Typical Skeptic Interviews Archaix

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[Music] thank you foreign hey guys welcome back to the typical skeptic Channel I have a really fascinating guest with me today um someone that you guys have been working on for a long time someone whose work is deciding true and who is really become a third way I was with the scene on fire with information that we've never seen before um out of any researcher that I've ever studied like nobody has presented this information in this kind of fashion especially when you're talking about like the Annunaki and the theories that he proposes with the Anthony and who they actually were and their titles and stuff and who I'm talking about is Jason Brashears of archaics um I I want to do a little bit more about it says books and a massive chronological timeline of world history demonstrating that we exist inside a mathematical construct he calls the similacrum his findings data sets and research can be found on his website archaics.com he has revealed in many of his 330 videos on YouTube and on other platforms more and more evidence that we are in a unique situation of experiencing two distinct realities at the same time the collective and the personal that many of us live in the same world but we are not in the same verse and his uh links his YouTube channel and his uh website his archaics and uh I want to give him a big welcome to the show Jason thank you for joining me how are you well I'm pretty good man thanks for having me I know we uh I know we scheduled this like a month ago right yeah I imagine the gods didn't want it to happen because they gave you a power outage together and everything everything that they they could do to uh to tamper with this they did but I wanted to ask you this um to start off like I don't know if anybody's ever asked you this like how did you get into researching this esoteric knowledge and if they've asked you that how did it become to this degree where you've uncovered these amazing facts and you've dug deep into ancient texts that a lot of people can't even find or don't even know about well well you say a lot of people don't well and that would be that would you're talking about mainstream um yeah but there's always been there's always been a minority among among Academia that have had access to basically all this material uh Yale University Peabody Museum uh Ash Millennium Museum the uh uh the bottling library in Europe these are there's always been people that have had access to the information and I do believe that most of the things that I have found were widely known at one time and only in the past 150 years have they basically been forgotten or or omitted similar similar in the way to uh conquerors of Russia had completely Rewritten the entire European and and Russian histories during the occupation period of the Soviets and uh basically raised an entire generation of Russian children to believing in a falsified version of History it's the same thing that the West did but they did it around the same time to us it's a they basically it's a whitewashing of History so I don't believe I've found anything novel I believe I believe I found basically what was already previously known who were some of the people that you went to when you done in the text like who do you look for like it's like your sources if you don't mind me asking like this is terrible information well I mean oh when you read books from the 1940s or 50s led by Emmanuel villacoski and Charles hebgood and um oh Harold T Wilkins is another really good one from that period uh and you find out they're citing people like Samuel Noah Kramer and Thor hired all and you you read Thor higher dollars even though Noah Kramer and you find out who they're citing and you and this is what I mean this is what I refer to on my own channel is called me chasing the bibliography when you it's it's basically just like a court of law before something can be presented to a court of law there must be an established chain of custody the court just can't accept anything as material evidence for something there has to be a chain of custody where where a certain object or a piece of evidence had come from to make sure it hasn't been tampered with or falsified well the same thing happens that's what a bibliography is for and you when you when I read a book it's very very important that that the bibliography is supported by uh the the historians or the or the old authors that it claims to to uh have derived the material from so this is what I do I do with stitching when I read the Earth Chronicles of Zechariah sitchin I mean I went right through that man's bibliographies and that's why I know the man was being very deceitful because he has read many of the things that other authors like Thor hired on saying the door crying her and uh Harold T Wilkins and Albert T clay from the 1920s 30s 40s and 50s these authors also studied Sumerian Antiquities they did not come to any conclusion to anything similar to Zechariah sitchin and uh and some of these men this is what they did they were they were true sumerologists so well Albert T Clay is like one of the uh one of the Undeclared greatest Scholars of all time uh he's one of my personal Heroes his books are widely unknown he wrote books on uh basically showing how the entire near East had been overrun by the omuru the the this Amorite culture that came in after a devastating series of events now this devastating series of events is mentioned by Zechariah Ascension and he does he doesn't gloss over it he cites the actual Sumerian academian lamentation takes and describes how all these Sumerian and academian cities were laid waste and even makes the necessary correlate about Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed at the exact same time and and the Harappan civilization of India Pakistan sitchin did a very good job of that but then again there's no reason to cover that up and so that's a historical fact that archaeologists have found these cities they are laid waste as if they were destroyed from the sky human skeletons have been excavated by Russian archaeologists that were still holding hands and their bodies were laying out in the streets they don't know why but these cities were not approached by carry-on creatures or other humans that other humans didn't come and loot them because the bodies were found where they had fallen down people were holding hands and the radiation levels for Mohenjo-daro alone are 50 times that what what is normally found anywhere else so it's a genuine mystery and it's in the lamentation takes this massive destruction but it's a that's something that I agree with Precision but I do not agree with stitching on this great fantastic uh idea that he came up with about uh he took all the pronouns of the Sumerian records and the Babylonian stories that are attached to the older Sumerian pronouns and he built this fantastic Narrative of these families of Sumerian gods and how they bickered and were contentious with each other and how they did all these things and this is not what the historical convenes it conveys a post cataclysm people who came who came from somewhere else in the text say they came from the land of Dillman by way of dilman from the sea meaning they were Mariners they came in Fleet and when they arrived it was widely known that they came from somewhere else but but just recently they had come from the island of Gilman it was like a way a stopping point for them and then they showed up and they built and they built a Sumerian infrastructure and that's where basically history begins because because a human recorded history begins with literacy and it was the Sumerians that introduced literacy into into this