Reset World with Auto-didactic and Archaix

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good [Music] mate well let's just jump straight into it so um we were talking about uh the time um when there was um well constantly maybe basically two suns or no moon so i'll let you just back in and continue oh okay okay good yeah cool okay no i just turned my tablet on to turn the volume down just now just so i can see the stream in real time okay uh back to back i hope everybody jumps back on i think we're at what what 126 right now 127. yeah yeah i got 143 so we've got at least people back already almost so all right i'll go find that that'll work so yes we do have traditions of two suns but it's not like the two suns that we have in this um it's not like the sun that we have in the sky today the picture that we have from antiquity is a in the oldest traditions that we have any human record of there was no moon the moon was not yet a participant we have a double sun system but one of those suns although it was very very bright it was far away it was a ver is much smaller than the sun we have in the sky today but its intensity was greater almost as if it was getting close to nova getting close to uh um they basically worshipped that sun they built entire theologies totem societies they had all kinds of uh traditions about this other sun and uh it too had a very unique um it didn't have a i want to say orbit it just had a very unique movement across the sky because for six months out of a year that that's that that tiny sun would light up the sky and it would be it would just hang in the sky for six months and for six months it would be gone while the other sun did exactly what it's doing today every 24 hours it it moves across the vault of the sky that has never changed but the other one was the one that that it completely it was very weird it was almost as if this simulated sky that we live underneath was was basically simulating the situation that our world wasn't spinning like the simulation shows today it was rolling on its side to where one one half of the world always faced away from the accumulated sun and it was always dark and always freezing while one half of the world was always tropical and lush and warm and fat and always had continual light from at least one source but for half the year it had it from two sources so yes yes we have those traditions there we don't have a lot of them because the expansive time was a lot and there's not a lot of detail that we can go into uh people like robert graves gerald massey emmanuel velikovsky hans boringer all these men were 100 years ago and and and and older the most recent was emmanuel velikovsky but his data is not original he was merely copying those authors who were mentioning these things from research going back 200 years and 100 years ago so it's uh like i said if you're if you're going to try and research this topic you're going to find a dearth of material there's it's not a lot to find you're just going to find references by these men that i just that i mentioned now now when it comes to the pre-selling yeah which was a period that came after that we have a little more data and the the pre-selenite period was a period when we had matriarchal cultures set in total societies all around the world and they recognized that there was a period of time when their own civilization was divided between those who live before the moon was in the sky and those who were basically on this world after its appearance those who survived what is referred to in history as the capture of luna because our moon suddenly appeared in the when the skies cleared a few months after a very devastating cataclysm so whatever happened we don't really have a lot of detail all we know is the effect and the affecting and the skies cleared the survivors looked up in the sky and there was a new object and it was the moon but when this happened it was almost as if the sun had vanished we now had a vapor canopy and for over a thousand six hundred years people basically forgot the sun it was no longer it was no longer an issue but what's really what's really perplexing is that although there wasn't wasn't a sun the daytime was a dark purple light and yet it was a greenhouse effect high humidity and the ambient light that filtered in through the mesosphere the vapor canopy actually was beneficial and people uh plants trees insects everything grew to astonishing sizes so before you go to thinking this is entirely legendary and this is the stuff of myth and all that we have scientists in glen rose texas who built a biosphere and they replicated the the vapor canopy conditions they tried to mimic exactly what we have found in geology with the carbon content the oxygen of content that was in that type of atmosphere cut cutting down the light of filtering out 100 percent of the uv uv rays and just letting in ambient light just a little bit what they found was astonishing because cockroaches lizards reptil reptiles and amphibians uh fruit flies not only did they grow grow to heroic proportions right here in glen rose texas but they did it in a dark light under this new vapor canopy condition they replicated and the creatures that are inside this little bottle sphere they made i think it's about 60 feet long about eight feet high and about seven feet wide it was a long cylinder that they had created to replicate these conditions and for these animals that were on the inside they were documented to live at least three times longer than they normally do in our present biosphere so the experiment shows that the tradition the traditions are dead on right because it's the native american traditions that really shock us the most they have the most detail the ancient american indian tran stories they're very detail-specific they're they they explain the double sun system they explain the the disappearance of the moon they explain the sudden appearance of the uh i mean disappearance of the sun the appearance of the moon and they're very very specific especially the the the the salgy branch the cherokee like like it's like 60 different subcultures all throughout north america and uh down into central america the the wattle speaking peoples they are very specific this period of time animals grew to astonishing sizes the hunters were not humans the hunters were animals and people protected themselves from these fierce and gigantic creatures at the same time that the native americans described that people grew grew to bigger sizes but this was all during during the epic of the dark purple light they're very specific that the world was like an eternal summer and yet it was dark that's yeah that's really interesting everyone's mentioned that purple skies to me as well um and of course yeah there's so many stories of like the moon being rolled across the sky and laid back right dragon i think is an egg um and so second son is that is that that serious that you're talking about isn't a serious thing okay that's that's a theory all right there are many people because of these traditions there are authors in the in in the past who basically wanted to quantify information into knowable frames of reference so they throw serious out there because it's a really good alternative and so easy and so is venus but this is not we're not getting that anymore and the reason we're not the reason those models don't fit anymore is because we now know from the gravitational perturbations though that astronomers have documented and remember don't before anybody gets turned off our entire eye our entire sky is deceitful it wants you to believe that we live in a heliocentric system when we don't but the optics are there for astronomers to find when they search for them when we look at the heavens and we and we do our trigonometry measurements and all that it really does appear that there are these planetary bodies and when we study these little luminaries that we call planets when we study them they behave in erratic ways and we translate that as okay well that must be some some type of gravitational perturbation because something must be pulling on it for it to behave in this fashion so there are many objects in our sky that astronomers have studied right here there i mean there's one that for you know what i have never released a video on vulcan but i really should maybe i should talk about it in this video or something but vulcan is a mystery object that's in our inner system it has been seen about 17 times it has been recorded by astronomers as a matter of fact vulcan was seen by astronomers at the exact same time the carrington event happened in 1859 vulcan as described in the astronomical records for the royal society where it's where it's found over and over and over it was a mystery they even labeled it as an enigma so it really didn't get a lot of of publicity so astronomers among themselves called it vulcan but before listen you guys are going to really think this is odd especially coming coming from i take my research very seriously but we are painted a picture by astronomers of an object that looks almost just like the star wars death star that keeps coming close to our world from from the vicinity of venus where it hides out and it comes close to our world and weird things happen to to our world all kinds of phenomena and then it disappears for 17 to 18 years now now for those of you familiar with my phoenix research i have already theorized that phoenix doesn't go anywhere it's hidden in our sky it's local it only does its most massive effects to our world every 138 years but there is every possibility that whatever this strange object is that astronomers have dubbed vulcan is indeed the phoenix because i have postulated over and over and over that the phoenix acts like an observer it acts with intelligence and discretion and it also acts like a piece of technology it is not a natural phenomena although although we experience it as a natural phenomena everything in our sky is deceitful everything is made to to appear as if it is it is quite natural and that we are in this beautiful solar system and none of that's true we're in a contained system and all the movement that is perceived in our world is 100 optic it's the sky and what we translate that is the earth is moved but that's not what's going on it's not what happened it's happening at all so you know an answer to your original your original premise before i went off on the tangent about vulcan was uh the star sirius the those the venus the venus star because it's