SuspiciousObservers LIVE with Archaix

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get started it'll work now you go and sit in yours I'm going to wheel mine over out of the way [Music] foreign hey guys this is Jason of I promised you guys that I would invite Ben Davidson to the channel many of you many of you blew up my emails and shut down my Google account behind this man so I brought him to you I'm gonna give them the floor but first I need to let you I need to do my audio check tell me in the chat how was how we're sounding hey Ben why don't you introduce yourself hi this is Ben Davidson from suspicious observers and space weather news yes we're going to get into it let's see this audio audio should people in the chat always tell me every every video how good the audio is or how bad it is it'll start showing up in a second all right Ruby speaks thank you guys the crossover the crossover is fantastic and what I mean by by that is you know archaics only focuses on the historical record we do not go beyond 5239 BC all the Dave Stella The Monuments the ancient text chronographical material this is what arcade specializes in this is the material we produce now been from suspicious observers is bringing data and data sets from an entirely different perspective and this is where things get interesting it wasn't me that noticed this you guys brought this to my attention so I had to listen to about 17 of his presentations one day while I was in my wood shop and it resulted in this collaboration here Ben has come to many of the same conclusions from a totally different vantage point and what I tell you guys all the time for three years I've been telling you if something is going to occur it will always be seen from multiple different mathematical Vantage points so this is what we're going to do some of these crossovers are very interesting I have this list and I'm going to let Ben take off on whatever he wants to go into but then but some of the crossover the things that he's mentioned on his channel is like the elite preparing underground Fallout facilities why are they preparing these underground facilities Sky Quakes skyquakes actually have a Subterranean origin this is something I've told you guys as well from totally different data sets now I'm not a scientist guy so this is very surprising of this crossover um we have this lesser cycle of 6 000 years that I have been heavily focused on uh the sun triggering lightning flux tube uh blasts these discharges uh from the sky uh these are things Ben talks about and even projected dates for pole shift total lithospheric displacement type event around the 2040 to 2050 Mark that's very intriguing because this is you guys already know I don't have to say it so that I am a Critic of of grand Hancock is known across YouTube you guys have seen my videos on that uh this is where where uh we have some crossover and this may be for entirely different reasons um oh and the Flash freezing of entire ecosystems showing absolute evidence of of what happened in the past okay Ben Davidson is a catastrophist and so am I for totally different reasons so Ben why don't you take the floor introduce introduce us to your work what exactly you're doing you're very qualified to say the things you say I would never take that from you uh your channel is very successful and your presentations are spot on you stick to the facts and if a video needs to be nine minutes it's nine minutes it needs to be uh 22 minutes is 22 minutes you're like me you don't fill them with filler and I like that and the other thing about your channel that really impresses me is that you are very focused on the positive and and that message comes out in many of your presentations just like archaics we're always trying to tell people break free and maintain that positivity so uh introduce my listeners to your work who you are what your channel represents man and the amazing findings that you've been coming across in the past 15 years absolutely uh well as as you mentioned and thank you for that wonderful introduction I'm Ben Davidson from the suspicious observers Channel and believe me I've noticed the crossover as well um your names come up several and you know several doesn't even begin to describe it how many times that somebody's mentioned you in our comment section essentially from a um from a very high level perspective there have been articles out about what the sun can do about Earth's magnetic field changing and they're very superficial and I wanted to dive deeper into it and it turns out that whether you're looking at Earth Science geophysics whether you're looking at Sun science heliophysics whether you're looking at the entire solar system because the entire solar system is actually changing right now we're looking at a galactic cause Galactic astrophysics whether you're looking from an archaeological perspective there's corroboration across all of these different disciplines and even when you get into mythology religious texts other things like that they're all telling the same story whether it's somebody with a Bible in their hand or somebody doing calculus about Galactic astrophysics it's all telling the same story that there is this cycle something happens to the planet um folks like Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson they they've kind of they're kind of on the path to to seeing some of these things but there's some very key things that are being missed that is causing them to really not fully understand that this is a predictable cycle the evidence of this happening in the past is quite robust and it's in the process of gearing up to happen once again um probably in just a couple decades here and it really is the kind of thing where it requires people to be aware of what's going on to take proactive steps to make sure that they're ready for something like this and one of those things is to make sure that their minds are in the right place you know some of this stuff is scary but fear is not the right reaction fear is a thief of time and focus and energy not to mention it it messes with your own body field and that's actually a real thing as well um and so literally everything you were talking about pole shift is coming the sun is playing a major role in this making sure that our head is in the right positive space standing in the light so to speak all of these things are critically important to understand right now because even though the the Zenith the peak of the disaster might be a couple decades away you've not been living under a rock you know that things are already getting kind of Rocky so let's go ahead and jump into this shall we hey hey so concerning Graham Hancock and so I don't want to focus on him I just I