area of the world meaning it existed somewhere else but not here and that somewhere else would be the West and this is what my research shows now research is only following in the footsteps of men that were that were saying the exact same things in the 1870s 1880s and 1890s that the civilizations of the old world actually he came from the ancient Americas that's that's the same but I want to back up to the Sumerians for a second like when you like you know that was Sumerian creation epic a big that's a big one right um they talk about that they genetic that Anki genetically modifies humans and that do you think there was some I mean do you think there was some tampering of our DNA or do you think that never none of that ever happened I think that we can discuss uh genetic manipulation uh alteration of human genome and um the creation of hybrids or hybrid species for survival uh interests uh maybe a maybe maybe a subterrestrial race that has been underground for thousands of years or for whatever reasons they want to also begin having their offspring on the surface but they know their offspring won't survive so they basically create hybrids between those who are dwelling on the surface who produce the necessary melatonin and and they create a hybrid between them when they've been underground for centuries maybe Millennia and those who are dwelling on the surface all along Because deep underground are always safe their infrastructure is intact there's nothing to worry about on the surface of where all the danger is but because they've been underground for so long and now the sun hasn't touched him and their eyes are icy blue and emerald green and they're in their skin it's almost translucent white and they look totally different than other humans that have been on the surface for thousands of years we have this the birth of this of this of this uh this species of human they're human too but they're so different than any other human and their infrastructure is intact meaning they have technology they have technolithic structures there they have Sciences they have arithmetic mathematics they're not living in neolithic style like those on the surface who have been repeatedly reset through cataclysms and resets and mud floods and and the people on the surface have have been going through it and they basically live totem societies uh and they're not like the technologically advanced people who have who have biospheres in the Underworld this is the true origin of the Anunnaki this is why in the in the old academian texts the Anunnaki were described as coming from the absu which means their ultimate origin derived from the deep the Deep was not a reference to the Sea they were talking about the world the war World underneath us in the Sumerian cosmology it was widely recognized that there were three worlds that could be inhabited one was the sky one was the surface of the world and one was the absolute the Deep and it's uh right and the tablets they say that exact words they I remember reading it like like it's clear as day that so that's so interesting like um but do you think they would leave it hidden like that like so that people wouldn't know that they were from the underground I don't think I don't okay I don't think it was a conspiracy I don't think it was a conspiracy to hide information or anything I mean imagine let me run let me run a scenario by you really fast that you can instantly transpose to the ancient world let's say let's say 500 000 Americans split into three groups because we have three Mega metropolises deep underground that have their own infrastructures their own gardening they have their own own light they have got their own uh uh luminous luminescent mold and fungi uh whole whole Caverns full of produce that we've learned to grow under ultraviolet lights not needing the sun uh We've created our own biospheres whole districts for for late underground lakes and freshwater Sweet Water uh Ohio we've got everything down there and when we divide everything let's just say that happens we divide everything in 500 000 people just split into three groups and they do that because they don't know of all three cities underground are going to survive the next cataclysm but they know either by virtue of their Sciences when that cataclysm is going to occur they've always known the timeline so when it occurs and they go through this whole cataclysm let's say all three of those cities cities survived when they said when they they come back out four five maybe ten years after the cataclysm and things have settled down they already know that everybody on the surface world has been knocked back to the Neolithic they already know if they find any evidence of infrastructure or technology it's going to be some Mad Max steampunk type stuff it's not going to be anything on par with what they've got now they also know that they don't even make up 0.01 percent of the human surviving population on the surface so they've got to be careful even though they have Superior technology even though they have everything they need if they send out parties to go out they're also leaving their their Paradise basically a walled enclosure in Eden is a paradise they're basically leaving their Paradise unprotected so they've got their families their children they're their descendants everybody everybody's in this you know eat in this this fortified City Underground this is the background story to Genesis this is what was really going on this is why the gods could only threaten in Genesis that mankind was going to die couldn't actually do anything because they were underground and Mankind was on the surface that's why mankind was a mankind was the adamu were basically held held into subservience by threat and uh this is when the when the serpent the benefactor appeared and basically told them it was all Bs this is what started the entire chronology that we're in right now now it was after a cataclysm and it was because people in the Underworld were trying to protect their interests and to protect their interests they had to control those on the surface to control that many on the surface when you're only 0.01 of the population but you are 100 of the infrastructure and Technology then it's it's a it's a really it's a really continuous situation because even with all that technology you're not going to be able to control the masses there's too many of them even though they're living in the Neolithic so there was there was concessions made but the easiest way to do to the easiest way to control a mass population even if it is more primitive than you is by disinformation and then in history has bore this out we all know the story of Hernan Cortez and if it wasn't for the Aztec belief that he was the return quit to quarrel he would have never conquered 2.2 million Aztec Braves with 600 conquistadors it would have never happened so the same thing with Pizarro the same thing with with the Inca in the South had they not believed in the return of votan in the return of of uh of viracocca if it had not been that the Spaniards with their long beards and silver armor actually looked like the return of their old old gods then they would have never been able to pull off what they pulled off during the Spanish conquistador uh period This is the exact same thing happened four four thousand five hundred years ago with the Sumerians a very small group of technologically advanced stuff came in and they basically allowed the population to regard them as Gods because it allowed them to move freely among those people that's so interesting that's interesting so um it gets to a point where our civilization gets like to where we realize that like the gigs up when we know we know something so like there's