Two Different Realities Unfolding...on the Road Again

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[Music] this is jason with our kegs passing through beautiful conroe texas probably going a little faster than it should be going not a cloud in the sky it's a beautiful day melts your tires hot then again we're pretty much used to that around here oh i don't know if this is a short long video this is a road trip of mine random thoughts going through my head you know the whole world's a circus and we just take turns being the clown that's all it is yeah i spent some time about four hours last night just going through youtube videos seeing what was being released picking and choosing between mainstream media youtube videos put out by cnn uh you know the usa today type you know it's so mainstream it's just dripping with liberalism but i'll let my mind a lot of things because i'm really my curiosity is really peaked by everything i'm finding in my in my isometric projection analysis of basically current events and i've i follow like how some of you are familiar with mil-spec ops oh his code name is monkey wrench but he's putting out intel and it's really good especially the upticks in guantanamo his video released yesterday was very fascinating because he's always showing when when when uh transport prisoner transport jet jets are going to go on tomorrow look we don't have that many people according to the according to official sources in guantanamo but with all the air traffic that's going in and out of guantanamo bay especially for fort lauderdale it says there must be thousands of people locked up in guantanamo bay right now and it looks like it looks like they're being picked up from all over the united states just filtered in through fort lauderdale and going into guantanamo it's really fascinating monkey ranch monkey wrench and it's uh i call it monkey it's somebody else i know monkey ranch but uh mil-spec ops can only release so much data before it becomes it's a national security compromise but you can get on his youtube channel you check him out he's he's uh he speaks in code the brown zone is washington dc uh bob marley is the vice president flashbang is his code for the president you just got to follow him and listen to his drops it's very it's very intriguing he has military intelligence background you know a great guy um anyway it's a milspec ops monkey look him up on youtube it'll be easy to find he comes up he's got a lot he's got a lot of subscribers but uh i've been listening to him for a few months now and some of it's pretty interesting but yesterday he showed actual actual google google earth satellite images of fort lauderdale and shows where somebody has deliberately gone and scrubbed those images and they didn't do a very good job because some of the some of the unidentified marker jets that are there are uh they're still in the picture the their noses and the tips of their wings weren't rubbed down but but the question remains who would want to rub that out why why is somebody you know hiding these call signs especially with all the up to the uptick in traffic to guantanamo bay why are they unregistered uh i mean these are these are not legitimate legal flights uh it's it's crazy stuff he reports on military doings and all that oh what he can report it's very interesting man shows maps all that shows volcanic activity shows earthquake activity uh monkey something else i really like him but having said all that he's just one source of material like michael jacko michael jackson's 16 years in the cia he is a legitimately confirmed navy seal uh he's dropping he he he's doing a lot of intel drops as well now there is misinformation in a lot of this a lot of this stuff but it's not intentional there's there are things like you're gonna you're gonna hear a lot of things on youtube in the next coming months about the galactic federation listen man don't buy into that [\h__\h] that that was started in 1962 by the entity called cosmic cosmic uh awareness later on cosmic consciousness don't fall into that trap this is further deception about uh off-world manipulation now man all the manipulation of the human race uh the upper echelons that own the elite in the elite on the media every bit of that's coming from underground don't buy into all that ufo crap you know all ufo activity listen man this is something i have studied extensively going back to the 1890s almost 100 percent of all uh ufo activity these unidentified objects were seen coming out of bodies of water or straight out the ground in mountainous areas and returning to them they are not seen going in and out of our atmosphere it's not uh these ufos don't come from the stars people they're not even coming from the moon which is the hologram hiding something else they come straight out of the ground the fact that we have domes everywhere which are just really underground military bases of cities and agri ag uh agrarian facilities and stuff you know we're planning we're planning on future destructions and resets and maybe the nuclear war so you know different governments have their underground bases and all that but it's uh they've been there forever i mean we have found evidence of it especially in south america where the continents were south american continent was fractured and broken up in a cataclysm in 1687 bc when that when that happened uh it was a phoenix cataclysm when that had had when that happened part part of the andes mountains were thrust 14 000 feet in the air this is why the city of tiowanako lake titicaca puma ponca cusco uh uh uh machu picchu that's