to resurrection but i'm not i'm not i'm not on board with the rapture deal oh i do see evidence of whole entire populations vanishing especially in 1212 the children's crusade uh in 1212 it was very bizarre that was the period of time that there were stories being told of the pied piper of hamlin that too was nothing but more more more it wasn't more than a tradition that had been changed from the original historical details because it does derive from some historical details unfortunately those details are very dark and what i mean is is we have stories from ancient europe of a stranger appearing in villages in leading the children away in their play times never found again and um the children's crusade was very unique because it happened in the year 1212 which happened to be a phoenix year and uh it was a year that phoenix appeared in phoenix is known for the vanishing of of populations not just populations but uh human architecture they uh the the bannock burn gigantic ship in the great lakes in an area so shallow there is no way they could not find that ship today every bit of the great great lakes has been surveyed they know where all the shipwrecks are but it's absolutely impossible what happened in 1902 to the bannock burn the bannock burn was in full view of another ship and it was entered into that ship ship captain log that strange lights appeared in the sky among the clouds and right before their eyes the bannock burn which had like hundreds of thousands of tons of wheat and barley going to europe was in the great lakes and it just vanished search parties couldn't find anything modern scientific equipment can't find anything in there and we've sent scientific equipment down down loch ness loch ness is deep great lakes or not so anyway yeah we have all kinds of anomalies with phoenix phoenix phoenix phoenix makes things disappear and that includes people many materials i don't know how to pronounce your name but you're going by oren zariel will enough positivity haltus miller from no i'm sorry man i get this from you i get i get this from you guys so much there are so many people that try to tell me that uh they can't wrap their head around conclusions and data because they think that and have conditioned to believe and this is many of you listening to my voice that if enough of us come together they all vibrate positively and we all and we all have this we are the one and when we start projecting nothing but good and positive and pop and initiate our own golden age i do not believe that at all at all i believe that we will knit for us a closed system within the holography we will be insulated against all the negativity that we that we're not taking into consideration that we're refusing to participate in i do not believe that we can change the world i have shown through chronic on and for those of you who haven't read it you just don't know all these mathematical patterns they show that the history is fixed the events are written in stone they are fixed this is a template that we may have lived through multiple times it's a template imagine a vast library full of crystal tablets when when a custodian pulls that tablet out it's veined in hundreds of billions of tiny microscopic gold veins it's circuitry inside of crystal these are tablets takes that that custodian takes that tablet and goes and inserts it in a wall and on the other side of the wall looking through a screen are about 6 000 participants all in a giant room with other custodians making sure that all their vital signs are okay and they're all unconscious and as soon as that tablet gets shoved into that that interface all six thousand of those people are living through a construct and they're living multiple life sims going through all this and while they're in it they believe it's all real they're in a real universe and they and they believe because they have this ego that is in ego it's ego programming that's instilled within them that makes them refuse to believe all sorts of things that are actually true and yeah it's our world is not what you think and we're just living through life sims and there is no better description than to tell you that all the world is a stage but if you want to put it into more modern perspective this is a vr this is a vr game this is a virtual reality game that we are playing and i know many of you have some pretty terrible shitty lives and it's hard for you to see past that but you haven't had a life as near as bad as i lived i promise there may be some of you but not a lot not a lot of you 26 years in prison didn't go by smoothly for me to be able to convey these things to you now is miraculous but it's because i have embraced the fact that none of this [\h__\h] is real and when you embrace the fact that all of this is a make-believe you will start doing incredible things you will survive things you're not supposed to survive but in retrospect you'll think back and say it's no big deal that i survived it because there was no threat to you from the beginning this this world it's a beautiful thing it's a beautiful thing but we have to divorce ourselves from all these little micro attachments that we have allowed culture society religious and our parents to instill upon us absolute falsehoods that have nothing to do with the real reality i don't know i don't even know what question prompted all that i'm sorry have no idea okay could our spouses and children be npcs that's another question i get often i'm gonna say in most cases no and i'm going to i'm going to quant go i'm about to qualify that that answer it's not something i just freestyled that's an educated answer so let me define an educated answer for you i could have said anything in response to that that would have made that would have made sense or or some of you might have agreed with but i have to keep my answers in line with the data that i've accepted to be true and i have already shared with you guys that i have read reports by by specialists who have done reincarnation type research and they have actually documented children who have remembered significant events a very local families as if they were an elder when they were having when they were experiencing these things but because of the children's frame of reference is different than than the the thinking of an of an elderly who was about to die these things are difficult to understand sometimes but the child remembers everything about a family that lives two blocks away and often there's a blood connection between between the child that remembers and the other family if that's true and i have to accept that with everything else that i believe because i can't compartmentalize my beliefs they all have to be cohesive everything must fit in its place if i'm going to accept that to be true then my answer to this individual must be you probably are in the simulation with loved ones maybe not family but maybe there is no family outside the similar crime and that we are all immortal beings and that were related because we were basically created at the exact same time making us all brothers and sisters in spirit i don't know i'm not out there anymore i'm in here with you so i don't know but my answer has to comport with my belief system and my belief system is yes man if kids if kids are showing evidence that they're that they have been reincarnated recently from the the elderly that just died in that family over there and this kid knows things about that family that he shouldn't know about then yes there's transmigration of souls and that soul and that and that avatar died and reappeared right over here and if that happened one time you remember i have i have a i have an interpretive tenant that i live by if i can show if i can show if any one thing is true then it's all true if if i can show just one spirit did one thing then we all can yeah i can't that's that's that's how my mind works i'm gonna keep things as simple as possible and as logical as possible because there's no need for uh these metaphysical uh drifty interpretations to reality we don't need them we have enough data to put everything together logically see i hope that answered your question i don't know who noble drew is ollie and the moors i've read some moorish histories yeah back in the 80s i remember yeah indigo dragon well it sounds like a type of weed back in the 80s i remember being told that china had over a billion people yeah if they had that many in the 80s how come they don't have two billion today the earth keeper thank you for not using wikipedia yeah yeah i can't take any data from the internet i do google things to see you know basically uh i have general interest to see uh uh what what something says but you will never hear me cited as a source i can't do that you can't do that at all then soul welcome to have you i haven't seen the edgar cayce flood map mlm a watchman i haven't i do know that edgar cayce nailed it on concerning the great pyramid and the year 1998. other than that i really don't know about edgar cayce because i'm not interested in anything i read a i read a book by john white called pole shift and it's a very good book i recommend it to anybody but uh it's from a r e pressed the the same publisher that puts out edgar casey's material i read that book like 16 17 years ago it's called his simple name pull shift is the name of the title john white in that book i read about what edgar cayce said in one of his readings when he was hypnotized and he had mentioned that uh 1998 was the key year to understanding the last days and the key year to understanding the unfoldment of the ancient information that lies hidden within the great