a point where we tried to escape the simulation right and that you talk about that in the Tower of Babel incident I was wondering if you could talk about that and exactly how you the the characters you line them up like and you said enki was Enoch and mardu was Rod that's so interesting I'd love to hear about that too because I I want to know the background of these characters because I love history yeah so a lot of people get offended because a lot of a lot of people who who basically hold themselves as Sumerian Scholars because they have read and studied and memorize the works of Zechariah sitchin they get offended when when I'm when I tell them that Enoch is is Inky but they're not understanding that we're talking about two different cultures at two different time periods remembering the same person it's the exact same thing with Hermes there's three different Hermes in the traditional records and all three of them were three distinct very different personalities but but they all basically had the same life they were remembered by different different phases of culture Inky is is the oldest but the Jewish scribes in Babylonia when they first come into contact with uh the Babylonian histories oh this is the this is this is where the expertise of Albert T Clay comes in who just who basically makes he he he allows the reader to understand his books he's from the 1920s 30s and 40s but he allows the reader to understand by his erudition that what we have is near Eastern records or just so it wasn't a simple compartmentalization of Sumerian text Sumerian cuneiform then academian cuneiform then uh then the Babylonian the Syrian cuneiforms it's not as simple as that because the the academians didn't quite understand the sophistication of the Sumerian logo grass so many Sumerian words are left untranslated in academics but in Babylonian Texas we have a different story we have scribes that were very haughty and they were turning the uh the anuna which were humans of technological sophistication uh priorly they the Babylonians were the one that invented the word Anunnaki it is not a Sumerian word it was never used in Sumerian texts the anuna were a people by the time the Babylonians emerged after the cataclysm which was the great flood cataclysm the day the sky fell the we collapse The Vapor canopy all of this is the same event so when this uh when this occurred then the Babylonian Dynasty emerged within 250 years and the Babylonians were quickly rewriting all the old pre-flood texts the pre-catalsm text but when they did so they had badly demonized uh the anuna into the Anunnaki and turned them into deities and God's control they control the weather they control the Destinies they control a physical phenomena they had to be sacrificed to to appease them because they were angry it was basically a more primitive it was it was more primitive humans regarding a technologically advanced Superior race of humans about a thousand years earlier so everything had become contaminated then we had a breath of fresh air and this was the invasion of the amuru right after 1849 BC when Sodom and Gomorrah adma lyrics the Sumerian cities when they were all wiped off the map with it for whatever happened it was the year 2046 of the old world calendar which parallels our soon approaching 2046 but in the old world calendar it was 2046 which was out which is our 1849 BC this is when the lamentation takes a Zechariah sitchin come in before this is when this massive destruction occurred when this destruction occurred within two years a new group of people came from the West they were called westerners by everybody they they overran Northern Egypt which is called Lower Egypt the great period pyramid area and they set up dynasties at the same time in tattusas which is the hittite Anatolia also at Aurora 2 they they established their dominance they established their dominance all throughout phenicia attire sidon all the way through Canaan the cities of the Giants of Bastion the cities of the Giants of argon they took control of the zuzums the Zam zooms the rephames were Allied to them in the Anna comes with her Soldier Force the anakums are called the tamahu on Egyptian monuments and it shows them they have very very white Alabaster skin they had huge eyes they they wore their hair in giant locks and they were very distinguished for they had a trait a cultural trait that showed the warrior era star aristocracy they wore they wore colors around their necks to show their rank this is why in a lot of old Bible dictionaries when you look up anak it says caller the translation is collar or long neck this is a very old trick and and to get this to get this history to understand this culture and how they were regarded as Giants because you have to read the old books of Robert Graves and the white goddess the Greek myths you've got to read Gerald Massey who was writing about these things in the 1880s and 1890s these men did not have access to the internet therefore their erudition was off the charts there are no authors researchers and writers today who and I include myself among the many that are even on par with these men these men were recording historical data and events and their chains of custody on the information is phenomenal uh all the different texts that they cite going back in the ancient world but this is these are more rules these westerners took over the near East they marched All the Way to Babylon and took it without a fight and they found this guy who had been alive for almost 180 years and he's famous he's mentioned in in records all throughout the near East he's got many names but he was the king of Babylon at the time when the Tower of Babel incident occurred when he had attempted to bring his people together and build a structure to try to escape it wasn't it wasn't the simplified version that you you received from judeo-christianity that is a that is an oversimplification they didn't build a tower up to heaven they weren't trying to do that they built a structure and knowing that if they could ever activate that structure they could they could then breach Heaven they could Escape because they basically understood that they were they were in a contained area the whole Tower of Babel story admits all these elements these aren't gods that were talking among themselves these were humans they were overseers over the similacrum that was seeing they were basically observing that the human Collective inside the experiment was now catching on that they were inside of an experiment so they had to do something because they were they were already being proactive and the Tower of Babel story is also an oversimplification although it's a veiled Brit in the Old Testament to humanity not not to try and Escape uh the oversimplification is the fact that the Tower of Babel story is an overlay the real story behind it is the building of the Great Pyramid of Egypt the great impairment of Egypt involved that's so interesting sitchin also did a pretty good job of isolating the particulars and the Sumerian records that show like like uh the word e Cur Divine Mountain actually applied to the Great Pyramid he did a good job he did a good job on that and that the original tablets of Destinies that were so famous in the old academian records that was referring to the Sumerian traditions he was really good at elucidating on those points because the tablet of Destinies was a component that was used in The Big Year the day the ding gear was this was this chamber inside the e-cur it's a chamber inside this Divine mountain and this tablet of Destinies was taken out and stolen and hidden and no one knows what happens to it but it's like the operations console to make the Great Pyramid function the way