The Missing Link Podcast: Reality Unraveled

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[Music] hey guys it was a it was a pretty good podcast this morning with jesse of the missing link we were just getting in our groove nothing real mysterious it was kind of irritating though the the signal it caught it just went it just cut off and i thought it was just something having to do with my uh my wi-fi but it wasn't apparently comcast suddenly t-mobile and maybe all the other carriers as well they all went offline every single one of them in in my little area of texas now i don't know how big that area is but i drove around and found out that it was the talk of the truck stop did two more gas stations i you know i finally said you know what i know where i can go i've done many videos way out here i got a little fallback safe house way out here in the country it takes an hour and ten minutes to get here i already live in the country so you can imagine how far this one is but y'all been there with me before so i'm going out here and i'm going to uh i'm gonna go find that that i'm gonna go find jesse's podcast and whatever he recorded and i'm gonna upload it right here in this video so you all can see it i see in the comment section that uh that some of you guys like it i really don't even remember i was in my groove i don't remember what we were even talking about the signal cut off and i got irritated but i was i was i was cool when i found out it was the entire region and it was all the internet carriers no conspiracy here no one's trying to shut me down it's just a uh just a fluke something that happened you know i will be going back on jesse's show i had somebody michael bowling good buddy of mine in the dominican republic he uh he communicated i was unable i didn't even have text message i had incoming messages but i had to drive a while before i could answer any text so i'm going out here we're gonna upload this video so y'all can hear it and then when the video is over i'm gonna continue this video everyone has something to share and either wisdom story or logic and it's clearly amazing to hear all the different missing links discovered by people unique to their own journeys and in how they have come to discover that together we can help to build a bigger picture for a better future for a brighter tomorrow let's stand united let's remove the veils and let's create a new world together are you that missing link join jesse hale on the missing link talk show as he helps to unveil the mystery through the unique wisdom and story of others welcome welcome welcome welcome everybody here back to the missing link today we are excited and honored to have you know someone who's got a lot of great uh perspective on what's going on in the world he's had a lot of battle that he just told me about that you know for you know that he's just gone through and uh just amazing you know human beings so how are you today jason brieshares from how you doing i'm glad i'm glad to be here i'm doing really really well um why don't we start off with uh you telling us about who you are for anybody that may be hearing you here for the first time and go as detailed as you as you want this show is all about you brother okay well i appreciate it the opportunity um who i who i am is really the direct result of many me's in the past i have not been this person that you're seeing right now all my life we all i mean we all do develop when we grow into new people but i was fundamentally different than the person you're listening to right now uh at 17 years old i went to prison i was only supposed to be there for a short time but a series of events unfolded while i was incarcerated that was beyond my control and i was involved and i got more time and then because i was denied parole so many times i pretty much lost hope and in my late 20s and 30s i had decided well prison is my home i'm going to be here so i'm going to go and make the best of it at that time in my life i was already educating myself with the prison libraries and with uh just i had i had different benefactors that were sending me books from all over the world and i had an idea to put together an entire chronology of the world and i was already calling it chronic on by the late 90s by 99 uh before the y2k scare so i had uh i had been through madison security prisons for about 15 years and there's a there's a difference most people are not familiar with there is a freedom in isolation administrative segregation and uh close custody these are called the dungeons in in prison culture but that's where i did most of my time but the freedom that it afforded me meant that i didn't have to waste my life in manufacturing logistics in prison industries working for the man instead i was in maximum security where we don't have jobs and i spent my entire day just data mining all the books that i read and i had initially set out to do what most people do and is to verify and prove that what they already believe is true so that's what i did i spent about a decade uh putting together such a massive amount of information trying to prove that my beliefs as a southern baptist back then were true and i wanted to know from the secular histories that they were true but this is not what i found and it led to an incredible journey it led to many discoveries it led to collaborations with authors and scientists all around the world who have looked at my material i'm a basically i had found some patterns in history that didn't make sense way before there was a internet culture talking about mud floods and research and all that i was already publishing this in 2003 2004 2005 i had hooked up with a publisher of a re of reprints book tree press in san diego was owned by paul tice he used to be a personal videographer for zechariah ascension he had heard of my work and sent me a publishing contract and this has since then published five of my books because they're absolutely packed with bibliographic citations where you can go chase the source materials yourself and you can see that i'm not making anything up this is the this is the principal tenet of the archaic's research this is why so many people in