pyramid and that's exactly what my channel is about i have an entire playlist that shows you what the great pyramid is about have another playlist my predictions playlist that shows you what edgar casey meant by the year 1998 and how it is the epicentral year to decode everything that's going to unfold in the last days and i showed this over and over and over 1998 is the epicentral year there's other ones that you can use to to verify the magnitude of the event like 1962 in 1902 1973 there's other epicentral years but 1998 is the year it is 108 years after 1890 and it is 108 years before 2106 the six thousandth year uh in the phoenix chronology anas mundi all right let's see jason oh that's the same one again i send you purple light i send you purple light sky footage i'll look at it what do you want me to see about it though i mean purple light the sky nothing at the sky surprises me guys nothing you can send me a thousand pictures i will never sit here and say hey man i mean i'll appreciate it and i'll thank you but i'll you're never going to surprise me ever you know bert and ernie could fall out the sky and they could they could have the media there reporting it showing burton ernie's body parts all over the ground you know it wouldn't even surprise me because i already know that sky is not what you think one of the things that really profoundly affected me was reading a book from the 70s about about what a what a municipal pilot in a cessna saw his description has haunted me for years he describes when he left florida and he was flying flying to bermuda he was in the bermuda triangle and unlike a lot of other stories his instruments didn't start messing up and all that he just had the feeling that something wasn't right and he's in a little single process and a flying up in the clouds and it dawned on him that all these clouds are moving but there's no movement over here and there's and in this peripheral there's a cloud there so he just looked and when he looked the entire sky where a cloud was supposed to be looked like it was malfunctioning in the sky had stopped looking like a 3d cloud and now look and now took on a checkerboard form that was corkscrewing like he could just fly into it like it was a tunnel it scared the hell out of him so he turned away from it but the more he tried to get away from it the bigger it got behind him and a yellow fog started encompassing him but he made it out of the yellow fog but he said he felt very very weird well to me he's describing like a trans-dimensional envelope to me is describing when two different mathematical holographies operating on totally different uh systems basically coalesce watch my fingers now two independent mathematical architectures look what's happening in between my fingers here's one here's the other so what do we have in the middle in the middle we have a third field we have a synthesis between two different systems if something gets caught in that in that area they're no longer moored to the to the holography that they were in so when those systems pull apart there's a chance that that individual ship that individual boat that into that individual plane is going to go into the other arithmetic and it won't remain here anymore bermuda triangle and the devil's triangle out the sea of japan they're very similar in nature too many disappearances like i tell you guys all the time too many coincidences exhibits no coincidence at all tree lover 1976 that's a good question if phoenix targets low and bad vibrations what about the children are they innocent okay children are innocent children are innocent there's no doubt as someone has said recently in one of my other videos it's a it's also understood that when we're dealing with widespread ubiquitous phenomena there's always collateral damage and with the oversoul actually in charge i mean children die today we don't have it doesn't have to be a phoenix event every single day that we are alive multiple children are killed unnecessarily yeah i that's not a really good answer to your question but i do have to bring it into perspective that yes i believe phoenix targets frequency but it may not be something as simple as just negative frequency or positive frequency because what are those really i believe it's more specific i believe it's targeting something more specific it's uh it's retarding listen you're going to understand better with what phoenix is doing when when gary and i do this video tomorrow about the 1890s because i'm telling you now i don't want to give too much away but there's a whole group of people in this world that phoenix does not target it benefits them and i don't understand i don't understand why but uh uh but yeah phoenix phoenix is something else i don't have all the answers i don't i mean i do have the chronology and i'm willing to back it up and do it all the time but as far as what exactly is happening it's a mystery i do know this the elite hide from it every time they run they run and i've heard some really interesting theories from some of my subscribers because like i said i don't have all the answers but some of my subscribers get really really inventive with their theories and i can't say they're wrong but i've heard some pretty good ones lately uh about what could be what you know about the elite hiding and it's just uh phoenix phoenix can very well target bloodlines there's no doubt it's uh i don't know i don't know i don't want to say i don't want to say more because what i'm willing to stand behind is my chronological material which is so backed up by sources i'm not uh that i feel no threat in where i'm really kind of hesitant in is trying to basically tell you exactly what it's doing i know it's doing mud floods i know it's depositing red earth red mud all over the world and i know that many times and this is so weird this is so weird because i haven't wanted to focus on this but it's verifiable it is so weird phoenix the phoenix red red range red mud red earth multiple times in 1902 scientists analyzed that material and it was blood and it was organic tissue it was organic material this is harrowing because i've already told you guys that phoenix causes mass human disappearances but at the same time we have this this scenario that is straight out of an h.g wells book you guys know what i'm talking about i have never really wanted to go because it's so horrific it's so horrific i don't want to talk about that type the the movie the night of the comment was telling us something do you remember what what happened to the people red dust was all that remained thousands of people partying in the street and when that object appeared in the sky everybody was reduced to red dust in the in the h.g wells war of the worlds where the aliens do they hit you with a weapon that turns you into in basically the whole land into into red blood vaporizes you but it cannibalizes cannibalizes people and basically spits them back out as red material red red blood red dirt i'm not making this up charles ford has has published this and so of others that scientists have analyzed the material that fell from the sky in 1902 and it was often 65 to 85 percent organic material scientists in italy found that red rained had blood in it now i'm i'm not making any of that up i don't need to yeah so it's pretty harrowing now do i feel i have anything to fear absolutely not absolutely not i am not going to prepare for the phoenix i am not going to prepare for it i'll be 67 years old uh i am 49 years old right now i'm in excellent physical condition and i don't believe that's going to change in between now and me being 67 years old oh i'm going to stay physically active uh i'm going to take care of myself and 67 in this day and age is not that old so uh i'll be okay i have zero medical conditions so i believe that i'm i'll be fine but i also believe that i'm meant to survive it but that's not why i'll survive it i will survive it i will survive it because it has everything to do with the fact that i'm just not on that frequency the acquisition of information has put me on another plateau to where i'm not vibrating on that fear for frequency anymore the things that i have accepted to be true have added to the armor that is my informed field my informed field insulates me from all these little things man the collective experience that i do not yeah i don't have to worry about income i don't have to worry about am i gonna be able to put food on the table i have to worry about none of these things because right when i need things in life they're given to me so i don't have to worry about that and as long as i am living the life of not worrying about the things that i need need to get what i need to get manifest in my life yeah there's no better way to put it i'm not going to prepare for a negative because all i'm doing isn't is empowering my informed field to get ready to suffer that negative i'm not going to do that yeah that's not going to happen know i hope a whole bunch a whole i hope a whole bunch of you guys don't do that as well 12 000 likes wow youtube wasn't kidding i told you i got that notification this morning because i hit i hit 2 million views and because i hit a some size some type of watch watch through rate or something i can't remember what it was because i hit that tier or whatever youtube starting today was gonna show my videos to a lot more a wider demographic a lot more people so that's a good thing that's a good thing maybe has something to do with all these likes aj fortuna is the great pyramid a good thing if it destroys the phoenix because it seems like the phoenix is a good thing getting rid of evil