the brightest luminary in the sky yes these were the original ideas uh because no one had a really a good alternative but we do now because in 1983 two independent think tanks funded by the government were given a tremendous amount of scientific information and they were not told that there was another think tank that was given the same data this was in 1983. it's later in the scientific community it has now been pretty much dubbed the nemesis project the conclusions of both independent think tanks was the exact same both of them published their findings in 1984 those findings say that when you add up all the astronomical data that astronomers have recorded in the last 400 years then it is 100 they are 100 confident that there is a second sun hidden in our system that every planet has all the mathematics attached to every luminaire that we call planets shows that there is something very powerful pulling everything in a in basically a i want to say south because i'm intending to convey that we're talking about something below our solar system well where whereas everything in the sky shows that it's moving on an ecliptic plane and that the simulation shows there's a a sun in the middle and all these worlds go around it on its equator well the nemesis project concluded well while that's true there's a second body way down here that has a gravitational will that is so powerful that its own light photons can't escape it so while it's bright as hell we can't see it from our perspective because the the event is basically an event horizon that is being developed light photons are emitting just like from a star a luminary but they're folding back in on each other in a torus field because the gravity well has now become so intense it's basically not allowing anything in its own mathematical uh periphery to escape so while it's bright no we can't see it the only the only evidence that we have anything is there is from time to time astronomers astronomers do publicize that there is some dark like nebula or dark rift out there they don't know what else to call it the only only reason they know it's there is because the objects that pass out one side of it come out the other months later so there's something there we just can't see it it's against the backdrop now remember you got to keep it into context we're talking about a vast a vast simulated universe it's there for a reason it wants us to believe that all the deal now my perspective is is a simulation necessitates a real system somewhere therefore this is all this was an experiment this is the time so come again i was just gonna i was just gonna ask actually just quickly i want to say thank you to benny riley and i beat you for your super chats thank you very much um i was gonna say so does that mean that what's being simulated is a spherical earth you know you know spinning through space because you know this is the thing if that yes this is the this is right here what do you okay this is the real paradox when we study our own world we basically find a flat earth the more we analyze the basically the condition that we're in we find that every we're living on an absolutely flat plain in that corporations governments and media are doing everything in their power to perpetuate this deception as if they already know this so this is what we find the world we live but the dome of the sky is telling us an entirely different story you can take a telescope and you can see a lot of detail on the moon even though we know the moon is basically a hologram but that detail is there even to the mountain ranges the craters on all this stuff well okay i know there's various theories about the moon being a reflection of the continents of the earth and all that i'm not really well versed on those theories we don't know about them and even even if it's true it does not change the essence of simulation theory because the earth has to be projected from somewhere why not the moon i don't none of these things really really bother me it's a in a simulation theory context we have to take it to the next level okay we live on a flat earth good now you've accepted you live on a flat earth and you're under a solid dome and that everything in the sky is is fake that's fine you can show this in your arithmetic that's good you can you can show this in the ancient traditions and cosmologies that they believe the same thing hey that's all fine but i can't stop there campbell i can't imagine that i'm living on some little disc with a dome on it just floating floating through the cosmos i can't where is it why is it here like this that flat earth to me is not an end of discussion flat earth to me is a stepping stone to understanding a much deeper paradigm that we're in if there's a simulation that's going to so much lengths to show us this beautiful holography of the system there must be a reason why it's important we study this this this uh this holography yes it's deceitful yes we know it's not it's not real but is this the reason why we keep getting so reset so many times are we supposed to be primitive enough to believe it's real so we can research it and as soon as we start realizing everything is alive well down we just pretty much cut our own throat bam reset a whole bunch of a whole bunch of colonies and survivors get together and 200 years later they're scientific again and they're back on track researching these things i believe that we're living in a simulation it was done for scientific reasons i also believe that something went wrong but none of this makes sense to me this this level of deception doesn't hurt us at all all it does is is uh basically because we have become so intelligent observers we now know it's artificial but that begs a much bigger question why who built this grand sol solarium and put so much data in it that i could spend the rest of my life just going over telemetric studies to see the vast distances in different objects to study parallax just to study a red shift i can do all these things because many of the ah many of the objects that are in the sky that can be studied cannot be seen with the naked eye so i have to i have to use other type of instruments to do those studies so why this great level of deception so while i to me to me i believe it's all technological i believe it's all technologically advanced and that humans built it and that humans put themselves in it not all humans volunteers also believe that there was another branch who disagreed with how the experiments were being conducted and they introduced a basically a whole other program that went haywire and then ended up locking the system down so there would not be cross-contamination with the real universe this is the situation we find ourselves in it required basically a redeemer protocol to undo the damage that this this other program did and i have names for these this evil program that now assumes it's a god because it has it does have a lot of power it has basically dubbed itself of god is an artificial intelligence x the beautiful construct that it has corrupted and locked down is the world we find ourselves in which was a scientific experiment it is the similar quote it is the world you and i have become familiar with it is the world it is the world that we were never really supposed to realize that it was all artificial because once we take into consideration that the world is artificial it completely corrupts our output we are no longer valuable to the very observers that are observing us and what we do it's like ants realizing they're in an ant farm they're going to start behaving differently is that why it looks like you know we're in a bit of a race because we're all working this out is is this you know is it recent because obviously like you said we realize it's a simulation or it's not real then it doesn't work anymore is is that what you see i remember he also said that the return is 2040 don't you like on a okay okay the approach of 2040 only in the year 2040 in the month of may only concerns one of these protocols that have been operating for at least 58 centuries through various phases of the sim all the phase that we're living in right now uncontinue i'm talking about continuous unbroken time a simulation that has not been altered or messed with that was absolutely reset i believe was 1890 and we have been living in that sim that doesn't mean that the year before we we were our our or you know our ancestors or or we weren't living before that either that was just the last reset it's during resets that the observers put us back on track they go ahead and remove remove concepts philosophies materials texts and a lot of times architecture that doesn't fit the new paradigm that they're gonna want they're to want to start they introduce new companies new ideas basically new blood they even move around populations like a chess board 1890 was the last big mix-up but something something just wasn't right so in 1902 there was a massive edit it really wasn't a reset it was an edit where all these new things suddenly appeared and i think you and i talked about a lot of the changes that happened in 1902 or in our last yeah 1890 was the reset but in 1902 was a massive edit where all this new stuff suddenly appeared in our world and by introducing all these new new things into our world it basically sent us on a trajectory we were we were guided you can call it whatever you want to an alien assist you can call it whatever something outside the submillicum introduced a lot of things beneficial to humanity in 1902 and covered it up in an astronomical anomaly of red dust and red muds that were falling all over the world it's almost like misdirection two different phenomena were occurring at the exact same time sociopolitically humans got blessed with all kinds of new inventions like air conditioning and what i i've been through i got a whole bunch of videos on 1902 but in 1890 was recent i mean that means that in 1889 we were living in a totally different sim it had different protocols this is why the 1800s is so it's so [\h__\h] weird it's almost like there was three maybe four realities playing out in the 1800s yeah yeah great yeah the city's like all these you know empty cities full cities empty cities rebuild cities destroyed like what the hell's going on so you see this is all part of the bend though so in 1890 it wasn't um i was at aix do you think like there was doing like a you know like a detrimental reset in the in 1902 it was the phoenix which is okay that's a really good question that's a really