such a short amount of time have flooded my youtube channel it is it is paramount to me that people understand that if uh extraordinary client claims require extraordinary evidence if you cannot cite your sources if you cannot show where you derive your material from then it's just a theory and theories are okay but it's not enough for me i need to be able to show the fundamentals i need i need for people to be able to see for themselves this this research had gone in several different directions and i started understanding that we have periodic cataclysmic like protocols that are operative throughout history when civilizations really reach a certain point it's almost as if an intelligent factor outside that civilization decides it's time it's time to reset that civilization and before the term reset ever even entered my vernacular i was already publishing books about it i just didn't call them resets so i had documented a 138-year periodicity of something a harrowing a harrowing phenomenon that occurs on this world every 138 years somewhere three times in recorded history it was worldwide about 16 times it was hemispheric and all the rest it was just something something very bizarre regional whole whole communities buried in mud whole weird sounds that came from the sky that vibrated the ground with such intensity that people animals and structures just sank before the sound stopped and everything was solidified it was a perfect way of resurfacing the earth without giving any evidence that there was a civilization there before i backed this up with scientific and archaeological information and this is what the archaic's channel is about showing this but in the in the course of discovering all these historical timelines and collaborating with paul tyson butchery press who was who was feeding me all these five of these 600 500 400 300 year old text oh that's where the source of my information comes from because i don't trust any history books that were published after world war ii for a very definitive reason very few people understand what happened after the nuremberg trials internationally who took over international publishing and the education of the public before world war ii the censorship didn't exist after world war ii all the textbooks all the encyclopedias everything was rewritten history was scrubbed this is another value of the archaic research you want to know about the true history of our planet and what we've gone through and it doesn't matter what your paradigm is because i'm an adherent to simulation theory doesn't matter if you believe in a flat earth or a globe none of that matters because the simulation theory it answers for every anomaly of the ancient modern world and it was my it was my intense scrutiny mathematical scrutiny of the of basically the periods of time between history historical events that led me to believe that i'm not living in an actual newtonian universe nothing i have found can be true the mathematical precision that underlies the substrate of all history is coded there's no way this can be real unless i am living within some type of holographic projection and that these weird civilization templates are just spread around and cultures races and civilizations unfold with mathematical precision until they hit these reset dates and that somebody's governing all of this so these are my conclusions and and it's really hard to abbreviate such a tremendous amount of data into one little conversation but this is basically the tenets of the archaic research as how i derive my material and make my conclusions archaic's 260 something videos is all about simulation theory showing it through world history not showing it like the elon musk version where where they use science that is absolutely abstract and none of us can follow it and so we just have to accept accept that okay we're living in a simulated simulation because you said so i don't i don't operate that way i only approach simulation theory from the perspective of ancient more contemporary history where i can show patterns that are undef uh they're just it's unimaginably complex but it's it's simplified once you see it and understand it i hope that all that sums it up that's perfect so what is uh simulation theory you know to you what is what is a good definition of that okay well we're not living in a computer game that's the simulation theory is really throws people off when they first come in contact with i have many many hundreds maybe perhaps over a thousand people who have come to the archaic's channel on youtube or on my website and have left they have left me scathing comments they their cognitive dissonance hits in they hit those firewalls intellectual firewalls they can't make the necessary cognitive leaps to sh to understand what this evidence means for their paradigm and their reality so they leave but they almost always come back i get so many emails where people apologize for for judging me or the material before they had time to assess it but it took some small clip from a video to get them to process what it was i was trying to convey and everything fell into play and now they're loyal listeners i have a very i don't just have i have ten thousand seven hundred and something subs but it's a very active sub bass they're on there every single day and it might have have a lot to do with me as well because uh i'm on there every day answering questions i don't i don't i use youtube like i used to use facebook before facebook kicked me off but uh i use the comment section just like i did i engaged with everybody i tried to at least but uh i lost my train of thought the um what's the simulation theory okay the same simulation first of all we have to look at this from a quantum perspective if we take any piece of matter and look at it in an electron microscope we've known since the days of of plunk in 1901 that if we magnify matter enough we're going to come into contact with the fact that one single piece of matter that we call atomic or an atom is actually nothing but an oscillating field with other oscillating fields and as soon as we look at it those fields turn to particles it gives us something to attach