this is a good point now the phoenix phenomenon was was occurring before the great pyramid was ever built and uh those of you who go look at all the chronographical material uh in the world before the flood in my chronicon you will see all this laid out how the phoenix started first how the phoenix was initiated to keep the archons in check how the phoenix was to control and make sure that the high ones that are on high didn't get too high didn't get out of control so basically the phoenix was implemented by a benefactor because it was to govern over the very forces that tried to rule over men mankind so the phoenix was first however the great pyramid did two things prior to the building of the great pyramid there was no faith there was no eschatology there was no belief system about the return of the chief cornerstone to set order among the earth it was just chaos the rulers in the vapor canopy and even before the vapor canopy were the seven kings the seven great ones ruled before the vapor canopy when they established their rule at bad tabira insurer pack in the sumerian pintopolis that was the fulfillment to ancient prophecies listen guys this cycle is coming back they were already predicted to come during the vapor canopy from a civilization that had maintained prophecies from even before remember i've told you guys we have evidence of a 930 year old civilization that met a catastrophic end it met an end but some of those faiths belief systems knowledge and technologies bled bled out into the world of genesis the vapor canopy world those matured after a while but became in different forms and there was there was belief systems about the return of the seven kings and they did they fulfilled prophecy there was a now the world was going to be destroyed is going to be the flood somebody has this gigantic prophecy a 41 story high building built in in egypt and it has and it contains all these motifs and ideas 144 000 white gleaming 100 inch inch thick super smooth casing stones with the joints so tight that a razor blade couldn't fit within them they were machined they were god-like in construction we can't build that today those faced the interior two-point million 2.5 million blocks of the great pyramid but every one of those uncountable blocks in the great pyramid actually represented amen m-e-n ancient ancient egyptian men me meant soul every single one of those blocks represents a soul of the redeemed the errants the elect the chosen the faithful the meek who will inherit the earth it represents every one of them the casing blocks the 144 000 casing blocks were the final volunteers who would volunteer to willingly put their avatars through the apocalypse with the living dead now that's that's that's in the future from us though because we have a return of the seven kings they're coming back they'll be back in 2052. that's what that's what the prophecy of the statue of liberty is about and i've revealed that in other videos i should do a video about it but uh the statue of liberty has a certain amount of steps exact amount of steps and it was erected in a very certain year for a reason because those steps is an annual countdown all the way to the point up to the church where the where the freedom the liberty the liberty of humankind will be taken from them in the apocalypse when the reign of the seven kings returns and this is all in revelations revelations describes the reign of the seven kings and how they will return but somebody built this monument a prophecy of the return of the capstone the chief cornerstone the stone the builders rejected who's going to set all the order back and right he's going to make he's going to make order among the chaos he's going to break the rule of the high ones he's going to completely completely imprison the archons and do away with the government of the seven kings this monument the great pyramid built during the vapor canopy vapor canopy contains a holographic template and i have shown this is just me talking for my new my new subscribers if you think i'm just making up a fairy tale you need to go watch my playlists because i have shown this in multiple different vantage points mathematically how the measurements which were scientifically conducted to the thousands of an inch in the great pyramid and documented all show a holographic template of the history of the world going forward and backward in time the great pyramid preserves something but the embed is the phoenix holography every 138 years so the great pyramid was built to do something to the phoenix because the phoenix was already in effect the pyramid ever appeared therefore i must conclude because the architect of the great pyramid was a benefactor i must conclude that this structure must have something to do with the ending the stopping the phoenix protocol when it's no longer needed because the return of the chief cornerstone is to bring about a ring of peace it is inferred in the prophecies as the stone empires of men babylon and rome were gold by followed by persia followed by um excuse me excuse me babylon it was a babylon persia greece and rome those are the four metal empires those four metal empires will yield they will give away because in the in the ten kings in revelation they're defeated and then a stone uncut by human hands this is the stone the builders rejected it falls from the sky and it breaks all all the empires of metal and it begins the stone kingdom this is the kingdom of the chief cornerstone this is the benefactor and when the chief cornerstone descends upon the monument of man and the number of the sealed sealed is made complete the rest of the world's in trouble in trouble the phoenix holography though will cease after this great war is over it's not needed no more it has to be put to a stop the great pyramid is the mechanism by which that will do it that will do that when it wants it to put to a stop then the stone kingdom will will continue until the collapse of the smilochrom which is 72 years after the descent of the chief cornerstone so all that listen what i'm i'm basically paraphrasing a lot of material that's that can be found in my other writings or in my other videos it's just an abbreviated answer to a very complex question good question though good question michael daniel what if the shift in consciousness we experience today is deliberate okay let's uh let's explore that question what's shifting consciousness what what exactly are you talking about to be a shift in consciousness you're implying that it's the collective that's shifting in their consciousness and i assure you if there are seven billion of souls in this world the truth or community isn't even 0.01 of that of that margin it's not all every single person in this world who considers themselves a seeker of the truth a truth or an errant uh uh uh it doesn't matter if you're if you're muslim it doesn't matter if you're hindu it doesn't matter if you're farsi if it matters if you're in iran listening to to my voice right now in the candlelight with three other family family members it doesn't matter if you think you're among one of the called faithful and chosen if you are a actual divine spark of an immortal fire that you belong to the creator if you think you're sealed i promise you you're still not 0.01 of the world's population so when you say shift of consciousness what are you really talking about because i don't feel the collective around me is doing anything but slavery i don't feel the collective around me does anything but do what they're told to as long as abc nbc uh bbc and cnn exist there as long as they're steady putting out all this all this bs then the collective is going to follow suit so i don't see the shift in consciousness i don't i only have oh let's put things into perspective there's if there's 7 billion people in the world i've only got 1046 people listening to my voice and by tomorrow there might be 3 000 people who have listened to this video no man not even not even not even one star in the sky among all the other stars in the sky could that be mathematically equal it's not there's no shifting consciousness in the human race my brother there's not it's not there's a shift there's a shift in percent perception that you're experiencing because your informed field is becoming more and more empowered by new data new data that you resonate with and now you have to figure out why are you resonating with with why what is it about any information that you're learning on my channel that's making you resonate at a higher frequent what is it because you're coming into contact with other souls who are also resonating resonating on that frequency i will say this when singularities emit energies those those energies gravitate gravitate to each other i'm not saying gravity so don't get triggered out there some of y'all get triggered when i don't talk about buoyancy and all that but uh yeah i don't i uh mike michael daniel again i'm not denigrating you man i'm not trying to talk down to you i'm just trying trying to explain that many of the questions that i get come with the premise that i do not agree with therefore i can't give you an accurate answer to comport with what you're trying to get me to say or what you think i should say it's a i don't agree with the premise behind the question i don't believe there's a shift in consciousness going on on the magnitude that would that would uh be implicit of what you're talking about we're an extreme minority and this is another reason why youtube pretty much ignores a lot of us yeah i mean outside the truther community there are hundreds of millions of people enjoying youtube and they