Sitchin Published False Anunnaki Chronology Knowingly

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I remember John of arcades has asked a very intriguing question why woods if Elias issue published false information why would he publicize the theory that he knew was an error we're gonna answer that in this video we're gonna do that tonight for those of you who are sittin i'ts who believe everything that Zecharia Sitchin publishes the absolute gospel truth you're probably gonna get your feelings for tonight but it's a video you need to watch not in the West this is archaic calm so we can all agree the zecharia sitchin to earth Chronicles series is wildly successful we can all agree that it's very tantalizing it is interesting and that he's a best-selling author he's just combining all these facts does not at all mean that the narrative the heap he puts forth is true there are a lot of people who dislike my research there are a lot of people who really really like Zachary Sitchin and I understand the books are fantastic but these same individuals have never read David Adyar Childress Maureen gallery Kovaks Hans Bellamy Immanuel Velikovsky Gerald Massey of the 1880s Samuel Noah Cramer there are many big names there are many many scholars who have studied Sumerian antiquities zecharia sitchin is not the only one who can translate and as a matter of fact there are many sumerian translators who don't believe that Cariah teaching can really accurately translate the Sumerian pictographs the logograms the even the later cuneiform excuse me a lot of promise that was not a cove in 19th of this in Zecharia Sitchin's research is is fascinating 1970s the first book came out you have to take it into context zecharia sitchin was trying to break into a market at the time that was wildly crazy with UFO G alien theory it was the 1970s we had we had seen the rise of Jacques Vallee we had seen the rise of the 1947 Roswell incident we had seen the rise since 1962 of UFOs Encounters of the Third Kind actual human alien interaction zecharia sitchin sought a place in that demographic he sought a place trying to break into a realm of literary success that Erich von Daniken was reaching at that time Erich von Daniken paved the way Chariots of the Gods is absolutely fantastic and nowhere does Erich von Daniken need to arbitrarily afix descriptions and interpretations to Sumerian words that don't exist Erich von Daniken's research is very interesting he believes in the ancient alien theory he believes 100% that the earth has been visited multiple times he believes as Sitchin does but his evidence is called from far different sources zecharia sitchin first began with interpreting Sumerian texts to put forth his theories but before him libero and its identity was already uh it was already a debate among scholars in in you know astrologers and magicians of babylon a book published in 1903 or 1904 I have a copy in my library I even cited a few times and some of my articles in the post maybe even one of my books Annunaki homeworld but scholars are arguing over the existence of two objects one is the pin P India T which caused all kinds of massive destruction in the ancient world later on the Greeks called it Phoenix and the other was Nibiru which was a source of it was a source of controversy see it means the fairy in play it appears at the crossing the crossover but absolutely no arithmetic no calendrical mathematics no orbital history has ever been found in any Sumerian elamite Ugaritic Egyptian ancient Israelite I only in Sumerian Akkadian Babylonian texts nothing it is entirely an invention of Zecharia Sitchin his three thousand six 600 year theory for the orbit of Nibiru was arbitrarily taken from the Sumerian char dating tin chars as 3,600 days zecharia sitchin I would like to be able to tell you made honest mistakes but he totally omitted the scholarship of prior centuries and even millennia even in interpreting Atlantis even interpreting the 9,500 year of Atlantis pushing it back to a date that is absolutely impossible because the Atlanteans could have never been at war with the Greeks who didn't exist at the time even the Greek history's only push back their histories to the days of old guy geez and it is well attested it in many ancient chronograph circle texts but the old guy Gian flood was only the 16th or 17th century BC there is no way there is no place for an Atlantis way back in 9500 BC which Graham Hancock and Andrew Collins and so many popular authors are all trying to push this date back of a younger driest period an arbitrary falsified Ice Age that never happened even the flora in the fauna that thrived during this Ice Age fiction has now been affirmatively shown by paleo biologists they know they know for a fact and if published study after study after study showing that the woolly mammoths the woolly rhinos the giant tree sloths all these flora and fauna from the Ice Age younger driest period they lived in a jungle to temperate area mammoth is saw in in Siberia have been found with buttercups undigested on their tongues it's impossible this ice age is BS the establishment has known it for a long time but they allow these authors to push these false narratives because anything is acceptable as long as they don't publish the truth zecharia sitchin did not offend the establishment so his books became wildly successful he was allowed to this translate a word in many scholars of the day laughed at his researcher when when the stairway to heaven came out they didn't even entertain it there's absolutely no way that you can take any cognate or any Sumerian logograms and translate them to rocket ship it does not work the word is shim sham ooh zecharia sitchin in order to make his narrative worked his fiction his spaceship chronologies were had to a fix the interpretation rocket