Switzerland: Predictions 2022-2041

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[Music] hey guys it's jason again uh this is an office video a predictions report for switzerland of all countries in the world 2022. i had no intention of doing this video somebody contacted me and then sent me some money to do it now i've been doing a lot of predictions for for uh in my spare time uh using office for different things i haven't been doing the cryptocurrencies and i haven't been doing a lot of uh like the sports that i was doing because i'm waiting for a programming glitch to get fixed but i've been doing a lot of the national a lot of people have been contacting me lately about this i guess growing concerns worries whatever i wish i had the time to do you know predictions on every country in the world because i'm already seeing with the few that i've done what i've done i've done i've done 12 different ones on the united states for 2021 and 2022. you can always go back and look at them because i don't take them down uh i've done uh canada dominican republic australia uh now now switzerland and i'm seeing parallels there are things when when when major events are going to occur they're going to affect different nations and i'm seeing this in the in the arithmetic it's very interesting switzerland is by far very enigmatic because this is a very it's just really bizarre this whole i didn't i never really knew the history of switzerland because i don't care i'm not swiss i'm i'm i'm just i'm just an american i'm a texas boy and switzerland has never really interested me until now when somebody really made me look into it so i have uh predictions reports coming from israel i have one for myanmar definitely have the uk that's for stephen wallsworth my boy uh uk's coming up too but this video is about switzerland and it came about in a very unusual manner because you know i do predictions for for for money uh i try to get i try to provide some value back when people donate to archives if i can and uh and in this incident i was paid more money than i charge to do this so i took the liberty to go even further now now the assignment was a decade to look a few look 10 years into the future of switzerland which is a lot it's a lot it took me two and a half days just to do the data mining and and when i ran all these it i couldn't stop i just couldn't i went 11 12 13 14 15 16 said i just kept going into the future i i became interested and got lost in my own calculations and i ended up giving this client a lot more than he had asked well i spent two hours on skype with the same individual today and we had a very fascinating discussion of course we talked about ukraine biden trump putin talked about a lot of things we talked a lot we talked a lot about this hidden history this whole series of events that have happened in the background and who's responsible and i'm not going to get into that in this video um there's no sense there's no sense in inviting that type of scrutiny to my channel but he did he did tell me some really interesting things about a five-point plan that i have seen evidence for although i don't have any first-hand knowledge of it but i did post it in the archaic's facebook if anybody's interested to hear what this man told me it's in the archaic group uh facebook you can go in there i'm pretty sure there's people talking about it making comments right now i don't know i'm doing this video let's get let's get let's get down to this video and so i don't want to make this this too long but you know you all know switzerland it's an island of neutrality but the peace that it has enjoyed for this last 100 years it's only going to continue nine more years and even within that nine years however we have a series of internal incidents that are going to occur before then beginning this year in 2022 my predictions report was sent to the client on 2 21-22 so i just want to record that date this is 223 or 224 to 25 i'm losing track i'm on a job right now it's already taken me five days to do about 550 square feet uh softscape flagstone i'm gonna post the pictures and archaics of the project when it's completely done but the whole project got stalled because the customer stopped us from doing what we were what we were hired to do and instantly came up with a second project that was in our way which was a french drain two feet deep 14 feet long which required a storm drain and a french drain oh my god well we built it yeah i did it i'm not going to tell the customer no but today was supposed to be payday today was supposed to be we were done in a whole week's worth of work when we're finished and it didn't happen i'm have to i'm gonna have to work tomorrow saturday just to finish this job so if you can detect it i'm a little aggravated about it but let's move on with this video among the population there seems to be in 2022 for some reason in switzerland there's going to be a revival a stronger return to like christian principles and even an open hostility toward the papacy for some reason people are gonna get pissed off about the catholic church uh the catholic church's rulership now this coincides with a rising spirit of nationalism so i did a little homework i'm trying i'm like why am i seeing this in office why is office showing me these historic dates where nationalism was the key and i'm looking this up come to find out well even right now there is a strong sense of nationalism in switzerland i did not realize this switzerland has a very unique demographic and for some of you you know switzerland is the seat of a lot of what goes on in this world now an incident overseas will spark investigations in a major bank in switzerland right now in 2022 it will be implicated in this conspiracy in massive fraud i'm not just gonna just gonna sit here and predict that a general bank is going to be involved in something going on in switzerland i'm gonna narrow it down i believe it's goldman sachs and i believe this for two