The Jesus Enigma (100th video)

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real quick a person or a belief system as important and dynamic as jesus cannot be ignored any further in the in the archaic research so we're going to go in deep this is just the first of maybe two three or four videos on the topic of jesus and early christianity it's going to take us into other avenues of research i wasn't really ready yet i have the the data is already done it's already been amassed i just wasn't ready to go down this rabbit hole yet but i'm getting too many too many emails and messages to me too many people are wanting this this information so it's coming now sometimes you just got to be careful what you wish for our story begins in the 750th year of rome which was 42 roman julian or 2236 years after the flood 1 1896 years after the babel dispersion it is 1444 years after the exodus event it is the 144th year of israel it is 742 years post-exilic chronology this is in our calendar 3 bc which was the year 3892 anas mundi in 3 bc a series of nine planetary conjunctions beginning in the month of may on may 19th begins and they will continue on through august 26th of the year 2 bc it is believed by some that these conjunctions were what the magi in the east were watching for signs revealing the birth of the sashat i believe that's pronounced correctly the savior of the gnosis in the end of the 31 centuries of the black age of the kali yuga on may 19th the first and last planets mercury and saturn conjoined on june 12th this was followed by a venus saturn conjunction then on august 12th a venus jupiter conjunction then on august 31st a mercury venus conjunction on september 14th a jupiter regulus which is the king star conjunction this final alignment was 108 days before the first day of 2bc mercury was the messenger planet saturn is the planet of mystery and in ancient hebrew symbolism saturn was the reaper a messianic planet the harvest being humanity venus was the newcomer in the planet of love to the romans jupiter was the king of the planet and regulus is the king star of the zodiac one of the four cornerstones of the zodiac actually in the constellation leo the lion four stars form the base of the cosmic pyramid these are regulus in leo aldebaran and taurus and teresa and scorpio and fomo hot and aquarius the pole star is the apex of this great celestial pyramid this combination of conjunctions was enough to give those watching something to pay attention to the magi of the east continued to watch the heavens and they did not have long to wait in 2 bc on february 17th jupiter regulus conjoined on may 8th jupiter regulus conjoined again on june 17th jupiter venus conjoined and on august 26 jupiter conjoined with mars so mars now joins this collection of conjunctions a planet of war now combining all of these planetary concepts the meanings behind them that appeared in three through 2 bc we have an astronomical statement that reads conceptually as message of one who is first and last whose new coming is a mystery to mankind who is loved a new message from king of heaven and earth who brings judgment by fire and for mankind wages war against the enemy now christian tradition without historical verification claims that the searched out judea seeking for the birth of a child that they knew to be the seahand the messiah these wise men brought gold incense and myrrh as relics that were to be given to the savior in accordance with very ancient instructions now christmas eve was not the birth of jesus or or the christ but the date when the magi delivered the gifts 120 days after the birth of the one that they came to call jesus it was the date mankind accepted for his divinity but this date december 25th was already known throughout the ancient world in the mithraic traditions among the maga in in the zoroastrianism at phrygia in asia minor uh concerning the birth of addis the birth of dionysius and a host of other ancient savior gods the 2 bc date for the birth of christ is indeed very intriguing in the historical record and for a variety of ways pay attention to this list tertullian wrote that jesus was born 28 years after queen cleopatra died in egypt now we all know that her death was in 30 bc thus 28 years would be 2 bc ir irenaeus wrote that jesus was born in the 41st year of the reign of augustus caesar who came to power in 43 bc 43-41 is 2bc apollonius was born in 2bc a samaritan miracle worker in 303 a.d uh hierocles wrote you know in a work called uh i mean i i can't pronounce that claiming that the entire jesus story was manufactured around the life of apollonius this is the subject of another video jeffrey of monmouth wrote that london was founded in in the 285th year anas mundi or 1010 bc and that jesus was born 1008 years after the founding of london well 10 10 bc minus 1 000 years is 2 bc biblical chronologist stephen jones in his epic work the secrets of time basically cataloging all the chrono markers in the entire old and new testament wrote that jesus was born in 2 bc his source materials are the assyrian epinones and many many pseudographical works very interesting work vedic scholars assert that the kali yuga or the black age countdown to the coming of the savior savior was 31 centuries 3 100 years and this ancient indian calendar is dated by scholars to have begun in 3103 bc that is absolutely amazing some hold because of the difference in the beginning of the year this is actually 3102 bc which is precisely 3 100 years before 2 bc by researching the geometrical timeline encoded within the interior dimensions of the great pyramid e raymond capt wrote a book and determined that jesus was born in 2 bc gematria specialist bonnie gaunt published a series of books in which she finds in her studies number codes in the biblical records and determined through gematria alone that the birth of jesus was in our calendar 2 bc the author of luke chapter 3 verses 1 through 2 wrote