Road Trip to Roswell: UFO Craziness & Library Treasure

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hey guys I'm on my trip to San Diego started on Interstate 10 I led several people to believe I was going to keep keep on Interstate 10. you know I'll go by unexpected ways I don't let anybody anticipate me so I've gone into the interior into uh West Texas see some pretty interesting stuff I'm going to show you in this video came across Eden Texas you know probably close to 5 000 wind turbines oh my God they're gigantic but it's beautiful out here La Mesa Texas it's the intro to my video I'm gonna share this trip with you guys and I'm gonna show you Roswell Hangar 18 area 51. where the alien assist happened allegedly foreign Texas about 50 percent of my my journey is through the state of Texas itself now I'm not a fool I'm not going to spend all this money on the interior of my van making it look like a hotel with all this Woodwork and then go through the Willie Nelson checkpoint in Sierra Blanca Texas and uh get it all ripped out because some dog is sending a false signal I don't entirely know everything that's been dropped into that wood so this is Kerrville I'm on Interstate 10 and I'm looking at these rock formations because I can't pass through an area and not notice these unusual formations this uh this geography doesn't really make sense to me takes it takes something flat we don't have a lot of Hill Country come out here come out of the western Northwest of San Antonio and Kerrville and the first thing I notice are are natural Hills of stone I can tell they're Stone because the highway Interstate 10 goes straight through some of them and it looks like it would have been a lot of work to cut through all this and I'm not really sure why why many of many of these These are Hills I'm passing through it probably would have been easier just to build the interstate up go up and down I've passed through some pretty deep valleys right here in Texas and uh I don't see why going over a hill would have been a problem but instead they just cut right through them but one thing I did notice is the further west you travel in Texas you're going to see that that the terrain isn't anything like what we know of is California Washington Alaska I mean it seems like we don't have any trees that are 250 300 years old everything is relatively new and young in Texas our forests are young these Badlands out here are young and they're featureless we have scrubbed and we have bushes when we grass and weeds and there's not a lot else out that you can see I'm going to show a lot of that video footage right here in this video but it kind of makes you wonder like I have listened to other channels I can't I can't name them all I do remember I do recall seeing a couple maps of the 1600s and 1500s I believe static in the Attic it might have been somebody else where they had showed the differences between the maps in the 1590s in those in the 1620s this right here was interesting to me because it showed that much of North America had been had been devastated something had happened that had gone absolutely unrecorded in the 17th century in history so I know that the year 1626 was a phoenix year the month of May other things have been recorded around the world but we have no records about North America this is not a surprise we don't have we don't have any a presence we don't have a European presence in North America in 1626 except for a small stream of of towns uh very small towns on the East Coast you know Boston Massachusetts area so there it was the only the Spanish had really penetrated the interior and not much of that in fact there is only one star fort in all of New Mexico and there's only one star fork in California it's it is in Far Northern California if you were to go on Google Maps and you were to Google Star forts it's going to give you the locations of about 60 70 maybe even 80 star Fords that it can be located right here in North America almost all of them are in the East there is there is one in like West Texas one in New Mexico and one in California and all the rest of them are in are in South Southeast Texas along the Gulf Coast Louisiana the Gulf States all the way into Florida and the East State so I don't know who built the star forts this is something you need to maybe go watch out Auto didactic or or uh John Levy Channel these guys concentrate on the star Fords I don't know much about them I don't know if the Spanish came in and bought them in because they're shaped that way for defensible positions or if they're older and if they're older they would have to be Oblivion or Phoenician provenance something I may get into but right now right now I'm on my way to California so in looking at this geographical formations right here in in West Texas I noticed instantly that on these natural these these Natural Stone Hills the vast majority of them along Interstate 10. anybody can see this with their own eyes looks to be an artificial constructions on top that all along in quadrilateral they're rectangular but with sloping sides it's all quadrangular very unusual but they're so perfectly uniform that is very difficult for me to believe that these are natural and they're only on the they're only on the tallest Hills and they're scattered about now if I'm using my imagination what I'm seeing here is a culture a thousand years or older was using these Hills as a defensible position these would be strategic who wouldn't any civilization any culture that was out here a thousand years ago would not have ignored the tallest Hills especially Hills surrounded by valleys so it's not unusual to me to think that these definitely are some type of constructions or the top of the hills or carved that way I don't know but anybody who leaves San Antonio and goes through Kerrville you can look to the left and to the right and you're going to see these Natural Stone Hills these are solid Stone Hills and you're going to see these long like Viking house type oh