meaning to now because of the heisenberg uncertainty principle and all the other principles that follow with quantum mechanics we know that the more you magnify anything in reality the less is there meaning the very things that make up physical reality that we call atoms and that make my clay kiln cook so hard if we magnify this enough we will find that every single atom that makes up this structure isn't even touching each other they're they're a part of an informed field each one of them is an informed field connected to the next informed field and there's nothing but intervening space between them and then when you magnify the nucleus of that of that atom you find out it's not a particle it's an oscillating field it's all it is and it has these electrons that go in different areas at high speeds those high speeds give the illusion of physicality and add that add to that informed field but when you magnify that even more you find out that the nucleus of an atom which is an oscillating field is like miles away from the closest electron meaning physical reality isn't physical at all and there are more open spaces than there than there are actual parts of the construct translated mathematically we find that our existence is like point zero zero zero zero zero one percent physical there is a physicality but it's almost like an ether it's almost like ghost-like this is this is what we what oh basically this it's had many names you know the dream time to the australians it's the the vedic understanding was that we live in an illusion it's a maya it's uh the gnostics believe that we lived in a construct that was controlled by the demiurge it's no different than the modern scientific parlance all we have done is given it more sophisticated dressings it's the same thing we live in a ghost world and it's only because of the central nervous system and how we're jacked into it that we actually believe that everything around us is physical and that this holographic template of timelines that we are living in multiple scenarios at the same time is actually perceived by us to be sequential this is because we we have a central nervous system without the central nervous system we would almost be timeless beings with the ability of a personality to inject itself into any timeline that it wanted to it could time trial could go forward and backward in time because the structuring of space-time is 100 palindromic and this is another thing i've shown in about 30 videos how we can predict the future based off the palindromes and historical events in the past i've given many many examples of that but simulation theory is the idea that this world that we're living in right now and through the central nervous system we're jacked into to believe that it's real is actually a copy of something else something that is real and this is also the subject of my video the archaic paradox where i show a mathematical example of how we can see that our arithmetic isn't real at all it's actually an anti-arithmetic that is attached to something that is real and that is the subject of that video that video's gotten a lot of traction because people are starting to catch on to what what i'm talking about that uh the numbers in our reality are nothing but the architecture of the coding and the coding is very palindromic and when you look at the whole picture we are actually like immortal personalities that are trapped in this this weird simulated world but it's only a copy there is a real universe out there but we're not we're not participating in it right now for whatever reasons so does that maybe explain why if people have gone say severe you know trauma or abuse when they're young kids here and they end up having to check out of their bodies and then they become part of this spirit world and then they can see and connect with a lot of different energies or spirits that most other people can't see or hear well yeah okay this from a simulated content context what you're describing what is happening is when the hold that the similar chrome this is the simulated reality the hole that it has over you is purely through the central nervous system if somebody has a damaged central nervous system if the connection between the psyche and the simulation has been uh basically corrupted in any way then yes that individual is able to see things that the average person who is locked into the simulacrum cannot perceive they cannot know this is where we get our trolls this is where we get our fairies fairy rings this is where we get our poltergeist phenomena this is where we get our ufo activity ufo activity can be seen by multiple people but there's still people in the crowd who cannot who cannot process nor see what everybody else is describing these people are so perfectly attuned with the simulation that there's there's there's just absolutely no free thinking for them this the the link between the psyche and the simulation for them is so well bonded you can basically call them a soulless avatar you can call them a slave or an npc that's what they are the enlightened individuals are people who whose internal spirit the immortal spirit the simulation cannot control that you're an errand these people are like errants they just they're uncontrollable the simulation can't really get a good grasp or or a hold on them they're free thinkers they're out of the box thinkers and their lives are very fundamentally different from other people the masses they don't believe they don't believe almost anything they come in contact with without scrutinizing it and so these are very these personalities are the ones that experience the very things that you're talking about now it's this link this very powerful link between the psyche and the simulation that it makes the difference between those who are cognitively impaired those who are mentally impaired those who are experiencing what you're talking about uh with you if there's a really strong bond there then those people are never going to experience those things but if there's if there's been some type of damage to that neural link between the psyche and the simulation then that person is going to be schizophrenic a person is