What the Hell's Happening Over There...A Van Rant

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indeed i say we are living in very interesting times [Music] as many of you know i have released many predictions videos i don't take a single there's no retractions i don't take a single thing back all those videos are still up for everybody to watch i'm still 100 confident that an american president will be removed from office this year i'm also confident that the democratic socialist party in america is over come november they're getting pushed out i'm also confident that those dominion voting machines will no longer be used in america see there's a story line that goes back what's happening in ukraine right now i had no intention of releasing a video even mentioning putin in ukraine but i keep getting comments in facebook archaic group and people asking me so i'm going to address it in this video i know about 95 of you are probably not going to believe what i what i say in this video but that's fine with me because there's only about five percent of you that i'm really interested in discoursing with anyway so i'm really getting i'm really getting short i'm really getting short with a lot of people in the archaic group for several reasons that's okay because i don't have i don't have the tenacity i don't have the energy to argue or to put up with any type of disrespect if i even since disrespected a comment i've been eliminating people and i do it on a daily basis now i don't care so having said all that i can imagine a scenario well i don't have to imagine it it actually happened when hillary clinton and donald j trump were contending for the presidency she didn't really have to strive to win a lot of states that's why she skipped so many of them she didn't really have to try to win them to win the presidency because the dominion voting machines had already been they had already been set up the whole system was set up so that the deep staters could put in anybody they wanted to they've already succeeded in doing it in many different states this is the reason why the the military of myanmar removed its whole government level cabinet members everybody because they they know their own voting machines were completely tampered with by globalists in 2016 you can imagine hillary clinton's surprise when the dominion voting machines were whatever they were designed to give her an edge an edge over over donald trump to give her way more votes than he would have than he would have gotten what they did not anticipate was that a third party had interfered that third party was not russia that third party was internal in the united states they had tampered with the machines their dam cells and they had created a scenario where the deep state figurehead that was really going to follow in obama's footsteps and to continue the collapse of the united states of america was going to be hillary clinton 100 deep state they had prepared for the full fallen collapse of the united states as early as 2014 when many of them had moved moved much of their operations to ukraine in ukraine bio web bio weapons labs were set up and funded by the clinton foundation not just the clinton foundation but of the obamas and many other deep state organizations there's a lot there was a lot going on in ukraine because in ukraine they can stay hidden ukraine is where biden biden joe biden and hunter biden have like half a billion dollars in assets they have a lot of business with ukraine but it's not the ukrainian people so you can imagine hillary clinton's surprise when she's notified that donald j trump has won the presidency he won the popular vote he won the electoral college and it wasn't supposed to be she had been given 100 guarantees this is why she went into such shock and then she went on a campaign to vilify vilify trump it wasn't until the 2016 election that the deep staters actually realized just how powerful and entrenched the opposition was because for almost since world war ii there has been no outward opposition the last time opposition reared up they assassinated quick and they released about 20 different conspiracies to muddle the waters as to actually there's no way to untangle who killed john f kennedy it is impossible to to disentangle that mess of information that was released to the public it's not it's never going to happen they did a good job covering all that up there's just too many there's too many smoke trails but we all know it wasn't oswald who was they claimed was russian you have to understand this this it's russia narrative that's been going on for many years in america there's a reason for this many of you will never get it so i'm not gonna sit here and go into details and try to convince you you're just never gonna get it you you have been too contaminated by the ways of the world you believe the narratives and the [\h__\h] that's been propagated and i don't fault you for that i can't you're a sheep and you're content with that and there's nothing i can say to change and i'm cool with that you're not the ones i'm talking to in the revolutionary war against america i've already told you in other videos the greatest ally that the american people had the 13 colonies was russia because russia was blockading british ships they were helping us out in a revolutionary war in the civil war russia came to our aid again russia has always been a friend of the american people russian people are good christian folks i'm not a christian but that's neither here or there i was for 40 years now when we when you most people believe the hollywood version of russia just like they believe the hollywood version of germans the german people are not a bad people they're not a bad people at all when four generations of people since world war ii are saturated with hollywood [\h__\h] every comedy every drama every cinematic production every broadway play paints the german people in a negative nazi manner is before they're either pathogens or they're ill immoral no good godless bastards who's doing this the germans aren't the germans aren't doing it all germans don't deserve this and neither do the russian people because the entire time the russians have been antagonists and during the cold war it wasn't the russian people doing this it was the russian government and the russian government was controlled by the bush events and the bolsheviks main power base in the world today is ukraine so start putting these things together yourself you shouldn't need me to tell you ukraine is