Weathermen are the Worst

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it is terrible nasty out here in texas i'm leaving livingston right now heading toward huntsville it's wet slippery and nasty oh brother i hope your car didn't break down because i feel for you anyway since it's nasty weather we're we're experiencing let's talk about that how is it that weathermen get to make 150 000 a year and always be wrong how is it that weathermen always get to have a scapegoat and yet keep an occupation and be paid very well for it the accuracy rating of weather of weathermen is absolutely pathetic every single time they are wrong it is always because a high pressure system moved in well in a perfect newtonian world you would think that by now the doppler radar and me and meteorologists would have figured out how to predict high pressure systems or low pressure systems but no they're always the scapegoat and there will always be a scapegoat by the establishment because it's the establishment that perpetuates the fiction that we live on an open globe that is spinning at 1 000 miles per hour at an obliquity of 23.5 degrees traveling around a star in an orbit of 186 million miles distance from the exact same position we were six months ago totally ridiculous i used to believe these things i used to believe a lot of things uh i even for about two weeks entertained the flat earth movement i ordered i ordered two of the books read them and looked at the material and immediately dismissed the entire deal not because the flat earthers were wrong but because they actually demonstrate by all their their theories and tests and observations uh simulation theory that we live within a simulated a construct that a a dyson shell like biosphere containment field is what we exist within and that the entire sky simulates for us everything for which we've derived and called mechanical time today it all comes from observable motion but that observable motion is visual we're not actually experiencing those the world the world is very still so when it comes to weather phenomena i've always been amazed by some of the pictures i see where apparently xnahillo out of nothing out of nowhere a cyclone appears all of a sudden humidity could just appears out of nowhere clouds form there's a there's a a uh a corkscrewing and then they say you know it's a cyclone that go that descends from the sky reaches down to the ocean starts pulling water up which instantly creates more cloud a feedback loop so i wonder have any of you really paid attention to the news and listen to the weathermen over and over and over and over and their explanations of what the weather are going to be and really determine just what their accuracy rating is because it's terrible it's awful if we have doppler radar systems and other scientific apparatus like weather balloons and towers now that are uh feeding a tremendous amount of data to these centralized stations that are analyzing and reinterpreting this data and telling us what's going on in different areas then what's going on in different areas should should tell us 100 what's going to happen in the adjacent area now under the dictates of newtonian physics this model is perfectly understandable and it would work the weather could be predicted the weather the weather could be predicted with absolute accuracy it wouldn't even be astonishing if we lived in a newtonian physics world but we don't we live in a quantum holography events are created out of nothing all the time how ironic it is that the scientific establishment holds that everything came out of a big bang nothing everything physical all physical objects there that came out of a a huge big bang and yet they still hold to the antiquated notions of newtonian physics because the big bang to me totally describes a quantum event a singularity something that realized itself and detonated but anyway we're talking about the weather so when it comes to climatology we should have years ago been able to perfectly predict all these phenomena we're able to predict the behavior of all kinds of different systems and forum and fauna we're even able to predict trends in human behavior like elliott wave theory in the stock market we can we can predict many of these things but why not the weather why is the weather so unpredictable and that weathermen are so wrong so many times the reason is because we live in a controlled environment that controlled environment does not obey newtonian physics there is a vast machinery in the sky that is unseen that creates hurricanes creates cyclones and tornadoes it creates clouds out of nothing it creates all these things yes we have seen some of the effects and we can name them like evaporation precipitation these are effects to phenomena for which we thought we knew we had the answers for but we don't phenomena are manufactured and whether men will never be more accurate than they are today which is pathetic it's terrible simply because they're all they are adhering to a system that does not in any way comport with the real containment field apparatus that we suffer so there's not much there's not much else to to to uh talk about in this video just a short video as i'm driving feeling this weather it's just as a contractor i'm always going across these roads in texas and if i paid attention to weathermen i would stay broke don't get me wrong i don't have a lot of money but i would stay broke because if i was listening if i was listening to the weather all the time then i'd hardly ever go out because it's always negative and the only time they tell me it's sunny is it the sun's out outside if they tell me it's raining they're telling me it's 100 chance for rain it's raining outside but when they predict tomorrow's weather they're often wrong happens all the time so i can't listen to them anymore but listening to weathermen last year cost me a lot of money i don't do that no more i work no matter what no matter what the weather looks like and more often than not the weather turns in my favor well this is jason she's a small note about the weather i hate weathermen they're worse than sportscasters y'all have a good evening [Music] you