going to see visions and this this this activity this weakening of that neural link can be induced with hallucinogens drugs different drugs mushrooms is a good good example of lsd type deals and i believe that this is exactly what uh different black ops government programs have been experimenting with since the 1930s is is the trying to understand because they've known you know if you've seen if you've seen a lot of the released cia documents that have been published through the freedom of information act you will see that a lot of their speculation is now in the realm of that we live in a in a basically a false holography we live in a in a photo negative world almost like the shadows uh you're familiar with the uh the shadows on the wall plato's allegory uh no no okay well uh plato was describing reality and in his description he basically said that there are a bunch of shadows that are chained to a wall and they're they're in a cave and these shadows see see and hear things outside the cave wall but they can't see they can't see they can't see anything all they see is other shadows so they're convinced the entire world is a shadow world but uh it's the exact same thing that the cia and other black ops groups are are now are now experimenting with it have been before i was born in 1973 they they were on this with the sri projects and all they were on this way before i was born but trying to find how they can manipulate the holography how they can change timelines alter alter the coding of our existence because everything the whole entire key to the simulation is the neural link between the central nervous system which bonds us to it and the simulation itself uh that's going to lead into my next question on what do you think this neural link is but i just wanted you to answer maybe wiggy's question here first he's from our facebook channel and he says uh his sister and i saw a shadow person when they were young could you ask what he thinks shadow people are well well one anything anything i answer any anytime i'm answering somebody else's experience is entirely conjectural you can't quote me on this but it's not the first time that has happened there there are residual echoes in our holography where the simulation doesn't have full control on all the sense perceptions people have seen things that other people haven't seen it's a it's all a matter of perspective it all it's all a matter of just how fine-tuned you are into the simulation which is the more the stronger the neural link between the psyche and the simulation the more of the slave you are because you follow the protocols of this military uh you are induced to believe the phenomena that this military puts out but in the in the in the case of seeing things that other people normally don't see like shadow peoples and stuff like that whatever was going on in in that person's personal life at that time for some reason your soul was vibrating at a higher frequency than the similar crime is able to control and this is this is another problem this millicram has in dealing with errands and dealing with free thinkers and dealing with people who consider themselves awakened spiritual people are almost uncontrollable so it's always trying to knit and build new worlds and create distractions npcs and i've explained many times in my own videos npcs are not just people npcs are phenomena npcs are distractions npcs can be vehicles that get in your way right in the nick of time to stop you from seeing something because there's another soul nearby that similar crime desperately does not want you to have contact with so this uh seeing shadow people could have been a distraction it could have been a residual echo from another timeline because this is something i discuss on my channel as well we are only living in one timeline right now but we've lived in many and there's they've been rebooted they've been reset and there is cross-contamination between timelines where whoever's editing our holography edits out us a a bunch of historical sequences out because something has been solved so whoever's governing us or watching over this they have decided okay we've lived up to a certain point all these timelines everything is survivable they edit reset reboot now we're moving forward without any evidence whatsoever of the prior histories that it just happened instead we believe what the controllers input into the system these false these false historical narratives you got to dig deep to find really what's really happening because the evidence is still there it's just more easily hid such as in old books that have not been redacted yet that's the greatest source of information for how the world used to be as opposed to how they want you to know the world uh from their perspective so these shadow people are just that they are the fact that it could be a it could be just a residual fossil from another timeline and that thought and that's a shadow person to you but it was a real person at the time when that timeline was going on in that same geographical area that person witnessed that like i said this is you don't quote me on that i'm not preaching that this is entirely conjectural uh that totally makes sense and that uh kind of thought pops into my head so we're all you know a little piece of this magnificent creation god creation whatever you want to call it we all have the you know manifestation and creation ability um you know some more in tune than others um when people are manifesting things and say let's look at as say a dark spirit or manifesting demons are they actually because of their fears because of their programming because of things that they've been taught manifesting these things into existence that aren't really there but they believe that they're there because of the programming or are there actual you know these dark spirits that are coming to um you know people that have their programming open to be able to you know experience this dark you know uh energy or you know whatever these these dark spirits are i can answer that first first and foremost never confuse who you are with your avatar once you once you fully process and understand that you're an immortal