The End of This Video Trumps its Beginning

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foreign [Music] beautiful day in Willis Texas um news and announcements are going to be at the end of this video I have been really busy so my videos have been become more infrequent I do apologize for that a lot going on guys but let's get straight to the heart of the matter a visible hater is not an enemy true evil disguises itself and lays the blame for its activities on the innocent the public hater is the weakest of adversaries free motion has induced them to expose their position the true adversary is one who makes War by deception who can assail their opponent and remain invisible the most sophisticated battles are those that have the victims ignorant that they are even being attacked and when an Awakening does transpire these genius tacticians already have an army of publicly known scapegoats in place I am not unmindful of this conflict of this history and because of this I understand that to perceive the present accurately is to ignore the speech of the enemy to only study the unfolding of events Beware of the media which takes its root from the ancient Greek meaning one who schemes media was a lover that ended up as the enemy of Jason and the Argonauts in my world I know we're witnessing the total dismantling of the Democratic Socialist power structure the takedown of Biden is now in full effect I further believe he will not be impeached that he will submit his letter of resignation from the presidency just as Nixon did all the accusations laid to Trump's charge about Russia and confidential State documents have been revealed now to be the Biden crime family trespasses and that of Hillary and Obama Trump has Vindicated again and there is no way that this is not by Design this is the control collapse of the Socialist Democratic power structure the removal exposure of Fraud and plagiarism of liberal talk show hosts of woke actors and actresses recently retired or made fools of is the controlled collapse of the Socialist Democratic power structure the Supreme Court rulings of late rise of State sheriffs exercising their 10th Amendment rights to defy unconstitutional dictates of their Governors the American population abandoning the Democratic party stepping down of Nancy Pelosi surge in militias militia activity homeschooling and now open defiant and ridicule of all things Federal is the controlled collapse of the socialist Democrat power structure the fight against big Tech the total loss of ratings of liberal social media platforms exposure of their fake news and fake comments bought armies the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter and the international resistance of that the release of the Twitter files total exposure of the covid conspiracy and the FTX Financial crimes and collapse that is specifically attached to the Democratic party and its members is all a part of the well-designed collapse of the Socialist Democratic power structure the total fall of CNN of its ratings trust in its hosts of leftist liberal media hosts of of other platforms Talking Heads who have vehemently been anti-trump anti-conservative anti-human the exposure of the circus on TV called The View canceling liberal Twitter accounts uh by Elon Musk and the Republican takeover of the house its moves to block IRS funding and exposure of the hypocrisy and Ridiculousness of AOC and other liberal leaders are just the beginning of the takedown of the socialist Democrat power I do recall telling you guys that Russia would not be defeated NATO would not intervene with armies the Ukraine was alone and the globalist meeting at Davos this time was a pitiful defeatist collection of Moguls with much lower attendance the great reset is not the one they were planning as newer Financial alliances have been forged that actually weakened the wef influence as I stated before the wef is about to fall the world is turning and these predictions were all made when the Socialist globalist Democrats were in full power in government media and influence and everyone was crying about it Trump had just been removed from office for these to unfold slightly delayed it doesn't bother me at all because the nature of the predictions has everything moving in the exact opposite direction than the events that were happening when the predictions were made and now the humdinger the left are steadily trying to influence the world to entertain covet amnesty and how we should forgive and forget lock us down tear apart families with travel restrictions misdiagnose many and cause their deaths steel constitutional state rights privileges immunities and the use of New Normal that these people masked as a power grab for total control to bypass due process of law in allowing populations to choose their own leaders hell no when I broke the law at 17 years old 33 years ago I admitted it wrote a full statement against myself and went to prison and these people should too there should be no talk of amnesty I will say this the liberal public figures are taking hits losing credibility laughed at scorned some fired voted out of office vilified in this is all by Design is it the Q movement no the anons no The Patriot no is it the military this my friends is a war one that has been fought so ingeniously by a small minority that not only do they remain unmentioned on all platforms do they remain unmentioned in the news in mainstream media all these takedowns and Revelations of corruption they are never implicated but the people who have suffered from this war for 2 000 years still don't even know they're in a war as far as news goes the archaics movie is moving moving ahead it's just slow going it's a lot of stage and a lot of stage prep uh might have a few interesting people make some Cameo appearances uh there was a minor setback it was just a financial one I had to wait a little while but uh we have a archaics benefactor somebody stepped in and paid the full bill for some special art that I had I had commissioned just for the movie and uh that sped things up and I'm really appreciative they want to remain anonymous and I'm gonna I'm going to respect that the uh survival pack is now available I'll put the link down in the description box late last night I stayed up thousands of images guys I know a lot of these have never seen the internet they came out of my my library uh I have the survival packs subdivided into files so it's not just one big file full of images it's got its own files in it that tell you the exact book from the 1800s or in early 20th century um that these these old photos came out of like I said there's a lot of other content creators who would probably find a lot of value in this um yeah the survival pegs is absolutely packed full of thousands of images and the copyright Pages the pictures of the title pages of the books are with the or with the images themselves but also there's uh there's over 2 000 old books in the survival pack guys we don't have enough years in our lives to read it remember it took me over over 17 18 years to read 1300 non-fiction uh historical books books on science physics mostly history archeology stuff like that now they're all non-fiction my bibliography is extensive and many people have been impressed by it it's free on podia anybody can download it and see at the title date of publication publisher and all that for everyone else it took that many years to data mine that that many texts I do not know how anybody can read 2 000 books in their lifetime and have all the obligations that we