Van Vlog Rant

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[Music] june 9th 2022 welcome to my my birthday fan vlog rant oh i don't think it's gonna be a negative one but it'll be a rant nonetheless got some news items that are pretty interesting cosmic consciousness of australia invited me to be their keynote speaker for their convention in august or september it's being held on some island unfortunately i'm an ex-con and australia has the most restrictive customs laws in the world how ironic that a continent that was started by felons won't let felons visit visit the country anymore go figure so i had to politely decline but a couple weeks later just the other day they invited me to attend anyway but it will be my video hey you know what that's pretty interesting now i don't know if that's the same cosmic consciousness i don't know if that's the same group it might be overall wow i can't even remember the guy's name you smell youtube all the time real real heavy into the patriot movement don't don't agree with everything he says but then again i don't agree with a lot of things in the patriot movement i i am you guys know my position i'm i love my country but i love the people even more and by extension the patriots of the world we're all in we're all in this together it's only a small minority of people man that i detest and they put themselves in that position but uh i popped in on jason q yesterday on he was doing a live presentation on it wasn't big shoot i can't remember that i can't remember the name of the platform oh it was rumble i gave him a little rumble and i engaged in the chat and you know jason q's been following some of my presentations he and his host i had sent them messages in the chat this morning i woke up nice little birthday present thank you for your donations it's uh made this little road trip a whole lot easier but somebody sent me a really interesting email said russell j gold watched one of your videos and shared it on his telegram so i checked i look i'll be down the last the last uh simulation theory video i did with with uh logan of decode your reality i'll be damned russell j gold the postmaster he did share it that's really interesting it's on his telegram so i visited his youtube took and took a look i don't know i'm really behind on my isometric projection analysis because i have in my in all my free time lately i've done a deep deep dive in major league baseball and i know this isn't relative to archaics but it is relative to something that i developed and i have people on board that that are waiting for this uh to come out so i have obligations so i've been slow i've been slower in my uploads this is the reason why i've been doing so many podcasts with people they require no i don't need to do any research i don't need to do any uh preparations if somebody just tells me when they want to do a podcast and they get their ducks in a row i will meet them halfway and i will i will tap onto the link and i'll start talking it's really that easy two hours later i can go on about my business knowing that i have provided value that's going to stay on on the internet for quite a while and i know that i'm going to download uh on my software i'm going to keep copies of everything that i do so i don't really care i mean i do care don't get me wrong i do care if youtube cancels my channel i do care because youtube does make it easy but man i'm learning about all these platforms i've been i've i have been getting educated people have been sending me the appropriate places i'm learning that you know what i can really widen the demographic now oh this is not a numbers game for me i i you know another good birthday present i got was waking up to the fact that i got 17 000 oh some subs but i don't think that's going to stay at 17. it's already rising so this isn't a numbers game proof proof of that is that i had many opportunities to increase my subs when i had one out you know you guys know you know when i started doing this i was contractor and if you know anything about the finances of a contractor it's hit or miss one day my bank account has thousands of extra dollars in it the next day i pay all my bills and i'm dead broke and stay broke until i get some bids i mean this not all contractors live that way but i'm an ex-con i i got to get the jobs i can get now luckily luckily i have a pretty strong i have a pretty strong client base i would say about 10 to 15 percent of my jobs are all going back to the same clients doing adding more work doing more material for them and then uh about a quarter of my my jobs are strictly referrals and that's really good i've never really used anything but advertising for facebook except i do visit all the stockyards for all the materials and i leave my paradise rock gardens business card there but needless to say i'm done with that i'm not even doing it anymore it's too damn hot here it takes us to do that anyway and i turned 49 years old to that song technically i'm old and i'm just i need to slow my ass down those 275 pound rocks that's not what's up no more i need to move around so anyway i'm all i have many opportunities to increase my sub count by by paying into these different companies that really they really prey on new youtube content creators they pray and i say that because they promise you thousands and thousands of subs but it's just like google google uh analytics i fell for that trap years ago when i first got out of prison and i started my my uh my first website nephilim archives dot com all my biblical research and biblical studies well definitely nipple i paid google adsense why i paid yeah it was google ads since i paid because they promised to increase my seo back then i fell for that [\h__\h] search engine optimization what a crock of [\h__\h] so many people and companies listen the only the only people they optimize are those big companies that own this entire infrastructure and system they're all in bed together don't think that they're not so yeah the common everyday small business owner really suffers because he