ship to the word shim but in every instance that word appears it only has two meanings and it's found all throughout the Old Testament in many Semitic writings that meaning is either named as an I will make you a great name in the earth a great shim well what happened every time a significant event occurred in the Old Testament what happened when somebody important died what happened when two men entered into an accord two nations a peace a peace agreement they built a monument and the word shim that zecharia sitchin has translated over and over and over as rocket ship from new sumerian which was later passed on to the a Kadeem in the Ugaritic in the Canaanite and the Hebrew in the is Allah Israelite and then the ionian is simply monument over and over and over when it's talking about moving and receiving materials from somewhere else going up and down from this ours shyam is found over and over in second rising music recisions writings and he says rocket ships were going up and down but it's not what the that's not what these ancient texts are conveying they are conveying that a monument a shim was on this planet somewhere on the surface of this world and it was used to convey materials up and down from the sky whatever that monument was or wherever it is today is up for you to decide but it's a very interesting scenario we have we have with zecharia sitchin the accusation of intellectual dishonesty we can't maintain the veracity of his writings and and and claim with any honesty that zecharia sitchin did not intentionally set out to deceive and the reason we say this is his arithmetic is absolutely false and he knew it zecharia sitchin it was it's probably way more well-read than I am my own personal bibliography in my library is now over 1300 nonfiction reference works and I cite every single one of them in my published books but zecharia sitchin has read way more than me I have no academic credential I am only a man of immense curiosity in great memory the zechariah ascension had read the exact same sanskrit translations i had he has read the bhagavad-gita the Mahabharata the Puranas he has read the Rig Veda he has read so many commentaries on the haagen-dazs and many others Talmudic tags so he knew that his four thousand three hundred and thirty two thousand chars was not four thousand three hundred and thirty two thousand years his Annunaki history did not stretch stretched almost half a million years he did that to make his narrative work but nothing that happened four hundred and thirty two thousand years ago would have any historical relevance to anything happening later it's too a period of time no personality would have existed even if someone was to have live that long would they still be the same person 432,000 years later would they still be relevant to whoever they were biologically cerebrally Eve spiritually to who they were when that time period began half a million years earlier no it's it's inconceivable but the answer lies in the Vedic text the Vedic texts described it was twelve hundred years and that twelve hundred years was four thousand four hundred and thirty thousand two hundred days the math is perfect because the ancients were clean year was three hundred in 60 days three hundred and sixty turnings is three hundred and sixty chars just like the book of Genesis described and the evening and the morning was the first day and the evening in the morning was the seventh day and God said that it was good zecharia sitchin knew his sharks or turnings he even alludes to it in his own writings to the doubt that he had many times over that his own chronologies were in error but he pushed forth anyway when his first book came out it was a challenge it was basically a challenge to the academic community to start looking at the Sumerian records from a whole new perspective but the problem is if you're going to take if you want people to peer review your material and take you seriously you need to be more honest about how you translate your words and how you fit your narratives into a chronological scheme chronology is my expertise my 510 page chronicon is free to the entire world on rkx comm and I challenge anybody anybody to look at it and see any errors in my adding of 41 different calendars forward and backward in time to put together a synthetic history of the world that's last over five thousand six hundred years all my other books rely on that chronology I changed no dates and most of the dates all come from other sources the history of the world is easily recorded if you leave the establishment positions alone and you go straight to the specialist literature and put the narrative together yourself it all fits together perfectly we have with zecharia sitchin a false a pseudo history backed up by pseudoscience completely backed up by publishers who saw a sensation and they over marketed it and they've got all these people believing in these great fantastic Anunnaki history's when they were only compressed within a twelve century period the seven King the seven kings of the Anunnaki who ruled before the flood the Nephilim dynasty of seven Kings is on the Sumerian prism King list and it's two hundred and forty-one thousand Shar two hundred chars two hundred and forty one thousand two hundred chars is the length of the seven kings of the Anunnaki who collapsed the old world and caused the gods to flood the world and destroy humanity and everything they had built well two hundred and forty one thousand two hundred is really easy a period of time because in other historical narratives we find out that the seven wicked Dragon kings of the old world only ruled for six hundred years but in the sumerian king list if we fix the term turning a day and a night to the charr then two hundred becomes six hundred and seventy years and seven kings can definitely