just I did listen to one of your presentations and I believe the variance here is that he introduces an element of catastrophism but what he thinks is uh responsible for all the evidence of this ancient basically a total collapse of an ancient infrastructure he he believes in an impact version in the impact version really doesn't necessarily promote the cyclical version am I correct in assessing that absolutely correct and there's a way to get impactors from the Sun and when you're looking at an impact yes there is evidence that we had and you know impactors in some of these past events that can account for all the evidence and one of the things that I will say I know about as well as anybody is the history of catastrophism you know it really wasn't until the last 60 to 70 years that it really sort of started to be looked at negatively in the scientific Community it was the biggest field of science for quite some time and there was a man about a hundred years ago named Heaven who made the charge to the field you guys have a lot of great ideas but we're all over the place we need to explain all the evidence that keeps happening cycle after cycle and when you do that you realize you need more than just a comment or an asteroid you need something that can happen over and over again something that can affect the entire planet to a relatively equal degree not just in the area that is impacted you need to be able to explain very extreme Isotopes in the data you need to be able to explain Continental level tsunamis and a magnetic shift of the planet and when you're looking at something like that you really need to be looking at the sun because it's the only thing that can actually impact the entire planet in that way and as we're seeing now with with modern science it's already beginning to change and affect the entire solar system yes there's no doubt about that this uh so we have a phenomenon on this documented on YouTube and we have to take these things with a grain of salt one of my one of my my core teachings in archaics is that we have to question all Optics because this is the age of Photoshop and we can't take old pictures for granted this is why I'm so big on my own Channel with showing these very original uh pictures from my own personal Library I got a library of a lot of very old books from the 1800s and I show those on my channel and modern pictures it's just really it's really hard Optics are something else so on YouTube we see these videos about Sky Quakes and some of them you can tell are very very authentic While others may not be so but the inter the the interesting thing about Sky Quakes is that in the historical record this seems to be a phenomenon that has occurred in blue skies and and been recorded in different texts over the period of centuries and what exactly do you think what is your idea that this this rumbling in the sky that some people's claim reverberates the ground as well what do you think this is so I've got two two ways that you could probably do this that fit with the scientific reality um one of them would be that they are purely Subterranean origin there are a lot of things happening inside of the earth as many as are happening up here on the ground where we live and these are from the courts to the magma to where the mantle actually meets the crust and these vibrations um can actually be scalar and can actually have an impact further away than they do closer to it so even though here on the ground we are closer technically to that Subterranean activity than the sky is above our heads um it can really impact the way that Earth's upper atmosphere and especially what they call the ionosphere which is this basically layer of charged particles that sits on top of the atmosphere how that actually behaves now I really do like that explanation but I'm always the guy who likes to say well here's option A and here's option b and if there's an option C give that as well Earth's magnetic field has already begun to change Earth's magnetic poles are shifting the actual strength of the magnetic field that protects our planet is weakening and with that we are noticing weak spots that pop up here and there it's not a constant homogeneous field and with the weak spots it's very possible that the solar wind from the sun which would be most impactful on you know the sunlit side of the day right in the middle of the day could actually be breaking through and actually reverberating the top of the atmosphere kind of like if you held a piece of paper just at the very edge of it and you whipped it back and forth the paper would kind of make that you know rumbling sound but just imagine that in terms of an electric sheet that's on the top of the atmosphere and so what's interesting is whether it's one of those both of those or some kind of combination they both have the same origin and that is the fact that our planet is changing magnetically in a very fundamental way so let's talk about oh okay this this magnetic variance that that has been deviating since the what 1860s from uh really scientifically noticed it started appearing in the scientific journals of the like astrophysical journals it started appearing in the Royal astronaut the Royal Astronomical Society uh I have a lot of I have a lot of old books David that I mean Ben that go into detail about what was being observed in the skies during those periods and and it was noted in the by the late 1800s that the uh magnetic north was deviating at an increased rate from True North so the question remains how far is this magnetic variance going to to go what is the disparity between true north and magnetic north and the in this growing distance before we actually see something lithospheric you consider you know True North being directly up the actual magnetic north kind of meanders around and goes all around these different places but it does so very slowly throughout history we think it's been about a kilometer or two a decade and so it meanders very slowly but in 1859 which happens to be the last time the sun hit us with a super flare Carrington event right correct probably not a coincidence it started racing really quickly and it was in Canada and now it started racing back very very quickly instead of going one to two kilometers per decade we're now clicking at about 30 to 50 kilometers every year and we've noticed that it has accelerating marks every couple of decades it's getting faster and faster it has finally blown past true north and is now going south towards Siberia now what's interesting is when you think about magnetic poles you think of a North and a South you know anything like that but they're not staying on opposite sides of the planet the South Pole is moving as well and they're