that john the baptist appeared in the 15th year of the reign of tiberius this statement is exactly where the gospel of marchionne begins oh i know y'all don't know about the gospel of markeon we will be doing a video about that but in the gospel of marchionne which is believed to be the original gospel not to be confused with the gospel of mark tiberius reign began in 14 a.d and adding 15 years to 14 a.d gives us 29 a.d for when john began baptizing his minister baptizing in his ministry of repentance in verse 23 we read that jesus was baptized when he was about 30 years old this targets 2 through 1 bc as the birth of jesus the dating of 2bc is the birth of jesus apollonius by so many sources is rather remarkable considering the fact that almost the entire christian catholic world believes that this birth actually occurred in either 7 or 4 bc the latter following archbishop james usher's chronology which is absolutely an error even if joseph and mary are mere inventions the fact remains that jesus even in the gospel accounts was not jewish but galilean galilee was a distinctly non-jewish region referred to by the prophet isaiah in the old testament in a messianic passage quote as galilee of the nations the word nations in hebrew is foreign peoples galilee was full of foreign peoples this messianic passage in isaiah continues for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace the lord sent a word unto jacob and it hath lighted upon israel and all the people shall know even ephraim the scattered israelites in the inhabitant of samaria this is an ancient israelite prophecy it was centuries before the birth of jesus if the calendrics for 2bc was to reveal the birth of someone of global spiritual importance it does not show in any way on any timeline that we don't have historically verifiable records from the ancient world concerning the life of jesus is a problem for many we don't have any records outside of church sources in church church materials but in one a d right after the birth of christ it is not without significance that in this year the roman emperor augustus ordered the destruction of over 2 000 volumes of the greek prophecies an apparent attempt to forget the future much of what the greeks knew was from the early ionian sages who were closer in succession from their ancient israelite forebearers the apocalypse known as the book of revelation was among those ancient ancient greek preserved writings on the future that had not been destroyed a copy had been preserved a text masked in later christian garb though it's not mentioned anywhere in the life of jesus as recorded in the scriptures when jesus was seven years old there was a full-scale roman invasion into german territory that was forwarded when sudden uprisings occurred in roman occupied pannonia and dalmatia the census of rome occurred in judea and rome's eastern holdings which in those in those regions was overseen by a governor of syria syria named quirinius the census was very unpopular and judas of galilee led an uprising against the romans supported by the feared jewish assassins called the sikari or the dagger men this same judas of galilee is mentioned in the biblical book of acts chapter 5 by verse 37 when jesus was 15 years old a major uprising on the german frontier the romans were opposed by hordes of germans and it was suddenly stopped when all of a sudden the moon on a cloudless night disappeared from the sky it later reappeared and then faded out again so unusual was the event that it quelled the entire rebellion and peace was restored when jesus was 18 years old a major earthquake shock went through the entire roman provinces 12 cities are documented to have been erased just disappeared sank into the ground me the topography whole mountains appeared throughout roman provinces cartographers had to remake maps in the in the year 1780 or 17 common era whichever you prefer here's another event which is not mentioned anywhere in the new testament records and yet it was mentioned by many historians of the time it's the year 29 a.d jesus and john are both 29 30 years old john the baptist begins preaching and prophesying of the coming of the messiah known symbolically as the stone of israel we are told that john is a cousin of jesus the story of the gospel is a complex one a bane to the historian for nothing in the gospel story was chronicled until at least a century after the events depicted what the early christian faith was actually already existed at this time but in a very in a myriad of forms we arrive to 30 a.d the year 39 24 and as mundi it is the year 3000 of the jewish calendar 960 of the divided kingdom calendar if the gospel and apocryphal story was recorded accurately then in this year king herod imprisoned john the baptist and beheaded him at the whim of his daughter who was prompted to ask for john's head by his mother later before several witnesses the same girl was skating on the surface of a frozen lake when she plunged suddenly through the thin ice and was decapitated this is herod's daughter her head remained on the ice as her body floated off below the icy surface the man history has passed on to us as jesus was not from judea he was not a jew but even after almost 20 centuries he still remains a total total mystery jesus was galilean galilee becoming one of the most important places of early christianity galilee did not border judea and nor was it made a judean people made of judean people galilei was a metropolitan region densely populated by many different ethnic backgrounds situated on a major trade route it was a region of strong hellenistic influence and and the major language was not aramaic or hebrew the galilean spoke greek after his baptism jesus went straight back to galilee and the scriptures read he went back to galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of god and saying the time is fulfilled what time what time he referred to is really unknown however it is