the is the den of corruption and it has tentacles tentacles that reach into many other other governments well i can imagine when things started taking off in ukraine a week ago i already know it they got reports uh miss clinton do you know what's going on in ukraine no well what's happening you gotta understand hillary clinton's been quiet for years excuse me hillary clinton has not been playing ball she should be quiet hell hell you have some dumb ass dumbasses on youtube swearing up and down hillary clinton is in guantanamo bay hell i don't know she might be and then might have a double out there i don't know but uh i do know this somebody playing hillary clinton is now really really politically and uh socially active with tweets and all that [\h__\h] because she's nervous the same same reason sean penn got a crew together and took his ass to ukraine it's the same reason hillary clinton and hundreds of companies worldwide are all demonizing vladimir putin they're all in it together you have to understand who these bolsheviks are and what they own who they are they're all hollywood 100 hollywood's bolshevik they have changed their names to conceal their identities they are enemies of the american people yet they make movies that we love and we watch them and we clap not even knowing these same bastards go to parties that absolutely demonize us call us cat cattle they have feasts they have feasts while they have american citizens come in and act like slaves and serve them these people are [\h__\h] up let me tell you something vladimir putin's not playing ball no more he's not playing ball with these people no more at all he's fed up russia has been fed up several times russia russia has been demonized by these people many times and i can tell now that he's built up his military and he's not he's not taking no [\h__\h] and what you're hearing about what's going on in ukraine is not true if the media lied about pearl harbor if they lied about 9 11 if they lied about the hindenburg if they lied about the titanic and they did i have the research notes to prove every one of these scenarios if they lied about weapons of mass destruction and then end up end up straddle bombing 230 000 civilian iraqis come on man the media has lied for the bolsheviks time and time again you have to understand who the bushes worked for the bushes were not metal we're not we're not working in americans interest the bushes the bushes use the united states military for their own advantage and they got rewarded for that but something backfired oh daddy bush for some reason he i don't know what he did but the rumor in the underground is daddy bush gave up the whole game gave up everything he told u.s military everything everything the bushes have been implicated in you gotta understand a lot of gold came up missing when that building seven came down a 911. but 911 took off it wasn't about the two building those two giant buildings the bolsheviks had called all their employees because there were seven thousand of them working in those buildings and the bolsheviks called their employees told them don't go to work that day that's why none of them were killed that day and the russia the rest of it was a ritual sacrifice it was specifically to collapse those buildings was specifically timed to take out the first responders it was done intentionally because they were originally sacrificed bolsheviks are some evil [\h__\h] up people and vladimir putin has had enough on russian state news vladimir putin has addressed his people and told him over and over and over the list of grievances he has against the bolsheviks and how they are controlling 95 to 100 percent of the world's media all over the world basically telling lies about russia and demonizing russia and setting russia up to be attacked by a bunch of countries now russia is prepared though russia has some pretty interesting weapons and their state-of-the-art jets are unlike anything we have in the united states of america do not think the united states has the most sophisticated jet interceptor aircraft we do not russia does russia's got some fantastic [\h__\h] now they've been spending a lot of money on their military and they need to the bolsheviks don't have a military what they do is they control economies through the world banking system the central banks and through the central banks they can they control armies one of the first nations that they began controlling was england man oliver cromwell man since the days of oliver cromwell man the mighty the mighty british empire's basically been a slave to the bolsheviks all right guys you have to understand i'm a chronologist i don't just study my it seems like the majority of my material that i release is yes it is fourth third second and first millennium bc and then all the way up into the middle and dark ages i don't really release a whole lot of stuff in modern times because you're most people are not going to want to hear it i have thousands of pages of notes on the [\h__\h] bolsheviks and what they have done and how they pretty much created the world that we live in now and i can imagine hillary clinton getting that phone call she got that phone call you do oh oh miss clinton you know what's going on in ukraine right now no what's going on remember she hasn't been on the world scene in a while now she'd be quiet people thought she was dead so oh what was going on well uh six of the facilities that uh your foundation funded were just taken out in in in highly localized missile strikes by russia hillary hillary went into a blind panic you know she made phone calls she probably called her buddy george soros obama called him also what's going on i said well uh our bio weapons labs all six of them right there on the russian border man putin just took him out so putin invades ukraine but what is this invasion really doing if you listen to if you listen to the media you're going to hear some [\h__\h] like this and they're going to say it and they say it's so casually and they assert it as if it is a [\h__\h] fact vladimir putin is performing missile strikes on civilian targets absolute [\h__\h] but when civilians get on french on french tv refugees they get out and the french find out they're not they're these these ukrainians are not telling the same story that the media is telling and when they're on french television they're like hey man we're glad to get out of there hell yeah since 2014 uh foreigners took over our government and uh we living in poverty man and uh oh it takes an