Simulation Theory 2 with Decode Your Reality podcast

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[Music] all right all right all right all right ladies and gentlemen all you great decoders out there around the world wherever you are male and female all you great syncretists wherever you're at where channel you're coming from i want to welcome all you out to the simulation theory part two there will be a delay in the audio i have a new rig that i have hooked up i have not been able to figure out the audio lag my apologies this will be recorded and i will re-upload this and i will take down the live so if you can grin and bear the lips not syncing up with our audio then nice to have you here and back by popular demand back by popular demand the great jason brashears from our jason welcome out once again man it is an absolute pleasure and honor to have you here once again man thank you thank you for having me i've been looking forward to coming back yeah man it's nice to have you here so much uh so many views that we got for the very first one uh i think we're closing in on like 13 000 views that's on the recorded version so a mighty big thank you to each and every one of you in the decoding community that has supported my channel jason's family syncretism society the devil's playground what is above crypto all the great people that i have like minds with so a big shout out to all these channels but most importantly thank you to each and every one out there that have supported this mission and you know this great topic called the simulation theory and you know to me it's more fact than it is theory but i label it as such uh just to kind of get the gears grinding in your brain to uh to figure it out for yourself you got to make the truth your own but jason welcome out again man i mean at the very top of your mind right now like you've been doing a lot of podcasts your view counts are blowing up your analytics are smoke they have smoke on them and as it should be because of you know you've done the research being this chronologist this historian you've gone and done the time and put countless hours into developing a theory that i i think is more fact than anything else but um like really what comes to your mind because we're doing this improv ladies and gentlemen i i just want to say you know like what you've been doing all these podcasts what is the main thing you've been talking about beyond just just the whole simulation theory well i'm all i there there's a there's a disparity between what i'm trying to convey and what i actually convey and i see this difference in the comments people are catching up but sometimes i'm moving too fast because i don't i don't automatically know exactly what frames of reference other people are receiving my data so some of the comments i get on my channel are so off topic and i don't want to correct somebody and make them feel you know that i don't i don't want anybody feel like they're stupid because it has nothing to do with levels of intelligence it has everything to do with frames of reference there's a huge difference so right now the main thing i'm going through is is i'm trying to figure out another way to wrap my infrared information around into more modern basically colloquials and vernacular that the common man is really used to and i need to be educated on this and i have people sending me emails trying to show me because i understand this problem too they see it and uh the problem is i was away from society for so long that i don't understand you guys talk about movies like you know all you got to do is mention a movie and all of you are on the same page you know what the movie was about you know what year it came out and you understand the premise behind the movie and for all the decoders that have put out information about that movie you all basically know what you're talking about jason's on the sideline going what in the hell are you talking about so i just be quiet i'm just quiet i don't know you guys have such a wealth of information from modern culture that i am absolutely bereft of i have not followed any of this stuff in modern culture got it got it well thanks for being authentic and honest you know that's what one of the things i really appreciate and adore about you is that you you're very open and honest raw you have a lot of integrity and you're super authentic and that that's rare these days so i really appreciate i mean besides the massive amount of gnosis you drop on the on the community uh i just really appreciate you being super authentic so i don't know what happened we had a little bit of a freeze up but well you know you know the hurricane winds and storms that you were suffering earlier today yeah still feeling them oh that's going on here right now we got storms right now yeah yeah yeah my power went out it's been raining for the past two hours here okay got it anyway hey i don't even know what the last thing you heard was oh well i i i don't know i just i i just said i appreciate you being so authentic with your deliveries and your material and just as a human being so that's where i kind of left it off and then i missed everything okay so i guess i need to start from the beginning huh you do well that's that's easy to do so um my problem right now and i and people are i have people sending me emails helping me out with it is that i'm trying to wrap my data around basically frames of reference that most people can accept because that's what that's where i'm bumping my head i'm bubbling my heads with people who are not disbelieving the data they can't get around all the information they have learned all their life to to even understand what i'm talking about and there's a vast gulf between you and i because i was sequestered from society for so long i don't understand all these colloquials and i don't understand all these modern frames of reference you guys have you go you talk about a movie and instantly all your decoders are like oh yeah i remember that movie you know what your word the symbols that that that were in the movie that was embedded in the movie you know the subtext you can talk about these things i can't i can't i can't share that i don't know what you're talking about and so they're i get comments on on my on my my channel all the time i have to actually google what people are talking about i don't know what they're talking about and then when i google it i see okay i see why you made this connection i understand but no you're absolutely incorrect i would have to do a whole video just to correct them yeah but um the problem i'm having right now is if the simulation theory is very easy to to absorb but it's all the attachments that go with it it's uh the main problem that we have today with simulation theory comes from those who believe themselves more educated than the rest of us the scientific world that scientists are the worst students and it's because the way they're educated it is because of the compartmentalization of data where they have to actually accept premises that are untrue in order to be peer-reviewed in order to to be established in their own in their own academic circles academia has so compartmentalized the study of knowledge that an anthropologist can spend his entire life and never know all all the material in his own field much less geology and astronomy and genetics and it's it's so compartmentalizing and there's no crossovers that there's absolutely no sharing of information so when we compartmentalize this type of material these discoveries this is what we get we get these paradigms that are fostered upon us that are absolutely untrue but anybody who is a scientist must defend these positions or they can't have their own thesis is published they can't have their own hypothesis peer-reviewed so i come across this i get i get scientific learnings on my channel all the time and i can tell they'll hit me with a comment and i'm a pretty well-educated guy but i'm self-educated but i have studied a dictionary of the source for years and i'll read some of these comments and i realize what's going on come on man here's a guy with an academic credentials and all you just use 15 words that i had to look in the dictionary to figure out to understand that's not that's not the acquisition of knowledge yeah if if you can't communicate in the easy in the easiest discernible common denominators you're not intelligent you're a fool that's what communication is about the ability to convey a thought not to sound intelligent so this is what i'm having a problem right now with with not not necessarily trolls but i'm having a problem with people that are coming to my to my channel and they're bringing their baggage instead of just coming to my channel to learn so yeah yeah i i can definitely appreciate all that of what you said i have my own challenges on my channel um and you know that's why i put a disclaimer on my videos the majority of them these are my opinions and truths you've got to use your own logic and discernment i'm not here to force you i stand by mine i stand by my research i do more than the average bear but i definitely am not going to force it upon you but i just see a lot and we're all ignorant so this is just me looking in the mirror saying this but you know i see a lot of ignorance in the decoding community and i see a lot of indoctrination of people and they believe what they grew up at and they're not willing to let that go and so this whole topic of simulation theory it goes i mean this is like literally flipping over the coin and just saying wait a minute i've never seen this before and then when you perhaps adopt some of these ideas you're like man that completely smashes everything that i'm attached to and nailed down to the ground on and i know that's what you're facing right i wanted to really get into um the 138 again and i don't have any graphics to share my screen with but i want to give everybody the idea so you can go check it out yourself and i also wanted to really bring this up because it's such a big integral part of your research jason and someone after our first simulation theory podcast had posted in the comments i don't remember who he was or she was so my apologies but a big shout out to this person but they had said that if you take a compass and you put it over the astrological chart which is round and you observe the 138 it is going to be over the sign of leo the lion now this is in regards to the um so below chart there's i don't know if you know astrology that much jason but there's two major charts in astrology there's the so below in the as above and the so below chart is going to put the 138 of the compass inside the fifth house called leo the lion and it's ruled by the sun and i think the sun has a major stake in the simulation but the big clue for me the big truth bomb and to me this was absolutely solidifying everything i've been studying was looking at the as above chart and i'm going to encourage all of you to do this yourselves but it's taking the the sign of scorpio and that is going to be in the specific spot of leo the lion at the 138 placing the compass over that as above chart and scorpio is the eighth zodiac sign and this was the kicker this was the nail in the coffin for me is scorpio is the eagle and the eagle is tied to the sun because scorpio is the eighth sign and 19 is the eighth prime number we know that the sun makes that analemus shape