World Wide Witchcraft Begun 2020

From Archaix Wiki

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welcome to the worldwide web of deceit or more like WWE warlock we have just entered the biggest greatest most massive spell of sorcery this world has ever seen at least in recorded history I don't lie a lot could have happened in the past we are continually amazed about what we dig up now strange sensation when we watch the news something kind of comes over us some of us are quite angry we know we're being lied to but there's sorcery at work and it's everywhere it's implied it's the most dangerous kind it's subtle and repetitive over and over and over specifically designed to tap into that subconscious here's the video here's what's going on you're not gonna like it it's not white witchery it's not anything to fear for witchcraft witches are actually some pretty good people this is sinister this is dark this is our cakes calm this is Jason enjoy this presentation although it is the result of long-term planning the greatest spell ever cast in recorded history began this year 2020 the news media is actively involved in mass spell casting the popular term fake news is actually a euphemism for something far more sinister imagine the entire human race as an immense holographic pyramid the very top is the tiny cornerstone from this vantage point the elite can observe downward as the exons and echelons of humanity their supporters their financers their agents their armies their media their deceived enslaved consumers comprising the majority of the race they also see that rogue humans were awakened do not conform to the masses but the enlightened are protected and feared these elite understand the true nature of reality that we exist within a simulated containment field that like a reflective Allah gram they know that our universe operates under principles that prophets seers witches wizards alchemists sages summoners and ancient priests have known since the oldest times of human memory before the uh noona brought material materialism and patriarchy to a time when the goddess reign and humanity did not fear the veil the materialist paradigm and Newtonian construct is pushed on the collective by the media the truest tenant of all magical systems is the perpetuation of fantasy fantasy until it becomes fact claiming through voice and actions that untrue things are fact until they become real for the collective this method works because the collective consciousness of humanity is absorbed into hollow sphere acree allottee and reflected back as circumstances if phenomena or situations are believed by the majority to be real network news floods billions of human receptors with fear of sickness safety only in staying apart from one another unsafe to leave home humans of different color hate each other inventing racial tension where none exists crisis acting biased reporting mass media saturation of social issues in Fortune 500 companies and franchises displaying ads practices or advertising commercials reinforcing the media fear fictions these are all components of a vast choreographed spell the spell announced he'll report cry scream shout that a disease is changing the world killing uncounted people's and as more and more humans buy into the fiction their collective unconscious uploads what they perceive as fact into a yielding plastic hollow sphere many really do get sick then more believed the cycle is self-fulfilling until the real sickness emerges and kills off a significant portion of the race the same is for race relations invent chaos in situations until they are row up tin to a full blown infrastructure collapse and race war we in 2020 or living during the largest spell ever cast in recorded history it is a dark spell this is not white witch witchery this is something far more sinister in rkx we have shown in numerous posts and videos that the elite know that they only have nineteen point eight years until the next reset recording the revelation is the sixth seal of the apocalypse and recorded by many other ancient texts and authors during these final years - until the Cataclysm the elite will usher end the four horsemen war economic collapse famine disease and death this is their game plan this is why they are so bold and what they do now because they do not care there is no fear of discovery public officials will always take the fall for the silent silent the basically the rulers of this world whoever they are where they are this is our caves calm short video straight to the point we have many other videos can you know that address these issues you might want to check out a 33rd degree it is also along this vein please share like and join our Facebook group archaic hosted by Matthew Devereaux and leave some comments introduce yourself welcome to the family