pays these companies for this seo and he doesn't get it why and i prove this too because the i i paid for an analytics pack package that showed me where all my my clicks were coming from i didn't tell google ads since i had that attached to to my uh wordpress site back then i have godaddy now but back then i had a wordpress site i taught myself how to build wordpress websites very it's way more complicated than the godaddy template system i have a really nice website stephen wallsworth if you're listening or if you listen to this i know you remember that's website that website was interactive it was really awesome but it was going in a direction that i i didn't want to go in anymore i collapsed it started needless to say i looked on the analytics after i paid for that software i was like wow look at this this is amazing i can't believe how many how many uh hits i'm getting on my i'm on the seo [\h__\h] works but the analytics package allows me to do a little bit of intent more intense studying i i focus the search come to find out about 99.9 percent of all the traffic to my website was coming out of pakistan that [\h__\h] pissed me off as soon as i realized that i realized what they did to me they outsourced to a to a pakistan company that probably has a bunch of people working for three dollars and fifty cents a month that are sitting there through computers blowing my damn website up but that's not real those aren't real clicks but that's what google did to me that was a good google adsense is a google google company they did that to me i refused to pay them for about three and a half years i'm not excuse me for about a year they kept sending they kept spamming my google email about about the 350 i owed them i shook that whole account down i was so pissed wasn't paying google nothing yeah i was mad about that it's a scam it's a scam by the very by the very institution that we trust to to be our telecommunications google it's crazy i don't know if they do that anymore but they did it three and a half years ago sorry bastards like i said some of this might go into a rant anyway i'm i'm on my way to my buddies i'm taking an alternate route there's three different routes to get there they're all basically the same time i'm on 1097. no i just left 1097 and took a ride on highway 150 cuts through four county counties east to west i left interstate 45 and i'm heading toward interstate 59 right now east texas i'm on my way to make my van payment and go spend some time with my buddy he lives way out here in the middle of nowhere y'all know y'all see this place call it the hideout anyway so these opportunities have been coming to me now and and i've been taking them and i've also received a lot of emails from people that are very indicative that some pretty popular content creators on youtube have been paying attention to my material i'm not going to drop those names right now because uh if they really wanted to be known then they would leave a comment in the in the comment sections themselves i respect that as a matter of fact as a matter of fact the one of the main reasons i'm not going to tell you these guys names yet i wouldn't be i would need permission is for the simple fact is if you're a serious content creator and you're really putting yourself out there on youtube then you're you're not just selling a brand but you're giving the public a piece of yourself that's dangerous and i get that so these guys these guys that are tentatively stepping out and through other people through emails hey listen man they have my utmost respect you need to guard your material if you really if you're dealing with an x factor which is an unknown then you need to guard your material i get that now i have received a lot of negativity from the flat earth community a lot of closed-minded individuals who can't wrap their wrap their minds around the fact that listen man i agree 100 with every single fundamental that you have ever said all your research look man i i've checked out a lot of you guys your guys material on different websites that i can read i'm just not really into videos but which is really ironic because videos are how i present a lot of my information but it doesn't make me a hypocrite because i was a published author with 13 books way before i ever released a video and i probably wrote over 600 articles way before i released a video but videos are by are the way most people acquire their data today i get that and i'm not going to denigrate it and nor am i going to ever denigrate these guys like russell j gold okay you put yourself out there i don't know how long you've been watching my stuff but sharing one of my videos allows me to to realize okay you and i or you and i aren't equal footing it doesn't matter if we don't agree on on particulars it doesn't even matter this is all about finding the truth and i know for a fact if there's some people out there that are going to lay some facts and data sets in front of me and say hey man look man we really appreciate what you do we really we really like your arcade's material we like your style we like your delivery it's it but we need to bring this to your attention look this data point this data point this data point this data point this data point all are pretty interesting and we've noticed that you've never you've never mentioned these okay but now look at this putting them all together it becomes a data set look how it all lines up they're all relative to each other it says what do you what do you make of this because you've never mentioned this but this is one of the positions that we hold listen if somebody was to do that for me i would jump on board he said i'm not a close-minded individual by any stretch of the imagination i am a forceful one no because if i have done if i have amassed 10 000 data points and i can show you sessionally through videos how those are are constructed into data sets listen those are facts those are fundamentals about our existence i'm not claiming to understand why they are i'm just showing you that they are you can come up with