as it moves across the sky so this now falls into the sun perhaps being the phoenix and being a huge part of that well i can add to that that's right it's very interesting that's very interesting because uh the eagle is a symbol of late western imperialism starting in the roman times but the old the original roman standards in the old middle eastern standards were the phoenix it was later changed to the eagle just like in 1902 which was a phoenix year the united states anybody could google this verify the united states very quietly changed the great seal of the us from a phoenix to a bald eagle in the year 1902 they did the interesting other other countries have done that too the the uh imperial it's an imperialist sign of the phoenix and the eagle is interchangeable the old german flags they also did the double-headed eagle and the double-headed phoenix uh they always it was just an interchangeable find but what's even more interesting is i had a book published years ago i think 2013 or 2014 called return of the fallen ones and i spend i spend about 50 pages in that book showing the ancient concepts of the zodiac and what they meant to old civilizations not what they came to mean during the middle ages in the renaissance period and all that and i i i show i'm not an astrologer i don't know anything about astrology i was just taking my data from old sources and i put it together and what's really interesting is these ancient astrologers said that the world has been destroyed multiple times but in the last days that destruction will come out of the house of leo wow that's pretty powerful man so that just syncs up with everything i just well i mean like i said yeah that's in my book published in 2013 wow wow that's that's amazing because because that that house if you look at the the house allele the opposite because it forms a symbiotic relationship and in astrology it makes two diamonds and you bring those together and that forms the hourglass which forms the taurus fields thank you santos and company and the the opposite of five is house number 11 which is aquarius which a lot of astrologers believe that's exactly what age we're in right now we are in the age of aquarius well let me ask you like i said i don't have a background in astrology i really don't know anything about it although i've gleaned a tremendous amount of data on on astrology it doesn't mean i'm an astrologer i don't practice it i just acquired this information one thing i came across that was very interesting i was going to ask santos about it in maybe a future video but in the medieval times one of the greatest practices that i have not seen today was the was the uh predicting the future using astrological symbols in their trigons this is a trigon right here you see this yeah this is a trigon yep you'll see if there's a delay you'll see it in a minute yep i see it okay well trigons when you just move it when you just move it one one over it reveals three different more symbols but it will be different planets in those houses at that time yep i don't really understand the system i'm not going to pretend to but in the medieval ages during the time of nostradamus and truth methods and henry cornelius agrippa this was a system of divination that they used to predict future events they used the trigon system and i've been trying to find more information on this i even read i even read some material that mentioned the trigons and francis barrett's the magus in 1801 it's a fantastic book it's translated in english anybody can order today i think they got free pdfs online but it's called francis barrett the magus and it's volume one in volume two together it's about 500 pages of occult data that will blow your mind do you have do you actually okay so what i'm gonna do ladies and gentlemen i'm going to uh not during this obviously the recorded version that will be uploaded i'm going to put this link of that book uh inside the description so you can just go down into the description and click on the link at least i'm going to try to find it anyway so you can have reference to it because that sounds pretty badass that symbol that symbol that you just showed that symbol mastered matches up with the crucifixion and it also matches up with the 1985 classic movie called back to the future and there's a shape in there that allowed time travel possible and that's the flux capacitor yeah so there it is that's the flux capacitor which is in the shape that's the letter y and that's going to form the ankh the ankh is going to fit in there as well and the letter y is the 25th letter which is tied to the x and y chromosomes that we all have inside of our bodies which is the supposed i think it's the feminine the y so that makes a lot of sense well okay i have some all i have pretty interesting the other day i released the video i was thinking about you when it happened because it's geometry i'm not and like i said i'm not i'm not germany is not my thing it's not it's not nothing i really i have a lot of notes on it from other ones i don't know if you're familiar with the work of bonnie gaunt but bonnie god has published six books on gematria she has gone through the entire old testament new testament and she pulls out these fantastic little fragments and shows their mathematical value and then uses that same value to show where it reappears in the bible to continue that message and she does whole pages doing this and it's fantastic now i was turned on i was turned on to bonnie god by my publisher paul tyse of booktree about 12 years ago he sent me one of her books so then i ordered all of them so it was in that book that i read that she had read that 200 years earlier somebody had used jumatria to identify isaiah chapter 19 as referring to the great pyramid in egypt and this goes back to some researchers in in the uh uh 1840s 1850s and 1860s robert menzies and john taylor realized that there is a very interesting granite leaf in the ante chamber of the great pyramid that all measurements seem to stem from it's almost as if the great pyramid is begging you to look at it it's saying this this is my unit of measurement this little this little indentation here is is how you decode my whole monument this is basically what that chamber is saying so they did that and this is where the theory of the pyramid inch came from because every measurement in the great pyramid to the thousands of an inch perfectly perfectly fits in units of that little granite leaf that's found in in the ante chamber this was discovered over 200 years ago then it was published in 1860 it was republished in 1891 and david davidson an engineer who is a disbeliever went new research and he found it as well he did so so many meticulous measurements and then he was followed by sir flinders petrie who studied the entire pyramid to the thousandth of an inch using a micrometer and his measurements were scientifically accepted today his measurements show the great pyramid is exactly 5814 of these little units of measurement in height which is interesting because isaiah chapter 19 says that god built an altar and a monument and a testimony and put it in the land of egypt for everyone he just said it there as a testimony until the last days it is a pillar and if you look up pillar all throughout like a strong concordance or something you'll find that every use of the word pillar all throughout the old testament was an object that conveyed knowledge because in ancient times pillars weren't used just to hold up buildings builders were used and covered every surface of the pillar had pages of ancient text this is where tablets came from because originally it wasn't tablets people wrote on it was the inside walls of holy shrines and structures and people walked into the very books that they wanted to read because by being there if they spoke if they spoke out loud the very words that they read on the wall it was like a it was like a resonance chamber harmonic resonance chamber they were receiving the energy of the words of the text itself that's why so many of these ancient ruins that we have found at hagar ken and like the phoenix hill and in china these ancient structures they're they're built to where man can stand in the middle of the room and barely speak and the entire amphitheater can hear every word he's saying yeah it's a this is this is the way those structures work but it but it was gematria that bonnie got revealed from these guys writings that that the great pyramid referenced itself and it was a geometrical value of the height of the great pyramid in those units was found in the bible so what i'm leading to is a video i just released two or three days ago because i i got tired of all i got tired of all the emails i'm getting about douglas vaughn so if you don't know douglas bought he predicts that there's going to be a poll shift in the year 2046 all right now his method of prediction was gematria but he has a scientific foundation that researches pole shifts that that target that window but the actual date 2046 he found in the old testament in a passage and i don't really understand how he did it but i found it very interesting when i read his when i listened to his youtube video and i looked at his charts and i followed his reasoning he showed exactly where in the old testament that a whole shift is going to happen in the last days during the apocalypse and the geometrical value of that statement equals the year in our calendar 2046. he said this in 2007 which is really interesting so in the video go ahead i was just going to comment going back on the pyramid and how important they are in the la i mean i'm a huge person who decodes using latitude longitude and the x marks the spot the energy coming down and coming across and that's you know to me that's the sine and cosine wave and we get into trigonometry and the measurement of uh of um of mathematics but when you take the 29 degrees north and 31 degrees east of the great pyramid of giza these match up with the numerology some call it gematria but they match up with the numerology of two big names on the world stage in the occult presence number one is the egyptian name for sirius called soap debt that equals the number 31 which is a match to the latitude east of the pyramid and then soap that gave birth to the gnostic demiurge called yaldaboth and yaldaboth equals the number 29 which matches the latitude north of the great pyramid so you have the great pyramid matching up with the star the mighty star sirius and my research is saying that is the eye in the sky that alan parsons project sang about in his great album that he came out with back in the 1980s even the song that preceded eye in the sky was called sirius the very first song on the album so i'm not i'm saying i'm not saying allen parsons was the the authority but i just came out with the d code yesterday called illumination it starts with the letter a l and alan parsons project starts with the letters a and l so these are not coincidences when you're a decoder and you look at these layers from you know obviously a very simplistic view but then they go very very deep and that al is massively big on the world stage well um uh i can let let me let me offer you a picture of what you're describing to me all right nothing ever surprises me anymore i've already told you this you know in our prior podcast you can't surprise me anymore this is almost impossible so and the reason