actually moving towards a collision course just off the coast of India in the Bay of Bengal which is the Northeast portion of the Indian Ocean and I would think that it would be sometime around when they actually make it there that we would actually begin to see some of the major lithospheric changes now when that's going to be that's that's kind of the tough part we do have data that shows and this is one of the the best papers of the last couple of years that when the magnetic field shifts into a really high gear its shift will be a hundred times faster than it is right now yeah it's like it's going to hit a Tipping Point it's going to hit a Tipping Point is basically what it's talking about no return where it just becomes at an accelerated rate right right and it's hard to tell when that's going to be it's hard to tell when those accelerations are going to occur it seems that in the past some of the times when it has had those accelerations have been when the Sun hits us pretty good again other times it has been during a cyclical event known as a geomagnetic jerk which happens every couple of years there's a glitch in the core the core rotation and how it interacts with the mantle and so we know that we're entering Sunspot maximum right now we actually have a geomagnetic jerk that should be happening any day now and then there'll be another one in about four years there'll be another Sunspot maximum in about 10 years and so during some of these events that are coming we really could see the major acceleration that really begins to take things off and at that point I mean even before the main peak of the disaster flying airplanes will become very dangerous not only due to increased radiation but because GPS is not going to be as reliable um there will be phenomenal electric currents that begin to flow through the atmosphere and the ground uh Power Systems will become incredibly unreliable and these are going to start to really impact the kinds of infrastructure and you know other systems communication uh navigate the oxygen content I mean wouldn't wouldn't the aircraft buoyancy be a factor if if we're having a we a a weakening of the magnetic field what it would do to the basically the the density of oxygen in our atmosphere what keeps errors you know airplanes in the sky right it would probably have some effect um I would say that it has a better chance to affect the high Precision needed with um you know with flight paths then it does necessarily here on the ground the good let's go with our first bit of good news this is a cyclical event that's happened many and many times and at no point Point have we had a hypoxic event a low oxygen event to the point where everything on the surface dies so there's a very good chance we're still going to be able to breathe here but absolutely um these things should be affecting how planes are able to to work and how the low Earth orbiting satellites are able to keep their their position which critically important for again all of those infrastructure and and critical systems like communication navigation Transportation other things like that okay okay uh one thing I wanted to point out is uh most of my listeners I have a lot of new listeners so I'm going to reiterate this point we were talking about the underworld under underground Quakes um I know um it's very hard I'm an Occam's razor type of guy I'm going to I'm going to take into the consideration the origin of phenomena from a local area more than I will somewhere far away like I'll give you an example I know you're familiar with a lot of researchers who put out these fantastic theories about everything that's happening to Earth right now is because of some type of Galactic core meltdown or or things that are so many light years away I don't see how they could really really affect us in such a local area I am I am more on board that everything going on on Earth would be a result of activity from the Sun it would be our largest influence so you and I are in perfectly agreement about that when it comes to the underworld do you do you realize that we actually have bitable zone of humans we're only living in about two percent of the actual habitable zone we have a lot of untapped real estate we can we can build cities and pancake them on top of each other and go down to to subterranean Subterranean Sweetwater water tables I mean there's to me it seems like we should have an infrastructure intact in the Underworld already I believe we do I mean my next video being after this one on my next video is nothing but underground cities I'm doing a whole Exposition on underground cities from the ancient world all the way till today showing actual photographs so to me it seems that many civilizations have prepared for this we're not the only ones what's your thoughts on that I think that's probably true one doesn't even have to to look very hard to see that the vast majority of the civilizations that have survived some of these past ones had Subterranean shelters now some of those are very peripheral you know they're just like dug into caves and other things like um I think that there's probably been a lot more activity on this planet in in the history of it than we are told I believe past civilizations got to where we were technologically if not much much further and it really speaks to how big this disaster is that they either got sent back to zero or got completely wiped away I think that there's probably areas underground that well first of all there's definitely habitable areas underground um humans could survive an enormous range of of conditions that are current not on the surface um and to be honest I think that there are probably even throughout history more underground activities than even exist today because every time we get one of these Cycles the crust shifts there's major volcanic events there's a global level earthquake some of them probably get destroyed so yeah there's a lot of evidence of what there is now and throughout the history of Earth there's probably even more um yeah oh we've uncovered a lot we wouldn't know believe the amount of the archaeological findings that have have already conver confirmed this exact scenario that we're talking about but you're right you make a good point for everything that we have found for the 58 to 59 Subterranean cities that have already been excavated and explored in Cappadocia the ones in the one in the Grand Canyon which the scientific world over and over tried to claim was a hoax in my next video I'm going to be showing where the the Smithsonian lied and it was published that they lied they claimed that these guys never existed they never worked for the uh Smithsonian and then come to find out somebody applied