entire month's pay just to pay for the heating of our house the heating of our house so the friends the people the friend though they cut them off man the ukrainian people were telling people on french live television oh it's crazy man oh putin came in here and yeah yeah we got we got out of ukraine it's the best thing ever happened to us and then they find out that the russian army is coming in there and protecting the people they're not shooting nobody they're not shooting anybody they're coming in there they're coming in there and securing whole areas they are denotifying ukraine but the nazis they're looking for aren't the nazis aren't the nazis that the media is trying to make out putin to be they're ashkenazis they're bolsheviks vladimir putin putin has invaded has invaded ukraine with thousands of hunter-gatherer extraction teams he's going in ukraine and he's getting all the criminals he's rounding them up he's making arrests everywhere the media because the media is owned by those who are panicking right now the bolsheviks the media is spinning a yarn oh yeah vladimir putin's invading he's blowing this up he's blowing that up he's blowing this up come to find out many of the areas that have been detonated and blew up were bolsheviks detonating areas and exploding places because they needed to get rid of evidence before the russians came in to secure it many of the extraction units are are special forces and they're coming in to acquire evidence of the manufacturer of bio weapons in these bio weapons aren't do not belong to the ukrainians they belong to the clinton foundation there's so much going on in ukraine is pathetic man it's crazy but you can believe the media if you want to vladimir putin is bombing schools russian strato bombers are coming in and firebombing whole neighborhoods 800 000 ukrainian people have been killed body parts are everywhere it's [\h__\h] ridiculous i'm so sick of the media but let me tell you what it's going to lead to first of all for the entire world to issue the sanctions that it's issuing when many countries have invaded other countries nobody did anything with russia invaded cheshire so what is it about ukraine that got international international attention so fast that fortune 500 companies are cutting off funding to russian stuff enter oh international banks are are are closing russian accounts what is it about ukraine that the entire world this octopus of thousands of tentacles fighting back against russia this whole narrative was created overnight about this major invasion putin told his own people on television in russia i'm not invading ukraine i am not invading ukraine as an occupational force this is nothing but a police action to go make arrests and acquire the evidence that he's looking for and then he's pulling back out he has no intention of staying in ukraine none but he's not gonna have nato continue to lie either because nato nations are at fault not russia nato has significantly has significantly violated every single promise it made to vladimir putin in the past 25 years specifically that it would not it would not encroach upon the russian border nato has done the exact opposite it has it has made member states of all these all these breakaway uh states from russia that border russia did the exact opposite with the of what they promised vladimir putin they would not do they did it i did predict six months ago in a series of videos that in 2022 we need to be aware because the isometrics show a nuclear incident that doesn't mean nuclear there's going to be full ballista i even made it clear then that it's not it may not be a ballistic missile exchange it may it might be one or two cities a region getting nuked we don't know but in the isometric projections i'm seeing major nuclear incident that could be just a huge scare that later comes down the prediction would still be correct i mean it's been over 50 years since we've had a nuke scare anyway oh i can imagine i can imagine i i can understand why all of a sudden hillary clinton is going it's going ape [\h__\h] talking about we got to do this democracy has to win we have to we have to take out and it was really signifi what what i find so interesting is how they give up the game so many times in their statements when confronted with the evidence that vladimir putin has singled out the clinton foundation bio labs in ukraine when confronted with the evidence that that the russian military is taking out things that she that she and her foundation have funded when confronted with this data her response was to get on twitter and start tweeting and giving speeches why we should take out trump this is so this is so revealing to me what are you so focused on this man for all he's doing is rallying right i mean he's not the president of the united states right joe biden is the duly elected president of the united states right are you worried about what you what what what's been revealed about the the u.s tourist bureau in washington dc a lot of youtube videos got taken down about that maybe maybe she's worried about that and for those of you who don't know there were people there were people going into the tour the tourism uh it's like a tourist bureau in in downtown washington dc it's in the district of columbia and there's a long hallway and it has every single president's portrait on the wall from the first president on through all the way 45 presidents the very last portrait on the wall you got obama and then you got trump there's a plaque underneath every portrait that specifically says when that person became president and when that person left and the only one that doesn't have a plaque that's finished with an engraving for an end date when they got out of office is trump these videos also show that the wall is empty next to trump the portrait of joe biden has never been put up on that wall go figure so why would hillary clinton be trying to be trying to get the american people to go to go against trump what's going where the hell did that come from he's got nothing to do with six of your bio web bio lab facilities getting taken out by by a russian oligarch is what you say actually i love putin got no problems with him because i am i am not buying into the media [\h__\h] believe me i might i'm all i i'm i'm i'm just i'm the ukrainian people i have no problem with ukrainian people i love them too i love people i love people don't think i'm taking sides because that polarity is exactly what the bolsheviks want us to do don't take sides they own