being going through a temporary situation and that your body is nothing but an avatar that was given to you as a vehicle to get from one point to another once this full once you fully embrace this concept everything else falls into place the history of the world the future the prophecies your your situation here in the present context everything starts to make sense all these clues and all these adages and maxims and famous quotes and sayings from ancient texts they all begin to fall into place you start realizing okay well there is truth in every single religion there is truth in every body of teaching throughout but it takes a shift of perspective to understand it and in answer to your question every because you're an immortal being you're a thinker because because you're a thinker you're you are constantly producing what is called an informed field and this is 100 backed up in quantum theory and in science this is the informed field first of all your spirit and the only activity of a spirit the only thing a spirit can do is think thought is the only product of a spirit don't confuse that with the physical world that has nothing to do with you you're an immortal being you're just passing through this this whole holography it's not even physical anyway but because you're an immortal being whatever you assume to be true becomes true for you because you're building mentally and informed field that informed field has all the mathematical ratios of every single thing you have ever come in contact every belief system that you assume to be true every piece every fact that you have you have decided man this is this is real right here the things that you disbelieve you're coding in your informed field which is an auric field everything you have ever come into contact with and believed to be true is knit mathematically into that field that field is how the similar chrome deals with you simple as that if you have accepted some harrowing no good sorry into your field if you believe that the fundamental reason for other people's existence is to mess with you well what you assume to be true becomes true what you enter into your informed field the submillicum will knit for you because its own mathematic builder protocols can't attach to it to you period unless you have the coding around you already and for you to have that coding in your auric field means you've thought these things and you believe these things because i say this in my in my own channel a lot your beliefs are your armor if you have accepted some really terrible beliefs you can guarantee that on a daily basis those will reflect in your daily life 100 there's no other way i can i can i can make this easier to comprehend that every single phenomenon of the human experience is because you allow something to be knit into your org field which means because you're an immortal being you can also unknit you can absolutely decide that that you're immune to everything the holography can throw at you because you are immortal that none of this is real i'm actually living some game-like existence and i'm learning and i'm loving people and that's all i got to do once you accept that the similacrum will reciprocate because it has to isolate you and contain you because favored well souls that believe they are favored by god become favored by god it's it's it's just that simple this is a very reflective holography it's going to reflect back as circumstances whatever you project from your informed field ah beautiful and i align with that 100 percent and you know i've never seen a demon or a dark entity i've seen some people seem like they maybe had something possessed in them they were a little bit too much to alcohol and drugs and it didn't seem like they were there but that's that's about too much to the extent that i've seen any kind of possession or any dark entity i you know once i was on mushrooms and i thought i saw the grim reaper pop up right next to me and i swung as hard as i could and he disappeared just before i connected but uh you know that's about the extent that i've seen any of that but then there's other people that you know believe i've seen these dark entities and they're you know attacking me and they you can't tell them they haven't you can't tell them they haven't because that's the beauty of our holography it can knit for them an entire bubble of existence for which you have no contact nor frames of reference um this is one question that you know we like to ask people that you know got kind of you know awesome theories and um sandy from our facebook i mentioned it should we go into the light upon death because some people tell you stay away from the light avoid the light it's a trap some people say that you know like because you know we know that we're eternal beings this is just to stop here you know that life goes on nothing to fear just enjoy the experience make the best out of it but people are telling people avoid the light or go into the light you know what's your thoughts on you know what you know you should do once you know your body starts to pass on the belief the belief that once we're torn from our avatars and we're going to go through something is very ancient like uh to the egyptians they believe that as soon as you died you had to go through a series of little protocols in the kingdom of seeker the kingdom of the underworld and they believed it was located underneath the great pyramid complex in giza the kingdom of seeker would lead to the gate of rosh style and if they could make it through the gate of rostal and pass the riddler which was the sphinx then they would come to an area where anubis or some other god had scales and then their entire life would be weighed against the feather and well these concepts uh they're very old and they're very ancient but that's all they are they're concepts we don't have anybody as you know i'm not going to offend anybody anybody's intelligence here we all know that no one's come back from death and then got on the news and reported what they saw now we do have youtube channels you know we have people saying they you know what what happened but i don't see death as as anything like that and i'm i