my method which is to go back to the original hardcover books of the 1800s and look up the Smithsonian reports and these two scientists did live and they actually worked for the Smithsonian for 20 years to cover up to cover up the actual discovery of an underground complex that was in the Grand Canyon they had to fire these two scientists and then tell the world that they had never worked for the Smithsonian but that's just that's the subject for another video but it just goes to show you what you're talking about for everything that we have found there's probably 98 to 99 percent of these facilities that are all over the world that have been buried in volcanic resurfacing sub you know liquid fashion liquefaction uh volcanic you know all kinds of even earthquakes can collapse things tsunamis can can deposit whole new soil materials mudslides yeah they're gone we don't have access to them anymore so that's a really good point so I want to talk about this all okay the potential of a pre-polar shift Carrington event the what is the possibility of a collapse in our electrical grid our total infrastructure due to events that are just leading up to an actual pole shift and the pole shift hasn't uh the The Tipping Point hasn't been reached we're just gradually getting into it closer and closer and closer because I understand it's a process it's it's described as a process even in the book of Noah and in the book of the Watchers very ancient texts that were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls they specifically say that before the coming of the great flood Noah looked up in the skies and he saw that the stars were wandering and that that the whole Dome they called The Vault the whole Vault of the heavens was slowly shifting right before a cataclysm occurred it was like a tomb like a temporary pole shift just enough to destabilize the world and everything went back to normal after the destruction so so what do you see is a possibility in this amazing infrastructure that we have built that is absolutely so fragile are there phenomena that would attend a pre-pole shift period that could collapse our infrastructure absolutely and before I get into some detail about that I'm really glad you brought that up one of my favorite uh one of my favorite lines is how uh one of the chapters of the Book of Enoch begins and this isn't exactly what it says but it says something like and Noah saw that the world turned over and knew its destruction was near yes yes there are there are there are fragments of the Book of Enoch that have been found in the uh uh Dead Sea Scrolls I am I am citing the exact same passage you're referring to now from yeah the fragments of the book of Noah uh the uh the Genesis apocryphon uh The Book of Giants the book of the Watchers these were all independent texts that we know of today as the book of Book of Enoch but they weren't originally The Book of Enoch they were independent texts right so getting back to your actual question the real the only reason we are able to have an electrified way of life right now is because of Earth's magnetic field protecting us it it buffers these blasts from the Sun it you know protects our atmosphere and it reduces how vulnerable we are here at the ground to electrical surges we have already started to see because Earth's magnetic field is weakening it's changing that smaller and smaller events from the Sun are able to have greater and greater impacts and this is this data is available in terms of effects on satellites effects on voltage detected in power grids it's very evident in some of the Aurora there have been so many in you know in terms of the the Northern Lights the Aurora Borealis there have been so many sightings of pink Aurora in just the last two years now here's the thing pink Aurora is not hurt not unheard of but it only happened with major major solar storms that we would get over the last several decades the problem is we're not getting any major solar storms right now everything has been moderate to even minor events and the fact that we are seeing the Earth the Aurora the lights above our heads react in the same way that they used to react to only the most severe storms tells us that weakening magnetic field is letting more in and letting it penetrate deeper and so we are already starting to see this now the reason this is important in relation to your question is because as the poles are shifting you know it's not just that the poles are shifting the magnetic field is weakening and it's weakening faster and faster and faster we will get to a point where and this will have to be before everything snaps we'll get to a point where the magnetic field is so weak that something from the sun will send an electric surge through the atmosphere in the crust that will simply destroy all the power grids and even though that could be 10 15 years I mean that could be next week you know which would be you know 20 years 25 years before the actual pole shift at that point all prepping is over all commune all the internet's gone TV is gone electricity's gone there's no water from the tap there's no air conditioning no heating there's nothing at the stores ATMs are shut down your phone doesn't work and that's almost certainly going to happen before the Zenith of the event we have we have multiple events coming up to us here in this in this ongoing catastrophe oh I certainly agree it's a a bin um I know you haven't had time to do a real deep dive but I have like 350 charts and of those charts I got about 60 of them and I show with immense Source materials all my data points and data sets showing from the historical record that we have these small epic cycles that are within this larger framework of of this Grand lesser cycle that you talk about on your channel which is 6 000 years now I understand that there this this other solar cycle um is 12 000 years but that's far beyond anything archaics entertains because my platform is specifically covering only the historical record what humans have recorded but when it comes to this 6 000 year lesser cycle that you that you talk about do you have absolute loot confirmation in the archaeological historical traditional mythological records textual records things we can verify that that six thousand year cycle does exist and it was known in ancient times there are there are historic writers that even mention that there is this Grand cataclysmic episode of this a new Heavens in A New Earth being created every six thousand years so I found that very interesting when I saw when I was listening I was in my wood shop one day and I decided okay well I need to go ahead and check on check out suspicious observers so I just put it on your playlist and I hit hit so I