Secret of Ancient Calendars

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my friends this is jason with archaics there are some really deceptive cats out there that would have you believe so many different untenable theories well we're here to set that straight very short video straight to the point one man in the ancient world udosis of nato's he told the truth there were many others that followed who also revealed the truth but it was too late the establishment theories were set as far black back as plato who totally misinterpreted what solon was telling him ancient calendars were unlike the calendars of today the concept of a year had no value time was measured in units of days and months enjoy this video straight to the point but we're going to set the record straight i know that most of you my listeners have not read the 510 page chronocon which solves in chronological order so many mysteries of the past so i'm going to share with you in this video a secret i have read pulsardanius krantor ovid lucretius herodotus pliny the elder diodorus siculus thucidides hesiod and many more besides this is why i know graham hancock zechariah sitchin and many other authors who claim atlantis the deluge of noah and the great pyramid do not date back to 10 000 bc these authors use as their evidence the fact that the egyptian turin papress reads that the gods reigned 23 200 years before shimsu this is in the message from the spin the the sphinx andrew collins is among these authors the term paprus reads that thoth ruled 3126 years the term peppers also reads that horus ruled 300 years the last fully divine king manatho a greek in of egypt wrote that the gods of egypt reigned thirteen thousand nine hundred years the demi gods after them reigned eleven thousand and twenty five years these being called the shimsu the children of the son george since ellis wrote of six gods or six dynasties of gods who reigned 11 985 years diodorus wrote that the entire history of egypt from the reign of the gods to the last mortal king of egypt was exactly twenty three thousand years the gods and the shimsu ruled for a little less than eighteen thousand years of this twenty three thousand year period mortals ruling for only about five thousand years even plato claimed the egyptians told salon that atlantis and greece dated back nine thousand years from his time which was eight thousand years older than the achaeans that founded greece a critic of the pretended antiquity of egypt was a contemporary of plato his name was eudosis of nidos who wrote the egyptians reckoned a month as a year this is a key to almost every single bronze age chronological system sir isaac newton in his own exhaustive work titled the chronology of ancient kingdoms on page 103 wrote concerning the lies of the egyptian priests after chem isis had carried away the records of egypt the priests were daily feigning new kings to make their gods and nation look more ancient a month as a year diadorcicalis wrote that it was a popular in antiquity to reckon the year by the lunar cycle the ancient frisian oral and manuscript reads that before the great flood cataclysm quote the years were not counted unquote this is why the oldest dating systems are in the hundreds of thousands of days the sumerian records the king's list the vedic the al the olmec the early egyptian the mayan temple of the cross the mayan long count calendars every single one of them share the same common denominator that the units of time that were measured were days and that years had no significance it was the turning of the stellosphere and they did not rick in the years even the entire 241 200 shar timeline of the seven kings of sumer is only 670 years it's 241 200 divided by 360. 360 days which made up a unit which we call today a year although post cataclysm it is 365.25 days now that make up this year when we take heed to this fact and divide the large sums given by ancient authors as periods of history by months we get dateable events that all fit within a perfect chronological history of events from the year 4039 bc to the year 2239 bc in the month of may when every civilization on this planet suffered a reset known known popularly as the great flood but known by many other civilizations by other names chronic on and its supplemental notes are the proof these authors are sensationalist liars they have read the same text as i they knew these large sums were days and months calendar codes used by priests not years this simply means the timelines for the anunnaki the great pyramid for the civilization not the city the civilization of atlantis in these popular books claiming extraordinary dates of 10 000 and 12 000 bc are based off of fictions the fantasies of these authors all of recorded human history fits a demonstrable chronology of about 6 400 total years chronic on may be worth your time on the chronic on 510 pages are free to the public there are pdf downloads feel free to download them there are also 750 pages of supplemental chronological notes it's all free to the public i will never sell that book it's yours free just look there's no excuse for not knowing you just learned in this video one single fact that should remove tens of thousands of books from the shelves all around the world but it's not going to happen because the establishment has a vested interest in having you believe in untenable theories when we apply the single fact that was revealed by diode or siculus and by udosis of nils that these calendars the common denominator between all of them is that they measured time in units of either days or illuminations or months these weren't years the egyptians were talking about graham hancock is a very learned man so is andrew collins so is robert shock and so many authors before them they knew better they had read the same materials i read but it wouldn't support their untenable theories they want an atlantis a great pyramid they want this younger driest period of super civilization that existed in 10 000 bc they want an idea an ideal that archaeology and history just doesn't support the textual archaeological record is very clear all the civilizations of our world all the calendars of our world if measured properly all show that the entire modern human experience from the written word timekeeping systems it's all compressed within a six it's all here these these books will be continued to be sold and there will be publishers who will continually push them but it's not the truth these civilizations these these these in vast amounts of time they they take they take on they become amorphous it's like zechariah sitchin's belief that that anunnaki descended 432 000 years before the great flood it's so ridiculous a great flood would not even have any meaning or any correlate with an event that happened 432 000 years earlier there were many great floods in that period of time in earth history it's 432 000 shars which is turnings the stellosphere which is only 1200 years and there are so many mysteries in the ancient world that are easily comprehended by just using the calendars that those civilizations possessed and not any interpretations in the 1960s 70s 80s and 90s that has been imposed upon those systems that the original authors did not want to convey this is our this is jason press that press that subscribe button if you haven't already uh join us on the archaics facebook group uh leave a comment share tell people about our kegs it's uh we're trying to go deeper than most people most people see yeah it's not always easy we don't always have time but we'll put videos out when we can you