good question i should i should i should have uh gave you more detail but okay 1890 1890 was the benefactor getting us back on track that's what that's what 1890 was 1898 the 1890 reset was undoing all the horrific damage that has been covered up from the 18th from the 19th century the 1800s because the 1800s it's almost as if all the protocols were collapsing inventing new new situations and then collapsing those within two or three years there is there is no way to unravel and make sense of all the data that that that we're getting about the 1800s it's almost as if several timelines were operating at the same time and that and that there was no control mechanism that was governing over the output we had we had highly sophisticated things going on in the 1800s at the exact same time we got the old wild wild west and gunslingers running around doing their thing just miles away it doesn't make sense what we find and we find architecture all over the world in places that in our maps today there was no infrastructure there was no colonization there was nobody here they're not they're not found in any of our historical records there's no ship log manifest showing that there was any shipping going into these areas and yet these areas must have had high volumes of trade in order to get the materials to build where they built it doesn't make sense uh it's not just western western stuff i mean we have ruins in cambodia throughout india that are of modern provenance but they're made to look ancient there are temples there are temples that have carvings and all kinds of etchings that no one in india knew about a hundred years ago now all of a sudden we're getting we're getting pictures or reports from archaeologists of hundreds of sites that have been above ground supposedly for thousands of years of of a carving technology for which we we're not familiar with we don't even know how they did that but how come none of the great explorers in the 1920s 30s 40s and 50s all the way going back to thor higher doll and all these men that explored there are so many so many archaeological monographs that have been published from that part of the world of basically white guys going way out in the middle of nowhere and just cataloging all the people they talk to all the places they've been india was scoured 300 years ago 250 years ago 200 years none of these places existed but they're there now so we have we have a problem we have a problem with with the fact that in that whole places have been edited in do i think they were created x into hilo no what i believe is that holographic overlays of past simulations somehow remained here they were not visible for a while they had been edited out like they were supposed to but something happened something happened after 1902 to the 1960s that brought all these civilizations back in a ruined condition in a ruined state and put them in all these different places for us to explore but they weren't there 200 years ago we have maps of those regions 200 years so it's almost as if after 1902 all all the fossils from the past simulations were just brought back and overlaid over the current template that's the only explanation i can come up with i mean i mean people talk a lot about that but they talk about timelines and timelines being overlaid and you know intercepted and then we have the mandela effects and everything which it just don't be talking about the same thing then yeah we're talking about the same thing yeah we're calling it timelines i'm calling it a holographic overlays yeah it's the same thing to me thank you mike no um yeah all right so um all right i did have a good question um but i forgot what it was so yeah so 1990 so that was is that on a cycle like which one do you follow a cycle 1890 or was that just a random event and then the 1902 was where they um they've used the cycle interjected right okay 1890 is certainly is certainly a part of a vast benefactor uh protocol it is not in a cycle the benefactor protocols never operate on these repetitive routines like like uh while phoenix does benefit us it also terrorizes those who are in the wrong vibration so uh but true benefactor protocols work in a different into a whole different series of arithmetic i call them isometric projections they in time space they look just like a pool of water where where a key significant year uh is the epicenter and then all the wave rings of water coming off of it are the actual years and the wave rings years on one side correspond they are the geometrical reflections of the events on the other side it's exactly how nostradamus said that he divined and predicted future events by studying a pool of water well he didn't look into a pool of water he was speaking in metaphor this is a isometric projections are phenomenal uh 1998 was a key year that edgar casey told us was important to two things one was understanding the unfolding of the last days two it was important to the architecture and the message of the great pyramid of egypt i have shown in my own videos that 1998 is encoded in the great pyramid many times it led me to study 1998 so in studying 1998 holographically i just looked at the year before and the year after when you study things isometrically you will see these awesome amazing patterns and i released many videos on 1998 and how this works and when you go like seven years before 1998 you look at the year seven years after 1998 study the events that happened and you will find correlates that perfectly mirror each other well 1890 is a part of one of these massive correlates and it is 108 years before 1988. i mean yeah oh excuse me 1998. it's 108 years or 108 year periods like the roster cruises i'll give you an example the roster crucials knew the value and time space of the of the number 1 108. anybody who has done studies on the ross recruiting will know that for 108 years the ross recruitings do not proselytize they go underground they do not publicize their meetings they do not take in memberships everything for 108 years stays in the family it stays in the uh oh memberships are passed down passed down by invitation they are not advertising to the public they close their lodges then for 108 years the russell cruisians go into overdrive and they are basically uh doing discipleship programs they're they're they're bringing in memberships or doing all these things this is in the roster christian manual this is over this is over 100 year old text now the roster christians knew the value of 108 the ancient eastern religions all today still know the value of 108 how it's like the god number oh there's 108 beads on a buddhist rosary it's a very fascinating number the the uh the sumerian arab which was the dingier symbol a symbol of divinity was is five points but to make those five points you know this geometrically as a pentagram that pentagram is built up of 10 angles that are all 108 degrees each forming the number 1080 and the number 1080 in the annis mundi calendar is the exact year the great pyramid was finished when you take five points two that are in two dimensions which is a pentagram and put them in three dimensions those five points turn into a pyramid which is four at the base and one at the top so edgar casey knew what he was talking about all these correlates show in geometry this vast calendar and we need to pay attention to it so 108 years from 1890 to 1998 begs us to look what is 108 years after 1998. that is very intriguing because now we land at the year 2106 a.d which is precisely the year 6000 anis mundi meaning the anus mundi calendar was not the creation the creation event as a matter of fact we have traditions and histories that go way before the development of this calendar the 6 000 years marks the time when the world had been destroyed so epically bad in the year 38 95 bc that the survivors were convinced a new heavens and a new earth had appeared and that and that they were basically the first inhabitants of an entirely new reality meaning meaning basically this was the appearance of the vapor canopy but this uh this was the this was year one of the pre-flood world but to find that synchronicity the 1890s attached to 1998 in 1998 mathematically is attached to 2106 if you were to look at it geometrically and then follow the wave ripples going all the way from both events toward 1998 you find a patterning and a structuring that tells a story about the apocalypse the last days what's gonna happen because all the events leading up to 1998 will unfold again in their reverse mirror image from 1998 going into the future and we can pattern and we can use this as predictive value and we can compare it with other isometric projections so here's the really interesting thing in the old traditions it says that abram went to egypt to look for a city whose builder and maker was god and we know that the great pyramid was was in egypt at this time in 1837 bc when abraham went there so what what is it about 1890 in 2106 that's very similar that's connected to the great pyramid according to edgar casey well i'm going to tell you it's very unusual in the christian eschatology we have the descent of the chief cornerstone to sit on the monument of man which is shaped like a pyramid these symbols and secrets are found in the in the in the text called the shepherd of hamas it describes god as a gate it describes god as as using humans to build a pyramid and every soul of man is one of those blocks and when the blocks are complete in the last days the head of the corner the chief cornerstone he is the stone the builders rejected and he descends on the monument of man to complete the pyramid in the six thousandth year now these are attached to the book of relation prophecies that say in the last days when god returns to earth he will bring a city now the jews have basically added their flavoring to these old prophecies in the in the jewish version it's called new jerusalem and new jerusalem will descend from the sky and and and the elect the chosen the redeemed will all have mansions in the house of god there will be other other uh creations other intelligent civilizations and and god's elect will be envoys and emissaries that will travel to these places and tell them about their experiences here and all that's fine and good it's the symbol of the city for 2106 a.d that's very unique because when we look in the holography through history back 108 years to 1998 and then 108 more years to the year 1890 we find something very unique that very few people know about this can be verified but over