the bank so they're they're always going to fund both both sides of a conflict that's what the civil war was about the war between the states that's when russia got involved and then uh pissed the world banks off because they had loaned a lot of money to different nations in europe to join that war they're trying to create a world war to carve the united states into two or three different countries they lost that when russia intervened because russia was the big cheese back then they pretty much told everybody all you got to do is jump we're going to [\h__\h] up your landing and nobody jumped they left it alone russia has always been a friend of the american people because the true russians are not what the media conveys and never has men even during the days of the ussr the russian people were under the iron fist dominion of an atheist jewish controlled bolshevik empire that's who controlled them and the russian nationalists did not get their country back until the 1990s so don't believe that [\h__\h] the germans are demons russians are demons they're people just like you they they have a love of culture they have a love for themselves and believe me anybody who's out there rushing passing through texas you can come over here man you can have dinner with me i'm buying i've got no problem with you ukrainian too you can both sit at my table both of you i don't know if that'll ever happen shoot because the bolsheviks went out in this world there's going to be people like me and several other other content creators are going to disappear because that's what they do but that's another thing i need to bring to your attention the very fact that we have open forums in reddit the red you need to go to red if you've never been to reddit install the temperament of reddit is far more serious than facebook facebook isn't serious facebook's really not serious you want to go see some really serious [\h__\h] people who have researched their [\h__\h] you uh uh well there's not a lot of research on reddit what it is is commentaries and posted opinions but uh reddit is the place to go now don't get me wrong reddit makes me mad a lot man because there's a lot of brainwashed liberals on reddit who are toting the party line and reddit is also full of a lot of people who are being paid by liberal organizations to just sit there and power post but you can you can pretty much cite them real quick and you can find the good stuff also cloud hub i spend time on cloud hub when i'm not on facebook is another one man you want to know what's really going on going on in the world because you're never going to learn on abc nbc cbs cnn they're all collapsing their ratings suck the only reason that they're still alive is because they they are they are living off globalist money because if they weren't if they had if they were relying on their rating ratings for money for commercials they couldn't survive this is why cnn has had such a shake up they said they said they still had 22 approval rating but to even admit that it was that low is a complete bolshevik lie it means less than 10 of the people believed in cnn it's [\h__\h] so let me get to my point my point is this i come across people all the time in the comments of different of different platforms that are always saying oh man well you know they already control the world doesn't matter no more yeah we've already lost there's no hope let me tell you something i could not be on youtube talking the way i'm talking right now if you are correct so therefore i must conclude you're an error you're wrong you're dead wrong there's no there's no way you can be right patriot street fighter could not be on youtube right now if there was total control of the narrative there's not there's opposition that opposition has been has been remaining very very well hidden and that opposition is allied to vladimir putin who is that opposition i don't know a bunch of you can accuse me of drinking that kool-aid or whatever i'm being absolutely honest with you i've never read a cue post in my life don't know where to find them don't even care because my information comes from isometric analysis of palindromic nature of history and historical events in the last 250 years that's what i research and that's why i say what i'm saying about the united states of america is about to have an entire about face we're about to become financially independent of the bolsheviks we're about to start keeping our own money and it's about time because we give billions of dollars away of american tax money to sorry ass sob countries that don't even like americans the hell kind of [\h__\h] is that i'm glad i'm 100 patriot believe me i love you people in switzerland germany australia canada hey mexico man i'm a people person man i love people when i'm taught when i'm denigrating a country you have to understand i'm talking about their governments i am not talking about the temperament of the people even ukraine capital capital of the deep state it's not the ukrainian people they've been living in ab abject poverty and it's all because deep state controls it now when i say deep state i'm talking about globalists these globalist puppets these warm these warmongers that's what they do and they're all controlled by the central banks the central banks are owned by the bolsheviks the real question is who in the hell rules over the bolsheviks well that's really interesting because then we're going to get into some demon demon really do i don't know i don't want to go there i'm a chronologist you guys know i'm a stickler for details i want to be able to cite my sources i want to be able to show you the math and when it goes to talking about metaphysical and demonic [\h__\h] i just can't show you that stuff i don't have there's nowhere it's just it's entirely too subjective i can't do it can't do it guys but you know where i was heading with that even did it even did a video one time yahweh the god of murder go figure that one out vladimir putin is bombing gymnasiums ymca's he's taking him out [\h__\h] nickels poor kids never put all their kids back together vladimir putin's got i got no problems with man he's cleaning out the nests he told his own people on national russian television that that's exactly what he's doing so he's taking out the nest so it's over with and i'm telling you jason brashears i'm telling you now you have it for me i've been telling you for 13 months since i released my first predictions video vladimir putin has a very very powerful ally who's been pretending to