it is supposed to function during Sumerian times Somebody went in there and took that tablet of Destinies out which is that CPU we we can just use the term CPU because that's what it would be for us Central Processing Unit the command console for whatever whatever a computer is supposed to function whatever it's supposed to do well the story is that some figure named Zoo EU we know that wasn't his real name this is just how it was passed down to us Zoo uh is related to something called the Thunderbird now I know this is the Phoenix but that's a whole nother that's a whole other line of research there but the zoo zoo is connected to something called the Thunderbird and Zoo came and when nobody was paying attention he stole the tablet of Destinies out of the e-cur and that's where all the problems for Humanity followed after that everything the humanity so that was the pain that was the true Pandora's Box the only reason we have a story about Pandora's Box and Pandora being a a female is because it was exactly during those patriarchal times that the patriarchies were all world that were basically forcing into submission all the matriarchal older Neolithic cultures and this happened when the sky fell because when the sky fell it was the birth of this is what started all the birth of the sun calendars this is the great floods after the vapor canopy this is the collapse of the vapor canopy yes the collapse of the vapor canopy is what you know of as the great flood but it was also the exact time in the ancient Americas that all the sun calendars began because the first time anybody saw the sun in the sky the sky had been a dark purple light up until this time and it was uh and um I've got a lot of videos on the vapor canopy and explaining how how all the plants and animals and even people were much larger Under The Vapor canopy because as scientists in Texas have already shown in their own artificial biosphere under under ultraviolet purple light you can make things grow to astonishing sizes and even live three times longer they've already done this in Texas recently so imagine imagine a vapor canopy over the entire world well we really don't have to imagine all we have to do is look at the fossil record everything was bigger trees were 400 feet tall animals were gigantic and humans were gigantic and when we found evidence of this all all over the world and so when you put humans back to their proper height not to their present height none of the none of the megalithic architecture from the ancient world would be mysterious anymore yeah what happened to ask you when did we start to when I I'm going to ask you about the Phoenix because I'm so interested in it like I know it's every 138 years right but um don't uh let me answer let me answer both questions first of all I get a lot of people on my channel too they're triggered when they they come across the Phoenix data and they don't realize how complex it really is it's not it's it's not a worldwide cataclysmic phenomenon every 138 years that's not how it operates nothing would be nothing would survive that oh we would stay Neolithic we would stay we would stay trogly nights ago hotel that's not how it works um the it see it seems to act with discretion it will it will it will pass a certain continent five or six times which is 138 times four or five or six times and then come back and visit such destruction on that one continent but it will leave the rest of the world alone it all it's very discretionary it's not something that happens it's only four times in recorded history did it ever affect the entire world at the same time but never back to back there's always time birds so if every 138 years yes we see we see evidence of of the Phoenix prisons we see the red the red muds the red rains we see uh all kinds of weird atmosphere Eric all invisible phenomena many times many times like in 384 A.D uh 246 A.D 52280 there's three of them back to back we so we saw there's there's records of actual visible phenomena great fiery looking Dragon appearing in the sky sometimes it's a it's a pillar of flames high in the sky uh sometimes it's something that brings a fast darkness that lasts many years like in 522 uh you know other times it appears every 138 years but it only it only really basically devastates highly localized areas but all in the same region uh I'll give you an example uh when it when it appeared in 1687 BC it was worldwide of 1687 BC was terrible it was a matter of fact there's a guy that wrote an entire book named W.J Perry uh he wrote the archaic civilization Children Of The Sun his 550 page book is dedicated only to one year in history and that is 1687 at BC and that was a phoenix here it's called the ogaijian Deluge and it was terrible this is 5 52 years after the great flood when the vapor canopy fell long after the Sumerians were gone now in 1687-87 BC this this happened it was devastating but 138 years later in 1549 BC it we only have records of the Cyclades region being aired out and the Egyptians seeing in a distance a vast Darkness over the Cyclades but we have castled in the historian who wrote about this this Devastation that affected this all these Mediterranean islands of the same time but it was highly localized it didn't affect the rest of the world then 138 years later again in 1411 we have the entire Mediterranean World recording that it's in the sky but only certain cities and areas actually had a bad time of it then 138 years later oh we'll say 14 we have it in 1273 BC in 1273 BC again we have the Syrian kings that are recording the event in the sky at the same time that atray use of the of the uh um atreus of Argos actually predicts it's going to come and it does and because of this prediction and how true it was he won the the kingship over his brother for the house of atreus over Argos which was what major city at the time but 138 years later the entire Mediterranean area in 1135 BC was wiped out again now this is 552 years after the last large-scale Wipeout which was in 1687 BC deal guide you in Deluge which was 552 years after the great flood 552 is 130 38 times 4. so it acts with discretion it doesn't wipe everything out every 138 years it just shows back up everyone in 38 years it just keeps coming you know I have charged books polls I got my own loan subscribers have seen they're overwhelmed with information on the Phoenix but the uh the Phoenix was not unknown to the Sumerians it's not unknown uh Zechariah is teaching again because I another thing I agree with Zechariah said you is the mass Vanishing of the anuna you know right before 2653 BC he he cites how mysterious this is Zechariah said into his credit doesn't explain why they vanished he just sells a mass Vanishing was at this period of time but he also records that for whatever reasons he doesn't know what it was but he's very honest when he says that about this time 2653 BC there was a massive destruction throughout the near East he doesn't know anything about the Phoenix he didn't zechariah's teaching doesn't know anything about the Phoenix holography the 138 year periodicity of this phenomenon or anything so I found that very valuable about his material my my my critiquing of of of Zechariah sitchin isn't so much his historical deal it's it's the translation of certain words to make you to make he's forcing the term rocket on there when the word Shem never meant anything but name and Monument he's forcing the he's forcing the interpretation of rocket and this is why Academia will not follow zechariah's kitchen but he's forcing the the ET scenario where they came from the stars in the sky and all that when all the evidence from the ancient world is they came from underground after a cataclysm and uh this is uh even