just all day long I just listened to the uh your presentations so by the time I was done I was like 17 18 videos in and uh that's when I emailed you and invited you onto the channel so I I find that six thousand the six thousand uh year deal very interesting but my output is very specific because I use I use I use all different types of systems because it is a fundamental teaching on my channel that if anything is going to occur it will be seen from multiple different mathematical Vantage points and 2040 is this key date from multiple different species of analysis of this next pole shift event which lines up in the Book of Revelation with the Sixth Seal when the when the sky rolls like a scroll there's a worldwide earthquake people hide in the caves in the Rocks the Sun darkens the Moon Turns Blood Red Rocks fall from the sky and this is an event that has been predicted in Prophecy from Ancient Ancient religious texts all over the world simply because prophecies are merely scientific observations of past events and this is what I'm telling my viewers a lot is why I was really impressed with what I was seeing from your channel to see these things also elucidated from a totally different perspective so what are your thoughts on the timing of this coming pole shift in proportion to the data sets that you have personally analyzed and seen what do you think the next trajectory of events are the trajectory we are on now can you give us a rough chronology of the next maybe 30 years right so 2040 is definitely within my danger zone timeline um this would be mostly based on the math of how fast Earth is changing and I was you know with that you never really know when's the acceleration um I I leave some room for Aaron so I had said late 2030s all the way through the 2040s would be sort of my my scary window so you know maybe call it 2037 to 2049 would be my scary window so of course 2040 is right there within that it's really interesting because I started this from a geophysics and a sun physics perspective and when I got to the point when I was trying to figure out okay well what is this major solar blast going to look like from the physics and what we know about Nova astronomy throughout the cosmos the sun is literally going to darken there's going to be this shell accumulation in the upper atmosphere of the Sun and then that's going to get blasted off and I realized okay wait a minute that's going to be your three days of darkness that's your solar flash that shell that gets blasted off that can turn into impactors it can push asteroids out of their current paths and into the Earth and so I was like okay well what else can religion archeology mythology tell me and when we look at some of those stories I went back to the physics side of things and I'm like wait a minute that's also going to happen so many of I mean it's amazing how catastrophism is the link that lets us know religion and science are not it's not you have to pick one they're the same thing it's just how literally do you read the religion versus can you understand what it would have been like six thousand years ago for somebody with the equivalent of a third or fourth grade education today to be describing what essentially would look like magic and if you can take that mindset you start to realize they are literally just doing their best to describe things that we can today describe and predict and observe on a path to coming fruition right now with with science with which is you know seriously Advanced this is also a common theme on my channel I'm always explaining that when we dissect these traditions and myths we have to do so by keeping it in mind that the frames of reference to a post cataclysmic society would have been more primitive so we have to remove that dressing to get down to the core fundamentals of what they were trying to communicate to us because that is exactly what happens after a cataclysm in the collapse of an infrastructure it's the survivors who have basically lost their literacy lost their infrastructure they're the ones telling the tale and that's what's preserved in the mythological record and this is why these things seem so childish to us but when we remove that childish this we're we're left with core scientific facts about what happened in different periods of Earth history and that's what I find fascinating this is what archaics is about fantastic I couldn't agree more that was a perfect way to say it and so I guess getting back to your question about the chronology I think at some point the Sun is going to hit us with something and take out Global power depending on whether that's this Sunspot Cycle or another one in the 2030s you know a lot of the world could be gone before the sky rolls like a scroll and the Earth turns over without electricity it's simply a fact that a lot of humans aren't going to make it and one might even say the majority of humans aren't going to make it I can I can agree with the the collapse of the electrical infrastructure I can agree with that which would stop everything it would stop grocery from appearing in the stores it would stop all the transportation it would take about six months to a year for for individual communities to basically come up with it would be the barter system all over again uh this is something that that most people aren't aware of that commerce was run by barter long before any currencies were actually exchanged so this is a the barter system is fantastic and I can see that coming back but the reason I agree so strongly that the infrastructure will collapse before the actual pole shift is because the nature of the eschatological references concerning the major battles in war hours of the last days before the day of the Lord before this apocalypse begins to unfold the apocalypse unfolds right after the pole shift the pole shift introduces apocalypse prior to that it's all Preparatory this is what the Seven Seals are the Seven Seals into Revelation very specific this is not a part of the Apocalypse these are Seven Seals that must be removed from a scroll and only once the seventh seal is removed after this pole shift which is the Sixth Seal the scroll can be opened in the unveiling begins in the unveiling is cataclysmic for people who are not ready for it and it's and it's an actual revelation of all kinds of new spiritual knowledge and material for those who are willing to receive it it's two different realities unfolding at the exact same time after this pole shift I agree that the infrastructure is going to collapse because the nature of the prophecies that are recorded leading up to this pole shift describe armies that are fighting with swords and shields and all kinds of things again and this is exactly what you