different reasons in the analysis two different two different office projections provided two different dates in history where two different significant events occurred and both times the bank that we that's in question was goldman sachs so i'm going to say that i'm thinking it's going to be goldman sachs in switzerland this year maybe not total collapse but it will be implicated in major fraud become world news now behind the scenes other bankers will instantly induce politicians to draft new legislation uh like banking reforms that outwardly appear to protect the public but actually serve to protect the other banks from any discovery of their own similar practices world events outside of switzerland will affect several of the programs funded by partners of the wef now outside of switzerland here in the united states most people don't really keep up with this type of stuff but the world economic forum is one of those ngos that basically runs the world it's a finger of the deep state it's what it does i'm predicting in 2022 that world events outside of switzerland will affect the programs that are funded by the wef but to what extent is unknown none of my predictions have ever involved ngos before this is the first one now by 2023 there's going to be some problems with this ngo the world economic forum in these problems from my analysis they stem from an incident in 2008 in the wef documents where several nations rulers have interpreted as a plan in the wef to abridge their powers said another way there are some rulers of other other nations who have gotten a hold of documents that belong to the wef this has already happened but it just hasn't been publicized and they're pretty pissed about the plan to uh abridge their powers it's like a globalist takeover and it's going to be done through an ngo which is not supposed to be happening they're not supposed to be governmental they're non-governmental organizations of what ngo means but they're not being used that way these governments have secretly entered a compact to address this perceived threat what's unfolding right now in 2022 just may be the beginning of this uh but basically this weakening of this global structure this you guys don't understand if you the wef is is absolutely powerful they involve so many or other organizations and and all world financers and they're movers and shakers they make things happen in the world but they seem to be opposed what i'm seeing with these problems with this with this wef the world economic forum it seems to be filtering into other ngos as well they in 2022 start having problems as well the more the world economic forum is searched in historical palindrome sequences though the more surfaces that immortal services that these timelines all end in 2025 it's like there's there's so many different reality tunnels that can be measured mathematically that are connected to the events of the wef throughout that but they don't go beyond 2025. now this could mean a couple things it could mean the wef by 2025 has ended it's over that ngo does not exist but it also could mean that it is so fundamentally different in 2026 so as to be absolutely unrecognizable as the wef world economic forum was not its first name it was called something else in 1971 when it was created moving on to 2023 anti-papal sentiments builds among the people of switzerland i don't know what the incident incident is but it's strong the signals are strong international events first in the united states and then spreading to many other nations beginning in 2022 concerning the removal of perceived socialist democrats from seats of power violence demonstrations barely restrained violence riots as nationalists in many countries take power over liberal controlled governments has switzerland on high alert these are isometric projections of the united states and of australia and of canada i did those independently using only data from american history from canadian history and from australian history these isometric projections only involve swiss history history and its dealings with the independent nations of the world to produce the same the same data for 2023 in 2022 that there's going to be some nationalist uprisings around the world removing socialists and democrats is profound i couldn't have made this stuff up and i could i have very imaginative i'm not going to lie about that but i show how isometric projections work in all that i do so to find these parallels is just shocking it shocked me when i when i first saw it it just blew my mind but anyway let's move let's move on so it has these these events overseas do not affect switzerland in any way other than it has switzerland on high alert a chain of banks though in 2023 they will either crash or they are absorbed by other banks and this occurs in many nations and yes now switzerland is included if it's not a total collapse of these bank chains then it is a systemic collapse of a type of banking i need to make that distinction because the what i was measuring kind of morphed on me the more i looked at it and it wasn't so much a type of banks it was an entire method of banking that that i ended up analyzing and i'll probably get to that here in a minute there's a high probability that the world economic forum is finished by the end of 2023 moving on to 2024. the eu and switzerland free trade agreement will either end or it will be completely amended so as to be very different fundamentally different than it than what it was in its inception now this is really only important to the eu in switzerland now also in 2024 i found something very interesting in this year cern will be prominent in the news worldwide and in france during the olympics there will be a very high signature for violence you pretty much know what types of violence occurs at olympic events but we have strong isometric signals for for the french olympics in 2024 the incident was cern i don't know what it is like i can only imagine but it's going to