fascinating that that this year was exactly 1440 years a major golden proportion fibonacci number after 411 bc when the israelites conquered king ogg of bastion and sihon of the amorites for possession of the lands that would later be called lower syria where galilee and samaria were located not jerusalem this was also what we're talking galilee and samir we're talking about the ancient kingdom of israel here if some of you aren't following this was also the year 960 of the divided kingdom calendar when israel seeded from judah and became the northern kingdom of samaria in 931 bc this year of jesus first year of ministry began a 40-year countdown to the total destruction of jerusalem and judea and the temple by the romans at the end of the jewish war in in 80 70. it is held that jesus fulfilled the prophecy in the book of isaiah the prophet where he wrote in galilee of the nations the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light they shall dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them hath the light shined the jewish animosity against jesus was ethnic the inception of christ's ministry offended the jews for jesus taught and revealed only ancient israelite articles of faith quoting israelite prophecies and nothing of jewish context was mentioned by jesus unless uttered in condemnation the jews had become so separated from their earlier israelite pedigree that they completely alienated their own kin in galilee they didn't even recognize them in their defense the jews focused not on jesus teachings but on where he was from galilee the jews proudly said can anything good come out of nazareth shall christ then come out of galilee also they said art thou art thou also of galilee search and look for out of galilee arises no prophet this is what the jews said the jews of the day and hence and hence then have practiced a tainted religion they had brought out of babylon an admixture of hebraicism and the new system of beliefs called talmudicism never before known in israel or judah jesus chose his disciples not from the but from galilee with only judas being jewish the jews considered the galileans to be gentiles this rift was not only in culture character and geography but genetic as well the galileans were formerly ancient israelites in wandering after the assyrians deported them in 745 and again later 24 years later in 721 bc they have been called many names the sumerians of samaria the semri gemri gemiri galutha the gauls in fact geographically galilei was the same land allotted to the 10 tribes of israel after the exodus by moses when the tribes were giving out their their inherited territories the nation of israel was ten collected tribes those that that geographical region is galilee and samaria like the good samaritan because of the greek migrations from the days of alexander of mesodon three centuries or more earlier in the building of the decapolis which is the ten greek cities of the area galilee was thoroughly greek with a dense population of samaritans and syrians judaism was strong too because the region had been forced by the point of death over a century earlier to convert to judaism the forced conversion was a way to enrich the jewish temple treasury as the jews by this time were in a mixture of judahites babylonians and they appeared racially different from jesus the ancient israelites were a very fair featured people with red hair being very prominent epiphanius manakis wrote that jesus was six feet tall his hair long and golden colored with skin ruddy in complexion even as late as the renaissance era the masterpieces depicting jesus depicted him and his mother mary with red hair the ancient judahite shared the same features but not the darker featured jews six centuries later galilei was called golinitis by the romans who knew that galilee was settled by the gauls the gauls were the direct descendants of israelites in wandering even their neighbors the samaritans by their own account were the descendants of an admixture of people descended from the ten tribes of israel formally deported the jewish historian flavius josephus writing over 50 years later may have mentioned jesus in his monumental work writing that an unnamed samaritan leader was killed by pontius pilate and that the roman was sent was sent to rome to answer for his crime before tiberius as a galilean jesus could easily have also been referred to as a samaritan to to the jews they were one in the same the very first proponent of christianity in the form we recognize today were galileans and their first followers were samaritans and some jews the whole galilean movement was founded by syrians for this region was lower syria grant allen in 1897 wrote in his awesome book evolution and the idea of god he said whatever else may be said of christianity it is at least fairly agreed on either side both by friends and foes that this great religion took its rise around the personality of a certain particular galilean teacher by the name of jesus the following year in 31 a.d things began to take on a whole new form by this time the controversy over jesus was widespread in galilee samaria and judea though the gospel account holds him as a king of the jews jesus never made this claim asserting that he was a king only others claim he was a conqueror come to subdue the nations to make them subservient to the jews but his message was not of a conqueror in the vatican archives in an account of an of an encounter between pilate and jesus before his trial pilate wrote that the jews that hated jesus were darker skinned and dark-eyed while jesus was fair-haired and fair-skinned this is a vatican text that is widely published and i don't know why more people don't know about it the vatican archives have also yielded forth another account of jesus one very little known a close friend of caesar who was descended from an equestrian family named vias particulars wrote an extensive book called historia romania