why all these cities are found at twelve to fourteen thousand feet elevation they weren't built there you can't build there because you can't breathe you'd have to have breathing apparatus in order to have your construction workers you can put anything together it's just not going to happen at all these are megalithic sites megalithic structures sometimes sometimes the stones that were that were used were upwards 24 to 60 tons he said yeah they weren't built to that evolution at the elevation proof of this is found in south america throughout there are bays and quays and fossilized coast coasts that are found at 12 foot thousand elevation in the andes mountains this is widely known it was widely known in the 1870s 1880s and 1890s when when scientists were studying the region and it has all been pretty much it's all been pretty much buried so like i said you have to go you have to go into specialist literature especially pre-world war ii literature to find out all this about the seashells and the marine life that has been found all over these ruins they're not found now because they were all removed back back in the you know 1870s 1880s 1890s when there when these reports were originally done when you find a whale skeleton at 12 000 foot elevation sitting over the parts of a dilapidated crumpled pyramid which which has part of it covered in lava then you're gonna have to realize this this place was was elevated to a great height during or just post cataclysm but we find this all over the world it's not even a mystery to me anymore uh what's more mysterious is that so many people don't know it it's just it's really crazy i'm on 30 83 heading hidden heading deeper into central east texas i'm going towards splendor texas i'm going again going to visit a buddy of mine a really good friend i consider him a brother and the traffic's light because this is a sunday it's a little hot it's uh it's a beautiful day though it's a real beautiful day so uh if those of you like to spend some time on youtube educating yourself you really want to see some fascinating stuff go review the last two two weeks videos of of mil spec ops monkey and uh he's gonna give you some drops he's gonna open your eyes into a lot of things just remember bob marley is the vice president of the brown zones washington dc the spa is going tom and obey he shows you maps and shows where they are he just doesn't call him by name and there's reasons for that but uh and and the supposed president of the united states he calls flashbang there's a reason for that too any of you know what a flashbang is it's not the real thing it's just a flashbang but uh aside from all that the reason i'm mentioning these things is because i have been looking deeper and deeper and deeper into this phenomenon we call reality and these fixed palindromes and it's it's just so unusual to me how how accurate the palindrome sequences are in event prediction in the event prediction model that i have designed in the opus algorithm called isometric projections so far it's infallible i have like 60 something different predictions spread throughout uh four videos three trump videos and another fourth video about america and i'm nailing it i'm hitting it if you ever watch those videos go back and you'll see i am i am alien dead-on sydney powell sydney powell has been has been out of the out of the light for a long time because she's very busy doing prosecutions all those other all those all those all sealed indictments were unsealed a long time ago he said there's a lot going to be revealed in the next few months my videos though cover a 12 month period we've only got six months into it and already we have seen a massive a massive reveal in the fact that these audits are moving forward there are so many states now now taking back their authority from the federal government it's scary it's really really interesting what's going on right now the uh if a true socialist takeover with the biden administration had been successful then there would be no resistance the bolsheviks did not allow any resistance and this is this this is nothing but a a finger on the same fist it's the same people trying to take over america they did not succeed now the reason so many people are blind to it is because they are continually they're continually allowing themselves to be jacked into the brainwashed system we call mainstream media mainstream media tells you everything but the truth when they talk if they ever report the truth it's because it does it does benefit their their agendas but that's very rare what we what we are seeing right now is a huge division in the human family though those who follow mainstream media and believe that the narratives that are better expounded and the huge growing population of people who are now using youtube facebook and social media as their new sources from people who are on the ground people who are doing their own research no longer listening to me people who are deleting all the mainstream media pop-ups that pop up on their youtube channel like i do anything even remotely close to mainstream media if it pops up on my face on my youtube deal i now push in the in the ellipsis i now push turn off notifications on that channel and youtube is steady finding more now now i mean i've already shut off so many hundreds of them i'm now getting some weird ones like like uh some weird small town liberal gazette i mean all the big the big ones i've already i've already stopped so but youtube's gonna continually push they're going to do whatever they can youtube is an instrument of the opposition now but the