rule you know in a dynasty for six hundred and seventy years this is what we have a ziggurat Sitchin absolute deceit a seven Qing Dynasty did not rule for two hundred and forty one thousand two hundred years and he knew it but he had already published book one so he continued with the narrative in book two and then in book three and then before the earth chronicles from book one puts forth a totally falsified chronology and then sticks with it it's ridiculous relate but there but some good has come out of it it has open people's eyes I encourage you to divorce ourselves from the theories of Zecharia Sitchin and look deeper because we have Sumerians who recorded the appear the first appearance in the Anunnaki not like when technician said there was a new race that appeared that was tall alabaster skin sky I'd like white or emerald I'd they appeared and they were astonishing they were like wizards they had technology their infrastructure was absolutely intact they appeared among a short stature smooth skin dark-haired dark-eyed race the Sumerians did descend into the bayens new beds were a very short statute people very kin to the people of the urn by the valley of South America dark-haired dark-eyed straight hair smooth skin smooth skin short stature and suddenly a fleet of vessels they had never seen before landed on their Shores not spaceships wooden ships but they had technology they had tablets they carry the little bags that allowed them allowed them and these bags have been seen all over the ancient world on reliefs from Egypt all the Sumer and you were at the Hittites in South America Central America and the Qumu people these little bags are found everywhere and they contained the operating systems too vast equipment that can move stone and build build roads and monuments it was basically their tablets their tablets controlled everything it's where the ancient scribes from the ancient world even got the idea of putting cuneiform on a clay tablet to preserve knowledge because it was a physical memory of the technological tablets that these these people had remember in my prior posts I show you definitive evidence that the human race can go from horse and buggy to Hadron Collider in just two hundred years do you have any idea how many times we have been reset how many times the historical narrative has been falsified so you would believe in a linear projection of uniformitarian view that we have evolved from these little hairy primate monkeys and become the people we are today in a linear projection under uniform mystic views it's [\h__\h] every bit of its [\h__\h] railroad tracks and machine tracks have been found all over this planet almost petrified in stone Aalto was once covered with them the Great Pyramid in Egypt is also a techno lytic artifact not only will machines required to build it but it was a machine itself I like Zecharia Sitchin's research and I do not want to denigrate a man who has now left us he has he has moved and exited this program to become whatever it is he became he moved on he has passed away but I'm personally but I'm personally connected to him as well my publisher book tree in San Diego Paul tights used to be Zakaria stitching's personal videographer I have an archive the zecharia sitchin photos nobody else has I've posted a couple before there into some of my videos Paul ties traveled the world with zecharia sitchin and he loves that man and I and I hate to be the bearer of information I am a sitting critic I believe 100% of the anunnaki I believe one herbalist in the Annunaki histories but they are not as Sitchin presented the truth is fascinating and he didn't have to lie to make it interesting it's far more intriguing than the deceptions that he passed off he made mistakes he might not have been genuine lies but once you realize he had made the mistakes he continued to perpetuate them he didn't want to change David Hector Childress has written books that have even more evidence of the Anunnaki in the ancient world without ever mentioning the Anunnaki all the evidence the zecharia sitchin new uses is a new to the public because zecharia sitchin has increased increased learning from a whole pool of people that were ever interested in these topics before so that's where the advantage lies but the proof is that other writers like David Hatcher Childers I'm very impressed with his lost cities series huge books like eight or nine of them these books were fascinating because he goes from continent to continent showing you all the archeological anomalies that cannot be cannot cannot be explained without really offering a lot of theories about how they were done just show you that there there erich von daniken had done the exact same thing but Aaron but da Daniken has put out many many books on the ancient alien theory all of these men are taking all this evidence that humans have had very sophisticated technologically advanced civilizations on this planet multiple times many times we have attained in level of sophistication in many times we have been reset the truth is actually harrowing and most people don't want to receive it but people are so angry at the elite and at the establishment that the orders that some of which the Masons are but a finger on a fist they're so angry but they don't realize why these organizations exist in what they truly fear as long as the majority of humanity is kept in ignorance as long as a dark age can be can be foisted upon the people as long as enlightenment cannot be obtained or be pushed back as long as deceit and paradigms that are untrue being pushed upon the people's educational organizations or our schools or whatever is as long as humans never come into contact with the truth the elite remaining control the elite lose control when the majority begins to become enlightened but the problem is far