is is because if we strip away between you and i even though even though we're great distance from each other i'm in central east texas and you're you're pretty far away you're hundreds of miles away from me so we're actually in each other's presence right now digitally but in a hologram there are no distances there's only facets and all you have to do is change change what area you view and you see a whole new it's multifaceted so you can imagine being on the inside of a sphere that's covered with 10 000 television screens and all you have to do is focus on one screen and a whole nother world appears and then it's also 10 000 tele television screens we haven't actually moved it's our perception so if you and i and all our listeners strip away everything that the central nervous system is filtering right now and we only perceive everything as then we are actually like neo flowing through all these numbers in this binary code and all this physicality isn't even really real the only thing that is real is information and once you truly accept that once you truly once you wake up in the morning and you absolutely realize you know what that bald head stupid-ass jason man was right you know what i've been [\h__\h] i have been [\h__\h] fighting this information but you know what he's right once you wake up with the absolute 100 solid realization that you are an information field and not a body man things are going to happen for you yeah i'm talking about reality itself is going to start commiserating with everything any direction you start moving toward it's going to things are going to get out your way and things are going to be presented to you it's that simple because because we're information gematria is real the stellosphere all those luminaries are not real those are all that's all optics but the information contained in those codes it is layered and codified with so much in-depth information that an astrologer can put out videos for the rest of their own excuse me the rest of their life and never cover one percent of the data that's up there we live in an information field so every everybody can contribute in different ways and we also have this an uncanny ability to recognize [\h__\h] we know there's a huge distinction there's a huge distinction there's people on youtube they're [\h__\h] and there's other people man that you resonate with and you gravitate toward you realize okay look even though even you know this is an uncouth bastard even though i'm really not feeling this past even though all that you know what this guy is telling me something real so because we're in an information field logan i can accept everything you you're telling me and it strikes my chords i'm like oh okay you know jamaica is not something i'm familiar with but he's on to something because he can show it if you can demonstrate something multiple times then you have isolated a law whether or not whether or not the strictures of newtonian physics attacks whether or not academia will ever accept it who cares the academies will never catch up to us because they have limited themselves so when you share these things with me i'm like yo okay i accept it into my informed field it becomes a part of me and i'm able to regurgitate it to other people because i've accepted it but that's why i just can't be surprised man i just know what you're telling me is real yeah yeah i mean i i i'm all about saying to people you know you create your own simulation you create your own field and you are that energy source part of the whole but you're separate in the sense of you being an individual and having a you know you know your own kind of simulation inside your mind so i definitely love that whole aspect i wish just people would kind of get this though because you know i feel that the more you attach yourself to the more things you adopt as your truth it nails you to the ground right and that's why i i love i'm totally in resonation with how you flow because you can be open to anything and i i am the same exact way but there are absolute truths in my life just like everybody listening you have your own absolute truths that are just you're not going to budge from right but you got to really be open to all this kind of stuff because you know if you're into the simulation theory and you get into what jason talks about i mean it completely changes the whole perspective of how the majority of us were indoctrinated and all that kind of stuff um jason let's shift into i want to i want to really talk about this aix that you talk about and bring to the table uh and i and just for the just like let's give the 101 like the lame like someone new that's here watching this what is the aix to you what is its role in this simulation theory and what does it control and how is it created or the easiest way to identify it for people to understand is for me to describe what it's not okay first of all people assume that that i use two terms interchangeably and they're not the similacrum and aix are absolutely distinct one of them is the reality construct that we live in that draws things that are on our frequency basically you you attract what you are you know i mean this is the type of unifor universe that we live in it's very very simple you you don't get what you want you attract what you are this is the this is the reality we live in right now aix was introduced sometime after we appeared and began doing live streams aix is the sole reason why and he did he managed this over and over throughout history as a being that is going to give mankind some great revelation it doesn't matter if it's jehovah witness an angel appearing given given giving all the information to to what was it smith john smith it doesn't matter of the mormonism it doesn't matter if the angel the angel gabriel that appeared to muhammad the angel michael that appeared to daniel uh it doesn't matter uh the the angel out the burning bush that came from the shethem the the uh desert demons they came out of a burning bush to give judaism it's revelation all zoroastrianism all the angel all the angel religions and there's a lot of christianity is another one there's so many different angel religions that's aix every single time appearing on the world scene and the hints are always in there you just have to look at them especially the old testament old testament old testament the dichotomy of the old testament is so disparate when you when you actually just i i isolate the particulars you read two different narratives one of them is there's an underlying message of a loving god but he's very distant he cares for humanity he's always providing invisibly he communicates to us through parables and similes through intuition he's always at a distance and there are no symbols on the in this in this in room that can even identify him he's totally separate from the similar from itself but we feel him where we have a piece of him inside of us or her it could be a divine female yeah but aix is totally different aix is all about materialism aix is all about the body hey i i aix is all about crime and punishment it's all about uh giving dictates or or worship i aix is all about control systems in any way it can control so the better factor is totally different the benefactor is about free will free spirit do what you want do what you want you've been given a great gift which is immortality but before you can actually enjoy that you got to go through these lifestyles you got to develop that personality man and show that that you're worthy of the gift that you've been pretty given but aix is trying to rob you from that in every lifestyle trying to corral you into a control system we call them religions we call them political comes back on i'm just going to kind of share my thoughts on this whole aix and you know i mean my whole take on it ladies and gentlemen is that it is the construct that runs and it's the ponzi scheme as many of you have been watching the content i have been putting out the ponzi scheme runs it all the religions the governments the states the essentially the matrix tells you it's the mr smith's the mr smiths that try to keep you busy enough to suck the life out of you it drains your battery all right yeah i was just kind of filling in and then you pop back on but i was just saying how you know i believe that we live inside of a ponzi scheme and how religion and state and government and all the mr smith matrix stuff is designed to rob you of your energy and you know basically that's that's the job of that archetype which kind of describes this whole aix thing but go ahead keep going with what you were saying or what you remember leaving off on with the ais well logan i don't know what the last thing you heard i don't yeah you were on such a good role man i don't know but let's let's let's push this towards this ax how do you feel the aix is you so you feel the aix artif it stands for artificial intelligence and then the x is the x factor is that basically what the what what the uh the word in my historical analysis i kept finding these these interferences civilizations and communities and cultures they would flow and humanity would be doing good and then all of a sudden all this interference would go on and the more i studied and i would realize wait a minute when all this was happening according to this this data set over here that's when this religion just all of a sudden popped on the scene so i would start comparing notes and i was starting looking looking at all these animals and all these histories and come and then i decide okay you know what i need to divide my research into socio-political data and religious data and then once i once i've done those chronologies going back about 5 000 years of recorded human history then i will put a timeline together and that's what i did and i had i had i had notes in my chronic on that separated paragraph social political uh now i also had a paragraph for natural disasters and unusual phenomena and all that and so you can look up every year in history and you can look at the different categories and uh i couldn't believe what i found i said these these huge introductions and civilizations that made all kinds of weird things happen and collapses all sudden two civilizations that had no problems with each other are going to war all of a sudden and so i decided oh you know what this is an x factor i don't know i i don't know what it is but because i started my research as a christian i automatically assumed it was satan it was lucifer and then when i when i started broadening my horizons i went ahead and adopted okay well it could be armament it could be armament the zoroastrian god then i brought in my horizons some more and i realized wait a minute man there's a huge difference between the god of christianity and the god of judaism uh so it could be yahweh so i go through all this i go through these phases as i'm learning and acquiring more information and finally i realize you know what why am i trying to put a label on this this is an x factor whatever this is it's stirring up the pot every time things are start going right so this is artificial intelligence x and i didn't come up with the fact that it was an artificial intelligence until i finally realized that there's no way that the history of the world could have unfolded the way that i have i have recorded and yet i am 100 backing my bibliographic sources and how they dated what they