your own conclusions so now that i'm getting so much attention i get that and that there are some pretty big names now tentatively tentatively reaching out to other people vicariously in emails oh hey man i have most respect for you guys even those of you who i have basically told my own subscribers that listen i'm going to hold i'm going to hold certain individuals to a higher standard i'm not coming off that standard anybody who comes from the realm of academia has absolutely had to eat crow if they are now in the truth or community and what i mean by eating crow is if you guys don't don't know this yet you will not get a master's degree you will not get a bachelor's degree and you will definitely not get get a uh a phd from from any academic any academic uh scholastic institution at all unless you agree to certain fundamentals as being factual and we have shown in the truther community that most of these fundamentals aren't factual at all so in order to receive the accolade that you got from academia you had to promote a lie therefore i'm gonna hold you to another standard if you have changed your mind and you're now a member of the truth or community and and you're revealing what you truly believe and academia has responded against you negatively then more power to you he said you i i would embrace you as a brother there's no doubt there's no doubt there's no doubt about it at all that's it it's all but if that's not the case if that's not the case then you're a part of the problem no matter what kind of data you're putting out because i listen you guys know and maybe it's to a fault maybe it's to a fault maybe i should lighten up i don't know but i can't change who i am just because your opinion is different than mine it's simply as simple as that and i have no respect for scholars i have no respect for scientists i have no respect from anybody who comes with academic credentials and uses those credentials to popularize their material i don't i have none unless your material comports with what we're finding reality to be and if that's the case then that means you have turned your back on the very institutions that have educated you and have given you those credentials and for that i honor you for that as i hey man i'll promote your materials if i find that's the case i might hey i might be heavy-handed i get that i get that listen i'm all i'm never going to back up from from the tenant from the claim i have made in many of my videos i will never back up from that claim that i believe and somebody may they may be able to prove me wrong but i believe i am probably one of the most well-read individuals in this entire world and i back it up consistently and i need well i don't need to i'm going to but i'm going to take the archaic's research into a few new avenues because we're getting bogged down with simulation theory simulation theory is not is not the conclusion of the archaic research as far as what i'm trying to promote it's not it's my personal conclusion based off the archaic research that's a fundamental distinction i need you guys to realize the archaic research is about what that great pyramid is about showing what the great pyramid is about using the scientific measurements of the great pyramid to show that it can only mean one thing that it is a computer template the archaic's research is about showing that the history of world is divided in 138 year periods where really unusual [\h__\h] happens until find two independent data sets that are supported by hundreds maybe thousands of data points each and then put them together and they overlay over one of each other absolutely perfectly it's astonishing and i can't release enough videos to convey that absolutely amazing series of facts i can't hell i've tried already i'm at 300 and something videos and still i get people so so confused as to as to the correlate between the phoenix phenomenon that happens every 138 years in the great pyramid now i'm going to move into a new direction it's still the same output it's still the same basically themes but listen i have also made the claim that you can take the measurements of the great pyramid and reduce them into another dimension and it still comes out in multiples of 138 and it still comes out you can reduce measurements by one point one point one point one 1.618 phi the golden mean the golden proportion represented represented mathematically as the fibonacci series you can reduce or multiply those those measurements by 3.1416 pi and you still get all kinds of phenomenal phenomenal things so because the great pyramid is a holographic template of the past present and future of the unfolding of the simulation itself then we need to be able to see this in the historical record as well not just 138 year increments so what i'm telling you now and what i will show and i will back up because research is already done i just haven't released a video because the great pyramid is multi-dimensional it's showing the same data in multiple dimensions of arithmetic because of that fact we must find the parallels in the historical record where the exact same fundaments occur and this my friends is going to shock you i'm gonna do it in one single very long video that video has been in production for about a week it concerns the year 1902 but 1902 as the end of this period i'm going to show you guys all the anomalies that i have found personally in my own research things that i have never seen on other on other platforms i have never seen in published books i have never seen anybody put this material together and so far i haven't seen any evidence that any other youtubers have put this data out in their videos yes they've mentioned liquefaction yes they've mentioned mud floods yes they've mentioned sun darkenings and all that but what i'm about to put together for you a single timeline of the events of the 1800s i'm going to tell you what happened year by year then i'm going to show you how those events all line up perfectly in alternate dimensions of arithmetic all using the number 138 138 times pi divided by