be weak as hell so the whole world will believe they've been incapacitated those of you who are paying close attention to events and my videos you know who i'm talking about because that man in the white house he ain't running [\h__\h] nothing if you don't know the players you're not even in the game my friends there's a lot of people putting out content on youtube that i disagree with about what's going on in ukraine they say they got secret information insiders all this [\h__\h] i'm not trying to hear it i'm not trying to hear it if the media has continually bombarded us with [\h__\h] has lied to us over and over and over and over and moved on to the next series of deceptions they never go back and admit they were wrong they never go back and say you're right that didn't happen the media has never offered an apology therefore are you going to sit here and listen to my video and admit to me in the comments section that the media is right that the media is god because that's what a god would do a god would always push forward wrong or right and no matter how wrong they were never admit that they were wrong continue with the narratives that's no god that i want to follow although there's a tv set there and a lot of people spend a lot of time worshiping it it's nothing but a box full of lies always has been i wish you guys i don't know man i don't know if i ever if i could ever even release all the all the material i have if you guys just saw a list of all the hollywood actors and actresses in the past 50 years who were agents of the bolsheviks who were cousins sons daughters well were all related to the bolsheviks who americanized their identities who change their names to americanize identities in the list of american caucasian actors and actresses from england scotland wales belgium even russia actors and actresses who who submitted size their names to muddle the waters not only caucasians whoopi goldberg isn't named whoopi goldberg that's not her name research whoopi goldberg she took the name whoopi goldberg which is 100 bolshevik to muddle the waters when she did that you have to understand when you're when you're misinforming generation after generation of generation people lose sight of who's who got to understand man who's who stephen who steven spielberg is to understand why he released the movies he did and how come he had so so much so much fame woody allen you got to know who he is to understand why get so much attention siskel and eber you got to understand who these people are they're the critics that that rave critics are the movie hasn't even been released yet what do you mean critics are raving you got to understand man this entire web of deception that has been modeled for us it has painted a world for us that is absolutely untrue it has demonized the righteous people and made it made and made absolute demons into culture heroes that's what it does it's what it does y'all watch out we just saw vladimir putin shot missiles at the alamo san antonio texas news breaking we'll get back to you at nine absolute madness such [\h__\h] i had no intention of doing this video somebody in arcade somebody in the arcades group asked me to talk about this in my when i wanted to when i said i was going to do a van vlog man why did you even mention mention all that i don't know maybe i want to hear all this my i'm ranting really i'm ranting because i'm so upset with the human family i'm so upset that you would sit there and listen to this media over and over and over lied to you all your life you know they've been lying about things all your life and to turn around and it demonize these people man the germans demonize the russians they talk about vladimir putin but vladimir putin's done nothing but good to his people his people love him you ask any russians the russian people love vladimir putin just like the american people love donald j trump you can't tell me they don't you might be in a foreign country judging donald dave john uh uh donald j trump and that's okay i don't fault you for that because i know that 99 of your your information comes through bolshevik filters it has to where are you going to get the the hands on where are you going to get the information from but i live here i live here i've seen i've seen what's been going on in america i've seen what's going on democrats are embarrassed to be democrat they don't want to be tied to socialism i've seen all the biting flags come down i've seen democrats start flying trump flags and i'm proud of the african-americans i hate the word african-american it identifies you as something other than american [\h__\h] that you boys are americans man you black dudes man in america man say y'all to waking up man i'm proud as [\h__\h] y'all man i haven't been talking to a bunch of you guys man on skype on reddit in person man y'all waking up and you realize these bolsheviks have been using y'all for years they've been using you during the entire civil rights movement they used you the bolsheviks arranged the assassination of your leaders man to wire you up even more man i'm proud that you're starting to understand what happened to martin luther king and what happened to malcolm x i got nothing nothing against mountain martin luther king i've read his speech i've quoted his speech malcolm x poor poor old southern white boy right here jason brashears read malcolm x believe that why because muslim dudes that valued my opinion black muslim guys in texas prison loaned me the books loaned me the books i read the quran two different translations one of them was gold trim one on the silver trim because i knew i was never gonna keep those books i found muslim guys one guy named jamal i gave him that gold trim quran it was a 200 something dollar book qurans aren't cheap are not cheap especially the real nice ones i don't want to continue with this round i just want to i just want to let you know if the media is trying to convince you of a certain narrative you have to understand the opposite is true it's always been that way now like i said i need to move on i need to move on i spent your projections man listen i'm i'm probably not going to release a whole video about israel i'm not but i'm going to tell you what's going to happen 2022 we have another war to expect i don't really know if russia's going to be involved or if everything about russia is going to take a back seat to the next conflict but the next conflict that you can expect in 2022 which is going to set off an entire chain of events and that might be