have out here I was able to do 1300 books because I was in prison now the survival pack has over 2 000 books many of them are ones that I've already discoursed about many of them from my bibliography uh by which I derive my education in a lot of these books over a hundred in here are books that I plan to do future videos on I just don't have time but I don't want to hold on to the information either like I said guys we're we're expecting some interesting events here in 2023 and one of them is is something to do with it it's going to be staged but I believe it's going to be a false parenting event and I have two videos explaining my reasoning why I believe it's it's it's slated for this year something to do with a change in the internet or taking down the internet or changing something about worldwide Information Systems our information Technologies I.T stuff it will be temporary but when the internet comes comes back on it will it will come back on with a significant change I don't know what that is I'm not even trying to predict that change I'm just letting you know where the data has taken us so that's a survival pack it'll be available the the super pack is all 100 my material and it's fast it's a lot of stuff but it's not even near the size of the survival pack super Pacs are still available on podia as downloads uh the survival pack is an SD chip with a card reader will be sent to you so you can upload it to a phone you can upload it to a tablet you can upload it to a laptop or your personal computer SD chips and and the SD little card card readers adapters they're very versatile with almost all Technologies uh let's see I have contacted I have contacted a a bin of suspicious observers I just sent him an email this morning uh as I was as I was photographing the last of these books and redoing my library here in my my studio I had uh listened to many many presentations by him and you guys are correct there's a lot of overlap even though we're coming from from totally different perspectives so I think that's pretty interesting and I sent him an email itemizing all the things that I'm really interested in that he has mentioned on his own videos well I'll be I'll be contacting more and more people uh that are on the list we we've looked at a lot of your suggestions and yeah I'm uh I'm all for doing podcasts with these people not all of them will I invite on my channel uh in fact many of them I'll I'll probably uh be a guest on their Channel we'll see so these are things in the works we'll we have uh I have four or five podcasts already scheduled for next week the following week after that one or two probably I'll probably schedule a lot more I just have so much so many irons in the fire I have two different people I'll be doing recordings with on uh ancient Islamic and studies um Phoenix phenomenon resets cataclysms that are known in Arabic literature and in the Quran I have a lot of data on that but uh I'm gonna be talking to two different people about that as well before I put together a huge presentation on it um probably come out with a video on Mephistopheles some of you know what I'm talking about I do have the Phoenix thesis still being put together it's very important uh the the chronicle of biruni over a thousand years ago the man who recorded about the the ocean staining halfway up the Great Pyramid uh I will be releasing more videos in The feylorn Saga on my other channel there's I'm not even halfway done releasing those videos I've got two full books uh totally released and I've got like three or four more books to go it's a lot I got a lot so uh keep your comments very cordial just because you're you're able to answer a riddle doesn't mean you need to provide the answer publicly this is YouTube remember where you're at so we are experiencing the unfolding of a script it's a stage play Shakespeare was not wrong we are in this massive Amphitheater watching the unfolding of events that have been scripted for us we are the audience now it has been my message over and over and over that no matter how dark the world becomes it cannot interfere with your own personal light because you live and exist in pass through two simultaneous coalescing realities you can choose which one you want to participate in you have the ability to phase in and phase out of the the diabolically opposed realities that are you are confronted with on a daily basis if you're vibrating high and everything's going the way you want it to go and you're experiencing things that you want to experience and you're not worried about the collective and what's going on around you and you're just passing through this world as in as an observer then you're living in the personal and in the personal you have this relationship with the similacrum and it's able to build for you the very things you expect to experience but sometimes sometimes the corruption of the world it does stain us and before long we don't even realize that man from the fast for the past two or three days I've been totally negative vibrating in in a base Dimension and you have been experiencing everything in the collective saturated with the negativity totally victimized by dungeon programming your whole reality in the past three days has been has been nothing but one item after another of negative default programming and when you make this realization what you have to remember is that being a spiritual being means that you're not attached to the physical although you think you are being a spiritual being actually allows you the ability to phase out of the collective in Phase right back into the personal you can do this you can and all it takes is an awareness remember an awareness of power creates power but if you're not aware that this is happening to you then you won't there's no reason to escape the dungeon programming it it's working it's got you totally encapsulated even blind that there's even something wrong going on yeah guys we're in a war in the in the greatest way to defeat your enemy is to convince your enemy that there's nothing even to fight about that they're not even in a war that no conflict really exists yeah our enemy is very sophisticated they perfected this a long time ago long time ago and when we look to and fro and up and down and we search everywhere for for the faces of the ones that are responsible for why the world is the way it is today we're given we're given many faces Escape goats were given the puppets while the marionettes look down and laugh yeah guys don't worry about the world the world is always going to do what the world does and it's not going to change and it's always going to be just as evil as the day you entered it you just gotta worry about the personal each each one of us has our own walk with the oversoul and if you truly have if you truly have faith and belief in the oversoul and that all things are going to be okay then there's nothing to worry about anyway at all so that's my message today sorry I haven't been releasing videos as much I have been busy doing I've been getting things done it just doesn't really doesn't really seem like it when videos only come out three or four or five days sorry about that but hope you enjoyed this little presentation with my GoPro uh on the motorcycle I'm gonna find a different way to do it because I don't like this sit up I I need to I need something that shows more of my motorcycle as I'm as I'm on the road instead of something so high up but uh I'll figure out some I'll get another amount but uh you guys have fun and please keep the comments cordial