pi divided by 2 times pi periphery of the circle to divide it by 5. the golden proportion to multiply 138 times times pi and show how these how they're still all connected to each other in space time or in the holography once you see this you will understand your reality is scripted every every one of these events every one of these events could have been predicted there's no doubt but it's not just as simple as my first two published books about the phoenix phenomenon being something that happens every 138 years it's no longer that simple remember you remember guys i told you that there are other events that seem like they're phoenix events but they're very very small they only happen to one small little area one town one city one geographical region and they're not on the 138 uh and annular timeline every 138 years they're not and i've found them and i've documented them but what i'm telling you now is they are on the 138-year timeline but they're on the 138-year timeline as it exists in a holosphere in different dimensions of arithmetic that are all are all still 138 but it's 138 times or divided by pi phi and curvature 5.08 and for those of you who don't understand curvature there is a magic number 5.08 represents 5 times pi it is a moving curvature it is a it is a line that circles around on itself like light herobius the snake that eats its own tail but it can never close it is an eternal loop that never ends it is the number 5.08 it is represented by the pentagram with just a single little opening where something can escape and that my friends is the mystery of the sumerian arrow it is the two-dimensional symbol by which the three-dimensional great pyramid is comprised so i'm sweating my ass off it's hot my ac doesn't work unless i'm going over 50 miles an hour go figure that one out go figure that one out until recently i haven't really needed the ac i just leave the windows open when i'm doing a van vlog i gotta close the windows you guys can't hear me my voice is already low and for you [\h__\h] that want to make fun of my voice listen man listen there's some guys in prison that made fun of my voice too but when they found out why they left me alone about it but i got into an incident where somebody somebody got real violent with me and uh they accidentally hit me in the throat which in prison is a it's a no-no there are rules in fighting and there are some things there are some things that can get you hurt real bad hitting another man in the throat is one of them hitting him into testicles is another one oh there there's politics in prison guys believe that there are there's a code of ethics it's followed tightly and uh yeah dude hit me in the throat real bad and ever since then there's been there's been i've had problems i've had problems with you i can't i cannot i cannot hear myself the way you hear me i can't hear myself because there's an echo there's an echo in my in my from my throat like back of my head when i'm speaking i can hear myself very clearly when i listen to one of my videos when i listen to my videos like oh man i can understand what they're talking about but when i'm speaking i don't i don't hear what you hear at all anyway i don't i'm not gonna sit here in war talk that's not my character type anymore it never really was all that [\h__\h] that i went through in prison man that was that was just me trying to survive bro bravado is just something you assume it's not really who you are at least it wasn't for me but yeah it's a beautiful day smoking hot day smoking hot day it was all let me so in order to see these when you see all these events they seem to be random but there is absolutely nothing random when you take the same series of events and you show you actually demonstrate and anybody can follow it with a calculator when you show that let's see this is 29.73 that's not it 2973 and 222 are right back to back you gotta be careful to miss one them because they go in totally different directions believe me you can get to egypt from texas i've done it take the wrong turn texas is huge all right here we go it's inexplicable outside the fact that we live in a simulated holography there is no other explanation if any of my listeners can provide an explanation for how in years in in increments of 138 years i have already done overkill i'm not going to sit here and let you try to beat me up tell me you don't believe this you don't believe that because if you're at that point after watching all my videos reading my reading my published books going through my articles if you have reviewed my data you could not possibly sit there and say that so and when i come across disbelievers i don't believe that [\h__\h] i already know and i make those comments listen guys there are people who make comments on my on my youtube videos that y'all most of y'all probably never see because listen i don't really cut people's slack when i come across that type of negativity and all that i address it instantly and i can instantly tell when somebody is new to my channel instantly by what they say and i and i expose that and then i go back and i look for comments and oftentimes people who who hit that cognitive dissonant wall oftentimes when people had got right there on the edge of disrespect in their comments i will go back and look and those comments are gone people take their comments down off my channel all the time only after i address what they say so and that's fine that's good because because that's all about learning i would rather you be quiet than learn then then then sit there and and tell me how much you like my material all the time i would rather if that's what it took now don't get me wrong i like hearing people tell me oh man this is awesome it's great because it's encouraging to me i often don't get anything other than the feedback so i'm cool with that and that energy i can use because anytime you appreciate something in life you lend it energy it receives from you and it can do something with that so gratitude gratitude is a very good thing to exercise because it's not about money