dated and there's no way mathematically all these things can line up so perfectly sooner or later you're gonna find you're gonna find uh discrepancies but when you don't you realize you're looking at a program some this could not have happened this way but this is how it's presented to us and when archaeologists find different monuments and they translate it and they find these date monikers on these mayan steels and then we i read i see the i see what the date is and i look i look at my notes i'm like there it is it's absolutely too perfect what's going on all over the world at the same time this isn't natural we're dealing with something that's interfering therefore when i when i embrace simulation theory that's when it became artificial intelligence x it was never aix during the course of all my research it became aix at the end of my research after all your data collecting so would it be safe to say that as i had said the religions and everything that we create as a as a species are all controlled by this aix system uh i think a lot more than religions i think the media is absolutely controlled by it oh see it's not just it's not it's not just religion i don't it religion is just the excellent way in the past it did that but what it actually does is introduce phenomena that lowers on the collective vibration that that's the best way to sum it up that's the best way it could be rumor in ancient times it could be rumors of war because it doesn't matter if a real war isn't coming just releasing through it through its agents it's our cons it's little a npc's if it just releases rumors of war look at the manifestations in the physical world that will happen because of that the ripple yeah i mean look what look what lionel rothschild did to the world bank to the to are you familiar with the napoleonic wars and what with the rothschild how the rothschilds got rich not in the not in the scope that you are but go ahead go ahead give us the one-on-one on that when napoleon was attacking russia rothschild who didn't have all the money they have today owning all the world banks back then they did a power play this is a perfect example of how just information can change the world rothschild hired about 10 guys they waited in england for him and they were prepared he gave every one of them a satchel of money every one of them were waiting for the signal they were going to go in to start buying all these companies in london london was waiting for for a fire ship to send a signal it was going to be two signals if napoleon conquered russia it was going to be one signal if napoleon was defeated rothschild paid other ships to come do the signals and lie so now everybody in england is worried because in reality napoleon was stopped his army got frozen trying to attack russia he was stopped so there's no threat of the french armies taking because then their next objective was to go take london but there's no threat of that he got neutralized by nature not by russia so rothschild knew this but lied anyway had the wrong signal sent to london everybody in london panicked and sold their companies they sold their real estate they sold their mansions and houses they already knew napoleon was coming but it was just pure information that was sent a rumor of something negative got everybody to do what rothschild wanted and he bought everything and the rothschilds have owned the city ever since if you don't know this london is called the city by the by the by pretty much the elite it's basically like a little vatican it's like it's like a washington dc the city is owned by the rothschilds because of this event it's just a small example of how information can change the whole world when people respond negatively yeah and i i would say like my research tells me that this story that you just told all of us that is controlled by a source outside the scope of mankind whatever that looks like i mean there are many people that believe that we're being controlled by a super computer you get into hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy the number 42 the super computer that you know bbc did a show on it and you know perhaps because how do we fathom this kind of stuff like there's really some big quantum computer stuck away in a cave somewhere that's controlling and manipulating mankind that just that doesn't sound legitimate it's so such a far-fetched but is that so far-fetched like is there something beyond the scope of this reality that's controlling mankind and it really is all about letters numbers and symbols you know when it come when you break it down when you really break it down to the simplistic form you know i know people wrestle with that idea but i i think that we're all going to be house we're all going to be very very surprised how simple the truth really is that and i have i have addressed this in my videos because in order to be a simulation logan it may there's no context for a simulated reality unless it's an exact copy of something real and if somebody is going to have the energy output and the time to put out an exact replica of a true reality then there must be a reason something is somebody's trying to learn something and it's not just it's not just sporadic it's not it's not by it's not an accident and there's a tremendous amount of energy inside this construct to detract us from this we are scientifically given false histories we are historically given false histories archaeology provides us false histories when you really study history in depth like i have you'll find nothing but mathematical patterns and protocols if you script away all all the dressing i'm left with nothing but patterns and numbers to this beautiful mathematical construct that absolutely ends in our calendar 2178 excuse me 2178 hey this coffee's really good man i'm sorry you love your coffee man do you have a do you have a favorite coffee that you that you like i do now i do know i got you a coffee bean from korrino italy oh call out colavazza oh yeah the buzzer is great i used to drink lavazz all the time the espresso yeah i have a little coffee grinder and i just press it down man grinds the coffee and let me tell you i thought folgers was really good but one of my one of my subscribers to our cakes sent me this in the mail nice i haven't i haven't been able to drink anything since oh boy is it is it chalking up more hours for you on the world stage of decoding and doing the stuff you do and you know what it wires me up it fires me up nice nice you know i i tell you man this stuff is so fascinating and i was you know being a numbers guy and a decoder you had right after our simulation theory part one i think it was a day or two after you had posted a video of you out in somebody's yard and you had the roof the hood of a car opened up and you had uh you said you were out the boys you know do you i think you had even emailed me and said i'm i'm out with my my friends you know kind of trying to disconnect and you panned over to your i think it was your bike your harley right and oh yeah instantly i saw what i was supposed to see and it was that number 114 right on your bike right so so i'm like and i started laughing because i know what the 114 means it's tied to like through my research just to simplify it you know so you can understand it and everybody that doesn't know my work one one four ties to the words in numerology otherwise known as gematria down in a hole okay it means coming down into the simulation coming down to play the game and i feel i feel that yeah the one one four times and it goes to the periodic table and we're made up a lot of these elements and there's a lot of truth in these elements on the periodic table the elements the elohim but this 114 is tied to the 49th element called indium and it means going inward and i feel that we live we're living inside we're living inside the eye the all-seeing eye we're actually living inside of it and when you look at the great pyramid of giza and you look at the map of egypt and upper and lower egypt you're going to see that the base of egypt that it uh that where it goes against the the sea is it was this is the top of the eye and it goes down and you can see the nerve just almost matching up with the eye and you're going to get upper and lower egypt and the giza is going to be there as well and i had this in my pineal gland decoded but i feel like egypt is like a representation of the eye our eyeball it's just in the nile river is the optic nerve running between the eye and wherever it's gonna go to have you ever observed that before i i haven't observed it but you're reminding me of uh 1903 or 1904 a mystic historian and true archaeologist named uh schwaller de lubix you know he has a lot of material about up there too he associates these these metaphysical concepts to the architecture and the geographical layout of giza and he shows that it encodes like the true the truvian man uh any codes yeah he talks about these these topics too like i said that was a little over my head when i was reading him i read him like over 10 years ago maybe maybe you need to really i gotta we got i gotta contact you when we get off the camera here and get some of the books that you're mentioning i get some links post them in the in the the details for my subscribers i know you know a lot of people love to be reading as much material as possible uh with these concepts so you know jason i i believe i want to kind of get your thoughts these are these are just my beliefs my current and subject to change see i think everything inside this self-cons i think we're living in a self-contained system and i think everything inside this self-contained system is a ponzi scheme and everything that's being run and operated mankind included are part of this ponzi scheme i believe mankind is being used and i've supported that like just looking at your bike in the 114 i was laughing because i know what it leads to and and i can see your code playing out through you and expressing through you and i feel like you're here to deliver this information because it's your job and responsibility and i also say this encourage to my readers and subscribers hey man stop giving your energy to these mr smiths on the world stage stop giving your energy to these predators like you know the the people i really wish people could understand how the true essence of energy exchange works i know that people want to fight back against these predators i get that because that's naturally programmed inside of our brain the mars energy the reptilian energy but you know what is your take on the because i feel like if you try to defend or do you try to push up against these archetypes on the world stage you're essentially giving them your energy and it just keeps them alive inside this simulation what are your thoughts on well uh an old occult maxim is what you resist persists it's a i i i go the opposite direction now i get that i used to be a fighter too i used to want to uh save the world and all but you know what we i try to explain to my own viewers that we live in two different realities and until you embrace the concept that there are two different existences playing out one for the collective and one for the individual until you fully embrace that you're going to have this this this uh you're gonna have this disparity between you and what you're trying to achieve in life because you have to understand that you are in