our new our nuclear event israel is going to enter into a conflict with about five or six different muslim countries but it's not going to start with israel it's going to start with one of the muslim countries and then it's going to domino effect this this is an opus prediction i've run these sims and i'm very confident with it highway 59 moving out like take me a bathroom break i know my buddy barry right here is gonna have a cold beer waiting on me i'll just drink one because i'm driving i'm 222 pounds one beer doesn't do anything to me a six-pack doesn't even give me a buzz but i don't have that i don't have to have a drinking like that it's been a long it's been a long time since i drank six pack if i did it was over a long period of time oh listen all that noise guys i'm in the sticks i am so far in the sticks of east texas you don't even know it but i'm telling you we're on the watch we're watching for everything out here i'm on this old lonely road country out here but i'm telling you i'm watching man because i don't want to hear it i don't want to hear breaking news vladimir putin just bombed leggett texas leggett texas he wiped it off the map all all 322 people we'll get back to at nine on that okay a couple people mention phoenix related data somebody wants to know what the phoenix is this apparently is a question from a new member to our cakes because none of my farm all that's what archaic was founded upon the phoenix research so i would i would dignify you with a response for those of you who are new to my channel i'm going to sum up the phoenix phenomenon real real clear oh as socially as possible because i don't want to beat a dead horse many of you are tired of hearing about the phoenix phenomenon and i'm sorry to hear that because i do have videos that will be coming i don't know if they're going to be coming soon but i have a lot of data that i have never disclosed about phoenix uh episodes i've been opening up more boxes of research man but anyway oh this just in putin just nuked the phoenix the fetus is gone wait a minute hold on why is this dude stopping in front of me we're in the middle of nowhere all right guys i'm gonna have to get around this [\h__\h] stupid you're gonna kill somebody with that all right but this just in it's fake news putin didn't he didn't hit him bombing the phoenix it's it's still coming may 15th may 16th 2040. more at nine beautiful beautiful texas country i love it here little piece of paradise there's a jewish text and part of the haggadah says that after a 138-year period the angel of death appeared in the sky and obliterated the cities of sodom and gomorrah if we were if we were to if we were to take this and compartmentalize all the data we would never have been able to put this together we could take that as an isolated insulin incident we can also take it as an isolated incident that the vast destruction that happened across the mediterranean in 1411 bc was 138 years after the same the historian wrote a book about the destruction that occurred in the cyclades region 138 years earlier in 1549. these are isolated incidents though it's just a coincidence that even 138 years before that in the year 1687 bc the old guy g and flood happened for which we have over 41 42 different ancient references positively dated 16th may in the month of may some poor kid at nasos was strapped to a stone table and they were about to sacrifice his ass probably because of the earthquakes to stop the earthquakes maybe a sacrifice to poseidon but they never got to because the entire complex and also collapsed on the priests and the poor the poor bastard that was about to get sacrificed it's a real archaeological discovery and i'll reveal it in my videos it's also in my published book when the sun darkens and uh nostradamus and planets of apocalypse an actual archaeological discovery of a human sacrifice that was about to occur during the earthquakes in the month of may of 1687 bc during the old bronze age it's all very interesting but you know this this vast destruction in 1411 you know of it as the 10 the 10 plagues on egypt and all kind there's so many different ancient writers that talk about this episode so we have um we got more more just what are y'all doing just hanging out in the middle of the road for what what do you gain by people are going 80 miles an hour through here i'm on a rant today guys just deal with it i've been working all morning okay working on a paper patty also i'll post pictures in arcades i've been doing a lot more work lately this paper patio is going to be fantastic it's in paradise i've already got picked before before pictures showing the lake lake conroe is so beautiful in the background but my my advertising pictures are gonna be great i do more flagstone than papers but when somebody wants me to do papers you can't tell that i'm a flagstone guy i do a really good job on papers by the time i'm done stringing it my papers are laser precise this this incident in 1411 bc happened to be 138 years before 1273 bc when atreus won the throne of argos against his brother who was also uh trying to get the throne by predicting a sun darkening episode he was an astronomer and this gained him the fame of the people and they chose him instead of his brother and he became the king of argos this was in 1273 bc it's also in the records of king merciless the third that the sun became obscured but i'm not going to go into all those details i have plenty of videos published books hundreds of posts i have the phoenix i have charts i'm not going to go into all the details this is the summary that was 138 years remember these are coincidences if we're going to be scientific then we need to compartmentalize all our information so we never put it together into a synthetic chronology because that's what scientists do here's another coincidence but that's all it is 138 years after the 1273 bc sun darkening phoenix episode all of a sudden we have a huge disaster all across the mediterranean in asia and europe the middle east in 1135 bc every date that i just gave you is exactly 138 years apart from each other but they're all coincidences this is where the 12th day dana in the second battle of moichira invaded ireland and defeated the furballs it's also when king nebuchadnezzar the first of babylon not the second the first of babylon recorded a strange a strange appearance in the sky many many things shane dynasty collapses uh the mandate of heaven only occurs when when uh celestial cataclysms occur so that's what