Vow of Silence: Ancient Mystery Cults & the Son of God

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[Music] a very ancient codified belief system existed in the mysteries of semalthrace in the mysteries in the cults in the oracles throughout the mediterranean world when gnosticism emerged it was perceived as an immediate threat to the older systems that protected their secrets their rituals their meetings these were all done in groves they were highly secret you had to be a member of these orders gnosticism the students of the gnosis early on perceived these mysteries and they disseminated them and they gave them to the people this gave birth to the christian movement later the roman church took back their power preserved in the mysteries hidden in the cults and they stamped it on christianity we all know that there were many many crucified gods we know the stories of jesus is an amalgamation of many historical facts and traditions but the gospel narrative is untrue it's a fiction it is a soup made of all the best ingredients what i'm what i'm going to reveal to you toward the end of this video is something you have not heard but once you hear it you will know it's the truth this is jason of archaics.com i have saved this video for last in my dark scriptures playlist it took all these other videos to come up to this point you must remember i am one who for the first 40 years of my life bought into this narrative so now objectively seeing outside the spectrum of beliefs i see clearly now christianity isn't anything that you think in the year 1897 grant allen wrote an evolution of the idea of god that there is no truer statement than this when we look at documents so overloaded with miracles and legend as the gospels and acts of the apostles we find it hard indeed to separate any element of historical truth from the enormous accretion of myth and legend the origins of christianity in fact anti-date anything today considered to be christian all around the old world long prior long prior to christianity the belief that one man should die for the salvation of the people was widespread and thoroughly documented sometimes after human sacrifice had ceased the victim was replaced with an effigy an idol and artificially made god of the people that was scourged whipped and tortured before a crowd of people ceremoniously before being put to a mock death in 170 a.d melito bishop of sardis wrote a letter to the emperor marcus antonius as i've revealed in a prior letter and he informed this man that christianity was indeed of very high antiquity as having been imported from countries lying beyond the limits of the roman empire arriving during the reign of augustus caesar this assessment is taken up also centuries later by church historian eusebius he wrote what is called the christian religion is neither new or strange but if it be lawful to testify to the truth it was known to the ancients strangely there is more historical evidence in the story that the gospel relates than there is evidence that jesus ever existed a story long empty day antedating the life of jesus as we have come to know it in egypt horus was the son of osiris of egypt and was called the lord of lords and king of kings the resurrection and the life the good shepherd horus suffered died and rose again to give men eternal life it was as if the theology of jesus was borrowed straight out of ancient egypt horus was born of a virgin on december 25th announced by the appearance of a star in his birth was attended by three wise men at 12 years old horus appeared at the temple and taught the elders he was baptized chose 12 disciples his witnesses performed miracles was transfigured on a mount and was crucified between two thieves buried for three days and resurrected horus was the way the truth and the light the messiah the word made flesh horus came to fulfill the law he was called the cursed krst which we have as christ the anointed one all of the gospel story were already known to the egyptian faith of horus and they are found on the walls of the temple of luxor in egypt dated approximately the 13th century bc and if you're wondering if this is the secret that i'm going to reveal in this video it is not it is something more profound now in the pre-christian sanskrit dictionary we find that the god vishnu appeared on earth in the form of krishna having come down from heaven to remove sin and misery from mankind he was born into the world through the virgin devaki his birth was announced by a star he was born away from home while his parents journeyed to go pay attacks he being a descendant of a royal family at his birth he was recognized by cowherds and given presents a prophet visited him after reading the stars determining that he was indeed the krishna because a local king sought his death he was taken to gokula a fact immortalized in the reliefs of the most ancient hindu temples which represent the flight at midnight when krishna was an infant where he had been born all the male children in the region were slaughtered depicted in the huge sculpture of the cave temple of elephanta krsna's father was a carpenter and he astonished his elders with his learning he became a healer of the blind and sick diseased and even raised the dead he chose 12 disciples and a woman anointed his head with oil he taught in parables and was transfigured the evil one assailed him but he prevailed krsna taught the brahmanas the priests and he told his favorite disciple arjuna i am the great sage without beginning i am the ruler be not sorrowful from all thy sins i will deliver thee i am i am the cause of the whole universe through me it was created i am its way and i am its refuge krishna was crucified arms extended on a tree holes depicted on his hands and feet in religious statuary another hole appeared on his side at his gruesome death a black circle appeared around the moon the sun darkened in the sky rained fire and ashes flames burned and demons ran rampant upon the surface of the earth at sunset and they were clearly seen thousands of beings were at war in the sky krishna was vishnu in the form of a man prophesied to return in the last days riding a white winged horse when the sun and moon would have darkened again at his approach krishna was immortalized as the savior the redeemer the comforter and the mediator the holy one he was the good shepherd it has been noticed by scholars that hindu writings like the i'm all trying to pronounce these guys the kanakai naniti are echoed again in the christian new testament texts and the same is true in the later buddhist texts called the dhammapada and the dna suda which