would find if no one's manufacturing bullets within three years the next war will be fought with shields and Spears so it's just the way it is it's uh you can have all the guns in the world but if nobody's manufacturing gunpowder and no one's no one's actually has presses go going full steam to produce bullets all the Armament in the world will will do you no good so yeah we have major we have major war that's going to interrupt that's going to erupt in the Middle East it's just prior to the pole shift and uh that that what what's being described in that war doesn't really make sense if the if they're using technological it's different you know today's Western Warfare is very different than the Warfare of ancient times but the Warfare of ancient times is going to come back and if we if we if we use like the Stan standard as in the days of Noah concerning the last days when the days of Noah that's how they fought too on Horseback with promore primitive weapons so I take all these all these little things into consideration so uh I may be wrong but in being wrong that assessment still supports the fact that that I agree with you that yeah and we got we have a we have a we have a really dark time coming even before the pole shift takes off I agree completely and I'm glad you used the phrase in the days of Noah and that goes back to something else you said that you can see this coming no matter what your vector in life is for me it's science and I can look at the physics and see what's happening you know Mary Theory process and modern observations if you are just a bible thumper not like that's that's your linear Focus you have to look at the world today and say this entire planet is starting to look like Sodom and Gomorrah people's behavior their degeneracy the attack on Family Values the attack on loyalty and honor and respect and other things like that what they're doing to our children the the onset of so many things that are either you know close to satanic or directly satanic or related to Baphomet um this is literally becoming the world right now and you know if you are a psychologist you can see certain upticks in how in certain behavioral issues people are having uh certain problems that are becoming really prevalent in society if you look at what the global leaders are doing to us a lot of that is described as as things that are supposed to happen now and so really no matter which Vector of life you are in there is a way for you to if you're paying attention if you have the eyes to see that those stories you heard as a kid are starting to come true right now there's no there's no doubt there's absolutely no doubt so uh one phenomena that I want to discuss is um I read in some older books that archaeologists were were going through the hittite ruins in Anatolia this is term modern-day turkey and Cappadocia and they noticed something very unusual that was also seen in the American southwest and also seen in Buried architecture found in Death Valley they noticed that these buildings had been vitrified and yet the surrounding ground uh it looked like it was untouched and the same vitrification had been noticed in the Sahara desert in certain locations where where it looks like a it's like a giant lightning Blast from the sky just turned whole areas of the desert into this beautiful Green Glass I believe they called it tektites so um excuse me is this a solar phenomenon because in the historical record we do have actual dates for when this type of discharge activity melted structures of human manufacture in the year 1899 BC in in the near East is principally around Babylon and Nineveh then we have it again in 1229 BC during the Trojan War but not on the Trojan theater of war it was at the exact same year but it was in hittite Anatolia and then again in 713 BC we have a Biblical event where according to the Apocalypse of Barrack it was an electrical discharge from from God and that it vaporized 185 000 Assyrian soldiers that were wearing Iron and bronze armor and weapons you know is this is this something different am I am I mistaken or could this be some type of solar phenomenon these men that's exactly discharge that's exactly what it is and I I don't know if you saw me smiling when you started telling that story I knew where you were going with this one there are about 150 to 200 year major solar Cycles there's a bigger one at a thousand years and even bigger one at three thousand years and an even bigger one at six thousand years any one of these if they hit the earth the right way they're going to create a ThunderBolt from the gods basically an arc discharge down from the sky if you can picture the Earth here our magnetic fields wrap around in these arcs they look like they look like seas and yes there's the ones that come out of the poles and wrap all the way to the other poles but there's also interior shells upon shells it's like two Taurus Fields like tutorials exactly I got it and when you get too much energy so let's just say my head is the Earth and here's and here's one of the those fields okay and the Sun is over there okay basically when the sun surges electricity surges that plasma and it hits this shell it does two things it compresses it and it increases the amount of charge and electric current that's going through it so you basically have a smaller area but vastly greater charge density to the point where it it's going to take the path of least resistance which is no longer along the flow it is straight down to the conductive Earth and I mean we're talking a lightning bolt that could be you know anywhere from a hundred times bigger than the greatest lightning both humans have seen recently too it's as wide as a city so basically these these hittite structures uh some of them were built with with uh I don't know it's like it's like um I forgot what kind of was it dollar right blue dollar right uh rho light they're they're it's like heavy metals that are in that are that are prevalent in this Stone and then uh the incident in the Bible could have been that they were just an antenna 185 000 people were an antenna uh if you have a camp full of guys that are surrounded by metal I'm pretty sure that's a pretty good uh it's the same reason you don't go out on the golf course when there's a lightning storm you put that Golf Club up in the air you're you're asking to get hit you you marched a bunch of people out into the middle of a desert or in the middle of anywhere really yeah and you put a bunch of metal on them they're asking to get hit if they're there at the wrong time and the sun has just got it blast our way it's begging for it okay I'm gonna go into another taught topic now that I don't I don't know I don't have enough experience on