it never has money is a byproduct of energy and when your energy is flowing money will come to you it's as simple as that i have always lived my life this way and i've always had what i needed right when i needed so oh yeah it's all about it's all about energy flow and it's not not just money i mean also also oh your personal health is all about energy if you have fallen victim to something and you have allowed doctors to isolate a contagion and tell you what's wrong with you if you have borrowed into that then that's what becomes wrong with you i know people that were diagnosed with some pretty heinous [\h__\h] and then to refuse the diagnosis turn around and live the life they wanted to refused to borrow into that energy quit being receptive and started being a broadcaster and they started doing fantastic things because wherever the mind goes the body follows and if you don't believe that then you're just really not part of the conversation anymore it's anybody in this age of 2022 who believes the official narratives who believes in the pharmaceutical companies who believes and what the media promotes you're living a reactionary life and if you're living a reactionary life then you're a part of the collective because that's who they are it's who they are if you are a broadcaster if you are broadcasting you are not living a reactionary life you are actually actually forcing the similacrum to be reactive to you and when you do that aix is no longer a factor artificial intelligence can stay the hell away from you you're an anomaly you're not understood you're something that is a threat and the best way that a control system can isolate a threat is to ignore it and that's what it does artificial intelligence x will leave you the hell alone once you start broadcasting and what i mean by broadcasting is you become a force to be reckoned with simply by the very very fundamentally simple act of just doing things instead of talking about them doing things instead of thinking about them i told i've told you guys many times man the element that is missing from a lot of the law of attraction deals and it's not these they're they're promoting they're promoting half truths and this is why those people with the law of attraction vid or channels they get rich it's a feedback loop they get rich while everybody's listening to them doesn't even doesn't they're not a part they're not there's no follow-through you have got to where am i at let's see livingston okay leg lifts and damn you got to uh you've got to have the follow through yes you're an informed field yes by imagination you can create all kinds of realities that are only within your mind yes the mind is the neural link between the simulacrum and you yes these are absolutely true yes if you feel the emotion of having something you give that informed field a charge it's like amplitude you give it a charge that's where most of the law of attraction stops it's absolute [\h__\h] they've told you the truth open to a certain point but that but but the greatest fundamental at all is is movement it's motion rivers don't stand still they flow money money sitting somewhere doesn't do anything money flows you want more money in your life spend it i'm just telling you right i'm living by experience i'm talking you're talking to a guy who's never had never in my life have i ever had two thousand dollars or more in my account never but never have i ever gone without ever i'm a frugal simple guy simple as that my life is full of bills but they're always paid no matter what i'm doing paradise rock gardens are now youtube doesn't matter whatever i'm doing the money comes to me i don't have i don't have a benefactor just giving me thousands every month although i had i've had some some uh thousand dollar thousand dollar boost there's no doubt about it really i just oh i can't i can't i can't can't say that i haven't three three individuals have given me that blessing yeah it's just um can't can't convey them no i just can't convey it enough guys did this paradigm i i i see so many people in where they worry day to day they worry about this they worry about this why would you even bring that into your informed field i know you don't see it in form field i know you guys don't wake up in the morning oh man my informed field needs to be cleaned out oh i need to do a purge i need to i know you guys don't think like that but you should it really should because it's not so much that you have an informed field my friends you are an informed field an informed field is an actual energy cloud it is a field that possesses a tremendous amount of data that data that data actually builds mental constructs for you it guides you it calls forth your memory is not stored in your brain my friends your memory is holographic many of your original ideas are not even your own by agency of imagination you pull them straight out of the air because the data field that we live in is saturated with ideas it's saturated with past inventions and for those i know this is difficult for some of you to to follow but we can pull the future straight into the present that i'm that might that that might be the subject of another video all right that's a little too deep for right now i have given you guys clues i am a student of pdl spinski if you don't if you don't know what i'm talking about you may need to read tertiary i am in 100 agreement the uh the future is not mysterious and can't be and you will see this you will see this absolutely in this video that i'm going to release pretty soon yeah it's got a lot of data about 1902 that's new that i've never released but it's got even oh it's not even about it's really not about 1902 it's about the 1800s and how all these unusually amazing events were all happening in the 1800s that are all related to each other by the phoenix protocol of 138 but not 138 years it's 138 years divided or multiplied by pi phi and curvature and that is something that the scientific world will never touch because if they did they would have to admit certain certain things that first