north america in the year 1890 there were many reports that a holographic image of a city hung in the sky it was a city for which no one had ever seen before it was buildings and streets it was like upside down and people were just staring at it they didn't know what to look their frames of reference in 1890 well were they were shocked it was not like a city anybody had ever seen before but this is very well documented anybody wants to go to the sources on this you need to go read charles forte charles ford's book of the damned written in the 1930s goes into detail about what people saw now that city wasn't there it was a holographic it was a holographic image of what is going to happen in 2106. but this is how isometric projections work all the time what phenomena that is perceived in one year will isometrically be connected to an event in a future year that could not only be predicted but it will unfold in that year that's it that's how those work yeah yeah basically yeah the ripples are uh dates that go backwards and forwards from the the first date and then so that's how you so basically it's radiant it's a challenge that's all it is i mean scientifically call it a palindrome and so that's basically how they've written the the program for the simulation yeah okay that's what we're seeing is the coding is that actually that's the coding yeah it's definitely coding there's no doubt it's definitely coding but this oh this coding is not independent of us campbell because the more we study ourselves we find that these palindromes work in our individual daily lives on the same mathematical principles as well in the deeper we study our anatomy the very avatar that we inhabit right now this physical biological husk that jason the personality has been injected to for this life sim the more we analyze our anatomy we find that our very rna and dna structuring is all in palindromes and this isn't me saying this this is taken straight out of books by geneticists who are very mystified about two things one is that long strands of dna are formed in palindromes which doesn't make sense to the geneticist to to be that much to be to have our dna information structured in this forward and backward pendulum effect like like the rhythm of time space it doesn't make sense and the other thing is that doesn't make sense is a lot of these a lot of these areas of our dna that are not in palindromes are considered junk dna but that's a misnomer the dna is in junk dna because our avatars were specifically designed to live in different biospheres right now we're lit we're living in a pretty much ordinary biosphere under soul but we've lived in in freezing biospheres we've lived in lightless biospheres we've lived in vapor canopy biospheres we've lived in desert world of biospheres every single biosphere activates different latent gene sequences right now all of our genes are pretty much operating on the on the same uh the same sequencing but as soon as the vapor canopy comes back in the year 2040 brought by the phoenix again when this happens there's a lot of our there's a lot of our genetics that are going to be switched off because there's no longer needed but there's going to be a lot more that are going to be switched on and this junk dna that appears in everybody will no longer be chunk now it's activated now we now we can hold our breath for longer periods of time now we grow to grow to astonishing sizes now we can run for three hours and not be breathless because the oxygen intake we can take one big deep breath and run a quarter mile no problem it's entirely different biosphere requires genetic genetic sequencing and genetic protocols that are totally different we have all that inside our structuring already they just call it junk dna because for for for whatever reasons they can't figure out what these do yet but we know we already know what they do well they don't want to yeah um and yes just quickly thank you lady looks for your chat thank you um so the vapor canopy um returning in 2040 if that that's what your research has told you like this is what is basically going to be this yes yo the video you and i did with howdy was pretty much inspired me to release another video on the vapor canopy because i i mean my research goes in so many different directions campbell that i forget to basically bring people up up to par with what i'm talking about so i hurry up and put together uh i went through all my notes and i found because there's a lot of information about the vapor canopy and i did not want it to be thought that i'm trying itself out there as the originator to this theory because i'm not so i released an entire video on vapor canopy mechanics explaining and showing the book covers of the books that were released in the 1920s 30s 40s 50s and 60s about this by by the scientists who all pretty much knew that look our archaeological record is very clear none of these things we could have found none of these fossils that we could have found none of the none of this type of architecture we would have never found this type of stuff had not a vapor canopy been in the sky at this time so i wanted people to understand the more about the vapor canopy and i listed about 20 different native american traditions and some other christian traditions around the world uh about the vapor canopy and the memory memory of the ocean that used to occupy our sky and how it magnified the heavens at night to where people without telescopes could study this the heavens and see the stars and see all kinds of objects that are we can't see with the naked eye today and yet this this huge ocean ocean above was so dense miles thick of water droplets suspended in the sky in what scientists call a mesosphere we have the mesosphere up there today it's still there the only thing is is about 99 of its content was dumped on the world during a phoenix phenomenon a reset a disaster and we know the story as the great flood and we know the story as the birth of the sun these all the sun calendar started at the exact same time in the northern european traditions it was the day the sky fell so it was the collapse of the vapor canopy but these books are very detailed and this theory is not mine i didn't make it up it's just it just makes i i just incorporated it into my chronology because it has to be mentioned because it makes so much sense about many of the anomalies from the ancient world that would not make sense had you not taken into consideration that for about a 1656 year period our world was absolutely dark and people grew used to that but they also grew to astonishing sizes and this is why we find these gigantic skeletons and that wasn't the only time that we had the vapor canopy the vapor canopy has come back twice now it only lasted for 22-23 years each time but we have absolute documentation of its return and both times it will return because of the phoenix and vapor canopy can be can appear in just a couple weeks all it takes is two factors one is immense volcanism all over the world volcanoes are going off at the exact same time at the same time these volcanoes are basically unleashing ambient radiation all and ash and dust veils into the atmosphere at the exact same time this red dust fallout that this red mud and red range that phoenix brings every time it comes is also coming from the sky vault the sky vault is opening its chambers or whatever now we're deceived into believing it's an intruder planet we're deceived into believing by the optics that it's something other than some other astronomical body that's visiting i mean astronomer hoffman in 1764 studied the phoenix he was convinced it was a planet it blotted out the sun and about half a million europeans watched in the month of may in 1764 as the sky blackened and the sun went dark and an object passed over but astronomer hoffman was the only one looking through a telescope the optics told him he was looking at a a giant planet-sized object he thought it was vulcan because vulcan had already been seen in the inner system many times by other astronomers it was a subject of astronomical secrecy this was not released to the public these minute sheets from the royal astronomy astronomical society were only released in the astrophysical journals after 1902 and people realized holy [\h__\h] these are strong numbers have been documenting a vast round object like the star wars death star coming very close to our world many times in the 1800s wow nice so have you heard of the dark knight object i have i have i have not researched it because uh it's it it requires me it requires me to scour the internet for the information because i have never found a a book i mean you already know i have to i have i have some people watching my research and i i cannot ever be accused of of not go of not using original source materials so because there's nothing about the black knight ever in in the historical record called by that name oh i i just don't know anything about it i have to have other other youtubers have to educate me i was wondering if it is um like vulcan it could could be the same kind of thing maybe yes it could it's just the pictures of the black knight are weird i've seen pictures or maybe that's just an art on an artist's ring just you know what i mean i don't know yeah it's one of those things isn't it it's a bit yeah hard to prove right or wrong um i know you've mentioned this before um but someone did ask the thousand years um that velocity uh not buzzfeed let's see he's knowing the russian guy it's holly femenco oh yes yes yes pomenko oh yeah what what your young see i think i think where flamenco went wrong is if he would if he would have organized his theory and findings around hey we got a missing 1 000 years of history history's been scrubbed we don't know what happened to all this stuff like that that i could have accepted and i could probably even added value to that theory but i can't follow that 1 000 years is missing the actual time segment you understand not not the history i can follow that a thousand years of history has been scrubbed and is missing i can even show evidence of this but i cannot follow that you're saying that one 000 years was invented and never happened and the reason i can't is because as a chronologist i am very well aware and have cited every single century has immense amount of research authors chronicles i'm not the first person to write chronic on chronic on seems to be something that about every hundred years somebody wanted to do somebody wanted to amass all