in the judaic version man there's many references not to the Watchers appearing from the stars but from appearing out of a mountain so uh and even in the uh the book of Adam and Eve and the the suit up by graphical works of Alexandria Egypt the references are not to the sky when it refers to Satan and the fallen angels and and and and uh the people before the flood being influenced by gods that came in the flesh and had sex with human women and gave birth to a new a new race of humans and all hybrids this is the references are never to the sky they are two caves cave systems and mountains so um this is that's my problem with stitching sitchin took cognitive leaps that weren't there and he and he expects us to take them too when the evidence shows otherwise yeah so I see what you're saying like even if he wrote sources he might have sourced the tablet but ex but put his own expansions on whatever he thought that tablet meant right so like of course but maybe they need to put his own interpretation on it or his own spin on it right yeah well see let me give you a perfect example let me give you a perfect example man okay Enoch is also called IA EA all right they're the exact same individual two different titles from two different time periods Zechariah sitchin is very careful to let his readers understand that the later Babylonian translations translated IA as a wenis it's o-a-n-n-e-s now sitchin makes the connection there this is where the dishonesty comes from sitchin makes the connection that Inky ear and owenis are the same individual so it shows the sources shows the translations and he's absolutely correct I have no problem with his interpretation of that because he's showing the same individual through Sumerian translation academian translation Babylonian Semitic so here I'm on board with that here's where the Deception comes in his Narrative of Inky is that Inky came from the sky from space after coming from the outer solar system and coming all the way through the planets arriving to Earth and Earth was covered with much water and in Inky descends and he Paints the picture that the Anki is arriving with 50 50 of the of the anuna with him in a ship and they lowered to Earth this is the this is the the picture Zechariah said you want you to believe but later in his own writings he admits what Babylonian tradition has always said all the way from the days of barossas we still have the writings with us today that oweny's owenis was a was a navigator who arrived by ship from the sea this is exactly what is said of means when he when he you know Zechariah station calls means in itaroo he was also one of one of the original gods that arrived by a fleet to the shores of ancient Egypt oh when he he makes the connection between awani's and and the Knitter between oweny's and means he's basically saying that here here are the Sumerian gods arriving by fleets of ships The oweny's Narrative is that Owen is emerged from the ocean and came and many other writers say well that just means he arrived by ship the same thing is said of sea crops when sea crops arrived to ancient Athens and built Athens when he when he came from Egypt he arrived from the sea now these are all um a lot of these stories claimed that they came and the Greek versions came with the gastricaries well the gastricaries were depicted as Gods but they had a hundred arms and they came from the sea listen we just use our Common Sense this is a primitive people who are already inhabited uh the akaian region of the Peloponnesus and they looked out and one day they saw the these giant things that looked like Monsters with with oars and they called them gastricaries because they had a hundred hands and this is the story that's told over and over and over and it always goes back to basically civilizations uh civilization Builders arriving to more primitive coasts by ship whole fleets this is the whole story of barosas in Atlanta's came from the sea but sitchin but sitchin Paints the picture that Inky came from the sky you can't claim that Inky came from space on a spaceship with with 50 of his uh Anunnaki Brothers if you're also going to admit in your own books that Inky is oh Lenny's if you're going to admit to the same individual then you have to go by what the Ancients said about that second individual here right they arrived from the sea so these little deceptions right here are very easily overlooked in sitchin's writings because his writings are so prolific you got to get through nine different books and each book is pretty damn sizable so it's a this is why I have a lot of I I could go on and on about stitching but there's really no reason to because there's no reason to sit here in it and try to prove a negative I don't need to I don't need to prove what doesn't exist I want to tell you what done I know I but I just have one more question on that because you brought it up I like I was thinking what do you think of the wars and Gods and Men because like because that's a good book but I can see where he might have taken Liberties because he's trying to say that Egyptian gods are related to Nuna and that's probably not the case right or is it well it's really it's really hard to talk about sentence works because we're talking about somebody it's very difficult for me to convey historical material on on a false template let me give you an example okay my own research the arcades research only goes back to 5239 BC and I won't entertain anything before that because human recorded history only goes back that far we don't have any writing right human writings the date before the 35th Century BC but I can go back to 5239 BC simply because of the calendars that were existing before the flood we have records of those today and some very few people realize most of the calendars from the old world all started during the vapor canopy the Mayan the cliche the zapate the the Olmec calendar of the Egyptian short and long chronology the Sumeria the Sumerian calendar the aura land the calendar that's given to us in the orlind manuscript of the of the Dutch uh let's see the the Jewish calendar the all these different calendars started at that they didn't start after the flood they started during the vapor Canopy World Before the Flood and they didn't start the year that of their Inception they was started and then were backdated so we have the years that that were claimed to be the begin dates like the Mayan Long Count was 3113 BC and then 3173 BC was the Olmec calendar I think uh 3673 was a Jewish calendar 3671 was the begin the first year of the Jewish calendar before I mean before it was corrupted uh during the barcapa rebellion of 135 uh A.D but anyway well my point is this I can go back to 5239 BC because we have three different markers from the pre-fload world that show a 600 year period and then the admission that the that the flood happened in the fifth turning so we have the birth of Noah 2839 BC 600 years before the great flood the great flood was a phoenix episode in 2239 BC so it's really easy to extrapolate 3 000 years before the flood is 5239 BC 3000 years is divided perfectly by 600 five times this is why we get this this Sumerian calendar symbol of a pentagram that shows up everywhere in the ancient world considered considered the dengir it was a Divine calendar now this uh we know every 600 year period is the exact same period when in the Book of Genesis Enoch appears in the uh 35th Century BC in the Genesis narrative the pre-flood world was 16 56 years it's very easy to calculate because year one would have been 38.95 BC that means 456 years later is uh um is the year 456 and it's Monday but in our BC calendar it's 34 39 BC 3439 BC is precisely 600 years after the birth of Noah in 2839 BC and