your channel to know if you cover this topic so it might be totally new it is it's all we're gonna I want your opinion on after a pole shift I I am promoting the idea based off a lot of material that I've come from books in the 1920s scientific books that I've shown on my channel where these scientists are talking about a a vapor Canopy World like a like Venus has this Vapor canopy and they're talking about one being replicated on Earth in ancient times and that the collapse of this Vapor canopy is actually the origin of the great flood stories now what what the the creation of this Vapor candy can you envision a scenario where after the pole shift volcanism all over the world this outgassing and this ash being shoved into the atmosphere from hundreds of volcanoes in a short period of time creating a layer at the same time that this Cosmic dust blankets the outside of the the upper missile sphere while the lower while the lower missile sphere takes all the volcanic ash because according to these scientific books that I cite on my channel there's four of from one published into 20s one in the 30s one in the 50s one in the 80s they're claiming that that's all it takes to create a vapor canopy that can last for centuries and actually block out block out a lot of solar light and yet create a very high humid environment that's like tropical War warmth where reptiles and amphibians can grow to astonishing sizes and all that what is this scientifically viable in your opinion yes there's another thing so you mentioned the volcanoes you mentioned the cosmic material coming from the Sun blasting it out there's one more thing you know everything in space is connected electrically we are all in an electric field of the solar wind which means we form a circuit and when you see that you see things begin to interact before they actually touch when the sun fires even the modern day minor solar events at us as these things are approaching 03 ozone begins to get pushed out of the atmosphere almost like a shield the Earth throws up at this Blast From the Sun that's oxygen being released hydrogen coming from the Sun so in addition to the two things you mentioned there's going to be an even greater amount of top top layer oxygen released an even greater amount of solar hydrogen coming in connecting hitting interacting electromagnetically there's going to be a lot of water a lot of water so what you're describing to me is if we're going to have an influx of a hydrogen like you're saying then wouldn't this create manifold more nitrogen which which is which would explain this these tropical Lush periods we have in the history we have in the historical record about three different periods that humans document when the this this this canopy appeared and it lasts for lasted for a long time before it faded away and during these canopy periods animals grew to huge sizes and so especially reptiles and amphibians so well and also trees and plants and all that but so actually what we're what we're what we're actually entertaining here is a new heavens and a new Earth virtually after a destructive pole shift that's basically what we're talking about absolutely and uh to a point you just made I I'm sure if you've been doing this research you know that the Saharan Desert goes green every once in a while the greenest period they have on any record was just over 5 900 years just over 5 900 years ago so 6 000 years ago was the greenest of the green Sahara that was just nailed you just nailed the date 38.95 BC and I know you're not familiar with this but my but my listeners are I I have over a hundred charts that show 38.95 BC was a total infrastructure collapse of a prior civilization who had survived a Devastation that was so horrific that they believed that they were the only survivors and it's the origin of the Adam and Eve story they called themselves the adamu and they believed that that they were living in a new heavens and a new Earth because they built their civilization on a former ocean bed and everything the Topography of the entire world had changed I have I have documented a lot of this but for you to say over 59 centuries you just nailed 38.95 BC which is one of the core dates in the archaics research for the last time that this epic cataclysm occurred that's amazing it's absolutely amazing yeah I it's when I found the evidence of the of the phenomenal volcanic activity and the greenest of the green Saharan and the the actual scientific term for that is a tropical hydroclimate shift when I found evidence of the tropical hydroclimate shift and the massive volcanoes at 6 000 years ago that's when I went and started looking for Earth's magnetic changes back then and I found some paleo-intensity evidence to suggest it existed and I've been calling it The NOAA event just this last week they discovered evidence of a magnetic shift in volcanic records from that same time right on the border of China and North Korea um I don't know if we're gonna because technically these are where you name these after the area where they're found so maybe we'll call this uh China or dprk event um but whatever it was we now have evidence of um of a magnetic Excursion a magnetic shift major volcanic activity and an unfathomable tropical Hydra climate event six thousand years ago can you can you explain I'm familiar with magnetite and how it's recorded in in how it's measured and as rock is cooling can you give a little give my listeners a little a short dissertation on how these scientists determine these magnetic variances in these rocks yeah essentially if they can pretty well understand when some when Rock went from liquid to cooling as a solid form they can tell where the magnetic they noticed wait a minute the deeper further away portions all had the North Pole pointing this way and then the very last ones had the North Pole pointing the exact opposite way and um it really tells them that there was a magnetic shift right at the time when this volcano was going off and we know from those other studies that we just mentioned a few minutes ago there were all those other things happening uh 5900 6000 years ago as well okay can you still hear me or see me I can still see you there was a moment where I couldn't hear you but I can hear you again now okay all right cool long as long as okay cool cool yeah there was a there was an interruption on this side I just can't see you on my screen anymore right here this uh the screen went out what was that screen ever on okay cool we're back on you if I got my audio and you can see me we're good it's okay I'm not too pretty nobody needs to see me oh yeah it would be nice if they could see the flag so oh yeah I'm Patriot I got some Patriot videos out too I'm 100 