contain entire passages mirrored in the gospels this is a problem for the new testament scholar for buddhism was established 500 years before christianity and widely publicized throughout the near east and the middle east the syrian city of antioch is considered the capital of christianity where the movement began galilee being lower syria it is known that at this time in the first century a.d antioch was a haven for buddhist concepts buddha was born on december 25th at the appearance of a star gifts were given to him and he was visited by wise men and declared the ruler of the world he taught in the temple at 12 years old was baptized performed miracles and healings fed 500 people from a small basket of cakes abolished idolatry was transfigured on a mountain was killed and then resurrected ascending bodily into heaven buddha was called the light of the world the redeemer the good shepherd the alpha and omega he was to return in the latter days buddha was also called the great physician the only begotten the word and the way living a life parallel to what was later said to be jesus's life in the four gospels which i've showed you in other videos the four gospels matthew mark luke and john which were not a part of original christianity's first 200 years of documents amazingly buddha was called the lion of the tribe of sakya in the biblical records this this title was the lion of the tribe of judah the israelites that passed through assyria were called by the house of isaac or bitsac or saka and many of those descended from israel were deported and settled as far as northern india called aryans from their great city of arya at the death of buddha the earth and the rocks split he descended into hell and preached to the spirits of the damned he was buried but walked out of the tomb ascending this is also the story of indra the god of nepal in tibetan tradition the god who spilled his blood for the salvation of mankind that his body was pierced through with nails though they claim he did not suffer the penalty of the cross nevertheless they find pictures of this in their books in fragia the god addis was the son of god worshipped at least by by 300 bc this was the height of his worship now he was born december 25th of a virgin he was a divine son and a father wrapped in one he was crucified and resurrected three days later to cleanse mankind becoming the most high god he was the only begotten the savior the this faith in addis was maintained strongly in galatia in early christianity the new faith was readily accepted quickly and fried you among the worshipers of addis now galatia being located in phrasia even in the new testament uh we find in the passages with paul that he visited and taught uh the in frasier in galatia in the book of acts they received him well frasier was occupied by the descendants of the israelites that invaded the region in 687 bc addis was a god parallel to adonis who shares the same traits adonis was the god of biblos in ancient syria the origin of christianity in early greece a god imported by the phoenician hebrew migrants from palestine adonis he ascended into the heavens before witnesses a different branch of israelite descendants were were nearby in thracia a people who worshipped zalmaxis some scholars translate zalmoxus as god of moses now this god was the savior who promised eternal life to all to all who attended his last supper he ascended to he descended to the underworld and rose again on the third day also popular throughout the greek world before christianity was the god dionysius who was born on december 25th of a virgin placed in a manger he was a traveling teacher and miracle performer he turned water into wine dionysius was in fact the god of wine he was called the king of kings the only begotten son the sin bearer and the savior identified with a lamb he was also called yassos or jesus and was the god-man or the orphic mysteries of samothrace he he was he was very little different from mithra hercules and a host of other early gods and on the other side of the world the same story is told in the pre-christian god quetzalcoatl he was the god of the aztecs he had disciples observed a 40-day fast and was put to death and died for the sins of humanity after having been placed on a beam of wood with his arms outstretched he was sometimes represented in american art as crucified between two other victims and in some images can be seen nail impressions on quetzalcoatl's hands at his death the sun darkened he descended into hell and he rose from the dead because christian researchers have been made aware of these older faiths many have had they have made valiant efforts attempting to show that jesus actually traveled to india egypt fraija throughout the middle east the far east and even ancient americas this concerns the supposed lost years of christ those 18 years of which the four gospels are totally silent from his 12th year teaching in the temple in jerusalem to his abri appearance at at age 30 in 30 a.d jesus may have indeed traveled widely and studied with the druids of britain and gaul the magi of parthia and the brahmanas of india but still his traveling cannot account for the high antiquity of the gospel story because of this another theory has been advanced one that if correct implies indeed that jesus did exist but it does not prove that he was who he claimed to be this theory holds that all of these ancient gospel stories of osiris indra mythic mithra addis quetzalcoatl adonis horus dionysius hercules hermes balder to name some of them became passed off as history after long periods of time their original form being prophecies the ancient mysteries of the dying god the savior of mankind who descended to the underworld under various names were but fragments of an elder faith of prophetic glimpses of him and what he would accomplish among humanity as f.c hapold wrote in mysticism what had been before a myth became a fact of history the reality glimpsed and expressed in ancient ritual and mythology was incarnate in the phenomenal world the perennial dream of mankind thus became true now the wall reliefs in ancient egypt on the luxor temple they show scenes of the annunciation the immaculate conception the birth and adoration of horus the virgin isis with neph or the holy ghost and three kings bearing gifts but these associations are all historical in context and this proposes a mystery when the israelites were in egypt the horus faith or early christianity was very widespread it was universal all nations knew the savior crucified story but there is not a hint of it in the old testament books why for 14 centuries did