more complex than that the elite know of a mechanism that is in existence a very curious property about our world it is the Phoenix phenomenon it is the apex of my research the Phoenix phenomenon only activates when humans have reached a level of sophistication and enlightenment that the elite can no longer maintain a control over or exercise any authority over the Phoenix activates and set everybody back the elite are not a part of the censorship system they are not a part Phoenix system they are aware about it because in ancient times they had fallen victim to many times and they had created organizations that would keep humanity dull because there are governors all around the world hidden in our sky that monitor all human affairs and when we become a threat the system reboots Phoenix is activated we are basically effed off in volcanic resurfacing and tsunamis tidal waves gamma-ray bursts all these things are disguised to make us believe that they are natural phenomena when they are not there absolutely induced by technology far more fantastic than we possess but before we go in before I digress and go into other topics and subject matters that should be the subject matters of other videos John your question about zecharia sitchin is very is a very simple answer the man the man had published his book during a time when everybody was making a killing publishing books on alien theory erich von Daniken had started something the earth chronicles book one was fantastic and the Anunnaki was a raging success but the problem is is samuel noah kramer marine galerie Kovacs so many other sumerian translators had already been translating these texts they did not see any of this that zecharia sitchin saw so much creative license was he was employed in the promulgation of his theories that we can actually call Sitchin a liar on many of the things that he translated Nibiru does not in any way infer a planet it was a phenomenon during a major fleet crossing of ships that left a cataclysm torn region and he showed up on the shores where the Sumerians first came into contact with them the Anunnaki were a race of Caucasians tall white skin blue-eyed nothing like the show statue dark-haired dark-eyed people who had no written language hardly no traditions were living as animals at the time these Caucasians came with an entire history intact from another area of this world that had been destroyed in much the same vein as before them the cro-magnon who we have been told by establishment were just primitives very hardly one step above Neanderthals but it's not the truth the cro-magnon were very sophisticated they were very intelligent and they had lost their entire infrastructure after a major world Cataclysm in chronicon you'll see much evidence the Anunnaki and the true chronology of the noonah the Anunnaki the later Anakim their descendants there were famine Sam Zuma's in the zoom of Giants document it's rot the old testament and howling they later ended up in the british isles as the for more-- in the Florian's the zecharia sitchin should be applauded for his immense research he did put together a fantastic series of books he did make genuine discoveries about the Great Pyramid that I have not found in other other writers books some that I have mentioned in my videos but such as translations like the rocket ship and the Shem is his deliberate he do it and it is deliberate you cannot claim that Anunnaki history was 432,000 years from there and descent to the earth to the great flood destruction when you have that access and you even cite the very ancient Sanskrit in Vedic sources in your other books that concerned other ancient nuclear war so yes nuclear wars were in the Mahabharata yes the ancient Vedic texts do talk about atomic weapons in the past flying machines there are even Sanskrit there china is in is in possession right now of old Sanskrit books that were flying manuals not only how but even pre-flight procedures and all that so it's very interesting but what we have with Sitchin is intellectual dishonesty instead of publishing that he was wrong and riri tweaking his chronologies he didn't want to do that because then he would offend the uniformitarian view the great scientific authorities that claimed that everything had to have happened in hundreds of thousands of years that none of these things could have happened in an abbreviated period of time of 12 centuries zecharia sitchin great earth chronicles great books totally inaccurate yes the Anunnaki existed were they from another planet absolutely not were they from a ward where they from war-torn Cataclysm disappeared Atlantis perhaps do they arrive on a fleet of ships absolutely were they Caucasians 100% the black headed people that's what the Sumerians called themselves absolutely venerated I mean even said that the chief characteristics of the gods was that they had a beard on their face so Jon I hope I answered your question in the 1890s yes scholars already knew about Nibiru they already they already knew about the word Shem that the zecharia sitchin didn't invent that but he did mistranslate a whole lot to put forth his theory and once he began mistranslating it just became easier and easier and easier and that is why today not one Sumerian Akkadian scholar has backed zecharia sitchin not one and they won't the man was a publishing sensation but our world has always put forth fictions as fact it's what we do this is our cakes calm my name is Jason pay attention we got more videos coming John it was an excellent question and I'm really hoping some of you in the group will also put your curiosities out there I will I will make a video for every single question that I get the subscribe button is in the comment section come to our cakes comm and learn what others are afraid to know because we're not scared to tell you