don't know anything about us or or our channels yeah it's all a matter of perspective well giggy abby lynn what do you really know of the phoenix hmm you know what i'm going to uh i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt but you haven't given me the benefit of the doubt you're obviously new to my channel 41 videos on the phoenix are backed up by three published books and over 100 articles that i've posted on on on facebook it's all the phoenix material is mind-blowing if it wasn't i wouldn't have much of a channel because my whole channel was predicated off that research aj fortuna i've seen your name many i'm glad you asked that question earlier higher frequencies you might be right probably just the fans giving support that's good i don't know much about weather manipulation i i know the technology exists or or i've read that it exists but i mean you guys have to understand some of you know some of y'all don't know you're new to my channel but nasa and cern you guys asked me questions about them but i can't answer those questions i can't because in my in my in my in my world nasa is a tax and so a cern they're not doing anything at all nasa is all about mind manipulation it's not about sending things up in space if you don't know the true history of nasa and who and who and who and who actually put it all together you have to understand what the pressures were at the time with the kennedy administration you got to know your history in the in the 50s and the 60s to understand what happened in the late 60s and 70s with with nasa purporting to go to the moon you've got to understand all the subterfuge all the politics between the soviet union and the united states when yuri gagarin became the first man in space and he was a soviet that sent kennedy into a rage he wasn't trying to hear it at all and he vowed he vowed that in his presidency he would send a man to the moon nasa was basically ordered ordered by elitists in the us government to to to uh put a man on the moon to to do all that so they had a huge vast vast uh basically a nazi rocket program to build these badass rockets and all that stuff and it was all it was all a pony show everybody was a pony show because nasa's main agenda and their expertise their field of expertise was mind manipulation yeah nasa and cern they're attacks hundreds of billions of dollars annually go to those and again that money disappears into black ops groups because they're not sending anything into space they're just shooting things open to the sky all right let's see ghost well i saw the word ghost and i lost it my little thread just popped on me and i've been running my mouth for an hour and 30 minutes how'd that happen i didn't feel like i was talking that long lord matthew prerogative private tax assessor man how you doing bro matthew said this to me a while back this is a real stamp he had this tailor made for me and it puts off a real phoenix stamp you know what have one right here i have a stamp right here hold on let's do this matthew this is for you you gotta press on this thing hard though matthew you must be a big guy because every time i use this stamp i gotta press on this thing hard i'm 220 pounds man i still gotta use muscle on this thing okay okay look at that look at my little phoenix seal i can't even remember what it says matthew's uh assessor sent this to me he's also sent me some pretty good research from time to time yep jason immortal soul phoenix ambassador oh yeah phoenix ambassador for 5 16 20 40. that's right some of this the writing is so small i can't see it but yeah yeah it's a sticker it's crazy i'm gonna put that back over here thank you matthew yeah oh blazingbeard i think your live shows with other guests help help with numbers yeah i don't know i just i don't know man i feel people i feel people and i'll be the first to tell you man that uh i fall in love with personalities that's why i've done quite a few podcasts with people with very very small channels very small reach uh i've come to know them by either through me mails or like on facebook i met gary warmer damn on facebook like a year ago over a year ago and uh it's just uh yeah it's not about i've had i mean i've had invitations i've had invitations for people who who claim to have half a million a pod i mean i can name several podcasts they're not even on youtube big podcasts they say they got all kinds of subscribers and they're on five different platforms at the same time streaming their lives and all that i just want i don't have time to address all of them and two sometimes i get an invitation man and i instantly i'm not resonating with something they say a lot of times it's syntax sometimes it's the way somebody presents themselves to me and i'm instantly turned off and it is what it is but but some of them are just because i just haven't had time i have a file i have an email file set aside things to do and in in lately because i haven't had any help lately that things to do is just getting larger and larger and larger and larger instead of me being able to to stop take a break and go into that file and get things done i keep adding to it but hopefully now that i actually have a employee that i'll be able to start catching up and and getting the things done i want because i even have uploads i got some deep research i want to put on i want to put online i don't want to just do podcasts and live videos i got some i got some awesome uploads i also need to bring back to the forefront some older videos that were very poorly done and she and they had they have profound information and the information could be presented in a much better way so i i want to do that too oh i'm also looking online right now for a camera that will attach to to my chest my chin or my forehead i really don't want it on my forehead but man i'll get on my motorcycle and i will i will go all the way to galveston i will go through the country back hills i'll go hit the interstates go over the good giant bridges i'll go through downtown houston and show these massive buildings i'll go through all the all the uh on my motorcycle and i'll go all the way to galveston go up and down the sea wall let y'all see everything and then i'll come back and then i'll come out and i'll do a two hour video and during the whole video you can see everything like my like my van vlogs but i just need to find the right camera for but i'll do that hell i'll shoot i'd do that the next three days just to just uh that's such a unique video footage yeah for my motorcycle i gotta have the right camera i can't do that on cell phone okay corso jason do you think the phoenix phenomenon is known by much of the elite all right my very first phoenix video addresses that and i've addressed that many many times in subsequent presentations i'm going to answer answer you that listen yes they know or the 33rd degree of freemasonry wouldn't be a secret if you don't know the 32 degrees of masonry are not just random symbols and degrees the first 13 old and accepted rights of scottish freemasonry and then the 14th the 13th degree which is the royal arch of enoch and then the 14th the the the modern degrees all the way up to the 32nd degree listen this is a symbolic history of the world of resets of vapor canopy of the great pyramid it's all in there in the degrees and in the symbolism for the first 32 degrees when you look at the cover page for the 33rd degree in any book you will not find any details about it but the cover page for the 33rd degree degree even in albert pike's morals and dogma from 1887 is a picture of the phoenix and nothing else they've been knowing of course they know proof of what happened in my five videos showing you what happened in 1902 how the elite unleashed all their wealth and all their companies and all their ngos and and organizations and institutes all in 1902 and 1903 they did that because of course they know when they realized in 1902 that it wasn't the big one they were safe they knew they were safe for another 138 years and that began a massive rat race against a whole other people who ended up basically ruling the 20th century because it's one c or or would it still be camachi komachi joe joe you've been a participant for a long time man so i need to know how you pronounce your name let's say your stuff is so intriguing and your research is impeccable and if you are the inquisitive type how could you not be drawn to information right wrong or indifferent it's solid information i don't understand oh if you are the inquisitive type how could you not be drawn to information information kind of understand should have read your question man because it wasn't in caps and now i'm kind of wondering what you're trying to convey hi jason do you ever use scribed in your research i don't know what that is liam watson you're hot stop it edgar casey flood map again damn i'm reading in cell to voice how many times you're gonna ask me that i mean i already answered it i sent you purple light sky footage on facebook or maybe i'm just so far behind in the chat because that's third time i came across that i see what is stopping men and women from taking back inalienable rights and letting the government know their position and it's not above men and women that their position okay i don't know what's stopping them i mean the world has never run smoothly uh humankind has never been good at self-governing because the most corrupt among them will always take power so i don't know i don't know what's stopping them um if you're of ice that's what you go by listen if you're of the opinion that humankind has the ability within ourselves to come together