just don't i there i don't believe you're going to see a light i don't believe you'll see a darkness i believe that every single person that has thought they had died and came back and said that they saw this light or didn't see a light or whatever is they were in that transitional phase when the central nervous system was losing its its connection to the military because once that actual neural link is is severed there's it's over with that avatar is gone has nothing to do with the personality that that was confined in it that personality moves on i 100 believe in the transmigration of souls and i believe it's instant we are living out life sims i believe jason brashears has lived many hundreds of avatars throughout human history in multiple different timelines uh and i believe that i have been enrolling i've been in trouble i've been in etruscan camps i've been in roman battlefield i've died on the battlefields of all of turkenburg forest fighting fighting the germans i'm not saying i have these memories what i'm saying is is i have been many people i have made i have maybe been a chimney sweep in 15th century london i might i may have been a chieftain in the ancient hittite empire i could have been a mariner on a phoenician ship taking wine to the aegean i could have been many things and so can you as a matter of fact i believe every single person listening to my voice now has lived the same sims i have we've all gone through these same deals and we are ancient but this holography is heading toward a terminus is going to collapse there is an end to this life sim cycle and this is another subject matter for a whole series of videos that i've released showing these actual collapse dates now when it comes to going to the tunnel and going to all that there is entirely too much scientific documented evidence of reincarnation and reincarnation seems to be a geographical phenomenon let me explain many many times and these studies have been widely published many many times a child of four five six or seven so once they're able to communicate many times they have claimed that they were in this household three streets later and they give up very very acute details about that family in that household no one could have known outside that family this has gone on over and over in different areas of the world it's almost as if the similacrum brings a soul back into its dominion basically in the same area friends and family of the of whatever whatever friends and whatever that network of friends and family is when somebody dies like if i was to die i would i would come when i die i'll come right back as a child conceived right around the exact same time as soon as the next avatar is ready in in a female's womb as soon as it's ready i'm back in i don't have a choice in the matter i signed up for this and when i signed up for this that means i have to i started ancient times but i got i gotta go all the way to the end so uh i hope that answers your question uh i don't believe that there's a choice after death you're gonna go to the lighting with guardians i believe that what they're perceiving uh that is a it's it's the psyche separating from the sumilicum they're they're they're perceiving this but to them it's a light going to the tunnel because once that severance it happens they're not coming back when they do come back it'll be as a baby yeah i had uh you know fought a bunch of uh gangsters that were trying to pimp out some girl and i got stabbed 12 times and while i was on the hospital table i uh i saw my lifeless body as i started to float away and i saw me on the table and i floated away and you know i don't uh you know remember much after that um the next day i woke up and you know the nurse was in the room and you know first thing i said is i need a cigarette and i'm hooked up with test tubes and she's like you can't smoke but you know that experience of you know floating away you know it am i did my did my i detached my you know sir that that that cerebellum or whatever okay the outer body the out-of-body experience is not a full detachment from the avatar once you're fully detached from the avatar you're gone you are no longer a part of this holography you are gone you're being born you were still connected but your soul was was free to us to a limited degree and i've explained this because i had a terrible motorcycle accident i have a 1 000 pound harley it's just a huge machine of steel it's a fat boy if you don't know anything about harley davidson motorcycles the fat boy line the tires are gigantic oh you froze up jason jason i'm not sure if you can hear me but you're frozen right now not sure if anybody else can hear jason but he's frozen up on my end uh jason i i can't you're you're frozen does anybody else see or hear he's frozen for us too okay thanks angeline okay i can't stress it enough i don't know how i don't know how many different ways that i can convey the message from fear is the only way you're ever going to get to any anywhere you want to get to in life you have to be fearless you have to if you're if you truly embrace the fact that you're an immortal living in an avatar through a lifestyle then there is absolutely nothing to fear your behavior the decisions you make in your daily life that will reflect that knowledge that knowledge you will wear it like an armor that armor that you wear will be perceived everywhere you go you're not going to walk into a room full of strangers and they're not going to feel your presence i promise you you've got to be fearless fearless is not about bravado fearless that's artificial all that nervous anxiety about going to a new job you need to flip that polarity you need to be excited about going to that new job you need to be excited about going to that job interview if you haven't been secured that job listen it's very important that you that you in anything that you want to do in life you've got to look forward to the end result because if the end result is secure then every single step leading up to that is secure as well and if you don't live your life like that then you're living in the lives of others you have become the npc in somebody else's life you've