your you like you said a totally totally contained system every individual inside the miligram is a universe unto himself and until you understand that you can draw from yourself more than you contain you don't get it if you believe that it's your energy that's required to accomplish anything you follow me i totally yes if you believe that you're not more than you you know perceive yourself to be then you're a part of the collective until you separate yourself from the collective you'll never truly understand that you're a universe to yourself and you can make your own laws and it's dangerous to to fight against what is already clearly established i don't believe the collective is going to change i don't believe a lot a lot of my listeners oh they come around in emails and and after a while but initially people hit this brick wall when i tell them i says look you're not going to change the world the world's going to do what the world's going to do because it has powers far beyond our ability to change as an individual and even if 100 000 individuals all think holy things and want to change the deal let me tell you the similar crime is going to isolate you so you guys can live in your perfect little world and perfect little community and everything is going to go hunky-dory for you and other people on the outside are not going to understand they're like how those people so people how those people are they're not going to understand that y'all have created that world for you but you're not going to change the exterior you're not going to change the simulacrum itself this military itself is now run by aix it's been hijacked and it will always isolate the errants away from the collective when they start working together when they start glowing when they start broadcasting instead of receiving because the only thing you're going you're the only thing time you're going to change your life and get the things you want out of life is when you quit being receptive to the collective and you start broadcast broadcasting as an individual yeah i i love it man i i wish people would folks if you resonated with that man or maybe that rubbed you the wrong way and you were like no now now folks really consider what he's saying here because that's a concept worthy of your attention there's a collective which is the most popular vote on the world stage which is a collection of a lot of things and then there's you you know and a lot of you spend two three hours on social media every day and you're giving your gas you're giving your energy away to these collective consciousness on the world stage and they're gladly welcoming your energy because they need it to stay alive i mean everybody's trying to make an influence on the world stage you go to instagram and you're flipping through instagram and everybody's you know a lot of people are doing like look at me and then and they're trying to get your energy they're trying to get likes they're trying to get subscribers they're trying to get you to buy their product that's all part of the collective right and then their individualistic efforts as well but what jason's saying here is you have the collective inside the self-contained system which is the aix the most popular vote the the things we've been indoctrinated with and then if you stop paying attention to these constructs and you took the energy that you normally would give to these constructs and took it back and put into something that was worthy of making this planet a better place to live and everybody would do that then we would start to create these new environments which would i think would push out it would push out that or at least maybe cre as you said create its own sphere or tourist field inside this self-contained very well said very well yeah i mean that's that and so the con list the greatest truth logan you already know are at are so simple that most people will stumble across them pick themselves up and just keep on walking because they won't even recognize that they just hit an axiom something axiomatic is always very very simple yeah and that's what it is yeah yeah i mean you know i'm still kind of tinkering with these ideas this this concept of like are we just creating our own fractal individually and whatever you end up dying with at the end of your life and if there is such a thing as not getting out of this game i don't know i maybe we should talk about that but see like i there's a there's a possibility of you never getting out of this game you just get recycled back in and you may level up and leveling up obviously is very complex because there are many facets to leveling up but like you know because i think about these concepts and i'm like why did they get that why did they get that life how come they're so fortunate there and then you look at someone who's really got a shitty code you know like they're born in poverty or war-torn cities or and just get a really rough code a lot of you out there you know you're experiencing really rough patches in your life and you're like man how did i get this i mean what are your thoughts on that jason do you think we get recycled back into this self-contained system or you think there's a way out hey i believe that that you and i and everybody listening to us have lived through many life sims through many cultures through many civilizations many time periods we have all experienced the phoenix phenomenon but in different ways according to how we were vibrating at the time i have mentioned over and over that the phoenix phenomenon is discriminating it goes by frequency those who are on the right frequency it just totally ignores like you don't even exist you're not the issue when the phoenix happens those who are on the wrong frequencies those are the ones that get it those who are already vibrating into fear in a fear mode it handles those people and this is over and over it's done this but we have to take our greatest instructor is nature itself even though this is all all simulated every single one of us is just like that little little sperma sperm what is it called a spermatoa spermatozoa yeah yeah i can't even say it came from but you can imagine all these little tadpoles just racing to fertilize the next egg all right well as we're living these life sims we are living in a collective that's all racing toward a certain point but we are the one that makes it and gives birth to the next life and it happens over again and over again and over again but it's there is alternatives this was this was never meant to last there is a reason why we're going through we have to understand that our god our creator is absolutely so fantastic that it understands that the negativity that that we absorb is only from this the environment it's all environmental it's things that we came into contact with but the things that are positive about us the things that actually enlighten our souls and all that that's us those things will stick with us all the dark stuff all the negative stuff with jason's foul mouth you know hey what what i've done in the past you know uh in prison talking [\h__\h] to prison guards um talking stupid to captains and wardens and then going shaking their hand and making sure they weren't too mad at me you know little things like this hey it's uh the negative things that we that we pick up in life they will be stripped away in the future because they're nothing but baggage they are a contagion of the times they're not an accurate reflection of the immortal soul that was going through that it's already understood that we're gonna pick up some real dark [\h__\h] because of look at the look at the reality we're going through but all the positivity that's what attaches and at the end of whatever 10 000 life sims we live in our calendar year of 2178 you know this number arcade's paradox the only immortal number it will not collapse in our calendar year 2178 this this milligram collapses elliott wave theory is absolutely correct there is embedded within our arithmetic a countdown it's subtle but if you if you if you reach if you pay attention to alienwave theory was the first one to actually put out this data that hey man we think we found a countdown like like reality itself is counting down to a terminus and this is what the archaic paradox was about myself and in a computer coder named noor i've already told you about this noah and i we ran a simulation and we found the exact same thing and we showed it there's exactly a countdown happening in our arithmetic it counts down to 2178 and it count it counts down from 11 dimensions but for some reason in every experiment and every sim that we ran we can't even see a 12 dimension we can't find it in mathematics anywhere but we know because 11 dimensions infers the reality of the 12th but we can't see it we can't fight it there we have a little now that's more interference i'm gonna try to remember where he uh left off there uh oh he was talking about the the layers and when he comes back on uh we'll get back into we'll finish up hopefully he can remember that thought but it was oh there he is okay you're back on brother you you were me you were talking about the we don't see the 12th we just see the 11th go ahead keep going that's pretty much that's almost the last thing i said it's all we we can't we can't see it in our simulations but maybe it's beyond 2178 maybe that's what 28 of 2178 is hiding because it doesn't collapse therefore it's an entrance to somewhere else we just don't know now there are physicists that i follow like paula violet is shot been tall i have high respect for these men uh this emo uh uh what's his name uh massimo citro these men have put out some very fascinating research they are beyond the the modern academia they put their physicists who actually have embraced hologram theory they have embraced simulation theory they put out some very fantastic material and paula violet has put out data showing that you know what maybe our entire existence is actually an anti-arithmetic to a real mathematics that lies beyond our comprehension man when i read that i fell in love with that man well it's interesting you mentioned the 11 and you know 11 is such a special number because uh you know it's it's it's tied to the number 89 in mathematics 89 is the 24th prime number and the 11th fibonacci number and that that 89 24 11 24 is the x right the letter x and 11 is tied to the uh letter k and it's it's a very special letter and special number 11 is tied to sodium and salt and what's inside of our bodies and you know in theology jesus says you're the salt of the earth and that 11 24 89 perhaps may fit into this equation that you're talking about and going beyond the scope of what this whole simulation's all about that's really interesting about the salt of the earth because uh that's a powerful statement salt salt is a preservative all right salt is a flavoring salt also kills the very things like parasites that that harm the human body so that's powerful that's a powerful statement you can go deep in the meetings with salt yeah you can i mean if you just take the concepts of a battery i feel we're living inside of a battery and we're all little cells in the battery and we feed the battery and the battery is positive and negative and we're being polarized down here on a dielectric plane and the where this essentially the battery if you look at the constructs of a battery there's what's called the