very fact that opposition exists and it can still use platforms like youtube and release videos and not get shut off and censored means that the uh the opposition is opposed because in a true socialist communist takeover like when the bolsheviks took over russia there is no resistance it is a full 100 percent take over they mow over the people they they enslaved them they imprison they indoctrinate them and within one generation one generation everybody is [\h__\h] atheist that's not what's happening in america that's not what's happening in australia it's not what's happening in the united kingdom there are warriors in the united kingdom they're ready to be unleashed they're there man there are patriots in australia they're ready to be unleashed the united states of america may spearhead this movement but the elite and the powers that be they haven't won anything they haven't won anything they're on their last commanding control centers the mainstream media will be the final to fall but man we are we are seeing intelligence drops everywhere there are things going on behind the scenes that are almost unbelievable and when we are finally briefed when you when the world because this isn't just an american phenomenon when the world is finally briefed how vladimir putin donald trump and you and and certain factions of the u.s military and how certain factions of other militaries around the world have been operating behind the scenes in the past six months and all the incredible things they have done then i'm talking about putting china in their place man listen all that crap about all these natural disasters happening in china yes it's raining yes it floods it does that every single year in china but that's not why china's going through everything it's going through right now that's not why 92 dams were destroyed that's not why the three gorgeous dam uh is damaging collapse and has been scrubbed completely off of google maps listen what's going man there are military operations being executed all around the world and is basically covering it up i'm now beginning to wonder just who mainstream media have they flipped when i saw the interview between kamala harris and lester holt i was shocked i could not believe that lester holt a puppet of mainstream media to the core ultra liberal ultra liberal this man basically put kamala harris supposedly his ally in her place i couldn't believe it she was so shocked she just sat down and just smiled and laughed she she she didn't know what to say because lester holt did not let her go he demanded an answer as to why she has never been to the texas border why have you never been down there you have been put in control of this disaster what's going on the texas border so i'm proud of governor governor greg abbott you know what i used to hate greg abby and i'm going to tell you why although although i'm born and raised native texans and although i love my state and all that i have a problem with greg abbott many years ago because he signed his name when he was the attorney general of texas to retroactive legislation that that negatively harmed prisoners and made them serve longer sentences on their parole it is absolutely unconstitutional i'm a constitutionalist conservative american i'm a i'm i consider myself texting before i do them before i do a citizen of the united states texas means more to me than the united states i'll give damn about about america i i love texas but greg abbott really hurt me when he did that because it made me stay another 15 years in prison greg abbott did that he signed that bill so and the bill i'm talking about was those of us those of us who had been sent to prison on prison sentences weren't supposed to do a whole bunch of our time we were under what was called the quarter law so it was understood that we were given hyperinflated sentences because we were only going to do 25 of them anyway so prosecutors and juries and all that decide okay look if we want this 17 year old kid to go down here and spend five years in jail then that's fine we need to give them a 20 year cents in order to affect that and it was understood and it was acceptable practice back then but once you've already sent that kid to prison and he understands that under good behavior he's going to get out of a certain time you don't wait you don't wait 10 years after they've already started their sentence and pass new legislation and then retroactively empower the parole board to indefinitely keep them for their entire sense that's what happened to me i only had i mean i ended up getting 30 years because of events that occurred in but i didn't go in there with that i went it's crazy absolutely insane it was absolutely insane when it happened to me i went in prison and and the things i did in prison i still feel justified because i didn't give a damn anymore i did what the hell i wanted to do i was planning now let me tell you something uh i was paying i was paying female officers to come to my cell i was i was buying cell phones i was doing whatever i wanted to do because they had taken all hope for me that good behavior doesn't mean anything anymore when when being good for over a decade actually put me in prison 16 years longer is absolutely ridiculous they wanted to work me in the factory indefinitely until my whole prison sentence was over they should shove the 17 year old kid into texas prison and they kept me till i was 43 so they could work me in manufacturing logistics and despite what you've heard texas prison does not pay prisoners they have one single facility in dalton texas that one facility pays about 