taken a back seat to somebody else's existence you don't need to do that there's enough reality here for everybody i just wanted i just wanted i just wanted to be clear you guys don't know i'm not saying i i don't mean to be accusatory it's not all of you but there i i see it in the comment sections i listen we can easily have an intellectual grasp of concept and yet that concept not change our reality and that's because we're not doing anything i have stressed this over and over the generation of an informed field is because you're thinking things and you're putting these things together in your head when you come onto my channel and you hear new information you begin resonating on a higher frequency your informed field is being empowered with new data that new data is now being worn by you like an armor it is it is modifying events and circumstances around you minute by minute in your existence but the problem people are having is passing the threshold when are you going to stop thinking about what's going to happen in the future and start becoming it an informed field will never take on physicality until it collapses its quantum collapse it must collapse in order for the sumilicum to absorb it as a fact as long as you hold it in your mind and you haven't let it go then you've built a beautiful picture in your imagination of what things could be like but you haven't released it there's no the builder protocols have nothing to to attach themselves to there's nothing to read your your cognition is a blueprint but that blueprint can't be read by anything if you're still holding on to it you've got to give it away and the best way of giving it away is to completely surrender it let it go if your future that you're looking for for yourself is already secure then holding on to an image of that future in desperation is an admission to the similar crime that it's not gonna happen i told you guys before the prayer of desperation actually empowers the negative situation that is being prayed against it's just the opposite this is why the whole the whole the whole church prayer deal is a feedback loop it's control mechanism you got to break free from that tell you guys all the time break free or die trying that's what i mean you have to break free of these these control mechanisms there's so many there are there's layers and layers and layers that you don't even know that you're succumbing to on a daily basis but if you start living like you're an immortal fearless you get in your car you want to break pattern do something different you always go to you always you always get in your car and drive around and go somewhere man because you've got something to do some millicram's got you figured out there ain't nothing unique about you you're like millions of other people but you know what in the middle of your favorite tv program 3 30 in the afternoon you get dressed you put your makeup on you pick your favorite purse you get out you get out those high heels you don't wear very hard sumilicroom has no idea what you're doing you're doing something totally different you're totally breaking pattern now it's observing you it's watching you with with anticipation just trying to figure you out you get in your car and you go drive to starbucks some military military has no idea what's going through your mind it's building it vibrating on a higher frequency man your thought should be be excited about a new adventure in your life because it will read that and it will feed that back as circumstances the similar crime always knows your frequency but it doesn't know your thoughts i'm telling you guys you gotta break free or die trying it's all about the generation of informed fields some of those guys in those long track law of attraction videos on youtube they get pretty close but they miss that final step the final step man is it's not mental your your avatar must physically start going through the motion the motions as if what you imagined was already true because once you start doing that every single act in the physical world sends out echoes through the entire multiverse the similar understands that that is something that it can build off of there's no mystery it knows exactly what you're thinking based off what you're doing that it can respond to and that is the subject of this video and i don't want this video to go on too long i just want to let you guys know there's no conspiracy here no one's trying to shut down my channel no one's trying to shut me down comcast suddenly t-mobile and probably all the other internet servers in my area just went down they went offline i don't know why but i know it's for a for a pretty large region because i had to drive for 30 minutes just to get internet signal at a gas station so i could transfer some paypal money into my bank account so i can make this trip i'm only halfway to where i'm going when i get there i'm gonna upload this video so uh hey tomorrow guys tomorrow i will be on live at 7 30 p.m texas central time with logan of decode your reality i met logan on santos bonacci program which i hope to go back to synchronization society uh sooner or later i know he's a busy man also uh i'll be getting back on with campbell i like campbell or autodidactic they gave me the floor and let me run my mouth but uh the next time i'm on auto didactic we're gonna do a q a i'm gonna slow me down so i can i can i can attend to the questions and all because he's got questions and so does uh a lot of his viewers and that's what we're gonna do so i hope howdy's there too i need to uh go ahead and shut this video off though i just wanna let y'all know there's no mystery here that signal being shut off was not a was not an attack you know why it's not it's not an attack not just because those other servers also went down but because i'm a damn immortal and i am way more i am way bigger than anything that can happen to me and right now i'm in my flow and i've got nothing to fear whatsoever the plans the elite have for me will not take effect for a very long time and until then i've got hundreds of videos to release my brothers in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gate slip to my website