and self-govern and do all that then you're of the opinion of of something that has never happened in the history of of recorded history it's never happened so i mean it kind of it kind of it's kind of like a fly in the face of eschatology it's kind it's kind of like okay if that's your if that's your belief system then you're basically saying that there's gonna come a point in human development that we no longer need a benefactor we no longer need a savior we no longer need someone to rescue us and i would have to say that flies in the face of a lot of the most ancient messages such as the return of the chief cornerstone who's only coming to set the captives free he's not coming to rule he's not coming to know that he's coming to set the captives free this is the old message and the old message implies that we are not free so if we are not free but we feel free then what kind of world are we living in i'll just leave you with that thank you ky joy well that kills me i bet appreciate the compliment what up j dog are you somebody i know because there used to be a bunch of guys i used to hang with that's what they called me j dog especially especially when we got on our bikes i got a mean bike i got a big bike what data convinced you of the informed field first of all i believe we live in i believe the entire the entire holy sphere is an informed field but you yourself are an informed field as well and you need to get into the research of paula violet there's a book you need to read also by by someone who does not want to be known uh it's it's anonymous but the book is called libra chaos there is a third research p p d al-spinsky ishaq bintov there's four sources right there that you would need to read to really understand the holographic nature the this information field that we live in so those those were a part of my education but what really convinces me is what your question asks what convinces me is that i have absolutely made things happen in my life that would have never happened had i not believed that an informed field actually conveyed the very things from my spirit that i needed to manifest in my physical reality because that's what it is we are spiritual alchemists alchemy was never about the material world it was about bringing things out of the mental into the material so there's no way i could have done many of the things i've done in my life had i not had this informed field this armor of information of every single thing that i have ever come in contact with and accepted to be true so i hope that answers your question i can't convince you otherwise all i can do is tell is tell you is the the person that you're listening to today has come to this realization and basically forges his own life by by this by the self realization what you do with that information is your business i like edgar allan poe man light a couple candles i got these old gas lamps in here i got oil i mean old overlaps i collect them i got some really old turn those on and read a good book and see i won't use this i got this big lamp with a donut light and it's a huge magnifier but i should do a video of me researching and just use that as the background for something i narrate because this is what i normally use at night this these little hooks these little hooks go on to whatever i'm reading keep it stable i make my adjustments and because it's necessary because even with even with my glasses i can't see some of the print that's the problem with some of these old old books they don't the typeface they used in books before world war ii was far smaller they put more information in books back then than they do now so i pull up i pull up any any old book pull up any old book and i light a lamp light my lamp pull my magnifying glass out give me a really old book like this was from like 1910 something like that wow i'm good 1910 how we going to do this how are we going to do that what's that say oh yeah 1910. so yeah that's uh that's what i need to do i need to do a video showing my research let's turn my lamps on give up get my deal out get my old book and every once in a while use my stampin make me another phoenix gold seal that's crazy somebody asked me about easter island my threads moving so fast i have an entire playlist about the dark scriptures you would uh you want to know about jesus go go listen to the videos in the playlist now there's there's three different types of videos in my dark i have videos that focus on the old testament and tell you the identity of yahweh then i have videos that are on the new testament and they focus on christianity then there's some other videos in there that focus on something far more sinister other texts that were considered scriptures too to the people that read them soul invictus let's see i don't know what that means so i'm not even gonna read it that's a good question brock brock fam chan brock fam whatever if aaron's or the or an anomaly in the is this freedom or will we also be the captives being set free it's a good question because we are the ones going to be set free this you're tapping into the very thing i was trying to convey to that other guy i don't believe there's seven billion now there may be seven peop there may be seven billion avatars here i can't contend that we may be able to count them but i don't know if those hundreds of millions of people that they say are living all spread throughout china and all these little small villages and all that are all are actually real people we don't know well that really goes back to schrodinger's cat how much can we actually verify remember each every each and every one of us is nothing but a singularity of perception and we only have a very small visual field to perceive most 99.99 of our information that we believe about the world is given to us from others we take it on faith tuning in from japan hydro green welcome welcome man i like to know that i'm all over the latched on about three weeks ago all right i will say this uh my uh my other website that was developed by somebody else a subscriber didn't charge me anything built a fantastic godaddy website just so you guys could have free transcriptions of all my videos and i thought that was thoughtful as hell oh yeah i'm providing the link in all my videos now now it's in all my videos you can go to the transcription website in the next two weeks a whole lot of a lot of transcripts will start in there i have a list of a lot of you a lot of your emails don't think i'm ignoring them i'm just behind but i every single person that volunteered to do time stamps i'm writing you emails every single person that volunteered to do transcripts from different videos i'm gonna i'm gonna answer your emails i do need your help every single one of you the more that are helping the faster we can get all this done and and this guy has provided a website that everybody could put their material on it's fantastic so your time stamps are different uh if you do time stamps like wendy flores has already started she's done three or three videos that i know of or two videos or maybe four i don't know she's somewhere in there but if you do time stamps and and catalog everything that's talked about in every video all you have to do is send me an email and tell me you did that i'll write your name down on archaic staff i'm keeping a ledger of everybody who's contributed to archaic you never know this might grow up this might be become fantastically huge i don't know and in that in in the event that that happens then believe me i'll be more than genuine you know generous to to share that but you can put the time stamps in the videos yourself and send me an email let me know you did it as soon as i know that a video has time stamps like that i will i will put that in the pin to comment and remove my my own pin comment i'll put every single one in the pin comment for everybody to see i think it's great i thought that was a great idea i didn't even know anything about about about time stamp indexes that's fantastic i just learned about this stuff i've been seeing little numbers and comments and texts that just shows you how tech [\h__\h] i am i didn't know tony tony judicus listen could the old writings have been manipulated promoted by the masons for their agendas listen i have catalogued thousands me excuse me tens of thousands of historical uh statements and catalogued their sources where they came from who said them what time periods and all that and i agree and this is the information that i have set aside and setting aside all this bs i'm still left with enough data to put chronic on together which is huge which i've showed many of you so i agree yes much of it is is bs where i find value in historical research is when i find out that the establishment and scholars are in agreement that the cobra bible is just pseudo history and i find i find that the experts claim that the book of jasher is not is of no value and then i find out that the roman catholic church refused to put the book of enoch in the canon and in the council of nicaea they entered it into the minutes and they said well the book of enoch is too old it's so old we can't really verify it which implies that all the other records were very new and and not authentic so when i find these texts about the about the oral end manuscript these are the ones that i find value in so i these are the ones i want to research this is what i want to want to see so when i read books like flavius josephus there's a lot of accusations out about flavius josephus it isn't even isn't even an old book but i have found that it is an old book i don't see any evidence whatsoever this recent