it's 600 years after the the enter the Annunaki uh calendar marks the What's called the capture of Luna the capture of Luna was when the moon was captured in our orbit now before before anybody gets triggered about me saying the word orbit you have to understand there are we're talking about a simulated stellosphere we're talking about a sky that is absolutely simulated and what we're looking up at in the night sky isn't an actual thing visual field that's that's there it's hiding something else and the Moon is a part of that architecture that is hiding something it's a super construction up there this is what the Phoenix weapon is as well it's not an intruder world it's not a planet the Phoenix the Phoenix weapon that appears and has activated every 138 years through human history is 100 percent a construction it's super construction it has nothing to do with salt with uh uh some Intruder world this used to be my my belief years ago I don't believe that anymore too mathematically perfect but uh but yeah that's what I said I can't deal with stitching because sitchin measures Sumerian history in two in hundreds of thousands of years but I have already shown on my own channel I've shown that in my own channel over and over and my own Subs they I've met their satisfaction I've cited so many different sumerologists that show that the word sharp that is used by Zechariah sitchin was the same word that was also used to measure how much cargo or how much wine or bushels of barley that ship captains had aboard their ships this means that Char was a unit of measurement it did not mean year so when we return the Sumerian the Sumerian dating chronology back to its original fundamentals which was the counting of stellosphere which was the turnings of the Stars around the eye of the Dragon this is one single day the Ancients counted the Revolutions of the Stars they did not count the sun there were no solar calendars during the Sumerian times those were only injured later during the Babylonian times after all s were laid waste in 1849 BC when the amuru appeared the westerners but yeah Zechariah it's hard for me to explain this because Zechariah sitchin is using a system that makes you believe that cities were populated 200 000 years ago right here on Earth and that's not how the Sumerians counted time just like the orelin manuscript and so many other ancient sources say days were the only ways that were counted and this is why all the Sumerian Kings list all the Sumerian dates everything in later Babylonian history is all divisible by 360 because it was 360 days made the old year but the old but the old years that weren't really factored until after the vapor canopy fell once they could see the sun passing across the sky that's when they changed their calendars to solar that's so interesting but I've got some subscriber as she's on your channel and she's on mine booster she wanted to ask you did you ever read John B pinella's books the Divine Secret Garden and the time with the Chronicles I've never even heard of them they're not they're not in my bibliography okay I just wondering yeah I posted my bibliography on Facebook just today pages and pages and pages and pages and pages of all the non-fiction books I read over a 20-year period let me ask you this like when did you start realizing that because I see it too that we're in some kind of simulation when did you start putting that idea together and then when did you come up with a theory on AIX because I think that's a brilliant Theory and um you know you know totally see it I mean I think I think we're in some kind of construct right I mean there's always there's a Mystic a fulfilling a philosopher in a Mystic named Franz Boaz in the 1890s uh he made a statement in one of his books he said record enough facts and the answers will fall to you like ripe fruit now that quote is stuck in my mind for years because it's exactly what I did it's a I can't I'm not able to I'm not able to compartmentalize my beliefs every single piece of data that I come into contact with has to be assimilated into my Paradigm or I must have that I must have very good valid reasons to discard it because I never want to be accused of practicing exclusions so uh that's something Charles Ford was big on too practicing exclusions uh Charles Ford said that uh who would not be a master Marksman if only his hits were recorded So applying these philosophies to my research and said I amassed such a massive amount of research and I and I had all these files divided I basically researched my myself right out of the Southern Baptist paradigm I acquired so much data that I just woke up one morning and I knew you know what there is no way I cannot ignore the weight of all this data and and uh believe all this so that led me to books by Neil Neil Freire that led me to books by Jack Behringer these two men are very little known they're published authors but they have written more and better things about the Annunaki than Zucker why Ascension ever has well their their their works are just not very popular they're these guys are deep these guys are very deep thinkers and you're going to be shocked when you read their material especially Neil Freer when you read the book breaking the god spill you will think you have just read some type of major massive uh Collegiate thesis and it's all about the Anunnaki and their control mechanisms okay how how the whole Anunnaki story was used as a control mechanism over Humanity it is fantastic Geralds will bring that up Neil Gerald I didn't know about it though I didn't know who wrote it the breaking the god spell oh my god I've got to get that I've heard it's amazing it's a paperback and you can get it from a 1-800-700 tree uh he provides the paperback he put he's the actual publisher of Neil Freer but uh uh Neil Freer Jack Behringer I started reading Otto van binder and and Jacques valet Charles Ford so now now that now that I've broken free of my Southern Baptist indoctrination I'm able to assist the data with a clean slate I'm not programmed to interpret it in a certain way so I I fall in love with with Eric Von daniken and Aaron Von daniken leads me into Zechariah sitchin and I read everything about Zechariah said you and I'm falling in love with all this however I have never been able to accept and face value a writer's assertions I have always had the trait of getting my catalogs out and ordering the books that are in the bibliographies of the books I read so when I'm reading since I decide I'm going to read this the cities of Bastion oh yeah written in 1890s I'm gonna order that and I'm gonna read this oh Samuel Noah Kramer Marine Gallery Kovacs I'm gonna order these books and that's what I did and that's when I began to realize that the the story is far more complex than we've been told and that the Earth Chronicles of sitchin is really whitewashing over a bunch of evidence that's contrary to what stitches putting out so well I started realizing this is really complex I started researching calendars and time keeping systems and I made all these massive discoveries that I've published on my own channel as a matter of fact it was calendars and is the reason why I was published by booktree I had basically overwhelmed the editors of booktree with so much data and showed them hey look this is what I do this is a this is the research I'm doing I'm looking for a publisher I'm a convicted felon I'm still in prison I understand if you don't want to but I'm looking for somebody to work with now so upon my release you'll publish my books well they waited about seven eight months and got back with me and started publishing it published six of my books now publishing the seventh right now there's a uh there's a paper but