50 inmates that's how they get away with it that's how mainstream media tries to convince people that texas prisoners got it good that we have air conditioning we do not that that uh that uh we have all these rights privileges and immunities we do not then we have all these freedoms we do not then we have that we get paid for our labor we do not it's a prison texas texas is an awful terrible place to be imprisoned let me tell you it's a it's yeah the suicide rate is phenomenal they don't even publish it i saw so so i i saw so many suicides that if a week went by and we didn't hear about somebody killing themselves that's when i kind of got down what's going on so i mean it's just crazy i don't i'm entertaining a tangent and y'all already know my character my chara my character makeup i'm gonna do that so anyway the uh the very fact the very fact that general flynn and president trump have been so vocal and have been doing they've been going around giving conventions and rallies and dinners and all that let me tell you this is not this is this is a this is almost a fulfillment of my isometric projection analysis it's what's happening right now with these audits because the federal government wants to shut the artists down but they can't because under the 10th amendment the states have a right to police themselves they have a right to investigate anything that happened within their borders so that's what's going on right now there are several different states that have sent their own specialists to arizona now because they want to now um see how the arizona forensic auto was done because a forensic audit is admissible in court this is not just a uh uh a normal audit this is the forensic audit every bit of this is submissible in a court of law this is the game changer the isometric projection showed that that texas was going to assume power that it never tried to assume before i said that in my eyes in my videos on trump in the future of america i specifically targeted texas as being very integral to what's going to happen in 2021 that's all i said and i'm going to tell you now texas texas has assumed some great power the federal government and the under the weak acid blood administration they don't want to do anything about the wall they have actually stopped stopped building up the wall stopped funding of the wall governor greg abbott who i had i had lost respect for because of situation my situation of being a prisoner i have a lot of respect for for him now because he's basically done what he should have done from the beginning i can't stand weak ass governors individual states in the united states have their own powers we don't need the federal government for anything relying on the federal government is how we have fallen prey to them and given them so much power so the federal government is supposed to work for the people the states are not supposed to work for the federal government the whole system has been turned upside down by these socialists that have been taking over our country since kennedy was assassinated now and even even before kennedy tried to expose them there's a very famous quote by kennedy man you'll find it in very few places because if you post it on facebook they'll take it now but anyway he talked about the deep state and the cryptocracy and this conspiracy to overthrow america and the rest of the world and to enslave everybody and how it was funded by the world banks he talked about all that stuff shortly after that he was dead but uh my point in this video is that the lines of demarcation the gulf between believers and unbelievers and what is happening between the socialists and the patriot movements around the world not just the united states around the world listen the media is painting a picture that is absolutely inaccurate it's not it's not it's not an accurate reflection of the truth and they have to the reason they have to is because the audits are happening the fact that the audits are happening means that the socialists that have now gained control of the u.s senate u.s house and the in the white house allegedly they can't be in total control there must be a very powerful faction opposing them because they haven't just gone in there the u.s state department hasn't gone into arizona and just taken that [\h__\h] they would have done it any other time they would have gone in there with the fbi they would have taken every single computer they would have taken every file and they would have arrested everybody in arizona during that forensic audit and they would have trumped up illegal charges and the media would have parroted a steady stream of brainwashed to the public as to why it happened just like they did on the koresh compound just like they did in 9 11 when the two towers falling wasn't even the objective when the two towers fall fell that was all smoke and mirrors those were sacrificial architectural towers the real agenda was the third building world trade center building seven all that gold that was stored in that building that very few know people know about billions of dollars of gold bars that building was wasn't destroyed until the bushes had removed all that gold and then to cover up the evidence the bushes executed executed that operation didn't blame every single one of those terrorists were saudi arabian but then they brought they blamed it on the taliban no figure it's absolutely ridiculous it's just as ridiculous as when the deep state showed us an animated cartoon of an aircraft carrier dropping a pine box off the side that supposedly had the body of osama bin laden when seal team six