The Phoenix Code Hidden in Our Books

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foreign how do you know those old books are real I'm gonna address that right here I'm gonna keep this video short too I don't want this to be a long presentation because this too is a challenge there are two reasons why people ask that question one of them is General curiosity and they want to know hey man how is it that you we're able to figure all this out how do you know these Source materials are accurate I mean how do you know so that's Jay I appreciate those that that type of curiosity that's how we learn there's another group of people who are asking for the wrong reasons but I'm still gonna answer it the wrong reason is is are triggered by the fact that so much information can be had and history can be put together it's easier it's easier to say all history is fake but I have a challenge for people who want to who want to claim that all these history books have been fabricated because I don't believe that's the case I believe that there's always interpolations there's always lakota's that are filled by somebody yes and I told you in a prior video in uh libraries of the deep but I have I have a suspicion that before resets a lot of valuable historical materials are secreted into the underworld or underworld repositories of information have always been there and after reset translations of what they want the public to have I'm going to tell you why I believe this I'm going to tell you why first of all when you're dealing with the archaic's output you're dealing with you're dealing with a filtering I have already ascertained that a lot of historical stuff is BS that's why I've never included it in the archaic material it's not there I've already weeded it out now am I 100 accurate in everything that I do absolutely not never claim to be I do claim to be more accurate than most so this is a challenge to the challenge if you believe that all history books are fake and everything is made up then you need to provide an explanation for the anomaly that I'm going to describe to you right now the ancient Maya that there was a cycle of Destruction that was 2760 years I believe that was Hans Bellamy around 1901 or 1902 who wrote that who published that documented that 2760 years highly specific that's just the beginning that's the first data point the second data point the Inca believes in a 2070 year period what that is way too specific why add 70 years to two thousand two thousand two thousand is a nice round number but they did it's the second data point third data point aristarchus assembles alexandrian Library very large red red historical books and historical monuments from from hundreds maybe even thousands of years before his time and he did this 23 centuries ago Aaron starkey's assembles was convinced and he published that every 2484 years our world is destroyed 24-84 years is very specific languages continents highly specific numbers that's our third data point fourth data point oh a thousand years ago Moses Miami 90s also called by his pseudonym Rashi published that the world is destroyed that in the period of 1656 years the world has destroyed twice well that's interesting because 1 656 shares shares those of you who know your Bibles also know that's the length of the prefloat world so Rashi was half correct right at the end of a 1656 year period which in Genesis the whole pre-flood world is 1 656 years we have a world destruction called the Great delused collapse of the vapor Camp the day the sky fell but Rashi said the beginning of that period was a destruction as well but I've taken Flack for that a lot of people don't want to want to believe oh oh what I'm telling them but why she's saying it right here and that's exactly what we find in the Bible there are there are two schools of thought about the creation and Christian Academia Gap Theory introduces a great cataclysm right after the creation causes vapor canopy the farmer men above the waters below are divided from the waters above yeah it's all there and I've already discussed that in many videos Adam and Eve is a reset story so Rashi Moses mom and I just is absolutely correct but that's our fourth data point 1656 being very highly specific number Nostradamus Mikel Del nostradam said that there was a period before the flood that was important he wrote this in a letter to King Henry IV what was that period it was 1242 years again fifth data point here's a number that's highly specific highly specific numbers are not random my friends you have some explaining to do but let me go on to the sixth data data point challenge is that as I've explained to you guys many times we have chronographical materials from the ancient world that specifically dates they'll guide you and Deluge as occurring in the year 2208 that's a highly specific dating 2208 is said by many other authors to be exactly 1687 BC this lines up perfectly with W.J Perry's research Children Of The Sun 551 pages of research showing that every Dynasty in the ancient world collapsed in 1688 BC about it's very he was very adamant about saying his dating was not specific he said it was Circa 1688 1688 is very specifically it's scientific important but 2208 is our fifth data point Pacific it's the dating of the old Gaijin Deluge which Harold T Wilkins identifies as a phoenix phenomenon episodes six the data point can't ignore the sixth data point that's our modern calendar annual Dominion was he was a 522 A.D to hide an older calendar system called The Phoenix cycle and the Phoenix cycle is 552 years and I cite all this research in my in-law videos especially on the Roman papacy's uh conspiracy to conceal this history I have a whole video about it I'll show you the I show you the old historical records that even admit that they handled the mini calendar the one we're living in right now in order to hide an older calendar that involves cycles of 552 I just can't make this stuff up that's six data points guys that's six data points in the 552 year recycle you already know is exactly how many years it was from the great flood in 2239 BC to the ogaijian delusion 1687 BC it was precisely 552 years it's the old Phoenix Cycle System it's 552 years before Phoenix appeared again at 11 35 BC it devastated the Mediterranean which was 552 again before 583 BC when the sun darkened and stopped the medes and the lydians in a in a major battle and uh was recorded on the Monument of yasilicaiah in the days of Nebuchadnezzar II yeah it was predicted by thales of my leaders listen guys can't make this stuff up chicken scissors six nicely packaged data points these