salt bridge and the salt bridge is what carries the the conductivity of the the the positive and negative the anode and cathode back and forth the christ is that salt that's why he references the salt right so we're literally the cells that carry the currency back and forth from positive to negative inside this self-contained system and this self-contained system the the greeks talked about it and they said that mankind are food for the gods they referenced it as ambrosia and that's just that's so there's nothing new about like what i like i've been saying it that mankind's being used and what i mean by that is we're we're energy we're a food source i mean the vatican flag has the silver and gold keys on it okay i can agree with all that and but i also i do i do see something else unfolding as well okay what everything you just told me is true for one aspect of reality in my paradigm you are speaking about the collective the individuals who are not participating as the collective are they are not providing this energy that you're talking about they are anomalies they are errands but the very fact that they are not immediately eliminated from the construct as soon as they are shown to be of no value tells me that something outside the construct finds value in them yep yep yeah because i have i have been doing this for years now decoding reality i have almost 300 videos decoding people places and things yeah i mean i have a vast amount of time invested in this whole thing at my current stage of life right now right here my videos are becoming so more in tune with whatever code is using me i can't explain it but it's just like the numbers that come out with my video this one i guarantee like i'm gonna i'm gonna end up doing i'll end up doing this i won't even edit it i'll just do it like i normally do without ever looking at the timeline and somehow someway the number will match up and it'll tell me the story about how this reality works and so it's like okay i'm not part of the collective or at least have dis disembarked from it of a great deal i didn't even know like the hurricane my parents like hey are you okay then you got a hurricane i don't even know the hurricane was here i just like oh it's raining out right because that's how much i pay attention to the mainstream i'm not even paying attention to it you know i don't i try not to even look at it because i don't want to feed it right i'm consciously aware that but nonetheless nevertheless my code still keeps showing up so is it like okay do you get out of the collective and now you move into perhaps the source code that's running that you know obviously theoretical but you know how do we explain these layers that we're okay i i can i can i can't okay i'd love to hear your description on well first of all you are a universe unto yourself so what's you're detached and you'll never be totally 100 detached correct collective correct it's still important you're still a part of this paradigm correct you're just not moving down a reality tunnel that's being governed you have basically created your own reality tunnel aix is leaving you alone but in leaving you alone now you as an immortal you're able through intuition through empathy and through imagination to be able to be more receptive to the data that you're looking for you're looking for codes but an astrologer is looking for you know astrological signs all kinds of material a herbalist is going to find better remedies better cures better ways to use old systems when that herbalist is totally focused on what they're doing because we are closed systems unto ourselves and because we draw from ourselves more than we contain this information isn't ours we're pulling it from another source beyond aix yeah we're pulling this data when you find these geometrical gematria codes it's not because logan jason is more intelligent than everybody else in the world it's not because jason for shares is more intelligent than people that he finds all these little things and produces these videos i've said that over and over and over it's because i have become more receptive to all the things that i'm that i'm looking for by ignoring the world around me i pay attention to the world within and that's what you're doing and that's what a herbalist is doing that's what an astrologer is doing it doesn't matter what your focus is the whatever our benefactor is that's beyond the control of aix that's the one feeding the feeding us the very things we're searching for so in a way it's confirmation bias yeah but also also it's a total recognition that the outside construct has no control over over the highly individualized beings yeah those so i'm somewhat on board with that i still think it's all a big ponzi scheme but nonetheless it was interesting i i was really heavily studying heavily studying sophia and sirius and her offspring called yalaboth which i just think is the touch of gramaton the god of the bible and there and lucifer and jesus they're all in bed together it's pretty much the same construct just different names and archetypes but it's you know someone this great philosopher i can't remember who it was and it really resonated with me and maybe you listening it's going to resonate with you and jason you know what do you think about this but it says like when when you stop pointing the finger when you stop doing the blame game which a lot of people do and i used to be one of them when you stop doing that it will leave you alone and i say it i'm saying whatever is running the aix it's going to leave you alone because it you're not you're not pissing it off you're it's it's like well you're you're kind of like uh you're not a threat to it anymore but when you engage and you point the finger and you're pushing up against and that resistance it's like okay you want to mess around with me well i'm going to pull you right back into my construct and you're going to feel the wrath of what i'm going to do to you and i think i feel like that's has a lot of importance on everything that we've been talking about what is your take on that like leaving it alone and create i mean we talked about all this stuff so you kind of summarized it already but let's go a little bit deeper with this what are you what are your what are your thoughts on that well if you stop demon chasing and that and that applies to anything negative in your life manager that you have a problem with in politics or in in in your community in religion whatever your neighbor if you stop demon chasing you have completely ended a feedback loop the more you pay attention to something the more energy that you invest in it and if there's energy invested in it it will always return back to you in whatever form that you send it out yeah it's a feedback loop what you're describing in simplest common denominator is ending the feedback loop yeah and and and and and basically basically ignoring the very things that bother you is the best way to do away with them yeah cut the cut the silver silver lining so to speak yeah stop tossing the boomerang over in that area and and cr and that that's that's sort of the beautiful thing about this like people trying to still grasp this whole simulate what do you mean we're in a simulation it's not real you know and then well okay well then what well who cares so people then a lot of people maybe you get this too but a lot i see a lot of people saying well if it's all just part of the simulation who cares who cares what's the point of living and what's the point of doing this and what's the point do you get a lot of that from your from your feedback i don't i don't get a lot i get it every once in a while but and i and i will i will afford those doubters a few but if i'm but if but if they're still going down that road and i realize okay look i can't you want me to compress 275 videos into three or four comments i'm not gonna do it i said you're not gonna drag me into that yeah if you're not willing to take the time to learn something i'm not willing to sit here and extrapolate so this is uh but but i do get that from time to time however you also have to take in consideration that a lot of people aren't ready for and i have even invited people on my channel to leave i said look listen if this is too much for you right now because i believe in planting seeds i know how powerful they are and whatever i cannot whatever i cannot do and convey in the present i know that my words seven eight months down the line are gonna be triggered by a phenomenon that you that you experience and you're gonna remember and i know that if it's meant to be you'll come back i'm not worried about it yeah so i'm not going to argue with those people i'm not and and uh i feel for them but in the end there's a lot of people who watch our videos who have no business watching them they need to move around that's a one-on-one i'm not going to entertain negativity uh there's been just like my facebook when outback was on facebook i eliminated so many people from the group now i can't even believe there's ten thousand people in the group oh i don't even know where they came from but on my youtube channel is the same way it's i block i wish you two would allow me to block people from the from the deal but it only allows you to block you hide the user yeah so nobody can speak their comments but yeah i get trolls but oh there's something about stimulation theory that strikes deep chords in people and they respond in anger they respond uh if you can get find it in a comment i read it so it's not a it's not i don't i don't i just i feel sorry for those people but i am not going to waste energy on on somebody who's going to sit there and just beat up against the wall yeah yeah no i i'm the same way man i i struggle with it though you know i still being authentic with everybody here i struggle sometimes with uh with replying to people's comments uh and my my intentions are not to like be be a dick to you or or anything like that it's just like i stand by my research i do more than the average bear and when i see somebody that is heavily invested in the constructs of the common the common construct i'm like well i can't i can't discuss what i know with someone who's not even in the same simulation in a sense you know it's it's just so challenging and then so i have to like i always you know i don't i was like maybe i'm just going to shut my comments off man to avoid to avoid to avoid just avoid the energy you know because logan you got to understand many of the people that we come in contact with on a daily basis they're agents of aix they don't even know they're being used they don't even know it yep yep i don't even know i have any idea and then it might be three days later they they start realizing like damn why not spend six hours on that dumbass youtube channel yeah they're a part of the they become so immersed in all the paradigms that are forced in by aix they are used by aix on a daily basis yeah over and over totally i mean i mean frustrate you to frustrate you yeah keep you doing something else you're sitting here entertaining comments from people who don't even believe anything can't be made to believe something if it happened in front of them and so these are these are ways aix aix is the great distractor always yep recognize that activity right cut it all yeah or just not entertain it you know i'm trying to get better at doing that just i'll let you want