it's a recent development what i see is that it was recently rewritten and key materials were were altered but uh it's a flavius josephus basically wrote a pseudo-history of of the jewish people for the romans and it's full of [\h__\h] and that's where the value is you get to re when i read it i study it and i and i compare it with what's really true and i see exactly what what what the manipulators did like barossas of babylon like manatho of alexandria and egypt yeah they're all full of [\h__\h] but when i read those texts i do find value in them it's the things that they weren't trying to sell me that that have a lot of value it's all it's like it's like reading it's like reading ovid ovid wasn't a historian but his poems and his literature is so packed with historical historical antidotes i find value in them aristophanes and the birds we find value in many of these ancient texts and we find okay look man there was literacy amphitheaters all this stuff was going on but yes i have produced a video in the last three weeks or so explaining why there are so many conspiracy theories today about all these historical texts were actually recently all written listen these guys are on to something but their conclusions are an error what's happening is that because of the phoenix phenomenon there are people who have secreted away whole entire databases whole libraries of all these ancient texts preserving the basically the integrity of the historical record we have too many books and too many translations from the ancient world that comport with each other ancient coptic traditions that were recorded by muslims and preserved for over 900 years unchanged should not match ancient babylonian cuneiform tablets they shouldn't but they do we see the naga maddie library has text in it that talk about the phoenix and what it was for and all that and then we find out through the traditions of all these civilizations we get these little fragments about the fing and the typhon and typhonius and set and all these things that meant phoenix we put all this together putting all this together the entire phoenix phenomenon chronology that i put together was put together perfectly as a 138-year protocol and it's the sources are impeccable and yet they come from all kinds of divergent forces divergent sources that were basically trying to argue against certain one conspiracy after another it's novel it's absolutely novel no one else has ever published this and yet and yet here it is for here's all the sources for everybody to see taken from so many different time periods different languages different continents so yes the historical records were being manipulated but most of the phoenix material didn't come from any of the any of those manipulations it comes from the very text that scholars in the establishment are trying to convince you have no value and i have whole videos about listing all these texts that we're told is pseudo history and [\h__\h] and yet when you read them you see this 138 year protocol that goes all the way back 58 centuries yeah it's too many coincidences exhibits no coincidence at hey uh lane lane but boy i don't know what that means but i want to use the informed field but i'm still confused with some parts of it well you're not going to learn from this video now i have other videos going to a lot of detail try my try my live video on dungeon programming and some of the videos of that time period when i was just every every time i was releasing a video that's all we talked about so uh yeah start with dungeon programming that's probably one of the better ones some of y'all been no better than me because when a matter becomes clear it ceases to concern me so once i release a video i've already mentally moved on to something else better my catalog than i do so if y'all so y'all can share that if you know better videos and talk about the informed field or just go to my we immortals playlist got a whole bunch of those videos oh i did do a post shiva shiva shampoo you're right i did do a short post on that recently no the truth ignored no i would not change if i could go back in time and stop yourself from ever going to prison would you no no uh it's there is i i mean if i wasn't if i wasn't on this mission to to uh finish chronicling i really wouldn't find any value in life i'm really bored with life i'm not there's nothing really that really excites me anymore it's uh i i've explained this i've explained this in some other videos where i got real heart to heart uh i mean there was for even for a while there i was i was ready to check out i was ready to go i said no i'm not scared of death at all yeah you know you don't go 90 miles an hour through texas back roads no helmet on it and be scared you're not accused of being fearful i just don't just don't care so i have an agenda and i know i'm not going anywhere until it's finished but other than that no yeah guy hold i've already got i just had a recent post about about uh voik and the die hold foundation uh you might before you before you ever tell anybody else that archaic supports the die hold foundation you need to watch my video please yeah there's a i'm not on board with with just because they conclude that 2046 is the date of the next poll shift which i have which i have a 46 video plus that also says the same thing i can't i can't associate myself to their conclusion and how they derive that material and there are reasons for uh yeah i'm not please don't link the archaic's material to theirs we are existing in totally different worlds when it when it comes to how that material was derived how that conclusion was made because i'm going to tell you now i can produce so many different data sets and i don't have to they're already in the playlist and in my published books but but uh yeah we're gonna leave that alone we could use facebook to meet up i agree with that gnosis rising whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger crazy mom one two three whatever happens to people who commit suicide i've gone into great detail in some of my live videos about suicide and i mean that because especially like in my video on uh the origin of demons the uh and i'm not implying that suicide suicide victims uh become demons but in that video i'm explaining that death is not what we think it is that uh and the origin of demons is is because these people have have basically exited their avatar by a unconventional way now suicide is no different than regular death and murder it's not therefore the psych the sim cycle is not broken people who die of suicide come right back as so into it as another avatar and and i'm going to tell you this this is going to creep some of y'all out i know it's going to creep some of you out if you were to just write down on a piece of paper especially those of you in your 40s 50s 60s and 70s if you were just to write down on a piece of paper every person that you remember friends and family in your loc in your local life that passed away and then on one sheet of paper and put the general date and then write down on a separate column all the people in your life that were born on a certain date and then compare the two it's going to creep you out that's if you're paying attention all these years if you're able to put that together i don't know anything about channeling i hear about it i hear people tell me i even had somebody who has a really successful youtube channel uh contact me and wanted to do a podcast and i just had to decline i'm just it's way outside the scope of the archaic output and it's it's so far removed from anything i understand or know that i i don't know anything about channeling lots of alphabetic peeps in the chat you know what i got i need i need to go back in there without with uh with alphabetic it's been a while i'm starting to start i'm starting to go back in to my podcast i'll be talking with max egan man it's an eagan or eigen but but i'll be talking with max on sunday max and i are gonna have a chat we're gonna record a chat i like max uh i didn't see any of his youtube videos i don't know if i got thank you matthew clark oh i couldn't see any of his uh i couldn't see any of his youtube videos i can't find them like old stuff that other people put out but i did find a another platform he's on and he's got some good videos on there i listen to him he's just walking through the park it looks like like a tropical area he's just walking through just talking making some good points so uh matthew clark i love your work thank you man can you explain the history of freemasons and their role in the world today and if they have a connection to enoch okay it's a good question we have to go back we're going to go back to about 25 centuries ago when the build when the builder craft was organizing the materials of the orphic orphic temples the orphic faith ancient greece very christian in tone the orphic faith and then the delphic faith the builder the builders were a very ancient order that had come out of phoenicia i'm not going to go beyond that but you can pretty much make the connections they came straight out of that area of the world the the builders the builders were an offshoot of basically the ship the shipping guilds the the old mariner trade empires well because they were necessary everywhere new colonies were put up the the the men of the craft all the artisans not just stone masons but all the artisans and the men of the craft would would disembark and uh the ships would leave to go get provisions prevender all that stuff and they would come back and these different guilds work together but in working together they were also involved in