geometries on the very top of these Hills that don't look like they're a part of the Hill they look like they were added so I don't know this is I'm gonna let the experts this is just something I noticed after looking back looking at about 20 of them passing through the area so like I said I'm not I'm not going through the Willie Nelson checkpoint it's famous it's the Sierra block of Texas and the dogs can smell anything and just just on that pretense along like a tear apart your vehicle I'm not fixing to have all this wood torn out you know and then back law enforcement into a into a deal to where they tear a van and then not find anything which would introduce them to plant something on me then to justify all the damage yeah I'm not doing it so I cut into the interior Highway 87 went North all the way to La Mesa and from La Mesa cut across into New Mexico listen it's like 10 it's like nine ten hours just to get out of Texas now now once in New Mexico actually Texas is still to the South you go hundreds of miles into the interior of New Mexico in Texas is still to the South Texas is gigantic so in driving around and looking at all these these formations this makes me wonder if the land the land is Thousands tens of thousands of years old but there's nothing here to show for it it's flat the expanses is as far as the eye can see but I'm not seeing anything of a brush I'm not seeing anything but grasses and all the trees are relatively young so it may it just makes me wonder just makes me wonder I mean there's no evidence really out here of of vast civilizations but I have to I have to take into consideration that they're the archeology has already shown from the drilling the coal seams and all the Droid that's been done all the things that I've showed on my channel the discu the research of David Hatcher children's and Barry fell all the things that are found in organic forbidden archeology we cannot ignore that North America had hundreds of sites between 70 feet in above dip all the way down to two miles of depth we have found architecture of human manufacture figurines like the Nampa Idaho figurine Heavener Oklahoma two miles below the surface of the Earth and heavier Oklahoma was found at stove pavement a stone Pavement in walls so is what I'm driving through in Texas could it could it be that I'm driving through a basically a post cataclysmic upheaval an area an area of of the world that has been resurfaced like the dick and traps in India I don't know I'm just I'm just wondering because it's almost as if layers and layers of layers of topography were just deposited All Over Texas it's hard for me to believe that all of this expands and all of this land doesn't bear uh evidence of ancient civilizations which is more here and if they were here then they must have been married it's all it's a vast track of the earth Texas is not small these highways go on and on and on and you see the more the further away you get from the interstate the more you see and all too amazing but this is all this is a beautiful country out here I'm on my way to Roswell New Mexico I'm gonna go check out Hangar 18 area 51. you guys already know I don't believe the official story the alien assist wasn't truly an alien assist I discussed this on my channel a few times 1947. they staged all that and the materials that come from an advanced civilization in our underworld they were the ones that were giving us the materials for us to Retro engineer and all of it was staged to make it look like it came from the sky and this is why Black Ops projects are always financing different Hollywood directors all these bugs you know who I'm talking about that put out movies like uh Close Encounters of a certain kind Fourth Kind or whatever Third Kind eats a famous movie but we now know we now know researchers have found out why ET was absolutely made based off Ebe Ebe was a little alien gray now we are told that Eddie and Grace come from space but we know better than that we know this is a sub-terrestrial species and we also know that they're in service to another sub-terrestrial species that's monitoring over human affairs remember guys all the alien all the alien technology all the all the UFO sightings everything points to the underworld there's nothing coming into our atmosphere we're in a contained world there's nothing passing through that this is this is why the other Black Ops projects um funding it funds NASA this is why Elon Musk was allowed to do SpaceX it's basically saying and he receives Government funding because he promotes he also promotes the misinformation that there is an ability of humans to Traverse the atmosphere and there's not we are in a contained field all these Mysteries point to the underworld but that's not the subject of this video so I just find it really interesting that well in in Texas like rock wall Texas I intend to go there but it seems like all the evidence of past civilizations that can be found in Texas are not found on the surface we we find them by accident underground Rockwall Texas is another example so I'm not a I'm of the opinion that these maps are probably correct the maps that show North America is very very different in the 14 and 1500s as when they showed it in the 1600s talking about the sudden appearance of the Great Lakes we're talking about a vast body of water in the central United States oh Death Valley California area also it's gone maps made 30 years later and it's gone the only thing we have in the Phoenix phenomenon that that was at that time period was the 1626 Phoenix year and we know we know I mean Phoenix did appear all the time we have records from China Stones falling from the sky and killing Towers priests and uh and all that but here in Texas it seems like there has been a very recent resurfacing a tremendous amount of materials have been all I don't know maybe maybe it's vibrated by weight and density I don't know the materials in North America seem to have basically been scrambled all pulled off the