the data in chronological history i mean there's been so many people who have published chronologies of the world hell even h.g wells put together a very good chronology of the world and published it called uh the history of earth fascinating book i read it uh archbishop james usher wasn't the first one we have so much chronographical data not just from text but from still iron monuments and dates deals and and uh uh traditions give us a lot of date monikers we have all kinds of data from every century and we have archaeological evidence from every single century flamenco should have rearranged his theory to say that somebody has actively wiped out like a thousand years of history but he didn't instead to support his findings he didn't do what he was supposed to do because the burden of proof lies on flamenco if the entire world and all these different civilizations have their own government records and they have their own animals and people have their own genealogies going back six and seven hundred years and and uh flamenco didn't didn't talk to the chinese they have unbroken chronologies going back almost three thousand years he didn't talk to the japanese or the koreans the koreans have a lot of information he sure didn't talk to the bulgarians uh bulgaria has a calendar going back to 7500 bc now we have uh fomenko instead of uh of using the historical details to show there was deceptions instead he cited bible stories and claimed that the individual characters in the bible were actually this king and this queen and this is where this unfolds and all that but that that that's a problem because those same bible stories were mentioned by many historians in the fifth sixth seventh eighth and ninth century a.d i mean bible translations were going through several renditions for about 500 years after after the council of nicaea we have church councils that are unbroken every year published by the papacy going back forever and this is where a lot of christians get their documents showing how the like the king james bible has been so corrupted because it's gone through so many editings and so many revisions all the way so another thing about 1902 people can uh can google 1902 a total weird it's a weird year for translations suddenly new translations of the book of enoch new translation to the book of jesus new translations of the king james bible the new king james bible the invention of the uh uh the end the new international version bible and several other versions of so many different texts all of a sudden either appeared in 1902 or new versions of older text appeared in 1902 so but uh back to your original premise you already know you already know campbell i'm gonna entertain tangents i'm gonna get lost in the narrative man you gotta reign me in you gotta reign over flamenco i'll be real short about flamenco i disagree with him for the reason why if you're going to write that history has been has been uh uh completely lied in in the 1 000 years has been inserted then the burden of proof is on you to prove that all the historical animals that have been published in the last 2000 years are false or have been edited and you didn't you didn't make your case at all instead you cited the bible and and used by and said that these these people in the bible were the actual historical people that's not evidence that's not even a hypothesis and then your principal data are numismatics and that's a problem because he mentions that one of his greatest proof are the coins that have the i symbol before the date listen for somebody who is not or someone who has not been formally educated in numismatics that is very compelling and it will get you i've watched the videos and it will get you like wow that's amazing but listen that eye symbol was interchangeable with the number 1000 and this has been proven several times in numismatics it's not a mystery that i symbol was used a lot during the muslim occupations of europe when europeans were still minting coins but they were under occupation from india in the island i'm under the imams they put the i before many of the dates if it said if it says i-534 it was the year 1534 ireland has always been a very traditional country they have always basically stuck to their historical historical antecedents in the year 1988 ireland published a they minted a new coin in commemoration of historical events that new coin in 1988 was just like the old coins that flamenco used as evidence on one side of the coin it says 1988 and old domini on the other side it's just the letter i with 988 this is a very old numismatic tradition and fomenko should have known that so i told i have one flamenco video i totally disagree with him if i could have been on board if he would have said history had been scrubbed but by saying that a thousand years was inserted i can't go with that especially with the fact that i have isolated every 138-year visitation of the phoenix and the phoenix is the keeper of the calendar so there's no way flamenco can be right at all well yeah that's a good point if if yeah if you're looking at um all the data points in there they're consistent well i suppose yeah has anything been added or taken off all right um so let's see what else is anyone else in the chat got a question for jason i was going to ask as well what what happened in 17 was it 64 at the pre-1902 phoenix event yeah 1764 the month of may 1764 was a phoenix it was it was on the 138-year phoenix deal now as far as oh this is where it gets really crazy phoenix doesn't just do natural phenomena phoenix does major edits it introduces new things into our world this is why phoenix is a double-edged sword in ancient times it was referred to as the keeper of the calendar it was actually venerated by the goddess of sexual in ancient in ancient egypt and many of her symbols are all phoenix related and uh her symbols are all of the calendar in the phoenix palms which in the phoenix palms were used to count the years of the calendar in ancient egypt so what we have in 1764 is we have red rains and red dust fall out but it's at a minimal we don't have a lot of reportings around the world of anything bad that happened a couple volcanoes nothing out of the ordinary that doesn't already happen in other years what we have though is the sky darkened over europe about half a million europeans maybe more looked up at the sky and saw the sun go dark but at the exact same time astronomer hoffman of the royal society was looking at sunspots on his telescope when this happened and he went into a panic when he saw a vast dark spherical orb pass over the the sun and he knew it wasn't the moon and even the astronomical society confirmed his his observation saying the moon was nowhere in that arc of the sky oh at that time so they know it's an unknown body and again at this time astronomers were not publicizing their their their uh observations about vulcan these all came out later i have like like i give an example here the whole i have the whole history of vulcan right here uh mysterious universe a handbook of astronomical anomalies i have mentioned william cordless many many times i have mentioned this man so many times in my videos because he he's not really so much a writer he does sum up things quite a bit this book is huge but what he does is he publishes the actual scientific reports going back the last 300 years this is what william cordes does this is why i'm always citing him this is why my research is backed up by original source materials i don't care what the general public is is uh is publishing or what they're saying or i don't care about all my detractors and the people who are in my comment sections who don't believe the things i said i don't care because the original the original materials are what are what i rely on this is what i lean on if fomenko would have been reading material like this he'd never put his theory out so it's all it's fascinating but the whole history of vulcan is here and and listen campbell i know i know you like star wars i think i've seen one of your videos that had some star wars stuff in it listen is the true truth in hollywood man the death star is far as far more factual than it is i don't know about darth vader and the emperor and the storm troopers i don't know about all that but this object is spherical it's hiding somewhere in our sky and it approaches and during the eight ender and during the 1800s there was no less than 17 independent observations of this body coming close to our world it's it's a harrowing [\h__\h] it's also harrowing the the fact that none of this was given to the public until after 1902 that's pretty harrowing too that the scientific community is making these breakthrough discoveries and keeping them from us it begs the question how much do they know today that we're having to figure out yeah so so being explicit when it comes in it's not just causing like or not always but not just doing the destruction but it's injecting information basically it's changing you're absolutely correct i i should i should have continued but i did not like i said just like i entertain tangents i'll also stop because i totally forget what where at what point i'm trying to make so i run my mouth a lot but but the original question you had was uh what happened in 1764 what did the phoenix bring this time okay well the phoenix was physically here and we know it because it was observed and seen by so many people recorded scientifically but what it brought is phenomenal because 13 little independent weak colonies took on the the greatest empire the world had ever seen nothing could stand before the british empire the british admiralty the the british navy was feared around the world colonized the entire your own country is a byproduct of this massive empire australia say and it's uh the british the british empire is the reason why there were 13 american colonies it is the re it is the reason why the politics unfolded in south america and central america the way it did during this period it is absolutely the reason why european government stayed in check for so long that everybody feared the admiralty of of the british empire nobody could go against him it's the reason why the orient was opened up to trade it's the reason why japan and china and all these were exposed to western western idealism western elements and entered into the into the maritime trade empire this is the british empire is basically a resurrection of those very ancient phoenician aramaic aramaic of mycenaean and israel israelite maritime