make world news uh it's not going to be just isolated to switzerland so moving on to 2025 2025 if the world economic forum lasts into this year in this year it ends and it's been going since 1971 very long time very high signatures for a major conservative presence in government newly elected officials maybe i don't know i don't even know what a switzerland's election schedule is but but it's so much that the balance of power will completely shift in 2025 that liberals and socialists are basically neutralized 2026 is very interesting because i couldn't find anything to me that translates that switzerland is going to have a very uneventful year a year of peace no worries i couldn't find a single thing i looked at it from multiple different mathematical vantage points can't see anything for 2026 and it's not the only year either that's like that so in 2027 2027 we have a resurgence of anti-papal sentiment demonstrations actual government actions this may or may not be connected to a national scandal that will be widely reported otherwise though it's a very uneventful year and it's followed by 2028 another uneventful year this tells me mathematically we're dealing with a year that is static static translates as peaceful there's nothing else there's nothing really going on so we go to 2029 and in 2029 things get interesting because in this year switzerland will break precedent this needs to be remembered i'm keeping this video up to 2029 i promise you that switzerland in the year 2029 is going to break precedent and they are going to involve themselves in military offensive against another nation there appears to be a media blackout about the entire incident but this conflict is the source of switzerland's troubles that will occur in the year 2031. that's in 2029 but in 2030 a year of quiet in switzerland however several nations are at war mass migrations starvation it doesn't it doesn't look good surrounding the little island that is switzerland the nation stays on high military alert but the year is basically for switzerland very peaceful which is followed by 2031. in this year there is a coup attempted by a fifth column of radicals liberal agents trying to overturn trying to overthrow the conservative government they do this attack of it's an attack of opportunity meaning while it's in long-term planning it is executed before it was it was intended to be executed because of a series of events where they thought they had an opening but the swiss military violently puts down the coup there will be bloodshed this sparks a new helvetic government with strong nationalist agendas those of you in switzerland that are that are listening to this video you know your history you know about the prior helvetic movements helvetic governments helvetic kingdoms helvetic pacts well now we have in 2031 a return of this helvetic this type of philosophy government whatever but uh 2031 is the return of the sentiment it's strong nationalist agenda in 2031 anti-semitism rises there is an aggression against foreign nationals everywhere throughout switzerland as an organization in this year of 2031 the red cross ends it has no existence after the year 2031. this collapse could be because of the the wars that are raging elsewhere throughout the world i don't know or it could be so underfunded from the foreign wars that it just collapses there's no way to tell i mean not without a deeper analysis and i don't know what data to mine in order to get that i have to i would have to actually go into the uh red cross's own history and then find whatever dates that it has posted for different things to find that out and i'm just not i don't have the tenacity for that right now 2032 there's an international conflict in wars switzerland on high alert throughout the entire year but remains independent of the ongoings around them like switzerland normally does but in 2020 2033 the conclusion of a war frees switzerland from aggression toward it by another nation switzerland joins an alliance of nations all sharing the same goal this is another break from precedent it may be it may be basically a revelation to us of just how chaotic events are going to be in europe in the 2030s so the following year is 2034 and in 2034 anti-semitism is at its peak in anti-semitic legislation is enacted the banking secrecy act is totally done away with swiss military actions on multiple occasions throughout the year a new constitution in switzerland is drafted this is followed in 2035 the hill by the helvetic nationalist movement it basically morphs into a rise of the habsburg dynasty seated at geneva this is really intriguing this is a twist this is a twist for those of you who know your your your swiss history it's a difficult series of events to unravel that occurs where an invasion instigated by another country is actually welcomed by pro habsburg sympathizers in switzerland this is an ancient swiss enemy this could be a socio-political alliance between switzerland and another habsburg power and mutual compact i don't know but the union seems to f the u this union seems to forge its own presence in europe as a major power but only temporarily this is 2035. so in 2036 i'll tell you something those giant flagstones sometimes man i'll kill you 2036 the pope condemns the new political military alliance and instantly the union involving switzerland retaliates inquires more territory this continued swiss aggression and break from it's not even noted it's like the rest of the world totally ignores it the world is at war the entire world wide stock market completely collapses and yes this affects switzerland but the collapse seems to be anticipated and many nations have resorted to purely national economies with trade only with nearby neighbors maritime law violations are in the hundreds of thousands but there is no enforcement what this translates to is absolute international chaos we're talking 2036 there is so much war happening on so many fronts there's no longer an authority