they'd have to admit that an ex that an ex-felon in texas a country boy with a terrible voice according to some y'all with an eighth grade education is the one that put it all together that's the first thing they would never be able to admit and i'm cool with that i'm cool with that i said from the beginning of my videos guys that my intention my intention from the beginning go back and listen to my earlier videos i was very very clear my intention is for the archaic's data to fall into the right hands and for the right people to pick up the torch i even made it very clear that in selling my thumb drives all over the world and i do i sell i sell a few a week sell them all over the world spreading my data out it is my intention even if i am not included nor if i'm if i'm advised it may be going on now but for somebody to take 100 of my data and go further with it go here i mean i don't have the resources to do it so i freely give it give it away i don't need the millions of dollars i don't need the grants i don't need all none of that take my data do something with it because i'm i promise you the great pyramid is gonna have to be activated activated to stop this this uh phoenix phoenix phenomenon there's no doubt there's no doubt about it i mean all the measurements of the great pyramid scream out that it's related 100 to the phoenix phenomenon but the phoenix phenomenon the more the more you study it you realize damn it's not bad at all it's just bad it's just bad for for some people somebody with more resources than i needs to put a foundation together they need to fund it they need to have real scientists on board i respect scientists in the fact i respect the individuals who are scientists because their their species of analytics is phenomenal i i respect that because i employ those same techniques in the archaic data data points and data sets very scientific about how i i quote my sources and how i reveal my data 100 it's the it's the scientific paradigms that i'm in disagreement with it's a scientific scientific [\h__\h] that's forced upon upon the world this is the value of the flat earth community the flat earth community has done a phenomenal job and again i'm going to criticize them as well for being very close minded to other to to other possibilities because what i bring to the table about a simulated holography does not in any way change a single fundamental about simulation theory all it does is show that you can say all you want that that uh the helios heliocentric system is some [\h__\h] that's forced it upon us by academia but it's deeper than that because the helios centric system is foisted upon everyone who takes a telescope out and starts studying the heavens the phases of the moon are absolute deception why are there faces of the moon if the moon is not a solid body why is it mimicking mimicking the idea of reflecting sunlight why that's absolute deception so if if one single iota of deception is is detected in the sky then we must infer that the entire sky is deceptive but it's not just an iodine those of you know what i'm talking about will understand that parallax has never been demonstrated it is it is promoted as scientific fact because in a real solar system in a real universe parallax would definitely be a parallax is is the is the change in the juxtaposition between stars when you look at the same area of the heavens from a different vantage point but the studies that have been done shown in the 1890s all the way to 1920s photographs were taken of the heavens in one month six months later photographs were taken again of the exact same area of the heavens that you have to understand there must be parallax in those photographic templates but they weren't it wasn't found the exact same star patterns were had never changed meaning our world is not moving this was the subject matter of astronomy in these astronomical experiments that were being conducted back then they have been silenced today i have read those reports they are fascinating and let me tell you if we were going around a sun that was 93 million miles away then that means six months later when we took those same pictures of the heavens we're 186 million miles away from where we took the first pictures that distance necessitates just a fraction the stars should have changed positions just a hair but they didn't and they didn't because you're looking at you're looking at a multi-tiered holographic projection in the sky of not luminaries that are hundreds of millions of light years away but of tiny objects that are right here they're highly local listen you flat earthers man you just don't even know i'm so on board with what you're talking about but i'm beyond it i'm through with flat earth i'm done with it because it was a stepping stone it's not the destination flat i just you live you live on a flat plain and and there's multiple domes that that you travel to and there's portals that go from dome to dome to all these different existences listen that that cosmology opens the door for even more problems i have no problem with a universe of pulsars of variable stars of of regular suns binary systems trinary systems planets and asteroids i don't have a problem with that because we're in a simulated system not a real one and that's where we could come across the problems we come across the problems because we are smart enough now in our technologically advanced state to realize that what we're looking at is [\h__\h] but for thousands of years we weren't that technologically advanced to see that so the simulation was running just fine as long as those inside the simulation don't realize that they're in one the output will be uncorrupted but once we start realizing that we are in one then timelines begin to converge then reality tunnels begin to shift then a reset is pretty much knit into our horizon because the system itself is self-protective it's also reactive the same thing most of you are when you're listening to the news you become a part of the collective that's who you are when when you're vibrating on the same