historians attest that particulus was once a widely known roman historian this is not contended he had written about mithridates king of pontus in about the trojan war vayu's particulars wrote that when he was 51 years old he passed through judea on his way back to rome after 16 years of military service was over he wrote that he witnessed a man named and that jesus was the most interesting person he had ever seen a cure of disease helper of the poor and a razor of the dead he wrote that among the jews it was a matter of controversy at that time as to who jesus was but the roman statesmen declared that he was more afraid of jesus than of a whole army the writings of particulars have not survived and are found only in quotations from other authors however this text was allegedly discovered by accident over a hundred years ago in the vatican archives scholars believe the citation to be a blatant forgery paterculus calls him jesus of nazareth nazareth being a later christian invention no place existed at the time when jesus was actually alive but now but being called a nazarite identifies him with being and a scene further the miracles were also a later invention the essenes were from the dead sea area these people are the ones that preserved many writings and they buried them in the cave you know those writings today as the dead sea scrolls interestingly in their own writings the essenes themselves considered themselves to be descendants of the true israelites they believed in the teacher of righteousness who was killed and then rose from the dead a prophet as we will see this was a very ancient faith the essenes and the druids maintained basically the same belief systems the druids were the spiritual leaders and guides of the gauls and even as early as the 1890s historians have noted that the druidic faith was very close to original christianity isaiah the prophet declared that god would one day in the future after the 7th century bc reveal his word to israel not through the hebrew they spoke at the time but through another language isaiah wrote for with stammering lips and with another tongue will the lord speak to his people and now the shocker for the hebrew word used for stammering in this prophecy is gale which is the origin of gaelic the language of the gauls of old a tongue later preserved in early scotland ireland wales the tongue of the manx gaelic is the celtic mother tongue in jesus final year a.d 33 which was the 77th year of the roman julian calendar and 777 years since the 10 tribes were deported into babylon jesus declared that i am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of israel judah continued to honor the law and the prophets though they added talmudicism and for this their strong affinity toward tradition the jews are easily identifiable in roman times as they are even two thousand years later there was no change their culture would remain stagnant it had remained the same the jews have never been lost all know who they are the jews assumed that the covenants belonged only to them for they still possessed jerusalem in their lot in the land of promise they being totally oblivious that millions of people in those days were already dispersed throughout asia africa and europe who were also the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob israel to the jews the other countless millions were also to be ignored by god those in deepest africa the middle east india and the far east and those rumored to be living on the other side of the world to the jew only the jew mattered by excluding the entire world from the promises of god the jews cursed themselves when jesus was taken to pontius pilate and when the jews cried let his blood be upon us and our children as pilate washed his hands of the matter the greek word lost as in lost sheep is apolomi which is made of root words meaning separated by punishment this was a reference to the 10 tribes of israel deported in 745 bc for their worship of baal and asherah according to the jewish redacted text of the old testament who the lost israelites were is clearly seen in where the apostles traveled after jesus was gone as will be shown the apostles of christ traveled to all those lands where the descendants of israel were settled or their original sid cities of settlement evidence that the lost israelites no longer lived in palestine only is found in that jesus told them that they would they would not go over all the cities of israel before the son of man comes if israel was only within the narrow confines of palestine then jesus message would have filled the land in months but the son of man still has not come and yet christianity is spread throughout the world with new cities inhabited by christians being built all the time this is because the abrahamic covenant has been fulfilled that the seed of abraham would literally fill the earth jesus spoke before the synagogue and declared the spirit of the lord is upon me to preach the acceptable year of the lord in the day of vengeance of our god this statement is the key to jesus message it is a chronological statement and one totally ignored by christian eschatologists ancient man was given a year specific timeline of six thousand years to the return of the chief cornerstone a six thousand year period that had a definitive begin date in 3895 bc when a major pole shift created a new heavens in a new earth and ended and it will end the 6000th year in 2106 a.d which is one year after the 2105 end of all things according to nostradamus this is the year 6000 anus mundi christian writers all too often proclaim that the timing of armageddon is unknown or cannot be known being god's secret unaware that the six thousand year countdown is discovered in so many different ways they say that we cannot know the time because scripture reads that no man know the day nor the hour however there is no bar to knowing the now jesus is arrested after judas the jew betrays him for 30 pieces