happened to china there's all kinds of evidence for it it's all in the bamboo books written on turtlebacks these are all really interesting well we have so many other episodes in history that were all exactly 138 years apart and they all fit on this timeline they're not just 138 years apart from each other it's the same 138 year timeline like clockwork going back 5 700 years all the way to 1902. yes in 1902 the phoenix appeared i got four videos about it and if you haven't caught up yet use the search bar in youtube all you got to do is type in 1902 it's gonna pull up four videos on my channel on my channel from a search bar what happened in 1902 spectacular the phoenix phenomenon causes resets it induces uh basically retardation and human development mass vanishings of humans have occurred during during some of the phenomena the phoenix phenomenon operates with intelligence sometimes it cause it causes liquefaction by a noise from the sky that noise is so deafening that everything on the ground just vibrates into a liquid everything's solid on the ground people animals and structures sink 30 or 40 feet when the sound stops the ground is solid again it's very similar to what they experimented with invisibility in the philadelphia experiment for those of you know what i'm talking about you know the philadelphia experiment is exactly what the phoenix phenomenon does it's not creating it's not making something invisible it's vibrating them into an another area of our holography it's burying them alive sometimes people have time to run away and get away and this is why we find whole entire cities that are buried in dirt and mud which would have required far more effort to do than to build the whole city itself i'm talking about goblecky teepee humans didn't bury that damn city archaeologists don't have they they don't have the frames of reference they haven't done the research they don't know they're so compartmentalized they just don't know that hey man there's a phenomenon that just that that causes all this it's in the ancient records so we have these traditions and we have these stories and my brother stephen in the uk wait a minute i have two i have two brothers named steven in the uk all right stephen wallsworth and the other stephen who asked about uh artifacts fossils let me tell you something we don't have hardly anything from the ancient world as far as artifacts and fossils unless we find them underground in tomb very buried in strata real deep we don't have any artifacts that have been passed down things have been destroyed things have been melted down to create new especially gold silver and platinum have all been melted down to create newer things but what we do have is we have traditions legends and lore that are fossilized belief systems that actually preserve far more sophisticated data we have to we have to interpret these by understanding the frames of reference that have been employed in the passing down of these of these items of of uh uh tradition and lore and and uh fable that's the that's that's the best answer i can give you steven for for your question because as far as physical objects go i don't know of any that have actually survived from the ancient world that uh preserve in any way a knowledge of the sophistication that we're seeking that we see in the traditions and all that other than the feisto's disc the feistel's disc is very it's very very interesting um but it's not sophisticated it was made by people that had already lost their infrastructure and they were far more primitive but they but they could communicate now there's a there's a sumerian disc that you've seen pictures of on facebook i've posted them in our case it's got some uh rectilinear lines triangles intersected lines it's got some sumerian uniform that disc is very interesting because it concerns a phoenix episode it's been translated i blew my mind when i saw the translation it's related to phoenix it concerns the append and for those of you who will follow my research you'll know that the append was the sumerian designation for pin deity pin deity is what's found in the gnostic records for in ancient egypt for descriptive of the fiend deity the fiend deity is in greek the phoenix it's also described as typhon which is typhin and the druids called it the fake the chinese call it fing the north called it fenris it's all the same phenomenon it's the phoenix it occurs every 138 years someone else asked me hey uh what are your plans for the phoenix episode what are you going to do well it's 18 years from now i haven't thought that far and the reason i haven't because the only goal that i really have in life before i die is to finish chronicling my heart's in the right place i want to finish it but i work full-time and as long as i'm out here busting my ass on rocks i'm kind of tired when i go in i don't get a lot done i just have time to answer my facebook comments uh kick [\h__\h] out the group uh inconsiderate bastards people who may think their opinion is is more important than others i kicked them out all the time and it boggles my mind that the archaic group is growing like 500 people in the last two weeks when i've done so i've been so diligent and so in some of my admins and moderators in booting these people out the more more people we boot out of our kings the more we more we grow i don't know man it's a paradox yeah i don't i don't put up with with disrespect if i spent my life researching something and i give it to you for free you know i mean you're gonna you're gonna talk to me with respect call my [\h__\h] [\h__\h] and yeah i'm gonna kick you out and so if you disagree with that's fine disagreement disagreeing with people is actually how we we we better defend our positions i don't mind people disagreeing with me it made me go back and do my homework or rewrite something that's more comprehensible to where people like oh yeah okay well now that you say it that way and you show it this way i understand where you're coming from but uh it's difficult for me to deal with people in archaics man because i am not compartmentalized when i when i assume something is true it's already measured up against all the other data man from all the other spheres of influence that that i have i have immersed myself within all the other schools of thought all the artifacts that have been found all the historical narratives narratives i can't accept something true if it if it's contrary to anything else i've come in contact with i just can't my method is mathematics