ground baby went up into the sky a little bit and then layer it back down and over centuries it's just got a small a small layer of dirt because everything I'm seeing out here in West Texas and Kerrville the dirt is not deep you can rock out crops poking out through the weeds and bushes everywhere so if all this area out here is just almost Solid Rock and Rock Hills are all pushing and pushing up then I don't know it seems like where did all the surface materials go because wherever the surface materials go that's where all the plants and trees and vegetation went as well and all this dust over the last 200 250 years has allowed these bushes way too grass to grow back but there's nothing else out here it's very unusual so on the way to La Mesa pass through Eden Texas didn't even know there was an eat in Texas when I got here as you can see right here this gigantic wind turbines now I have seen it Willis and Conroe in The Woodlands I have often seen these giant blades being carried on these double 52 foot long flatbeds long flat beds coming from the Houston Ship Channel going up north on 45 I've seen many of these turbines but I've never seen them uh installed I wasn't really prepared I had no idea that we had that I mean this is just one small town in Texas and I know for a fact that on the left of me and on the right on the right and all the way down this highway there can be no less than 5 000 of these wind turbines [Music] and there's all kinds of uh Power just power plants in the middle of nowhere out here off to the left and right the door it's kind of surreal kind of makes you wonder if there's underground facilities here that need all that power or are they really moving all this power I mean do these do these wind turbines really produce that much power that they would invest this much money in them and I wonder what their shelf life is going to be the longevity we don't have the 17 more years wind turbines and solar is going to be a thing of the past Vapor canopy is going to do away with all that and that's another thing looking at these wide Skies we do travel when you travel West Texas and you can see 40 and 50 miles of visibility you go when you go on the high on these high points and plateaus and you can see everything around I'm farsighted I can see really good far far details man listen I'm looking 30 40 and 50 miles at the horizon it just gives you some perspective on just how little we have really populated this world and all these socio-political [ __ ] uh propaganda narratives that are foisted upon us that there's not enough rooms and Hume there's too many humans so listen humans are a very easily controlled species we cluster in urban areas we call cities and it's very easy to control control and that from that perspective but way out here here in the country and we have all these theories about their changing the atmosphere and are changing you know they might be doing some some things here and there but this world is way too big for humans alone to be able to affect it the way the way these these socialist globals agendas portray that human activity is the reason why the glacial sphere is melting a human activity is the reason why all this atmospheric changes are going on when actually our world is far more complex than our weathermen have ever been able to admit it just adds perspective when you get off the interstates and you see and you travel the United States and you start seeing these areas that are on these small state highways you come across all kinds of fascinating you know amazing places humans everywhere and a lot of these towns it's just very noticeable the temperament of the people they move slower they're not in a hurry it's fascinating and here's the descent into Roswell New Mexico and let me tell you it's deep this is the area in 1947 this is the general area where the supposed UFO crashed let other people's tell you tell it it was where two UFOs crashed let me tell it it's where no UFOs crash but they were carefully staged to make you believe they did so if we're going to be brutally honest there's nothing here in Roswell New Mexico to make anybody stop but for gas or to check out a few of these little unique shops because there's really no way to prove since 1947 anything even happened here but I did come out on top because I happened to find a gold mine you guys already know what I'm looking for what I'm gonna find but before that happened check this out [Music] stop oh my God I came to look at a hanger I came to look at a hanger and to see an actual military base at least from a distance I walked into I walked into Monty Python's flying UFO circus well I mean what would you expect really what would you expect we already know this is a force and that's what you're seeing here in New Mexico you already know oh my gosh oh alien incubator yep yep pretty much what I expected to see I'm just sharing it with you guys a lot of artistic license here I guess he'd be my kind of alien there yep oh this is right this right here is just totally wrong absolutely wrong yep yeah there's another one uh yeah I get it bro biological analysis it appears to be an alien porta potty Hazmat alien guts huge giant cockroach well you know ladies didn't do that NASA irradiated the desert yeah some pretty interesting stuff oh yeah oh yeah hey buddy you're in there you're in there buddy you ain't getting out we already saw this portal on Independence Day so going through the thrift shops the antique shops little stores they all got set up they're all capitalizing on this 1947 Roswell UFO crash even though even the uh Commerce Bank everybody's in on it it's no big deal this is not on this is not a trip that's worth worth taking if you've got to go several hundred miles if this is the only thing you intend to do it's uh it's certainly worth it if you're passing through or passing by the general vicinity having said that for about sixty dollars I got 15 books from the 1800s and to me this certainly made it worth the visit