hardcore Patriot I'm uh why would I say Patriot I'm really just anti-globalist let's see all right cool we're all we're all good we're all good so this um yeah that's very interesting this this this whole blankety deal so really like oh there were times there are times when the scientific Community had documented massive amounts of cosmic dust one of those times was 1902 and if you look at the scientific reports from 1902 you'll find that as early as February and then all the way to October the entire year they were documenting this blanketing of this red dust in an areas of high humidity it rained on on whole on whole geographical areas as red mud so talking to you I'm beginning to wonder now if this red dust is coming from the Sun if the if this isn't a a solar phenomenon well so um I don't know if it's coming from the Sun but we do know that dust is increasing in the solar system uh because I like to have a bunch of different options there is a galactic physics option where something should happen to the solar system every so many years um and it should bring with it a lot of dust the increase in dust is one of the things that's going to help to create that shell on the sun eventually that it blasts off um but yeah this is something that modern scientists have been seeing more and more as well from the interplanetary space you know between Earth and Venus between Earth and Mars to the actual top highest parts of the solar atmosphere the atmosphere of the sun they're noticing the amount of dust is increasing and there's a very good chance that this is one of the progresses that's very interesting yeah that is very interesting because it's it's many of the cataclysmic episodes that I have documented that is a common denominator that during those episodes there was a fantastic amount of dust uh dust coming from Blue Skies Red Dust it's very it happened in 1764 as well it happened in many times throughout the historical record but uh can you still hear me pretty good absolutely I can hear you okay okay it's a yeah this is our very first time you are my very first guest in this this this is a as a live as a live now I have had two prior guests one about 10 months ago and one last week but these were pre-recorded this is the very first time that I because I got Matt as my as my I.T guy and basically my my manager he's he's he's taken over a lot of responsibilities and archaics but this is the first time we've done the live studio and had a had a uh uh had a guest so I had I had to wear an air earpiece because we can't have any external mics on in here it'll it'll be an overlap in the sound so I'm listening to you through this right here and that's where this glitch comes from every once in a while the interface of so much equipment we have in here so I don't take up too much of your time but uh listen listen I would like to uh I know you keep your videos pretty pretty pretty short I wanted to introduce my my listeners most most of them know who you are but I've seen comments in here where where people have been saying that hey man I like this guy I've never heard of him before I'm gonna go subscribe so I'm seeing I'm seeing that there were people that were unaware of of your material so I want to tell you guys that uh there is there is absolutely crossover here it does not matter that I'm a simulationist it does not matter that he is bringing all this data to to us from a purely scientific perspective because I've told you guys many times that I believe that this sentient biogram that we live in will feed us the accurate information that we look for it doesn't matter that I don't believe anything out there is actually real and that will exist in a Holo field and every bit of this is holographic and uh this this is going to get me to explore more about our electric uh Universe I'm not really familiar with that theory but I'm going to start looking into it I'm always keeping an open mind but Ben what would you what would you really what's your core message that you would really want to tell people about basically your your your message the direction you're going with your channel and what you really want people to know uh and we'll close out with that all is being revealed in the end and it's already begun if you have the eyes to see it doesn't matter whether you choose to focus on archeology whether you choose to focus on religion whether you choose to focus on physics everything's telling the same story right now uh if you just look around and you see how people are interacting with one another and how the people in charge of this planet are pushing Us in certain directions it's all telling the same story and it is going to lead to something if not exactly the same something very similar to what you describe on your channel there is something pretty terrible that happens to this planet every 6 000 years and it's about to happen again and we are moving very close uh closer and closer by the way closer by the day this is what we talk about every single day at the YouTube channel Suspicious Observers uh and as you said there's a lot of crossover here not just in the in the viewers but in the subject matter I will definitely put your link oh I'll definitely put your link in the in in the description box in the pin comment and and uh uh I know a lot of people in the next 24 hours will be watching this video but I also know that you're a man of Hope because I've heard you say it over and over and one thing we both believe is that no matter what happens there are always survivors there are always whole communities that are relatively untouched while the rest of the world goes through chaos and uh it's basically a frame of mind to be prepared and into and to understand that you can be one of those survivors too absolutely it is it's not only possible it is incumbent upon all of us to do everything we possibly can to make sure we are one of those people and that involves remaining positive not letting the gravity of all of this take over you and steal your time your focus your energy and staying informed you know you want to be the most positive person you can be throughout this you want to have your eyes open and never let fear take over you that's about that's about the long and short of it right there beautifully said I want to thank you moderators for joining us I want to thank Ben Davidson for coming on and guys you got to break free or die trying and we'll have him on again if he's willing in the near future uh go to go to suspiciousobservers YouTube channel and check out his other comment and subscribe because he's putting out daily reports yeah he puts out more videos than me guys but we'll see you next time and Ben thank you for joining us thank you sir let's go