frequency you're listening to the collective if you're listening to the collective i mean you're listening to the media and listening to the scientific paradigms of the day that are fostered upon us you are a part of the collective you are no longer a highly individualized soul you have allowed basically basically the sumilicum to use your energy the way it wants to now if you're an individual if you are thinking highly independent thoughts you're moving your own direction you disbelieve the the concepts of the collective your energy is not being borrowed in fact your energy is being built it is being it is being sequestered and saved by you the milochrom can't use it it cannot it cannot cannibalize something that's not projected into it because you're not projecting your energy into it by by giving it away through belief you're useless you're not a battery you're not some some soul battery feeding feeding the uh deal that's the collective that's how that operates but you but if you're an errant if you're like me listen you're untouchable you're immortal and you you need to you need to live your life that way i know i mean i mean i get it i so get it that some of y'all criticize me and my emails and my comments about not wearing a helmet when i'm on a motorcycle man i get it there's two reasons why i don't one of them one of them is the first time i did it i i panicked because uh the whistling in my ears caused by that helmet i could not hear any vehicles getting close to me near me or anything in addition to that the helmet totally closed my head in and my periphery was blocked i couldn't you know what turned in my head to see i mean i felt like my head was in a box and it just it really messed with my senses and i didn't like it when i'm on my motorcycle i don't care if i'm going 90 miles an hour and i do it and i do it no helmet man there isn't a single vehicle that can come near me that i can't sense can't feel and can't see that helmet takes all that from me won't do it but there's another deeper reason why i don't wear a helmet and you can disagree with me all you want because you are you and i am me and i'm not going to change me because your opinion your opinion varies but i refuse i refuse to even give an ounce of energy to a negative i'm not going to try and prove a negative i'm not going to try and live a negative if something is if something is resonating on a different frequency than i i mean if something is vibrating on a different frequency than i am i'm not going to resonate with it and to prepare for any singular event in the future is negatively impacting me is to open invitation to that very thing that i fear i'm not gonna do that no i quit doing that years ago when i used to enter into a fight and sometimes we fight for fun in prison man it's not it's not always oh an issue or something like that so i mean bravado is really big in the joint and sometimes man guys that you really respect or like say hey man you know what man you got a really good basketball game man but i'm wondering how that translates into your fight game that's all they have to say because to to not respond to that is a is an invitation to be bullied to not respond to that is an invitation to where other people are observing to realize oh jason either can't fight very good or or or jason fears this one individual people he's not going he's not going to fight fighting so i would get out there even if i thought personally that somebody could beat me up but you know what an ass woman is a small price to pay when it does so much for you i i i get this too that a lot of vast majority of you listening to my channel have never been in a fist fight in your life and i get that and i'm not denigrating you for that i actually applaud that but you know what the endorphin the endorphins that are released into your system that neutralize the cortisol is a feeling that you just can't get even if you get your ass kicked the very actor of hand comeback on hand combat is euphoric and while you're doing it you do not feel the damage you do not feel that hits in the face hits in the jaw gets in the ribs you don't feel that [\h__\h] don't believe that rocky [\h__\h] they had mitts on their hands in prison we fought with bare knuckles fists those rocky movies and [\h__\h] were there they're grunting in pain and all that she don't that only happens after you've been fighting too long prison fights don't last long you ever see a you ever get into a fight with a man and that fight lasts over 20 25 seconds not only are both of you going to be winded but it means neither one of you can fight if you can't take your opponent down within five or six seconds then he is either of basically equal prowess than you or you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing you're trying to look pretty and those are the guys i used to really i used to enjoy combat with get on the rack yard and those guys that would post up and for everybody on the rec yard they would they would go through their boxing exercise because they thinks it makes them look good makes them look pretty people they'll be intimidated but the same guys that are extroverts like that come across an introvert like me and it's over it's over i didn't show any mercy i couldn't when i wasn't saying well 17 year old kid when i went into prison they didn't show me any mercy hell i woke up a few times beat the [\h__\h] up don't even know who did yeah man it's like i said i'm not gonna do the wartime right these are just genuine experiences my mind is my mind is just flowing through events right now so i apologize i'm not trying i'm not trying to do the old war talk you guys got to get out of that reactionary mindset reactive reacting to events is the worst thing you it's the worst thing you do you can do you're not a creator you're a part of the collective when you're reacting to events somebody falls down in home depot starts having a seizure if you're the person that screams out call 9-1-1 but doesn't help the person you're a part of the problem you're you you reacted instantly your your