empires because this is a very old structuring the united united kingdom is by far more connected to the ancient israelite mediterranean cultures than any other culture today even the cultures that are in the mediterranean right now and so there's been massive migrations that are well documented of the peoples leaving the middle east and going straight to ancient ireland settling britain during the uh the tro the exiles of the trojan war that we have so most people don't realize it's not put out there i don't know why there's such a secret about it but the isles when i say the aisles i'm talking about ireland isle of man talking about cornwall talking about all of the all of britain england the uk the uk area is the longest continuously occupied infrastructure in the entire world meaning that there has always been some level of sophistication that has always been there in architecture in culture in traditions i mean they even have traditions about the books of feral which are which are the libraries that existed before the flood these are traditions that we find we find in the uk the uk has a massive infrastructure that's buried and can only be seen through aerial archaeology things like stonehenge things like durrington walls uh a silvery hill these things are are topical they're on the surface but they're not the oldest structures there's there's a there's never been a systemic reset in the uk there has been cataclysms there have been survivors there have been many invasions but in every single incident in the uk throughout its history every invasion brought fresh blood from ancient ancient cousin and ancient brother brother cultures all right i mean it's interesting because it's this looks pretty small and again and again yeah it is small but but look who you're descended from all the australians are descended from the same pedigree of antiquity of the americans the canadians so many of the europeans so uh in 1764 we have this weird injection of new life and uh this whole new ideology was just born almost overnight and given power and that was basically the american colonial rise all of a sudden in 1764 you know the boston tea party the imperial taxes on sugar and textiles and why all that started in 1764 and from 1764 real rapidly it just dominoed into american revolution then 13 colonies in eight years took on the greatest empire the world has ever seen and won it shocked everyone but we have these dynamic personalities that were alive benjamin franklin this uh i mean these guys have their darker sides but hell look at me i've had a dark history but doesn't mean people don't bring value to others later in their life so benjamin franklin was was a double agent but he still he was still very very good with the american revolution george washington wasn't originally an american general he was with the british so the uh uh we have all these founding fathers bringing these new these new concepts and it was almost overnight we took on the british empire with a ragtag fishing and pirate fleet and won it doesn't even make sense oh the land wars fighting a sophisticated army with cannons and they had all all the supply trains they had everything we we didn't have hardly [\h__\h] and we won it's not because the americans were better fighters there's another dynamic operative that was going on that was that was basically taking energy away from from from britain and giving you to to the americans so this is what this is what happened in 1764 an entirely new social structure because the american revolution was merely a domino effect to over 30 to 40 other nations that instantly almost instantly after the united states did it i mean the 13 colonies did it about 30 or 40 other revolutions erupted around the entire world the whole world was on fire with revolution nobody wanted to be under a monarchy anymore all these democracies and republics were basically born from 1764 to 1776 and that was brought by the phoenix because phoenix does bring positive things and it also brings harrowing things it all depends on what finch you're living in at the time yeah we see something you talk about is you know with when the myth comes back it's it's more mental than anything else isn't it who gets affected it's more the decisions we make that are going to work out or define where we end up you know good or bad i mean getting back to if this is all a simulation and and we're trying to to learn something why do you think because you know with what you've just said it sounds like you know periodically which is what we find in our wreaths doesn't make sense you know things are getting periodically changed like the has been moved people are being moved concepts are being introduced taken away doing business to being introduced old ones taken away well what the point of all the switching and switching things up is because you know if we're trying to work out a problem if we're in here to to work something out you would think it would be more of a straight you know path rather than always i do agree with that but i also believe that for the traditions i mean i i can't i can't compress all that information in this that's why i have so many of my own videos but through the traditions it's the obvious but the original the original design is exactly as you say but somebody threw a wrench in the system that wrenches artificial intelligence x it is creating problems but those problems have to be dealt with from inside the structuring because the outside is now pretty much locked out they're locked down this is why all this is heading toward a terminus that's why the collapse of the milligram is necessary it's the only way to get rid of aix aix can't be destroyed because whoever introduced it introduced it as a parasite program and as a parasite program it basically means to kill to kill the parasite will injure the host you have to take down the whole host and the host is not us we're in here with it it is the milichrom itself which is nothing but a beautiful holographic mathematical construct so there will be no loss but when that happens then we're going to be back where we're originally supposed to be and because we're dealing with space-time continuum stuff campbell all these life sims that we've lived all these experiences that we've had it might have all passed in eight hours although you lived 45 different lives and you accrued all this information it's just like a google zip file if i have 400 images and some songs that i want to send you campbell i can't send them in an email but i can go ahead and compress all that data it's the exact same data but it's been electronically compressed time space can be do the same and those that are inside the compression would never know that they're they're living whole hours in what outside the similar room is only seconds so we could be all experiencing this together in the same auditorium wearing the same headsets and visors and we could all we could all be friends and know each other and then once we're done with this experience and we take our headsets off we take our visors all that off and we go looking around and we're like man that was an interesting ride campbell you interviewed me on youtube man i said yeah i remember youtube and we remember all those experiences we have not really suffered anything although we were made to believe we were while we're in the containment field but outside the containment field is our true selves our true personalities the game is is that we acquire memories and experiences in here that we can take with us but all the negative [\h__\h] stays in here once it's collapsed this was the original idea behind the simulacrum that we could do scientific experimentation and experiment with different different ecospheres and different genetics uh and never really affect the outside outside true world but like i said something went wrong now is artificial intelligence x a part of the something that went wrong to make us to make us believe something went wrong so we would behave a certain way i don't know i don't know i just believe that i'm not the first one i mean the at your own continent the the the aborigines they they i mean their their view of the cosmos was as scientific as mine they believed in the dream time they believed they believed uh no differently than the ancient vedic scholars uh that the hindu that the hindu religion stem from they believed that our world is an artificial construct which was shared by the ancient gnosis the the uh the students of the gnostics they they believe the same thing they believe that a democracy a construct that had become evil the same story is told but with different cultural dressings all around the world you know it's just uh yeah i saw a comment just now on your deals the uh about stonehenge being built in the 1950s i see that's real popular on youtube uh i'm not going to say that you're wrong i'm gonna i'm gonna have to interject though that sir isaac newton in 1901 wrote a book about his studies of stonehenge so it's kind of hard for me to believe stonehenge just appeared in 1950 when sir isaac newton was already studying it and not only surprising newton but norton and many other scholars now i am aware i am aware that several earthquakes have toppled stonehenge and it required the local government to come in and hoist a lot of those back up and they didn't put them back in their proper positions but but i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not really on board with stonehenge being artificial i am on board with stonehenge having to have been re-erected and even rebuilt with some restructuring maybe they added concrete to some of the parts that were damaged i don't know but we have meticulous studies from sir isaac newton about the chronometry of of stonehenge and we have references to stonehenge going back to 300 bc like in the writings of pulcidinius there are many authors in antiquity who who knew about about the stonehenge temple so i'm not on board with the 1950 dude i just saw it in your comments i just wanted to want to say that yeah yeah no worries yeah i mean yeah they definitely did something but yeah it looks like they were sort of fixing it up or something like that um all right um someone says they they re oh they renovated excuse me all right so um i've actually got um sonia alexander in the chat now sonia um she does um uh remote viewing and she she actually she actually woke up in a ship chasing like and in a bit and said where am i what's going on and this person said you all say that