there's a paperback edition of awaken the immortal within coming out real soon it's already been edited it so it should be on press pretty quick but I've never needed another publisher everything I write they publish so it's uh yeah that worked out just just right but concerning Zechariah sitchin he tells a beautiful story but my main issue my main issue is that none of these events happen hundreds of thousands of years ago because in the span of hundreds of thousands of years there would have been 15 or 20 great floods one great flood would have never mattered and none of these cities like bad Tiberia sure pack lyric none of these cities would have been hundreds of thousands of years old nothing so I even drew a chart for people on my channel and once you see the chart it becomes so ridiculous to even assume zechariah's kitchen is right I grew a chart showing the whole all of recorded history fits in this very small period but way over here feet until several feet this way is where Zechariah sitchin's claiming all these cities began a civilization in the world before the flood began the Revival of the arrival of Inky you know uh oh 432 000 years before the flood there is nothing there is nothing in all the animals of the world that would make a 432-year thousand year period important to anything else there's nothing that would have happened half a million years ago that would have any relevance to us today at all there's no there's no cities that will remain whole mountain ranges would have disappeared it's a the whole assertion is ridiculous and it's so easily disproven because you docsus gives us the clue 24 centuries ago it tells us how the Ancients calculated time they counted the stars as they went around Alpha draconis the eye of the dragon and when the stars made one revolution the evening in the morning was the first day that's the same thing Genesis tells us how they counted time before the flood the evening in the morning was the first day evening morning the morning was the second day evening in the morning was was the third day the night always came before the day just like the vapor canopy came before the sun it was the darkness before the dawn and so everything fits perfectly once you reinterpret reinterpret zechariah's kitchen's histories by using the real Sumerian factors of calculation not Zechariah Stitch's interpretation so it was uh was uh Noah still the same as the Pistons is that still the same he's just saying still the same person okay in in the real historical narrative and I'm not saying no existed I'm saying in the actual records that we have in the Traditions that we have yes but napistan atrah hasis Noah uh bokika they're all the same individual yes but incisions version he makes them the same as well unfortunately it's it's a long time ago I mean it's it's zechariah's kitchen was Jewish but in order to put out his put out his version of History he had to even defy his own cultural heritage as his his uh body of text though I'm talking about the talmudic literature that the the the the the uh there's a fast body fast body of chronological material the book of jasher is the main one huge body of chronological there's over there's over 400 Chrono markers in the Book of Joshua alone book of jasher is phenomenal for a chronologist but he had to ignore all this in order to put his theory together because none of it fit oh he got his uh I don't know man it's just I'm so over I'm so oversitching it's a you can take all the stitches material and instead of you know when he's when he says that something happened in thirty six thousand eight hundred thirty six thousand eight hundred uh years between these events it's really easy just get a calculator out and divide it by 360. as soon as you're divided by 360 you'll have the actual amount of years between between those invasions or when that plague broke out after the founding of that City or that event took place and that war took place and they lost on the battlefield in the 32nd year of the reign of such and such uh 40 40 800 years uh after such and such if you just take all the Zechariah sitchin's dates and divide them by 360 you basically have a perfect summation of Sumerian history yeah well um one last thing I want you mentioned I thought this is so interesting that the simulation puts different civilizations here at different times like at one time it was the vapor canopy uh Civilization now it's us um was it civilizations did we know before that or or and I mean and how I wanted to get more into the simulation but I don't have enough time I'm gonna have to have you on again because I want to have a whole show just on that like so interesting you know well yes there we have been made to survive different biospheres this is why humans come in such great complexity and diversity these different biospheres where we're basically initiated just to see if we can survive them and what was needed to add to the genome to to make it more survivable it's a remember if you follow me on my Channel all the UFO extraterrestrial activity every bit of it is misinformation and the media is on it because the very elite themselves are perpetuating the deception because all true technology and Superior Superior technology Superior uh race whatever you want to call them they're underground they're not coming from the sky everything all phenomenal in the sky is Mystic misdirection the true the true infrastructure the one that keeps the technology even though the surface world is going to reset even though the surface world's getting wiped out in in in Little Spirit displacement even though the surface world is deceived into thinking pole shifts actually happen when the entire stellosphere shifts 30 degrees and then and then earthquakes and tsunamis all of this phenomena on the surface world is very convincing to those that are on the surface world but the world underneath us is insulated and there could be cities and civilizations pancaked on top of each other going down so many different miles there's far more real estate in the Underworld than there is on the surface because we're living on a thin skin whether you think it's a globe or a flat disc it doesn't matter it's still a thin skin from the highest mountain to from the highest mountain in the Himalayas where you can't breathe to the to the lowest depths of the Mariana's Trench or you also can't survive because of the pressure is is still 12 miles meaning the habitable zone is only about three miles all the cities of the world all the basic population dense areas fit within a three mile band all over the world that it well now when you take up the width of the world no matter if it's a globe or a flat disc it doesn't matter when you take the actual width of that thin skin that little three mile habitable zone is so inventilish tiny in small you can imagine if you just go straight down how many worlds there could be that we wouldn't even know about oh that's amazing I I love the whole area too and then that's uh I've always thought it was but so what do you think do you think that you believe you've read a lot of Charles Ford Charles Ford he was the father of the word 14. what do you think of the Paranormal in UFOs and you think it's all ruse or what yeah well I have I have a lot of I provide I provide a lot of evidence on my Channel about UFOs UFOs you know the media wants to perpetuate the idea that UFOs are vehicles and they're occupied and not all that's good but I've never seen evidence of that now there may be some human technology that mimics UFOs and maybe and they've they're occupied but way before humans way before humans could could do this we had the exact same phenomena described in medieval and older texts when we had no Aviation