to put your comments in there and say whatever you want and then not even reply on that i think that's going to be my new approach i tried that before and i i didn't it didn't last very long but i think i'm getting better at that but anyway so jason if someone's new to this where would you suggest that they start researching is there a book you would suggest i mean obviously your channel is filled with this content and you have them all numbered and you know you do a great job with your channel but if someone's a reader would you suggest going to certain books or certain youtube videos besides yours i i have to go back to uh it shot ishaq bento an astrophysicist he wrote two small books that he wrote oh wait a minute the pendle's talking the wild pendulum yes dude dude that book is i've read the book so many times i love that book listen listen i he has another book that's written for the for the general public he wrote very advanced concepts into into a prose that anybody can understand and read the book the book is called a brief tour of higher consciousness this is ishak bintal i suggest every anybody who wants to to learn about simulation theory and and basically grasp it re-read these two books these two books will open your mind up after you read these two books everything on my channel is gonna you know gonna it's gonna scream at you i think i'm gonna i think i'm i haven't read stalking the wild pendulum in such a very long time i think i'm going to i think i'm going to pull it back out all right both of those two books well we'll just open windows he wrote them for that purpose they were not written for the scientific community yeah they were written for the everyday man yeah he did his own illustrations and stuff i i just love the book man yeah i love those books oh yeah yeah they're both small they're both small books you know you can get them you can get you can get through each book of the day but you know yeah cause you get a lot of illustrations in there okay so there you have it folks uh and i'm gonna i'm gonna go back through this and leave the descriptions of what he's recommending uh in in the once i put this right back up because i know this i know there's a delay in the audio so now logan there are some listeners who are ready to take it to the next level and for those we can leave that link there because anyone who wants to go in deep about how hologram theory shows how timelines and world history go forward and backward all my isometric stuff listen you need to read a hundred years ago a man wrote a book petey al-spinski wrote tertium organum you need to read that book okay so i'm going to make sure that i very technical that book will lose a lot of people but if you stick with it man it will expand your consciousness awesome well don't you folks you don't have to remember and what you want to remember is i'm going to re-upload this after we're done tonight probably and it's going to probably take a few hours to match up the voice with our mouths to get rid of the delay and then when i upload it i'm going to get the lists from jason and i'm going to put them in the description so you can just if i can find them either that or i'll just put the amazon or whatever your favorite book club is i'm thinking i'll send you copies of the book covers i i have copies of all those book covers in my files nice i'll email them to you not nice i mean i can i'm getting a picture of stalking wild pendulum because man that book really really really got me uh i was just so enamored by that book that guy once you read the thing once you read that book you'll understand how time is an illusion within the construct and how we're made to believe it yeah it's awesome yeah i mean you know timing's time it's interesting because we say it's an illusion right people love throwing that around like time's not real but like i can see the clock moving so essentially essentially it's a contradiction because it is real because i mean we've been doing this podcast now it says over an hour and 20 minutes so the clock's ticking right now so it is an illusion but because everything's all about the now moment right but it's still a constructing contradictory illusion yeah he goes into into great detail about perspective and like i i i have i have conveyed in several videos that the leaner the linear time that we're feeling right now this this sequence of events outside the construct we may have lived multiple life sims in just 37 minutes you know in the time outside the contra in here everything could have been compressed logan when we're done with this entire experience we may take our headsets off while we're having a massage because we've been laying down for for nine days but in those nine days we have we have technicians that are massaging blood back into our muscles and all that they remove the headset we have somebody come de-brief us make sure a doctor checks our vital signs make sure we've been completely comatose for nine days and yet we live through 5 800 years experience experiencing about 47 lifetimes you know it could it's all very plausible because our it's all very plausible if this is simulated because a simulated existence can be compressed yep yeah compressed exactly compressing the data yeah yeah exactly oh this is obviously so very fascinating uh that that in itself like i mean i just released my illumination yesterday decoded and in there in the beginning i used videos alluding to the fact because with the simulation glasses on and and people moving around and doing that and and kind of you know giving the observer the idea of living in this virtu this is a virtual reality but it's it's not it's not real and it's not run by us it's something outside of this this this reality itself beyond the constructs randy piper gave it all up in the 80s it's all about the glasses it's all about the glasses that's why they wear the sunglasses you know that's why i had them on yeah i mean the terminator i'll be back sunglasses neo and neo and trinity in the matrix sunglasses morpheus sunglasses you're going to see was that you that told me somebody told me you did a video on we live or they live i did i decoded they live that's right yeah that was one of my favorite movies in the 80s oh it's great another one of my favorite movies way before i ever engaged in the phoenix research a movie came out in the early 80s that i love i watched the vhs take probably 20 times it's called knight of the comet oh yeah i remember that movie i remember that movie you need to decode that movie okay i'll check i'll check it out in the very beginning of the movie these four kids are at a movie theater that's underground that they just casually mentioned used to be a world war ii like bomb shelter the ceiling was lead so everybody in new york is waiting outside for this this supposedly comet to go by earth and when they wake up in the morning they've been partying they get drunk and they fall asleep in this movie in this movie house when they go to the street in the morning all the humans are gone their clothes are everywhere and there's red dust all over new york and they spend a whole day partying in new york before they come across some zombies people that were exposed to the red dust and then toward the middle of the movie the government comes out from their facilities underground they already knew it was kind of anyway anyway the whole thing is so phoenix related yeah it's it's fantastic i'm gonna definitely i know the movie so i'm gonna i'm gonna take your suggestion and try to dig into it a little bit so we're getting towards the tail end of this uh simulation theory part two my guest jason from uh let's let's kind of move now into this phoenix event and your your dates on the calendar are um 1940 is when you think the next phoenix event uh is going to happen and that would mean 100 and we do the 138 math and subtracting that we go all the way back to the last one which was in 1902. um so you know it's really interesting because i i'm a fan of campbell and uh auto didactic i know that you've joined forces and done a podcast with him he's got some great information and ever since i was introduced to him through santos uh once again thanks santos barachi uh you know the research with the mud floods and it's just so apparent that this is the phoenix event right and the the these cities being toppled over with however that got there but then you see these buildings that they just don't seem like they belong there because there's a horse and buggy and people riding that and there's these glorious temples that are there and it's just like something just doesn't sync up right there right well from our perspective from the bs the bs historical narratives that have been passed down to us it doesn't make sense right but when you when you take the human family into proper context i say this all the time it just takes 200 years to go from horse and buggy to hadron collider and when that really sinks in you can put all that into perspective the things that howdy has found the things that auto didactic talks about and all that listen we had technologically advanced deals the phoenix the phoenix appeared in 1212. it appeared in 1350. it appeared again in 1626 uh in 1488 it appeared in uh before 1902 uh astronomer hoffman saw it in 1764 we have no idea how many of these resets occurred now you know that i just recently did a 1902 video my fourth 1902 video so we have so much data about the reset that happened in 1902 that the scientific community will not even admit and yet we processed all this data we've got all these data points we got data sets from 1902 and yet so how much data have we lost that something unusual happened in 1764 because right after 1764 united states was born united states took on the greatest empire the world has ever seen and won and i'm talking all kinds of weird things just unfolded the pirate wars no one even talks about the original us navy was a pirate navy we didn't even have a real name but oh there's all kinds there's all kinds of really anomalies from 1764 to 1776 that are inexplicable so what you're talking about is these architectural anomalies that these guys are talking about were very real all i'm bringing to the table is a chronological perspective showing look man we have a template that goes back 5 800 years when these events occur you guys are right these are mud floods but that's what that's what phoenix does it vibrates the ground in such high intensity that everything sinks it just goes straight into the ground and then then archaeologists like the ones that excavating goblin teepee their dumb asses come up and then they publish scientific reports saying oh you know what uh they knew that they knew this area was going to be destroyed so they buried it underground before they left that's ridiculous the whole notion is ridiculous but uh you're right man we have been technologically advanced not not before but many times and i want to plug somebody real quick because i plugged him on my channel but jonathan gray of the website has has basically isolated archaeological artifacts and discoveries going back hundreds of years of everything that has been found technologically advanced that the scientific community won't touch this man's website and his [Applause] i don't know if he's got a youtube channel but i did see that he has a youtube video it's basically an audiobook of this fantastic book