Unveiled: Artificial Intelligence X in the Great Pyramid

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[Music] in 2006 i received a publishing contract for the publication of this book my book tree of san diego for one reason because my research unveiled secrets about the great pyramid that had not been found in the publishing world this book contains that information it is very penetrating in this research the bibliography is fantastic this is not an advertisement for the book this is an introduction to a video if you buy this book or not it doesn't matter to me but i'm about to release a video or maybe even two or three videos in the very near future so you need to know the information that's in this video it's paramount i had no idea when i had conducted this research what avenues into the future that it would lead me it's profound in the year 1303 earthquakes dislodged some of the massive 100 inch thick white limestone casing blocks from all from the face of the great pyramid this was during the period called the seven comets over europe that brought plague and destruction widely recorded in the history books specialist literature in the year 1356 a major earthquake shocks egypt completely obliterating the last vestiges of the pharaoh's lighthouse the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world the pharaohs of of alexandria was a 350-foot high limestone uh tower built by the uh ptolemy philadelphus the second uh it was one of the seven waters of the ancient world now as the quake forever buried at sea the 1600 year old lighthouse ruins it also dislodged many of the polished white limestone casing blocks on the great pyramid 108 miles to the north or the south now the great pyramid was essentially buried in its own rubble the inner block structure had finally been revealed the muslim city of cairo a few miles away was also damaged and muslim engineers began removing the great pyramid's casing blocks that had to be dislodged to rebuild government buildings and mosques in cairo the gigantic cover stones were way too large for transport so they are broken in situ where they had fallen and the rubble is taken to cairo construction has begun on the famous mosque of sultan hassan in cairo blocks would continue to be broken taken from the site for many many years there were originally 144 thousand of these casing blocks that had been made for the pyramid and were attached to it like a giant white mountain herodotus strabo diodorus and a host of other ancient authors all wrote about the original condition of the great pyramid in addition plenty more casing stones were removed from the great pyramid by muhammad ali pasha during the early 19th century and reused his material for his alabaster mosque in cairo the famous a-rap geographer ivan batuta in the year 1356 wrote in his famous book the travels of ivan raspatuda the pyramids and temples are among the wonders known since antiquity they have been much spoken of and much studied in regards to their function and ancientness of their construction they have no doors and we do not know in what manner they were built in fact arabic and muslim scholars from al-mam the califor baghdad in 820 a.d when his expedition discovered the interests of the great pyramid were responsible for the preservation of thousands of texts and reports from the ancient world muslim writers are the reason that so much literature and knowledge was saved and entered europe through the chaotic times of the dark and the middle ages we can blame will i mean we can we can praise the muslims for that preservation in many old depictions of the end of the world by various cultures there seems to always be a connection to the images of the great pyramid and interestingly interestingly the word apocalypse has a profound association to the monument the roots for apocalypse are appo and calyption or off and to cover therefore in apocalypse is the taking off of a cover and unveiling a revelation an earthquake started with the muslims head of egypt finished the removal of the casing blocks which uncovered the interior blocks and led to the myriads of discoveries of the amazing precision dimensions geometrical relationships bonding agents and course by course arrangement of the superstructure it had been unveiled this unveiling was required so we could make the necessary discoveries we are making now many of these discoveries have never been published but i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show you things you've never seen i'm going to show you what taylor minzy smith petrie davidson alder smith and adam rutherford suspected but they failed to prove that the great pyramid of giza is the history and the future of our world in stone no books no videos have ever unveiled what i'm about to reveal hey guys i'm not being overly dramatic i have shocking things to show you about the great pyramid and i'm going to now for those of you who are able hey i'm back on it my links are in the in the description box and in the pinned comment below if you're able hey i'm trying to grow archaics i'm trying to move in many different directions i can use all the help i can get i don't care if it's five dollars ten dollars fifteen hundred whatever you can do whatever you can donate i'm gonna put it to good use you can believe that and uh edgar casey video is coming up next