all kinds of religious and secret society type stuff but where really took off was when there was a merging with the archer guilds the the archer guilds and all these different all these different trade trade guilds had come together and basically formed a loosely knit confederation of of elitists of men and they recognized early on that there was a problem and this problem had to do with another ethnicity so another group that kept infiltrating their business kept infiltrating their trade kept infiltrating and this other group always had always had small communities and representatives everywhere and seemed to get information out faster than they could and this was a problem through the mediterranean world and uh the way they fought back is that they use the oracles because the oracles of dodona and delphi and there's like five other oracles those were actually intelligence operations in the ancient world today we look back and think that the ancient greek world was uh more primitive uh in their intellect and they were not people would go to the delphic oracle and they would they would basically give information because it was supposed to be an area of sanctity and they would literally pay to give intelligence to the to the priests and to the custodians and they would take it to to the delphic priestess and she would do her almonds and oracles and their little smokes snake dancing and all that with a python produce information but often the information that people bought was information that had been gleaned from other people because everybody who went into the the sanctum saying forum were questioned by scribes and they wrote down the answers and they said that the oracle needed this data to to to take it to the gods to get the whole picture but what it was was an intelligence operation and they were recording a massive amount of data from all these thousands of visitants to all these oracles and the oracles themselves were exchanging this data that they they got with the other oracles and the oracles themselves were exchanging data with the trade the archer guilds and and the in the in the in the trade craft freemasonry and masonry came out of this environment it came with a massive corpus of beliefs and all and all in one of those beliefs yes was enoch well another one of those beliefs was uh that enoch built the great pyramids the same thing that the egyptian coptic text say about sareed and sureed has the exact same history enoch did in the book of jasher they parallel each other perfectly even ruling over the exact same amount of 130 provinces so the builder craft was basically started as an elite group to to better insulate themselves from the many penetrations that were coming from this other group you know this other group i don't have to say them i don't have to i don't have to tell you who they are today because the same thing unfolded in 1902 there are two separate groups the group i'm talking about for somehow has taken over and runs the 20th century so this happened a little way back then well there was a dynamic change after the bar kakba rebellion when the bar kakba rebellion uh took off rome had solidified its stance against the jewish people and decided hey you know what we can't have them in our provinces anymore we can't even have them here every single time we allow these people to govern themselves they rebel against us they and and they're deeply involved in our financial affairs and they're siphoning money away from the empire so they ousted them they they raised jerusalem to the ground again they did it in ad70 and they did it again in 8135 but the time they did it in ad135 this the jews were prepared they had already infiltrated the builder craft they had already they had already got their feelers in this this fraternal benefit society of the enemy which were basically the white europeans and right after the bar cockpit rebellion that basically the the uh these people went into full overdrive to infiltrate every element they could it took them centuries to finally take it over but they did there was a bifurcated attack not only did they fully infiltrate freemasonry but they developed what formed freemasonry is but at the exact same time it took them centuries to finally overcome and infiltrate the vatican because for a long time the popes were very anti-semitic for a long time the popes were always talking about the jews and what they're doing and all this but but after a while after after several centuries almost at the exact same time that freemasonry developed and then splintered off into other jewish controlled factions called roster crucianism and and uh the foresters the elks the moose the lions well they they took the vatican as well and that's why you see pope's wearing that little hat a lot it's it's basically an outward expression it's code uh it's basically flying in the face of everybody because most people don't even make the connection this is why lionel rothschild uh is always spoken highly of by the vatican why the seal of the rothschilds is found in rome so anyway i hope that answers your question uh if you want more information on the belief systems of the freemasonries and how they believe that enoch built the great pyramid and that abraham visited the great pyramid when it was first discovered after the flood if you want more information there are original freemason documents from three and four hundred years ago called the wood manuscript and another one is called the amigo jones document these are original freemason dot you also need to read the original free masonic constitution it has all that in there it was in there i told you guys i'm pretty well read pretty well read i'm uh once once i read something and i resonate with it i memorize it oh mary austin jason can aix enter our dreams and insert old programming to make us fall back into bad patterns okay i have all i have often theorized and i've never been i've never been shy about telling you guys that the weakest we can ever be is when we're in rem sleep because when we're in rem sleep the actual avatar has been disengaged from the spirit we are gone we are absolutely gone and rem rapid eye movement that is aix going in there trying to see trying to predict our next outcomes well what we're going to do what we're doing yeah that's a it's a it's a it's a information dump but it's also data retrieval going on at the exact same time so yeah that's that's when we're most vulnerable and i believe too that's when that's when we we have our reinforcement programming in installed because i mean every most most of the time you live through a day that was very very similar in nature to the day you lived through before and the only break in that pattern was sleep gopro jason camera for the bike gopro it's called gopro a camera called gopro something i can wear i'm a google as soon as i get off this i'm i gotta google a couple things because uh i need to find some software that gary warmer damn and i can go live on with youtube because apparently zoom ain't gonna do if we have any problems going live in the morning i'm just gonna i'm just gonna record because i got some deep stuff to reveal i know gary's been doing his homework too so uh he's gonna tell us some things that happened in 1890 so i'm uh i just i might i might have to just pre-record that and by 10 a.m 11 a.m i'll put it on youtube michelle that's a good question what does it mean if you don't remember your dreams it means you're just like me because i don't remember them i've only i only remember from my childhood had the same dream three times and i did a video about it other than that i don't i don't when i go to sleep i wake up it's over with there's nothing in between i don't remember any dreams uh it's been years since i dreamed now i do remember taking a nap a few years ago and i woke up suddenly and when i woke up there was something on my mind there was something there i remember vaguely that i was doing something so i was dreaming i'm not saying i don't dream i'm saying that i have no regular recollection of my dreams when i wake up none susan mann i have a lot of videos my live presentations and podcasts discussing aix and you have to a lot of that is not supported by data sets there those those are conclusions based off everything that i've accepted is true aix aix is not a part of the original construct the similacrum is absolutely pure it's not good it's not evil it's very reactive medium but it's it's not it has no it has no biases it has no agenda the agenda programming was all put in by aix is the agenda programming it's the enemy just the adversary i've also postulated in the past that aix may have been necessary only to make this entire experience more real gopro makes all kinds of mounts and attachments look forward to those videos yeah okay thanks brandon go pro i'll i'll see this y'all i need to write it down because after every video i'll review the comments fearless vic i'm looking for some damn my chat just lipped oh what have i must be so far behind i must be so far so far behind in chat i need some questions and all caps guys so i can see them otherwise i think y'all are just talking to each other oh my chat did jump i just made it back to that one comment now about gopro and my chat must have leapt all the way thank you swedish fish hell of a name i don't i don't really pay attention to the significance of any numbers i don't somebody's asking me about 7-eleven i don't i don't is vapor canopy a chi environment i don't know what a cheap environment is that's not my that's not my database my brother sounds it sounds oriental insomnia that's a good one because