to stop the piracy to stop different nations from shelling or torpedoing each other's ships there's no marine time law enforcement that means there's high crime on the seas everywhere which forces many nations to trade only with their local neighbors while they're in the survival period we move on to 2038. well actually no i skipped 20 37 didn't i 20 30 so i skipped 20 37 because there's nothing happening i've looked at that from multiple different perspectives as well there's nothing happening happening in switzerland that again is static means a year apiece now i did notice in 2037 that the middle east and asia are in a protracted war between each other and that i found very interesting and i found it so interesting in fact that i i plan on doing a video on israel i don't know if i'm going to ever get around to doing a video on the middle east i don't know which country to start with in the middle east to see if there's going to be any you know whatever's going to unfold there maybe iran i don't know iraq there's so many choices there's so many different nations in the world and i get bogged down with the decisions really let's move on to 2038 the swiss are again at war as a new strain of influenza decimates about five percent of the population while the war rages outside of switzerland the power of switzerland has allied itself to the power the power that switzerland has allied itself to it's it's attacked it's attacked by an entire consortium of nations now this is the power of the habsburg dynasty type power that they had i lied to like two years prior so during a battle in the summer of abroad not in switzerland probably in this habsburg nation uh where the swiss are engaged a coup is attempted back home in switzerland while most of the military is away again it is brutally put down there is bloodshed the military inside the country take care of the problem i don't know who these people are pretty sure they're socialists we move on to enough what we're really really close to where we're going it's the year 2039 and in 2039 hostilities absolutely cease the habsburg power that switzerland played ally to falls under the onslaught of several nations strangely the swiss are left alone returning to their autonomy so bizarre how they get this role over and over and over to to be neutral and to be left alone we arrived to 2040 couldn't find anything i couldn't find anything any anything i didn't know what to really look for in switzerland's past and i couldn't find anything that would get to 2040 that would that would translate as a phoenix cataclysm i know the phoenix is coming but maybe switzerland again gets a pass i don't know but i did know i did see something that was really really intriguing i looked up all these events in swiss history and i had i did a flow chart and did it on the chart three separate events mathematically connected to switzerland's historical uh historical events in switzerland all landed on the same future day three separate mathematical timelines all landed on 2041 not 2040. all three of these all three of these like reality tunnels only concerned one thing all three of them began with the swiss people coming together to rebuild their country after something had happened in these three instances it was invasions in wars we're talking about 12th century 13th century 14th century 15th century battles so these three timelines all began at different times in history but they all ended in 2024 2021 it's it's fantastic how old is how old is isolated these three historic dates and they all have the same common denominator the people were coming together it was a time of peace but it was a time of rebuilding what do you think is going to happen after 2040 after 2040 that phoenix reset occurs of course peoples in all nations will be rebuilding so to find that correspondence there was pretty fascinating for me i was excited about it if you're not excited about it i get it i understand but to me to find that it was just confirmatory for me i like i like getting that in my analysis of isometric parallels found connected to switzerland's history there is an imprint operative a template of a perfect socialist society as this as the socialists dream but they can never achieve the arithmetic reveals that switzerland is somehow connected geometrically to the very chaos that surrounds it and yet keeps itself insulated that this energy has been at work since 1848 and involves all those other governments where socialism has taken root but failed so in the simplest layman terms possible we're looking at we're looking at a geographical area of that that houses the very problems or it's the origin of the very problems of everything that's going on around it that doesn't touch it that's some scary [\h__\h] i don't like what i saw in the switzerland predictions i'm not talking about what i see year to year to year with a well deal what i'm talking about switzerland is being used as a base of operations to perform actions against other nations or create events in other nations that would help ins basically switzerland is protected from the very chaos it creates whoever it is in switzerland that's doing it that's the subject matter of this video it's switzerland it's it's i had to go further i had to go way further because i kept just finding more and more and more and more it's just fascinating the client is satisfied he paid me and he received this prediction he received way more he did did a two-hour skype with him and we're going to do another one and i don't know what the subject matter of that conversation is going to be perhaps i'll do a video i don't know but i did ask for his explicit permission to do this video and he said yes there have been some predictions videos that i could have released had i not have clients tell me that they would appreciate if i would be quiet about what i saw and i i honor that too so this is jason morecakes.com but this is not an arcade video this is an office presentation