of silver which was the price of a slave tradition holds these are also vatican texts that pilate's wife was a woman of gaul for those of you who don't know gall was france and that she had a nightmare that revealed to her the supernatural divinity of jesus in that in that he was far more than he claimed to be and begged her husband to have nothing to do with jesus death her dreams specifically portended an earthquake and the darkening of the sun the presence of a woman of gaul married to a roman official is not surprising in 37 a.d pomponius mela of tenjintra wrote in day chronographia that there had been some gauls in france that had relocated sailing east to palestine philo of alexandria was a jew alive at the time who wrote a history writing about pilate describing has him as inflexible merciless and obstinate philo claimed that the jews hated pilate because of his severity having having ordered uh over a hundred crucifixions but the point here that's very interesting is that the ancient israelites golinitis from gaul the gaelic people basically they they're they're on both sides of the spectrum here we have we have a woman of gaul married to pontius pilate who washed his hands he really didn't want to kill jesus he was trying to quell a jewish rebellion and he just accepted the lesser of two evils the day jesus was crucified according to gaius cassius later called longinus was a representative for pilate who reported on the religious and political scene in jerusalem because the passover was approaching the jews wanted the three men on the crosses to be dead by sundown so they petitioned the romans to break their legs when the soldiers broke the legs of the two men on either side of jesus gaius cassius in an act of mercy stabbed jesus in the side with a spear fulfilling two old testament prophecies isaiah wrote that a bone of him shall not be broken and ezekiel wrote that they shall look upon him whom they have pierced the crucifixion of jesus fulfilled an ancient motive in human sacrifice in antiquity the victim was bought for a price the money paid absolved the people from guilt the payment of a price to kill an innocent altered the act from murder to sacrifice jesus price was 30 pieces of silver the head of a sacrificial victim was anointed with oil and christ actually means anointed it was important that the victim made no show of resistance but had to accept his or her fate in order for the people to gain by the sacrifice for this drugs were often used to sedate the victim and often after sedated the bones of the victim were broken so as to prevent struggling of resistance once the sacrificial ceremony began this was all common knowledge in the days of isaiah giving more meaning to the prophecy that no bones of jesus would be broken this meant that his sacrifice was completely voluntary even though it was also literally fulfilled this willingness made jesus the kinsmen redeemer of those he gave himself for jesus was executed upon astoros which is greek for a stake roman crucifixion was not on a cross but on a stake that the victims were nailed to the majority of christian authorities affirmed that the date for the crucifixion was 33 a.d the year 33 a.d is itself quite unimportant calendrically under any calendar system 33 is basically it's invisible it has no parallels no cross-calendrical parallels no isometric projections it's like the invisible year in world history while this is noteworthy we turn here to the air edition of oswald spingler who in his book the decline of the west concerning jesus statement my kingdom is not of this world wrote this is the final word which admits of no gloss and on and on each must check the course wherein birth and nature have set him there is no bridge between directional time and timeless eternity between the course of history and the existence of a divine world order while i have been unable to find any collectible significance with the year 3927 annis mundi which was 33 a.d or 33 common era in our calendar if you will look at this chart right here this is a chart that shows the phoenix history as as it is revealed also through the chronometry of the great pyramid the the phoenix history is fascinating it was always and it was always a series of world destructions that was attached to the prophet enoch and the great pyramid but what's significant here is that the golden proportion the most holy magical series of numbers in existence by which all physics constants are attached to the golden proportion shows right here in the phoenix timeline that 33 a.d was 1.618 in proportion like a fractal of time like everything of importance in world history happened on that date and this leads us to our conclusion many of you are going to find this very strange but in the biblical narratives in the four gospels we find the account that at the crucifixion of jesus the sun darkened i'm gonna tell you that never happened and i'm gonna show you why in the next video and it does not negate the person of jesus who he was what he remember this is simulation theory evidence you'll understand more in the next video but i have told you and given you hints many times that while the phoenix effect is terrible remember mass abductions mass disappearances of all cloaked in in great destructions throughout world history caused by the phoenix but the phoenix in antiquity was a holy symbol i believe that on may 16 2040 three different simulated holographies will collide those of you existing in one of those simulations are expecting a rapture and you're going to get exactly what you're expecting it's going to happen you're going to vanish and disappear those of us who are not expecting a rapture are going to live through this cataclysm and many of us will die and then the world can will continue with the survivors and start all over be on the lookout for our phoenix and the crucifixion event video where it's going to explain exactly how all this ties together [Music]