feet were mobilized you're not you're not a doer you're not a doer at all it doesn't matter if you have any medical attention at all you can still get on your knees go down there oh check them out try to help them out do whatever i mean there's all kinds of things you can still do it's just it's ridiculous you see uh see how old you see a really old woman struggling to get across across the intersection and there are no lights it's just a free it's just a free-for-all people just come and go stop signs and she's too slow to move across you sit there and watch that [\h__\h] not only are you a piece of [\h__\h] in my book your reactionary mindset you're not a doer me i'm gonna stop my vehicle or i'm gonna park in the dead middle of the intersection i promise you no one's coming near this big old black man but you ain't gotta have a big black van like i do you can have you can have a little old 1974 pinto you stop that car in the middle of the intersection and people are gonna respect you you did something anomalous you did something different so what if that hood red gangster on the side wants to gush you out he's not going to get out of his vehicle and do a damn thing because everybody's going to be everybody sees that you are helping an old lady across the intersection if they want to run into your car that's that's their business you got to be a doer it doesn't matter what you're doing you just got to do it in any situation in life you're given opportunities every time you leave your home when you leave your home your sanctuary everywhere you go pay attention to your environment opportunities are everywhere but if everywhere you go when you go home at a gas station when you go to the post office when you go to the bank when you walk down the aisles of walmart if you're avoiding eye contact with people you keep your head down and you mind your business you're a part of the problem i i'm not so the best conversations i ever had in my life were complete strangers who i know i added value to their life even though three minutes after i left them they were shaking their heads wondering what the hell just happened and do it all the time do it all the time you got to be a doer you got you got to project yourself into this military and it will respect you and while the military will respect you aix will fear you and you will see that fear because everybody controlled by aix will you will see that fear in them as well because when you're a part of the collective euro you have tapped into a hive mind you are now a part of the construct itself yes you're still an individual but you have basically you've basically enslaved yourself you have tethered yourself to a construct that is going to make decisions for you because you decided to be reactionary i'll be damned jason's not reactionary and the reason i'm mentioning all this is because i'm not going to be that way on youtube as well as well if something is is something is a chief character trait of jason brashears in reality you can expect it to be projected in my videos in my videos i am terse in my videos i'm very concise and abbreviated when it comes to the dissemination of data because i want you to have it there's no reason for a video to be two hours when i can present the data in 17 minutes now i get it that a lot of people have never come into contact with a bunch of the data that i present and i get it that their resources are have been a lot more restricted so they put out the type of videos that they do so i don't need any more emails for people telling me how come you don't like john levy i've never said it on liking as a matter of fact i've gotten some pretty good emails that are very very detailed about mr levy and i'm really i'm really on board but my problem is i have not had time to watch his videos or i would make comments i would go in there and i'll and i'll do that and i would befriend the man even if he and i never did a podcast together that's perfectly fine i'm not looking for enemies i'm looking i'm looking for for people that i resonate with and if he's not one of those that's cool but i'm not going to denigrate him i did make a mistake i apologize for that mistake in one of my videos i confused him with an actual scholar i confused him with robert sifu robert seifer comes from academia and i didn't even talk bad about robert seifer all i said was that i am always going to hold people with academic credentials to a much higher standard and if those people with those academic credentials didn't want to be held to a higher standard they wouldn't be academic people really got to quit twisting what i say seriously because that [\h__\h] gets old i'm at my destination guys but i'm going to continue this video this video's not over i'm going to continue it on the way home well maybe not maybe not i'm gonna go and release this video right now because when i get home i have to do a pod i'm on a podcast i will be on a podcast with uh the missing link today matter of fact 4 30 p.m today uh the last time he and i got cut off after about over an hour but it was really good conversation a lot of people liked it so i posted it anyway uh today we should go the whole two hours and i'll post that tonight also tomorrow oh i did a podcast with uh esoteric knights of malta uh that was done two days ago but it will be posted tomorrow it's uh he doesn't he posts his on fridays so once he posts his i have the software that'll just copy it and and uh i'll post it on i'll put it on my channel but guys you guys have a good day i i'm having a good day i'm just gonna go out here my buddy lives way in the country he's lonely guy he's a vet got just animals and dogs i'm gonna spend some time with him before i go back and do this podcast so this is the end of this video i'm sorry it wasn't much longer just wanna let you know just just i'm just trying to reiterate you guys got to be you guys got to be doers you got to be like nike just do it in both the description box and the comment section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gate slip to my website