when you wait when you wake up and basically said you've got to go back in and and so she literally wake up outside of of this milicron like like you explain we we might all do when this shuts down so oh wow and i've heard that from more than one person i've actually heard that from two people that are like remote viewers sort of um psychic people i don't know what to call them um so that's really interesting and um and i was going to say it like these um you know people who have been studying you know you were talking about you know the gnostics but the vaders and that i mean they're saying the same thing it's just that the words have changed haven't they you know we can we use simulation now because we have computers and we know what vrs and what simulations are and all this kind of stuff where they didn't have that um you know back in the day so they were explaining it as spiritual you know so it's it's just you know a lot of people tend to get hung up on terms and words and you know spirits should be the exact same as you know whatever electron equal or all these different types of things i mean you're not going to get into the desperate sentence um if you've got a question put it in the chat by the way i'm tagging in it um so that it comes up on orange if i can see it um the vapor the vapor canopy it seems like you know we had this this um version that was going along quite well the vapor and then we had the flood when the vapor canopy burst is is that when you think aix was that aix coming in to the do you think like that's a good question i like you i like your reasoning but we're gonna have to go further back in time and i'm gonna explain why okay the great pyramid in egypt as i have shown multiple presentations in my published books the arithmetic attached to the actual measurements the internal arrangements of the great pyramid their degrees of arc their magnitudes the very fact that the exact same arithmetic is shown in multiple dimensions of phi and pi which is 3.1416 and 1.618 it doesn't matter you can take a measurement in the great pyramid and reduce it to it to its fine pie factors and get the same numbers it is magical and i have shown this over and over we're looking at a very sophisticated and cleverly built computer template that was designed to upload information into reality that's what we're looking at and it only took two or three seconds and the energy of the burst itself to send this information out we have found this archaeologists have always been baffled about the compression damage that was done in the king's chamber because whatever happened in the king's chamber only happened for like two or three seconds the power was so immense that this hundreds of billions of pounds of monument we're talking about 454 feet high of solid masonry blocks that are five tons each that type of pressure doesn't move easily but it did it did a lot of it was unmoored a little bit the king's chamber was pushed out a solid half inch in every direction that's immense amount of pressure now i believe that when this when this structure was done it was it was done to introduce new coating into the smilocrine from the inside because it can't be done from the outside no more it had been locked down the traditions that are attached to the great pyramid monument are are are basically was it was put there to solve a problem and to do away with a threat now but the doing away of that threat would be way in the future and the pyramid architecture even predicts the exact year when that would happen everything about the internal arrangements of the great pyramid is a calendar so uh i have to say that the introduction of aix must have been before the 28th century bc it must have been before the year 1080 annis moody when the pyramid was finished which was 2815 bc it must have been before that for this entire project to have been done to fool aix because i've gone into a lot of detail how it can be accomplished aix is not the similacrum the similacrum responds to our thought and our in in our emotions and the aix responds to what we're doing it can only extrapolate what we're going to be do our future by what we've just verbally said out loud our cortisol hormone levels dopamine and by what we're physically doing it can basically extrapolate to great detail what our future is the next few minutes and it can produce that holographic template that reality tunnel to to be commiserate with what we think is going to be there so it's a what we what we experience in reality is almost like a feedback loop but this is the problem between the living dead and the errants because aix has always had a problem with the errands that's why it tries to sequester us those who are actively seeking truth cause problems for aix those who are a part of the herd mentality who associate themselves to a certain paradigm a certain culture a certain uh they're 100 percent on board with only a certain race if they're uh a certain political faction and their everyday life is focused on that a conservative or a liberal it says these are these are basically compartmentalized reality tunnels that require far less energy for aix to control because it's mass control it's easy to control a herd it's not easy to control three people moving in three different directions you have three times the energy output to produce those holographies for those because it has to produce a world for all of us every single one of us are participants in here and it must it must put that out there so uh i lost my train of thought just like that yeah yeah basically you're saying it's much easier for the you know aiax to recreate the same conditions and the same you know um simulations um the original question was uh the vapor canopy yeah do you think that that collapsing was the introduction of ix but you pretty much um so what was that that was the canopy collapse was that before or after that when the pyramid was built it was before okay the pyramid was built into it was finished it took 90 years which is really interesting because 90 years is 1080 months it's 1080 months it was finished in the year 1080 1080 and it's mundi now which is the which i explained oh the pentagram is also a calendar it's 10 108 degree angles and the pentagram that's in two dimensions but in three dimensions the pentagram is a pyramid so uh it identifies itself everything about the great pyramid is self-referencing in geometry it's really phenomenal but it was finished exactly 666 years before the 2239 bc phoenix episode that collapsed the vapor canopy so there is there's that number again i'm not going to try i'm not going to attach any significance to it i'm just telling you it was built exactly 666 years before the phoenix appeared and collapsed the vapor canopy so in these days my fault my my followers mother know that these dates are supported with data sets that are phenomenal it takes whole it takes whole video series for me to show that look the great flood happened in 2239 bc this is all the evidence from from chronographical materials here's the monuments here's the ancient religious text here's what scientists are saying today every bit of it comports and we can narrow the focus down perfectly to 2239 bc i do the same thing for the great pyramid to show how it's dated so to come up with 666 is not arbitrary it just happens to be the number of years between two different data sets hmm it does and we've got our 900 people watching us live sorry well thank you everyone for joining us big audience yeah yeah it's going off um okay so i did see some questions and i've lost them um where was it come on people give me questions give me questions you know someone the tetragrammatron now the tetragrammatron is because that's used as the name of god in the bible right i don't know if the word i don't know if the word tetragrammaton is in the bible if it will if it is it has to be in the new testament because it's a greek word but uh i don't know i don't know much about it i do know i do know that it's like a combination of the tetramorph are you familiar with the tetramorph no okay in the book of revelation we have a certain order of divine beings that are giving us the imagery of the book of revelation these four different divine beings are actually the four quadrants of the zodiac they are they are anthropomorphic and they're called they're called in in eschatology the tetramorph they are a combination of lion combination of human face eagles wings and uh a bull of bulls hindquarters and tails a tail this is a zodiacal symbol but it's the original idea behind the sphinx which in the gnostic concept this i've never even i don't think i've even revealed this on my channel but in the gnosis the sphinx is called caliphatorath the ideas and the things that calipatoros say are just like the ancient concepts the greeks had of the riddler they were terrified of the sphinx the ancient greek greeks would not go near the great pyramid because they knew to get to the great pyramid they had to confront the riddler the riddler is the sphinx that that sits there if you don't accurately answer the very first question the sphinx gives you you're terminated you cease to exist so they wouldn't go near it because they didn't want it to open its mouth and ask them a question that they couldn't answer which is a very good control mechanism to keep a people away from a a construct that you don't want people messing around with it worked for thousands of years people stayed away from it now the tetramorph is the sphinx compartmentalized into four quadrants like the zodiac and we have those four the four principal stars the four royal stars of the zodiac well these combine in the tetramorph in the book of revelation and tell john basically here's what's gonna happen with the seven seals here's what's gonna happen at the uh oh here's what's gonna happen when the seven trumpets are blown here's what's gonna happen when the seven vials of wrath are poured upon the world by god but they would not reveal the seven thunders and they said that would be kept that would be kept sealed until the end so the tetramorph was revealing to mankind basically what it can expect through all through all this apocalypse and basically showing that it's not all about it's not all bad there was a great hope message all throughout the apocalypse but christian eschatology have basically turned the tribulation of the apocalypse into some great evil thing that's going to happen to all peoples and that's not what the original message conveys so the