so this is what I this is what I believe and this is what I promote on my channel these these glowing orbs they're flying through the air doing all these doing these things that defy physics they do so because they're not physical objects they are phenomena now J dreamers and others believes that they're like plasma phenomena and they could very well be right I am not a scientist I really know what plasma is I'm a chronologist I'm a historian now but these things that defy physics and do all all these deals they they we have to judge them by what they do not what we think they are so when we go through the historical record and we isolate all these things that Jacques Valley Auto van binder and so many of these early ufologists document we don't find Vehicles we find range finders we find we find the outward manifestation of a technology of something that's being operated somewhere else and it's honing in on its victims and when it gets close to them it opens look like an envelope and they disappear it's pulling men in material straight out of our holography into somewhere else this is what we see this is also supported by the myths and traditions of when people see these Willow wisps these glowing orbs going through the forest and they get too close to them God child disappears or a hunt or a hunter a hunter gets too close to one it starts chasing him and then it gets real big and next thing you know his family sees him vanish outside the cottage we have to judge these phenomena by what by what they have been recorded to have done and to me that's a range finder and to be a range finder that means that somebody is on the outside of our our holography looking into it and because their technology is imperfect they can see with the distance and they can use controls and get that light which is going to be a dimensional overlap because if because if that light contains the mathematics of the dimension that they're in that means if they can get that light if they can get their victim in that light then that means that individual is no longer inside the mathematical construct that it was in priorly it's now inside whatever mathematical construct is that light is governing that light if that light can get over that they can pull it right out of that mathematics into another this is what I've promoted on my channel this is all I can believe about UFOs they don't act like vehicles and they don't behave like vehicles and anytime there's mass human abductions these things were seen and anytime there's individual abductions many times they have been documented so I have to judge them by that these have to be range finders from someone outside the holography that's pulling them out out of the holosphere the similar Chrome itself that makes sense now when I wanted to run by you real quick was I interviewed this guy his name's Stan Gordon right he's been you know researching UFOs forever he tells a story about in the 70s about how when these people they because he's had a UFO hotline where people call in and Report cases to him then him and his team go out and investigates they go out and investigate this guy tells this story that they go out and they see UFO and I'm Bigfoot in the field and I'm just shortened for this for you and the guy fires a tracer Bullet at the Bigfoot and it just vanishes out of the thin air then he told a similar story about a woman I was on her back porch she heard someone going through her pop cans and uh she sees a Bigfoot she fired and it disappears I was thinking this could this be examples of the simulation okay um I also discussed this on my own channel cryptozoology Bigfoot's Yeti Sasquatch abominable snowman all this listen we since the 1800s there's been there there have been hunting parties looking for them they've left tracks in the snow we know they're there and yet they vanish like this tracks have vanished in the middle of the snow field so again I had this is these are these are just these are just more pieces of the puzzle as to why I believe in simulation Theory but to that that there can be dimensional overlaps where two different mathematical constructs can overlay and when they do the stronger arithmetic will allow denizens permit to pass into the weaker arithmetic arithmetic these are mathematical Constructors that we exist within but what led me to simulation theory was my research on calendars and time keeping systems and basically putting together my lifelong project which I call chronicon by the time I was finished with chronicon in everything all the mathematical anomalies that I had documented in in the series of of events that we call history by the time I was finished I was left with with more questions than answers I did the project because I thought it was going to give me a a pretty good idea about all the mysteries in the ancient world now I can figure everything out I got all this stuff I had no one to ever put together a book like chronic on I'm not I'm not speaking boastfully but you'll hear that from people on my own channel I spent my life putting product on together it's it's massive and I chose this math beautiful mathematical construct that we call history the arithmetic is too perfect when the calendars fall on major events in human history is too perfect and when we even when we even analyze the distances between major events in history in other in other dimensions like Phi and pi and curvature equations we we get these beautiful beautiful additions to the construct doesn't make sense to me for calendars to do this and yet and yet we're told we're living in a Newtonian Universe therefore many of these events that I have documented could not possibly be true EXO worlds and Trevor planets and different different cataclysmic phenomena they do not happen in nature with mathematical Precision nothing acts like that and yet this is what I find and then when the year changes from 360 days to 360 65 days all around the world at the same time in 713 BC which is very well documented at ancient times there are still timelines that are operative that don't change if that's impossible and yet I can show it I can show two different mathematical holographies running side by side and we call them history in events occurred on both timelines but they can't it's impossible but I document it and I show it so over and over and over and over I'm having to tell my listeners look what I'm showing you can be possible can't be real it's not true and yet I'm showing you factually here it is from the historical record here's how you show it here's how here it is on a calculator it's all perfect but it can't be real so the world we're living is why one of my mantras for archaics is our world is not what you think I say this all the time in my videos because it's not nothing I discovered can be true it's simple as that and yet I can show it all so that's a paradox therefore I must be living in something that I just don't really have any frames of reference for the closest approximate approximation that I can come to to describe to you my reality is that it's all simulated this is a VR headset world it's the only thing I can explain that I I agree with that said um I got to finish up I got to do another show but um thank you Jason so much you're awesome man I love your stuff and um if you want to tell everybody where they can find you and yeah again thank you you're amazing well I appreciate it though Rob go just arcades.com you can find everything on archanges.com and matter of fact you'll probably get lost on my website there's a lot to look at that's it um thank you for doing this and uh yeah I appreciate it in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas I'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website