supposedly executed him they might have killed him who knows but we know hillary clinton then tried to kill everybody and steal team six but there's all there are so many intelligence drops coming out man the deep state is unraveling 100 they are so opposed that's the purpose of my video all i want to do is just is just inform you guys that my isometric projections are nailing it we're only six months into 20 since i look since i released those three videos we're only six months into the year and already we are seeing evidence on a massive scale that yes there's going to be a huge return to power of the republican party as a matter of fact next year in 2022 i can pretty much guarantee that the republican party are going to sweep and take over the house the senate and and i don't know if washington dc is going to be washington dc isn't legally a part of the united states it's uh it's like london and it's like the vatican and a lot of y'all already know that they say that on videos all the time but um remember i did the isometric projection and show i showed you in the history of the united states that the that the federal troops surrounded the lawmakers in philadelphia and that's why washington dc was was created because they needed a place where they could of neutrality where they didn't there were where they didn't have to fear the us military it's all an isometric projection and it shows that wall and that military prison comes in washington dc was not there to defend the democrats it was there for entirely different partners now there are also other you might want to pay attention to michael jackal too michael jack o'man he's former 16-year cia that right there brought him under suspicion for me but now that i've listened to 20 something of his videos and interviews by other people i now see man that he's what the uh the truthers are calling a white hatter i never really followed the whole white hat blackhead the whole cue the whole anon dude i really don't follow that all of that because while some of their intelligence is very very good and dead-on and that there have been military tribunals they are being executed sydney powell's been very busy in doing those and there have been many people coming forward talking about hey man i just i was called i was called in i was called in to uh give testimony against such such such all these little videos are happening but michael jackalos impressed me i don't see any agenda in his deal he's just doing intelligence drops and he's a patriot he's 100 american the only thing i don't like is i when i hear that galactic federation out of these people's mouths it's like oh okay so they uh divorced themselves here's a whole here's a whole group of truthers who have divorced themselves from the mainstream narratives and yet they have fallen prey to to a very well constructed cleverly put together uh false narrative about the galactic federation even though the deep state doesn't even though the deep state is unraveling remember what i've told you in prior videos the takedown is by the deep state themselves they are eliminating the whole tier of billionaires and world rulers that are no longer serve their purposes they can't serve their purposes no more because of the awakening throughout the world has now identified many of these players and that's why that's why jeff bezos is in trouble now this is why bill gates is in trouble now this is why well mark zuckerberg is in trouble now he said the the trouble they're there i mean they're all going to answer to the us military and us government but i see in my isometric projection analysis that people are waking up and i predicted that there was going to be a massive awakening of conservatives and there are many democrats now democrats and socialists now jumping ship we have people releasing youtube videos now that are they're telling you man look i'm a democrat for life i'm this i'm that i'm telling you now man i don't like what i'm saying oh uh it says the next election comes up man i'm voting republican i mean it's hey man huge awakening happening i believe things are going the way we want to the ice major projections that i've done recently for 2022 show me that there's going to be a president being removed from office midterm 100 i what just like 1974 which is the isometric projected year for for 2022. but i'm in splendor texas now and it seems like it's even hotter here than it was back in conroe oh my god sweating bullets lower these windows i want to tell you guys man that uh i've been busy trying to catch up got bills to pay i love my work but i'm seriously considering sometimes just liquidating all my assets which i ain't which aren't many getting on my motorcycle with a backpack my laptop my tablet my phone is just traveling america doing videos just doing and just doing what i feel my spirit is telling me to do as opposed to this this indentured servitude into the into the system working pay bills working pay bills working paid bills i don't know man what are your thoughts what do you guys think about that what are your thoughts on that i don't know man just my spirit is just telling me man to hit that highway you see where it goes i don't have the money for that i just don't but then again it only cost me eight dollars to fill up my gas tank on my motorcycle i don't know man i'm torn between it because i believe that i can do videos the rest of my life but i just had places to go you know destination to destination i don't know man there's things going on my mind you guys let me know what's on your heart this is jason from archaics i'm signing out