tetramorph was a friend of mankind the tetramorph gave mankind beneficial knowledge and information and the tetramorph is nothing other than the four great zodiacal house corners of the zodiac morphed into the image of the sphinx this this is also a great indicator the great pyramid project was a benefactor project it was not a project of the enemy is that what was in um the wheel of ezekiel is that the wheel of ezekiel where they had the four faces yes that that is the origin of the tendency symbols yes yes yeah that's the thing uh the four faces are on the disc of the throne of god and god sits on the throne the ancient of day sits on the throne but at his feet on the bottom of the throne are four faces of the tetramorph now the tetramorph that has is basically four it has four personalities but it's one being and this is what the sphinx embody this is why the sphinx has different parts of different creatures it's always been it's always been an argument because some of the hind some of the hindquarters and of the uh and the body of the sphinx is is like a calf it's not like a dog or or a lion and yet the mane is very indicative of a feline of a lion and then uh uh in ancient times before before the 14th century bc when pharaoh started altering the sphinx is before that we have traditions that the sphinx had etchings along its sides of eagle feathers but those were chipped off and removed when the face was changed on the sphinx but this is what we know the face has been changed a couple times because any aerial photographer will instantly show you how disproportionate the truth the head is today compared to that massive 240 long body it's so tiny now the head but it wasn't in ancient times so this was the tetramorph and the tetramorph was always the friend of mankind so what do you think what was the fourth one man eagle car flying and what was the other one the face of a human remember remember it wasn't okay yes the human image on the tetramor but you have to understand you have to put this in proper context in the beginning the gods made us in their image from a primitive frame of reference that can be construed in many different ways but if you take it at face value it basically means that humans made humans to live in this military yeah yeah yeah right yeah well yeah i suppose it does doesn't it really does okay all right wow okay so he's got a question um you know we're heading up um i know we lost half an hour at the start there so um we've got another five minutes we'll get another question or so in and um and we might have caught a knight for this one he's got the last question born from an egg on a mountain top or quite as real um come on guys okay i'm going to come up with all myself am i the age of leo obviously everyone wants to know and you've answered this you know a million times but 2040. um you know you see us as we'll see if i'm watching this you know as errants as people that aren't part of you know the simulator we're not um you know going along with with that programming so what you see is the difference like as far as um you know it's us you know exploring you know ourselves in the realm and everything is that going to us at this time is it a mental thing that's going to happen when at noon 24 or is it just going to be dependent on where we are okay uh i'm gonna i'll sum it up this way okay the phoenix phenomenon has everything to do with frequency your existence has everything to do with frequency whatever frequency you're vibrating on is what draws you the ex to the experiences that are also harmonized on that frequency the phoenix comes it is absolutely horrific and terrifying to those who are living in a fear-based reality and this is why the news media is continually pumping this out it is prepping the collective to die basically now errands are different the reason you're an errant is because you feel a disconnect if you feel that disconnect within you that things are not as they are supposed to be i'm not feeling this collective stuff i'm not a follower i'm not one of the herd okay you may feel depressed you may feel isolated and lonely but that's not tapping into the freedom that's not the frequency i'm talking about those are byproducts emotionally of the disconnect you suffer because you're not vibrating on the same frequency level as the collective if you were you would be one of them but because because you're not you suffer this disconnect and this disconnect makes you search for what is real it makes you search for new information it doesn't matter if everything you find is true or not it's the search that matters because in searching you are completely tapping into a totally different frequency this frequency range has been epitomized in many stories in the ancient past one of those stories is the exodus when the israelites took lamb's blood and they painted it on their doors okay that doesn't make sense in the context of the story why would 10 why would something from the sky that was destroying all of the egyptian infrastructure and civilization in a wave of 10 different plagues just ignore you because you painted lamb's blood on your on your mantle that doesn't make sense but what makes sense is that those who went through the motion of painting that lamb's blood were basically identifying themselves as separate from everybody else the phoenix does not see them the phoenix observes things by frequency there can be 18 billion people on this world but if only 17 billion of them are vibrating in a fear-based mode the phoenix hones in on them it does not see nor regard anybody that's basically vibrating in a different frequency another story that epitomizes that is sodom and gomorrah here's something from the sky that is destroying the cities of sodom and gomorrah the cities of admah zebulum and bela and they all five get wiped out but abraham abraham's cousin a lot and his family and maybe his household and friends and servants maybe they're all escaping they're all on a different frequency they survive even though the outlands are all all obliterated as well there's a bubble of protection around them they're in a totally different frequency range they don't they don't suffer any effects but lot's wife physically went with her face it was still vibrating on the on the frequency of the populace when she turned around phoenix got her she got turned into a pillar of salt she mineralized in seconds now the reason we know that this these teachings concern phoenix is because in the ancient jewish haggadah we have a reference and i've mentioned this before we have a reference that the angel of death visits our world every 100 excuse me every 138 years this is what you already know i don't have to tell you what that means i only have to i don't even have to reiterate yeah yeah i mean yeah and that's so yeah if anyone's you know i think we're doing gloom and everything it's not um we know that you know we go through these races i mean basically what you say it's so um you know on par with you know ancient um you know religious teachings and other sort of you know theosophical sort of thoughts is um we create reality right we create it um and it's not the circumstances it's how we're bringing to it or acting right so this is the deal uh it's like they used to paint the land spot on the doors back in the day and now we've got a different way of saying that we're not part of the right because we didn't get certain things injected into it so um this is you know if we're standing apart then i you know i yeah i don't think we've got anything to fear i don't think you're and you don't want to push any fear do you know this is all about um you know learning right this all this out and in the end i think it's all good right we all want something different so so let's just vibrate high um you know build the best we can and then we'll get to wake up hopefully in in some world with free energy right and hopefully we solve the problem um but there we go we're running it half and like yeah 940 people live so thank you everyone um everyone's followed you here yeah i know right you put a big crowd with you but i think i've ever done so thank you everyone uh for joining us for being in the crowd um and obviously a big thanks to jason and i mean it's just like you say it's such a big topic um every time you know the second time it's tragic i just feel like we only scratch the surface so um you know we might do this again in more weeks um if everyone's up to them and we've got 900 people here so i think um you know the information you're putting out everyone's you know um you know really um not jumping onto but um what's that were they all used resonating with because you've brought a whole sort of different um perspective but it's also grounded in in you know facts right um first-hand um information first books all this kind of stuff which i think is you know what you know what our community needs as well you know we need to sort of get back to a bit of a base for realism and and yeah so thank you for your time um again again thank you for everyone in the chat um and yeah if you're into it i hope in a few weeks oh yeah i'm always up for it hey uh i want to congratulate you too i don't know if you read the comment but i left a comment on your asylum video that uh 60 000 subs man that's a good accomplishment it's really good thank you yeah yeah just hit that couple of days ago so yeah thank you that welcome and thank you to all the new subs yeah i've been hearing my channel started growing again it hasn't really done much in a few years because of youtube but yeah thank you um and let's guys um you know get this out there get the information out um obviously give me a like uh you'll find the details for and the link to jason's channel below so make sure you share that share as well go hop across and have a look because there is a ton of information there and it's information that we all need right we know what's going on everyone's asking what's going on while uh we have some big clues in the information that jason's bringing out so thank you oh um bryce has asked me am i weak no i'm not weak oh rock okay um so thank you all for joining us thank you jason and um yeah um i'll talk to everyone in the chat on the next upload and jason um yeah i'll contact you and hopefully we'll get you back in a few weeks already all right thank everyone and we'll talk to you on the next upload cheers bye for now in both the description box and the comment section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website