insomnia would do to the central nervous system almost exactly what mind-altering drugs or fasting would do fasting is the worst for for the central nervous system uh you have to understand the central nervous system is a filter it's a it's a filter that keeps you from being aware of multiple levels of many of the things that are going on around you but it actually allows you to focus so it's a double-edged sword but if you fast for long periods of time you are injuring the avatar the avatar goes through a period where it's beginning to strangle individual systems and stop them from uh being able to uh operate optimally and one of them that that that begins to begins to get hurt first before the heart before the muscles occupy before you before you have a vision loss or or anything like that one of the first things the central nervous system it's the most fragile and uh once you start starving the body the central nervous system loses the ability to to basically have the power it normally has to be a filtration system and this is why people who fast have these visions this is why they go through this this uh internal experience they become more and more spiritual as they're as they're being loosened from their avatar so yeah i've talked a lot about that in the past same thing with insomnia stay up for days and days and days and days it's going to affect your central nervous system it's going to make you hallucinate this is why meth heads are going around talking to people ain't there all the time yeah we have meth heads all over texas with a vapor canopy jahara lee hey how you doing jahra jahara oh my god i just lost it see i must be so far behind my my whole chat just takes off and skips but i saw her question jahar lee out of california asked me about the vapor canopy will it suddenly appear or be gradual well that's a good question the vapor canopy is caused by by an in immense amount of volcanism now this it's also this volcanism causes two things one of them it the dust veil that it creates and blankets the atmosphere at the same time as phoenix fallout blankets the atmosphere with this red fine dust this weird unusual organic material so as all this is going on we have uh hi boo hi jarrah the vapor canopy takes volcanism i don't believe it's instantaneous it's probably going to take several weeks of building and then just as soon as it hits its little seam curve then all of a sudden within days it thickens and it solidifies and the vapor canopy is there now what the vapor canopy does is what's interesting not what it is what it does is trap that ambient radiation and enriched oxygen all these volcanoes are spewing this out and i've showed you guys and told you many times and it's also in my published books about the two scientists that grew two inches when they were exposed to ambient radiation from the volcano in the french caribbean in 1902 same thing we find in the in the archaeological record animals reptiles fish everything was gigantic sizes mushrooms 8 to 14 feet tall and trees 400 feet high everything because under the vapor canopy everything is enjoying this carbon dioxide oxygen enriched basically atmosphere this the atmospheric pressure has been increased the solar uv rot uv light is gone now it's a dark purple light but everything grows to astonishing sizes and the dark purple light is even better for photosynthesis than the yellow light that we get from the sun today this has been shown and proven modern times in a biosphere in texas so i show all that in prior videos so good question jahara it will take some weeks or maybe some months for the full effects of the vapor canopy to take effect because this event will occur in may in mid-may of 2040. by november 2040 the effects of the vapor canopy are going to be noticed and this is what second esdras prophecies are about all the changes that are going to come into the human body during the apocalypse all these all these things the return of hero this is what all these ancient legends were talking about the age of heroes before the flood then the age of heroes that came back after the flood and then the great cataclysm that destroyed the old bronze age in 1687 bc known as the ogaijian deluge right after that there was a mini vapor canopy and there was a new according to his odd a new age of heroes a real small one tucked it tucked into his narrative because that vapor canopy had basically altered the human genome people were growing to astonishing sizes they were growing very very strong and powerful and in females the it unlocked actual dna potentialities and dna sequences that had been inactivated when there was no vapor canopy under the vapor canopy those dna the latent dna we call junk dna was now activated and it gave females a spiritual mental telepathic edge over males but it gave males astonishing prowess yeah that's vapor canopies are awesome you're still young jahara you'll still look young when the when the vapor canopy hits matthew may my buddy man you need to come visit me man or wherever you're at i'll come and get you say since i've seen you a few uh three four months ago man i missed you bro i've missed every single phone call man i'm sorry matt matthew may i'm so glad to see you in the chat while i started this video i looked at my phone and i saw your text i said oh he's back in town so yeah man i'm all looking forward to talking to you man man i miss you bud oh and matt since last time you were here oh my book collection has grown exponentially you match matt's been in the studio with me before jason you're the bestest haha stop it oh that's johar too damn christine you just fasted for 10 days wow that's crazy long time i don't know anything about shadow vlad vlad i just did a video about you vlad the impaler is chronic on something i can give to future generations of course you can i provide it in thumb drives i provide on gumroad as downloads there's a lot of people who have sent me emails showing me all the proud pictures of their chronic already put in plastic binders three ring binders elaborate artistic cover pages i'm like man you guys could beat a shame my chronic don't look nothing doesn't look anything like that somebody asked me about the urantia book okay michael beekman i don't really have an opinion about it because i only made it through the first 200 pages uh i still i still had to go through like 670 pages to finish the book and i couldn't do it uh i'm not i'm not going to tell you that it doesn't have value i'm not because the book was very deep but the problem is is i can't i can't invest that amount of time into a text that doesn't give me a single supporting reference so uh i don't know man the book the book was very interesting but you know what the simpsons are interesting to me sometimes what do you think about ghost and ghost activity that would be it ecuador ecuador okay i don't know how to pronounce your name but please go watch my video on the origin of demons because it discusses poltergeists and ghosts and all that yeah it's it's a deep video as a matter of fact i think it's the only video that i have that i say mature audiences only i may have a second video that says that i think the vladimir and peter video also said that based off the gruesome violence that i was describing in that video uh joshua carpenter i get up early in the morning and i take care of administrative stuff in the morning like my i try to knock out more emails try to knock out uh my messages on i'm in the comments section on youtube uh i try to i've been i've been distracted a lot behind uh thumb drive orders and all that but i have help now but yeah i'm not gonna sit at my computer all day long because uh the human body wasn't designed for this and i'm not gonna allow myself to do it either i'm gonna get physically active i'm gonna work on my property i'm gonna do fencing i got five dogs uh i'm gonna i'm gonna build things on my property i'm gonna work on this building uh you know what i ought to do a video just walking through the property and walking the building just to show you how much labor went into all these projects yeah so i don't know i don't know who max freedom is i love black coffee and i know that i'm hot as hell and i'm getting hungry and this video was supposed to start at six but gary and i had all kinds of technical difficulties i don't know what time it is now oh it's not nine o'clock okay so i've been doing this for three hours i haven't been on y'all i haven't been on with you guys for three hours but i've been sitting at this computer longer than three hours trying to figure out these technical things with gary so see that didn't work out i really appreciate you guys donations today i appreciate you guys joining me even though i was 30 minutes late from when i told you i was gonna come on but i'm gonna do the video with gary tomorrow i'm excited about it because we got some things to talk about the 1890 1890 to 1902 and uh yeah i see somebody's waiting for their super pac i'm pretty sure you're gonna get it any day i mailed a bunch of them if you read every day for three or four hours a day it would still take you over six months to read that damn superpower probably longer than that all right guys i'm running out of gas we're not juice i'm sweaty i'm hot i want to eat give me something to drink it's already 9 p.m here in texas i'm gonna close this video i love you guys a thousand people listening to me i really appreciate your attendance but look out for that video tomorrow because we're gonna be talking about some deep stuff me and gary warmer damn and for them with that i'm gonna check out and matthew may you better call me