and my specialty is chronology this is why i can't entertain somebody gets on our cakes to go to talk about something that happened 10 000 years ago i'm sorry you could say that all day long but you'll never i'll never buy it you're never going to convince me the human we have absolutely no written records for anything prior to the 23rd century bc they just don't exist we have we have architecture in cities that existed before them but there's no evidence those cities had any type of writing what they had were giant effigies of animals and zodiac will feel like goblin teepee and goblin tp is not old it's the symbols that have been found and the effigies and the artwork are very contemporary with rongo rongo in on easter island it is not old at the most it is 26th century bc it is well within um the neolithic period modern neolithic period it's not there's nothing there's nothing nothing fantastic about gold blinking tv as a matter of fact the only thing fantastic about it is that it was found it's completely buried underground but so were many cities buried underground hell uh some of y'all already know because i've posted it and you can verify this there are 200 cities that are underneath the mediterranean sea today a whole bunch of those cities aren't new they've been around humans have been around for a while but writing the preservation of information by writing has not been around it exploded everywhere at the exact same time but in different ways it's very unique it's very unique how that happened so on the phoenix we're due for the the next the next time phoenix appears it's appeared many times world history i have charged for this those of you are new to my channel don't understand what the phoenix is it's a hidden weapon in the sky it acts with intelligence it gathers information and every 138 years it makes a decision if it's time to [\h__\h] reset humanity back to the neolithic it's already made that decision four times in world history in recorded world history and we have seen the evidence and i've documented it over and over and over it's getting darker it's getting dark in there the next time that the phoenix phenomenon will occur it will occur depending upon what hemisphere you're in on may 15 and may 16th the year 2040. the 138-year chronology for this phoenix data is by far not the only information that we have that comports with this we have we have the testimony of mother shifted we have the we have the data coming from the translators of mikhail del nostradam nostradamus himself we have the also and many of many of you probably are not even aware of this i've done an isometric analysis on 2040 and i show the results of that research it's over 50 different isometric projections that all end on 2040. all different events in world history what they were connected to the first event the middle event which is the isometric epicenter and the end event which was 20 phoenix matter of fact i even have a video i read them all i read the whole i read the whole uh uh the whole list of isometric projections on 2040 in a video i remember doing it it's getting damn getting dark i'm going to take these sunglasses off oh i know you all hear that 6.6 liter 454 big block 3500 i probably got a thousand pounds of papers i got some paystone papers in the back right now on a pallet i don't know if you can see them they're back there behind that wood beautiful lake so i i have a phoenix playlist if you're interested in the phoenix then go to that go go look at the playlist i've got published books on the phoenix you can check that out i want to might want to do that research before putin shoots a missile and blows up my publisher he's in san diego pretty sure they're on the nuclear map sometimes i gotta have creep notes like this right here i did this before i left home because i knew that i was not gonna remember everything that was asked of me the problem with [\h__\h] notes though is when it's almost 7 pm at night and you're driving you can't see them you just can't see them i can't read this i can't read this right when i hold it up to the camera it sure looks bright but it's not bright down here i can't read a single uh single note on here if i continue to try and read them i'm gonna die i haven't thought that far i don't know what i'm gonna do my only goal in life is to finish chronicling and it seems like that goal keeps slipping away from you overall it gets further and further away it just does i mean call a spade a spade do it but truth be told i'm just like every other red-blooded american if i don't work i don't get paid if i don't get paid i can't i can't pay the bills so i'm kind of stuck in that cycle where i make just enough money to pay all the bills eat what i want to eat come home every night answer my archaic uh comments i try to try to lead people in the right direction and uh i just don't waste time with [\h__\h] anymore say anything derogatory or negative i don't give damn what it is i'm actually excising you you're gone and i'm gonna and i'm gonna stay true to that i'm not i'm not there's no take backs i don't i just don't care anymore i don't care i've already explained i've already explained to to a lot of my listeners that i do this because i'm compelled to i don't need to go into details about that either it is what it is i've tried not doing it and i don't like my life what happens to me what i'm not doing my my uh so it i'm just not gonna sit here and try to convince you that i'm 100 altruistic because it's not it is that it is out of self oh it is out of self-interest that i continue to propagate information i continue to run this youtube channel that i continue to post in our kegs it is out of self-interest that self-interest is is that i've tried twice to stop because i want to do things i want to travel i want to i want to party i want to live my life i want to do the things that most humans want to do having spent so many years in prison i think i'm entitled to do a little something but every time i stop and i try to live that lifestyle evil [\h__\h] happens to me and i sink into some depravity i don't like and i'm i'm basically just i'm forced back into the position of doing it and it's the only time i'm the only time i'm at peace so to me that's not freedom to me i am compelled now who compels me or what drives me i don't know i'm not a christian i'm not gonna get into that dialogue i have no idea i'm just gonna roll with the punches and chew it all up and spit out the bones and hope putin doesn't shoot a missile at me