data points are all highly specific Stephen Jones biblical chronologist studying the history of the world and analyzing biblical chronology the book of jasher book of Enochs and the Assyrian epidemes that man found a 414-year timeline embedded all throughout history when terrible things happen yeah he called it the cursed Earth period 414 years is very specific now I've reviewed other ones but this is sufficient for my data set that's seven data points right there here's here's the data point the eighth data point is every single number that I just told you that's highly specific do a recap 2760 of the Maya 2070 of the Inca 2484 of Aeros darkness of Samos 12 42 of Nostradamus 22-2208 of Marcus borrow and and uh Archbishop James Usher of Augustine of Hippo I already said 12 42 it's a 2208 or 552 of the Phoenix cycle 2014 car starts period all highly so the very so the eighth data point here is the fact that every single number is divisible by 138. can't make this stuff up now for you guys that are claiming that history is all made up it's all [\h__\h] all these books are forged listen you have gone to the opposite end of the spectrum I'm on board with redaction I'm on board with revisionist history I'm on board with lacunas being filled up with the imagination or the research of people later on I'm on board with retrospective histories you have my attention guys but what you don't what you can do is go all the way to the other end of the spectrum and say all history is [\h__\h] because it wasn't the establishment that revealed this 138-year patterning in history to you it was for kids that did that and he did that using all these old books that you claim are fake so you had some explaining these numbers are too highly specific and too many coincidences exhibits no coincidence at all so before you criticize something that you don't understand you need to figure out what it is what it is that that uh puts all this together it's not if I didn't get this information from all the books that I cite that I got them from then where did I get it from because now you're calling me a liar because I cited the book's chapter in verse you can go find them yourself a calculator a calculator is approved for the 138 year patterning is real throughout history and that these people weren't lying these numbers are all significantly attached to historical events that line up with 2040 A.D yeah the Phoenix phenomenon is coming back so we're not done with our data set though because we can add another data point and that data point is really interesting that data point that data point is that there are old Jewish Traditions that Angel of Death visits destruction every 138 years Angels get kicked out of heaven and they have to stay banished for 138 years because they revealed they revealed to a lot that sodomy Memorial were going to be destroyed and they were punished for that they weren't supposed to tell anybody yo yo and we're not supposed to tell anybody I read that material in Tracy twyman's book called The morobian Mythos I had I had the paperback I didn't know until recently with Paul Tyson my publisher sent me an email said hey man you know Tracy twine has been killed he's gone I'm like what you serious hey I didn't pass your book on a long time ago he said hey man I sold out of her books a long time ago I don't have any more copies so so I downloaded a PDF and I couldn't believe the PDF was missing a whole bunch of pages like what the page numbers don't even line up with the with the paperback copy of all of Tracy twyman's the road in Memphis so I'm now wondering why I mean she did talk about a lot of other stuff he's about to piss the wrong people off you know who those people are we all know who they are anyway um this 138 years dude we can ignore the fact that the Great Pyramid is patterned and dimensions of 138 as I've shown we can ignore all these we can even ignore the entire 138 38 yeah 38.95 BC 2653 BC 2239 BC oh yeah oh what was it I can't remember 1825 BC 1687 BC 1549 BC the Phoenix was documented in all these years 1411 BC yeah guys 11 35 BC sure was 583 BC 445 BC 307 BC uh Han Dynasty 169 BC 31 BC the ancient Americans have destroyed Olmec civilization collapse firing red dragon appears over overall Egypt Egypt during the Battle of active major earthquakes level Olympia and Greece and and it's one of the worst series of earthquakes ever recorded in Judea 31 BCPS terrible oh yeah 246 A.D 378 A.D 522 A.D that gives the Dark Ages the creation of the animal Dominion calendar to hide the Phoenix calendar that's why the papacy did it we can ignore the entire Phoenix chronology guys we know it all just using this one data set you have a problem if you want to believe all history Buffet if you want to believe that all history is uh is artificial and [\h__\h] all created by the elite to deceive us that's cool you can believe that but in order to believe that you have to practice exclusions you have to ignore this entire data set that I just presented yeah it's not in this video I got a whole playlist called The Phoenix archive that you can go watch those videos and learn all about these numbers in all the places in the ancient in ancient records and modern history books where these numbers are found you got some explaining to do because these are highly specific numbers they're not random and they're all and they're all about about cataclysms yeah guys here are your resets here are your mud floods yes I'm Jason of arcades yes I believe that all history is programming and I believe that all the historical records are programmed backdrops that doesn't make them fake though doesn't make them think at all they're there for for our advantage for us to learn from it was not an establishment historian that brought this stuff to your attention in fact they are the ones that have absolutely ignored all this material so this is why you need to be paying attention this is why you need you need to start looking into the archaic's data no I'm on board with what a lot of what you guys say but I'm turned off by a lot of these channels that openly dismiss the archaic's material doesn't jive with what you've already published I get that I get that it's a lot to process but here's here's a data set for you here's a data set for the entire world you know what I mean challenge that there is an object hidden in the sky it has been here many times in ancient times it was known as The Phoenix it is approaching perihelion it is located at 23.5 degrees north of the ecliptic and is presently in descending node on May 15 2040 it will return on May 16th our world will be a very different place