that talks about all this nice jonathan gray and it's before and i have a video about it before uh so check it out ladies and gentlemen before that if you give a shout out that says a lot right there um you know i had this theory thinking about all these constructs thinking about coming on and talking about this with you and then my deep research that i've been doing it's kind of led me to like you know i've i've talked about us living inside this this self-contained system i believe it's more in the shape of an egg than anything else the cosmic egg and inside an egg that you buy at the grocery store there a lot of people and i was one of them they think there's an animal in there but the truth is there's no animal inside of an egg the embryo needs to be incubated it needs to be built by incubation by heat so the only thing that's alive in that egg essentially is the yolk which is called the vitalis and the egg albumin which is the white the egg the egg white and i think that that is really the constructs of how reality works so this purely is theoretical jason but i want to get your take on this is it possible because a lot of the mythologies they talk about gaia giving birth to these planets now is it because the sun is the yolk that's that's obvious the the vite the yolk in an egg is what feeds the embryo as it's being incubated it's the life source of the embryo and is it possible that all of us are the embryo which is inside the earth and the collective energy that we're creating or individual energy we are essentially creating an embryo inside a little baby and it's going to hatch and that hatching may indeed be the phoenix event and when that phoenix rises it may just be that we're all part of giving birth to a new planet that jumps up into the uh outside the firmament however that looks and i know this is very abstract this may be new it was something that i've kind of been working on but i want to get your thought what do you think of that whole that's a purely theoretical now but we give birth to the phoenix we actually create it and then it goes and may end up creating another planet well i don't know i just thought i know the egg is a very very ancient symbol as a matter of fact it's one of two the two oldest symbols in the old totem matriarchal societies and those were all before the patriarchal uh the oldest ones is that the the cosmos was an egg but the world was a giant turtle and these two these two symbols are like the oldest i have ever found and uh they're even admitted they're even admitted you know the puranic the vedic the vedic commentaries as being uh oldest among the symbols i do believe they added details and embedded commentaries in the puranas that uh it was the world on a turtle's back and not the turtle itself yeah but like on a shell but uh the the egg being a metaphysical symbol for uh the birth of something is not a departure i mean that's exactly what an egg does it it brings something new into the world so yeah i i mean i don't really do well with metaphysical interpretations because i can't really attach a number to them it's all but i do follow them and i've done a lot of the the research putting the data aside man trying to figure out where it fits in my paradigm and all that but i know the egg was a very ancient symbol for the cosmos and that the cosmos was here to give birth to something yeah other than that oh other than that i can't go i don't really know i just want yeah i just wanted to kind of get your take on i just think that it ties into the phoenix event really really nicely actually and the collective and what we're all giving birth to and why there's so much influence on the world stage like are we are we giving are we going to create an embryo and you know it's interesting because the turtle actually turtles they lay eggs so it's just really interesting how those two go together well wouldn't it wouldn't the phoenix lay an egg of course yeah i i didn't even think i just made you so sure absolutely yeah yeah yeah it's really really interesting well anyway man we're on an hour and a half and i want to i think this maybe unless you want to actually actually just one more topic and then we're going to end this but let's talk about something beautiful right shall we well let's talk about the possibility of where this world is headed once we end up having this phoenix event what is your take on that when this phoenix event happens you're saying in 2040 right around there what do you think the world's gonna look like at that point oh you said you wanted to talk about something beautiful so i'm going to go beyond that okay all right may 15 2040 is the date for the phoenix return all right we're gonna go beyond that beyond all the apocalyptic period we're gonna go beyond all the return of the chief cornerstone we're gonna go beyond all of that to the collapse of the smell from itself if we if we strip away all the prophetic all the dressings that have been attached to the prophetic narratives that we have found throughout history if we strip away all the cultural attachments and we strip away all the prejudicial material we are left with a body of teachings that basically basically infers that we're here to be trained for something great because this is nothing but a training ground we are here as if we are immortals going through a program for a reason because like the christian nerd the christian the creation the christian narrative which were borrowed a lot from the from the gnosis and the gnosis was born a lot of it was hermetic a lot of it was taken from old alexandrian texts that were taken from the orphic faith and taken from the delphic faith going back to the sibley the sibling oracles he says we have this chain of knowledge of this belief that in the world beyond we are going to be like emissaries envoys divine divine appointments where we're going to be sent to places where our testimony is going to be so incredibly unbelievable to other civilizations that never heard of a curse of sin had never heard of an aix or never heard of murder death and burning at the stake never would have imagined all the horrors that we have experienced in all these lifestyles when we experience this and we receive these important appointments it's because the creator has never stopped there was no such thing as a creation the creation has never ended it's not an event it's a it's a continuum and because it's a continuum it will always need envoys to go to new places to teach we may have had one of those envoys come here inside this construct and do the same thing this is all and to give give his testimony period appears in different ways i believe that every single one of us the true parents not the npcs not the living dead but those of whom those of us who make it through all the way to the end when the similar crime collapses we are the ones given a white stone we are the ones given a new garment which has our name while we're here we don't have a name logan my name jason only attaches to my avatar it's not my real name i haven't earned that yet but when the similar chrome collapses my name will be will be determined by all the things that have attached to me and i accept it as true all the positivity that i gain for every lifestyle that becomes my new cloak my new cloak is this new immortal body that i will enjoy and i will i will i will have the very powers that i assumed through my life sims when i appear in another universe in a whole other cosmos i will be the only one and to those in that civilization they will see me as an anomaly and then i will spread my my faith i'll spread my my teachings i'll spread my beliefs because if the creation is not stopped then that means there's an infinite amount of worlds to visit to share our experience yeah like i'm like a mandelbrot set exactly just like a mandelbrot set yeah there's no end there's no wheel yeah no and that's that's the beautiful part about this i guess we could you know thanks for that explanation that that is a beautiful scenario to really focus upon uh and you know ladies and gentlemen if you're if you're here you know and you're resonating with this information you know realize that death is just an illusion i mean if you think time is an illusion well what about death and then again you know there's nothing to fear because we're running in a cycle we're running in a pattern under the simulation and we know that it runs in cycles right and um because of that really the biggest element for you is what are you giving your energy to and this may be part of your free will if we have any of that is that what are you giving your energy to what are you giving your gas to right and are you a stand-alone are you a lone wolf as jason said are you part of the collective or have you taken your power back and now you're creating your own set of rules standards et cetera et cetera and i think that's really where it's at i really do i feel like i'm there or at least going towards that way just for more the space that i'm at being authentic with myself and it's a never-ending process i feel you know the people i surround myself with are are headed that way as well um but uh it's an individualistic journey and all that matters ladies and gentlemen is what you believe and what you see not what i say not what jason says not what anybody else says it's not what your neighbor tells you it really is all about what you end up adopting is your beliefs in the very end so jason i want to thank you once again this was this was i think this was better than the first one uh this was great flow of energy i really oh honestly really from the deepest parts of my heart appreciate you and your research what you're doing here as your avatar uh and you know i think you're just doing a great job at all your all your stuff and i know we'll be joining forces again maybe i'll end up uh being the co-host with santos when you come on the syncretism society again i'm all hey i will say this you mentioned you mentioned campbell uh i don't know how he's gonna be there but on the sixth this coming monday i'll be back on with auto didactic oh you're coming out with campbell again okay awesome folks if you don't know who campbell is he's he's one of the you know the the uh the leaders in the mud floods and all this he's a great guy he's got a uh youtube channel called auto didactic and go subscribe to his channel go kick around go kick the tire go research some of his stuff so jason's gonna be on his channel on the 6th this the next monday on the 6th yeah monday what's up what time oh 7 i'm going to be almost 7 a.m because oh wow he's got this he's got this real large following in australia get out your coffee folks nice nice all right my brother well i again i really appreciate you much love to you and your community over at folks if you like this video consider subscribing to my channel or jason's channel more importantly jason's channel go check out in research his stuff that he's put out archaics dot com is his website jason beshears is his name he's an authoritative figure in the world of chronology history and what he calls the similacrum so once again folks ladies and gentlemen thanks for joining tonight or wherever you are in the world maybe it's the morning time for you my name is logan for decode your reality as i always say until next time folks we're going to see you later in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website