israelite jewish writings ignore this story could it be that in hearing it in ancient egypt they knew it was pagan a false religion this negates the christian argument that these early savior christ were prophecies of jesus when old testament was written this crucified savior story was known to the israelites so the savior son of god cults must not have been prophetic illusions to jesus or they would have recorded them in the scriptures are we to believe that god's plan for redeeming mankind was known to the entire world except the jews and israelites in fact the entire son of god concept is not jewish and most definitely not israelite the sons of god in antiquity were rebellious angels who took on physical bodies and fathered giants mutants and monsters first revered as saviors and benefactors to mankind they sir they soon turned against humanity and enslaved him the story is in enoch in the barrick in the dead sea text the books of the book of jasher the book of jubilees it's only hinted at in the in the book of genesis this story of a coming redeemer son of god who would turn against the people only after it was too late and they had accepted his worship is a perfect blueprint for the entire ministry of the soon-to-be revealed antichrist the very ancient religion of zoroastrianism gives us a very interesting perspective it is specific that the savior will return in the near future and begin his ministry at age 30 he will bring resurrection salvation judgment and even ushering apocalypse and a golden age but in the zoroastrian faith the devil is ahriman ahriman is responsible for sowing the false religions and the zoroastrians believe that the false god architect of our world created judaism create christianity and islam to ensnare the masses the elements of the ancient oracle colton mysteries contain the following elements a mystery would begin at age 30 you would be tempted and fasted for 40 days you would crush the serpent's head tempted by the evil when baptized in water would perform miracles and wonders feed 500 from a small basket kingdom of righteousness he had disciples transfigured on a mountain died on a cross resurrected from a tomb ascended bodily he was called the lord the light of the world god of gods almighty holy one redeemer sin bearer good shepherd alfin omega he came to fulfill the law he will return in the last days he was put in a manger triumphal procession procession on an ass like nionisius he would be resurrected he would return on a white horse return to battle the evil one he was one of a trinity he was the son of god he turned water into wine king of kings only begotten son prince of peace son of righteousness light of the world lord of lords resurrection and the life believers are born again believers inherit eternal life suffered from mankind he had 12 disciples sermon on the mount crucified with two thieves he was the way the truth and the light he is the messiah he is the son of man he is the lamb of god the word of flesh he is the fisher he is the fisher of men he is the anointed one the christ he will reign 1000 years the sun darkened at his death he is the lion of the tribe of saki and i have not taken a single one of these references from matthew mark luke and john nowhere in the bible these are the mysteries of samuel thrace of christian zoroaster and quetzalcoatl and buddha these are the mysteries of of mithra and horus osiris buddha and so many others and even further back we find these in the mysteries of addis salmonsus hercules we find them in salavahana mithra wotan and odin asides adonis esclepius apollo all the way back to adad of babylon and we find them amazingly in the canaanite story of baal over 35 century-old phoenician cuneiform text actually found by archaeologists contains the story of jesus the passion a tablet now hosted in the british museum in this tablet bale is taken prisoner tried in a hall of justice tormented and mocked by a crowd led away to a mountain with two other prisoners one of whom is released he is sacrificed on the mount his clothes are taken he disappears into a tomb and is sought out by a weeping woman but he is resurrected appearing to his followers after the stone is rolled away from the tomb this story is the passion of the crucified savior it is it is the subject matter of the most ancient holy mysteries mentioned hundreds of times by all the greek and roman writers and now as promised i told you that i will reveal to you something that i believe you have never heard before or have never been given sufficient evidence but everything you have heard about jesus in all the four gospels you must take into consideration the passion of christ is written out not as a historical record would be conveyed but something else jesus prays three times as his disciples sleep so who recorded the prayers the answer it was heard by the audience the passion was conducted in an amphitheater you must understand the triumphal entry into jerusalem the agony in the garden of gethsemane the betrayal by judas with a kiss the account with caiaphas and then the sanhedrin then pilate in the hall of judgment then herod and back to pilate pilot speech to the people jesus scourge crucifixion preparations an actual event it's already known the entire story is impossible in reality but it's easily done as a stage play the story we have in matthew mark luke and john the passion of the christ as conveyed in our gospels is impossibly compressed the roman judicial process would not have taken place at night to satisfy the jews nor allowed for a crucifixion only after hours the trial in judgment the last supper all the elements if you go back and you just read the book of matthew ignore the rest just follow the narrative of the book of matthew and add up all the hours it would have taken for the travel time for the conversations for the dinner for the praying for the judgments for the waiting for the crucifixion everything that happened cannot possibly have happened in real time we have had to suspend our disbelief to accept the gospel story it is accepted only in faith because in reality the events could have never unfolded the way they unfold it's impossible but an audience watching a two-hour presentation could have seen it all because the passion of the christ is a stage play this is jason of arcades.com i hope you enjoyed this presentation i don't want to be an iconoclast but no matter how dark it's going to get i'm going to tell you the truth i'm going to try and lead you to the light if you enjoy my presentations in this learning and you want to donate and help out archaics then the means to do that is below